(edited by Carlin.1059)
sPvP point awarding
In my opinion this needs to be changed:
Hot join:
Winning should be awarded more here. The currently given point distribution would be fine, if only winning was more important.
And most important:
Every team member should get the same amount of points here. It’s absolutely ridiculous that one of my guildies gets 300 points, while I get 50, just because I had the role of defender while he was capturing and killing. You play as a team, you should get points as a team.
In my opinion this needs to be changed:
Hot join:
Winning should be awarded more here. The currently given point distribution would be fine, if only winning was more important.And most important:
Every team member should get the same amount of points here. It’s absolutely ridiculous that one of my guildies gets 300 points, while I get 50, just because I had the role of defender while he was capturing and killing. You play as a team, you should get points as a team.
Yes, definitely.
The guys that have designed the pvp in this game has no kitten clue about what they are doing.
At first I was in disagreement at how fundamentally flawed the point system is. Though after really evaluating it. I can see now exactly how flawed it is.
The current point system does not reward winning it rewards manipulation of objectives and kills in a way that is counter-productive to winning.
The points should be based ONLY on:
Standing inside the objective point
Getting kills where the enemy (NOT THE PLAYER) is near the objective point
Reviving fallen teammates
Arenanet really needs to fix this.
See I think standing inside objective points should never give you glory, since that would only promote both sides grabbing a point and then standing in it with the full team. I know currently defending is always less rewarding, but I think for hot join, that can’t really be fixed.
The current system encourages the whole team to sit in a point until it’s captured so they get the capture points, even though there is absolutely no point them being there since it captures just as fast with one person.
Also agree that points should be awarded for each part of the bar filled, so that if you fill it halfway then someone else arrives and you leave you still get half the points for the capture. Although this still won’t fix the issue described above as everyone will still all stand on the one spot to get the points, though maybe if the points are shared between everyone on the point they will get so few that it will be more worthwhile to go do something more useful instead.
Free tournaments grant 300 extra points to winner team members, 200 to seconds place and I think 100 to third place. So if you win a free tournament you gain around 200 + 200 + 200 + 300 = 900 points.
Don’t waste your time in the pointless game browser matches, do free tournaments! it’s much better. even alone with a random roster.
As Veldan said I think tournaments need to reward the team and not the player.
Also, in Hot Join the amount of glory that is awarded for “winning” is ludicrously low, and detracts from the sense of accomplishment that the victorious side ought to have.
Example: Let’s say Ed Engineer is specced to bunker down and hold nodes. He could potentially cap a point like Henge and hold it for his team all game, thereby contributing to their ultimate victory, and only receive 25 glory (10 for cap, 15 for win. and I know that this is an extreme and unlikely case).
Meanwhile, Tom Thief has been roaming the byways picking off single targets all game and comes out of the match with 150 glory (not even that much) despite being on the losing side.
So who’s the winner here, because if both players were after glory to increase their rank I’d say Tom Thief got the better deal.
Anways, aside from other glory balances, I’d like to see the per win number bumped to around 75-100.