Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ParanoeX.8435


I know I’m not the first one to say this but I say it still:
Add capes! I know there are clipping problems and I have no idea how bad they are but add the capes still! Make an update inform that the capes have been included but there are more or less clipping issues. People don’t mind about small clipping issues, they just want the capes, badly!
And for the next updates to come, try fixing the clipping problems.
If you do not wish to include the capes before they are fixed, then i wish you’d take them into full concentration and fix them as soon as possible.
If it proves to be impossible to add the capes, you can make them less flexible and to be sort of heavy. This should make them me less clippy.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kylissa.6094


1) Items bought with Karma should be able to resell to a karma vendor for a small portion of the karma. If there is a way, it’d be cool to be able to return it before equipping for full refund. Destroying on upgrade makes me just want to save for the final item instead of switching out.

2) Cash on Delivery mail option. Maybe I want to sell something to a guildmate at a set price. If I put it on the tp, it could get snatched away. This way is good if you can’t meet up or aren’t on at the same time.

3) Player to Player trades for people that are in the same area.

4) Ability to reorder character screen. OCD issue mostly, but I like to have characters in certain places and not move around.

5) 8 character slots visible, there are 8 professions so if someone is buying slots, it is probably the number they’re shooting for

6) Pet AI, no running ahead or around. If I jump off a cliff, can’t it jump with me instead of aggro’ing all the enemies on the ramp.

7) All non-ranger pets and summoned pets able to switch to avoid combat

8) Larger field of view. Camera is too close to the character to be able to tell what is going on in mass confrontations and such. Also want to see red circles through people here.

9) Alliances. Chat channel like GW1. Alliance halls that have a building for each guild and a tag/emblem that doesn’t have to be tied to member guilds. Be able to rep a guild but have alliance tag. So the alliance wouldn’t be something you could represent through guild pane, just cosmetic with certain perks.

10) Ability to order percentages of influence earned to different guilds. I want my friends only guild to get rep, but want to be able to coordinate with my other guilds that do specific things (WvW, PvE, whatever) when I’m doing that.

11) More guild items. Like the initial post showing different capes, scarves, hip sashes.

I love GW2. Thank you guys for actually taking player’s wants/needs into consideration. Not sure how much of this has been addressed already, think I’ve got a little original thinking here though.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dennie.9237


So, my suggestions too:
1) I know that Im not the first, but… mounts! I know that waypoints is cool, but… I really wanna explore the world, not usually teleport around.. Really, WPs not the thing that helps explore beautiful world of Tyria. And mounts will be really cool on WvWvW. On that moment WvWvW has everything, but not cavalry, horse battles . It will be epic!
2) Dwarves race. Because I like dwarves
3) More random events. You maybe know sites with timers for dragons, and other big events… But its not that cool. I like how metaevents done in Orr.
4) Soulbound Legendary Weapons. Its really cool when you create it, because you done all that things to create, not because you pay lot of gold (or gems for gold) only.
5) Ability to players to create their own events, or quests.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: tasteslikenvy.5640


Give us the option to right click an item in a vendor and type in the amount we want. There are moments when i buy things in bulk from vendors and don’t want to click 250 times.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackhorn.6950


Would you please add the inventory/backpack viewing on char screen so we don’t have to load up the whole map just to look for items on each character.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


tweak the reward system for events.
I guess the reward system rewards players for their damage done during an event or mobs hit.(otherwise how does the reward system measure it?)
As it is now the reward system is not always fair to new players or players who use condition damage/are more support oriented.
For example in begin areas, if a lvl 80 warrior walks in and kills off all the mobs related to an event,the new player gets copper badge for the event,
even if he/she has done much more “effort” as the high lvl character that walked in and said hello with a powerful swordswing.

And more support oriented players have less chances at loot because a profession with lots of aoe and dmg does the most killing
Some professions have more aoe abilities as others and they also take the loot chances down of other players with less aoe or supportive roles.
Thats why I think the reward system could use a tweak.And if the reward is based on damage done search for alternative aspects to reward players on.
Because participation is more than damage.And also the supportive players that help other players up and stuff deserve an equal reward.
I also notice that I more often get silver and copper for events in environments lots of players are present while playing mesmer or necromancer:
Its very easy to get gold on warrior ele while necromancers and mesmers have a harder time,unless they solo the event and no other player is around.

