(edited by Jekkt.6045)
wishes for a future PvP patch
There are already many posts with requests to nerf thives, eles, engis, rune of pirate, celestial, skyhammer, and so on.
Keep them coming. Let’s make this game perfect.
agree on the balancing
Nerf the warrior :O. Clearly he doesn’t know how to play.
+1 you know what we pvpr’s want/need keep those ideas coming. on a side not I really wish there was a way to have a bank in hearth of the mist maybe a bank that can only be used by rank 80s since its kinda easy to get now
+1 you know what we pvpr’s want/need
keep those ideas coming. on a side not I really wish there was a way to have a bank in hearth of the mist maybe a bank that can only be used by rank 80s since its kinda easy to get now
agree. will add this to my list. thanks.
general pvp:
more reward tracks, I.e Living world reward track, levelling (tomes and scrolls) track, Black Lion track, Dye track, unique pvp reward track, ascended armour track.
Racial skills usable in pvp (experimental atleast), time for the people who play the hugely choreographed norn to get some bear rush revenge on those asuran midgets!
8v8 given back to us.
spectator and team select removed.
region reward track caps removed, there is no excuse for region reward track caps!
skyhammer removed from rotation.(give it a totally separate queue or keep it to custom arenas like Courtyard, or even switch courtyard in when skyhammer is take out)
none pvp specific:
healing reduction removed from poison, given to a new less spammed condition (like Deep Wound from GW1).
condition caps removed, but conditions effected by mitigation.
more balance shaving patches, if shaving is the method anet wish to use then we shouldn’t wait half a year for each minuscule adjustment.
better match making…
In future patch I wish all engineers could plant an atomic bomb elite skill to blow up the whole map and all the players making the round draw.
This would be awsome.
My wish for the future PvP patch, is that we actually get one 0
- capture the flag: new map with 2 base, middle flag spawn. flag carrier gets own set of skills. make block pickup impossible, guardian focus. 5vs5. allow flag steal from enemy base.
Lets say that they create a Capture the flag map …
and they put an Vote option where ppl can choose how this map will operate …
such as :
a) copy paste of WSG with the class-mechanics/limitation of Spirit Watch
b) Your idea about Flag=set skills
c) A’’push’’ gamemode
d) what else ? from what other games you want ?
Edit; what personal ’’twist’’ , would you give to your mode ?
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
you cant give the game mode too much twist. if it will be too complex people will not be able to play it. sad but true.
what i would suggest is some kind of 2 bases similar to those of the foefire map. an A to B map. maybe even with some npcs protecting the flag. maybe even destroyable gates which can be repaired by players if they get a repair kit.
no siege.
flag spawn at the map middlepoint on something like a battlefield, ascalon fractal like.
some trees or broken stuff to break LoS.
some higher grounds for ranged classes like remainings of towers or broken ground.
i think an ascalon war styled map wouldnt be that bad for this.
maybe the desired object doesnt even have to be a flag. maybe some power cores to charge a big weapon to obliterate the enemy fort. (just as an ending scene, not an actual ingame weapon.)
(edited by Jekkt.6045)
I guess now as now all the classes are blanced btw.
You dont have to worry too much about complaxity
Huttball in star wars , where too hard at the start for some ppl (like Marrionet fight in PvE – on any other game) , but they loved it later on , while some other hated its mechanics(traps) and simply skip it (different ppl have different taste > they will simply Vote what they like).
While we w8 for the game to start (2min) the game can direct ppl to a 1 min youtube tutorial , or we can direct them to Twitch channel for some advance tricks (incentive to see the twitch) for that ’’mode’’ , or they simply dont vote it for it and only the Proggramers hard work will go in waste , rather than the beautiful Map Desinger’s :P.
something like this:
as a 5vs5 or 8vs8 game mode.
some towers for ranging, some walls for hiding and setting up flag steals.
