(video) ele vs necro post patch
I’m at work. Somebody get me a youtube video. Can’t watch twitch at work.
LMFAO. Smh… I can’t even… I don’t even play condi necro and I… I just can’t even. xD
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
You’re always quite welcome to put some Power into your weaksauce autos, OP.
I don’t even think Carrion would breakt hrough regen/soothing mists with a staff/scepter dude. o.O
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Did anyone tell the necro about new diamond skin? cause he sure looks clueless.
D/d burst new meta..! Oh wait some classes do direct damage?
Ok nm then.
That said hoping some D/d support build might come from this.
Phaatonn, London UK
Good thing i play mostly power builds on my nerco atm…
I think the nerf to weakening shroud will hit condi necros harder
You are not optimizing.
If you took the new healing skill you’d be able to die at least 5 seconds faster.
You are not optimizing.
If you took the new healing skill you’d be able to die at least 5 seconds faster.
Lmfao +1 to this.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
One build on what is generally considered the weakest class in sPvP may be a counter to one of the strongest classes in sPvP.
Works for me.
Lol these devs, but no sympathy to condi spammers.
Scratch that they nerfed support ele
arcane resurrection… why anet… just why…
Phaatonn, London UK
One build on what is generally considered the weakest class in sPvP may be a counter to one of the strongest classes in sPvP.
Works for me.
lol you have no clue.
this is just painful to watch, dont care if he could go power or what ever, this is not even counter its just immune, thats no brain. This is sickening to watch., and not to say i told you so cause actually it was 100s of people who said this wouldnt work, just terrible and no skill involved, great job anet way to evolve the game.
necros deserve this^^
One build on what is generally considered the weakest class in sPvP may be a counter to one of the strongest classes in sPvP.
Works for me.
Necromancer the strongest class in sPvP? That is certainly not the necro, probably bunker guard (most stabil spec since launch)… And condi specs were only strong because of the condiburst+ fear (Which, be the way, is stupid… condis should be more for a sustain spec then a burst spec). Play the typical power necro spec and you will see how strong we are outside from condi specs…
(ok we also have mm but that too ai dependent)
I really want the developers to explain what they think a condition build is supposed to do against this build.
Freakin loled. Hope that’ll bring high non-condition damage meta back.
I think that’s awesome. The meta has shifted, and it will take some time for people to adjust.
I think that’s awesome. The meta has shifted, and it will take some time for people to adjust.
Diamond counters (Harder than hard counters) are not meta shifts. They’re terrible designer flags.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Yeah. It’s one thing to shift the meta by adding soft counters, but this is an entirely new direction for Guild Wars 2. This is blunting the meta with a terrible design decision.
To make it even worse, conditions were already falling by the wayside. Necromancers were no longer being taken in tournament teams before the patch.
Even more bizarre is that ArenaNet previously spoke unfavorably of hard counters.
Lol so broken. /15char
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
Well it could have been worse… oooh wait our new skill also sucks, seems it got worse.
Just what the game needed – more passive play!
Said no one ever. At this point hiring Ghostcrawler to oversee balance would be a step up.
One build on what is generally considered the weakest class in sPvP may be a counter to one of the strongest classes in sPvP.
Works for me.
Necromancer the strongest class in sPvP? That is certainly not the necro, probably bunker guard (most stabil spec since launch)… And condi specs were only strong because of the condiburst+ fear (Which, be the way, is stupid… condis should be more for a sustain spec then a burst spec). Play the typical power necro spec and you will see how strong we are outside from condi specs…
(ok we also have mm but that too ai dependent)
“…one of the strongest classes” is not “the strongest class”
And yes, power builds aren’t as good as condi builds for necros in PvP…so should we buff warriors since a condi warrior build is weak? Your logic with that point doesn’t add up.
What amulett is the necro running in that vid? I would like to see how carrion works, if it isn´t already carrion.
Anyway, everyone who played some PvP outside of hotjoin will see that DS is just another nail to the coffin of GW2 PvP. Anet forces every condi spec to play carrion when an ele is on the opponent side, and thats what they call balance. They will get owned by already op warriors even more, but hey, at least ele looks viable now for certain siuations. Making 1 build viable by killing 2 amuletts, nice deal to increase build diversity…
Nothing than another proof that Devs obviously dont play their own game much… :-(
PS: Im not playing Necro, but you dont have to, to see DS/AR is pure garbage
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
So much this.
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I think that’s awesome. The meta has shifted, and it will take some time for people to adjust.
Diamond counters (Harder than hard counters) are not meta shifts. They’re terrible designer flags.
The meta is what, one hour old?
People will adjust.
I bet in a few weeks eles will be complaining that Diamond Skin is “useless”. In fact, some have been even since it was announced.
