The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


The ANCESTRAL weapon will be the ultimate weapon that people could get in the game.

It will be a LIVING WEAPON. It won’t be fully controlled by the character (read further)

It will not be tagged as sword, dagger, staff, etc. It will be a TRANSFORMING weapon depending on what profession carries it with color variations given by the ancestral sigils attached to it

I will not discuss “how to get it” but more on how it should be/look like.
the stats are not important, but the looks will be something special.

The special thing about this weapon is that it will have totally different skills attached to it with the best looking effects in the game.
The skills will be the most explosive A-Net can imagine.
They shouldn’t be tougher then anything else, but MUST LOOK TOUGHER

When equipped by a character it will transform itself into ALL weapons available for that profession. It is a living weapon and so it will be totally random and time based in what type of weapon it will transform.
This would make it a bit harder to master by a player used to only one weapon set but in the same time it will incorporate all weapon sets combination possible for the respective profession.
Equipping this ANCESTRAL weapon, the ability to swap weapon sets during battle will be locked. The weapon will change itself without the player interaction.

Also, within the same weapon type phase, the physical look of the weapon will alternate between 3 different looks at random timer.

To resume, the ANCESTRAL weapon
- has an indefinite physical form until it is equipped by a character
- it can be equipped by any profession and si not soulbound
- its static effects color can be changed only through the use if ancestral sigils
- it comes with special designed skill animations and effects, never seen or used in the game
- it is not more powerful then other weapons but the skill effects have more stronger look
- it transform itself randomly into all possible weapon sets combination according to the character’s profession.

It may be possible, who knows, to have a sort of sigil that will lock the weapon in its current form for those who don’t like to change, but this will be an option not a default feature.
Removing the sigil will return the weapon random morphing feature

Those lock sigils can be sold in gem store for those who want it static

(edited by Ronah.2869)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JackBeShippin.4159


no way lol, this would kitten everyone off who saved for a legendary so much…

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadowwaka.1952


This kinda reminds me of the sword from Fable 3 (except I think that one was the WORST you could get in the game XD). Anywho the idea sounds neat, but JackBeShippin is probably right many people would probably rage after spending so much on legendaries. That said, it could work if you have to do some uber above legendary thing to get it (this does not include buying pretty much everything from the tp :P)

Idk it could work, but then again it could not.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


no way lol, this would kitten everyone off who saved for a legendary so much…

No one said thet the things you saved for the legendary won’t be needed for the Ancestral weapon. If you read carefully i said we dont discuss how it will be obtained, but how it will look.
So, I will answer you with some quotes

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.
Ronald Reagan

The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.
George Bernard Shaw

The reason men oppose progress is not that they hate progress, but that they love inertia.
Elbert Hubbard

People tend to think that life really does progress for everyone eventually, but actually only some people progress. The rest of the people don’t.
Alice Walker

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


i know a good way to optain it then, get all legendarys and combine them and there you have that weapon and the people makeing legendarys and allready have cant fell bad about it as they need that legendary anyway for it

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalarchis.8635


So this is a weapon that switches to a different weapon, with new skills I’m not traited for and don’t want, on its own whim? No thank you.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enakro.9428


The THC is powerful in this one. Seriously? A weapon that morphs at will? Like those warriors that melee stuff on a longbow?
It’s a creative idea but anything short of a shiny cosmetic item it’d be completely useless for absolutely anything since, as your idea states, it keeps morphing, randomly even. People would never pay for something like that even if it were offered on the Gem Store for cheap.
Now, a weapon that you can morph stats and weapon skills on yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Begging for newer, more powerful weapons…I’m guessing you aren’t a fan of Guild Wars 1?

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


The THC is powerful in this one. Seriously? A weapon that morphs at will? Like those warriors that melee stuff on a longbow?
It’s a creative idea but anything short of a shiny cosmetic item it’d be completely useless for absolutely anything since, as your idea states, it keeps morphing, randomly even. People would never pay for something like that even if it were offered on the Gem Store for cheap.
Now, a weapon that you can morph stats and weapon skills on yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea

The weapon morphs randomly once in every 30 min or so. It is not like it will change every 30 seconds. The random changing gives the feeling of a living weapon, with a mind of its own. The weapon is not controlled by the character, only handled by it.

For the people who don’t like to use multiple weapon sets and change between them, this weapon won’t be a incentive to get, but for those liking to change weapon sets it will be very ok. It is all weapons in one. Besides its is usable for all characters one player has in his account no matter what profession it is.

People are just used to have one set of weapons and they only use that. It feels really boring after a while even if you start to “master” those sets.

It may be possible, who knows, to have a sort of sigil that will lock the weapon in its current form for those who don’t like to change, but this will be an option not a default feature.
Removing the sigil will return the weapon random morphing feature

(edited by Ronah.2869)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Begging for newer, more powerful weapons…I’m guessing you aren’t a fan of Guild Wars 1?

I played GW1 for over 5 years and I am a fan of it. This weapon is NOT more powerful, it just has different looking animations for the skills and it is all weapons in one.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshandSarah.5402


nearly impossible to get, childish gimmick, no competitive value, would never be used in combat.
sounds like the kind of weapon I would not want.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


nearly impossible to get, childish gimmick, no competitive value, would never be used in combat.
sounds like the kind of weapon I would not want.

I have the same feeling of the current legendaries. Hmmm.. wonder why?

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshandSarah.5402


you’re right. your weapon suggestion is bad as farming a legendary, with a gimmick that makes it totally unusable in combat, without sacrificing a sigil placement or jumping through some other hoop.
interesting point.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


you’re right. your weapon suggestion is bad as farming a legendary, with a gimmick that makes it totally unusable in combat, without sacrificing a sigil placement or jumping through some other hoop.
interesting point.

having a legendary will get you stuck with it forever. My weapon suggestion will give you unlimited sets of weapons for all characters no matter what profession they are because it is not soulbound. Those lock sigils can be sold in gem store for those who want it static

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshandSarah.5402


right, so now you can’t have a sigil in your weapon if you want it static like it should be, making it worse than exotics.
or you can have it change to weapons you’re not traited for and can’t use effectively making it worse than exotics.
so you’re suggesting a weapon with such an absurd farming time that no one would ever have it, but if god forbid they did, they could only use it to flaunt it around in Lion’s Arch or be slightly worse than players who paid three gold for an exotic.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


right, so now you can’t have a sigil in your weapon if you want it static like it should be, making it worse than exotics.
or you can have it change to weapons you’re not traited for and can’t use effectively making it worse than exotics.
so you’re suggesting a weapon with such an absurd farming time that no one would ever have it, but if god forbid they did, they could only use it to flaunt it around in Lion’s Arch or be slightly worse than players who paid three gold for an exotic.

I like the attitude of nay sayers It is easier to find issues and don’t want to think of how to solve them. I will re-post a quote from above

There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.
Ronald Reagan

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshandSarah.5402


when the core focus of an idea is flawed, i.e. randomly switching weapon type making it impossible to use proficiently, the issue is the idea itself.
and solving it is not implementing your idea.

“Your idea is bad.”

(edited by JoshandSarah.5402)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: shazbot.1497


What does Ronald Reagan have to do with some randomly morphing legendaryish weapon?

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

What if instead of morphing randomly, you morph it via a NPC where you can choose what weapon it is and the stat and the sigil. The weapon skill is the same but with a brand new animation. It morph into 2 one handed weapon if you choose a one handed weapon, so you don’t have to get 2 of them. The color change depending on the stat chosen, the particle effet depends on the sigil chosen.

That would be neat if you actually choose 2 set of weapon to morph, so you get one of these you no longer need any weapon but it. You also have to choose the stat and the sigil on underwater weapon… And hell, the armor too !

You get it you get everything but the trinket. What am I saying, you get the trinket too !

You farm that and you won’t need to farm anymore, with each addition of new stat/tier you just go morph and TADAAA you have it. So you can spend more time with your family.

The only problem is : will there be enought colour and particle effets for all that?

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

That could actually work… But to unlock the stat you have to craft with a lot of that stat material and make a tokken with it and other stuff and give it to the NPC. And it works the same to unlock a weapon type. And you have to upgrade it through the forge for the 2nd weapon set, once more for the 2 underwater weapon, once more for the armor and 3 other time for all the trinket.

Every upgrade and unlock cost around the price of a legendary in term of material and time. I shall call it “The adaptative technologic morpher” or “the ATM”

Good luck farming that…

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


Equipping this weapon will ruin dungeons, fractals, wvw and spvp for many people, the idea is basically for happy go lucky noobs who just want epic skill effects.
PS: many classes already have those epic skill effects , eles, mesmers, necros and guardians.

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

We are talking World boss class effect like u use the necro staff mark, if it trigger half the map will know. And no droppable or craftable precursor, it’s bough with 2500 tokken of every dungeon and 10 000g. Luck won’t be that much of a help.
And how it would ruin anything ? You can get the same power through many other way, just this one is more bling bling. You can’t afford it? Don’t try, just like the legendaries. It will give a long term goal for those who play a lot while enjoying the living story.

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


When equipping the weapon it will override the current traits with a new set. It will not mess up the ones you already have so when you unequip it, you will return to the previous traits
The new weapon traits will be generic and not specific to a weapon type as the original traits are.
Becasue it is a living weapon, it will “take control” of your character sort of that is why it is randomly morphing, but the more you use it, the more the character “tames” the weapon and can make it not change randomly. Here comes those sigils but, hey, some people are not interested in developing this idea, so why bother.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

I like better my ATM but it’s a personal opinion… Yours looks neat too…
Though mine will never realise, it takes too much time to make all those skin for 1 item that probably only a few will have.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I would make it obtainable by the achievement system like the zenith weapon skins. After unlocking all zenith weapon skins, you would be awarded a morphing station which will collect all the skins and transform it into the ancestral weapon skin.
This skin will be applied to any weapon you like and it will transform it.
This system won’t advantage any type of player. It will be obtainable by playing the game and not doing certain things.
You wont need to be the richest man in the game to buy it or you can not have a RNG to your side to obtain it. It will be awarded for all who do something in the game for a sustained amount of time.

Achievement points show your dedication to the game not how many salaries you put in the TP to buy it, or how many hours you have spent farming gold or materials, or how luky you were to get a precursor.
It will be fair for all types of players, PvPers, WvWers or PvEers, hardcore and casuals

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Ancestral weapon…when you have crafted them all…when you combine them all…there’s only one weapon.

Would be cool.

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

So a morphing set of weapons that exponentially increase the amount of data the game has stored on weapons?…

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


so you are suggesting a weapon that in situation where i might need range it randomly and with no control by me can become melee and make me fail against a boss or a dungeon?
i guess i would not use it than… so…

random is always bad for me always, and i play a mesmer so i know what random skills are

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The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

random is always bad for me always, and i play a mesmer so i know what random skills are

engis are laughing at you :P

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


random is always bad for me always, and i play a mesmer so i know what random skills are

engis are laughing at you :P

so i heard, but i don’t have any engi…^^

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The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


The “random” is what’s going to ruin everything
in some situations, you want swiftness, or maybe blocking, or maybe pulling, or reflecting, or curing conditions or dealing conditions (bleeding and burning)or dealing massive damage, or healing or buffing or invulnerability or doing aoe damage, unless the weapon can provide all of that in 5 skills, then it would ruin everything…
also, AP points are mostly for casual players, because neither dungeon nor wvw give a lot of ap points, it’s mostly doing dailies and living story, so basically not a lot of hardcore people will get these weapons…
This idea is for rich noob farmers who spend all day farming orr and don’t really care what their skills are cause all they need to do is damage…

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

(edited by Bismuth.3165)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

Jeeha what do you think of the ATM?

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


Jeeha what do you think of the ATM?

ATM??? I searched google but nothing really explained what that meant
The main point in my argument is the random factor of this weapon, and yes, making it have better effects will kitten of all the people with legendaries, and yes… if not all then it’s going to kitten of 99% of them, like I said before, for example, as an ele doing fractals I have to equip the focus for the destroy projectiles, reflection and invulnerability for harpies and grawl shaman, it adds a lot to my survivability, however if I have this weapon equipped, there’s a chance all I’ll get is just pulling, damage and curing conditions which don’t really help a lot at this part.

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

(edited by Bismuth.3165)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


also, AP points are mostly for casual players, because neither dungeon nor wvw give a lot of ap points, it’s mostly doing dailies and living story, so basically not a lot of hardcore people will get these weapons…

Really? I wonder how you describe a “hardcore player” if doing most of the things in the game makes you a “casual”? Have you asked anyone with over 10.000 AP what have they done to get that much when most of the 1 year casual players are around 6500 or even less?

as for ATM

That could actually work… But to unlock the stat you have to craft with a lot of that stat material and make a tokken with it and other stuff and give it to the NPC. And it works the same to unlock a weapon type. And you have to upgrade it through the forge for the 2nd weapon set, once more for the 2 underwater weapon, once more for the armor and 3 other time for all the trinket.

Every upgrade and unlock cost around the price of a legendary in term of material and time. I shall call it “The adaptative technologic morpher” or “the ATM”

Good luck farming that…

(edited by Ronah.2869)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Have you asked anyone with over 10.000 AP what have they done to get that much when most of the 1 year casual players are around 6500 or even less?

Is that a serious question? The main factor in being far ahead of most people in AP is how many of the dailies/monthlies/living stories you completed. Any1 can run around and grab explorer, hero, jp’s, dungeon master, etc whenever they want but daily alone is 16 AP/day that you can never get if you missed.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Have you asked anyone with over 10.000 AP what have they done to get that much when most of the 1 year casual players are around 6500 or even less?

Is that a serious question? The main factor in being far ahead of most people in AP is how many of the dailies/monthlies/living stories you completed. Any1 can run around and grab explorer, hero, jp’s, dungeon master, etc whenever they want but daily alone is 16 AP/day that you can never get if you missed.

I am very serious.
Are you a hardcore player? If yes, then you should be playing everyday, all sorts of content not only what you like. If not, then you are NOT a hardcore player but just a casual by-passer and you should not complain about not getting APs as fast as others

The same thing happens with farming or buying mats. Farming takes time, buying is instant.

So, I guess any casual can get a the current legedaries from his first game day if they spend enough real cash and using exp crafting boosters will be lvl 80 in less then 10h in
For APs you NEED to play the game. You can’t just buy APs.

Having a Special weapon awarded for achievements shows your dedication to the game not your social status irl

(edited by Ronah.2869)

The Ancestral weapon - the Living weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I wouldn’t call somebody who makes sure they do every single daily every day hardcore (this doesn’t take skill or effort, only directing your play for 2 hours to various unrelated corners of the map). I would question whether or not they have some sort of completion addiction.