No money @ level 80 issue...

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arterus.8163


What nobody seems to stop and think about here is that not all of us can play for hours and hours! Heres an example to clarify: And feel free to call me a terrible player, whatever, this was my experience.

I did the dungeon Twighlight Arbour the other night. after work/food etc. I had about 2 hours to play.

The dungeon took nearly 2 hours as none of us had done it together before (first runs always take time)

It cost me 22 silver in repairs.

I got 40 something (I cant remember the exact amount) for completion and a useless yellow hat!

The loot I received was minimal, and probably netted me another 5 silver.

So all in all in an ENTIRE play session for a normal player like myself I made 27 silver by doing a dungeon (at level 80 incidentally)

this is the problem that makes all the other solutions here a moot point. Everyone says go farm Orr for 2 hours and you’ll be rich… Most of us dont have the time, and therefore the endgame stuff is out of our reach.. Period.

This is no whine, or rant, this is simple fact. So please see it as that.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nearyou.8756


You guys whinning about no money are sooooo BAD! lol.. im lvl 80 and got 270gold . Just by farming Ori ore in Malchor , Cursed and Frostgorge. its just a matter of time to get rich!

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsuki.4013


Oh and also just to mention, I did expetiment, in ways to farm gold without playing the market or anything. Just go do something for pure gold, no events or hearts (tho DEs are a nice addition) found out in some areas i can get about 1-2g from loot in about 30minutes or less. Ofcourse with full MF and and omnom barrs. But that is low ofcourse, runnning around Orr nets me way more.
And ofcourse helping out friends in low level areas that you already completed it is not gona net you big monies, but you will still be in profit, and the DEs still give you 275 karma wich is always welcome.

Daily chest events:
All is vain

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree with the OP that it can be very frustrating for the more casual player to be constantly broke. I feel that you don’t make relatively as much at level 80 as you did at earlier levels. (relatively because stuff costs much less at lower levels)

Also, most people want to be able to play with their normal gear not switch to full magic find just to keep some coin in their pocket.

I’m finding I HAVE to start using MF gear just to get decent loot in Orr. That is just wrong.

And as for routine farming runs to known mining nodes. OMG isn’t this game not supposed to be a grind? Repeating routes over and over again.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


1. Get at least full Knight masterwork gear/trinkets and rare weapons. I say knights because of high toughness, it is so that you won’t get defeated often but still maintain a high DPS.
2. Run Explorable dungeons. Either TA or AC.

They are very efficient moneymakers for PuG. At least do AC/TA with someone that knows how to do the dungeon. I earned 10g from the last few days because I learned how to run dungeons. If you don’t die, you will earn 26 silver + lots of gear to sell. If you are good enough, you will not die. They are also quick to complete, and the mobs there are zergable and requires little to no coordination at all.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: helladoom.4317


“Porting is a major gold sink for the game, without the porting fee, the GW2 economy will become inflated.”

It’s sad that even in a game, so many people consider “the economy” to be more important than people’s well-being.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: FurMaz.1645


So.. this is how you make money:
1. Stop posting on the forum and wasting peoples time about a useless issue
2. Go play the game

So.. this is how you make money:
1. Stop posting on the forum and wasting peoples time about a useless issue
2. Go play the gameI get about 1-2g each time I run arah, and I do that all day
+ all the gold I get off crafting and make legendary precursors

So.. this is how you make money:
1. Stop posting on the forum and wasting peoples time about a useless issue
2. Go play the gameI get about 1-2g each time I run arah, and I do that all day
+ all the gold I get off crafting and make legendary precursorsIn all server doesn’t matter, technique doesn’t matter, MF doesn’t matter.
You just gotta play the game.

So.. this is how you make money:
1. Stop posting on the forum and wasting peoples time about a useless issue
2. Go play the gameI get about 1-2g each time I run arah, and I do that all day
+ all the gold I get off crafting and make legendary precursorsIn all server doesn’t matter, technique doesn’t matter, MF doesn’t matter.
You just gotta play the game.Edit: My post is glitched out.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Level 80 here with not that many money problems.

I can afford pretty much everything I want without much issues. I can’t exactly get a commander book or a triforge pendant or a legendary weapon, but almost everything else is in my means.

Today I spent 10 gold on about 250 Opal orbs for the Emerald pendant (the power/tough/vit one)

I guess it’s because of how I’m getting my gear? Most of my weapons are crafted except my dagger, which I spent about 1 gold on, along with 50 skill points and 30 mystic coins.

