1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Lots of fun and frustration in CD BL tonight, Terror[TG] got pretty bored later that night pic related, <3 all three servers hope we fight each other a while longer.

Should have let me know. I would have come over for a dance party, I suspect it would go something like:


~ AoN ~

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Xenth.2408


For the KH thief at Ruins in FA BL.. you know who you are.
You rendered just in time to bow at me after pretty much 1 hitting me.. then walked off and let me get back up from downed. Well played sir. I don’t know how you were stealthed that long and then a heartseeker with that much damage on my toughness? Must be a bugged combat log or something, surely. I was downed before I could even hit evade – see combat log for damage output.
brb rerolling thief

I’m not the thief in question but I’m guessing he stacked might via signets and/or dodge rolling. I assume you know but heartseeker does more damage the less health you have so I’m guessing you were under half when that big HS hit you. I imagine he maxed crit damage too. Even considering that, that’s a pretty big HS hit considering your armor.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Riddickk.7091


Okay – I think I’ll need a little help from someone who was playing on IOJ in EB last night.

Around…9:30pm or so (EST), not really sure – there was those of us on FA doing what we could to save Anz. But CD was highly determined – they set up 12- yes 12- pieces of seige to get into Anz. There was not much for those of us on FA to hold onto Anz.

Our last shred of hope, with the gate at about 20%, was to huddle in the Lord’s room and wait for the CD horde.

But as we stood there for a few moments…the gate wasn’t declining in health anymore, and I look in the distance, and I see fighting on the ground. I think “Oh! Looks like some other group from FA had come to the rescue!”.

But as I get to the front of the tower, all it is on the ground is a sea of red names. Like a tidal wave – IOJ rolls over ALL the seige, and very, very quickly. I laugh in map chat that IOJ is going to steal Anz from CD, I found it clever, even though I really didn’t want to lose Anz. I even mention in map chat that the IOJ numbers seem higher than the CD numbers. We brace for IOJ to auto attack the 20% health gate in mere moments.

But as we literally just stared on….the IOJ horde turns around and runs back to SMC. I mean, we were in disbelief. Perhaps they had a reason, but really, taking Anz would have been very simple for this zerg group.

I know for SURE this wasn’t a double teaming event against CD – IOJ was also actively taking the east side of the map – which by not taking Anz from us, freed us to not only take back our bases, but we even went to take Umber and Durios. I mentioned in map chat I felt pretty bad about taking IOJ stuff after that event.

Really, I wish I had that in fraps. Probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in PVP.

That was [Hel] we needed supply from the camp to the NW of anz to get siege up in SMC and repair all the holes in the keep( it was looking like swiss cheese) so we wiped cd cause they were in the way and ran back in time to save it from a counter push. we laughed at all the siege they had too lol. Litterally 2-3gold in siege destroyed in seconds and around 40 guys killed.

BTW, [Hel] as a guild is no longer posting in these types of threads because of the flame baits and trolling going on. So I am speaking for myself only and I couldn’t resist replying to your post. We were also a bit disappointed that FA was trying to back cap us while we were fighting CD. It is what it is though. Good Fights all around!

Roddrickk-80 Asuran Warrior
Guild: Helioz

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

So here I am in the IoJ borderlands, just minding my own business.

Hanging around at the little island in the bottom with the sentry on it.

When all of a sudden a very rude thief decides he’s going to attack me.

So, I go in and proceed to fight him only to find that in true CD fashion, he’s got 4 buddies with him. So I decide to high-tail it out of there. Naturally they don’t feel like letting me walk off, so they give chase.

Well I run across the bridge thinking they’ve surely given up by now. Only to be binded by that one guardian ability with the chains. Guess they haven’t. Run a little more, take more damage and more CC, but like the little train that could, I keep going.

Well I get close only to fall dangerously low on health. At the last minute with less than 1000 health I manage to switch to water and use my healing abilities, move a bit closer and I gain invincibility. At the same time I introduce them to my friends.


Anet make Rev great again.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Freelancer.4526


Good fights all around. We had a good time thrashing CD around in their borderlands. Some AoN guild was a royal pain in the kitten #8230; but we have plans for them.

