Guesting and Dragon Chest

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



Now since the patch we have all seen the absurd Lag of Sunless, Jormag, Shatter. I was frustrated so I did a bit of research on the forums to see if this was addressed in the DE threads, it was but when I read through them we just had players complaining and that was it. So I spent the last day thinking of how it could be fixed, ( Note I am not a game developer ) not really sure if my suggestion will be a feasible one or if it would cut down on it but here goes.

  • Point 1 Culling issues, I know Arena Net is working hard on this, and I know they are trying to fix it, don’t feel bad Other gaming companies have been doing this for 10 years and still can’t seem to launch a patch with out screwing things up or fix the simplistic things. Although with that said Culling is a major problem, and with a huge influx of Gamer’s from other games it may be wise to put 75% of your work force on this issue. I was a Business owner before my Divorce and I know if I had a major issue that could potentially cripple my company I put a majority of my work force on it to get it fixed. I think this needs to be fix as soon as you guys can figure it out, even if it is gradually fixed in small hot fixes, some progress is better than no progress.
  • Point 2 Guesting, this is a great feature and I love it I have a few friends that rep my guild and just don’t have the Real life money or game money to transfer yet. Although where it has created great things it has also created some horrible things. It has over populated some of the servers and creates a lot of lag in those area’s, now I am not necessary saying create overflows but maybe an expanding upgrade on server capacity would be great. More on this point in Point 3
  • Point 3 Dragon Events and Minor events, With this last patch we upgraded all the dragon chest and Minor chest to give better loot, ( also rumored that precursors have a low low chance to drop from them ) This is awesome and I thank you for your efforts here. Although because of Guesting and the ability to only loot the chest once you have people swarming to other servers under the guesting tag to loot more chest. Now with the Culling issues and the over bearing swarm of players to be greedy this has caused great issues. The other day in Sunless I saw him land and got one maybe 4 spells off then the event was done, Spent nearly 2 minutes in fear, and could barely move, then only revived a Bronze from the event cause I could barely do damage. From what I could tell ( not accurate ) we had over 200 people there and at least 60 commander ranks floating on Mini map. The second time I was in the Jumping Puzzle in Spark Fly when the event happened, I had just finished unlocking all the force fields and started in on the Vet Golem. It took me nearly 1 minute to cast a well with my necro, when it all caught up the golem was at half health and I was dead. I wasn’t even doing the Sunless event and I experienced the lag from the Jumping Puzzle. My solution to this is Make it so you can only loot the dragon chest on your home server, this will still get people to swarm to the events but not make it so it is so swarmed with guest being greedy. Guesting was put forth to allow players to play with friends on different servers, not exploit something to be greedy. Only allowing players to loot dragon chest and Minor Event chest ( Maw, Swamp, Fire Elemental ) on their home servers I think will cut down the problems by 60% if not more.

Anyhow this is my suggestion to Arena Net, thank for the great game and I have faith that you will eventually have everything smoothed out.

(edited by Kaimick.5109)

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tragic.8409


I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened. And we didn’t have the terrible server lag that made arena net put the overflow on the maps in the first place. High Pop servers were high before Guesting, servers like Jade Quarry are unbearably full with guesting. I think there should be a way of cutting off guests abilities to loot chest off of their home server.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened. And we didn’t have the terrible server lag that made arena net put the overflow on the maps in the first place. High Pop servers were high before Guesting, servers like Jade Quarry are unbearably full with guesting. I think there should be a way of cutting off guests abilities to loot chest off of their home server.

OH yeah thank you for that input, My guildie was doing Sunless with us for the first time and in the middle of the fight he got put into overflow with others, Never got credit for the event and didn’t get to loot the chest.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alkorin.5693


I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened. And we didn’t have the terrible server lag that made arena net put the overflow on the maps in the first place. High Pop servers were high before Guesting, servers like Jade Quarry are unbearably full with guesting. I think there should be a way of cutting off guests abilities to loot chest off of their home server.

OH yeah thank you for that input, My guildie was doing Sunless with us for the first time and in the middle of the fight he got put into overflow with others, Never got credit for the event and didn’t get to loot the chest.

+1. Even trying to do the minor events like Shadow Behemoth, I get put into Queensdale overflow and get to have nice chats with people from several other servers who also got kicked into overflow because guesters marauded their servers for the event. This is pretty ridiculous; it’s like all of the guesters are preventing me from doing the event on my own server, which would force me to guest onto another server to do the event, which I can’t do because they’re also all full and I’d just get booted right back into the overflow. This is Queensdale we’re talking about.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcain.9106


Just throwing this thought out there… But if this is happening on all servers could the culprit actually be the max influx of players from the server in one area and not guesting??

I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened.

