What do you want as the next profession?

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Any class designed around a specific weapon idea (dervish, unarmed martiala rtists) You will never see them again. They are too restrictive and do not fit the ideal of the game. The unarmed fighters lack weapons to equip for weapons kills (remember people, classes have to be able to use EXISTING weapons) and the dervish is locked to only one weapon meaning the dervish only ever has 5 skills available on the first bar.

Bards are offensive machines and already in the game (they are warrior poets…aka the kitten warrior class IS a bard people, you shout and you slaughter). Minstrels have no combat ability and would be slaughtered helplessly (British artists aren’t known for being good fighters). Skald could work as a chanter-style…again would need to be close combat though.

The ritualist is already in the game, the engineer and the guardian have everything that was the ritualist, let the dead horse lay burried and forgotten.

Also, the expansions will not be the old style new island/location ones! This game has a very specific story it is telling. One dragon down, 3 to go…and all indications point to Jormag being next…meaning we are going into the mountains and deeper into snow swept locations. The game throws so many mentions of Jormag at us directly that it is pretty clear that will be the next dragon, thus our direction is farther north. IF a new class comes into play it will be a norse inspired one. Expect it to be heavy armored and a brawler in gameplay style (the warrior is more of a weapon master and less of a brawler).

I agree and disagree with your points. First, I do agree with your point about classes based on one weapon not being viable. You are right, the traditional GW1 Dervish would not have a place in GW2, just because it focused only on a scythe. Unless of course, Anet made the scythe a new weapon, that could be used by other classes too, maybe necros or eles. They would also have to give Dervishes the ability to use other weapons, which I think could possibly work…it just wouldn’t kep the feel of the traditional dervish.

Now, with Warriors being Bards and Minstrels not being fighters, i’d have to disagree. You have to keep in mind, it is a fantasy game, so if Anet wants Minstrels to be able to play ballads of death, it shall be done (which would be amazing).

I agree with you on Rits. Ritualists could be a possibility in my eyes, but probably won’t happen. Mainly because if you give them their spirit summoning skills in their 6-9 slots, it will be like engis turrets. Give it to them in 1-5, it will be like mesmer clones. Make the spirits actually mobile, you have a Necro.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I would just like to see getting all existing classes improved with sub classes for better spezialization, character progression, more skills/traits, new talents and so on.

Everything else, that doesn’t find a place then under the sub professions is a potential thing for a new primary class, if its able to have also fitting sub classes.

Warrior needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Berserker – spezialized on Damage Dealing (Berserker upgrade gets renamed to “Swashbuckler”)
  • Gladiator – spezialized in Control
  • Skirmisher – spezialized in Support

Thief needs following 3 Sub Classes

  • Infiltrator – specialized in Support
  • Rogue – specialized in Damage Dealing
  • Saboteur – specialized in Control

Elementalist needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Arkanist – specializes on Support
  • Runologist – specializes on Damage Dealing
  • Sorcerer – specializes on Control

Necromancer needs following 3 Sub Classes

  • Occultist – specializes in Support
  • Witcher – specializes in Control
  • Summoner – specialzes in Damage Dealing

Guardian needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Defender – specializes in Control
  • Augmentor – specializes in Support
  • Sentinel – specializes in Damage Dealing

Ranger needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Hunter – specializes in Damage Dealing
  • Scout – specializes in Control
  • Explorer – specializes in Support

Engineer needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Alchemist – specializes in Control
  • Innovator – specializes in Damage Dealing
  • Technician – specializes in Support

Mesmer needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Bard – specializes in Support
  • Mentalist – specializes in Control
  • Duelant – specializes in Damage Dealing

From that point on, there are only a few class niches left, that could fit as new classes being able to offer also sub classes.

The Visionary

  • Oracle – specializes in Control
  • Ritualist – specializes in Support
  • Shaman – specializes in Damage Dealing

The Lancer

  • Dragoon – specialized in Damage Dealing
  • Marauder – specialized in Control
  • Templar – specialized in Support

That way would have GW2 a much better feel for Character Progression besides getting only some traits and more skills if you could see also your character progressing in its talents becoming able to do more things in the line of specializing either more into damage, control or support with your character.
(Being able to reset your decision like you can reset traits with money, just that this kind of reset would cost a bit more, 1 Gold instead of 40 silver)

And this stuff would set the table for Add On Content for at least 3 add ons adding 1 sub class per class.