+Respect to CD

Tales of Tyria | Team Legacy | www.twitch.tv/fr3elancer

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


I’m sitting here reading the posts, and I can actually see all the little lightbulbs going on over the heads of every CD player.

“Ooooh… they were taking durios because it was the easiest to take. Not because they hated us…..”

Hahaha… silly CD.

Here’s another one: When CD was in 2nd place, that put the Bay (in your borderland) nearest the FA spawn. Bay is a lot easier to take than hills (Which we would have had to take if we were attacking the IoJ borderland while they were in first).

It….it’s all starting to make sense now….

Never the matter, though. FA morale seems to be holding strong.

Good fights so far.

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Desterion.6407


Too bad FA is like ioj and doesn’t have the population to actually fight CD. Just like the point values, they’ve got more population than fa+ioj combined.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Remedy.1784


Had an awesome time last night in CD BL.

Auttoh – d/d Elementalist
Team Legacy – Kaineng

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Folk.2093


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Volatility.6729


To the Val D/D ele cmdr:

Cannot wait to catch you solo when I’m roaming for a 1v1


Ostrich Burger
The Patryns [TP]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kman.7358


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

I’m failing to remember ever coming third place in those matchups you speak of. I know that when it was TC v YB v CD, we lost, yes. However, when we came back up into T3 and replaced YB, we started placing second.

For the rest of this, I’ll say why we’re doing good; We did get more organized. By a large degree, and that’s a huge contributing factor to it. However, we did also gain a few guilds that came from other servers. It is not purely because of those guilds though (But they do help). Our morale as a whole on our server is also high, and people are actually doing WvW, old players and new.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

(edited by Kman.7358)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

May your diaphragm draw ecstasy into your soul so you fight without merit or purpose zerglings.

so sayeth the great innuendo

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hectoncheir.4210


How did this happen, FA? Oh well. Thanks for the free experience and… stuff.


The squid has enthralled me. All glory to the squid! Hulululululu!
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: haarek.5836


It’s true that we (CD) had third place during our first week, but that week wasn’t normal. After the weekend we had a large lead, as usual due to our strong openings. I think we had at least a 10k point lead. But that week was Christmas week, which struck us at CD harder than FA and IoJ. Second week however we were back with our usual numbers, and we won.

We are used to open strong here, we were sometimes ahead of Tarnished Coast during the weekends, so there is not really anything new. I have no idea if we have gained any new guilds, if we have, I haven’t noticed it.

Far as skill goes, we at CD hold “classes” where the more experienced teach the new players, for instance we had one a few hours before reset this week. In my guild we have worked to get the new players, who got the game for Christmas, interested in World vs World. Naturally we improve over time, as do our opponents.

One must not forget the inspiration of being in lead, more people wants to play when the server is doing well, our strong weekends helps a lot there. Far as numbers go, I’d like to say that some of us at CD spends loads of hours in wvw, the same player can face both your Oceanic crew and your European. If we are talking about individual number of players we are not that different, combined minutes however, might be a huge difference.

You might want to take a look at gw2guru’s thread about our first match, we had pretty much the same score difference after the first day.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Finally, someone gets it!

Also, IoJ and FA are getting worse.

See you in the field.

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Desterion.6407


Ioj and FA aren’t getting worse, we’re just not bothering to go out anymore. Any time we go anywhere with our groups on IOJ we get met by a CD zerg 2-3x as big, every single time. Thats only one of the CD zergs too. The number of players participating in wvw is dropping daily because what’s the point? Numbers are what wins fights for CD, nothing else. CD has the numbers to defend SM and zerg both FA and IOJ at the same time, nearly pushing them back to their portal keeps all at once. There is no skill involved just pure overwhelming numbers.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


Ioj and FA aren’t getting worse, we’re just not bothering to go out anymore. Any time we go anywhere with our groups on IOJ we get met by a CD zerg 2-3x as big, every single time. Thats only one of the CD zergs too. The number of players participating in wvw is dropping daily because what’s the point? Numbers are what wins fights for CD, nothing else. CD has the numbers to defend SM and zerg both FA and IOJ at the same time, nearly pushing them back to their portal keeps all at once. There is no skill involved just pure overwhelming numbers.

