10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Okay, new thread. Let’s keep it light and make things a bit happier, hm? We’ve been through a lot and I think it’s time we let go and focus on moving forward ^^

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


Oops I created another thread too haha

also to the Mod, it would be great if you could penalize specific persons instead of just hammerfisting a lock on the thread, tyvm

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Sorry lol! I think you beat me to it, originally! :P

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Woah, woah. I don’t hang out for a couple days and my thread gets locked.
The only thing I will post about the topic I completely missed is below.
You may find it.. relevant.

Also, adding a score update.


(edited by Moderator)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Hey, I know this isn’t representative of TC at all, just posting it FYI.
The blast wave is a treb shot.
EDIT: Dunno why the screenshot turned all weird up the top.


(edited by Maniac.5163)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I just wanted to give a hearty congratulations to Dragonbrand for capturing their garrison. You guys saw the opportunity and went after it. Well done.

Just don’t get too comfy in there. You know TC is gonna be workin’ hard to get it back.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


DB just took everything west of SM (including one of our walls at SM at 90%) and had our lowlands water gate down – kudos to all on TC who rallied together to repel that attack and rebuild everything!

FA is making a big push on their BLs though .. see you on the battle field

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I’m not going to name any names, but the individual who hacked the orbs is a well known hacker who transfers from server to server…has been going on for weeks and arena.net hasn’t done a thing about it. Hell, the face he hacks is even identified in his name…

Orb hacking is absolutely rampant, and has been for weeks. Arena.net should have disabled the orbs ages to until they could sort it out. Not only are the buffs a poorly thought out snowball mechanic that makes the winners win harder, they are easily hackable by one unscrupulous person from another server who has the power to ruin wuvwuv enjoyment for thousands of people on two other servers. We’ve had orbs hacked away from us in at least three different matchups and it really sucks. I’m sorry it happened to you.

I saw calls for FA to not defend the exploited orb in the other thread. It’s almost certain no one there even knew the orb was exploited. As you saw Friday night, we do turn out to defend our orbs seriously The information provided to players in game is not enough for them to know the orb was hacked. Also if the orb is placed in a keep we took and held legitimately, absolutely I think it’s reasonable for people to keep defending the keep and not just hand over one of the few fortifications we’ve managed to retain.

I’d make a different plea: if you are the winning server and an orb gets hacked away from you – let it go. You’ll probably get much better competition when your zergs aren’t rolling around with all those extra stats compared to your competition. Do you really need to imbalance things even further?

Of course the primary party that needs to change their behavior here is arena.net.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


I’d make a different plea: if you are the winning server and an orb gets hacked away from you – let it go. You’ll probably get much better competition when your zergs aren’t rolling around with all those extra stats compared to your competition. Do you really need to imbalance things even further?

This gave me a chuckle.

Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Wish FA had at least some EU/OCEA presence, but the matchup so far has been a lot of fun. At the very least ULTD is having a blast. ;]

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: XodoK.8734


It’s been fun fighting GODS zerg at the ruins last night.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Dracil.8365


Had some fun late-night WvW with the [uk] guild and took back the FA garrison.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


Had a lot of fun backdooring AH and EH for a total of three times today when Tarnished Coast were out-manned. I believe twice to FA and once to Dragonbrand.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


so when is FA gonna get its mass of free transfers to cover our overnight issues?

sooner the better

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


I went into all three BLs tonight. TC was pretty boring – but the only one without a queue, because we owned everything on the map. There were a few bored people spawn camping – well, they were fighting invincible enemies. It’s amazing what people do to amuse themselves. I got out of there pretty quickly.

DB borderlands had about a 20 minute queue and there were some back and forth. Instead of going with the zerg I mostly just ran around recapping supply camps and taking on FA/DB raiding teams with a small group. It was a lot of fun – but it seemed most of those raiding teams were uplifted 80s, so none of the fights were particularly interesting.

FA borderlands offered the most fun for the night. With a TC zerg running all over the map, FA was still able to defend very well, and kept up the raiding activities also. At one point FA committed to an attack on Ascension Bay’s North gate, and TC teamchat called for encirclement. It took about 5 minutes to setup…but in the end we hit that FA zerg from all three entrances into that area. The culling problem certainly still exist, because the fight was half over before people started rendering. I’m sure that FA zerg had no idea what happened since they probably couldn’t see anything either.

Looking forward to some small scale skirmishes tomorrow night. Overall the fight is getting more lopsided every day, and zerg vs zerg really isn’t very exciting when one side is out numbered 2 to 1 and cannot offset that disadvantage with superior organization.

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


literally at this very moment im watching that optimusshaxx guy glitch onto keep walls with his mesmer.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


he just had a tower lord at 50% before the front gate was even down.

he also, with no speed buffs, outruns my thief with a shadow signet and swiftness.


(edited by micah.9704)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


he just had a tower lord at 50% before the front gate was even down.

he also, with no speed buffs, outruns my thief with a shadow signet and swiftness.

Oh, so hes in the GODS guild?

They are somewhat disliked on FA. Some of their commanders are ok. But their main one Derv somethingdumb, he’s pretty much gave them a bad name. Constantly spamming team chat with recruitment. Constantly having his commander icon at dumb places so our forces end up not defending from real simple attacks which cause us to lose garrison and keeps.

They claim to have like 300 active members and are WvW focused. But our out manned buff doesn’t agree with that claim.

Oh and apologies to the decent members of GODS. This is mainly just commendts on Derv and well the screenshot above with your hacker member.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


also, just to be clear –
the 2 commanders and others present while we retook all of FA BL and then moved to TC BL were openly vocal in /s about not being ok with what this guy was doing.
1 commander was telling people not to use the portals that hes was dropping to port people onto the walls with the gate still up.

theres nothing we could do about it besides make our own reports, however.

he was tagging along with the group and there were several keeps/towers in a row we hit where he was doing this.

he would slide up the wall in a corner right next to the gates in plain view of everyone there. not even trying to hide it.

as far as GODS, i have nothing ill to say about the guild. yeah, that 1 guy spams chat recruiting, but so does 90% of every other guild.
i havent ever seen them do anything any more questionable than any other guilds.
the fact that this known hacker remains in the guild is the only negative point i have about them.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


On FA last night we didn’t have queues for anything anywhere :p

Still had some fun in FA BL and EBG!

The culling issues seem like the biggest factor in zerg clashes. Sometimes our whole zerg drops and I don’t even know why until 45s later when 50 TC render on my head, sometimes we plow into their zerg and they are uncharacteristically easy kills, which I assume means we aren’t rendering for them.

I had fun defending the smoking ruins of durios (getting trebbed pretty fierce from SM) with one other person against small groups of TC. We were basically defending a gateless/wall less tower :p

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

GODS was hilarious in Borderlands last night. They just kept blindly charging fanatically at EH into hellfire and hail, and not one of them survived. They made more than one omega golem and several alphas, I didn’t count their other siege.

To GODS members, I thank you. The extra honor badges are welcome and it gave me a good workout on longbow target agility.

(All of the above is friendly, I’m just messin’. You did a good job and I appreciate the competition, I look forward to clashing with you later.)

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Looks like TC has quit playing WvW for the Halloween event. Hopefully the points we got so far will carry us through until reset. So far today we’ve lost all orbs, the castle and TCG. I think when I left a few minutes ago all we had were a few camps and a couple towers. We might have a couple keeps too. Dragonbrand and Fort Aspenwood are currently kicking our absent butts.

Now I must go to the store and buy some candy corn. Darn you Anet for making me crave it!

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Wow, it’s been fun. Our guild has been trying to run counter-interference and have lead some of the sieges.

Our guild is TSP. Oh, and I’m the Ele that has killed many FA, and who has been chased across half the map by some guilds from that server. XD

Although, I was kinda mad you guys took down my treb when we were trying to take you keep last night on the FA Borderlands >.<

Tarnished Coast [TC]

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706


The only time I’ve seen TSP together outside of FA spawn exits they all laid down at my feet and presented me with their supply camp. :P

Edit: those are the pirate guys right? lol

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


We in ULTD ran some counter-ops last night too. Took back most of our BL and made TC have to use some of those nimbers. ;]

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Kerri Knight.3168

Kerri Knight.3168

See, we may have the advantage in overall numerical superiority, but with so many RPers all it takes is some fluff content or a big scheduled RP event and suddenly we vanish, leaving the opportunity to strike! :9

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Viktorgraves.1824


See, we may have the advantage in overall numerical superiority, but with so many RPers all it takes is some fluff content or a big scheduled RP event and suddenly we vanish, leaving the opportunity to strike! :9

More true than I care to admit.

That’s awesome that FA and DB pulled it together. BGV’s strike force had an awesome time last night in FA BL trying some new tactics and we look forward to utilizing them further now that there’s actual conquest to be had!

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


The only time I’ve seen TSP together outside of FA spawn exits they all laid down at my feet and presented me with their supply camp. :P

Edit: those are the pirate guys right? lol

Ya, we are The Shipwrecked Pirates.

