Declaration of War

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobDoleSmash.8910



The suggestion I wish to share is essentially open world PvP. Now before anyone who disdains pvp don’t cringe just yet, because there’s boundaries and rules to what I propose. The option to declare war on another guild.

Guilds can declare war on any guild within the game on their server. The other guild can then choose if they wish to accept the declaration or decline. If they decline then nothing happens. If they accept, then these 2 guilds are flagged for PvP against each other in every zone, except for towns, villages, and cities.

Only members of the guild can participate within the PvP anywhere, any non guild members cannot strike a player that’s in combat against another player. They cannot resurrect these players, or assist them in anyway. The purpose for outsiders would be to witness the PvP skirmish and even mass fights. Hopefully to influence them to later become involved. But in no way should this interrupt any of the PVE content that goes on within these zones. If multiple guilds are killing each other over an event, or world boss, they can still kill off monsters and such.

Players that are involved with a guild war should receive benefits to fuel actions within the game. Karma gains for every kill, guild influence points for every kill. Maybe include a PvP title for open world.

One of the great advantages of the game that’s already implemented is the bolster and level system. All levels will be balanced out to a reasonable degree, so there will be very little gap between players. Therefore PvP can occur in any zone for all levels, at any time. Making it more convenient and possible than games that tried this in the past.

For the PVE aspect. Like I said before, any non affiliated players will not be able to PvP unless they are in the warred guilds. If say guilds were to dominate another in a zone, the dominated guild can drop the war and essentially the other guild wins that war. Players can drop guilds and not represent them due to poor management in zones for PvP as well.

The reason I suggest this system is for guild rivalry, and more structure and responsibility for guilds in general. Creating open world PvP for guilds would give more reasons to protect newer members and go back to earlier zones, hunt other enemy guilds in these zones, and have random pvp that challenges the structure of your guild. It provides fair term PvP where both guilds give their consent. It allows all players to PvP randomly if involved creating real events for not only participation but for entertainment in on looking players. And utilizes alot of mechanics already in play.

-Open World PvP Between warred guilds
- Non affiliated players can spectate but not be involved
- Karma and guild influence from kills and victories
- Players cannot join both guilds at war with each other
- Players cannot see the location of other players if not added to their own list. AKA Followers

If you like this idea, please sign so Arenanet may consider this idea and use it to build our game. If you dislike this idea, please state why you disagree with a meaningful argument. If you read through the post, thanks for the time.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arc.7346


Maybe us charr can actually have a warband of non-npc chart if this gets added >:D

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobDoleSmash.8910


Maybe us charr can actually have a warband of non-npc chart if this gets added >:D

Yes, this is what I had in mind. I didn’t want a concept that’s totally PvP biased, but I wanted it to influence role play and PvE players as well. So you can have an all human guild war an all Charr guild. Fight to conquer guilds and hold certain areas down. Put rival guilds on lockdown for world bosses. All that good stuff.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


I think this would work better as a instanced guild mission. It should also be optional for guild members to participate in a Declaration of War.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobDoleSmash.8910


I think this would work better as a instanced guild mission. It should also be optional for guild members to participate in a Declaration of War.

I disagree. Instance GvG has been and always will be with Guild Wars. The optional part is already within the game, you choose to represent your guild or not. The point is to have an element of rivalry and random PvP within zones that you don’t always expect pvp in. Like WvW you’re not limited in numbers, and unlike WvW you can war guilds on your own server and fight them within zones.

Example your guild declares war on another guild and they accept. Your guild shows up 10 minutes before a world boss window, the guild you warred appears with a party and instantly combat will occur and both guilds will likely fight over this World Boss.

Instance pvp limits what can happen within pvp, which we already have. This adds what we do not have and that’s wars between guilds and rivalries.

If this was implemented then you’d make the choice to join a guild that has war with another guild, if you do not wish to PvP and be ganked, be part of premades and so on then you can simply not represent them. It’s a choice the entire guild decides upon, none of it is forced in anyway.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


Isn’t this essentially dueling on a larger scale? Either, way it’s going to lead to braggarts and trash talking, two things that don’t do anything to better a community; so I vote no.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobDoleSmash.8910


Isn’t this essentially dueling on a larger scale? Either, way it’s going to lead to braggarts and trash talking, two things that don’t do anything to better a community; so I vote no.

No, and you making that comparison is laughable. Trash talk is part of PvP, thinking that it won’t exist in GW2 just says loads about your PvP experience. As if we didn’t have trolling hubs in game either way. AKA Lions Arch. There’s only one purpose behind trash talk from rival guilds and it’s to build rivalry and that’s quite healthy for PvP.

Like I stated before, if you don’t want to engage in the open war PvP then you do not have to as it shouldn’t be anything to PvE other than a side show which i’m pretty sure you’d all watch, even if you didn’t like PvP. For the guilds who do participate they can start rivalries, develop good role play, and eventually instigate skirmish and mass pvp in solid PVE areas that have massive terrain, and offer alot of value to fight over.

It’s a win for the PvP crowd, and a good way to influence the PvE crowd to do both.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


Isn’t this essentially dueling on a larger scale? Either, way it’s going to lead to braggarts and trash talking, two things that don’t do anything to better a community; so I vote no.

No, and you making that comparison is laughable. Trash talk is part of PvP, thinking that it won’t exist in GW2 just says loads about your PvP experience. As if we didn’t have trolling hubs in game either way. AKA Lions Arch. There’s only one purpose behind trash talk from rival guilds and it’s to build rivalry and that’s quite healthy for PvP.

Like I stated before, if you don’t want to engage in the open war PvP then you do not have to as it shouldn’t be anything to PvE other than a side show which i’m pretty sure you’d all watch, even if you didn’t like PvP. For the guilds who do participate they can start rivalries, develop good role play, and eventually instigate skirmish and mass pvp in solid PVE areas that have massive terrain, and offer alot of value to fight over.

It’s a win for the PvP crowd, and a good way to influence the PvE crowd to do both.

We’ve already got an in-game system that builds rivalries while building sindividual servers’ communities. Your proposal will do much to tear that community apart as GvG drama kicks in…and it will kick in. But I can already tell you’ve convinced yourself your idea is foolproof, so I’ll step aside and let you do your thing.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobDoleSmash.8910


Isn’t this essentially dueling on a larger scale? Either, way it’s going to lead to braggarts and trash talking, two things that don’t do anything to better a community; so I vote no.

No, and you making that comparison is laughable. Trash talk is part of PvP, thinking that it won’t exist in GW2 just says loads about your PvP experience. As if we didn’t have trolling hubs in game either way. AKA Lions Arch. There’s only one purpose behind trash talk from rival guilds and it’s to build rivalry and that’s quite healthy for PvP.

Like I stated before, if you don’t want to engage in the open war PvP then you do not have to as it shouldn’t be anything to PvE other than a side show which i’m pretty sure you’d all watch, even if you didn’t like PvP. For the guilds who do participate they can start rivalries, develop good role play, and eventually instigate skirmish and mass pvp in solid PVE areas that have massive terrain, and offer alot of value to fight over.

It’s a win for the PvP crowd, and a good way to influence the PvE crowd to do both.

We’ve already got an in-game system that builds rivalries while building sindividual servers’ communities. Your proposal will do much to tear that community apart as GvG drama kicks in…and it will kick in. But I can already tell you’ve convinced yourself your idea is foolproof, so I’ll step aside and let you do your thing.

Provide some valid points, that’s what this thread is about. Yes I am aware of WvW and tournaments as I take part in both. WvW is the server vs 2 other servers. It’s entirely different from Guilds building RP and rivalry on their own server which is a popular theme. Your theory of it “tearing” this apart is illogical, when you cannot fight your allies to begin with in WvW nor would there be a point.

