Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I love outfitting in mmos. Especially in heavy armors

Anyways, my problem with GW2 outfitting system is that transmutation is terrible.

You are only limited to one set at a time and one of transmuted armor disappears. I’d like to point out that some of the armors (like t3 racial ones, are pretty expensive).

How about changing the system a bit? I’ve taken everything udner consideration and came up with an idea I’d like to share.

I think it would be great idea if there were special cosmetic armor slots. They would be similar to town outfits (there could be like 5 panels of em, you would get 1 or 2 for free and then could purchase more for gems).
Thats how they would work:
You would use transmutation stone to copy appearance of an item into cosmetic armor slots. This would NOT break the armor, and only copy its appearance, directly into proper slot.
Each of the outfits could be dyed separately.
Basic transmutation stones could be used by characters up to lvl 79, and fine stones would be for players with lvl 80.

In my opinion this is a good idea, since transmutation would be alot more useful. You would not be restricted to just 1 armor set at a time, but you would have 5 at your disposal, so if you got bored of certain outfit, you could simply swap it to another one. This change would probably increase sale of transmutation stones (not to mention about cosmetic armor slots.

BTW if we are at cosmetic stuff then I also think cosmetic headgear (and headgear only) from the item shop should be transmutable with regular armor as well.

Please let me know what you think about this suggestion, and if you like it, just leave a comment that you agree withme (so the post doesnt get lost in the flood of new ones, because then Anet most likely will never ever read it).

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


I think every MMO out there should just rip off LOTRO as far as outfitting is concerned. Make the outfit panels gem-bought and priced accordingly so the gem cost is still there, but really LOTRO has the best system out there.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I think every MMO out there should just rip off LOTRO as far as outfitting is concerned. Make the outfit panels gem-bought and priced accordingly so the gem cost is still there, but really LOTRO has the best system out there.

agreed. This suggestion is inspired by lotro outfitting system a bit. here though you cannot forget about transmutation stones. Anet has to make business

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: El Nazgir.4513

El Nazgir.4513

I honestly don’t see the problem with Transmutation. You can hand-pick which things you want from both armours, how is this not great?

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I honestly don’t see the problem with Transmutation. You can hand-pick which things you want from both armours, how is this not great?

See, the problem is you are restricted to just 1 armor at a time, plus in order to transmute you need to destroy 1 armor. Some armors are pretty expensive. Sure, you could buy youself dozen of armor sets ad transmute every single one of them and just change them whenever u get bored with current one. But that is stupid.
My idea is alot more convenient for players, and would probably encourage them to use transmutation even more often, than they do now.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Except there is an issue there.

Transmutation stones are used as a very obvious and direct way to take items out of the market. By having systems like that, which destroy items, you are continuously creating the need to create/find more of them.

By removing that, you remove a major part of the gold sink in this game.

Just stating why the stones destroying items is most likely done.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadowborn.3529


Keep transmutation stones in game, either use them for cosmetic armour opening slot on your cosmetic panels 1 slot = 1 stone. Also the stones are still used as they are now as i do also like this system of stat and look altering.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Except there is an issue there.

Transmutation stones are used as a very obvious and direct way to take items out of the market. By having systems like that, which destroy items, you are continuously creating the need to create/find more of them.

By removing that, you remove a major part of the gold sink in this game.

Just stating why the stones destroying items is most likely done.

For me it’s just frustrating.

There are alot of things you can spend your money on (gems for example). Some skins are already expensive, so paying for them twice or even more times is ridiculous and not convenient at all. Of course you can buy several armors and transmute every single one of them not to waste skins but it’s bit stupid for me and not very convenient. Don’t forget this game is powered by anti-grind philosophy (although they failed to deliver it in few aspects).

I just don’t use that system because of all that. And I think there are more people who think the same.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ColdSpyder.9082


Don’t forget this game is powered by anti-grind philosophy (although they failed to deliver it in few aspects).

I might bludgeon myself in the head if I hear anyone else go on about this quote. ANet stated that there will not be a grind to access the fun content. I.E. you don’t have to be level 80 to do your first SM or EM dungeon, or to WvW, or to sPvP, or, ultimately, to craft (Albeit accessing content in which to gather is always helpful ;P).

On with the ideas presented by the OP. I do enjoy the sentiment of alternative skins, however the most valid counter-argument (Which I didn’t even think of until I read it by some other responder) is that transmute stones are a gear sink which turns gear into a reagent. For the most part I can agree with this sentiment and if I want multiple sets of gear, even if only for looks, I CAN just make multiple sets of armor and store in my ludicrously large bank… that being the case, I don’t entirely see the point in changing the current system.

Perhaps a middle ground would be to create multiple sets of armor but then to be given additional armor slots/tabs so that we don’t have to use up bank space. These tabs could be purchased for gems, as suggested here. This would make it so even people without maxed out bank space could use the current system of transmuting for multiple sets.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Don’t forget this game is powered by anti-grind philosophy (although they failed to deliver it in few aspects).

On with the ideas presented by the OP. I do enjoy the sentiment of alternative skins, however the most valid counter-argument (Which I didn’t even think of until I read it by some other responder) is that transmute stones are a gear sink which turns gear into a reagent. For the most part I can agree with this sentiment and if I want multiple sets of gear, even if only for looks, I CAN just make multiple sets of armor and store in my ludicrously large bank… that being the case, I don’t entirely see the point in changing the current system.

What’s the point of gear sink though? Please, explain me that. merchant is the best gear sink… In current state it’s just irritating in my humble opinion. Getting good gear should be an achievment, like you get it once and u have it forever (unless you discard it).

I want the outfitting system to be flexible. It’s supposed to be fun, right? I want to be able to switch between sets without much problem and also to be able to go back to old outfits whenever and wherever I want to. Also bear in mind that currently transmuting is pretty much useless on lower levels.

(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I agree, items appearence should be something like a collectible.
At least for me it’s fine that transmutation destroys one of the items, but let me use it later without having to stick with that item forever.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


If there needs to be a gear sink, then apply the OP’s suggestion with 1 change: the Item is destroyed when you use the Transmutation Stone.

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


way’s to monetize this system (this was the main augment against the idea I come up against):

New uses for transmutation stone
- to change between types – light,mid,heavy – link

- Sell additional slots in the gem store – everyone starts with one but can buy more
- they can still sell costumes in the gem store

other changes:
Rename town clothes to costumes or what ever
An inspect to shown the players true gear

Restrictions on use:
Cannot use in sPvP or WvW

Related (only linked to threads I have read and have comments):
Allow us to wear previously equipped styles

Town Clothing Ideas

Get rid of “Town Clothing” & a few other niggles!

some discussion in here

my thread

Awful transmutation (idea for improvement)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radthor Dax.3697

Radthor Dax.3697

I agree with ColdSpyder.

You shouldn’t have an outift system like LOTRO where the items are not destroyed. LOTRO’s ecconomy was in a state of almost consistant inflation. The gear sink created by transmutation stones is a necessary evil.

However, having one initial armor set (loadout) and additional loadouts purchasable with gems, you can not only have a different look associated with each loadout, but you can also gear it differently. Say have a Berserker loadout for when you really need to bring the pain, a Magic Find loadout for when you go farming, and stack Vitality/Toughness on your WvW loadout. 3 completely different armour stats with 3 completely different armour skins too. I think this, while being slightly more expensive for the player (having to buy/craft/find several armor sets), compensates with the convenience of being able to change your stats as easily as you change your skills.

~ Radthor Dax, lvl80 Elementalist