To-mae-to, To-mah-to

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hectoncheir.4210


@ Desterion.6407 — You obviously haven’t seen [KH] in action, brah.
Need I say more? No.
Edit: Oh wait! Thank you my darling Petra. <3

The squid has enthralled me. All glory to the squid! Hulululululu!
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.

(edited by Hectoncheir.4210)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


A shout-out from the Toast: you should be afraid of [KH].

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

I’m failing to remember ever coming third place in those matchups you speak of. I know that when it was TC v YB v CD, we lost, yes. However, when we came back up into T3 and replaced YB, we started placing second.

For the rest of this, I’ll say why we’re doing good; We did get more organized. By a large degree, and that’s a huge contributing factor to it. However, we did also gain a few guilds that came from other servers. It is not purely because of those guilds though (But they do help). Our morale as a whole on our server is also high, and people are actually doing WvW, old players and new.


Week 51 22-29 Dec is the one he is referring to..
I agree with you, morale is a huge factor in participation. IoJ and FA have bled some guilds also, FA has lost basically the tip of the spear in their NA crew, [PTX] and [ULTD]. CD’s prominent NA guilds like [GoF] and TG] were nowhere to be seen during the holiday season either with guilds like KoME and KH in much smaller numbers; which in my opinion, left CD weak and exposed during that particular matchup. Even now, with high morale and full turnout, CD’s NA morning / EU evening is a very weak link in CD’s coverage if you look at their score evolution.

TL;DR – It’s inaccurate to have expectations of CD based on a matchup over the holiday season. This is a server that was in T2 a couple months ago and plummeted due to transfers. They have always had a formidable number of players in the SEA/Oceanic timezone. Taking into account large guild & individual player transfers enabling CD to improve on their weakest coverage times from SF, DH ([GoF], [TG] etc) and other servers in addition to high morale, people should not be surprised they are a powerhouse server in T3.

(edited by Maniac.5163)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Desterion.6407


A normal zerg can kill people on the lord =o

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hectoncheir.4210


@ Desterion.6407 The definition of a Zerg (In terms of GW2 standards) is a group of people with no VoiP, have no communication and strive for the same objective; to fight and be useless. What’s yours? I’m curious!

The squid has enthralled me. All glory to the squid! Hulululululu!
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.

Here’s the server ladder evolution since release: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/evolution/na

CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Epidemiology.8496


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Finally, someone gets it!

Also, IoJ and FA are getting worse.

See you in the field.

Edit: On second thought… that may have been sarcasm to counteract sarcasm, which would mean I’d been whoosh’d…

(edited by Epidemiology.8496)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


FA, you guys are getting better. It’s an eternal battle struggle between us and you, and I can’t go anywhere without running into a zerg of you guys.

IoJ, I rarely see you guys other than when I’m in your territory, and I’ve noticed that most of your guys seem to be camping the JP. Have you guys just given up this weekend?

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Finally, someone gets it!

Also, IoJ and FA are getting worse.

See you in the field.

Edit: On second thought… that may have been sarcasm to counteract sarcasm, which would mean I’d been whoosh’d…

I approve of this post

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Folk.2093


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.

Here’s the server ladder evolution since release: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/evolution/na

CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.

Factors in dropping/gaining Tiers have always been attributed to transfers and a numbers advantage during specific hours in comparison to their opponents. That’s how it’s always been and that’s what people have been clamoring about for so long. But for CD this isn’t the case, everyone on that server suddenly got better over the span of about two weeks; that must’ve been some training, thanks for clearing that all up.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.

Here’s the server ladder evolution since release: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/evolution/na

CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.

Factors in dropping/gaining Tiers have always been attributed to transfers and a numbers advantage during specific hours in comparison to their opponents. That’s how it’s always been and that’s what people have been clamoring about for so long. But for CD this isn’t the case, everyone on that server suddenly got better over the span of about two weeks; that must’ve been some training, thanks for clearing that all up.

