25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


I just feel so SLOW compared to other classes, we’re the only class that has no permanent swiftness, or even non permanent swiftness, the ONLY two sources we have is the focus 4 skill and an occasional random swiftness from signet of inspiration

every other class has a reliable way of getting swiftness or faster run speed (eles have permanent swiftness in ANY weapon setup, have a 25% run speed signet, AND have a trait that makes them run faster in air or whenever they have a dagger, specifically: swiftness on staff 4, dagger 3, glyph of renewal, from traits, 25% from 10 points in air, swiftness on any aura (available in ALL setups) from 10 in air, swiftness on attunement to air from 10 in arcane, 15% from wielding a dagger from 20 in arcane AND they get a 25% speed signet)

please ANet, let us have either a utility that gives swiftness, or a 25% speed signet

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


As if Mesmers needed more kiting power…

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


then disable it in combat or in PvP, merge it with another signet (eg, signet of inspiration, gives 25 % faster movement speed out of combat, in combat gives random boons every 10 seconds (the main reason people wanted the boons to work out of combat was for the chance at getting swiftness)), ANYTHING to make getting from point A to point B less AWFUL

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Lol? So, let give 25% speed boost to the every class!

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Yeah please do! You can remake the worthless Dolyak Signet when it comes to Warriors.

Dolyaks are known for their speed, right?

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


Lol? So, let give 25% speed boost to the every class!

most classes have a way of getting faster movement speed the ONLY one that has no access to swiftness through a trait or utility is the mesmer

necros have a 25% boost already, eles have so many boosts it’s not even funny, thieves have a 25% boost signet, rangers get a 25% boost signet

engineers have a 10 pt trait that allows 100% uptime on swiftness
warriors have banners giving a 66% uptime and a warhorn skill

guardians and mesmers only sources of swiftness are the guardian’s staff skill and the mesmer’s focus skill. guardians also have a 20 second swiftness skill on a 60 second cooldown (combined with the staff skill, that’s 83% swiftness uptime), mesmers get a 12.5% chance to get swiftness, and an 87.5% chance to get something else (50% RELIABLE swiftness uptime and only with the focus)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Warriors are pretty much forces to specc for 30% Boon Duration in order to keep up. Giving us a Signet would allow more freedom in WvW builds.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Try playing a Guardian.

A Guardian has the following options to increase speed, none of which are permanent.

Symbol of Swiftness which gives 9.5 seconds of 33% increase in speed but which requires to have staff in hand

Retreat which is a trait that has to be slotted to give 33% increase for 24 seconds.

A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

Because of the 2 teleport skills available Mesmers have it far easier then Guardians.

Theftwind (HoD)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Heh yeah as I was saying: Mesmers don’t need more kiting options.

Quite the opposite….

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

Try playing a Guardian.

A Guardian has the following options to increase speed, none of which are permanent.

Symbol of Swiftness which gives 9.5 seconds of 33% increase in speed but which requires to have staff in hand

Retreat which is a trait that has to be slotted to give 33% increase for 24 seconds.

A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

Because of the 2 teleport skills available Mesmers have it far easier then Guardians.

compounding celerity is great for moving across the map… since illusions are constantly in combat (except those odd ones that occasionally spawn and do nothing after a deceptive evasion dodge from fall damage)… illusions in combat = player in combat, player in combat = lowered speed

phase retreat isnt 1200 range teleport; its the distance the target can be for it to summon an illusion (if there is no target; or the target is too far away the character just blinks backwards)… also it goes in the opposite direction

temporal curtain CD:swiftness duration is pathetic, though into the void is really powerful (not in PvE though)

blink? terrible for rushing somewhere (and i hate being caught with it on CD)

you also forgot chaos storm… or maybe you already realised what a terrible source of swiftness it is?