You people are insane. No “so much this” anything. 100% immunities to any build is absolutely terrible design, especially when Condi necros are about the only thing anyone runs competitively. Stop covering up their kittenty kitten design just because someone ELSE can kill an ele. >_>:
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Necros can’t even do 1k direct damage? I find that impossible to believe.
I was saying this whole time that Diamond Skin is far too specific and requires the Ele to sacrifice far too much against 95% of builds/classes out there in order to counter just 1 build.
I’m going to assume this is that 1 build which has absolutely ZERO direct damage pressure, would I be correct?
I really want the developers to explain what they think a condition build is supposed to do against this build.
I run a condition build on my Engineer and I"m going to have zero issues dealing with Diamond Skin.
…Condi necros are about the only thing anyone runs competitively…
Exactly why this is a good change.
Uh he runs carrion at least one of those fights.
Did you watch the video?
…Condi necros are about the only thing anyone runs competitively…
Exactly why this is a good change.
No… Wait what? You think its a good change because it pushes an entire class out of competitive pvp? Power necro isn’t very good that’s why it’s not in high ranked tpvp. Even condi necros started not being so potent in tpvp before this patch hit, PLUS they took 3 decently large nerfs on top of this trait. They didn’t need this. (For the record, I’m not a condi necro) besides, you’re a brand new noob telling high ranked players what the hell the meta is about, you’re wrong, simple as that.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
You people are insane. No “so much this” anything. 100% immunities to any build is absolutely terrible design, especially when Condi necros are about the only thing anyone runs competitively. Stop covering up their kittenty kitten design just because someone ELSE can kill an ele. >_>:
You make it sound like they’re 100% immune to conditions all the time. Eles now have a chance to be viable and obviously counter certain builds (like every other class) and this buff somewhat offsets their pathetic weakness to physical damage.
I’m not saying its a perfect fix, but it’s not nearly as horribly gamebreaking/terrible design as people are trying to hype it to be. If you put all your eggs into one condition-infused basket like that then it’s not the Ele’s fault you’re inflexible. This one change isn’t going to make Eles “push necros out of PvP.”
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You people are insane. No “so much this” anything. 100% immunities to any build is absolutely terrible design, especially when Condi necros are about the only thing anyone runs competitively. Stop covering up their kittenty kitten design just because someone ELSE can kill an ele. >_>:
You make it sound like they’re 100% immune to conditions all the time. Eles now have a chance to be viable and obviously counter certain builds (like every other class) and this buff somewhat offsets their pathetic weakness to physical damage.
I’m not saying its a perfect fix, but it’s not nearly as horribly gamebreaking/terrible design as people are trying to hype it to be. If you put all your eggs into one condition-infused basket like that then it’s not the Ele’s fault you’re inflexible.
With soothing mists+regen, yes it is 100% immunity on a basic standoff. No amount of immunity is good in a game, Eles DO need fixes, but this is not how they needed fixed.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
So; okay with this carrion thing.
“Just take carrion and adapt to meta qqqqqqqqqq!”
Condi necros lost 1 bleed to their staff 2 (the main source of condi damage on the staff, 33% nerf)
Lost 1 bleed on a (Scepter?) attack. Another decent sized nerf.
Weakening shroud got obliterated to 2 sec of weakness and a tiny bleed when used (WAY less than half its old effectiveness)
Carrion removes the bleed from proc portion from curses because it has no crit.
Then they do this. Yeah that’s not trying to fix a meta, that’s saying kitten you to necromancers.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
^ Perfectly stated. PvP in GW2 is a team game and classes aren’t balanced to be perfect in a 1 v 1.
It’s not a problem because most Ele’s wont bother with DS.
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
Most decent condition builds do give up some survivability for more damage. A lot of condition builds also want crit so they can keep even more condition pressure up. Power builds could do the exact same things that condition builds could do(PVT) and still get gains via % damage increases that don’t effect condition damage.
No one should be near invulnerable to one of the two types of damage. If we are going to be fair and balanced though then there needs to be a trait that reduces all direct damage to 1 if you’re above 90%. Condition damage. That won’t happen of course because then people running direct damage builds would be screwed. Although I would LOVE to see that trait in WvW vs a backstab thief.
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
So; okay with this carrion thing.
“Just take carrion and adapt to meta qqqqqqqqqq!”Condi necros lost 1 bleed to their staff 2 (the main source of condi damage on the staff, 33% nerf)
Lost 1 bleed on a (Scepter?) attack. Another decent sized nerf.
Weakening shroud got obliterated to 2 sec of weakness and a tiny bleed when used (WAY less than half its old effectiveness)
Carrion removes the bleed from proc portion from curses because it has no crit.
Then they do this. Yeah that’s not trying to fix a meta, that’s saying kitten you to necromancers.