Was this before the latest patch with the loot changes or honestly when guesting was enabled?
I just think that this whole blame on guesting is total bull. These things have always been happening on every server whenever a huge influx of players try to rush to one area. Remember Halloween? Lost Shores? FotM when that was released? Pretty sure all the problems there wasn’t caused from Guesting.
OP I do agree on your suggestions but I don’t think that it’ll solve the problems.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Just throwing this thought out there… But if this is happening on all servers could the culprit actually be the max influx of players from the server in one area and not guesting??

I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened.

Was this before the latest patch with the loot changes or honestly when guesting was enabled?
I just think that this whole blame on guesting is total bull. These things have always been happening on every server whenever a huge influx of players try to rush to one area. Remember Halloween? Lost Shores? FotM when that was released? Pretty sure all the problems there wasn’t caused from Guesting.
OP I do agree on your suggestions but I don’t think that it’ll solve the problems.

I can fully say that this issue with the dragons has not been a factor till they changed the loot on the chest, which was since last patch. I know in you get a influx of to many it happens ( IE: Lost shores ) Although with the overwhelming influx of guest jumping servers to get the dragon chest multiple times is causing large problems on high population servers ( as I am on Blackgate ). Also note that I originally stated that making it so guest can only receive Dragon chest on their home server probably wont fix the problem it will deminis the issue by what I believe is 60% or more

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcain.9106


I can fully say that this issue with the dragons has not been a factor till they changed the loot on the chest, which was since last patch. I know in you get a influx of to many it happens ( IE: Lost shores ) Although with the overwhelming influx of guest jumping servers to get the dragon chest multiple times is causing large problems on high population servers ( as I am on Blackgate ). Also note that I originally stated that making it so guest can only receive Dragon chest on their home server probably wont fix the problem it will deminis the issue by what I believe is 60% or more

It will lessen the problem by preventing guesting but if this were a guesting issue then wouldn’t there be empty servers? Because this is happening on every server.
Now lets take guesting out of the equation. Players from their own servers would still rush to the events like they are now, there would still be a huge amount of players there causing and experiencing the lag and being forced into overflow.

As a side note I’ve tested the guesting exploit. It doesn’t exist. I’ve tried it on 3 different events on 3 servers and you only get 1chest/event/character/day.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: lweiler.8635


Very simple solution would be to not allow characters to loot major chests (ie dragon chests and meta event chests like shadow behemoth) on other servers. No exceptions at all.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcain.9106


Very simple solution would be to not allow characters to loot major chests (ie dragon chests and meta event chests like shadow behemoth) on other servers. No exceptions at all.

Read my posts. That wouldn’t change a thing. That exploit does not exist.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: lweiler.8635


Even if the exploit doesn’t exist, people still seem to be jumping servers to try it. That causes issues with zones being full and getting bumped to overflows.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

I’m on Jade Quarry, and we just had a bunch of people outraged at the fact that we tried to show up for Shatterer and we were thrown in Overflow, before Guesting was enabled this never happened. And we didn’t have the terrible server lag that made arena net put the overflow on the maps in the first place. High Pop servers were high before Guesting, servers like Jade Quarry are unbearably full with guesting. I think there should be a way of cutting off guests abilities to loot chest off of their home server.

Guesting was implemented a full month ago, yet these complaints only started after the world bosses starting giving decent loot. That is not a coincidence. Even on relatively unpopulated Maguuma where I am, the number of people attending world bosses has skyrocketed, so the effects it would have on a higher-population server should be pretty obvious.

There’s no reason to guest to another server for a dragon event, you can’t get around the once per character per day limit like that and the number of people dedicated enough to make sure every alt of theirs opens every chest isn’t large enough to matter.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tryst.2980


My suggestions on the matter:

1. Do not allow opposing WvW servers to guest to the other servers. I would not put it past some groups to coordinate effort to ruin PvE events on another server they because they are getting hit with the “ugly stick” in WvW.

2. Irregardless of whether the issue is guesting or chest loot, home server members should get priority over guesters, PERIOD. I can’t even get events done on my OWN server. Just ridiculous.

3. My own personal suggestion, color code guesters names with a different color so that I can see who is a guest and who isn’t. I realize some people have stated that the influx is prior people on the server. However, I can tell you, that on my server, I have seen literally dozens of new guild tags roaming around. I have been on my server from day 1 and play pretty much religiously daily and do not recognize half of the tags I see now. So I actually do believe that guesters are a “contributor” to the issues.

Just my 2 cents worth. Peace.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kahooie.7918


It works, I did it once to see if it would work and it did. I got a chest from one sunless, moved to another server and did it again. I got a chest on both. I haven’t done it again cause it just feels wrong, I do see a lot of guild tags on my server that are from other servers. I just tried to get to the maw and got bumped into an overflow. Haven’t seen an overflow in Wayfarer’s since the betas, would it be too much to ask for even a reply from a dev?

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I also just did it with one of my toons hit Sunless on my server waited for the timer on a friends server to hit guested and went to his server. I down sunless and looted the chest all in all I came out with 3 exotics.

One of my Guild Mates also tried this with shatter, and jormag and was successful on both accounts of looting the chest twice. Once on our home server and once of the server he guested on. I am not sure why Arcain.9106 Couldn’t do it but My self and another plus countless others from the Dynamic Event forum and others here have proven you can do it.

Although like another person stated even if it were to not work ( which it does ) how many people are guesting just to try it. Sure there is an greater influx of players from the home server doing it because the loot got upped, but that doesn’t mean that guest are not trying it because they heard you could, which creates even more lag than is necessary.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Golden.4852


For people on this thread to see it, I’ll re-post what I think is the best solution to the problem: A guesting timer. The timer would consist of a delay before entering a foreign server that would vary according to player traffic in the destination server. For example, if people from a certain server are gathering for a World Event, say, Frostgorge Sound to kill the Claw Of Jormag, the incoming traffic increases. Going with that increase in traffic, the delay to join a server would increase proportionally or exponentially. This would guarantee guests no consequences when no world events are happening but would protect ‘native’ from guests overflowing their server.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


For people on this thread to see it, I’ll re-post what I think is the best solution to the problem: A guesting timer. The timer would consist of a delay before entering a foreign server that would vary according to player traffic in the destination server. For example, if people from a certain server are gathering for a World Event, say, Frostgorge Sound to kill the Claw Of Jormag, the incoming traffic increases. Going with that increase in traffic, the delay to join a server would increase proportionally or exponentially. This would guarantee guests no consequences when no world events are happening but would protect ‘native’ from guests overflowing their server.

This sounds great on paper it really does, when I read it I was like yeah this could work, then I re-read it.

Her are the problems with it, unless you plan on kick people off every 45 minutes to every 3 hours then this idea wont work. Sure if one of the dragon events are going then accepting no guest could be put into a que, although once they get in they are there for 24 hours. It wont stop the problem in all honesty it will just make people log on before the event window hits or just after and get the next event. ERGO still the same problem. The easiest solution is just to not allow guest on another server to loot dragon chest, and make it so you can only loot it on your home server. This would cut back on a lot of the issues, although it will not solve the problem entirely it will help it tremendously

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Golden.4852


For people on this thread to see it, I’ll re-post what I think is the best solution to the problem: A guesting timer. The timer would consist of a delay before entering a foreign server that would vary according to player traffic in the destination server. For example, if people from a certain server are gathering for a World Event, say, Frostgorge Sound to kill the Claw Of Jormag, the incoming traffic increases. Going with that increase in traffic, the delay to join a server would increase proportionally or exponentially. This would guarantee guests no consequences when no world events are happening but would protect ‘native’ from guests overflowing their server.

This sounds great on paper it really does, when I read it I was like yeah this could work, then I re-read it.

Her are the problems with it, unless you plan on kick people off every 45 minutes to every 3 hours then this idea wont work. Sure if one of the dragon events are going then accepting no guest could be put into a que, although once they get in they are there for 24 hours. It wont stop the problem in all honesty it will just make people log on before the event window hits or just after and get the next event. ERGO still the same problem. The easiest solution is just to not allow guest on another server to loot dragon chest, and make it so you can only loot it on your home server. This would cut back on a lot of the issues, although it will not solve the problem entirely it will help it tremendously

I have to say that I disagree with that statement. What has to be stopped is ‘event jumpers’. If there’s a delay that makes queued guests miss the fight against the Claw of Jormag, Tequatl the Sunless or the Shatterer, they may decide to simply not come. I doubt that people would log in an hour in advance for something that’s available in their home server in maybe 90 minutes. The reason why people event jump is because it’s an event that they can do right now or very soon. Besides, people don’t get into a world for 24 hours when they guest, they become able to be guests in that server for 24 hours. What happens in most cases from what I’ve heard is that people are in their home world, hear that their guest world has a World Event soon, log in that world, and boom. No more space for the ‘natives’.

The timer would be for guests that want to get in any zone in their guest-able server based on traffic, meaning very low to no waiting time to zones with low population, not hingering their capacity to play with their friends, but preventing guests to ‘World Event Jump’ and ‘steal’ spots from people that live in that server.

I am aware that this isn’t the only required update and that guesting isn’t the only responsible factor for ultra lag, crash and overflowing issues at dragon events.

(edited by Golden.4852)

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


For people on this thread to see it, I’ll re-post what I think is the best solution to the problem: A guesting timer. The timer would consist of a delay before entering a foreign server that would vary according to player traffic in the destination server. For example, if people from a certain server are gathering for a World Event, say, Frostgorge Sound to kill the Claw Of Jormag, the incoming traffic increases. Going with that increase in traffic, the delay to join a server would increase proportionally or exponentially. This would guarantee guests no consequences when no world events are happening but would protect ‘native’ from guests overflowing their server.

This sounds great on paper it really does, when I read it I was like yeah this could work, then I re-read it.

Her are the problems with it, unless you plan on kick people off every 45 minutes to every 3 hours then this idea wont work. Sure if one of the dragon events are going then accepting no guest could be put into a que, although once they get in they are there for 24 hours. It wont stop the problem in all honesty it will just make people log on before the event window hits or just after and get the next event. ERGO still the same problem. The easiest solution is just to not allow guest on another server to loot dragon chest, and make it so you can only loot it on your home server. This would cut back on a lot of the issues, although it will not solve the problem entirely it will help it tremendously

I have to say that I disagree with that statement. What has to be stopped is ‘event jumpers’. If there’s a delay that makes queued guests miss the fight against the Claw of Jormag, Tequatl the Sunless or the Shatterer, they may decide to simply not come. I doubt that people would log in an hour in advance for something that’s available in their home server in maybe 90 minutes. The reason why people event jump is because it’s an event that they can do right now or very soon. Besides, people don’t get into a world for 24 hours when they guest, they become able to be guests in that server for 24 hours. What happens in most cases from what I’ve heard is that people are in their home world, hear that their guest world has a World Event soon, log in that world, and boom. No more space for the ‘natives’.

The timer would be for guests that want to get in any zone in their guest-able server based on traffic, meaning very low to no waiting time to zones with low population, not hingering their capacity to play with their friends, but preventing guests to ‘World Event Jump’ and ‘steal’ spots from people that live in that server.

I am aware that this isn’t the only required update and that guesting isn’t the only responsible factor for ultra lag, crash and overflowing issues at dragon events.

So wait you have never done it before it is all just “What you have heard”, there are people that Jump on hours before an event already and stay on the guesting server for all 7 events then go to a different server. They can usually hit all the events in a matter of 7 hours. If they are trying to do all four server jumps. Although most Jumpers will hit at least 2 events before jumping again.

I know and understand how you probably do not like people disagreeing with your plan but it wont work like that

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Golden.4852



So wait you have never done it before it is all just “What you have heard”, there are people that Jump on hours before an event already and stay on the guesting server for all 7 events then go to a different server. They can usually hit all the events in a matter of 7 hours. If they are trying to do all four server jumps. Although most Jumpers will hit at least 2 events before jumping again.

I know and understand how you probably do not like people disagreeing with your plan but it wont work like that [/quote]

Your refutations keep ignoring my replies… I precised that it was a matter of zone changing. People can stay in a server for 7 hours, every time they change zone the timer would re-start based on traffic. If people come for an event in a guest world’s zone half an hour in advance, which they don’t, then they can bypass the timer.

I have to say, I’m confused. I don’t understand why you keep desperately trying to destroy this idea. I also approve your ideas on the subject, I think it will contribute to lessening the importance of the issue.

Guesting and Dragon Chest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


So wait you have never done it before it is all just “What you have heard”, there are people that Jump on hours before an event already and stay on the guesting server for all 7 events then go to a different server. They can usually hit all the events in a matter of 7 hours. If they are trying to do all four server jumps. Although most Jumpers will hit at least 2 events before jumping again.

I know and understand how you probably do not like people disagreeing with your plan but it wont work like that [/quote]

Your refutations keep ignoring my replies… I precised that it was a matter of zone changing. People can stay in a server for 7 hours, every time they change zone the timer would re-start based on traffic. If people come for an event in a guest world’s zone half an hour in advance, which they don’t, then they can bypass the timer.

I have to say, I’m confused. I don’t understand why you keep desperately trying to destroy this idea. I also approve your ideas on the subject, I think it will contribute to lessening the importance of the issue.

Because up till this point you never said by zone you said by server. Although your idea sounds good yet again this would affect players that are guesting on a friends server that is actually using the guesting application as it should be used and not to exploit the dragon chest.

The timer would consist of a delay before entering a foreign server that would vary according to player traffic in the destination server. For example, if people from a certain server are gathering for a World Event, say, Frostgorge Sound to kill the Claw Of Jormag, the incoming traffic increases. Going with that increase in traffic, the delay to join a server would increase proportionally or exponentially.

If you approve of the idea I had in just making dragon chest available on your home server than there is no reason to implement your idea as it wouldn’t be needed, it would just create more issues with people that are not abusing the guesting. Up till they up the loot reward on the chest and made it so you can only get it once a day, guesting gave no issues to playing. You could do dragon events and other events with no issues. Your theory is to attack the guesting application which is not the problem.

(edited by Kaimick.5109)