Also review the effectiveness of direct damage vs buildings,heal turrets of enemies,catapults,trebuchets,…
vs the effectivness of condition damage(burn,bleed and poison) vs all these mentioned things
(also most of the time for example scepters ans staff are worthless to fight buildings and objects compared to dagger or greatsword)
It wouldnt be very logical to bleed a house or door,but burning or poison(acids) sound somewhat logical.
But its not a matter of logic.
Why are somewhat already OP professions (most base health,direct dmg,most armor)like warrior able to smash these things within seconds while a necro takes ages hitting these things?(except with a dagger but not THAT fast either)
It also affects contribution perhaps in situations?
But it sure does affect whether you would survive against an enemy using a heal turret or something that needs to be destroyed within time.

(edited by Tipsy.5802)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: bezerkin.2957


My biggest problem is the regularity of death and the lack of consequences when you do die.

I prefer an MMO that you actually care if you die. It’s so easy to die in this game and it ruins a lot of the role-playing aspect of the game and gives me the feel of a button masher instead of RPG.

I don’t want this mistaken; I know how to play the game. As it stands there is no real punishment for dying and there should be. If you thought about the character dying and needing to be resurrected it should have an effect on more than his pocket book. Experience? I don’t know really but as it stands people die so often it can’t be changed right now.

Maybe make it a little more difficult to kill a downed player.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dexodrill.9415


Id like to see the ability to stow a pet and leave it stowed until it is called upon.
By this I mean if we stow our pet, please change the mechanic so that when we take dmg or attack it does not come back out until we call it. Pets are useful and effective when used properly however I find it very frustrating when parties will not take a ranger simply because the pet can aggro to many mobs at once and completely mess things up for everyone. This has made me to feel very restricted to the dungeons I can join since some of them simply don’t allow for the mistake of over aggro.
I have also noticed (like other posts in the suggestions area) that the pets stat boosts do not actually effect them. For instance if I give my pet Might, the stats reflect that, however the damage is the exact same range. Iv tried this on multiple enemies in different level areas with no change to there avg damage output with the buffs. So far the only pet buff that I see a real effect is swiftness. Everything else has no determinable effect.
I love my ranger and my pets, however I feel like they have been left out when it comes to bug fixing.

Id also like to see the targeting mechanic updated a little. Its very frustrating to target one enemy, have to turn and move away, only to lose the target even when you have the option “Promote Skill Target” (aka if you hit them the target is locked) on. I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this however a lot of people seem to complain that the targeting does not lock onto what you want. Just my suggestions.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

This is my quick thoughts on the condition mechanic and inability to get credit for kills (both wvw and pve with large groups of people) therefore you don’t get loot bags, it’s primarily noticed with necros.
I created a condition necro to give the class a try and realised its alot of fun. The problem comes in where our condition stacking and spreading (AOE) that since its not direct damage you dont get kill credit. This has made this build a bit less viable in zerg v zerg since you don’t get much kill credit feels like your providing a community service.
Is there somewhere the exp credit can be so condition users get exp. Maybe the total ticks per bleeds can be made comparable to direct damage.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naekuh.7925


Can i express how unfair end game gets on range vs melee?
Not only that can i express how unfair it is for Axe/Axe which does more substained then GS, has 2 sigils while the GS has 1?

Can we PLEASE get an extra sigil slot for 2handed weapons?
The DPS numbers on 2h vs 1h is not enough to merit the 1handed weapons getting an extra sigil.

Can we Also PLEASE get a Parry for Melee?
In things like high lvl 50+ FOTM, did u dev’s intend us to play 100% range?
Cuz melee means 2 specials from trash mobs = DOWN on a fully tankish guardian.

In other MMO’s we have a chance to PARRY dependant on dex…
Since dex is precision, and it doesnt add to DPS other then crit chance, can you dev’s PLEASE on bended knees make Parry a value based on precision so people like me who dont like range will still have a chance against hard hitting mobs cuz of Parry?

and if u guys are worried about WvW balances… then can you please make Parry only availble for PVE?
(at the very least turn it on for high lvl FOTM’s, and purple / gold champions?)

