A while back Arena Net said that they wanted the traits to have a sense of permanence and to make the character feel unique in the way they played. I had to bite my tongue for a long time on this one because I didn’t and still don’t agree with it.
As a Guild Wars one player, I loved the ability to change everything about my character from the skills, attributes, armor and weapons without the need to involve gold of any kind. I found it to be one of the most revolutionary things about the game. It let me not only do what I wanted, but also experiment with new builds, new ideas and new concepts. I had friends who would make new builds and I would do the same. We would share them and see how they worked in parties and with our own play style.
It also frustrated me when you guys announced this and gave PvP players the ability to reset their traits outside of PvP. You guys basically said that this is more important to PvP players then it is to PvE players. Which was a real slap in the face because the ability to play anything I wanted in GW1 was one of the reasons I stayed with the game so long.
Because I had so many option in GW1 at any given time, I found it necessary to go out and buy multiple sets of armor and weapons to fill those rolls. And I enjoyed it. I loved being able to look fabulous no matter what I decided to do and always having the right gear to be able to do what I wanted. It made me feel legendary! In GW2, I don’t get that feeling. Sure I might feel elite once I get a legendary weapon and the rare armors. But this isn’t the same as feeling like a Legend.
You guys may believe that it makes the player feel like an individual but there are several, blinding problems with this assumption. Players in PvE are going to optimize their traits regardless of what perimeters you try and put in place making the environment just as stagnant, if not more so because of the lack of experimentation, with a small handful of builds being used. Not only that, but the players should be getting the sense of Individuality from the customization, armor, weapons, personal story and their name.
There is no acknowledgment from NPCs, or really even players, that you use a particular trait set up over the other. No villagers who are disgusted by the fact I use necrotic skills on my enemy, making them rot before their eyes. No admiration from them when I use a protective spell to shield them from harm. Without the acknowledgment from other characters in the game, this concept falls even further flat then before. Even my profession isn’t acknowledged in my personal story. Aside from the very beginning.
I am fully aware that I can retrait. I know I can do it for a gold fee. This to me is not the same as carrying a full wardrobe on my character and having a party member ask me what I’m going as and I have the thrill of responding with something like “Anything you want.”. Now if I want to play how I desire to, I have to spend something like 100g on trait books and waste space in my inventory just so I can get the experience I desire. And I can’t have them saved at hand so it will take me 5-7 minutes to set up rather then just 1 minute and go.
I also feel less inclined to want to collect armor like I did in GW1. I Feel that there is little to no point in doing so. Especially seeing as I’m locked into a build. Which means, I don’t feel Legendary or fabulous.
Make them locked in Dungeons only. I understand the need to maintain balance for Dungeons. I really do. This way we can’t just change them in a dungeon and abuse the system. Outside of dungeons though, I don’t see a reason to be afraid of any balance issues.
I look forward to hearing your response. I still do love the game, and you guys really put a lot of work into it. Please take this suggestion into consideration.