And the 2 new classes would perfectly fit as additional classes for the Cantha Add On with the nice project name of “Closer to the Stars”, which is most likely the next to come, together with Tengus…

Only stuff I’d change:
- Elementalist (change runologist into something like Sage)
- Guardian (augmentor?)
- Ranger (add sniper instead of hunter)
- Engineer (sapper, specialized in undermining, making explosions)
- Mesmer (add Enchanter instead of Bard and change Duelant in Duelist xD)

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I would like to see as a new profession a soldier totally opposite to guardian. As guardian is more supportive, this new profession, let’s call it hell knight for now, would have more conditional and crowd control skills. Would be nice, and many people want third soldier. Also i would like a fourth scholar something like mesmer, but more wizardlike. With no elements like elemenatlist, or clones like mesmer, no dead summoning like necro too. Like a wizard with more harmony skills, like opposite to mesemer, as it has chaotic skills.

Practically an evil soldier class: this fits in with all the rest:

+ Ranger
= Engineer
- Thief

+ Elementalist
= Mesmer
- Necromancer

+ Guardian
= Warrior
- ??

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


perhaps a class that combines two. IE a class inspired by Geralt from the Witcher(aka a shadow warrior or something) i’d love to see what arenanet would do with class combinations and what their twist would be on a Necromancer/Warrior hybrid. i definitely feel there needs to be at least one more heavy armor class. like fallen guardians or something.
i would call this class the Vampire Knight.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

(edited by Lightsbane.9012)

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aegis.9354


Probably get flamed for saying this. But i reckon Deathknight’s would be kitten awesome in this game!

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halanna.3927


I hope they don’t make any new professions. I really don’t.

I’d prefer they spent their time and money working on the professions we already have and on horizontal PvE content for what already exists.

The game, as it is now, with the existing professions has soooo many possibilities, so many ways to grow and evolve. So many things that can be added to create more depth of your character.

Spend the time and money on what we have, not new stuff we don’t need.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Probably get flamed for saying this. But i reckon Deathknight’s would be kitten awesome in this game!

Haha I was actually thinking the same thing, but I know Anet doesn’t just want to rip off WoW. Idk…I mean its hard thinking of another plate class, just because Warrior covers SO many other plate classes that could be made, but would be very similar to warrior (tactician, barbarian, soldier, knight, etc). A heavy armor chronomancer was mentioned above, and while I believe it would be a light armor class…I could see it working as a Heavy too…I mean a heavy armored time mage would be something never done in an MMO and would just be soooooo amazing.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

Well if fist weapons were released to apply to monks, i’m sure they would make them available to other professions too (thief, warrior, possibly mesmer or engineer)

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

Well if fist weapons were released to apply to monks, i’m sure they would make them available to other professions too (thief, warrior, possibly mesmer or engineer)

Then do tell me, how would you have your exotic handwraps look different from the fine handwraps crafted by the guy next to you? And under what crafting disciple would they fall?

Besides, it would look dumb to see people punching dragons.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Well for people saying an unarmed class wouldnt work, I think they could make a Monk work. If you dont have a weapon equipped in your main hand, you get your 1-3 unarmed skills. Off hand would be 4-5. Then, they could possibly use weapons like a staff, mace, or sword possibly. You could have a mace in your main hand for your 1-3 then nothing in your off hand for your 4-5. I believe it could work…maybe give them stances for utility skills that when activated give them a different skillset for a short time? Just some thoughts.

Then how would the weapon attack and the rest of the weapon stats apply? Would they get free exotic stats for their unarmed attacks, or would they always have worse stats than someone who would use actual weapons? As I said, it wouldn’t work.

Add handwraps/fist weapons as a weapon choice? Problem solved

And that would be a weapon for one profession alone. I believe weapons unique to single profession are already discussed. The only way I see for unarmed combat to work is as a transformation skill, and we already have that, the Warrior elite skill Rampage.

Well if fist weapons were released to apply to monks, i’m sure they would make them available to other professions too (thief, warrior, possibly mesmer or engineer)

Then do tell me, how would you have your exotic handwraps look different from the fine handwraps crafted by the guy next to you? And under what crafting disciple would they fall?

Besides, it would look dumb to see people punching dragons.

I mean like i said… fistwraps OR fist weapons. I was just brainstorming, forget I said handwraps. Fist weapons could easily be used.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Some heavy armor prof would probably be the most appropriate atm, since there are 3 “mages” 3 adventurers and only 2 soldiers.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I would just like to see getting all existing classes improved with sub classes for better spezialization, character progression, more skills/traits, new talents and so on.

Everything else, that doesn’t find a place then under the sub professions is a potential thing for a new primary class, if its able to have also fitting sub classes.

Warrior needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Berserker – spezialized on Damage Dealing (Berserker upgrade gets renamed to “Swashbuckler”)
  • Gladiator – spezialized in Control
  • Skirmisher – spezialized in Support

Thief needs following 3 Sub Classes

  • Infiltrator – specialized in Support
  • Rogue – specialized in Damage Dealing
  • Saboteur – specialized in Control

Elementalist needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Arkanist – specializes on Support
  • Runologist – specializes on Damage Dealing
  • Sorcerer – specializes on Control

Necromancer needs following 3 Sub Classes

  • Occultist – specializes in Support
  • Witcher – specializes in Control
  • Summoner – specialzes in Damage Dealing

Guardian needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Defender – specializes in Control
  • Augmentor – specializes in Support
  • Sentinel – specializes in Damage Dealing

Ranger needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Hunter – specializes in Damage Dealing
  • Scout – specializes in Control
  • Explorer – specializes in Support

Engineer needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Alchemist – specializes in Control
  • Innovator – specializes in Damage Dealing
  • Technician – specializes in Support

Mesmer needs following 3 Sub Classes:

  • Bard – specializes in Support
  • Mentalist – specializes in Control
  • Duelant – specializes in Damage Dealing

From that point on, there are only a few class niches left, that could fit as new classes being able to offer also sub classes.

The Visionary

  • Oracle – specializes in Control
  • Ritualist – specializes in Support
  • Shaman – specializes in Damage Dealing

The Lancer

  • Dragoon – specialized in Damage Dealing
  • Marauder – specialized in Control
  • Templar – specialized in Support

That way would have GW2 a much better feel for Character Progression besides getting only some traits and more skills if you could see also your character progressing in its talents becoming able to do more things in the line of specializing either more into damage, control or support with your character.
(Being able to reset your decision like you can reset traits with money, just that this kind of reset would cost a bit more, 1 Gold instead of 40 silver)

And this stuff would set the table for Add On Content for at least 3 add ons adding 1 sub class per class.

And the 2 new classes would perfectly fit as additional classes for the Cantha Add On with the nice project name of “Closer to the Stars”, which is most likely the next to come, together with Tengus…

Only stuff I’d change:
- Elementalist (change runologist into something like Sage)
- Guardian (augmentor?)
- Ranger (add sniper instead of hunter)
- Engineer (sapper, specialized in undermining, making explosions)
- Mesmer (add Enchanter instead of Bard and change Duelant in Duelist xD)

Sounds like someone misses the ol’ trinity. Nty, they have different spec’s atm. They just need to be reworked to be more attractive and/or viable.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Any class designed around a specific weapon idea (dervish, unarmed martiala rtists) You will never see them again. They are too restrictive and do not fit the ideal of the game. The unarmed fighters lack weapons to equip for weapons kills (remember people, classes have to be able to use EXISTING weapons) and the dervish is locked to only one weapon meaning the dervish only ever has 5 skills available on the first bar.

Bards are offensive machines and already in the game (they are warrior poets…aka the kitten warrior class IS a bard people, you shout and you slaughter). Minstrels have no combat ability and would be slaughtered helplessly (British artists aren’t known for being good fighters). Skald could work as a chanter-style…again would need to be close combat though.

The ritualist is already in the game, the engineer and the guardian have everything that was the ritualist, let the dead horse lay burried and forgotten.

Also, the expansions will not be the old style new island/location ones! This game has a very specific story it is telling. One dragon down, 3 to go…and all indications point to Jormag being next…meaning we are going into the mountains and deeper into snow swept locations. The game throws so many mentions of Jormag at us directly that it is pretty clear that will be the next dragon, thus our direction is farther north. IF a new class comes into play it will be a norse inspired one. Expect it to be heavy armored and a brawler in gameplay style (the warrior is more of a weapon master and less of a brawler).

All that to express a desire for a heavy armor class?

It’s expected to have preferences and expectations, but none of your rationalizations have any impact on what new content will be introduced. I’d actually be disappointed if devs didn’t pull off something no one was expecting.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kiba.2768


since i have a preference for heavies, i would love another soldier profession, specifically one that can use spears on land. call it whatever name you want it: legionnaire, dragoon(hur dur, no mounts = no mounted infantry) etc. i would like to see some more condition damage dealing heavies(if condition damage is ever given a much needed facelift)

spears, tridents, rifles, greatswords, swords, shields, daggers

skill types:
rallies(support)- applying, removing and transferring boons
maneuvers(control)- knockdowns, stuns, dazes, flanking synergies
armament(damage)- don’t know how to implement this to make it unique from other professions. passive boosts are boring. temporary ones could work, but i feel like sigils and runes already fill that role. condition damage enhancement?

profession mechanic- STOMP. leap(1200 range teleport[leaps up into the air, disappears, 2 seconds later, lands on target] that inflicts all conditions[think opposite of guardian’s save yourselves]). conditions last 5 seconds, STOMP on 90 second cool down(can be traited for 20% reduction).


barrage(ranged attacks)- 900 range, 4 ‘spears’ or ‘pila’ form behind legionnaire(think spirit weapon skin) and fly forward, piercing all enemies in 900 range, inflicting bleed, vulnerability and poison. roots player for the duration(1-2 seconds, not sure yet) with a 60 second cooldown(traited for 20% reduction)

haven’t thought up weapon skills or traits yet, but you get the idea.

i realize i stole the leap idea from the final fantasy series, but a mechanic that uses mobility is something we don’t have in game yet.

(edited by kiba.2768)

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Adine, I actually like the idea, though soldier classes also come with a stipulation (which ANet themselves put on them) that they all have access to hammer/mace and are the only ones able to use those weapons (yes that means medium and light armor wearers, if ANet sticks to this plan, will never see mace or hammer weapons available…which sucks as they fit with Engineer style).

Easy fix I’ll just add a mace off hand and a hammer so the weapon lineup for it now looks like this


With the mace only being an off hand it makes it a little more unique

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dual.8953


Unarmed brawlers are always kitten. Especially when they go over the top. I want a class that can grab their opponent by the face and ram them into the nearest wall. Or do flip kicks for knockdowns.
I think I’d like to see the return of the Ritualist and the Dervish.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Unarmed brawlers are always kitten. Especially when they go over the top. I want a class that can grab their opponent by the face and ram them into the nearest wall. Or do flip kicks for knockdowns.
I think I’d like to see the return of the Ritualist and the Dervish.

Man I would really love to see this unarmed idea come into the game

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mitcho.7926


ANet once made up a 3rd soldier (other 2 are Warrior and Guardian) class called Commando. They even made up concept art for it. My impression of the Commando was that it was very similar to the Engineer. However, that was their little April Fools joke. Watch it not become a joke any longer. Kind of similar to Game Infarcer (Game Informer’s April Fool article that sometimes comes to fruition in a way)

Level 80 Necromancer!

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Some channeling profession. Ritualist for example. (No, I don’t see it in Guardian, I don’t see it in Engineer.)
Could be also good to have some anti-stealth skills…

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: jrod.5879


I want a Ritualist back! It can use weapons available in the game. Not to mention was one of the most asthetically pleasing profession in the game. Cool armor, tattoos, and I love the blindfold idea.

I would also like to see a monk, but not as a healer. I want a Holy Monk. Anyone remember Ray of Judgement??? An offensive monk. Staff Scepters, hammers, maces, and one handed swords. Deeply mysterious, quiet, disciplined. Sort of Last Airbender + Knight Templar + Samurai. But not too “guardianish”. Not a tank. I think its totally doable.

But whats up with the commando rumors?

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Oh, the commando was just an old april fools, stating stuff like “…But a melee class can have TWO weapons. Thats pretty OP, right? So to balance things, we are giving commando the ability to call air support…” (Inaccurate, but thats aboutish what they said in the blog post, I can’t find it anymore)

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: schizandra.4587


According to the wiki, the devs also said that in the Commando character gen you would choose which Call of Duty game was your favorite.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


ANet once made up a 3rd soldier (other 2 are Warrior and Guardian) class called Commando. They even made up concept art for it. My impression of the Commando was that it was very similar to the Engineer. However, that was their little April Fools joke. Watch it not become a joke any longer. Kind of similar to Game Infarcer (Game Informer’s April Fool article that sometimes comes to fruition in a way)

Haha as cool as that would be, Engineer is already way too much like commando, so i’m pretty sure we won’t be seeing commando anytime soon XD

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: danbuter.2314


I’d like both a karate monk (give them gloves as weapons) and a golemancer (would be similar to necro, but with mechanical golems as pets and he’d use guns).

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: alamore.1974


I would like to see The Commando lol j/k

You sir just hit exactly what we need. Heavy armor soldier or commando class.
I don’t have.time for.detailed stuff right now I’ll post later

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Sirendor:

I did use Runologist over Sage, because it sounded best for a type of scholar class, that specialized itself into using rune magic, which is a superior form of using elemental magic capable of creating nature disasters and cataclysms easily of much bigger size, than what we see Eles doing with Meteor Storms currently
I wanted to keep up the profession name “Sage” clean, because I use this one as an increasing level for maybe a later improved trait system with a new size of trait tiers as also I use the term of “sage” priorized for my concept of an improved Guild System Concept, which you do like so much (so far ^^), because I don’t like GW2 currently so much with its tiny tier system consisting only of Adept, Master & Grandmaster.

For me is Sage the absolute highest “wisdom term”, that goes past being a grand master in something and shouldn’t be something, that a playable class in GW2 should be named like.
I hope, that some day the trait/guild system will get improved by increasign the number of tiers from the tiny 3 to a more complex and good 6 tiers system based on

You ask me, what an Augmentor is? ^^ Never played FF13 ?
it would be just a specialization based heavily on the magical part of the guardian that uses the Staff and uses augmentating buffs either for modifying the environment with buff effects, or alterating things to protect others.
It could be for example skills, that could directly buff ally stats temporarely.
Augmentors in FF13 were also mainly supporters that protected allies with various kinds of buffs, like barriers, increased critical hit chances, improved resistances vs. certain types of damages, like projectiles and so on (sadly GW2 so far hasn’t different damage types yet to build on more on that aspect for support alot)
But here they could buff differently either direct damage, condition damage and critical damage at least..would be a beginning ^^

next point.. I absolutely dislike the name of sniper as a class for GW2..
GW2 isn’t Call of Duty, where military class names fit into the game.
Also Sniper is just only a “gateway” to bring the discussion to the point, that Rangers should get a way to get played totally without pets, what you can imply by that class name, that this is something what you want..
But I don’t. Hunter is the more fitting name for a ranger, that is specialized in DD, because they have simple better knowledge of hunting effectively and how to deal effectively damage. They are way better trappers, than simple rangers and being a hunter also has this kind of “sniper attitude”, as hunter are better skilled archers, without sounding too much military.

Sapper… no offense, but I find this profession name suggestion is kitten, it always reminds me on such stuff like again military games ala Call of Duty..

About Bards… have you ever see the pink concept art about Mesmers?
This here?

Have u ever played yet a Mesmer under Water with trident?
Their Skill Button 1 attack shoots MUSIC NOTES and is called “Siren’s Call”

It would perfectly fit to them best, when a Mesmer bard sub class would specialize into lullabying enemies into insanity, sleep, confusion and the like and at the same time buffing allies, just like their already do with their chaos based mechanic of dealing conditions while at the same time buffing them self and allies.

Enchanter doesn’t fit into the game, GW2 has no enchantments anymore and its no profession name at all. Bards are a real profession and thereby would suit better to the role as a mesmer’s sub profession into which they can specialize.
Together with duelants/dueslists they would have a way to specialize either more onto a magic based route with becoming Bards and a more physical based route by becoming Duelists and by that way becoming better in melee battles with improved sword battle styles/moves using rapiers/epees and foils being masters of fencing arts like Raphael/Amy from the Soul Calibur-Series


As thats the way how Dualists fight really fencing with rapiers

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


@ Sirendor:

I did use Runologist over Sage, because it sounded best for a type of scholar class, that specialized itself into using rune magic, which is a superior form of using elemental magic capable of creating nature disasters and cataclysms easily of much bigger size, than what we see Eles doing with Meteor Storms currently
I wanted to keep up the profession name “Sage” clean, because I use this one as an increasing level for maybe a later improved trait system with a new size of trait tiers as also I use the term of “sage” priorized for my concept of an improved Guild System Concept, which you do like so much (so far ^^), because I don’t like GW2 currently so much with its tiny tier system consisting only of Adept, Master & Grandmaster.

For me is Sage the absolute highest “wisdom term”, that goes past being a grand master in something and shouldn’t be something, that a playable class in GW2 should be named like.
I hope, that some day the trait/guild system will get improved by increasign the number of tiers from the tiny 3 to a more complex and good 6 tiers system based on

You ask me, what an Augmentor is? ^^ Never played FF13 ?
it would be just a specialization based heavily on the magical part of the guardian that uses the Staff and uses augmentating buffs either for modifying the environment with buff effects, or alterating things to protect others.
It could be for example skills, that could directly buff ally stats temporarely.
Augmentors in FF13 were also mainly supporters that protected allies with various kinds of buffs, like barriers, increased critical hit chances, improved resistances vs. certain types of damages, like projectiles and so on (sadly GW2 so far hasn’t different damage types yet to build on more on that aspect for support alot)
But here they could buff differently either direct damage, condition damage and critical damage at least..would be a beginning ^^

next point.. I absolutely dislike the name of sniper as a class for GW2..
GW2 isn’t Call of Duty, where military class names fit into the game.
Also Sniper is just only a “gateway” to bring the discussion to the point, that Rangers should get a way to get played totally without pets, what you can imply by that class name, that this is something what you want..
But I don’t. Hunter is the more fitting name for a ranger, that is specialized in DD, because they have simple better knowledge of hunting effectively and how to deal effectively damage. They are way better trappers, than simple rangers and being a hunter also has this kind of “sniper attitude”, as hunter are better skilled archers, without sounding too much military.

