02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside
@Kinkywarrior: After this thread you should know that we never ever fight without outnumbering the enemy 4 to 1, having siege in our backs and of course the mighty FURY alliance to save the day! !
Let’s just say that after fighting on EB before i’ve become paranoid about culling. Just see the AC as a sign of love and respect!
See you on the field!
Rorik Scarchest, UNITY
Aha Dius of all people know what your capable of. We were just surprised
Haha First time I saw that vid. Find it kinda hilarious how Judge attack that force with our 10 man team after we seen how big force you had. We do some kinda headless attacks sometimes…
Cheers for fun battle.
/Osicat <Judge>
Oooo flame fight!! gets popcorn
Aha Dius had sooooo much fun with our 12 yesterday. We thought it would be a meh night but in turned into a blast! The epic stand on the Hills wall with 5-6 infantry and remnants of MM supporting us was probably one hell of a highlight that night
We realize that you be working on guild coordination AG but when we were in Briar and UNTY just got in before we capped it, was it really necessary for the arrow cart xD?
Arrow cart was to my personal request thatthe guys accepted to roll with researching the possibility of quick siege building for big fights (was probably overkill in that situation as we over-numbered) but was fun having you all move back and forward up there.
Charr Guardian – Gandara(EU)
(edited by Oren.1736)
Numbers in WvW are 1 – 3 – 5 – 10 – 20 – 25 – 30 – Blob!
Also when more than 20 you can use the mathematical awesomness of culling and multiply it by 2.339 since this will evaluate how many persons you will think it is when they cull in and out. You can then divide that by 0.3 to get the effect of NPCs and deers in the area that the game never will cull out for you. If you then are close to a area that gets attacked by NPCs you can add 10 to your final number and you will get the attackers standing infront of you!
(edited by Rookni.2469)
Numbers in WvW are 1 – 3 – 5 – 10 – 20 – 25 – 30 – Blob!
Also when more than 20 you can use the mathematical awesomness of culling and multiply it by 2.339 since this will evaluate how many persons you will think it is when they cull in and out. You can then divide that by 0.3 to get the effect of NPCs and deers in the area that the game never will cull out for you. If you then are close to a area that gets attacked by NPCs you can add 10 to your final number and you will get the attackers standing infront of you!
Finally the math behind the visibility of friends & foes is discovered! :-)
Awesome! Thanks for the explanation, made my day! ;-)
Samski, I doubt he never deleted his posts, it was a moderator trying to keep this topic clean.
People have different way of seeing zergs, one thinks a group of 5 people is a zerg while someone else thinks 20 people running together is nothing but a small group. I understood that most of the people don’t see, lets say, 20 member organized guild group as a zerg, wouldn’t that mean when 3 different guilds works together it’s just a very organized group then, no matter what the numbers are as they are all organized?
For me and I’d dare to say that for the rest of Judge those kind of fights are just a challenge, great adventure that is about to happen, no matter what numbers we are facing. Can’t beat them? Try again with different tactic! Still didn’t work? Keep calm and move on but meh, don’t qq in the forums! If you can’t adapt to the situation then you should wipe and keep on failing.
Also I have the strength of 10 men so that naturally skews the numbers quoted as well.
My fellow Gandarans, please stop playing ‘Chase the Thief’!
This afternoon I was watching from atop SM no fewer than 10 Gandarans chasing around like headless chickens after a single Riverside Thief… He had already dropped 3 players and was in and out of stealth taking them down (and probably laughing his head off).
Those players could have been more use helping take a camp or tower instead of Thief roadkill.
Was quite amusing to watch… And kudos to the Riverside Thief, he was making us look like chumps :-(
The truth dies first in a war.
The roman historians had Hannibal cross the Alps despite gruesome snowstorms and hostile barbarian tribes. No wonder this monster defeated the roman armies!
Our guild group, every one as strong as ten ordinary players, was only defeated by a gigantic blob of 50+ enemies, everyone of them tall as a mountain, with legendaries and arah armor!
Herodot counted the Persians as one million strong. How glorious the greek victory over them!
Our small elite team defeated a gazillion enemies, all because of our talent, discipline and sophistication!
On a sidenote: I’m really interested on who we face next week. Three contenders and just a couple more days!