+ some minor stuff like trees or broken stuff on the way to the base to break LoS while escorting the flag which i didnt put on the picture.
i think such a game mode would allow more for tactics and strategies than conquest does.
(edited by Jekkt.6045)
Transparency before the patch with the developers engaging in the forums for actual discussion and taking forum advice into account before launching anything.
We could have avoided a lot of grief before every single patch if ANet actually bothered to listen to their devoted fan base.
There are currently multiple articles up from interviews with Larian Studio’s devs about how precious player feedback from beta and early access was towards Divinity: Original Sin’s success.
ANet has the same resource available in these forums and yet continuously ignores it and gets criticized for the arrogance and lack of foresight that this seems to display in their patch notes.
I would like to have Fort Anspenwood and Jade Quarry back to this game.
(edited by Gdb.3492)
1. Display players’ PvP ranks, not character levels while in PvP parties/matches
2. A menu that allow players to select from all the characters in their account upon entering a match
3. Cast Bars. Asuran casting animations are severely incomplete and this is a fact talked to death for not just once. Adding cast bars solves this problem without needing to hire more people on making new animations
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90
- The pvp in this game is a flop which means: proper balance patch once a year (let it bleed out the rest of the year). So what youre asking will be possible by the end of 2014 at the earliest.
- we dont have the community the support extra gamemodes. There are more ppl that play laddergames in the game i played in 2004 than in GW2. Smaller community means even worse matchmaking, longer queues etc.
- ye we could use some extra uttilities or healingskills noone uses. Great idea…not a waste of time at all (esp if you consider there is like 1 guy that has to do all the work for it).
- More rewardtracks with 100.000 vendortrash drops. Getting excited allready! I hope its more of that random crap that isnt sellable like those bladeshard things.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
so much negativity. you should just stop playing lol.
My only wish is a removal of SkyHammer from soloQ.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
so much negativity. you should just stop playing lol.
It saddens me greatly that you had to reply this way…but players are not to blame for this negativity.
A year ago (and almost a year before that), hosts of passionate players gathered and put together a very similar list like you here. There were even several CDI~~events in which that developers interacted with players to find solutions. People who wish to see GW2 PvP receive the glorious growth it deserves gave as many ideas as they could.
Those ideas were never implemented. At least, of now we are seeing no clear evidence that the ideas we contributed are being truly listened. At all.
And then there are the moderators, given the power of deleting posts and banning people from forums as they please…realistically. They go anywhere, silencing people who WANT to help this game grow before their voices can ever be heard by relevant minds up there. I and many you don’t see anymore are those who had been silenced, either permanently or temporarily. Luckily, mine was a temporary one, but not for long, I fear.
The moderators on Blizzard’s forums are vigil as will but NEVER have I seen a governing group as dictating as the moderators.
I LOVE THIS GAME. I TRULY DO. I would not be here if I don’t. Everyone here does. But we truly cannot help if just about everything sensitive we say are deleted/moved to trashcan before anyone can read them.
Alas, as I type these I realize your thread, though originally of good intention, might be deleted soon. I wish you luck. That the things you put together will at least be skimmed through by someone important enough to direct where the game goes before it is locked/deleted/banned …
…like many other threads whose only intention was to help the company.
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90
We have to deal with the fact that Gw2 is just a mediocre game. There was just one Guild Wars and that’s dead to make space to this kitten.
very often i have the impression that the devs dont even know what is wrong with their game. so it is only good to make suggestion and wish threads, even if they keep beeing deleted.
hope dies last
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Do you really want capture the flag mode with Anet balance! Hey let’s have bunker warriors that are impossible to kill leaping 8000 feet every 10 seconds and immune to all cc, condi and damage! Plus we’ll throw in immob stacking! Doesn’t sound very fun my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
As i said, vee wee nr1 engi, flag carriers get their own set of skills, locked out of utility skills and all invul/halfinvul traits are disabled.
For there to be one…OHSHI!!!
