1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG
That is the way WvW3 works, especially on EB. It isnt a red thing. Current income and points has everything to do with it. If you are in the lead, or second, you take points from your closest rival, and deal only with the third when they push you and threaten your holdings. That is only a basic rule, for there are always exceptions, but it isnt a 2v1 thing. Please don’t start that this week. It is a 3 way, and the weaker 1 of 3 is not a threat until they are in the top 2 of points or income at a particular time. Simple.
I am saving this on a note, so I can access it every time I see 2v1 talk.
And again….
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
And again….
That is great analysis. However, the issue at hand is the denial of said 2v1’ing, not the validity or reasoning of the tactic.
So I guess instead I’ll just state that omg you and SoS are 2v1ing JQ like all the time and any example you give against that is merely an exception to the rule.
Feel free to state whatever you want. Without evidence it will mean nothing.
And yet when I provide evidence to counter your argument, you just claim it is an “exception to the rule”. So it seems we are at an impasse. Continue to complain all you want I guess since you won’t listen to evidence against your stance.
And yet when I provide evidence to counter your argument, you just claim it is an “exception to the rule”. So it seems we are at an impasse. Continue to complain all you want I guess since you won’t listen to evidence against your stance.
We can continue this over PM if you’d like, but in short: posting one scenario versus virtually countless (we could post a screenshot for every minute over the past 36 hours and they would be almost identical) is not quite overwhelming evidence in your favor. Again, 2v1 is legit. Denying it is not.
Hi guys, this is the evidence of SoS and JQ teaming up against BG in EB
/squints at borderlands
I remember that push from earlier this afternoon. I was flabbergasted. Alas, it was fleeting.
And yet when I provide evidence to counter your argument, you just claim it is an “exception to the rule”. So it seems we are at an impasse. Continue to complain all you want I guess since you won’t listen to evidence against your stance.
We can continue this over PM if you’d like, but in short: posting one scenario versus virtually countless (we could post a screenshot for every minute over the past 36 hours and they would be almost identical) is not quite overwhelming evidence in your favor. Again, 2v1 is legit. Denying it is not.
Hi guys, this is the evidence of SoS and JQ teaming up against BG in EB
/squints at borderlands
I remember that push from earlier this afternoon. I was flabbergasted. Alas, it was fleeting.
I guess we will agree to disagree. Continue complaining if it makes you feel better.
Hi guys, this is the evidence of SoS and JQ teaming up against BG in EB
I should rephrase, It mostly occurs during NA prime… from what i’ve seen the oceanics on both servers are respectable.
Mother of lag in EBG..
how much luckier can SOS get then having the worst lag ever SAVE sm for them
it was timed so perfectly its like arenanet WANTS you to keep sm.
Can we go back to pointlessly arguing about coverage? Pointlessly arguing about 2v1ing has been done to death. I think the tier 1 thread has been through the pointless culling argument already. Maybe we could come up with something new and equally useless to argue about.
I would suggest we all be nice to each other, but this thread would get rather dull if that were the case. Oh well, carry on I suppose.
Server Traversing Nomad
Can we go back to pointlessly arguing about coverage? Pointlessly arguing about 2v1ing has been done to death. I think the tier 1 thread has been through the pointless culling argument already. Maybe we could come up with something new and equally useless to argue about.
I would suggest we all be nice to each other, but this thread would get rather dull if that were the case. Oh well, carry on I suppose.
I haven’t heard pointless complaining/arguing about spies lately…we could try that for awhile?
No servers do an intentional 2v1. It just doesn’t happen. Any perception of it is probably just SoS and JQ wanting to show the new kid what’s up. Getting hit more often than by the 2 other servers can and will always happen. I play on BG, and I say deal with it.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Reason we aren’t on SoS BL is it takes a hell of a lot more people to break a wp’d keep than a non wp paper keep. Just saying the obvious here.
No servers do an intentional 2v1. It just doesn’t happen. Any perception of it is probably just SoS and JQ wanting to show the new kid what’s up. Getting hit more often than by the 2 other servers can and will always happen. I play on BG, and I say deal with it.