Rorik Scarchest, UNITY
/bow to the solo mesmer scout from “Song” (we found him scouting around Mendon’s Gap). Kept about 4 of us busy for a good while with smoke, mirrors and confusion (even downed some of us a few times).
Considering we were some of the few running dolyaks and patrolling keeps on the map that little fiasco hurt AG a little. Well played.
That’ll have been me then It was good fun. Such a shame the downed state prevents actual kills but hey, thanks for the respect and the shout out! It seems a loner can make a difference, even if it’s just a delay in supplies. I’ll be wandering around again tonight probably. Watch your backs! Gl & hf all.
Yesterday was a brilliant evening on AG border. We faced [WvW] and [TDA] from Gandara and [fx] from Riverside. I think we won about 8 battles and lost about 3, considering in one of our wins we were outnumbered 24-50+, I’m very content with how the evening went!
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Was a fun evening idd , even tho we were outnumbered 100% of the time =)
Lost some won some.
Missed out on today because im getting this error ……
I know a few of our other lads are getting it too, hope they can fix it ASAP!
Your too popular TUP, every time we got a call on the map of your location the entire map showed up to kill you lol. Was pretty funny. You’ve been missed
I only joined later in the evening but there was not that much more to do on our borderlands. The only real threat from AG was TUP. Aurora Glade can be very happy with such an addition.
Unforuntately, this caused our organised guilds to unintentially group up a lot at the battle locations. With no threat, and only TUP attacking something. All guilds were more than happy to fight of course. And the amount of wipes that TUP recieved doesn’t say anything. They showed great skill and in fair fights, would have won a lot of the battles. I hope next days will be less tiresome for you guys. We must have looked like a blob today at times. But i think you learned one thing.. Don’t mess around in Gandara bl!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Nice double-sandwich today on our Borderlands Gandara&Aurora^^
Still have this mighty Guys who build up everywhere rams and kittened up our supps, cant understand whats going on with them, but unplayable for us right now.
See ya next week perhaps.
Greets Myrmi
good fight against them,we made few against them without add and there is always something to learn,hope np dont stick to u and pls np dont die again a /laugh can cost life:p
(edited by Nemesys.7251)
You got a great addition to your server AG in TUP.
I <3 TUP :p
on Piken Square and Gandara.
I forgot River has the masses and the Zergs, you are just Skill;-)
Greets Myrmi
btw……welcome TUP why you left Piken? cause of the bandwag……?
Hopefully they find something more productive to do than troll and ruin a servers enjoyment next week myrmi.
Seems gandara will go up a tier but I’m sure we’ll see you the week after (unless we swap places). Hopefully you’ll be rid of the trolls by then.
Ty Caid appreciate your Post.
Good Luck against Kodash and Augury/Baruch.
Baruch is a joke on PT so i think you will easily stay T3
Greets Myrmi
Ty <Unity> for cross swords tonight, and the other AG guilds we fought. Also ty Gandara Alv Commander for superb teamplay.
/Osicat < Judge>
Hello everyone , lets get the flaming aside and have some fun.
I’m here to inform you that TDA is organizing small scale GvG on friday before resset , probably gonna start around 20:00 gmt+1 .
Why small scale you wonder? I’m inviting all three servers and trying to contact some of the people that are interested, its also to awoid the ques so thats why i’m planing to have it at least max 10v10 , 5v5 , 3v3 2v2 , 1v1.
All servers are invited and all guilds that want to participate, will try to squize in as much people as we can and even might do it on two borderlands.
As i get infor form the interested guilds ill post a ts info on wich ill need to have 1 representative from each guild for easier comunication.
So if you’re interested and want some small scale gvg fights contact me here on forums or add me and pm ingame for more info, also ill update the thread as i get more info.
Just remember guys win or losse its all about fun !
PS- REQ can you please make a similiar version of this on RS forums , id do it but my german aint that good.
I am afraid, if I write anything in the german forum ppl will ignore me or feel flamed :-P. In the end I will get infracted as always. But I will try to inform the people over there and set a team for ourselves. Having very low activity atm and as I get closer and closer to my second legendary, i spend most time in fractals or TP. But we will participate on friday.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Was a lot of fun in RS bl tonite as well , there were guilds and people all over the place!!
Thanks to REQ guys for keeeping us on our toes most of the times , just as we clear one threat you hit from the other side , we had bit more people than you did but you’re still nasty!!