My only wish is a removal of SkyHammer from soloQ.
general pvp:
more reward tracks, I.e Living world reward track, levelling (tomes and scrolls) track, Black Lion track, Dye track, unique pvp reward track, ascended armour track.Racial skills usable in pvp (experimental atleast), time for the people who play the hugely choreographed norn to get some bear rush revenge on those asuran midgets!
8v8 given back to us.
spectator and team select removed.
region reward track caps removed, there is no excuse for region reward track caps!
skyhammer removed from rotation.(give it a totally separate queue or keep it to custom arenas like Courtyard, or even switch courtyard in when skyhammer is take out)none pvp specific:
healing reduction removed from poison, given to a new less spammed condition (like Deep Wound from GW1).
condition caps removed, but conditions effected by mitigation.more balance shaving patches, if shaving is the method anet wish to use then we shouldn’t wait half a year for each minuscule adjustment.
honestly i don’t think the reward track should exist. if you want living world track rewards i’d rather have pvp achievement points towards the LS meta. While i wouldn’t mind the 8v8’s brought back, i think having the team check and spectate would make it a little more strict and not as casual. Which i really think Hjoins should be, just casual play. i will say that i think people who leave a team to auto the winning team just to be on the winning team should be taken out. once you pick a team, you’re locked in. all you can do is leave or go to spectate.
just improve match making please….
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Remove the leaderboards. Make leagues.
some wishes i have for a future PvP patch:
removal of skyhammer and spirit watch from soloQ
- s/d thief (2 0 0 6 6): toning down either damage or survivability
- warrior: either toning down damage with tank amulets or survivability
- if necessary lower the might stacks cap in PvP to 15
- air/fire sigils: set amount of damage, no scaling with might/power
- remove/change passive damage procs (IP)
- nerf AI damage. AI should be about support not damage. (MM, Turrets)
- buffs to useless traits/skillsNew Game Modes:
- 2v2 arenas + teamQ. another map, more simple than courtyard(too much stuff on it).
- capture the flag: new map with 2 base, middle flag spawn. flag carrier gets own set of skills. make block pickup impossible, guardian focus. 5vs5. allow flag steal from enemy base.
New Weapon/Utility Skills:
give us new weapon or utility skills. support skills for some classes would be nice. especially for arenas/cptf.
New Reward Tracks with unique PvP rewards:
new tracks for pre wardrobe pvp-only available gears
new tracks with new pvp-only available gearsNPCs:
A bank NPC
A TP NPCfeel free to post what your wishes are for a future PvP patch!
Majority of useless traits/ skills are with classes such as the mesmer, necro, ranger and thief. Yes the thief is in a better spot (maybe) than the other three classes, but that only rings true until they decided to nerf the s/d SoH evade and d/p or s/d SoH dps specs.
How about a new development?
If you remove air and fire sigils power ranger needs a serious buff or it will be worthless again. Warrior longbow needs a nerf, combustive shot is either too big or too much damage, doesn’t require target to clear conditions.
Am I good?… I’m good.
i did not suggest the removal of air/fire sigils. only that they do a set amount of damage so that might stacking professions or lich form cannot increase that rng damage proc.
i agree with combustive shot although the size is only that powerful because of the game mode. tbh hitting a target with its current size wouldn’t be hard either.
If you remove air and fire sigils power ranger needs a serious buff or it will be worthless again. Warrior longbow needs a nerf, combustive shot is either too big or too much damage, doesn’t require target to clear conditions.
Maybe make the combustive shot go on cd and fizzle if it is fired while blinded, it would at least make it way less faceroll but d/p thieves would obliterate them.
I like the reduced might stack in pvp idea, 20 would probably be fine to start, I agree that every source of random effects through traits like engies incin powder should be reworked to have counterplay. (instead of dodge 10 engy attacks in a row and the first thing to land causes the burn proc)
I agree that every source of random effects through traits like engies incin powder should be reworked to have counterplay. (instead of dodge 10 engy attacks in a row and the first thing to land causes the burn proc)
How about Zombifie /Ostrigg idea where you need to land 10 attacks (10 stacks on the UI) to aply the IP ?