20 swiftness ever 60 secs
8secs every 15 secs (although the pulses can be annoying; and you can run through it without getting swiftness if you arent careful… and for some reson the swiftness doesnt seem to stack – only refresh to 8)
10 secs every 60 secs

from the two shouts guard has 50% swiftness uptime, same as mesmer with temporal curtain
in those 60 secs symbol of swiftness 3-4 times = 24-32 secs nearly 90-100+% swiftness uptime

(not saying guard doesnt have terrible mobility too… it does… but its not as bad as mesmer, and these examples dont factor in traits/boon duration)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phloww.1048


25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Blink which is a teleport skill

Which is on too long a cooldown to get you anywhere across the map.

Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion

Pity you have to be in combat to use it. Even if you can keep 3 illusions up, I doubt it’s enough of a speed boost to even bring you up to non-combat movement speed.

Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away

If you have a target that you want to teleport away from. It also summons a clone, which drops you down to the combat movement speed.
That’s assuming it works as written, instead of teleporting you in a random direction, teleporting you to the spot you’re standing in or getting you stuck inside something. All of which are problems I run into.

Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

This at least works. But only if you’re running a focus.
Well, unless all the other members of the WvW zerg make use of their permanent speed boost to run over your temporal curtain first, so it doesn’t work for you.
Or you hit that bug where a ground targeted effect centers itself on an enemy, instead of letting you target it.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

unless all the other members of the WvW zerg make use of their permanent speed boost to run over your temporal curtain first, so it doesn’t work for you.

oh i forgot to mention that; temporal curtain doesnt grant swiftness if you already have swiftness… so is you have a really short swiftness you have to wait for it run out before using temporal curtain (OR even worse; signet of inspiration decides to ‘bless’ you with a swiftness buff just before yu run over it

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Take Signet of Inspiration and make its out-of-combat passive effect a 25% speed boost. Its in-combat passive and active effects would remain as-is.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Well in combat I can easily run down and catch fleeing Guardians and Warriors. Although it is possible to catch up to and kill a fleeing mesmer it is difficult and requires me to have sceptre in hand in order for me to chain them, if I can get close enough and then only if I chain the mesmer and not one of the clones. Eles and Rogues are near impossible to chase down Rangers are in between the two extremes.

The better half plays a mesmer alongside my thief and yes, I have to remove my signet of speed in order for her to keep up. However if her mesmer is alongside my Guardian my Guardian has trouble keeping pace unless he has his staff equipped. The staff skill works exactly like temporal curtain and I have missed my own speed boost many times when crossing over the sigil as it refuses to fire.

Theftwind (HoD)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

You clearly do not actually know what you’re talking about.
Guardian has Judge’s Intervention, a ground target teleport as well.
Compounding Celerity is worthless for out of combat movement speed because it can only work in combat because illusions require combat.
Phase retreat does not function as you state, and is only usable in combat anyway.

Not only does Guardian have far easier access to long swiftness durations, they also have a leap on the greatsword that can actually be used out of combat (unlike the leap on Mesmer’s sword).

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276

Kenage Achalarus.4276

i agree mesmers dont have a reliable speed bosst except for focus skill. now i call signate of insporation signat of trollingness because of the out of combat luckey chance of hitting swiftness. ive clocked in 1000 hours in play time mesmer is close to 950 hours. yes i do have a life. and i have sen them revamp the signate but honestly if im in a jp on my mesmer its the worst watin there all day for my signate to hit. really fun lol. and when i WvW ohh man talk about waching my suroundings and waching for a way to get out. I would like to see then actully bring out that signate to be able to hit swiftness everytime your out of combat. i really dont need health regin when im out of combat because ill alredy be getting massive health regin from being out of combat. and protection really dont need eathor if Im out of combat. just my 2 cents

a Mesmer with a Greatsword [Confusion], your mind has been [Mind Wrack]

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

Phase retreat does not function as you state, and is only usable in combat anyway.

phase retreat is usable out of combat… it just teleports the player backwards (i end up using it when doing the animation glitch for blurred frenzy in LA)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

You clearly do not actually know what you’re talking about.
Guardian has Judge’s Intervention, a ground target teleport as well.
Compounding Celerity is worthless for out of combat movement speed because it can only work in combat because illusions require combat.
Phase retreat does not function as you state, and is only usable in combat anyway.