It has does happen, but when it does happen one side gets wiped off EB (BL is a different matter).
BG seems to be naive, I am not trying to insult, and i hope they adapt to tier1. I see this thread of BG-QQ about 2v1, but when i left EB about an hour ago there were at least 5 hole in the outer wall of SMC (fully upgrade btw) with BG and JQ taking turns trying to push through (JQ was definitely more of a threat being much more persistent). But that is what SoS expects when we take SMC, nothing less.
It would be better for BG to try and work the game and maneuver a 2v1 beatdown on JQ. This is something SoS commanders on EB are very good at and make it known to everyone else what and when they can attack.
It would be a shame to lose BG because so far you have put up more of a fight than SBI.
Honestly its even more simple than that: basicly whats goin on is because we lost all our gains yesterday the fight wound up centered on BG BL since thats all we had left, any fight on a borderland is naturally a 2v1 in todays game with the 2 invading servers attacking the 1 defending server. This makes sense because its pointless to try and take the other invading servers tower away thanks to that OP as heck breakout event, and even if you do manage to take it your chances of holding it right next to their spawn is close to 0… all that work for a meager +10 points and leaves your keep vunerable to the defending team…
So yes there is a 2v1 going on, no its not intentional on their part, just naturally good strategy, and yes weve naturally done the same thing in the past in tier 2.
So I take a breather from BG BL and log on my alts to farm the rich Oric node…
Is ATac transferring to Blackgate?
Come on this is tier 1. If its an intentional 2v1, deal with it or go back to tier 2 where its all chivary at its finest.
Actually this weeks thread is pretty clean so far.
Good work BG, you have spirit, something long been missing. Always close, no 600ppt windows. Everyone using superiors. That’show tier 1 should be.
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
So I take a breather from BG BL and log on my alts to farm the rich Oric node…
Is ATac transferring to Blackgate?
Wanna show what’s written in that chat window?
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
Would say in T1, sos, jq and bg is attacking like a beast… Once they find out your weakness they gonna come at you hard! Killing all your pleasant, troops and raid all your supply ! Leave nth behind…
The points is dead even on first day of reset. Everyone was pushing it so hard….
Keep in mind each server need to maintain and make sure their bl are well defended 24/7
and pros to BG! You got a excellent defense at BG garr! We tried so hard to take it from ya…
Q Xoxo – Elementalist | Styls – Warrior | Stylic – Theif | Stylc – Mesmer
So I take a breather from BG BL and log on my alts to farm the rich Oric node…
Is ATac transferring to Blackgate?
Wanna show what’s written in that chat window?
Not particularly, it’s private chat with my friend.
Edit: since you seem to be curious, this is as much as I’m willing to show. I don’t feel it is pertinent to show my friends or our personal chat.
(edited by Xirin.8593)
I see no reason in teaming up with JQ. I dislike them because they QQ too much in the forums just like me. I’m sure they wouldn’t like to have an alliance with me either. I speak for the whole SOS server because I say so.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I see no reason in teaming up with JQ. I dislike them because they QQ too much in the forums just like me. I’m sure they wouldn’t like to have an alliance with me either. I speak for the whole SOS server because I say so.
I am the god of JQ, and when I say “I” I am referring to the entire server. I don’t like you. I won’t team up with you. I have spoken.
Enough bickering, the ingame fights this week are good and I for one welcome BG back to Tier 1. There have been some new tactics, some we have not seen for awhile and IMHO, there are some lessons being learned by all sides.
Good luck, see you on the battlefield
Enough bickering, the ingame fights this week are good and I for one welcome BG back to Tier 1. There have been some new tactics, some we have not seen for awhile and IMHO, there are some lessons being learned by all sides.
Good luck, see you on the battlefield
In all seriousness, I totally agree. Earlier today BG had a treb in a spot to hit one of our trebs, that I never knew about. I definitely learned something, and I thank them for that.
how much luckier can SOS get then having the worst lag ever SAVE sm for them
it was timed so perfectly its like arenanet WANTS you to keep sm.