But each time you dodge or use a hard cc (knowckback) , you losse 3 stacks ?
Edit : Or Freeze spells remove stacks too ? (sigil of Hydromancy)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
or they could do something like “after switching to a kit your next attack applys burning”. even if you switch in and out again.
10 sec ICD, a small icon like sigil of doom, when you dodge it it goes on cd.
although i dont know how it is with dhuumfire. if you dodge the first life blast does the fire proc go on cooldown?
I like the kit swapping idea more, hopefully use up the proc if it misses
I want Warsong Gulch.
What exactly is that :P?
my #1 wish for a pvp patch is that it will happen
this will be my #1 wish for the 2nd pvp patch
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
well at least a dev stated that they are working on pvp features.
<3 this thread. Agree with pretty much everything.
I would also like if the Devs could regularly talk about coming updates. I know communication requires a lot of effort, but even a little can make great impact. This is something they need to work on in general.
For some reason I seem to get drawn towards the classes of the lowest tier. My 2 mains are necro and ranger. Although they are underpowered in many aspects of the game at the moment (especially necro), I still enjoy playing them. But they very much need more love. Many terrible traits and skills are either located at questionable locations or have no real function to them. This instead creates a big issue for the build diversity within the game.
…even a little can make great impact!
(edited by Maroah.8607)
There are already many posts with requests to nerf thives, eles, engis, rune of pirate, celestial, skyhammer, and so on.
Keep them coming. Let’s make this game perfect.
This game was critically flawed since before its launch. It will never be anything more than a poor execution of Rock-Paper-Scissors Online: Rotation Whack-a-Mole.
First I would like to reply to some of your ideas and then second I will post my thoughts.
removal of skyhammer and spirit watch from soloq- I disagree with removing these from soloq. I like these maps and the change they bring. However I do hate that these maps seem to pop for frequent then others. I would like to see that balanced some how.
- s/d thief (2 0 0 6 6): toning down either damage or survivability?- warrior: either toning down damage with tank amulets or survivability?- if necessary lower the might stacks cap in PvP to 15?- air/fire sigils: set amount of damage, no scaling with might/power?- remove/change passive damage procs (IP)?- nerf AI damage. AI should be about support not damage. (MM, Turrets)?- buffs to useless traits/skills
- I completely disagree with toning these down. I do agree with setting a limit on might stacking. I think if you reduce might stacking you will have less people running those builds. AI is not a problem it requires some thought and skill to take them down. Their damage was reduced some months ago and the damage is not the same. Each class with AI builds for the most part give up a lot to use those mechanics. Every build has its counter, just because you don’t run the counter build doesn’t mean its broken.
New Game Modes:
- 2v2 arenas + teamQ. another map, more simple than courtyard(too much stuff on it).
- capture the flag: new map with 2 base, middle flag spawn. flag carrier gets own set of skills. make block pickup impossible, guardian focus. 5vs5. allow flag steal from enemy base. Good ideas!
New Weapon/Utility Skills:
give us new weapon or utility skills. support skills for some classes would be nice. especially for arenas/cptf.
New Reward Tracks with unique PvP rewards:
new tracks for pre wardrobe pvp-only available gears?new tracks with new pvp-only available gears
A bank NPC?A TP NPC- good ideas.
My own thought’s-
I would like to see some changes in the matchmaking. Needs to be at least a limit of rank or number or tournaments played before you can make the leader board. Something is broken with matchmaking in general, I hate that you get a few wins and now your team is playing guys in the top 10 of the leaderboard. Never feels balanced seems like its always one side or the other.
I would like to see some changes to reduce the pure power builds. Maybe the answer is in reducing might stacking maybe its not. Just seems like everyone uses power builds. I know there are many counters but you don’t always know what the other guy is really running.
I would like to see some new maps!
I want a new game mode!
I would love some new weapon types or open up types to other classes.
Would really like to see a siege mode, king of the hill mode and a payload mode.
I just want to see a patch more often than once every 6 months.
Nerf AI damage= just get rid of mesmer
AI should be about support, not damage=If only mesmer support phantasms actually did do their support roles well.
nerf tank warrior dmg= sigil of intelligence/ berserker power/berserker precision/heightened focus. Its not the warrior, it is the 100% chance of critical hitting/damagae multipliers. When these are used on a tankier build they hit hard. When used on a pure berserker glass build they twice as hard. They have reduced their damage by 50% to afford the tank factor. This is build design success, not failure. You have increased your toughness at the cost of losing a large load of your direct damage. After maining a warrior for sometime and returning back to mesmer. The difference in tank vs canon is remarkable. Thieves I have to fight when tanking. When canon all i have to do if bob and weave for wait for the chance to hit them once. The same applies to mesmers, ele’s and rangers. Warrior as a whole represents some of the best balancing this game has to offer. It is only a couple stances and chained weapon attacks that make them formidable. This balanced by the fact they have largest pool of overt animations.
S/D thief. Highly annoying. Uses stealth seldom. So much of thief is tied up in the stealth mechanic. A build that lives without it is needed for thieve’s. It is just the no counter to evading. Everything in game can be counter or mitigated apart from evade. The only thing that helps cap evade is chill/weakness. Both of these conditions don’t apply to s/d thieves. That is what the issue is. Roll for initiative, shadow return, sword teleport returns, roll on heal..so much of the evade can be stopped in any way. Nerfing damage/survival skills won’t change this. Making chill, cripple apply to thief abilities that evade on skill use producing lethargic and less than optimal retreats will. Chill/cripple skills devastate warrior rush abilities, the same should apply to thief evade on skill use.
just get rid of mesmer
AI should be about support, not damage=If only mesmer support phantasms actually did do their support roles well.
you did not understand my post. i stated it for MM and turrets. there is no word of mesmer phantasms.
nerf tank warrior dmg= sigil of intelligence/ berserker power/berserker. This is build design success, not failure. You have increased your toughness at the cost of losing a large load of your direct damage.
i highly disagree. no other class can go as tanky as a warrior while still dealing that high damage. its not the first time i hit a 9-10k eviscerate, with proper setup, on a cloth class. even when missing eviscerate there is almost no punishment as it’s up again in 9 seconds. if i want to hit such high numbers with other classes i have to go full glass.
S/D thief. Highly annoying. Uses stealth seldom. So much of thief is tied up in the stealth mechanic. A build that lives without it is needed for thieve’s. It is just the no counter to evading. Everything in game can be counter or mitigated apart from evade. The only thing that helps cap evade is chill/weakness. Both of these conditions don’t apply to s/d thieves. That is what the issue is. Roll for initiative, shadow return, sword teleport returns, roll on heal..so much of the evade can be stopped in any way. Nerfing damage/survival skills won’t change this. Making chill, cripple apply to thief abilities that evade on skill use producing lethargic and less than optimal retreats will. Chill/cripple skills devastate warrior rush abilities, the same should apply to thief evade on skill use.
and again you’re missing the point. i don’t care if a class has mobility or damage or evades. OR. that’s the problem, the current thief meta brings all of that. you spec for full survivability and still deal as much or more damage than other classes that have to invest in damage traits. its a flaw in design, the same with warrior. you cant let a class have multiple strong attributes.
evade, damage, mobility, burst and the ability to shut down other roamers for thief.
high base hp, (blocks), immunities, high damage/stuns+sustain, up to 25 might stacks, heavy armor and an almost perm fire field that covers most of the points for warriors.
(edited by Jekkt.6045)