Not only does Guardian have far easier access to long swiftness durations, they also have a leap on the greatsword that can actually be used out of combat (unlike the leap on Mesmer’s sword).

Before you accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about perhaps you should insure that you do. Judges Intervention HAS to have a target otherwise it goes off where you stand. And using Leap as a GS skill is totally useless to cover ground quickly unless you are in combat as by the time it activates you could easily cover that much ground at a normal run.

Theftwind (HoD)

(edited by Theftwind.8976)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

You clearly do not actually know what you’re talking about.
Guardian has Judge’s Intervention, a ground target teleport as well.
Compounding Celerity is worthless for out of combat movement speed because it can only work in combat because illusions require combat.
Phase retreat does not function as you state, and is only usable in combat anyway.

Not only does Guardian have far easier access to long swiftness durations, they also have a leap on the greatsword that can actually be used out of combat (unlike the leap on Mesmer’s sword).

Before you accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about perhaps you should insure that you do. Judges Intervention HAS to have a target otherwise it goes off where you stand. And using Leap as a GS skill is totally useless to cover ground quickly unless you are in combat as by the time it activates you could easily cover that much ground at a normal run.

Fine, I was wrong about JI.
But using the GS Leap PLAINLY moves faster than regular movement speed out of combat.
And I still stand by you not knowing what you’re talking about if you brought up Compounding Celerity. That’s a misunderstanding on a fundamental level about Mesmer, since everyone knows illusions can only be active in combat.

(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


So what do you want? More speed out of combat? Temporal Curtain lasts for 12 seconds whereas Symbol of Swiftness lasts for only 9 1/2 seconds. And again try using GS leap out of combat on a Guardian. As I stated above by the time you click the skill and it activates you at the most shave a 1/2 second off of what it would take to run that distance at normal speed. and then you have a 12 second cd. As well GS leap is highly dependant on the orientation of your character at teh time you activate it. Try jumping in a straight line using GS leap, it is difficult to do UNLESS you have a target.

Theftwind (HoD)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Change signet of inspiration to choose swiftness 100% of the times when out of combat. There problem solved.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

So what do you want? More speed out of combat? Temporal Curtain lasts for 12 seconds whereas Symbol of Swiftness lasts for only 9 1/2 seconds. And again try using GS leap out of combat on a Guardian. As I stated above by the time you click the skill and it activates you at the most shave a 1/2 second off of what it would take to run that distance at normal speed. and then you have a 12 second cd. As well GS leap is highly dependant on the orientation of your character at teh time you activate it. Try jumping in a straight line using GS leap, it is difficult to do UNLESS you have a target.

i used GS 3 (well… 2 when i used gs on my guardian) often to cover more ground; i fairly sure it aids out of combat mobility (unless you have lag… but all movement skills suffer from lag jitter)
– and why is it difficult to jump in a line? it just goes in the direction of your character… unless you have auto targetting on?

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


A Mesmer has these options available.

Blink which is a teleport skill
Compounding Celerity which grants a speed increase for each active illusion
Phase retreat which allows you to teleport 1200 units away
Temporal Curtain which grants 33% increase for 12 seconds.

You clearly do not actually know what you’re talking about.
Guardian has Judge’s Intervention, a ground target teleport as well.
Compounding Celerity is worthless for out of combat movement speed because it can only work in combat because illusions require combat.
Phase retreat does not function as you state, and is only usable in combat anyway.

Not only does Guardian have far easier access to long swiftness durations, they also have a leap on the greatsword that can actually be used out of combat (unlike the leap on Mesmer’s sword).

Before you accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about perhaps you should insure that you do. Judges Intervention HAS to have a target otherwise it goes off where you stand. And using Leap as a GS skill is totally useless to cover ground quickly unless you are in combat as by the time it activates you could easily cover that much ground at a normal run.