Some alliances would fall apart, that’s part of the chaos in PvP which is needed. PvP is drama, it’s conflict between 2 parties. This concept would differ from WvW simply because it’s between Guilds within our servers. I’ve been playing on 4 different servers so far, and every server has guilds that hate each other off petty reasons all of which is better fueled into PvP than anything else. So you’re fantasy of server wide cohesion for WvW already doesn’t exist lol. As this concept would create good PvP within our server in open areas, I seriously doubt it would effect WvW in some dramatic way.

WvW hardly builds any rivalry. Have you been there? Because you cannot see anyone characters names, but simply tags and rank. Much of which is important to build key elements in PvP. Each server has different times because of it’s player community, which guilds cross server take great advantage over just to dodge PvP in WvW. Even worse.

But seriously. Do you even lift bro? Don’t seem like you lift, lul.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


PvP has been separated from PvE for a good reason. I wouldn’t support this suggestion.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krendan.3421


What you want to do sounds a lot like what was done in TERA. For me, there were two big problems that arose there.

1. If you don’t boost every player in all zones, then you will have non-stop ganking. I was unfortuante enough to start a new character on TERA while my guild was at war and faced non-stop attacks in the first zone of the game where I was basically useless in a fight. We either had to wait for the other guild’s player to leave, call in help (which only brought in more maxed-lvl fighting to the lowbie zone, or have guild members escort us through our lowest-level missions.

2. In Guild Wars, you can simply choose to not represent your Guild, as you mentioned before. That does alleviate the problems of point one, but it also makes the concept of an actual Guild War less fun in practice than it appears in theory. In TERA people were constantly running to hide in cities when they started losing fights and now you would have the added ability of simply “standing down” when things were tough and then representing again. You would basically turn every Guild Player into a submarine that way, letting them join battle or submerge only when it seemed advantageous.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkace.8925


But seriously. Do you even lift bro? Don’t seem like you lift, lul.

Thanks for proving my point. You can’t even have a discussion about GvG without showing your immaturity and talking trash with those who disagree with your point of view. And you’re going to have us believe you’ll behave better when it comes to actual competitive GvG?

WvW hardly builds any rivalry.

Someone should tell these guys that WvW doesn’t build rivalries.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lodovicus.1562


One of the main things I miss from years back playing Ultima Online is the ability for guilds to war eachother and have the option to attack eachother should they wish to. Rarely seen it in any other MMOs since and I find it pretty baffling.

I’m all for a guild warring system, but I would be cautious about earning karma/guild influence from it as that opens it up to all kinds of abuse.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Guild v Guild … in the Mists … or in Guild Halls.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArtemusHunter.9521


What you want to do sounds a lot like what was done in TERA. For me, there were two big problems that arose there.

1. If you don’t boost every player in all zones, then you will have non-stop ganking. I was unfortuante enough to start a new character on TERA while my guild was at war and faced non-stop attacks in the first zone of the game where I was basically useless in a fight. We either had to wait for the other guild’s player to leave, call in help (which only brought in more maxed-lvl fighting to the lowbie zone, or have guild members escort us through our lowest-level missions.

2. In Guild Wars, you can simply choose to not represent your Guild, as you mentioned before. That does alleviate the problems of point one, but it also makes the concept of an actual Guild War less fun in practice than it appears in theory. In TERA people were constantly running to hide in cities when they started losing fights and now you would have the added ability of simply “standing down” when things were tough and then representing again. You would basically turn every Guild Player into a submarine that way, letting them join battle or submerge only when it seemed advantageous.

Thanks for reading, and a constructive post. I play TERA as well and I know it can be abused, but if this concept was considered dropping representation would have to have a minor consequence so you cannot “hide” at signs of defeat in a battle. But players should be able to not represent their guild if they do not feel they can handle the PvP.

From what I heard(I do play some Tera every now and again but have not been in a GvG before), in Tera to get out of a GvG, some people would gquit and then be locked out of joining any guild for a week.

But for Gw2, one can simply just rep another guild and ignore the GvG. What would be the small consequence for that then? A lock-out period before being able to rep again? Idk, Anet did say they wanted to keep PvP and PvE separate. It’s been part of Guild Wars 2’s design from day 1.