If you are comparing our performance from the first week with now, then that is where your mistake is. It was Christmas and most of our people were not playing for the week. The second week was a better judge of our performance since everyone got back from break and started playing again.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


I think it’s safe to say all 3 servers zerg equally; all the cool guys are doing it. I usually listen to this while zerging to pump me up and increase my skills exponentially. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMAlP6LJca8

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.

Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.

Here’s the server ladder evolution since release: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/evolution/na

CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.

Factors in dropping/gaining Tiers have always been attributed to transfers and a numbers advantage during specific hours in comparison to their opponents. That’s how it’s always been and that’s what people have been clamoring about for so long. But for CD this isn’t the case, everyone on that server suddenly got better over the span of about two weeks; that must’ve been some training, thanks for clearing that all up.

Short time horizons are prone to outliers, if you want to analyze CD performance then a longer time horizon would be more accurate. The longest time horizon available shows that CD performance relative to other servers remains unchanged so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to argue.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


There is no double teaming or anything, its just CD has improved a lot over the weeks and a lot more people have been contributing.
IoJ is heading downhill, and without resistance sooner or later they will drop to fourth tier. Last weeks matchup was very close and fun but this week looks like its CD’s week.
Good luck to all.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

I don’t think it’s that we’re that much better or more organized, I just think our players are more active in WvW right now. We did get some transfers like a month ago, and those new organized guilds are rubbing off a little more on our pug players, but that’s not the reason for the big a difference population wise.

There was a time when we were labeled the unoffical PvE server, though I havn’t heard that in weeks. We did seem to have a bigger drop off during the holiday events, and when fractals were first released. Sure every server has a drop off during that time, but CD often goes from having the most players in the tier to being vastly outnumbered during PvE type events. I guess fractals are getting old, and with no events we’ve got most of our players in the WvW maps.

It’s a double edged sword though, because often we’ve got the numbers advantage one week, and then we’ve lost it the next.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


lol fa is trying so hard to get bay on fabl

are you john madden?

See, the guys who are smarter, see, those are the ones that are going to get the keep. Because they use seige, you know? And seige is something you use to attack walls, and doors. And the guys that use the seige, see, those are the guys who can take down the walls and the doors. But not as fast as if they are upgraded. Because upgrades slow that down. But they still want the keep, because that’s worth a lot of points.

not talking about who is smarter or what.
I’m just laughing cause it took them so long and so much.

and please whoever it is stop posting my id on the lfg website. thats so dumb

Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they’re bigger than everybody else, and that’s what makes them the biggest guys on the field.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


@ Desterion.6407 The definition of a Zerg (In terms of GW2 standards) is a group of people with no VoiP, have no communication and strive for the same objective; to fight and be useless. What’s yours? I’m curious!

I’m pretty sure nobody has ever used such a technical and dry definition of Zerg in a serious fashion before. I’ve never heard of “gw2 standards” applying to what I had previously thought was a universal gaming term.

Most people use it to refer to a group of people that outnumber their opponents to the point that gear and strategy is rendered meaningless. The term comes from the popular video game starcraft, in which Zerg can play what is called a “macro” game where they focus on building an economy and production structures. They then make up for having weaker overall units by having more of them due to a stronger economy, more resources, and more production structures. From a lore perspective, they are also essentially mindless insects, and due to that lore it is frequently considered an insult to accuse your opponents of “Zerging.”

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


cd did not get any better not to even say there bad of any sort but there doing the same exact things they have been for two weeks. what has happend on ioj at least is there isnt enough folks interested in fighting cd anymore. upon reset the guild im in went into the ioj bl and tbh i felt like we were the only guild there. we dont need more people on our server we need more people in wvw that are already on our server. hopefully we get our folks together and try to finish stronger this week. but i kind of feel like alot of folks are hopeing we get pushed down a teir or something. btw ioj stonemist is cool and all but dedicating more then half of our overall forces to get it not worth it at all