Sapper… no offense, but I find this profession name suggestion is kitten, it always reminds me on such stuff like again military games ala Call of Duty..

About Bards… have you ever see the pink concept art about Mesmers?
This here?

Have u ever played yet a Mesmer under Water with trident?
Their Skill Button 1 attack shoots MUSIC NOTES and is called “Siren’s Call”

It would perfectly fit to them best, when a Mesmer bard sub class would specialize into lullabying enemies into insanity, sleep, confusion and the like and at the same time buffing allies, just like their already do with their chaos based mechanic of dealing conditions while at the same time buffing them self and allies.

Enchanter doesn’t fit into the game, GW2 has no enchantments anymore and its no profession name at all. Bards are a real profession and thereby would suit better to the role as a mesmer’s sub profession into which they can specialize.
Together with duelants/dueslists they would have a way to specialize either more onto a magic based route with becoming Bards and a more physical based route by becoming Duelists and by that way becoming better in melee battles with improved sword battle styles/moves using rapiers/epees and foils being masters of fencing arts like Raphael/Amy from the Soul Calibur-Series


As thats the way how Dualists fight really fencing with rapiers

While your ideas are good, like i’ve said, i’m like 99% positive they won’t completely facelift the current trait system into 3 trait trees, 1 designed for each specific role. As they have said, they want to do away with the trinity. If they did what you are suggesting, people would probably be forming a group looking for 3 damage, 1 support, and 1 controller. They want to avoid this as much as possible. That being said, I do like some of your ideas for the “sub-classes” and think some of them could be made into a profession of their own

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


A Rune Master, Dervish, and Ritualist. The Rune Master is an idea I had a while back. with more runic type abilities and enchantments. Such as before say, Swinging their great sword at the foe they enchant the blade with a runic imprint that sets the blade ablaze in a toxic flare dealing additional burn damage and inflicting poison. or Create a Rune ward at target location that heals allies and damages foes over time. things like that. I realize these things can be and maybe even are used in other classes. but these would be more of a focus point for a Rune Master.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


A Rune Master, Dervish, and Ritualist. The Rune Master is an idea I had a while back. with more runic type abilities and enchantments. Such as before say, Swinging their great sword at the foe they enchant the blade with a runic imprint that sets the blade ablaze in a toxic flare dealing additional burn damage and inflicting poison. or Create a Rune ward at target location that heals allies and damages foes over time. things like that. I realize these things can be and maybe even are used in other classes. but these would be more of a focus point for a Rune Master.

I like the idea of a Rune Master. Maybe they could utilize/make combo fields much more than other classes can. The combo system is a great idea and I think they need to do more with it.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I like the idea of a Rune Master. Maybe they could utilize/make combo fields much more than other classes can. The combo system is a great idea and I think they need to do more with it.

That too, yes. XD

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


I would like to see The Commando lol j/k

You sir just hit exactly what we need. Heavy armor soldier or commando class.
I don’t have.time for.detailed stuff right now I’ll post later

I think it would be cool to see a heavy armor profession that specialized in magic or ranged combat rather than just brutes running in headfirst.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Praise.8162


Summoner has always been a favorite of mine

Creatures are super powerful, but can only be inside of your summon circle

Something about that idea that was always cool to me, to have a 40 foot behemoth, but have to get your enemy inside it’s circle.

haunter would be cool too,

Make ghosts on target, enemy needs to attack to remove or something similar to that

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


They need to make a profession called Thief-hunter:
They could sneak up on thieves and kill them in 0.5 seconds.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grileenor.1497


Back to the OP. A Bard and playable instruments for combat and/or RP would be awesome and something fitting well into this game. A Monk would fit both the GW theme and for a new fighting style as well. With a druid like spellcaster, we would have a perfekt trio of classes to add to the game sometime. I would buy those charslots without thought for them

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Sirendor:

Where did I talk about splittin the trait system into 3 trees? Thats something I’ve never suggested!
All I want is GW2 to have more depth and a bit more complexity, when it comes to character progression, because currently this game has nearly no character progression, except getting a hand full of utility skills and mostly kitten elite skills, where half of it can’t be used everywhere, but only on land and those few traits, which are even limited to silly 70 points instead on 150 allowing us to max all traits and gettign full access to full variable builds with 15 instead of only 7 chooseable major traits, what wpuld make character builds alot more flexible and not so extreme static, as its at the moment now.

I’ve nowehere said something, that they should make out of the trait system 3 different ones.
I want Sub Classes, thats niot splittign the traits into 3 different ones.
Sub Classes would just add to the core gameplay of the primary class new elements and features or change their core gameplay to something different and improved, so that the player really gets a good impression on it, that the character has really developed itself further into something more powerful and experienced, than how you were as the primary class. thats basically why i priorize my concept part version 1 over version 2 as with version 2 would there be 3 seperate specializations beside the core mechanics what the primary class brings in…

Only because a class specializes into something, doesn’t mean, that they become unable to do the two other things. Specializing means just only, that the become in one thing better, than they were before with the core mechanics only.

An Elementalist, which specializes to become a Runologist , will still be able to do Support and Control effects, the point is only, he will be in Damage Dealing more superior, than the core mechanics of the Elementalist made it possible as a Runologist will be basically nothing else, than an Elementalist, which is focused mainly on damage dealing and does this in a different style, than the simple Elementalist by using the helpful powers of Runestones to become able to use elemental based Rune Magic over normal Elemental Magic.
Just that a Runologist maybe hasn’t to change between elemental attunements anymore, but has instead an other new special gameplay system that is then based on Runestones instead with different effects which change the effects of how the core skills of the elementalist work turning an Meteor Shower into a skill called Armageddon maybe, when the skill gets used under the effect of Runestone X, while Meteor Shower becomes maybe to “Magma Pillars”, while using Runestone Y and so on turning the mechanic of meteor shwoer upside down making it so, that no something falls down, insteand huge magma pillars rising up from the ground at a random pattern… the possibilities are unendless for this

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Orpheal…do you not understand what the terms pecialize really means? It means you focus upon one thing, which means you inherently get WORSE at everything else. Thus your suggestion is just another way to get the trinity back into the game.

Why would people bring extra support specializations when they want more control?
You effectively start the problems that trinity brings into the game already.

Currently you only see people aksing for classes or builds in 2 places…fractals and speed runs. That’s it…and thats where it needs to stay.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: allias.1420


I would personally love to see a comeback of the deity shape-shifting Dervish and the ghost-summoning Ritualist. That would be too cool for school!

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Allias…if you want ritualist…you have multiple places to see it. Turrets from engineer, clones from mesmer, spirit weapons from guardian.

Diety shifting? More or less elementalist shift between elemental forms or the short lived diety buffs…you have warrior stances.

They placed the original classes within all the current ones. For good or ill it is what we have.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Back to the OP. A Bard and playable instruments for combat and/or RP would be awesome and something fitting well into this game. A Monk would fit both the GW theme and for a new fighting style as well. With a druid like spellcaster, we would have a perfekt trio of classes to add to the game sometime. I would buy those charslots without thought for them

Exactly! I’d love it if monk/bard were the next 2 professions released.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


@ Sirendor:

Where did I talk about splittin the trait system into 3 trees? Thats something I’ve never suggested!
All I want is GW2 to have more depth and a bit more complexity, when it comes to character progression, because currently this game has nearly no character progression, except getting a hand full of utility skills and mostly kitten elite skills, where half of it can’t be used everywhere, but only on land and those few traits, which are even limited to silly 70 points instead on 150 allowing us to max all traits and gettign full access to full variable builds with 15 instead of only 7 chooseable major traits, what wpuld make character builds alot more flexible and not so extreme static, as its at the moment now.

I’ve nowehere said something, that they should make out of the trait system 3 different ones.
I want Sub Classes, thats niot splittign the traits into 3 different ones.
Sub Classes would just add to the core gameplay of the primary class new elements and features or change their core gameplay to something different and improved, so that the player really gets a good impression on it, that the character has really developed itself further into something more powerful and experienced, than how you were as the primary class. thats basically why i priorize my concept part version 1 over version 2 as with version 2 would there be 3 seperate specializations beside the core mechanics what the primary class brings in…

Only because a class specializes into something, doesn’t mean, that they become unable to do the two other things. Specializing means just only, that the become in one thing better, than they were before with the core mechanics only.

An Elementalist, which specializes to become a Runologist , will still be able to do Support and Control effects, the point is only, he will be in Damage Dealing more superior, than the core mechanics of the Elementalist made it possible as a Runologist will be basically nothing else, than an Elementalist, which is focused mainly on damage dealing and does this in a different style, than the simple Elementalist by using the helpful powers of Runestones to become able to use elemental based Rune Magic over normal Elemental Magic.
Just that a Runologist maybe hasn’t to change between elemental attunements anymore, but has instead an other new special gameplay system that is then based on Runestones instead with different effects which change the effects of how the core skills of the elementalist work turning an Meteor Shower into a skill called Armageddon maybe, when the skill gets used under the effect of Runestone X, while Meteor Shower becomes maybe to “Magma Pillars”, while using Runestone Y and so on turning the mechanic of meteor shwoer upside down making it so, that no something falls down, insteand huge magma pillars rising up from the ground at a random pattern… the possibilities are unendless for this

Lets just agree to disagree on this topic. While you have some cool ideas, the purpose of this thread is to suggest new professions, not variations on the old system, so I ask you guys to stick to the OP please. Thanks

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Runiir

Sorry, but I’ve to say that you’re the one, who doesn’t understand here..
If GW2 would have Sub Classes, there would be no trinity, simple because everythign would be still able to do everything.

If you specialize your Ranger into a Hunter, the improved skills will just give the player the impression of becoming better in Damage Dealing over other things.
But that doesn’t automatically mean, that a Hunter would have no Support Skills or Control Skills. They would just work differently than those of a Ranger, who specialized itself into a Scout.

Working differently doesn’t mean, that a Skill must be automatically so overpowered compared to Skills of an other specialization, that people will take only certain classes into their group, when it is still given, that you will be able as group to do everything successfully, regardless of your group setting.
Regardless if you run around now as 5 Hunters, or 2 Hunters, a specialized Guardian, a specialized Ele and a specialized Thief or whatever else for combinations.

The game is build so, that you can do everything with everyone and its absolutely uninteresting, what a class someone plays. if someone priorizes to play more as a supporter as a Hunter, or not..plays no role in the system of GW2, if you just play together, synergizing your skills with others in any way.
Everything that gets only changed by the decisions of taken classes in a group is maybe only in regard of how those 5 players are playing together, how much time they may need to become successful in what they are doing together. Its also a matter of player skill. You can see as a result of this happening a group of 5 hunters doing something maybe faster than a balased class group, but you could also see as result a bmixed class group dong something faster, than the 1 class only group, if the players in the mixed group just had better playing skills and game knowledge so that they die lesser and play together more effectively, than a group which tried to be most effectively, only because theyve chosen a group setting out of a certain class only because its specialized in Damage Dealing.

I absolutely know, what the term of specialization means, but only because you focus yourself onto something, doesn’t mean automatically, that you as a profession instantly forget everything, that you have learned as the primary class before like having an sudden amnesia!!
Specialization in regard of GW2 should just mean, that it should add newe skills, traits, class mechanics, talents and so on to ypour character increasing its possible potentials and abilities, thus making your character more flexible in what it can do and how it can do something.

Lets stay at the Hunter example… a Hunter for example could receive by that specialization other new equipable weapons, than a ranger, who specialized itself into a Scout, thus as a Hunter you gain other new skills, than a Scout.
With that comes in automatically earning othe new traits, than a Scout.
A Hunter you receive as result of the specialization other new core mechanics, than a Scout.
While a Scout for example could receive some new skill types that are unique to them, like Detection Skills, like Analyzation Skills, like Identification Skills ect. a Hunter could receive completely different new features, like becoming able to play with 2 pets simultanously, thus having basically 4 active pets with you chnaing instead of single pets out with each other changing out pet pairs letting the hunter receive as new pet feature the ability to perform Pet Combos.
A Hunter could get alot improved Trapping Skills, because thats what Hunters are also specialized in – Trapping… do you get it? No word here about Hunters becoming Damage Dealing machienes in the first line.. its all about mechanics and features to improve the classes in the first line, what is the biggest part of their “specializations”, where Sub Classes just help to differentiate the primary class into different routes so that you can progress with your character into 1 of several pathes, that you just like the most, giving you more options also to individualize your characters too besides

Sub Classes could be used for more specific armor sets, that would be only avaiable to the specific sub classes to help more in individualizing your characters and strengthening the impression of GW2 having some real character progression.

And I stayed yet only in the circle of these little ranger examples for improvements.
round these possibilities up with just all the other classes getting such kind of specialization options, it would be just so great and GW2 would feel just like having alot more of depth in its class design then.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside