1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


People have their own reasons for playing.

Man, leveling my mesmer is difficult. >.< But i finally got her to lvl 12

Now, here is a 1v1 gone wrong. Both sides are edging to fight. Haha

Training the troops is not easy. Can’t wait for saturday to come.


[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


when we had out manned buffs

I lol’d.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

when we had out manned buffs

I lol’d.

So did I. That post was ridiculous.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

Says the keyboard warrior. You’re right, you don’t, you paint every map blue due to your smaller #s and maximum skillz

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


My favorite part about last night was the WM zerg running in a circle being chased by an AR zerg fighting over and going through Pangloss and Ogre’s. It just looked funny visually, like the Benny Hill song was playing in my head.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.


1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

Bahah, lets all just move along. Nothing to see here folks, just ignore it.

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

Bahah, lets all just move along. Nothing to see here folks, just ignore it.

So you didn’t play the day of the reset then? Because the numbers were pretty even during those first hours.

Difference between outnumbered some of the time and outnumbered all the time. That person claimed to have been outnumbered since the start which is an outright lie.

But hey…small victories, I guess.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


when we had out manned buffs

I lol’d.

So did I. That post was ridiculous.

Not trying to create drama, but you do realize that you get a buff when you’re outmanned on a map, right? I mean, we have more overall numbers, true enough, but assuming that we constantly queue every map at all times is just a little bit goofy.

Yes, we have had the unmanned buff at times – more than once on YBBL. I know it’s a crazy concept, but it does happen.

Please note that nothing in my post refers to skill, or lack thereof, by anyone.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: BOSS.6243


score update once again


I Hunger For Battle
Captain Hot Stuff. [NAGA]

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


score update once again

Good job Kaineng, way to show the mid tier servers what its like to be roflstomped by someone that shouldn’t be in that tier.

Next week maybe the servers will put up a fight.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Good job Kaineng, way to show the mid tier servers what its like to be roflstomped by someone that shouldn’t be in that tier.

Next week maybe the servers will put up a fight.

YB and CD have put up a great fight. Not everything is about that pie chart. With even numbers I would be surprised if we even came in second place.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

Bahah, lets all just move along. Nothing to see here folks, just ignore it.

So you didn’t play the day of the reset then? Because the numbers were pretty even during those first hours.

Difference between outnumbered some of the time and outnumbered all the time. That person claimed to have been outnumbered since the start which is an outright lie.

But hey…small victories, I guess.

Actually, I said since Day 1. Which is the truth considering that your night crew is large enough to change our planet’s alignment if they all jumped together. It’s not been all bad though. I’ve enjoyed taking back garrison as many times as we lost it and gained it back.
Small victories indeed.

(edited by Cacti Eleven.9135)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


if they all jumped together.


[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

Bahah, lets all just move along. Nothing to see here folks, just ignore it.

So you didn’t play the day of the reset then? Because the numbers were pretty even during those first hours.

Difference between outnumbered some of the time and outnumbered all the time. That person claimed to have been outnumbered since the start which is an outright lie.

But hey…small victories, I guess.

I did, we were at about 30 points less per tick. But you said outmanned, now you say even. Hence why everyone is laughing, so anyway, move along folks.

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


My favorite part of every week has been people thinking we have zergs everywhere and at all times. Keep it up keyboard warriors. I’m sure some people appreciate you.

You’re priceless, really. The only keyboard warrior here is you. Everytime someone says they’ve taken a garrison or something, you come here all buttmad and make excuses. “We were outnumbered!” Whatever. Both Yak’s and CD have been outnumbered since day 1. Deal with it.

Err..welll…that’s not true.

Bahah, lets all just move along. Nothing to see here folks, just ignore it.

So you didn’t play the day of the reset then? Because the numbers were pretty even during those first hours.

Difference between outnumbered some of the time and outnumbered all the time. That person claimed to have been outnumbered since the start which is an outright lie.

But hey…small victories, I guess.

I did, we were at about 30 points less per tick. But you said outmanned, now you say even. Hence why everyone is laughing, so anyway, move along folks.

What on earth are you talking about. I don’t think the conversation that was taking place is the conversation you think was taking place.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Cacti Eleven.9135

Cacti Eleven.9135

That was brillant. Thanks for the read.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


This comment from you is Vexing to say the least.

Your kidding right? I did not knock the guild, nor a player. In fact the opposite on the post prior, maybe you missed it? On top of it, when they responded I sent an apology, may have missed that too given the book your attempting to write about guild/ server pride … in response to “no one’s home”.