I’d be against the idea. What would happen if a couple new players, without the strongest pc’s(but strong enough to play gw2 with some friends) happened to be strolling by as 200+ people were unleashing full destructive hell upon each other?

Most likely their pc would crash or they would just generally not be able to play.

That kinda thing ruins a game for some people.

What happens if a person just joined a new big guild, and they are fairly new to the game(never pvp’d/wvw’d and wasn’t too interested in it) and that guild just so happened to be in a Guild War against another and was constantly ganked?

That’s another thing that will make casual players not interested in the game. Hell, there are a lot of casual players that want to be interested in GW2 already that won’t play due to other issues entirely.

It sucks, but Anet is trying to cater to everyone, not just one type of group. Most likely they will bring GvG and GvG tournies into the game, but in the mists. There’s a very real possibility that this GvG in PvE will never happen. Ever. Its a mechanic that works well in other games, but its totally not meant to be in GW2 otherwise they would have it in there.

Guild Rivalry is meant to be for sPvP and WvW. They stated something along those lines back when we were still waiting on beta weekends.

IGN: Floyd Hunter

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I like the idea and I’m sure my guild would participate in this. Seems a lot of fun.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: jpnova.4572


I’m afraid I have to respond in the negative, open world pvp between guilds would make map chat spammy, cause crowding in maps and cause group farming of low level guild members in starter maps. If such a system is ever implemented it should be instanced where each guild agrees on a certain number of members, bring the said number or less and get to enjoy an all out war scenario, winning guild gets lots of influence and merits and each member gets a set number of commendations as a result.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Advert Paperer.7059

Advert Paperer.7059

I’m afraid I have to respond in the negative, open world pvp between guilds would make map chat spammy, cause crowding in maps and cause group farming of low level guild members in starter maps. If such a system is ever implemented it should be instanced where each guild agrees on a certain number of members, bring the said number or less and get to enjoy an all out war scenario, winning guild gets lots of influence and merits and each member gets a set number of commendations as a result.

Agreed. GW2 is fundamentally a theme-park game rather than a sandbox; developers should focus on its strengths. Setup a structured system for friendly matches, challenges, callouts, and full-scale battles (with player limits on each side, for the sake of fairness). Track statistics. Provide bonuses to the victorious guild and to successful players (regardless of which side they were on); with minor loot awarded to everyone simply for participating. If the feature proves to be popular, expand it to include a mix of “brawl”, “raid”, and “siege” combat scenarios (possibly involving Guild halls as siege targets).

The alternative proposal (put it in the open-world and hope that emergent gameplay produces worthwhile results) is risky. Sure, it might produce rivalries and it might encourage guildmates to group up (as a matter of course) for mutual defense. But it might also produce a lot of unfun lopsided fights (e.g. six exotic-geared dudes ganking a single low-leveled opponent while he’s trying to mine copper for his first sword) leading to unfun countermeasures (e.g. guilds automatically refusing ALL war declarations; players refusing to represent an at-war guild; players simply logging out and switching to an Alt at the first sign of enemy activity) rather than organized defensive behaviour. Developers would then be forced to implement various tweaks (e.g. a long cooldown on the “represent a guild” button) in order to try to workaround the underlying “social problem.”

-Open World PvP Between warred guilds

You might want to look into the history of the wardec feature in EVE Online. It’s been in-place for almost ten years. CCP has reworked it a few times over the years (e.g. by forcing the aggressor to pay a fee; they’ve also seen proposals which would require consent for wardecs), but it fundamentally doesn’t work as a “feature which creates fun gameplay and interesting social interactions.” At best, it’s a somewhat-useful tool for griefing and blackmailing players who don’t understand the game mechanics; at worst, it’s just a timesink for everyone involved.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brtiva.9721


PvP has been separated from PvE for a good reason. I wouldn’t support this suggestion.

I must agree.

Declaration of War

in Suggestions

Posted by: wars.2083


this would make leveling up or walking in lions arch even worse

i have many ideas but mostly never speak of em