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


CD have gotten better because more of us have decided to contribute, there are a lot more players this week than the other weeks, our BL, and EB were full with 20 minute Queues at one point. I do admit though IoJ aren’t doing as good as they did when they first came to T3. Which server is full or is Very High does not matter, its PvE related most likely, Except for TC and SoS, so we should not be hearing about server population, its about who and how many contribute in WvW, not those people who stand around WP or at Trading Post, or even at Crafting Stations, its about who is in the zerg taking stuff and helping about. It has been clearly seen IoJ’s numbers have gone down in their groups, and there aren’t as many groups around. They need to get together and resist against the other servers, or they are on their way down. FA have been the same for quite a while and haven’t changed, which is why they haven’t gone down a tier.
Good luck to all, keep it clean, and hope we have some fun during the weeks.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: rhonyn.6810


^multi map queues?……what is a queue?…..never heard of it. (<—concerned FA player)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


^multi map queues?……what is a queue?…..never heard of it. (<—concerned FA player)

This. Lol

Also – IoJ is looking in danger of dropping to third place this week =/ If it ended today, FA would be in second place by 3 pts.

:D That’ll be a first in over 5 weeks.


Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


It would be nice for FA to take back its spot as the 8th highest ranked server. That’s the highest we’ve ever been. This is our 9th week straight in T3 regardless. We actually had a four map queue in one of the TC/FA/YB reset nights. Amazing we are still here despite a lower population. Just shows how dedicated our WvW guilds are.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

It would be nice if ya’ll over at CD would stop camping the EB jp…IoJ and FA seem to be civil towards each other in there but ya’ll are another story.

Serenity now~Insanity later

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: fragmented.9854


It would be nice if ya’ll over at CD would stop camping the EB jp…IoJ and FA seem to be civil towards each other in there but ya’ll are another story.

Why should I give you free siege again?

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

IoJ talked a big game about being a bunch of diehards, but the past few weeks tell a different story. It’s too bad really.

FA, while not exactly a powerhouse in this tier, clearly has the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back for more.

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


The score from about an hour ago, noon PST.


Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Blrrgh.6908


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

IoJ talked a big game about being a bunch of diehards, but the past few weeks tell a different story. It’s too bad really.

FA, while not exactly a powerhouse in this tier, clearly has the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back for more.

What is the story? Is it anything new or is it the same population problem we have been dealing with for months? The dedicated very small WvW community on IoJ is still doing the same stuff we always have. We asked for people to transfer to us when we went to T1 to help our WvW population, T2, etc etc. Nobody came. I still see the same 30-40 names trying to hold down 4 maps most of the time. Been like this since we went to T1. As far as guts are concerned, I am pretty sure no one in this game or any other really has to worry about “intestinal fortitude” …. saying that just makes you look foolish and makes a mockery of what that means in reality.

IoJ is still looking for WvW guilds and players, no ques, team players welcome!

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

IoJ talked a big game about being a bunch of diehards, but the past few weeks tell a different story. It’s too bad really.

FA, while not exactly a powerhouse in this tier, clearly has the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back for more.

What is the story? Is it anything new or is it the same population problem we have been dealing with for months? The dedicated very small WvW community on IoJ is still doing the same stuff we always have. We asked for people to transfer to us when we went to T1 to help our WvW population, T2, etc etc. Nobody came. I still see the same 30-40 names trying to hold down 4 maps most of the time. Been like this since we went to T1. As far as guts are concerned, I am pretty sure no one in this game or any other really has to worry about “intestinal fortitude” …. saying that just makes you look foolish and makes a mockery of what that means in reality.

IoJ is still looking for WvW guilds and players, no ques, team players welcome!

Good for those of you still trying to get it done. I hope you guys find the players you seek, because right now it looks like there is a rather large fair-weather contingent there.

Also, remember to drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber.

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

IoJ talked a big game about being a bunch of diehards, but the past few weeks tell a different story. It’s too bad really.

FA, while not exactly a powerhouse in this tier, clearly has the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back for more.

What is the story? Is it anything new or is it the same population problem we have been dealing with for months? The dedicated very small WvW community on IoJ is still doing the same stuff we always have. We asked for people to transfer to us when we went to T1 to help our WvW population, T2, etc etc. Nobody came. I still see the same 30-40 names trying to hold down 4 maps most of the time. Been like this since we went to T1. As far as guts are concerned, I am pretty sure no one in this game or any other really has to worry about “intestinal fortitude” …. saying that just makes you look foolish and makes a mockery of what that means in reality.

