whats expected of thief

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: The Mechanic.3567

The Mechanic.3567

just looking to find out what the community expects from a thief in pvp, regardless of build or map.

some basic stuff like how many kills, on average, a good thief should get per match, average points accrued etc.

from what ive seen its all situational for what makes a good thief good…but what i want to know is what people expect to see as far as numbers.

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Decap like crazy and +1 quickly where’s needed.

That’s the main thief role.

So at least you should get quite often the Top Objective Neutralizer. If you don’t get this stat at least 60% of your matches, rethink what you’re doing. This is the starter.

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Yup decap decap and decap… especially far and also insta stomp.

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


you need to be able to decap when necessary, and turn fights where you can. Also if you can pick off a squishy 1v1 thats always good.


whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: Chapell.1346


As far as numbers goes, stick to one, too much caffeine is bad, help to defend a node, recon, skirmish when needed.

Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Being i never play thief the things i want from my thief is

1- The ability to burst people down
I have been in 1 vs 1 and 1 vs 2 were i get people down to 20% of there health and a thief will come in and not be people to down them. Ive also had people who immediately down them and get the 0 sec stomp.

2-Great at fighting off point
Catching people off point not necessarily to kill them but be able to prevent them from running in and with full health and all skills available is huge. If someone is trying to peel out with low health, can they catch them? Alot of times when you get into the 4 vs 4 and 3 vs 3 fights your target will peel off. Not everyone can chase and most classes struggle at range dps. I need my thieves to catch the person and change the momentum.

3- Knowing when to run in
Also when you are at mid fights you get the thief who runs into a big fight and dies to all the AOE. They need to have great timing as to when to fight people. If someone is sitting a little bit away from the point, can our thief tag him and force a off point fight?

Things i dont like is what people are writing. The decap thief, this is the dumbest thing ever. the bunker eras are no longer here. Also every class got faster, the ability to decap and point and even bigger cap the point and hold it. I want my thief to fight on point for 4-5 sec without dying or losing the cap point. So i can run in and they can disengage. Its one thing to cap and leave since no one is around. Its another to decap/cap and see someone coming and you run.

Without thieves being able to do multiple things well, you are hurting your team.

(edited by kdaddy.5431)

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: childhoodtwo.7095


The thief role is very simple actually but hard to do sometimes if u cant read the map well and make the good decision when and where you are needed and how can u help overall.
Due to overall mobility i would say:
2.Never do 1v1s unless u are pretty confident u can get the job done fast.
(Never 1v1 a scrapper , druid or ele unless u are contesting it to delay the cap for as long as u can but do it the safest way)
3.+1 fights.
(Retreating from a fight that u can lose is better than dying in that fight and leaving your team 4v5)
6.Mind games (self explainatory)
7.Try not to fight in a huge team fight unless u have good position to take someone down with brust and u have nothing else to do atm.

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: Jack Daniels.5270

Jack Daniels.5270

Being i never play thief the things i want from my thief is

1- The ability to burst people down
I have been in 1 vs 1 and 1 vs 2 were i get people down to 20% of there health and a thief will come in and not be people to down them. Ive also had people who immediately down them and get the 0 sec stomp.

Theres nothing more attractive for a thief than a 20% target but most of the time my team cant get them under 50% … so its 2 sides of the story

whats expected of thief

in PvP

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


It seems that what’s expected as a teef atm is to reroll to another class, according to some pugs I got on my team…