This is why so many players are incapable of providing feedback that matters. You take this crap so personal, when all you have to do is take a deep breath, change your amulet to zerker/valks/soldiers, and run a power build.
If everyone just blew off the stupid kitten ANet did and called it a meta shift the game wouldn’t get any better. (Which is isn’t so maybe you’re right, giving a kitten doesn’t matter)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
If the game is based on team play which it is, this is not intrinsically an issue, as your team is able to resolve the requirements to allow a necro to do damage to an ele. In the same vein that you “dont focus the tank” in other team games, a Necro wouldn’t focus an Ele with Diamond skin knowing that it takes them long to do meaningful damage as long as they’re >90%
I don’t think it was the best way implement some condition defense but it’s not criminal.
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
So; okay with this carrion thing.
“Just take carrion and adapt to meta qqqqqqqqqq!”Condi necros lost 1 bleed to their staff 2 (the main source of condi damage on the staff, 33% nerf)
Lost 1 bleed on a (Scepter?) attack. Another decent sized nerf.
Weakening shroud got obliterated to 2 sec of weakness and a tiny bleed when used (WAY less than half its old effectiveness)
Carrion removes the bleed from proc portion from curses because it has no crit.
Then they do this. Yeah that’s not trying to fix a meta, that’s saying kitten you to necromancers.
This is why so many players are incapable of providing feedback that matters. You take this crap so personal, when all you have to do is take a deep breath, change your amulet to zerker/valks/soldiers, and run a power build.
I disagree, actually.
If ron honestly feels like this change is taking the game in a bad direction then he has every right to speak his mind, though its better to add suggested alternates to the trait rather than simply bash it. And I dont think a Necro should have to just roll over and change their entire style of play to accomodate one class buff.
But I think that there is a gross overreaction to the nerf and hype is begetting hype to make it seem like more dramatic change than it really is. I could be entirely wrong, of course, but Ill reserve my complaints till a few weeks in with the changes, its too soo to call anything just yet.
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I’m just waiting for the day Necros get a trait that says over 90% hp they’re immune to all Power damage. Just so people fully understand what it’s like to have that kind of hard counter thrown at you.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
What was that necros and other op kittens were saying months ago?
Oh yeah, learn to adapt.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
All these immunities and and passive abilities/traits are lowering this game’s skillcap to match your average toilet Tetris session.
I’m just waiting for the day Necros get a trait that says over 90% hp they’re immune to all Power damage. Just so people fully understand what it’s like to have that kind of hard counter thrown at you.
Wouldn’t bother me. That’s why I run a hybrid build.
There should be very strong drawbacks to min/maxing, including an inability to be effective at all against certain build types.
If you had any power, you would have been fine. You didn’t. If you’d been in a teamfight, he would have lost that 10% immediately. You’re running headfirst into a brick wall – that is one foot wide. Step 6 inches either direction and you’ll be fine. You can try to argue “oh I shouldn’t have to” and keep running into that wall, but please don’t complain about the immobility of the wall when you’re choosing to run into it.
Quoted again for truth! Necro building for 100% pure condi with a tanky amulet gets upset b/c something would require him to not be tanky with hella damage? Carrion fixes your issues. Teamfighting (which a necro should be doing anyway) fixes your problem.
People have complained that condi-builds could have glass-damage with non-glass survivability. Take a non-tank amulet and enjoy the life that power-builds have had to deal with forever (giving up some survivability for their high damage).
So; okay with this carrion thing.
“Just take carrion and adapt to meta qqqqqqqqqq!”Condi necros lost 1 bleed to their staff 2 (the main source of condi damage on the staff, 33% nerf)
Lost 1 bleed on a (Scepter?) attack. Another decent sized nerf.
Weakening shroud got obliterated to 2 sec of weakness and a tiny bleed when used (WAY less than half its old effectiveness)
Carrion removes the bleed from proc portion from curses because it has no crit.
Then they do this. Yeah that’s not trying to fix a meta, that’s saying kitten you to necromancers.
This is why so many players are incapable of providing feedback that matters. You take this crap so personal, when all you have to do is take a deep breath, change your amulet to zerker/valks/soldiers, and run a power build.
So because it has counters, does that mean that it improved gameplay?
Diamond skin is not OP, it is actually, overall, pretty underpowered.
But it fits into that same mold of gameplay Anet has been pushing GW2 towards…
Faceroll OP.
Like condis, like CC-wars,like S/D thievs, like phant mesmers, like spirit rangers, exc.
In this case the skill is useless when it isn’t faceroll OP, that is bad for gameplay in either situation.
GW2 needs help.
The game is dying if not on its last leg.
GW2 is getting terribly made skills that are hurting gameplay.
That is quite literally the furthest thing from help.
With changes like these, the devs are actually using their time to make GW2 die faster…
That’s laudable.
(edited by garethh.3518)