IoJ is still looking for WvW guilds and players, no ques, team players welcome!

With IoJ being full most of the time, don’t you think it’s hard to find transfers? Why not tap into the PVE population? They’ve been holding your server back from big transfers, btw. Maybe it’s time to do some educating on why they should start WvW-ing.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


I know for SURE this wasn’t a double teaming event against CD – IOJ was also actively taking the east side of the map – which by not taking Anz from us, freed us to not only take back our bases, but we even went to take Umber and Durios. I mentioned in map chat I felt pretty bad about taking IOJ stuff after that event.

Really, I wish I had that in fraps. Probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in PVP.

I’d expect to see more of this as the game matures, particularly because having been involved in similar things I can say that it’s really funny to crush a bunch of people like you’re stealing a capture from them but then just leave because you only really didn’t want them to get a particular good position.

Organized guilds are going to become more capable of doing this kind of thing for sure. Not so sure about pug commanders ever getting that capacity though.

I don’t feel they are worth spending 4 alphas to make one, personally, while its cool they can hit from range and can hit walls, its almost always a better choice to use trebs/catas for walls.

That’s true of flame rams on a gate as well. The only benefit to golems is that your enemy doesn’t know where they will strike, and if you can get them out of combat to way point you don’t need to feel committed to attacking a spot once defenders put up too much resistance.

I’m not the thief in question but I’m guessing he stacked might via signets and/or dodge rolling. I assume you know but heartseeker does more damage the less health you have so I’m guessing you were under half when that big HS hit you. I imagine he maxed crit damage too. Even considering that, that’s a pretty big HS hit considering your armor.

If you look at the combat log in the screenie you’ll see that they opened up for 10k, did the little steal deal for about 2k total, and then when at half health the next hit was 9k. Full Mesmer health bar right there (and even if you got the hp higher it’s not like the thief wouldn’t just have the initiative for another heartseeker.)

So far as I can tell when it comes to getting hit by a d/d thief out of combat mesmers are in the worst position of any class. If the illusions were pets that we could just keep out like necros then we could pop them for a few options but the couple of utility skills that might be useful here don’t lend much to larger combats. Basically if you run 1h sword and you have good reflexes you can pop the one that blurs you and hope the thief renders so you get to see them before you’re dead.

I feel great against the ones that run double pistol but get the feeling I’ve never seen that really done to the cheesy extreme that’s all over the place with double dagger.
Heartseeker openers are pretty hillarious when ungeared thieves try it though.

I’m sitting here reading the posts, and I can actually see all the little lightbulbs going on over the heads of every CD player.

“Ooooh… they were taking durios because it was the easiest to take. Not because they hated us…..”

Hahaha… silly CD.

Here’s another one: When CD was in 2nd place, that put the Bay (in your borderland) nearest the FA spawn. Bay is a lot easier to take than hills (Which we would have had to take if we were attacking the IoJ borderland while they were in first).

It….it’s all starting to make sense now….

Never the matter, though. FA morale seems to be holding strong.

Good fights so far.

All things I addressed.
Plus I made that “bully” post about how it had better turn out to be map positioning.

If the weekday numbers settle down to what they were last week then we’re still going to see the both of you all over our borderland though.

Too bad FA is like ioj and doesn’t have the population to actually fight CD. Just like the point values, they’ve got more population than fa+ioj combined.

Based on Friday night you didn’t have enough players to come to IoJBL at all but I also can’t imagine you’d have split only enough for a queue in your home BL to all the other maps. That’s the kind of population you’d got during week days, not at all fit for the opening night.

What happened is that your fair weather players* have quit because things weren’t going well for them.
*Not that fair weather because hey, you’ve been fighting CD for quite awhile now. I’d guess the usual Friday burst players are probably the least tenacious though- the good ones that actually kept fighting in your home map will be around a lot during the week and I think that will even improve your reputation as a server.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?