Also thanks to KIss , Unity , Fury and all the other guilds for some nice fights , even tho guys i dont like your turtle blob tactic =)
PS – Zomy ill just add you, and give you updates and stuff as we go colser to friday.
Also anyone else interested in some small cale gvg just poke me, some is up on friday.
(edited by climbatize.8729)
We didn’t mind, was a nice wake up call as we started off quite sloppily! Some of the fights were great so thanks for that, extra shoutout to XXX for some of the later fights in the evening where the numbers were roughly similar. Being the only guild in a zone makes it quite hard to take t3 keeps =/ lol
I really like the way you play TUP.
/respect and /bow
Lamfotha [VcY]
Soosick [VcY]
Had fun Tonight on RS BL, didn’t see much of RS but more Gandara which was unexpected. We were running in a public group so what may have seemed like a group of PUGs was indeed that, but we were all listening to voice comms and following a leader for the evening, working side by side with the guilds on there.
Had some really nice fights all over, highlight of the night was the battle in RS Garrison Lords Room with Gandara, still in the Golem suits, we didn’t manage to get the capture but was still fun
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
We had alot of fun tonight in WvW mostly on Gandara BL
Its been awhile since we had decent fights… with all the issues in Tier 2 with bad ques/culling/ability lag and blobbing… the good fights were few and far between and forget about decent regular small scale even at off peak.
So its been a great change and justify’s moving, to put the fun back into guild and WvW. Something that points obessives overlook, the fun factor…
A fresh new challenge, on a mature friendly and very welcoming community its been a nice change so far.
Plenty of decent action and fights to be had…
We have alot of room for improvement, some of our guys are rusty and complacent… although saying that we have generally been outmanned in most fights. We are adapting to our new surroundings and different enviroment. If gandara bl wasnt t3 tonight would of been even more fun and better fights imo.
I can understand guilds running less raid numbers than us teaming up, but when some guilds running more numbers teaming up then its a bit kitten… a compliment but hopefully that mentality of adapting isnt final answer as it is in tier 2 because recruiting running higher numbers will be boring counter. That being said The blobbing tonight was no where near as bad as tier 2 though…
Plenty of good fights in particular vs XxX when we had more even numbers and less add’s (northwest region outside bay/nw supply camp)
Some decent fights vs Dius/WvW at times (although they were at running less numbers at times)
and also MM but dont recall seeing them that much and was a bit blobby in our few fights.
Also some pretty good fights vs the “infantry” and other guilds not mentioned
Lloantix We Still own that tower as I log mwahahaha
Look forward to some more good fights, hopefully you guys dont get promoted although i think you will because BB are slacking
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
good fight against them,we made few against them without add and there is always something to learn,hope np dont stick to u and pls np dont die again a /laugh can cost life:p
sorry dude, its now tradition for me to /laugh at xxx, in any matter (wiping or winning) – and if dying is problem for you in wvwvw…. in this case you must avoid wvwvw.. and especially crying about it in official forum.
and glory to np (matter of fact to all AG guilds), and thx for saving our arses so many times:)
no mercy, no prisoners
High tiers sucks, they run like in 2 or 1 big blob .. all guild groups blobbed up getting to all crossswords on the map in seconds.
Fighting a blob is so much lag all abilities stop working except the auto attack..
Even far away from a fight.. if somewere in the zone the big blobs hit something, the lag will be so bad it takes about 5-10 seconds to get through a portal to enter a tower or a keep..
If a group looses a fight even if it was a close battle, they dont try again, but come back with double the numbers.
Most guilds on high tiers are very bad in normal battles and the guilds i have seen yesterday give better fights then the high tier guilds. So if you want fun battles you dont go to high tiers. If you want to play for the points and only being able to use the auto attack go to high tiers.
In high tiers its all about the points not about the battles.
So i am very happy we transfered, and we dont mind if you group up a little bit as long it isnt so bad that we get ability lag. And try to give us a chance of winning(fun fights with lots of deaths on both sides)
Was a realy fun night, even if most of us were still rusty from all the PVE to get the transfer money.. Also we need to adjust a bit to your playstyle (lots of cc(roots)/conditions, but soon we will give you better fights
regards Ares from TUP
(edited by Dutchares.6084)
Was a lot of fun in RS bl tonite as well , there were guilds and people all over the place!!
Thanks to REQ guys for keeeping us on our toes most of the times , just as we clear one threat you hit from the other side , we had bit more people than you did but you’re still nasty!!
Also thanks to KIss , Unity , Fury and all the other guilds for some nice fights , even tho guys i dont like your turtle blob tactic =)
PS – Zomy ill just add you, and give you updates and stuff as we go colser to friday.
Also anyone else interested in some small cale gvg just poke me, some is up on friday.
Hey mate, yes we tried to do our best :-D. Wednesday is our worst day, so we roamed with 3 ppl from REQ and 3 ppl from AMOK. Not enough to be a lifethreatening source of fear but well, its enough to keep ppl awake ;-).
I posted in GER-forum. And I’d like to confirm that we will participate with something. Cant tell about the number but it will be around 3-5. Ofc Lonny will also do 1vsZerg on his mesmer. See you there!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Ofc Lonny will also do 1vsZerg on his mesmer. See you there!
Did I miss something?!
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
No, everything is fine!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Plenty of good fights in particular vs XxX when we had more even numbers and less add’s (northwest region outside bay/nw supply camp)
Fighting against you guys has been a pleasure, the Faithleap battle has been one of the best ones i’ve had in quite a long time, fun and challenging as this game should always be. Glad to hear you’ve had a good time too. Much respect.
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
Grats AG for this boost from theese toughs TUP guys, i was not in game last night but it seem finally my friends have had some serious fight without me QQ. I just saw some video scene and since i joined XxX in november this is the 1st time i saw difficults in inc positioning, so much pain for so long time of fight and /bow at end too! (and i was not there! Grrr! Rosik)
i would like to ask to my server to don’t change tier for let me have more then a night to know and challenge my counterpart engi and the stun timing of his finger but i’m sure i will have my turn in the nearly future.
GG all
P.s. please what’s his char name?
Sorry for my fail try of english
Asura Engineer
(edited by Murak.5317)
High tiers sucks, they run like in 2 or 1 big blob .. all guild groups blobbed up getting to all crossswords on the map in seconds.
Fighting a blob is so much lag all abilities stop working except the auto attack..
Even far away from a fight.. if somewere in the zone the big blobs hit something, the lag will be so bad it takes about 5-10 seconds to get through a portal to enter a tower or a keep..
If a group looses a fight even if it was a close battle, they dont try again, but come back with double the numbers.
Most guilds on high tiers are very bad in normal battles and the guilds i have seen yesterday give better fights then the high tier guilds. So if you want fun battles you dont go to high tiers. If you want to play for the points and only being able to use the auto attack go to high tiers.
In high tiers its all about the points not about the battles.
Couldn’t agree with that more!
My experiences in T1 make me never want to go there again the WvW is just boring / laggy / boring xD
Grats AG for this boost from theese toughs TUP guys, i was not in game last night but it seem finally my friends have had some serious fight without me QQ. I just saw some video scene and since i joined XxX in november this is the 1st time i saw difficults in inc positioning, so much pain for so long time of fight and /bow at end too! (and i was not there! Grrr! Rosik)
i would like to ask to my server to don’t change tier for let me have more then a night to know and challenge my counterpart engi and the stun timing of his finger but i’m sure i will have my turn in the nearly future.
GG all
P.s. please what’s his char name?
Sorry for my fail try of english
TUP engi? what race?
Was a lot of fun in RS bl tonite as well , there were guilds and people all over the place!!
Thanks to REQ guys for keeeping us on our toes most of the times , just as we clear one threat you hit from the other side , we had bit more people than you did but you’re still nasty!!
Also thanks to KIss , Unity , Fury and all the other guilds for some nice fights , even tho guys i dont like your turtle blob tactic =)
PS – Zomy ill just add you, and give you updates and stuff as we go colser to friday.
Also anyone else interested in some small cale gvg just poke me, some is up on friday.
Dont expect much from RS. Already jokes about zerging the event. Maybe someone else than me should have asked in Ger forum. I told you ;-).
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Oh well thanks for trying =)
I don`t think that RS is against it, let him troll make that Event and hopefully we will see a vid about the Clash^^.
Greets Myrmi
Plenty of good fights in particular vs XxX when we had more even numbers and less add’s (northwest region outside bay/nw supply camp)
Fighting against you guys has been a pleasure, the Faithleap battle has been one of the best ones i’ve had in quite a long time, fun and challenging as this game should always be. Glad to hear you’ve had a good time too. Much respect.
