badges of honor or jumping?

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zezeto.5829


every body going for there legendary and you will need them so you will go to WvW to get them you will do the objective right ? NO cuz you will go to the jumping puzzle spend time to get them and not do any thing and your world will lose but if arena put the badges in every objective even the small ones i would be cool if you put them in pvp to i can buy them with my glory .
that all i have to say i hop this happen cuz I’m going for my legendary and i think going for my badges wont be fun.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


Putting the badges to event rewards would be a great improvement of WvW. Right now jumping puzzles are the best way simply because they are a lot faster. Also 1 guaranteed badge for killing supply dolyak or sentry wouldn’t destroy WvW but make it a lot better for people that just want the badges.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yeah I still can’t understand why JP chests give badges of Honor.

I mean you don’t even have to do the JP, just get a mesmer to port you up.

Dear Anet, please remove badges from JP chests.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

I concur with this. JP badges are a huge mistake.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lara Kroft Rus.3954

Lara Kroft Rus.3954

In PVE, in jumping puzzles, played only on the first two cards, then it is just sick of it! Spoiled nerves and poor sleep – that’s the reward for these puzzles! Better if it is a dynamic and Hearts were given, where the real game!

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: RiKShaw.8795


I agree with your point, not with your englihs

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Atm the jp’s are by far the most effective way of obtaining badges. I cringe at the thought of obtaining any significant amount of badges w/o the jp’s.

Serenity now~Insanity later

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Imo, they should reward more badges when you kill someone. Now, if I kill player or NPC I usually get “2 claws”… WTH?! I want to get rewarded for playing WvW and not with “claws” or other rubbish.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mira.4906


While jp’s are thre most effective way to get them, defending towers, keeps, and taking supply camps reward a lot of badges. I can still get 30-40 badges per day with casual play.

Guild Leader for [Myth] Darkhaven

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lara Kroft Rus.3954

Lara Kroft Rus.3954

I agree with your point, not with your englihs

Sorry, I’m writing a Google search translator.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Atm the jp’s are by far the most effective way of obtaining badges. I cringe at the thought of obtaining any significant amount of badges w/o the jp’s.

You cringe at the thought of actually playing WvW, the best feature of this game?

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

While jp’s are thre most effective way to get them, defending towers, keeps, and taking supply camps reward a lot of badges. I can still get 30-40 badges per day with casual play.

Correct, but you should be rewarded for this and kills. The current reward system is way out of wack. Why would you reward more for doing a jumping puzzle then playing WVW and helping take over and defending bases, killing other teams members.

If you want to reward for jumping puzzles, give them something else.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Atm the jp’s are by far the most effective way of obtaining badges. I cringe at the thought of obtaining any significant amount of badges w/o the jp’s.

You cringe at the thought of actually playing WvW, the best feature of this game?

No..I cringe at the thought of obtaining badges solely via kills as the drop rate of them is…well rather poor. If the rate were increased I would be happy with having them soley linked to kills.

Serenity now~Insanity later

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


True, apart from the occasional skirmish there’s no way at all to get badges. I got like 150 badges without doing any JPs, but doing WvW once a week, since August.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


thanks to the JP chest, i was able to get my Gift of Battle for Bifrost this morning. Zerging and taking forts was not yielding badges for me, so it got tedious and boring quick running around the map looking for fights and repairing damaged armor. Jump Puzzle in Eternal Battlegrounds is more consistent (due to puzzle traps and paths), and do not require me to combat other players (if uncontested), which i do not like doing.

i have to admit i did get a single Badge of Honor…after zerging for 3 hours, and then boringly sat up on a wall to fire the wall cannons for an additional 2 hours. 5 hours for a Badge? that is not fun for me.

thanks to all the mesmers who ported me, also. you players ROCK!

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cheechglg.8734


Putting the badges to event rewards would be a great improvement of WvW. Right now jumping puzzles are the best way simply because they are a lot faster. Also 1 guaranteed badge for killing supply dolyak or sentry wouldn’t destroy WvW but make it a lot better for people that just want the badges.

from doing the 4 Jp’s make bout 30 badges, go kill some invaders, capture supply camps/towers, supivisors of supply camps and tower/keep lords sometimes drop 1 or 2 badges, make some karma, and some silver, also help your server out, can make 100+ badges a day if u put some effort in and not expect everything to be handed to you, hope anet dont even read this post, they listened to to many things like this, hit Lvl 80 an bang got full exotic in no time. Most things are to easy,

Infraction points INC!
[FLEE] Gandara [PUK]

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Will.9785


I’ve played WvW for hours and hours before and I only got 2 badges the entire time and I killed a bunch of people and defending and took towers. The drop rate is way to low. The issue isn’t the jumping puzzle, its everything else.

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


To be honest it is perfectly fair to make legendaries require badges of honor. They are called LEGENDARIES! I could argue that because I don’t like any part of the game except world vs world pvp that the legendaries should be available to me from anything I can do from the world vs world map.

You need what, 500 badges. so like 1 month of wvw including jumping puzzles, killing dolyaks, killing players/guards. I do constant wvw pvp and consistantly get 20-50 badges per day including the three non-EB puzzles.

(edited by Outlavv.2954)