Are you kidding me?? You act like your server was the only one lagging lol. We held SM for about 2 hours being hit from both sides with the same lag you guys had.
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lol
Q Xoxo – Elementalist | Styls – Warrior | Stylic – Theif | Stylc – Mesmer
yeah lag how about it and we held it. so gooooooddd
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lol
I’m pretty sure SoS and JQ hate each other (on the battlefield and maybe forums), so any 2v1 is probably coincidental, and it probably happens a lot of the time to any server. SM seems a pretty big target, ofc the peasants are going to try to take down the king of the hill. The peasants, in this case, being the servers that don’t own the castle obviously.
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lolSpies.
Already done!
I think we’re doing quite well considering the obvious lack of coverage compared to the other two servers I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing 40+ people flipping camps. Pro strats are pro ^.^
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lolSpies.
/15charAlready done!
Hm. Have we been through mesmers wall jumping into towers/keeps?
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lolSpies.
/15charAlready done!
Hm. Have we been through mesmers wall jumping into towers/keeps?
Not sure. I think I remember seeing it at some point in this thread.
Maybe Orb hacks are next!
Now its W+W+Anet vs W !
What else next? lolSpies.
/15charAlready done!
Hm. Have we been through mesmers wall jumping into towers/keeps?
Not sure. I think I remember seeing it at some point in this thread.
Maybe Orb hacks are next!
There are too many op thieves qqqqq
any score update? stuck at work
Q Xoxo – Elementalist | Styls – Warrior | Stylic – Theif | Stylc – Mesmer
So I take a breather from BG BL and log on my alts to farm the rich Oric node…
Is ATac transferring to Blackgate?
That’s a new member that has been trying to transfer for over a week. In light of the match-up, however, I have dropped him from guild until he is able to transfer to SoS. Sorry for the confusion.
[AoI] Axis of Insurrection Alliance Founder
[OnS] Guild Member
I just realized my guild is one giant spy network. I have people from SoR, SBI, JQ, and Kaineng
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
I think we’re doing quite well considering the obvious lack of coverage compared to the other two servers
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing 40+ people flipping camps. Pro strats are pro ^.^
Similar coverage story. i remember at one point on Saturday going over to the BG borderland to take to take something (it was all owned by BG). We could BARELY gather up the 10 required for the breakout event. We were all excited with Mister Siegerazer when out of number comes a 40+ man HB zerg that seemed to just be there waiting to crush us. We tried to take camps and were greeted by the massive zerg each time, but could only muster like 10 people. Felt sad after awhile and left.
All servers, no matter how massive (except perhaps HoD in their heyday) have some coverage gaps. Sometimes you are running around with a massive group and no one to fight, other times there are a ton of people to fight and you can barely rally a handful. It’s unfortunately how important those coverage issues play in the grand scheme of things, but its uncontrollable.
Dear SoS Server,
I’m still looking for the guild “Zero” representative in your server. This exploit evidence need to be deliver to and the measure need to be done. It is not a simple stupid wall jumping exploit that everybody can do. The warp portal poped up on top of the garrison cliff in front of my face with garrison no cross sword/no gate break/no wall damage, is not a normal threat.
Or if you cant find this “Zero” Guild, put someone in your alliance forum that actually care to receive my evidence to PM me their email so that you can go deal with it on your server meeting/forum. Cheap exploit like this shouldnt be supported by so called No1 server.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
Report it to Anet and let them deal with it. Every server will have people that abuse glitches when they can. >_>
That is the way WvW3 works, especially on EB. It isnt a red thing. Current income and points has everything to do with it. If you are in the lead, or second, you take points from your closest rival, and deal only with the third when they push you and threaten your holdings. That is only a basic rule, for there are always exceptions, but it isnt a 2v1 thing. Please don’t start that this week. It is a 3 way, and the weaker 1 of 3 is not a threat until they are in the top 2 of points or income at a particular time. Simple.
