Your class improvement suggestions - 1 each
An AoE autoattack cleave on one of their weapon sets – the axe feels like it was made for this.
o.O you want necro axe auto to be a 600 range cleave that stacks vuln up to 12 on 5 targets?….
Engineer – It’s not much to ask. Flamethrower improvement DPS increase 20% and range increase from 425 to 600.
I’m pretty happy with all the classes, except engineer. That one has TONS of problems. My personal top change for that one would be to change grenade/1 to an auto-attack. I first used grenades underwater and loved ’em. Then I got on land. Gah. Horrible. Did you really intend to give every engineer player “carpal tunnel syndrome?”
I’d also drastically reduce the “starting time” for necro DPS. Once it finally gets all it’s DOTS on things, it’s not bad, but it takes so long get started that stuff is often dead or almost dead by that time: cast times for blood is power and epidemic are much too long. I’d make them instant.
A one handed ranged weapon – I’m thinking either pistol or throwing knife. I feel this would open up a lot of options for the warrior in SPVP/TPVP.
The one handed ranged weapon for Warriors could also be a spear/javelin that they can throw, couple that with the shield. It’s a slow attacking weapon (since the user has to do a throwback animation, and then launch the weapon) that relies on crits and crit damage. With the shield, the combination can be quite versatile in handling foes from afar and in melee range.
Engineer: grenades auto-attack & overall damage buff
Warrior: hammer, no more rooting
Guardian: buff the sword (it’s crap)
Thief: shortbow range
Elementalist: no changes needed
Ranger: fix the melee weapons, make longbow a more viable weapon
Mesmer: no changes needed
Necro: I don’t play it
Warrior: Make “Shake It Off!” clear 3 conditions.]
Elementalist: Buff staff according to my thread.
Guardian: Fix the scepter auto attack
Ranger: Change the ranger:pet damage ratio from 60:40 to 90:10
Necromancer: Find a source of vigor.
Thief: Make reveal last 10 seconds in wvwvw
Mesmer: Make everything less purple.
Engineer: Reduce the flicker on flamethrowers, please! (Has actually caused seizures in my wife twice.)
Engi: overal +30% dps buff
Warrior: -50% damage nerf across the board
Guardian: boon nerf to be on par with engi/ele
Ranger: bow speed buff
Ele: health buff
Necro: dps buff
Mesmer: is fine as it is
thief: stealth must be a shimmer instead of full invisibility.
Overall changes:
- combo field buff
- pet inherit master stats
- personal debuff stacks
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