Other than that getting 2 sets of gear basically. 5 pieces are the 42k karma pieces from orr karma vendors. The legs have the same stats but I’m getting them from badges of honor (no karma vendor in orr sells light legs with those stats) and transmuting them with CoF gear. So really just need karma, skill points, and CoF tokens for it.

Anet make Rev great again.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: LevelTenNinja.4386


Maybe setting a fixed cost per waypoint based on the level of the area would be good. If it’s a level 1-15 area make the waypoints cost 1-15c to travel to ect, regardless of where you originate from. This would encourage players to return to low-level areas to help their friends and would even make sense from a story perspective, as it would be harder for asuran to maintain waypoints in more dangerous higher-level areas.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amon.5042


My previous post got deleted because it didn’t “provide any meaningful contribution to the topic at hand.”

I responded to the following:

I certainly support a cap of 1s for travel.

This. Very much so.

What I didn’t elaborate in that response was that I understand the circumstance of not getting enough money. I was feeling the same when I got to 80 and was, for some time, unhappy over this. It didn’t help that Orr wasn’t that much fun, and moving around to other areas too much costs an arm and a leg.

I think that the pricing for waypoint travel from levels 70-80 is excessive. I agree that there should be a cap of 1 silver to move within an area. Also, the farthest distance possible between zones shouldn’t be more than 4 silver.

I also suggested in the appropriate forum that players should be able to set a home waypoint. Teleporting to that ‘home’ waypoint would be free of charge, whereas any other waypoint would have the normal fee. That would prevent players from feeling being ripped off when they die and need to pay for teleport on top of armor repairs.

Anyway, as I started to level up another character (which just got to level 80) I was having fun again. Leveling up in GW2 is a lot of fun and, as I began to better understand the game, I started to make money too. I now have 25 gold stored in the bank by leveling up, completing maps, and by selling mats in the Trading Post. I also learned to avoid waypoint travel as much as possible, use WvW or Mists as a hub, and not bother with crafting atm which is another relevant gold sink.

If there’s anything that needs adjustment in end game, IMO (besides a better, more diverse lvl 80 area), that would be transportation fees. They’re too harsh. Players need better mobility to go between areas and enjoy this amazing concept of any area of Tyria being relevant no matter what level you are. Unfortunately, ArenaNet kills the incentive to go forth and explore the world in all its glory (and earn money as a result) by making waypoint travel expensive for high level players.

So, a cap of 1 silver… that simple but poignant idea, very much so.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: issacTheMarker.8530


1.) your income does not scale up as you level sadly. Cost of way points and repairs does scale up.
2.) Gold in gw2 seems to equal platinum in other games…. To illustrate this if you played eq2 from awhile ago, 100g = 1 platinum. In this system however it seem silver = gold and gold equals platinum. Meaning your doing more with silver and less with gold which just isn’t true since things add up. 10g for the best rune of holding…. outrageous.

3) If i were so bold i think at 80 minimum you should be earning 50s to 1g per DE. Flat rate for way points like others have mentioned. Repair system should be adjusted as well.

This is a hot button issue that needs to be addressed soon.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Qbix.4827


I honestly don’t know how people are playing that have problems with their gold amount, but I played 3 chars to 80 so far by PvEing only and have no idea what you are talking about.

As for my second and third chars, I salvaged everything light and medium and sold everything else. Metal is something I don’t need to get by salvaging, I can easily farm it and I don’t need all the different weapons. By the time I got to level 60 I had aprox. 5 gold. AFTER I purchased the second trait book. So you can as well count it as 6 gold. By the time I got 80 I bought some stuff already, but would have naturally been at 5 gold at least.

Doing events and/or killing stuff while gathering gives you enough items to easily balance out any waypoint fees and repair costs. Another hint at this point would be, stop dying so much and stop porting unnecessarily when you could easily walk (both are part of l2p, fyi).

I would be interested in how much money you expect to have at “least” at level 80 and why do you think that everyone having enough money for everything would even remotely be a sane approach to maintain a stable economy in this game. You can’t even make crafting profitable without gathering stuff yourself – which is ok, but it reflects the already far too low prices in the Trading Post for exotic gear.

Furthermore, there is so much to find that you can sell for money. Dyes, doubloons, you can salvage rare stuff for Globs you either use yourself or sell. Gather orichalcum and ancient wood and sell it. Mystic weapons require a laughably small amount of materials to obtain. Every second char I see has exotic gear already. Please tell me why there should be even more money for you.

And one last comment on the gem-gold-exchange. It was primarily built in to provide people, who don’t want to spend money on this game after launch a possibility to get some gemstore stuff after acquiring some gold through playing. The other way around can’t be that far away in terms of exchange rate or everything would get ridiculous. And ArenaNet needs some money made by the gem store. If one would get 8 gold for 10 bucks this game would definitely be a game where you buy 50 bucks for your full gear instead of playing the game.

1.) your income does not scale up as you level sadly. Cost of way points and repairs does scale up.

3) If i were so bold i think at 80 minimum you should be earning 50s to 1g per DE. Flat rate for way points like others have mentioned. Repair system should be adjusted as well.

This is a hot button issue that needs to be addressed soon.

1.) It scales up as well. You get 1,5 silver for every single DE beyond level 70. In addition to the items you find and sell while doing them. Do a random event chain with 5 events within 30 minutes and you have enough money to port everywhere on Tyria, repair your full set of armor and still get aways with some profit. Stop lying pls.

3.) Absolutely ridiculous. 50 silver for spending 5 minutes zerging some spider hatchlings? Are you kidding me? 1 gold per DE? Do you even play the game beyond worrying about waypoint fees and repair costs? There is a quadrizillion other stuff you need money for at level 80, much more money than 1,5 silver waypoint fee. Acquiring exotic gear is already easy. Stop making it even easier. There should be some value in having it you know.

Oh and btw, the stuff I just talked about would just go up in price. The sword that sells for 200 gold right now would then cost 2k gold. Good job.

(edited by Qbix.4827)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


1.) your income does not scale up as you level sadly. Cost of way points and repairs does scale up.
2.) Gold in gw2 seems to equal platinum in other games…. To illustrate this if you played eq2 from awhile ago, 100g = 1 platinum. In this system however it seem silver = gold and gold equals platinum. Meaning your doing more with silver and less with gold which just isn’t true since things add up. 10g for the best rune of holding…. outrageous.

3) If i were so bold i think at 80 minimum you should be earning 50s to 1g per DE. Flat rate for way points like others have mentioned. Repair system should be adjusted as well.

This is a hot button issue that needs to be addressed soon.

I mostly agree.

I expected to find that getting coin at level 80 would be at the minimum the same as at the lower levels relative to the costs of equipment etc. Instead, while I found getting the best gear for my level was easy earlier on, I’m having to switch to MF gear/food and “GRIND” for coin just so I can upgrade to exotics,which are basically necessary to be competitive in WvW.

While some may find this grinding normal if they have tons of time and come from grindy mmos, it is a rude shock and a poor reward for reaching 80,for the limited time casual player who was enjoying the feel of pre-80 play.

I will agree with others that IF you don’t upgrade your gear or spend coin on the other pricey lvl 80 stuff, there is enough you make in game to pay for normal WP and repair costs + add a little to the bank. But it is way too slow and I hate having to buy and carry two sets of gear, MF and regular.

Bottom line level 80 is grindy and a massive anticlimax.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


All I do is play the game and im rich stop wasting your money. Buy some if you cant figure out a way to make any. You need gold I need cheaper gems its a win win.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Also you don’t have to buy exotics… this thread should be removed and we all know why.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Also you don’t have to buy exotics… this thread should be removed and we all know why.

Just because other players don’t agree with you, it doesn’t mean their point isn’t valid. And we don’t know why this thread should be removed.

No, I don’t need to buy exotics, I only have 3 pieces since I can’t afford any more without grinding.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dinks.2478


There is no problem in this game when it comes to giving yourself a stable ecconomy.

15-30 minutes a day is enough to give you 2.50-3g with litte effort, this is by just mining 10 simple nodes in Orr. Add some kills on that, some trees, some mithril and you get maybe 5g for very little work, its usually how I start my day before doing other things.

There is also no good way to “play the trading post market”. The TP doesnt work like an AH, you risk alot by putting stuff up here, because the game always picks the lowest price that is up. I’m still not sure people understand the concept of highest buyer and lowest seller. If I wanna make fast and good money (on most items) I sell to the highest buyer and get payed on the spot. If the current buyers are too low for my taste I can bank my things or put it up for sale, but doing so might rob me of my listing cost.

Getting a full set of exotics should take you maybe 10 trips of farming nodes after hitting 80 if even that. Depending on how much you play those trips can take you anywhere from 5-10 days or less if you play 15+ hours a day.

And regarding what to do after you get all exotic gear? WvW, BGs for fun, dungeons for fun, farming gold to get a the next expansion for free (probably), level an alt or maybe level all crafting skills. There are endless things to do.

What imaginary server do you play on where 10 mining nodes nets your 3 gold.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haku.5068


How are people poor?… I’m making minimum of a gold an hour just doing events… and like 3g an hour(if lucky) playing around with profitable items on the TP.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


How are people poor?… I’m making minimum of a gold an hour just doing events… and like 3g an hour(if lucky) playing around with profitable items on the TP.

Yes, if you don all MF gear and do zerg events over and over you can make 1G + per hour. How is that fun?

It makes ou feel like Just casually exploring is a waste of time when you could be camped at a zerg event making G.

To make 3G an hour on TP you need to start with a fair bit of G in your bank and be watching and analyzing the market. Excel spreadsheet open in bckground ideally.

Not my idea of fun.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obi.9365


I don’t have a huge money issue, but I am all for lower, or no travel costs. I don’t understand the point of it, when the entire game is basically a gold sink already. I can imagine a person with less time to play then me is ripping there hair out. I’ve already bought friends with casual schedules training books, gear etc, cause they weren’t even close to being able to do it themselves, and they’re not doing anything wrong, they simply don’t have the time, and grinding for ANY amount of time simply for gold is not fun for the masses. I dont mind it, but i’m also aware im in a very low percentage of the population. This seems to be affecting the majority%, and without them we have a unpopulated mmo. Who the hell wants to play an un populated mmo..

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amon.5042


As I previously indicated, I got another character to level 80. I’ve now been trying to appreciate the personal story that I left at level 61. Unfortunately, I can’t just focus on that because #1) just equipping my character to level 80 gear has cost me an arm and a leg. #2) traveling and repairing becomes TOO EXPENSIVE. I have to keep getting back to farming and going to the TP in order to cover these stupid gold sink expenses. I find myself rather annoyed and unwilling to continue working on a character that is rapidly absorbing my hard earned resources.

When I felt good about the game and was having fun, I was more than willing to buy gems and support the company who made a game I like. Right now? I absolutely despise the feeling that I’m being somewhat forced to get gems and trade them for gold in order to get by. I detest getting drops of black lion chests that are just a ploy to buy more gems. Maybe I should just throw myself to the gold sellers in order to better support myself for the game’s unrelenting need to eat up money?

If a player needs to become an expert in the TP and farm their eyes out, besides other oh so important strategies to make money (while others declare you’re too stupid if you don’t do them); if the player is forced to get gold by any means necessary instead of just appreciating gameplay, then something is really, really wrong.

My level 80 warrior is yet another character I’m no longer touching. I don’t play just to obsessively farm events and mats in order to be a money hoarder. I play games to enjoy the story, the game world, to be with my pals, and make new friends. If it’s ArenaNet’s objective for their game to be around gold sinks and the gem store, then you have definitely lost me.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I am not sure how the OP gets 4s repair bills for one death. I have full exotic gear and I pay about 1.5 silver per death.

I do agree that the waypoint costs are out of proportion. You can argue all day about the exact amount but I just like to do a little comparison:

Death: repair cost for exotic magic armour 1.5 silver
Waypoint travel to the nearest waypoint 1.5 silver
Waypoint travel from LA to Orr 2.5-3.5 silver
Travelling from Orr to LA via PvP tab free

My question is then: Does this make sense to anyone? It doesn’t really to me. Cash represents a value. Why does traveling one way have a value and the other way does not?

Also leveling causes waypoint costs to go up. This really makes no sense to me. I was in the human starter area yesterday and someone asked for help with a cave troll. From what I could tell there were only 2 people there and teleporting there cost 1.6 silver. With not many people there I considered that it was possible I could die. Sure, I am level 80 but with scaling down, I could die if I end up fighting a champion. They can kill me in a shot or two anyway and if the other guys are down as well then I have to pay another 1.5 silver and perhaps more. And what sort of loot can I expect from a low level event boss/champion/whatever?

So instead of rushing in there and helping out. I was sitting there trying to decide whether helping these players would cost too much.

If anything, that’s what’s mostly wrong with all of this.

And no, I didn’t go there in the end. It didn’t seem worth the risk to me. I only have about 3-4 gold and need to save money for other things. It’s a reality that’s there and it doesn’t encourage players to help each other out in my view.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.