Karma should be account-bound

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: mompen.7952



I just want to share my opinion on one thing; the topic says it all really.

I play with several characters, some more than others. I see no reason to not have karma spread out to all of your characters? The character I have played the most have (surprisingly) most karma, and Ive spent hours of hours collecting them. If I want to use my hard spent karma on another character, why shouldnt I?

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcebub.8421


I very much like the suggestion, would be much more convenient to have the same pool of karma for the whole account.. like laurels.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


You can transfer a portion of your karma to your other characters by buying the new orrian jewelry boxes.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vennoth.7698



Karma and PLEASE dyes too!

I cannot be held responsible for the above comment as, apparently, my llama can now type.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: mompen.7952


You can transfer a portion of your karma to your other characters by buying the new orrian jewelry boxes.

How expensive is this? And how much can you transfer? Should be free tho

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: curtegg.5216


Just do dailies and build up your karma jug supplies. I already have nearly 200 of them and nearly 400 drops saved up for my other toons. Also have 2 full bank sections full of dungeon tokens that can be used by my other toons.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: poisonedsodapop.9348


You can transfer a portion of your karma to your other characters by buying the new orrian jewelry boxes.

How expensive is this? And how much can you transfer? Should be free tho

It’s not a “true” transfer in a sense. You can get the boxes from any karma vendor in Orr for 4,550 (if I recall correctly) karma. Upon opening the box you get some karma back in the form of drops and swigs and some other sizes. The thing is in order to do this your character has to be able to go to Orr so low level characters are out. That and it’s not a direct return.

I would also like to see karma account bound. It seems to make more sense.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


You can transfer a portion of your karma to your other characters by buying the new orrian jewelry boxes.

How expensive is this? And how much can you transfer? Should be free tho

with a guild karma booster active, a guild flag karma booster, a personal karma booster all going at once…

you get about 3K karma back for every 4K+ you spend per jewelry box.

You can also “transfer” karma by saving daily and monthly reward jugs and transferring them between characters.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meryt.9823


I traded around 850k karma from my main + about 5 jugs from dailies and geared up 2 alts with lv80 exotic.
The Orrian boxes are RNG and drop various amounts .
Dont see any major problem with current system; though I would like to see a wider range of stats available on the gear.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


i’d heartily love to see something like this enacted. even if we had to buy “karma transfer debits” from the gem store, in order to transfer karma — give us some way, please, to spread karma throughout our account, not just per character.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Would be nice, as the Orrian jewelery box way is far to random for my tastes (I’ve only gotten 1 each of the lowest couple sizes of karma bottles, basically losing thousands of karma in the process)

Right now I’m grinding karma for a pair of weapons for my thief, who’s a bit short on it, so I need like 60k more, would be nice if I could borrow 20k from each of a couple other toons.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

I agree. Currency, gems, and laurels are all account bound…why not karma, too?

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


yes! I agree totally!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oscar.4628


Me gusta.
Would make everything much easier.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I agree. Currency, gems, and laurels are all account bound…why not karma, too?

Because Karma by nature is a persons deeds whether good or bad . The Karma system is fine as it stands now .

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


/signed, was thinking of suggesting same thing, most of other currencies are account bound (and thats great!) no reason for karma not to be

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amaterasu.8639


please make karma account bound anet i got like 100k of 3 character

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


You can transfer a portion of your karma to your other characters by buying the new orrian jewelry boxes.

My 3rd box had the mini inside. I don’t know what the drop rate is. I assume it’s very low.

Karma should be account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Yes. Account bound karma.