Range indicator on target.

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SyncOnari.1805


I was wondering how hard it would be to implement a ‘range’ or ‘meter’ indicator on a target? I cannot tell you how many time’s I’ve wasted a good skill or two because of a bad guess at how far it is between the target and myself. I was thinking a simple shaded box with white lettering where it was appropriate on the target window, maybe below and off to the left in tiny characters? It would just be a nice, simple (implied) addition.

I’ve attached a picture of how simple the concept is.


I want a range indicator constantly telling me how far away I am from my target so I don’t waste a skill.

Let me know what you think! Would this allow too much of an advantage in PvP? W3?


Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


When you target something, and you see a red bar under your skill, then the target is too far away. No red bar means the target is in range.

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SyncOnari.1805


Well there goes that idea; thank you!

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


You’re welcome
(It took me forever to find that, too!)

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigil.9054


While I’ve known about the red-bar range indicator for a while, I think a range finder, as suggested by the OP, would still be useful. If it’s not difficult to implement, and the devs have the spare time, I’m all for this.

Zoujuu / Seldi Witt
Tarnished Coast

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

While I’ve known about the red-bar range indicator for a while, I think a range finder, as suggested by the OP, would still be useful. If it’s not difficult to implement, and the devs have the spare time, I’m all for this.

yes, especially as the red bar is useless for ground-targeted skills

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


“Eye, What does the range on his life bar say?”

“Uh, his range is over 9,000 Master Zhaitan.”

“WHAT?! OVER 9,000??!!! That can’t be right!”

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phyrak.7260



You win.

-hands over medal made of cookies-

In other news…

I fully support this.

Your watching the enemy health bar and their conditions/ buffs then the little red line of when you’re in range…

It would just be easier on the player and in not creating a distraction when looking for range.

Range indicator on target.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Make the color of the range number two distinct colors..

Red = Not in Range

Green = In Range

Thanks Phyrak! * Nomnomnomnom!!*