Eh, we’ve had a few hard nocks trying to defend supply camps.

People seem to love going after Godslore.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875



GODS is not “somewhat disliked” on FA. We have a few vocal haters which is to be expected for a large guild. The couple of people who complain about GODS in the chat whenever we are holding a WvW event hardly represent the server. With regards to “spamming” our recruitment messages, 1) All large guilds do this and have to so it is absurd to only target GODS/Derv with this complaint and 2) It is hardly spamming when the message is repeated only once in a while with the worst case being that the messages are 10 minutes apart. As for Derv’s leadership, he holds our guild events for 2 hours every night. He is bound to make mistakes or go with a sound strategy that doesn’t work for whatever reason. We have had a lot of success yet the few haters will never acknowledge that and complain whenever we aren’t successful. I suggest ignoring them as it is not helpful for the server when the few GODS haters try to instigate an argument over chat every time GODS is on.

As for the hacker, you’ll notice his guild is Rise Of The Omniscient which is the second chapter of GODS which just started. GODS does not condone hackers and our members will even report them regardless of what server they are on.

Edit: I forgot to respond to your 300 active member comment. We actually have over 400 active members now. That does not mean we have 400 members every night. Derv takes attendance during events and members are considered active if they take part in events recently. You’ll notice in his recruitment message, he says we have 100 member events which is accurate.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

(edited by Arcadio.6875)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


It’s not like mods have asked us repeatedly not to mention specific names or anything. It’s not like they would ever shut down a thread where people keep doing it for some unknown reason or anything.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


With vast majority of TC doing the Halloween event, I’m looking forward to more challenge since the numeric advantage should have diss appeared, if not go in the other direction for the rest of the week~

After I check out some Halloween events, that is >.>

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: XodoK.8734


Defending EH was a blast last night. I managed to sit my lvl 10 behind on a cannon and just rained hell on the invaders.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Kerri Knight.3168

Kerri Knight.3168


As for the hacker, you’ll notice his guild is Rise Of The Omniscient which is the second chapter of GODS which just started. GODS does not condone hackers and our members will even report them regardless of what server they are on.

Okay, but are steps being taken to remove him or is this some kind of hand-washing “disclaimer” where you publicly state your opposition to it, mention some mechanical but ultimately arbitrary method of differentiating yourself from him but really not taking any steps to separate yourselves, thus condoning and supporting the behavior?

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: enos.1580


Ouch, sorry to hear you guys are having hacker problems. Kudos for reporting him yourselves though, and for trying to prevent people from using his exploits. That’s a good attitude to take, I just hope the GMs sort the situation out.

I was in the Dragonbrand borderlands yesterday evening before the patch went up, and I honestly wondered if DB had a bunch of WvW rookies in there. About 20 of them were making a pretty halfhearted attack on the garrison gate, and I actually started feeling bad about shooting them. Only 1 or 2 of them were bothering to AOE the walls or even fire on us up there, and I dropped a couple players that didn’t even try to pop their heal skill.

Felt bad so I just got them to downed state and laid off. It was honestly pretty odd.

—Arakny, 80 Engineer
—Tarnished Coast

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


@Kerri Knight

I am not able to get on the game right now because of an error I keep getting since the latest patch. Assuming Derv isn’t getting that error, he should be on right now as the daily guild event starts in 15 minutes. You or anyone else can contact him in the game (Derv The Monkinator.4915). He’s the leader of both GODS chapters. I haven’t seen any other GODS members posting on this forum so I assume the problem is unknown to the rest of them right now. The picture also shows the hacker is acting alone. If you can contact him, it would be greatly appreciated.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Dreaming Bay at Dragonbrand BL has been contested all afternoon because enemy Orb Protectors are spawning around the orb. There have been enemy NPC’s spawning in other places as well. I was killing the random spawns at the Hills keep when TC had it earler.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


EB tonight was…interesting. It seems people are more interested in PvDoor than PvP~

FA would be attacking, say, DG while the TC Zerg’s at the Ogres. Instead of turning around and sweeping FA away… TC would go North, and grab Ogrewatch. The same scenario played out all over the map for hours, with TC running around the map capping things while FA comes from behind and retake them, when the whole matter would be settled if the TC zerg would actually turn around and engage the FA zerg.

Very rarely did a large scale PvP battle occur – the only time I recall was when FA tried to wipe TC at Ogrewatch which TC was sieging it, but arrived a few minutes too late, so the TC zerg ended up defending Ogrewatch from FA. That became one of the very few highlights of the night. On one hand, TC, with 150% the number, could have ended that fight very quickly by just jumping down the side wall and flanking FA. Instead, it became a drag out semi-siege until attrition finally caught up with the FA zerg.