We enjoyed the later end of the evening, fighting against you in open ground. We had spent a fair bit of time trying to lure you out with out the other guilds, and without you hiding behind houses to jump us. Unfortunately that didn’t work until later! Stop hiding behind houses! We want proper fights, not assassination attempts! But you did give us something to think about, we became a lot more alert throughout the evening.
That being said, on the even field where the initiative was much more neutral, we had some of the best action we’ve seen in weeks. It gave us a kick as to how much form we lost in the boredom of tier 2, and rest assured we will be back on our A game soon enough.
A big thank you to all of the Gandaran borderlands forces last night, your badges were a welcome addition to the pointlessly huge amount of bank space I’ve lost to them, and every repair bill came with a memory of a good fight.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
Dont expect much from RS. Already jokes about zerging the event. Maybe someone else than me should have asked in Ger forum. I told you ;-).
Wayne? Good look to them zerging that event if there are 2-3 groups of each srv… just be sure to focus on the right guys! The flames will be too much fun… “Mimimimi RS is being ‘crossrealmed’ by them evil servers”
I dont have so much motivation left tbh (reading that bs about upcoming changes doesnt help…) but that event is something that’s worth to login I guess…
dangerdoom.3862: We all know your setup by now:
2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 1 warrior and 3 forumtrolls
Just FYI, I think most of RS are pro-event, there was just some troll going “ah well, if my group goes that way and there’s a 5vs5, we’ll run them over anyway, i don’t care”.
Won’t participate myself, but wish you lots of fun anyway!
To the Fury group we just fought in RS bl , thanks for coming out guys! We loved the fights even the one where we died!! I’m just curios on how many people did you have there?
Its all abotu fun for us! =)
Plenty of good fights in particular vs XxX when we had more even numbers and less add’s (northwest region outside bay/nw supply camp)
Fighting against you guys has been a pleasure, the Faithleap battle has been one of the best ones i’ve had in quite a long time, fun and challenging as this game should always be. Glad to hear you’ve had a good time too. Much respect.
/saluteWe enjoyed the later end of the evening, fighting against you in open ground. We had spent a fair bit of time trying to lure you out with out the other guilds, and without you hiding behind houses to jump us. Unfortunately that didn’t work until later! Stop hiding behind houses! We want proper fights, not assassination attempts! But you did give us something to think about, we became a lot more alert throughout the evening.
That being said, on the even field where the initiative was much more neutral, we had some of the best action we’ve seen in weeks. It gave us a kick as to how much form we lost in the boredom of tier 2, and rest assured we will be back on our A game soon enough.
A big thank you to all of the Gandaran borderlands forces last night, your badges were a welcome addition to the pointlessly huge amount of bank space I’ve lost to them, and every repair bill came with a memory of a good fight.
I just answered you on Gandara’s forum! Too lazy to copy/paste and adapt
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
Mmm are we still holding SM? We were having a tough time some hours ago. Please say yes!
i would like to ask to my server to don’t change tier for let me have more then a night to know and challenge my counterpart engi and the stun timing of his finger but i’m sure i will have my turn in the nearly future.
P.s. please what’s his char name?
Sorry for my fail try of english
We have a couple of engies, all of which are asura i believe, Tenarees and Usrnmpls are nades, and I’m the flame thrower one (romerise)… had a great time last night, lots of battles… win some and lose some, but great all round!
To the Fury group we just fought in RS bl , thanks for coming out guys! We loved the fights even the one where we died!! I’m just curios on how many people did you have there?
Its all abotu fun for us! =)
Enjoyed the fights aswell! we had between 11-15 people at that time.
I’ve just started leading and these kind of fights are great for gaining some experience on the battlefield. Thanks guys!
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Dont expect much from RS. Already jokes about zerging the event. Maybe someone else than me should have asked in Ger forum. I told you ;-).
Wayne? Good look to them zerging that event if there are 2-3 groups of each srv… just be sure to focus on the right guys! The flames will be too much fun… “Mimimimi RS is being ‘crossrealmed’ by them evil servers
I dont have so much motivation left tbh (reading that bs about upcoming changes doesnt help…) but that event is something that’s worth to login I guess…
Log in tomorrow slacker! I still love you!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer