Serious tweak to DE scaling is really needed.
Yeah the events just are way too easy when there are more people around. And in orr there are always people around.
Yup. I realized its almost impossible to fail DE least up to where I am. I’m only level 65.
And rather than just spawning more enemies, scale their health instead. Nothing worse than getting focus fired by 15 enemies because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time during a zerg. Maybe build in different levels for a DE where different mobs show up depending on the amount of players or something?
I think they should scale the number of mobs spawned and the health as well. Right now a big pack of mobs goes down in a second, it’s not challenging at all.
DEs are an incredible feature but they really need this fix to keep up with players.
I thought i saw a video where Anet said the amount of players would scale the amount of mobs spawned and their health too.
You should see what some people say when this happens, at Malchor’s Leap there was an event with about 25+ people and alot of mobs started to spawn with alot of annoying veterans which made it hard for the bar to make progress and do you know what people did?
They started yelling and complaining that this is too hard and takes too long and started leaving much to the relief of us others cause it made it a bit easiar to do it and we didn’t have to listen to them, it is a fact that most events can be harder with alot of people around and would be more fun but be carefull how much harder you want it, some people can’t handle the pressure.
I thought i saw a video where Anet said the amount of players would scale the amount of mobs spawned and their health too.
I think they DO scale, just not as much as they need to. I have a feeling Anet didn’t anticipate such a huge number of people playing.
I definitely feel like DEs need to scale more. As of right now, I have a lot of fun doing events when it’s me and 2-5 other people. Once a ton of other people show up, the event isn’t as fun anymore because it doesn’t scale to the extent it needs to and it loses the challenge.
Anet are you looking into this? Can we get any formal answer?
Please realize that as much as DEs are a great feature, they get worse than fetch quests when player number increase.
They need to scale more in difficulty or we’ll be just struggling to get “mob credit”.
That is not entertaining.