Im 1000000000000% sure no one will whine about a warrior not having parry in WvW when you guys already gimp’d the warrior completely for WvW.

(edited by Naekuh.7925)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


I think perma stealth needs a long hard look. If you’re going to allow thieves to cloak – it’s fine…. but at least reduce the amount of damage taken from their abilities. Or reduce the cloak time and don’t let them stack in duration. I ran with a thief a few nights ago who wrecked havoc on a group of 6+ solo, just because they couldn’t see him. AOEs are great when you actually know where to place them (unless you’re a warrior or mesmer, then good luck with your AOEs because if you don’t have that special AOE weapon that gives you only 1 AOE attack then you might as well QQ).

1 vs 1 perma stealth is just ridiculous and when they are outmatched by someone with skill, they just stealth for 30s+ and run away. It’s a little senseless IMO to introduce a mechanic that’s just as strong as invulnerability. Imagine a warrior stacking “take no pain” for 30 seconds and only conditions effect him. It’s more or less the same idea.

And in the off chance that the thief MIGHT have some caliber of skill, it’ll just be passed off as someone who didn’t have what it takes to fight on the same level as everyone else.

You could introduce stealth as a condition/boon so that it can at least be removed by other skills. Without anyway to counter it, it really questions what ANet’s interpretation of balanced is – and why it applies to almost every other OP mechanic for all the professions except thieves.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Probably the right mouse button. If you right click while rotating the camera you will aquire whatever you clicked on. This is a know flaw in the interface.

Id also like to see the targeting mechanic updated a little. Its very frustrating to target one enemy, have to turn and move away, only to lose the target even when you have the option “Promote Skill Target” (aka if you hit them the target is locked) on. I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this however a lot of people seem to complain that the targeting does not lock onto what you want. Just my suggestions.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: illictic.6183


Sorry if this has been suggested before—there are so many suggestions to sort through!—, but what about letting NPCs, esp. those in your personal story, y’know…try and revive you if you are downed. I find, at least in most places, NPCs will revive each other and heal each other, so why won’t they help me out?
Also, I am dubious about this: is it possible to heal an ally NPC? I’ve tried with a couple of things and I can’t tell if it’s worked or not. If it doesn’t work, I would like to understand why that is and why you can’t heal your friends, human or AI.

i don’t know what’s going on

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394



Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gman.8620


My only suggestions at the moment are very minor.

1) Its really very annoying that you have to pay money to fast travel to discovered waypoints. Once we have put in the work to discover a waypoint what is the purpose of charging us our hard earned coins every time we want to go somewhere? I might even be happy if a legit reason is given as to why this is but it doesn’t make sense and it really starts to add up.

2) Is there any chance at all of seeing a small-scale PvP gametype, like the arenas in WoW? You guys have large-scale covered but I really miss the small 2v2, 3v3 PvP matches, I think this would greatly improve the PvP offering.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krykora.4513


I would LOVE to see us be able to DYE Hair Accessories just like we do armor. We create a Character with the starter Colors but then we are unable to change the Hair ribbons etc throughout the game to match all the cool armor dyes we get. PLEASE add this feature. TY

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

As the stealth at the moment is a cause of grief for many WvW players. Especially when combined with culling issues, it is somewhat OP. I even heard some lower tier servers are filled with Thiefs because it’s just easier profession to score kills with.

Anyways, my suggestion is that stealth is dropped when:

1) You’re burning. Human torches shouldn’t have the ability to hide in plain sight.
2) You’re hit in melee. At least the person hitting you should have pretty good idea where you are.
3) You’re hit by an AoE field. You’re presence disturbs the field, which should make you at least momentarily visible. A trick well used in movies and fiction to spot invisible enemies.
4) Add stealth-cancellation as added bonus to skills that logically would make an invisible person visible. Like Frozen Ground (due to footsteps on the snow) Murky Water (Due to lack of dirt particles inside the thieves body inside the cloud) cone of cold ect. (Yeah, I’m an Elementalist. But I am sure there are skills for every profession that could cancel stealth)

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ajlovju.2193


Maybe Anet give possibility to buy in Black Lion items from HoM ?. People who have this items from GW1 have much time to get prestige in server ^^ but imdon;t wanna play GW 1 to get this and back to GW 2. So i think maybe will be possibility to buy this for Gems

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


1) Items bought with Karma should be able to resell to a karma vendor for a small portion of the karma. If there is a way, it’d be cool to be able to return it before equipping for full refund. Destroying on upgrade makes me just want to save for the final item instead of switching out.

I like the other suggestions too but am highlighting that one. As someone who has wasted almost 150K karma in the last couple of weeks, I’d love either the above suggestion implemented or make armor and weapons account bound. At least that way I could use the items at some point.

I realize “people should pay more attention” but it is super annoying to not have some sort of recovery mechanism. It would probably cut down on some support tickets too.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: citaborea.2169


Just adding mine to the camera Acceleration/Deceleration comments. Mouse camera movement is pretty crisp, but the old WASD steering still has enough of A/D to make me queasy. Slider really should represent zero (instantaneous) A/D at the minimum end. I’ve been playing this sort of game since Everquest Beta back in ‘98. That’s a lot of years of no swimmy screen. It’s very difficult for me to adapt to it, visually. And yea, I used to bullseye wamp rats in my T-16 back home…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shanna.4762


Possibility to change your god post-creation, it wouldn’t have to change any previous story interactions but could influence later ones in the future, if there’s an Act 2, or simply a preference change

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mortheim.9321


Game profession like knight. It can use charge that have harathi lancers, also it will be unteresting to see mounted battles.

Also it will be good, if you add formations (like shield wall, lance wall, halberd formation etc). They will add some variety in tactics.

And again asking for some interesting tasks to create guild hall. It will be interesting to order stone in Bloodcliff quarry and help mine it (if you want).

Some new commands also would be nice, cause nobody wants to sit on chair – only near or in

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Djosi.8743


I’ve read a lot of these post and not sure if this suggestion is out there but…

Those potions that let you change form to some animal or monster type. They would be useful, if say you changed to a WOLF, wild wolves then would ignore you.
Make those potions useful.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fredede.3901


I would like to see an option to travel directly to Lion’s Arch from anywhere in the world. Because as of now, everyone uses the “Travel to the Mists” button to access the Lion’s Arch portal without a travel fee, but it makes you go through an extra loading screen and that load time adds up the more you play the game. Having an option to travel directly to Lion’s Arch, say the main plaza, would make everyone’s time in the game so much better.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dirtyslim.3865


I am not sure if the suggestion has been made. Since there are so many new currencies being added to the game. Would it be possible to make a currency tab to put with your bags. At the moment Laurels and money shows when you open your bags. I would suggest letting all dungeon currencies, gifts, and new guild quest currencies be held with your bags. This would eliminate the need of having to buy more bag space in your bank.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calrizien.5760


FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE SHOULD BE YOUR TOP PRIORITY ARENANET – seriously its not even funny I cannot believe this hasn’t been done yet if there is anyone working there who is not in favor of this they should have their head checked. You want to make this game MORE FUN right? Don’t get me wrong I am a huge fan of GW2 and I think its loads of fun, it just BOGGLES MY MIND that such a simple feature is not available.

I started typing up a list of reasons WHY we need first person but I got so frustrated because the reasons were so fundamental I felt like I would be insulting the intelligence of thou who made such an awesome game; the bottom line is that first person view just makes the game (for some people like me) A WHOLE LOT MORE FUN. I repeat: FUN. I dont care how, or why that is, but IT IS TRUE.

For now I just assume that some freak accident keeps happening to the coder responsible for implementing this, preventing him/her from doing his/her job.

I can only hope hope hope that SOMEBODY JUST LISTENS TO ME ABOUT THIS. Pleeeeease!

Your Biggest Fan,

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: impatientjohn.4026


Contacts is account related, not character. It would be nice to see if friends were online in the logon screen instead of having to go into a character to see.

If friends are online it often affects which character I play – a different one when doing single player, different with group.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shoujo.4395


Rather than trying to get people to do content by making them count towards dailies, please focus on making the content entertaining first and foremost. Datawise you’ll probably see more people engage in underwater combat and keg brawls, but probably not because those things have all of a sudden become fun

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yalingto.6453


I think it would be awesome that when guilds claim keeps and towers they get more recognition then banners so instead of something like stonemist castle it would be [guild name] castle or [guild name] Gulch/Lake/Run etc…it’s a small thin to add but it would be really cool recognition across the map.

Also maybe adding in some sort of ranking system for commanders. For example to become a commander you spend 100gold then after tht as u take certain amount of towers/keeps/castle you can rank up to a captain/lieutenant (sorry if inaccurate do not know hierarchy of ranks) then after that you become a general and so on.

Another thin to add in WvW could be a new siege unit called a siege tower where they can e bought as an upgrade at a supply camp and “pushed” by a player to a tower or keep wall where you can climb up the tower and breach the wall. Obviously it can be attacked by players am other siege but it could add a new sort of strategy to WvW rather then just battering down walls and gates you can Zerg up a siege tower.

Just some quick ideas, feedback would be great. Thanks!

This ain’t ‘nam, they’re rules here

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aconite.1349


I have two cents…

Weekly Laurel Rewards

If I remember correctly, there will be more activities other than Daily and Monthly achievements that will reward Laurels. But my suggestions for faster Laurel gain is to have a Weekly category. It would not involve a separate list of achievements, but instead would ask for players to complete every Daily achievement every day for a week. The reward could JUST be Laurels, like three extra. So a person who does Dailies every day in that particular week would get 7 from Dailies + 3 for the week. If they fail to complete all seven days in that particular week, they just get the Laurels from their Dailies and miss out on the 3 extra until the start of a new week. (If they miss one day, they only get 6 Laurels for the week)

I think this would encourage people to log on every day to play, even just a little bit, on a consistent basis. But if they don’t, they don’t lose anything or really miss out on too much. If they’re getting on frequently enough to earn lots of Laurels but miss a day or two a week, they’re gaining Laurels pretty fast already.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phage The Blighted.6350

Phage The Blighted.6350

Here’s mine.

1. First person perspective so you can see in tight places. It’s difficult sometimes indoors to really see where you are going. Especially as a norn. The semi transparent thing is annoying, and sometimes the camera goes nuts on the zoom.

2. Single player option for story mode dungeons. Adjust the difficulty, loot scale, NPC strength, whatever you have to do but fully half the story, including the final battle, is in the dungeons and I’m in a tiny guild. I’m missing to much story. I don’t want to spam for PUGs that don’t materialize. And I don’t want to be excluded from content because of that.

3. And this is simply a personal annoyance. Reduce or eliminate the teleportation fee. You have enough money sinks in game between armor repairs, the black lion skimming your profits, and various items you can only buy from vendors when salvaging, crafting, etc.

4. Merge the damage tables for level 80 rare and exotic weapons and armor. Ecto is to rare and expensive and it’s required in everything exotic. The uptake is that it takes the poorer in the community forever to reach their max damage and defense potential which in level 80 areas or for character growth in general is essential. The alternative of course could be to reduce the number of ectos required, or to increase the drop rate, and award them for completing parts of your personal story or from event chests.

5. A person to person trade UI to facilitate honest equitable trade between players who wish to commission crafters, and said tradesmen.

6. A return to the 2 denomination system from the first Guild Wars. It’s comfortable and familiar to those of us who played it. Copper silver gold is just annoying, and contrary to the lore since Zojja herself mentions winning “100 platinum” on a bet.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: xarallei.4279


1) Please give choices for the monthlies. Allow us to choose 4 out of 9 or something like that. I give you props for giving us a good monthly for once, but if we had choices we could have good monthlies every month.

2) Please allow us to sort armor by type in the Trading Post. It’s annoying when I’m trying to look for something for my ranger and a ton of light and heavy armor pops up.

3) This is more likely something for a future expansion but, please allow us to unlock more weapon skills that we can choose from. Keep the action bar as it is, but give us more choices.

4) Cantha. It needs to happen.

5) I second the idea that personal story needs to have a single player mode for all parts of it. You really shouldn’t need to get a group to go into dungeons to complete your own story.

6) You know that cat with the witch hat that you summon with the Witch town clothes/broom? That cat is cute and I’d love to have it as a permanent pet. Maybe put it in the cash shop next Halloween? And please do NOT put it in one of those infernal chests as some RNG pet. I hate that kind of thing and refuse to pay money for it (it’s a waste of money 99% of the time).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


I using the skill “throw napalm” on orgre supplies in plains of ashford and I notice that burns don’t have any effect on objects.Which is illogical.
Also heavy condition dmg builds take centuries destroying buildings and objects while warriors and high direct dmg dealers/melee players do it in few seconds
Ok i can understand that melee characters need time to hit the object
but I still think some of the range options are very underwhelming if you compare it to a melee build.
At least add the option for objects to burn/get acid on them.So conditions are less useless.
Perhaps 50 procent less effective conditions on buildings but some effect(burnin,acid,.)

revamp the look for group feature in contacts.It never gets used.and everyone goes to gw to find groups.Better to make it more usefull ingame and reduce the lfg blabbering in game chat

(edited by Tipsy.5802)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warzog.6315


It would be nice if we could “Park” our characters in our home instance.
That is…
To Just leave them there when we log out, or while playing another character.
A Laurel Agent, Karma Vendors, a Banker, a Trading post, and Crafting Stations/Masters would also be nice.
In Guild Wars 1, I created a Guild, built it up, and used it as a “Home Instance” where I kept my characters.
The home instance in Guild Wars 2 would be nice if it worked that way as well.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Tipsy.5802


ow yea,like buy a home in the home instance where you can hire a quaggan or skritt as personal butler that gains lvls of services it offers..pretty much like a chibi pet but way cooler

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Warzog.6315


Would be nice if we could turn off gear we can’t use in the trading post and vendors.
Don’t know how many times I’ve bought stuff I can’t use by accidentally clicking the wrong thing next to what I wanted.
I’m not counting level differances, as I do enjoy purchasing gear early, especially when it’s cheaper (during off hours.)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Glenn.9765


Please make a spear weapon available on land. I really think all the spear skins look amazing and I think there should be more weapon types available in general.

There should be the option to add a sound to incoming /whisper and party chat messages.

The waypoints on the main map should glow proportionate to how many players are near them, so that you can easily see where the player population is gathering in a zone.

Playing these giant norns should feel like playing giants. You feel like a cotton ball falling to the bathroom carpet when you jump as a norn. The men look like action heroes, yet they run the same, don’t gather momentum, don’t run much differently from humans. Same thing with Jotun. When I knock down a jotun the earth should rumble when he falls. He should smash breakable envioronments around him that he lands on.

attack animations should be more varied. There should be maybe 3 different ways to animate a particular attack chain or spell cast and they should randomize

Please add customizable powers. I don’t like the purple mesmer glow, would rather like maybe have flame effects, or ice, or at least a different color hue? please?

I love this game.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cartoonz.3795


As a frequent Guild Wars 2 player.
I am writing this email to just give a couple of suggestions for upcoming
updates & content.
As a fairly competitive player, I would like to see a dueling aspect, where
players can settle 1v1, who is the best.
As well, as a more hardcore pve’er, I thought it would be awesome to
incorporate larger dungeons. For example, instead of 5 mans, raise the bar
to 25, with pve armour that gives an slight advantage.
Other than those really small things,
I am having a blast!
Keep up the good work.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tipsy.5802


I truly love the shatterer but make him more dynamic/improve his AI
I mean its just a bit stupid if all people are at its left paw that he keeps attacking in front of him.make his head turn or allow his paw to give a big smack when he notices alot of players at one side.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: NightStar.4670


I dunno if this has been suggested or not, there are far too many posts to read through them, so I will suggest this anyway.

I would love to have native controller support. I don’t want to download a third party program to use a controller, it doesn’t feel right, or respond like I want it to. I understand that using the mouse is still somewhat required for things like talking to NPCs, using the trading post, crafting, etc. But using a controller for combat would feel so much more natural to me.
Another thing that would be great is in game voice chat. Preferably for use in groups or even guild.

With these 2 improvements, I could sit back on my couch and play, and only have the mouse to my side to use to click things like my bag or hero screen, or whatever.

One other thing, that isn’t an in game suggestion, rather a game or system/console suggestion. Have you ever considered porting this game to the PlayStation 4? It would open up the possibility of even more players. According to the Sony reps, PC games will be easy to port to the PS4, so I was wondering if the idea ever crossed any minds. And if so, will this be something to look forward to in the future?

Paskal – 80 Asura Thief – Aeon Kleos officer
Meredy Izumi – 80 Human Elementalist [Aeon]
Alruane – 80 Sylvari Ranger [Aeon]

(edited by NightStar.4670)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glenn.9765


Also, could you allow us to auction items within our own guild in addition to the current global market? Just wondering…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Monch.4716



Just want to suggest that if the Living Story update last month is that small, then they must either do a weekly update or a bi-monthly update. It’s really frustrating just to wait a month and we receive so very little.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stevebelis.1569


I have an idea For more guild events,
The game is called Guild wars but there isn’t alot to do for the guild’s .
So i started thinking.

We should let guilds fight to each other to earn lands from Tyria.
The benefits to have a piece of land can be a free teleport to all the waypoints for the guild if they own that piece of land.And some weekly rewards sended to the guild leader for each land they own.+ The guild logo showed so other people can get intrested to join that guild .

How sould it worke ?
there sould be a moment that every guild leader from the game can singn up to participate. They can choose a land to atack .If this land is ownd by an other guild they will fight that guild .If not then they will have to fight mobs and bosses.

More about the gamplay
There will be 2 headquarters
1 for the red team 1 for the bleu (as you can see in the pic)
each headquarters has 3 gates to enter (showed with the numbers 2,3,4,7,8,9)
In each headquarters there will be a crystal that has to get killed. You can give each headquarters 8 catapult. that can be draged by a player (To drag a catapult you sould have a catascroll or somthing .This scroll can be given by the guild leader or somthing so he/she can decide witch player can drag a catapult) .the player with the catapult sould be get slowed a bit not too much but they sould run slower as the normal players.If the player withe the catapult got killed there catapult will be left behind and die slowly ( so the player has a chanche to pic up his catapult again ). If the player that was draginng the catapult die the other team could destroy there cata .When it got destroyed there will be a respawn time on the catapult.

Also you can see there will be 3 main road’s (A,B,C) At each road there will be a tower that the each team can build for blue this will be the numbers 1and 5.
For red it will be 10 and 6 . (maybe you can also put towers infront of each of the 6 gates)
each tower has 2 options slow or damage the player. also each tower can be build only once if the other team takes 1 out i sould be gone for ever.
The goal from the atacker is to push into the enemy base and take down there crystal if they do so the game is over and they are the new owners from that land.
If the defened guild can defend till the time is up (maybe 3 houres or somthing ).then they will keep there lands or if the defened guild can kill the attackers crystal they will win too and keep there land .

To make it all a bit harder you can make it as example.When a guild owns more then 1 land as example 5 then each other guild can atack 1 land but becaus they have 5 lands they can be atackt on 5 difrent lands so you have to choose witch one you will defend and witch one you will let go . but spread it a bit so they have like example 30 mins the time between each atack so when a guild is realy good they have a chanche to defend the 5 lands and maybe lose 1

(I was talking about catapults but maybe you can use golems they are already slowed and it would be nice too )
Oke this took me a realy long time to worke out the idea+ I’m not english so i tried to write it in my best english posible .Sorry for the spelling mistakes and i hope you can do somthing with it


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Warzog.6315


It would be nice to for a Ranger to stow their pets UNTIL they are in combat.
If we fall during a jumping puzzle, or vista, they pop up, and it can be difficult to see where you’re going with them around, forcing you to repeatedly stow them so that you can proceed.
Traveling around can also be a problem, as they tend to be ahead, and off to the left, which can oft times agro enemies that could otherwise be avoided.
That, in turn, causes further problems when you enter or exit instances, map to new areas, etcetera, requiring you to constantly stow them every few minutes.
Personally, I’d love to see pets only activated in two ways, you activate them, or you enter combat; either by initiating combat, or by being attacked.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glenn.9765


I have a rough Idea for a new profession. The concept is that the powers you use are specialized to your race. Maybe sylvari having some cool plant moves or a charr being able to be very fierce and physical (in a ferocious way), Norn with skills that conceptually fit their size and strength, and some kind of engineer/elementalist hybrid. Human racial abilities all call on their gods, so perhaps the humans would be clerics? Maybe they could actually revive from dead, because there is currently no skill that does this.

tl;dr The different races should have a profession that allows the developers to create a more specialized attack animations. I don’t imagine a charr and a human would have the exact same sword form

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glenn.9765


I think different races should have different parts to play in group events. or maybe professions could have a specialized quest objective.
Engineers repair the warp gate. Charr defend against the risen. Also there should be a dynamic story where players have to escort another player to a destination

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noktern.1395


Weapon swaping triggers Skill slot swap maybe, to improve tactical playing. Like when i use my main weapon set the slot skills are A, B and C then i swap to my second weapon set and my slot skills swapped to D,E and F

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: vladoo.9567


Hallo, everyone!
ArenaNet, great job!! The game is amazing and the design of the world is awesome!
Ok, my suggestions are:
1. It will be great if we have something like “dualspec traits”… For example if u are elementalist and want to be support, it will be hard when u are leveling alone, same for guard DPS/Tank… It will be great if u can buy, or just have it, dual spec and u can swap traits, even armors maybe, when u go in Dungeon (maybe 10 min cooldown between swaping)… U will have choice – to be DPS or Support/Tank, depending of ur party members.
2. Something like “ride” or “mount” will be great too, becouse exploring the world is too slow and boring only with spells…
3. And the last one is this – to see ur own name and title ^^
P.S. I didnt read all suggestions so sorry if i repeat someone.
Have a great day! :))

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: viridi.5970


Hello, i’m a lvl 80 mesmer who started playing at the games launch and then took a long break… since my return which is about 3 weeks, I’ve learned a lot about the games changes that were made… When i played, i didn’t manage to 100% complete world map, and since my return, only the past few days I’ve been trying to 100% the world map. Don’t get me wrong please, i’m just not a PVP player, not on my mesmer at least. So I kind of wanted to complain / rant a little about how much I hate that server gusting doesn’t apply to World VS World anymore. Honestly, as a person who doesn’t do much PvP on a medium population server that has people focusing on PvE instead of PvP (whitesides Ridge) It’s really I repeat REALLY hard for me and people like me to get 100% world map completion. I understand the whole World vs World is a big aspect of the game, but it’s unfair don’t you guys think? those on big and pvp focusing servers can easily complete World vs World maps for 100% world map completion, and people like me get destroyed into pieces for DAYS untill we manage to somehow complete 1 of the 4 World vs World maps… I would really love if there would be a different way to complete it, a mode for non-PvP action in WvW? or anything that would guarantee EQUALITY? this game has very balanced classes and gameplay, but the WvW has no equality. Having to wait for weeks until enemy servers change… what are the chances of enemy servers being weaker next time to assure that people have a chance to get all the missing way points and vistas and Points of Interest? there is no guarantee. I think I’m not the only 1 who thinks like that but would really appreciate a little more chances to get 100% world map completion.
All I suggest is doing something with the WvW maps to make them either easier to discover 100% or removing them from world map 100% completion and making a new achievement for completing WvW maps 100%

(edited by viridi.5970)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkenjul.1867


just thought of something random that may be worth mention. I dont know if it has been mention before.
anyways…ground targeting…have the max distance activate like a leap where even though the enemy is out-of-range it still cast but wont reach but the skill is still activated and on cooldown.

What i mean is if i try to cast meteor shower but if I aim too far the skill gets “out of range” but instead why not just let the cast circle execute the spell but automatically at max range.

reason this came up because I’m trying to be fast and cast at maximize distance. Yet sometime i get the dreaded “out of range” and have to try again. Ultimately slowing me down.

i mean its not a deal breaker but this will help with the whole aspect of “like a first person shooter or action game” that Arenanet has mention.