DB was mostly a no-show, which was surprising considering they put up a fight yesterday. But then again, the Halloween even no doubt had an effect.

Hopefully tomorrow night will be more exciting~

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowlord Pain.8946

Shadowlord Pain.8946

PTX had a lot of fun tonight in FA Borderlands! It’s nice to see a big showing from our server even though the score isn’t what we would like it to be. We had a lot of epic fights with Tarnished Coast and hope to have more this week.

Would love to see more EU/Oceanic guilds on our server. If we had a descent overnight crew, our server would be even better than it is now. Our NA players can hang with the best of them imo. Where we fall short is overnight.

CEO of PainTrain Gaming

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


The Halloween event has had an obvious effect on all servers in this match up. Logically, you’d expect it to affect TC more, with TC being the unofficial RP server, and that seems to be the case.

With TC already having won the week, apathy also sets in, and the drive to ‘prevent’ FA capping in EB wanes, as opposed to running around behind them and earning silver and karma.

Tougher match next week vs SoR or SoS, should be more exciting. With Sanctum being a FoTM server, I expect us to be most outnumbered. Alternatively SoS’ offpeak crew will do to us what we’ve been doing to FA and DB this week. Either way, exciting stuff.

FA, hopefully we can take you folks on for a third time with a more even population distribution, or stronger third team than DB (with the utmost respect for those in DB who’ve turned out to fight).

~Nyari Cil, Queen

(edited by Vagrant.1094)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Nice to see Knights of Glory and Beer [KGB] again. Haven’t seen you guys since Shadowbane.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Alodar.5794


I had been wondering what had happened to KGB myself as we had a good alliance going in Shadowbane and was going to contact Holrom until I saw….. the video.

What about Binbs, that guy still playing with KGB?

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Must gather corn to feed sugar crazed hyper costumed children in Lion’s Arch.

Wait, is there WvW happening?

I think the best thing I saw from TC’s side yesterday was a call on one of the borderlands during the day to form up a zerg to go corn gathering. Best zerg ever!

I love TC.

It was interesting to see just how many DB and FA players play during the off-hours. I dunno what it was but they had a big presence in the maps during the day. TC had out-manned buffs in the FA and DB borderlands.

I wonder if those players are always there and we just out maneuver them or if they sensed weakness on TC’s part (caused by our excitement of finding corn and costumed NPCs) and joined in. Or, maybe, they were out hunting corn and got caught up in fighting.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Phuriok.9307


no no, you’re confusing out maneuver with outman. You see when FA and DB only have enough players to fill up one borderland at a time, and you can field all 4. That’s where TC gets it advantage. We’ve had several times this week where FA and DB both have proven that tactically and player skill wise, they have an advantage. Even with TC holding 3 orbs, their zergs have been losing battles.

But since neither FA or DB have the WvW population to mount a decent night time presence or even a wide spread presence across all 4 borderlands, TC has just been able to dominate. I’m not complaining btw, I’m waiting patiently until our match reset on Friday. Just saying don’t be giving credit where credit isnt due lol. There’s no “maneuvering” with 50 people and 3 orbs pounding on an unmanned gate lol. Those off hours in the morning are when we get a chance to kinda take some stuff back before the mass zergs get back in from TC. FA and DB deserve the credit for any kind of maneuvering lol. It takes some creative thinking to make progress when you have few people and fewer places to fight from.

Love you DB! Never transferring! and Good luck to TC in your matchups at the next tier.

~ Phuriok
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Zonyk.5049


Speaking from FA, I can’t remember the last time I played a borderlands and we outnumbered TC. To be fair I don’t play during the day (I work), but last night in FA Borderlands we filled up for about an hour while I was trebbing Garrison from Dawn’s. That is it, and TC was definitely full at this time too. My group then went to TC Borderlands where we had about 6 people on the map. Our group of 9-10 proceeded to kill 100s of TC, I literally got about 40 kills on one sitting of an arrow cart, but in the end it didn’t net us much.

Also, right before this I was on my alt in EB and we were being spawn camped there/at Langor’s. So I definitely don’t think TC is fighting an “uphill battle”.

TC won this matchup fair and square, and you guys aren’t bad, but don’t kid yourselves – it isn’t player skill. The one thing you do better than most servers I’ve played against is have people posted at every location, making it literally impossible to ninja anything. That, and using dead people as spies. I hope they fix that.