Fine, I was wrong about JI.
But using the GS Leap PLAINLY moves faster than regular movement speed out of combat.
And I still stand by you not knowing what you’re talking about if you brought up Compounding Celerity. That’s a misunderstanding on a fundamental level about Mesmer, since everyone knows illusions can only be active in combat.

No you wasn’t wrong about GJ, all you have to do is target something in the distance and use it and it will cover the distance trying to get to it even if it is out of range. Same can be said about the 600 sword blink guardians have. While I don’t have a lvl 80 guardian I do have one at 77, so I am not a complete idiot.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


So what do you want? More speed out of combat? Temporal Curtain lasts for 12 seconds whereas Symbol of Swiftness lasts for only 9 1/2 seconds. And again try using GS leap out of combat on a Guardian. As I stated above by the time you click the skill and it activates you at the most shave a 1/2 second off of what it would take to run that distance at normal speed. and then you have a 12 second cd. As well GS leap is highly dependant on the orientation of your character at teh time you activate it. Try jumping in a straight line using GS leap, it is difficult to do UNLESS you have a target.

Guardian has several utilities (notably Retreat) that will grant Swiftness and have a somewhat reasonable uptime on it, in addition to SoS, while Mesmer only has Temporal Curtain and the joke that is Signet of Inspiration.
And I did use GS leap, it’s significantly faster than standard runspeed. Figure it takes maybe 1 second to complete the leap, a distance of 600, which takes 2 seconds to traverse.
And jumping in a straight line with it is about as difficult as running in a straight line. You know, pointing the camera in a direction and pressing a button.
And don’t compare the actual time of Curtain with the time of SoS, because they have different recharges. Yeah, Curtain gives 12s Swiftness and SoS gives 8s, but Curtain has a 25s recharge while SoS has a 15s recharge. Which in fact gives SoS a slightly better uptime.

Quite frankly, compared to Mesmer, Guardian is VERY fast out of combat.
So yes, I think Mesmer should get better travel speed. Making SoI give 25% movespeed out of combat, or just making it give Swiftness every time when not in combat, would be great.

No you wasn’t wrong about GJ, all you have to do is target something in the distance and use it and it will cover the distance trying to get to it even if it is out of range. Same can be said about the 600 sword blink guardians have. While I don’t have a lvl 80 guardian I do have one at 77, so I am not a complete idiot.

Well, the problem with that is that the effect of either skill will cause you to enter combat, which is bad for traveling.

(edited by gimmethegepgun.1284)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shanna.4762


Heck, I wouldn’t mind if it was only 10-15% and disabled in combat….

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Mesmers have Portals.

I think it’s a fair trade-off if they didn’t get a movement sigil.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


Mesmers have Portals.

I think it’s a fair trade-off if they didn’t get a movement sigil.

woo, between phase retreat, and portal we’re freaking masters at going PLACES WE’VE ALREADY BEEN (as long as they are within range of the portals (hint, tailoring station to LA trading post, too far for portals to work))
(and what about necros? their spectral walk is a 30 second swiftness, a way of avoiding ALL fall damage, a 1 man portal, AND they get a 25% speed boost signet, and they get flesh wurm, which is a portal that you can PLACE WHERE YOU WANT AND DOES DAMAGE)

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wisler.9485


I played every profession (some more than others, mesmer is main and AWESOME) and I think no class should have a 25% speed signet except thieves, because they are THIEVES. In every rpg thieves are the fast class with high damage but low health/armor.

The mesmer especially doesn’t need a speed signet. We have blink and portal, we have veil and mass invisibility, we have time warp, we have iDefender, we have already very good signets and now you want a speed signet too?

We have probably the highest in-combat mobility and if you want to run fast outside of combat, run in a group. If there is a warrior or a guardian (or both) you can use focus (temporal curtain) and they can use their shouts/weapons skills for group perma-swiftness.