I get your mad ‘at the line I wrote’, but seriously … when a molehill is a molehill, don’t waste time building mountains out of it. I’m not going to write twice the book and gloat about myself & contributions (guess what that is how digressing a topic, digresses further and derails threads).

The other 1 line, being genuine to the bv team member I responded too… did just that. Are you okay with that, Scorn?

Moving back on topic, I would also say I noticed a separate posting outside from here on a hills takeover while at work, congrats.

Not a book just ranting on a bad day.

Fair enough I miss read your vibe and was hoping to stick up for our own, As you see I was not the only one from other servers that though the same. So its not like I am nuts.

So I do apologize then for the rant. Sorry bout that.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/Yaksbend.com
“Winter is Coming”

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: WrathOfGod.4695


Loved the fights last night for that NE tower in YB. You guys had that place seiged up so much, I counted at least 5 balistas, 3-4 arrow carts. You wiped about 20+ of us with your dwindling numbers, the only thing which won it for us was amazing portals. Great job though YB that was a blast!

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Honnor – I shouldn’t a taken the shot in the first place … ;-) … lessons learned. I was actually im’ing in game with a bv party member that night before (going to guess an hour or two before that happened)

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: BOSS.6243


score update once again

Good job Kaineng, way to show the mid tier servers what its like to be roflstomped by someone that shouldn’t be in that tier.

Next week maybe the servers will put up a fight.

yaaah CD dont deserve mid tier . xD teach us more how to be bttr we could use some advice.

I Hunger For Battle
Captain Hot Stuff. [NAGA]

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrlis.8072


I’m impressed by the sportsmanship everyone is showing in this thread, especially all the KN guys coming out to give CD and YB props for putting up a fight even though the whole map will eventually be blue again. I tend to take a break Monday – Wednesday so I’m fresh for the weekend, but I know plenty of SoH’ers and other CD’ers have been keeping up the fight all week. I’m excited to see how next week’s match goes.

Tyrlis – South of Heaven [SoH] WvW Commander – CD
Proud Member of the First Crystalian Council

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I’m impressed by the sportsmanship everyone is showing in this thread, especially all the KN guys coming out to give CD and YB props for putting up a fight even though the whole map will eventually be blue again. I tend to take a break Monday – Wednesday so I’m fresh for the weekend, but I know plenty of SoH’ers and other CD’ers have been keeping up the fight all week. I’m excited to see how next week’s match goes.

A good battle is worth more than anything else, personally speaking. I find thrill of victory, agony of defeat ‘in that moment’ … is what a lot play for. Not the score. Don’t think I will forget this when pie chart shows a loss, rather the opposite. An example, only got on 3 hours last night, 30 mins prep and new daily pre work, ori, then a couple hours in wvw. Straight. Had fun, light… ran with a guildie, no intentional coordination (I didnt even jump on vent). Map was very quiet. Won some battle, lost a couple others. Best was the western show down at the camp, where I am clicking on each opponents name as they come in to check prof, and whammo – his mates caught up and caught us before we moved on the retreat. Lost battle, very poorly played, looking at relatively useless info. But was curious to see if it was a guild or not, and what professions they were for future mtg’s. It was a guild team, mesmer, guardian and 2 others. Made quick work of us, and my /p chat must have looked something like this …
“looks like mes, guard.. another now 3, no 4 total let’s bac vqwweee vee v”

followed by …
“… okay that didn’t go so well =) "

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Event: Fight Club
Date: Thursday
Time: 5PM Server Time
Location: KBL Behind south supply camp.
1. A servers players must be in one area together.
2. In order to start the fight, atleast 2 challengers (from any server) must go to the middle of the ring/open area.
3. Can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, Golem v Golem, etc.
4. No Spiking, only to down state.

Whisper any one from RE if you have any questions about it. Its great fun, it builds cohesion and good/friendly communication between other guilds/servers.

We hope this can be as successful and fun as it has been in previous tiers. We hope to see CD and YB come along for the fun

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


To add to FC as this comes up every week, if it’s a 2v2 or more define the rules up front. Down and out or spike until the last remains, whatever just make sure everyone is aware of it. Last week we did spike until the last remains and I liked that a lot, plus you’ll get some loot that way.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Nice job taking Garrison with golems and not causing contested swords in YBBL just now CD…not sure how you managed that.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


I’m impressed by the sportsmanship everyone is showing in this thread, especially all the KN guys coming out to give CD and YB props for putting up a fight even though the whole map will eventually be blue again. I tend to take a break Monday – Wednesday so I’m fresh for the weekend, but I know plenty of SoH’ers and other CD’ers have been keeping up the fight all week. I’m excited to see how next week’s match goes.

It’s honesty, YB and CD have their tactics and their coordination. We see it, we learn from it, we thank them for the fun. Contrary to popular belief, most of the transfers love a good fight. Meanwhile the old Kaineng has always been known to love the same.

YB for instance, zeros in on our least populated hours and hits hard and fast. It’s almost always a great fight, and can go either way. As it should be.

Skirmish wise the week has been great. I was testing a few random builds and got my butt handed to me several times. So thank you YB and CD for putting up a fight small scale when large scale wasn’t possible.

Good luck to all in the coming weeks, I imagine the points reset will throw everything into utter chaos. I hope, in the end, everyone ends up with a worthy match and equal opponents. No matter the tier, let’s have fun.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

- Mother Teresa

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Orange swords at the water gate after they were in, I zoned onto the map and saw orange swords at the inner gate then ran over there. Still no contested on the icon however.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


Orange swords at the water gate after they were in, I zoned onto the map and saw orange swords at the inner gate then ran over there. Still no contested on the icon however.

Sounds like a map glitch, I’ve seen it once or twice before.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Maladon.5760


In about 24 hours we’ll have SBI/CD/YB. Hopefully we’ll all get a well deserved break from the larger population servers for awhile. Can’t wait!


Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


In about 24 hours we’ll have SBI/CD/YB. Hopefully we’ll all get a well deserved break from the larger population servers for awhile. Can’t wait!

Haha, this is like, me against the world.

Perhaps, I’m the only one who’s happy about this week’s fight. >.< It is a filter test, separating the men from the boys.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: shanmugong.6750


A video dedicated to everyone in this matchup. We made this while waiting at the EB spawn point, outmanned, for enough people to come in.

Shanmugong Asuran Engineer.
Crystal Desert. [KoME]
Once an Engineer, Always an Engineer

(edited by shanmugong.6750)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


A video dedicated to everyone in this matchup. We made this while waiting at the EB spawn point, outmanned, for enough people to come in.

This is brilliant haha

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance -www.NeverEndingOdds.com

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


A video dedicated to everyone in this matchup. We made this while waiting at the EB spawn point, outmanned, for enough people to come in.

LOL! Awesome vid. Srry the baby quag died :x

Guys we’re doing our weekly fight club, K BL behind south supply camp. Come play on an even field. Remember to line up and bow to opponents. Staking, ganking, and other versions of foul play are likely to result in instant death.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: loneknight.8425


Orange swords at the water gate after they were in, I zoned onto the map and saw orange swords at the inner gate then ran over there. Still no contested on the icon however.

Maybe it’s lag. I encounter such incident frequently when the map is busy.

The thief who did dat – Crystal Desert

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Foss.4830


In about 24 hours we’ll have SBI/CD/YB. Hopefully we’ll all get a well deserved break from the larger population servers for awhile. Can’t wait!

lol that screenshot

Bluecog – Valór [RUN] – Kaineng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Vilkata.4725


A video dedicated to everyone in this matchup. We made this while waiting at the EB spawn point, outmanned, for enough people to come in.

Awesome video! Despite the score this has been a fun week with a lot of good fights. I’ll miss CD and YB next week and I hope you guys get a closer match when SBI gets here!

Leader of The Quiddity [Quid]
Everything is a Nemesis plot.

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: mistabean.5408


Well, I do actually wonder if all the niceties and sportsmanship will be present if the scores had been closer, and the match had been tighter?

Have to see if YB and SBI going to be nice to us next week I guess?

PS: GL Kaineng

—- Mb Lanfear of (HAX) —-
Crystal Desert

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Not trying to create drama, but you do realize that you get a buff when you’re outmanned on a map, right? I mean, we have more overall numbers, true enough, but assuming that we constantly queue every map at all times is just a little bit goofy.

Yes, we have had the unmanned buff at times – more than once on YBBL. I know it’s a crazy concept, but it does happen.

Please note that nothing in my post refers to skill, or lack thereof, by anyone.

Please note that it might not have come across but I’m merely posting cheeky comments. It’s all in good fun.
I only comment on the zerg because it’s something to comment on, nothing more, nothing less. Every game with open world pvp has them, it’s a fact of gaming and I accept it. It’s just fun to tease about. Besides that I know full well that as a solo or duo roamer that I’m going to run into much larger numbers often, and I’m ok with that. My buddy and I laugh at it in voip in scenarios like I mentioned where we were trying to ninja down a wall at veloka from the backside and the WM horde came through and smeared us into paste. We know it’s going to happen and we giggle while trying to just cause a bit of chaos in the few moments we’re still breathing.

TLDR: It’s all in good fun bro, don’t take it seriously. I have fun, hopefully you’re having fun too.

(except when I’m griping about the lack of self sustainability issues on my warrior, that part actually annoys me… even though I stubbornly keep playing him day in and day out. XD)

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4317


Well, I do actually wonder if all the niceties and sportsmanship will be present if the scores had been closer, and the match had been tighter?

Have to see if YB and SBI going to be nice to us next week I guess?

PS: GL Kaineng

I know "for the most part " Yaks try to be respectful. We try very hard to respect our foes and not fall prey to trolls. Doesnt always work that way but we try. I believe many of our former opponents who we’ve had very tight matches with walked away, won or lost,with our respect. Give us a great fight and we’ll say " Thank you sir may I have another?"
If we get a tight race you’ll see a YB server that fights all week. Not the showwoings that the last 2 weeks have brought out. We don’t like getting spawn camped anymore than anyone else. That being said, Kaineg, good luck in the upper tiers. I hope its not a nasty wake up call. I hope you guys are more than the 50 strong zerg server because up there that just won’t fly. All we really saw all week was an overpopulated Zerg due to the drastic population differences after your night crew painted the map. Remember Day 1 of this weeks fight. Be ready for that 24/7 in those higher tiers. Good luck guys
CD, Bring it. We look forward to the fight
SBI, ditto
YB, lets bust some faces

Alfric the Wolf
Guild-Obsidian Fear
Level 80 Warrior

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Please note that it might not have come across but I’m merely posting cheeky comments. It’s all in good fun.
I only comment on the zerg because it’s something to comment on, nothing more, nothing less. Every game with open world pvp has them, it’s a fact of gaming and I accept it. It’s just fun to tease about. Besides that I know full well that as a solo or duo roamer that I’m going to run into much larger numbers often, and I’m ok with that. My buddy and I laugh at it in voip in scenarios like I mentioned where we were trying to ninja down a wall at veloka from the backside and the WM horde came through and smeared us into paste. We know it’s going to happen and we giggle while trying to just cause a bit of chaos in the few moments we’re still breathing.

TLDR: It’s all in good fun bro, don’t take it seriously. I have fun, hopefully you’re having fun too.

(except when I’m griping about the lack of self sustainability issues on my warrior, that part actually annoys me… even though I stubbornly keep playing him day in and day out. XD)

Well shoot, don’t I feel like an idiot. My only excuse is that it’s easy to mistake tone on the forums… anyway, apologies for misunderstanding, and I’m really glad it was a misunderstanding. Thanks for the explanation, dude, and as to the fun – this has been a great WvW week for me. CD and YB have both been great opponents, and the fights have been awesome (just got out of a great one for the supply camp by Bay in Kain BL – you Benders put up a great fight!).

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Another fun tea party. Yak’s, your ranger Halo from [TACO] is unstoppable. You’re lucky to have him. I gave up even trying! Other than that I didn’t do too bad. And no one crashed it!


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


And i must say that the Yaks and CDs are probably the most respectful and civil servers we’ve ever had the chance to meet from tier 8 to tier 4.
Well at least your forum posters are.
So kudos to good sportsmanship on your part.

GL too on your next matchup

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Good thing I just beat XCOM on normal. I’ll try hard later depending on this weeks wvwvw….

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Don’t worry my CD and YB brothers, next week you’ll get your ratings back from the deserted server; SBI.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


Event: Fight Club
Date: Thursday
Time: 5PM Server Time
Location: KBL Behind south supply camp.
1. A servers players must be in one area together.
2. In order to start the fight, atleast 2 challengers (from any server) must go to the middle of the ring/open area.
3. Can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, Golem v Golem, etc.
4. No Spiking, only to down state.

Whisper any one from RE if you have any questions about it. Its great fun, it builds cohesion and good/friendly communication between other guilds/servers.

We hope this can be as successful and fun as it has been in previous tiers. We hope to see CD and YB come along for the fun

Kudos to people setting this up. kitten good fights. everyone needs to be sure and come out to these


Bi Furious [Fist] YB

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


Tonight BV put up one hell of a fight. Despite lacking we formed a small group of soliders and were messing with their (Kaineng mostly) supply camps. We took the SP by the vista between the two invader camps and held a blockade preventing supplies from going across it along with troops. Remember YB brothers and sisters, despite all odds never give up. Bring the fight to them till the end!

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Don’t worry my CD and YB brothers, next week you’ll get your ratings back from the deserted server; SBI.

And then the ratings will be set to zero the next week

I think most are just hoping for an even, fun match after a month of worsening blow outs that we could do nothing about. SBI has still been able to put 36K against SoR in tier 2 (perhaps comparable to YB and CD scores this week), so fingers crossed they are a good fit in tier 4 and have a good time.