It is frustrating because even though my group of 9-10 routinely takes 20+ people with the 3 orb bonus on, it makes no difference. We can’t cap anything aside from a supply camp without dropping 3+ golems, and why would we? Your zerg of 100 people will show up right after we do.

I truly don’t understand ANets’s design mechanic, and I know they’re working on it. But they DESIGNED these matches to be snowball-ish. Why? Why, because you have a night crew, should your day crew be 1.5x as effective? Is it not bad enough that the map gets 100%‘d while I sleep, and they get 8 hours of TOTAL DOMINATION (near 100% map owned, and 600+ PPTs)? That has to extend for the 16 hours when I’m awake, too, via orb buffs and full fortifications?

When I went to bed on Friday night after the reset, FA was winning both in overall points and PPT. Dragonbrand was insanely close in 3rd. I wake up Saturday morning, and the match is effectively over. TC night capped everything, had a 20k lead, had 3 orbs, and fully upgraded towers/keeps/castles. Our casual players beat their heads against buffed-up TC players, and fortified positions for a few hours – and give up. It isn’t an easy fight to come back from. I’m cool with it working this way, but give me 24 or 48 hour matches then. I haven’t had a good WvW fight in a month, and likely won’t next week either. Next week I’ll probably be on the opposite side where we stomp out an opponent, which might even be less fun. Your game is getting really old, really fast ANet. You need to fix it.

Fort Aspenwood Server
Leader of Praetorian Order [PRO]
Member of FAA

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Dragonbrand is effectively a dead wvw server. Every guild that had any wvw focus has left and its basically a pve server

(aside from Phruriok and his awesome ninja tactics)

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

(edited by Kilger.5490)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I find it slightly humerous, all these complaints of us TC night capping and having orbs. Our last two matches, we didn’t complain, just gave us more to take back during the day and more to be proud over when we beat more numbers having 3 orbs. We got trashed in score, but had fun and went about recruiting more night presence.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: MrSilver.5269



I be on TC. I usually run in a small group away from th’ zerg. ‘tis entire week I have mostly encountered larger packs (~10 ) ’o FA roamin’ behind th’ keeps takin’ sentries ’n supply camps.

Granted, TC has a 3 orb bonus, but more times than not our ~5 have be able to match-up favorably wit’ FA’s ~10.

th’ moral ‘o th’ story, every ship has players ‘o varyin’ degrees ‘o pvp competence, ’n it isn’t accurate to paint broad brush strokes.

TC got our reputation fer bein’ a tough ship to sword fight not only because we don’t quit when we be at a numerical disadvantage, but because when we sword fight, we put up a jolly sword fight, ’n win more times than we lose.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

(edited by MrSilver.5269)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


I really wish you would stop spewing backhanded insults at TC. Unless you’re actually on our server, you wouldn’t have the faintest idea about how we operate. The whole thing where the zerg rolls all over the map and everything else in its path isn’t exclusive to Tarnished Coast.

I think people will always complain about the winning server because, as it stands, the winning server is the one with most people, it seems.

So far, this thread has been civil and we’ve all been very friendly. No one on Tarnished Coast has boasted on this thread so I don’t understand why you feel the need to come on here and put us down a notch.

For every time you’ve held your own against a group substantially larger than your own, we’ve done the same. That’s not exclusive to your server either. Though perhaps setting a trebuchet up outside of Greenlake is.

Sorry, couldn’t resist :P

Edit: Can I also reiterate that I don’t think TC actually has a cohesive nightcrew atm? We basically have a number of insomniacs, of which I am one, who stay up all night long!

When we beat our heads against CD, who had much better coverage than us, we didn’t complain or attack them. We accepted that they were much better organised than we were. Night capping is part of Wuvwuv. Check the thread that has been stickied. I’m certainly not saying or implying that Tarnished Coast is better than your servers or anything like that. Just using that matchup as a comparison to show we didn’t insult Crystal Desert.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


Our group of 9-10 proceeded to kill 100s of TC, I literally got about 40 kills on one sitting of an arrow cart, but in the end it didn’t net us much.

Of course you did, dear. Thanks for the hearty laugh, I needed it.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


If wuvwuv is going to revolve around nightcapping, wuvwuv will eventually die. Simple as that. That’s not a fun situation for either the nightcappers or the nightcappees. No one is having a fun, engaging, PvP experience.

I do not think the 20% of us who like PvP for its own sake and will be out there, regardless of the score, regardless of orbs, regardless of the chance of winning the match, are enough to sustain a wuvwuv population.

You need all those people who get discouraged and quit when their server is behind and looks like there’s no way it can win or when the other side controls all orbs and the entire map.