(edited by Wisler.9485)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


I played every profession (some more than others, mesmer is main and AWESOME) and I am think no class should have a 25% speed signet except thieves, because they are THIEVES. In every rpg thieves are the fast class with high damage but low health/armor.

The mesmer especially doesn’t need a speed signet. We have blink and portal, we have veil and mass invisibility, we have time warp, we have iDefender, we have already very good signets and now you want a speed signet too?

veil and mass invis are AWFUL outside PvP, iDefender is one of our worst phantasms outside of PvP, and our signets? don’t make me laugh, more clone health? (wow, 2 hits instead of one) spammed by boons that are of no use outside combat? increased boon duration?

in case you didn’t realize, this thread is about movement from point A to point B outside of PvP, this isn’t about kiting, gap closing or escape, it’s purely about getting where you want to go faster than the pace of a crippled snail

oh, and if you want to talk about class design, the necromancer, the class that is designed around “it may not be fast, but you WILL die” gets faster movement speed than the class based around being difficult to locate and track down?

We have probably the highest in-combat mobility and if you want to run fast outside of combat, run in a group. If there is a warrior or a guardian (or both) you can use focus (temporal curtain) and they can use their shouts/weapons skills for group perma-swiftness.

ah, so what your solution to moving faster is is “go with classes that can move faster”
NO other class needs to be forced to use a weapon or rune setup for reliable swiftness other than a mesmer, we may be fast in combat, but combat isn’t when you need swiftness

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


woo, between phase retreat, and portal we’re freaking masters at going PLACES WE’VE ALREADY BEEN (as long as they are within range of the portals (hint, tailoring station to LA trading post, too far for portals to work))

Woo, you can help players cheat through jumping puzzles.

Woo, you can move an entire squad behind enemy defenses without them noticing.

Woo, you can completely fake out an Invader chasing you just by dropping a portal entre.


Yes, that is a fair trade-off. The limits are there because it’s already very powerful.
Get over it.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


woo, between phase retreat, and portal we’re freaking masters at going PLACES WE’VE ALREADY BEEN (as long as they are within range of the portals (hint, tailoring station to LA trading post, too far for portals to work))

Woo, you can help players cheat through jumping puzzles.

Woo, you can move an entire squad behind enemy defenses without them noticing.

Woo, you can completely fake out an Invader chasing you just by dropping a portal entre.


Yes, that is a fair trade-off. Get over it.

Woo, I can help OTHER people move from A to B quickly.
Woo, I’m still painfully slow moving MYSELF from A to B.

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


woo, between phase retreat, and portal we’re freaking masters at going PLACES WE’VE ALREADY BEEN (as long as they are within range of the portals (hint, tailoring station to LA trading post, too far for portals to work))

Woo, you can help players cheat through jumping puzzles.

Woo, you can move an entire squad behind enemy defenses without them noticing.


Yes, that is a fair trade-off. Get over it.

uh-huh, so in other words, we’re to be punished solo for being useful in incredibly specific circumstances in groups?

often at times when the punishment doesn’t make sense, why should I be made slow in PvE when I don’t play WvW?

why should a class be balanced around the ability to help others in completely optional, completely irrelevant areas?

portal’s usefulness in PvE is minimal at best, even less now that PvPer whining got it nerfed to have a max range and use cap

not sure how many others feel this way, but I’d trade the ability for my portals to be used by others in PvE for a movement speed signet in PvE ANYDAY

25% run speed boost signet for mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

Woo, you can help players cheat through jumping puzzles.

Woo greens and an upgrade item, plus that only benefits others (unless they stick around the WuvWuh JPs so you dont get attacked… but very few do; and i loathe any non mesmer campers (and in the EB JP theres an invis well around anyway… so theres a very small window someone could attack you in)

Woo, you can move an entire squad behind enemy defenses without them noticing.

Woo, WvW use… that isnt applicable to open world PvE

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]