I am saving this on a note, so I can access it every time I see 2v1 talk.
And again….
And…[wait for it, dramatic pause]
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Dear SoS Server,
I’m still looking for the guild “Zero” representative in your server. This exploit evidence need to be deliver to and the measure need to be done. It is not a simple stupid wall jumping exploit that everybody can do. The warp portal poped up on top of the garrison cliff in front of my face with garrison no cross sword/no gate break/no wall damage, is not a normal threat.
Or if you cant find this “Zero” Guild, put someone in your alliance forum that actually care to receive my evidence to PM me their email so that you can go deal with it on your server meeting/forum. Cheap exploit like this shouldnt be supported by so called No1 server.
Send me an mail. I can bring it up in the next Guild Leader’s meeting later this week. I personally dntk of this guild, or have ever even heard of them. I have been on SoS awhile, since we came from DB. I will let know what I find out or dnt find out.
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
And yet when I provide evidence to counter your argument, you just claim it is an “exception to the rule”. So it seems we are at an impasse. Continue to complain all you want I guess since you won’t listen to evidence against your stance.
We can continue this over PM if you’d like, but in short: posting one scenario versus virtually countless (we could post a screenshot for every minute over the past 36 hours and they would be almost identical) is not quite overwhelming evidence in your favor. Again, 2v1 is legit. Denying it is not.
Hi guys, this is the evidence of SoS and JQ teaming up against BG in EB
/squints at borderlands
I remember that push from earlier this afternoon. I was flabbergasted. Alas, it was fleeting.
Pardon the interruption but, from an outside observer viewpoint, i find it highly ironic that anyone on BG would ever complain about any 2v1 fights. Just last week they were encouraging #2 and #3 to fight against themselves while they of course, rolled over whom they chose (usually #3).
I would suggest those on BG adjust to the new scenario, and enjoy the reaping of the karma of your so judiciously provided former comments. You know, where you offered encouragement for others to do exactly what is happening to you now? Who best to drain points from than the #3 server? You fully encouraged that tactic over the past 8 weeks yourselves.
With that being said the match sounds like it is a lot of fun (for most at least) so I hope everyone is having a good time. Good luck to all!
Great fighting tonight. t1 is finally fun as it can be.
kudos to BG arriving ready to fight for first, and not just playing for 2nd.
Lol, just lol. Something JQ can’t live up to.
while they of course, rolled over whom they chose (usually #3).
SoS haven’t taken blue towers or the keep, not even once have they tried in EB when i was on. You might think they would change focus but the consistency is extreme in this respect to attack red. only. There is no “usually” so your attempt at a comparison falls flat. If they have done it once to “pretend” otherwise it will not count.
(edited by wolfie.7296)
while they of course, rolled over whom they chose (usually #3).
SoS haven’t taken blue towers or the keep, not even once have they tried in EB when i was on. You might think they would change focus but the consistency is extreme in this respect to attack red. only. There is no “usually” so your attempt at a comparison falls flat.
I am so sad when I see these comments. Not because of the QQ about 2v1, but because it’s like the efforts of Oceanic and Asian forces are completely ignored.
During Sunday Night Oceanic and Asian time zone, JQ was completely wiped off EB by SOS’s [MERC] and [ONE]. BG helped too!
Stop thinking your few hours of being online = the eternal truth. It’s not.
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
(edited by Jedahs.2713)
To SoS/JQ guys and gals, the welcome party is just too much on BG this weekend lol. I’m already drunk so let us get a break for some nap. JQ still havent drink your shot yet SoS. Mix them more drink at their JQBL!
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
You want to know why you dont see JQ on SOS BL, that is because WORK is there and kurthos does not let those heathens step onto his holy lands. They try ever so hard to get a foothold but break before the might that is kurthos’s will. So then JQ goes to BG and takes your paper keeps.
I mean fighting the mortal BG commanders is a far easier of a task then fighting kurthos for JQ.