If you mean last weeks score then yes. If you mean the score so far this week not quite.

Our WvW attendance around the holidays was abysmal. We told ourselves “the other servers are all dealing with it too” but as far as I can tell they just weren’t. Not this bad. What we have right now feels more like the crowds that stomped all those tier four servers after our big guilds were getting tired of unfulfilling victories.

Maybe CD just has a lot of players that refuse to play if we’re not green. Makes the ones that do that much better at clawing their way up the ranks but just, why? Why weren’t they here when TC was? Those weeks would have been really great with this kind of CD turnout against the usual TC turnout.

I’m failing to remember ever coming third place in those matchups you speak of.

We did once. We had just enough rating points to stay blue instead of dropping to red.
Much ado over this by that guy that desperately want to get map completion. so it sticks out in my memory.

Far as skill goes, we at CD hold “classes” where the more experienced teach the new players, for instance we had one a few hours before reset this week. In my guild we have worked to get the new players, who got the game for Christmas, interested in World vs World. Naturally we improve over time, as do our opponents.

Currently I’d actually say that our average player is less skilled than the average players on other servers. This population swell means we’ve got to be more diligent in training people, both because there is a greater need and because the pugs are going to think that it’s not important if they don’t know how to do anything but get some white number spray from the red clouds.

Ioj and FA aren’t getting worse, we’re just not bothering to go out anymore.

That sounded like an echo to me.

There is no skill involved just pure overwhelming numbers.

It’s a sad thing to say but you’re right. I hate having these month long cycles (…) where the winning server gets this huge turnout and then other servers stop showing up. If we could desynchronize the whole winning thing from actual player turnout and have either the full hoards from every server on the field or just the really persistent players from every server…

I had hopes that this silliness would come to a halt once server transfers were phased out but now it seems there really are just a lot of players that prefer to run instances and level alts if we’re not winning WvW with overwhelming numbers.

Most people use it to refer to a group of people that outnumber their opponents to the point that gear and strategy is rendered meaningless.

Hahaha, no they kittening don’t.
Most people use it to refer to a group big enough that their personal gear and strategy might fail.

The term comes … starcraft, in which Zerg … make up for having weaker overall units by having more of them… they are also essentially mindless insects … it is frequently considered an insult to accuse your opponents of “Zerging.”

That last bit is what’s important- we’re petty people so naturally we insult our opponents at every opportunity. We beat you? You’re weak. You beat us? kitten zerglings just ran us over with numbers but we know we’re better than them player for player.

I’d put the average pug commander on level with most of the cerebrates that you beat up in the original game’s campaign. It just took the proper strategist and some elite soldiers to perform surgical strikes on them (no seriously, pugs turn tail and run really fast when their commander is dead. That’s why we don’t ((usually)) chew each other out for wasting time focusing folks with the tag.)

upon reset the guild im in went into the ioj bl and tbh i felt like we were the only guild there. we dont need more people on our server we need more people in wvw that are already on our server.

It did seem odd that you had enough folks on our map to take the southern keeps but not enough on your own to take back garrison.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


It has been clearly seen IoJ’s numbers have gone down in their groups, and there aren’t as many groups around.

I could see this being a real factor even if our population has stayed the same. We took the green position even with both servers in our borderland the entire week (aside from when we decided to really crush FABL.)
It has always felt like FA didn’t have the strength to stand on their own. They just couldn’t do anything at first because of how TC disliked them, nor anything the first week after TC was gone and they didn’t yet know how to piggy back off of IoJ’s work. With IoJ apparently withering that much more FA would have to actually do the larger share of putting pressure on CD to slow us down.
But that’s not remotely an issue now that our truly zergy players have swarmed back into WvW.

On the other hand I guess this is one way to naturally shift the rating faster for all those folks that whined about the same matchup going on for months. Either get the fight unfair enough that you win from overwhelming zergs, have the other two servers stop making it resemble a fair fight, or gang up on the little guy till he drops a tier.

Seems like a majority of the long term players don’t want any of those things though, so we fight each other tooth and nail until the fairweathers make otherwise stable servers move.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast