Warrior – DR Defender
(edited by Shaeva.6905)
Hey guys!
Finally found these forums – just wanted to say, I’ve been with PRO for over a week and am quite happy with this guild. Being an old WoW guild leader/raid leader, it’s nice to be back in a similar environment.
And we kick butt. See you guys in WvW tonight.
(edited by Shaeva.6905)
Dred, we dont have a night crew on kaineng.
We have a morning and US prime crew. no euro real euro crew. When I log off at 1am-2am my time we are usually outnumbered pretty badly. Sure we still have a showing but its not strong.
I think you arent quite pegging when US nighttime is because I’m sure your out there in SoS’s primetime which is 12 hours after US prime.
Dred, we dont have a night crew on kaineng.
We have a morning and US prime crew. no euro real euro crew. When I log off at 1am-2am my time we are usually outnumbered pretty badly. Sure we still have a showing but its not strong.
I think you arent quite pegging when US nighttime is because I’m sure your out there in SoS’s primetime which is 12 hours after US prime.
Naw mate, im on US pacific time. When im online, roughly 7-8pm – whenever long as the action is hawt, i’m seeing 20+ zergs from kain out there. The one pics i showed when kain hit a Bay had 2 zergs easily 20+ on both north and south gates. That was very late pacific time, after midnight if i remember right. I only see Ferg suffering numbers on the night shift, but even then you roll up into their BL they manage to rouse up some impressive numbers. I started posting pics because of folks arguing that Kain didnt have a night shift, i def dont think you have a numbers issue. Might be more teamwork/coordination? Lack of night shift commanders? Dunno. Now granted I’m judging what i see based off the map im on. For all i know i could be looking at pretty much all the Kain warriors swarming onto one map at a time and cant field teams across all the maps. Dunno. But you def have a very good night shift that puts up a darn hard and tough fight to get anywhere. I’ve played both server primetime and server offtime….fights seem to be def tougher on the “off time” hours.
That isnt night
Primetime ends at about midnight
“night” is 1-6am
I notice numbers after about 10pm EST and a pretty decent “night” crew for all, cept ferg, until about 6am EST. Then I notice the SoS guys around 7am and afterwards. Course that’s here lately….don’t know what it was like before that.
Can’t wait for SS’s of the Flame Rams! Some of your guys were gettin it tonight and chuckin siege back lol. Fun times, thanks for giving us some open field good times. Night Night Pro
Dred, we dont have a night crew on kaineng.
We have a morning and US prime crew. no euro real euro crew. When I log off at 1am-2am my time we are usually outnumbered pretty badly. Sure we still have a showing but its not strong.
I think you arent quite pegging when US nighttime is because I’m sure your out there in SoS’s primetime which is 12 hours after US prime.
Naw mate, im on US pacific time. When im online, roughly 7-8pm – whenever long as the action is hawt, i’m seeing 20+ zergs from kain out there. The one pics i showed when kain hit a Bay had 2 zergs easily 20+ on both north and south gates. That was very late pacific time, after midnight if i remember right. I only see Ferg suffering numbers on the night shift, but even then you roll up into their BL they manage to rouse up some impressive numbers. I started posting pics because of folks arguing that Kain didnt have a night shift, i def dont think you have a numbers issue. Might be more teamwork/coordination? Lack of night shift commanders? Dunno. Now granted I’m judging what i see based off the map im on. For all i know i could be looking at pretty much all the Kain warriors swarming onto one map at a time and cant field teams across all the maps. Dunno. But you def have a very good night shift that puts up a darn hard and tough fight to get anywhere. I’ve played both server primetime and server offtime….fights seem to be def tougher on the “off time” hours.
All or most of the people leading Kaineng in WvW log off around 1-2 am EST, at that point it becomes a mindless zerg that rarely bothers upgrading or defending what they have, and people trickle away to do PvE or log off.
Setting up shop in Stargrove in Kain’s borderlands. Don’t put down a guild buffet then stack 25 things of drunk on you. After falling half a million times and not being able to hit anybody. Kain celebrated by drinking OUR ale! Who does that! It was a knife to the heart </3
Maybe it is ktith, still, even if it is, what’s the harm in fighting us? its fun, its challenging, we can also do spvp if that’s your soup, anyway, let ’em know, though my guild boss (Balidore) bet some cash that they would “ignore” or “play deaf” to this challenge, so if any devonas is reading this, please let em know, ye? thank you
Some good fights tonight. Thanks again for the invite, Balidore.
Well shucks… I got my kitten handed to me last night! 95% it was by a larger force (which in fairness is all I attack) but there were some skilled players out there that gave me what-for in some smaller skirmishes. One [WAR] ranger and [Sos] engineer i fought 2v1 was also a good fight I lost but the Ranger would have made for a great 1v1 and give me a run for my money! [Btsy] got me a bunch of times while harassing the Devona’s and Kain zergs. The dudes won’t fight even if they outnumber you but they sure do show up the moment you’re otherwise disposed and the scales are wildly in their favor. Some would call it absolute cowardice and lack of skill to use a pure glass cannon heartseeker spec and only fight weakened opponents, but I guess that’s the point they’re going for. They ARE “thieves” after all, so i’ll take these buggers a little more seriously next time and take my lunch money back. #Slightlybutthurt hahah
Also, last night I saw some 1v1 dueling start up with [WAR], [ENVY], and myself that was some good fun. I’d love to see more of that! I’d be willing to put 50silver wagers (or any wager really) on the outcomes of the fights of anyone willing to challenge me to a duel. Lets turn the orchard into 1v1 arena gametime for greed and glory!
Hellz yes! That was fun I’ll put that bet on myself against anyone.
Took the time to write a post about getting double teamed, edited it to add 2 more paragraphs and then deleted 5 minutes later? Where’d your post go Dred?
Took the time to write a post about getting double teamed, edited it to add 2 more paragraphs and then deleted 5 minutes later? Where’d your post go Dred?
Obviously you didnt read my post. No clue what your talking bout the “double team” as my post was asking Ferg a question about strat for server rank advancement. I deleted it cuz didnt want an honest question to be mistaken for a jab.
Just some funny pics…
Back at you Ferg! (weeeeeeeeeeeee)
1 – 4 man ninja of Ferg’s keep (we also took the bay and hills)
2 – Awww dayum! 911, 911 hahahaha
3 – Bots bots and moe bots: player solution to bot problem
4 – lawl #1
5 – lawl #2
6 – WTB summons from death trap
(edited by Sajec.5302)
Hey, CNB, how was that DB siege in Devonas? I think I was up to 6 kills by the time another 7 or 8 got to me. Made me feel special
You’re so lucky you have ridiculous size zergs.
This was all I had time to take a picture of:
(edited by Themanbat.3206)
uXa transferred from black gate to Devona Rest last night to try some smaller scale pvp where we can get our entire team in the battle maps (que times keep us from geting more than 10 guildys in on blackgate)was very surprised and plzed with DR performance and lack of any kitten talk in chats.. Quite a bit different then the Top tier servers.
FIST in talks about transferring over to DR. In fact we are pretty much banking on it.
Welcome aboard Undead and uXa! I will have to loook for you guys on the battlefield.
90% of the time we have very good teamwork on DR. You will find that the bottom bracket is a blast! Heck I end up talking as much with Kains warriors in whispers as I do my own server lol. And I dont mean smack talk, I mean as in good natured banter.
They have went so far that now they place flame rams as headstones whenever they kill a member of PRO. Both sides think it is hilarious. You should see the map chat…"Why are Kains placing flame rams all over the map lol
I wouldnt trade our bracket for the top one, there is no way the fight could be any more fun, or contested.
You guys would be very welcome on DR anytime you would like.
You will find out soon that:
Kain=they bring primetime numbers and very good coordination
Ferg=beast mode fighters and if they had more numbers would be impossible to stop. If they have 5, you bring 8 just to be sure
uXa & FIST. Why DR? Its easy to join the winning team but any more tipping of the scales on Devona’s side will bump it to the next tier. Kaineng or Ferguson’s are both in dire need of skilled players.
@ Spacelord. That headstone/flameram idea is hilarious!! I am now going to be doing the same hahah.
I’m from Fc and I enjoy reading about the WvW I don’t get to see in the other maps, but I’m just going to throw the thought that maybe some guilds might want to transfer to Fc as alot of the larger guilds transefered off last week.
And we have cookies.
Hey, CNB, how was that DB siege in Devonas?
I think I was up to 6 kills by the time another 7 or 8 got to me. Made me feel special
You’re so lucky you have ridiculous size zergs.
This was all I had time to take a picture of:
I was the thief you killed in that picture! You were really AWESOME! I did get my revenge by ganking you, but it wasn’t fair since 3 others came when we were sweeping the keep for mesmers (YOU!).
Awesome job on your very hard to kill to mesmer.
uXa & FIST. Why DR? Its easy to join the winning team but any more tipping of the scales on Devona’s side will bump it to the next tier. Kaineng or Ferguson’s are both in dire need of skilled players.
I agree, Devona already has had a HUGE number of very skilled players transferred to them in the last 2 weeks. Ferguson’s is in DIRE need of players and Kaineng’s core group seems to be doing dungeons/farming PvE instead of WvW lately. Kaineng and Ferguson really need the transfers, not Devona.
If they do join DR, you’ll be in the next tier in the next week or so. If you check the scores, DR is DEMOLISHING both Kaineng and Ferguson, who lack players.
uXa & FIST. Why DR? Its easy to join the winning team but any more tipping of the scales on Devona’s side will bump it to the next tier. Kaineng or Ferguson’s are both in dire need of skilled players.
I agree, Devona already has had a HUGE number of very skilled players transferred to them in the last 2 weeks. Ferguson’s is in DIRE need of players and Kaineng’s core group seems to be doing dungeons/farming PvE instead of WvW lately. Kaineng and Ferguson really need the transfers, not Devona.
If they do join DR, you’ll be in the next tier in the next week or so. If you check the scores, DR is DEMOLISHING both Kaineng and Ferguson, who lack players.
I think the one thing we should all be able to agree on is that FC, Kain and DR is an awesome matchup. I have had WAY more fun with this matchup than I have with any other since release.
I also love that guild rivalries and such are starting to emerge. Let’s not F up this wonderful matchup by having a bunch of people flock to the winning server.
FIST in talks about transferring over to DR. In fact we are pretty much banking on it.
You guys should transfer to Fergs instead so the match-up will be more even. If you guys transfer to DR it’ll just be a blowout, if you go to Fergs then it will be a more even and fun match-up.
I think you guyz may have some servers slowly moving down to your tier. If you haven’t noticed both Eradon Terrace and HoD have been dropping 3 ranks over and over again eventually one of you may be bumped into a higher tier. But i enjoy reading how the other servers are doing. I find this is my way to find out about other servers without server hopping
When we < uXa> looked into moving, we saw the bottom 3 servers and just did a random pick. we had a vote in vent, and the guys were just told the names of the servers, not their overall placement. There was no real reason other than happenstance we choose DR over the other two. We came down here to look fro smaller scale fights and less kitten wagging. Plus i highly doubt our 20ish actives will have such an impact that the server balance will be off kilter.
@ Drednyte quote, “Just some funny pics…
Back at you Ferg! (weeeeeeeeeeeee)?1 – 4 man ninja of Ferg’s keep (we also took the bay and hills)
Kaineng:?2 – Awww dayum! 911, 911 hahahaha?3 – Bots bots and moe bots: player solution to bot problem?4 – lawl #1?5 – lawl #2?6 – WTB summons from death trap”
LOL @ #4 & #5 pictures. Obviously you couldn’t get any of those on top of my guild last night so you had to find some comfort in putting some in our starting area. I “grant” you your solace in #4 & #5. BTW I placed over 48+ siege on “PRO” members last night that were killed by us(I ran out sadly) this doesn’t include others in my guild placing them too. (None of us were killed by your guild, we had one of your guys throw siege @ us and run like mad but that was all, we laughed so hard when he did this. So props to him for trying:)
on #2 picture Where is the BIG write up of PRO doing the ultimate defense here? You had (NoQQ) outnumbered on the outer gate, you had lots defending the inner when we got inside. We got reinforced by (WAR), as seen in the photo, and PRO guys/ladies were running for the Hills. I thought you all made epic defenses and stuff? Whats up with that? Anyway some good fights & can’t wait to put some siege on top of your dead body ;-P (if I haven’t done so already)
Still love you all just some friendly competition.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
(edited by Zizanzi.4678)
“uXa & FIST”
Oh goody!!!!!! More RED conned people to kill!!!!
Welcome & see you out there
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
(edited by Zizanzi.4678)
20 people is game breaking in our very low populated tiers. It’s not what you are use to. Anyways, I am pretty sure DR will be moved up a tier tomorrow anyways, so good luck. If not, oh well! More people to kill. =D
Ehh I really do not think anyone is moving up for awhile, and if they do, it probably will not be for long. Pop difference in brackets is pretty big.
I think these 3 servers will always be close in rankings unless something drastically changes.
Devona’s Rest will still be with you guys for a bit. It’s the Henge of Denravi or ET that suffer the population losts that are more likely to move you guys out of that tier
Had some fun times last night with fellow EDGE members. We had claimed the tower right by our spawn in Kain’s border with intentions of defending till death. Defenses were going well until a mob of Kain showed up. They weren’t part of the Evermoor alliance, thankfully. Just a zerg of randoms running around as far as I could tell, but they laid siege to us for about half an hour to an hour, with us constantly repelling them. Then they started getting crafty and started hitting out walls with cata’s instead of rams, which we really had no defense against so we all stormed out to try and take it down. Unfortunately, our wall was taken down before we could do anything and most of our charge was wiped, so the remaining few fled to the keep lord to defend to the last man. Somehow, we managed to hold them off long enough that people returned and came up behind and wiped the entire zerg out. After that, we saw no action for a good while. Commander Smilingknight showed up (a commander I actually enjoy, for once) and we started to take the south half of Kain’s border. After that, iSpy and the rest of the alliance came to play and shoved us out rather quickly. We stood for about 5 minutes in the tower that held for 30. Mainly because we had a lot less defenders (most went to smilingknight in hills) and mainly because iSpy is co-ordinated. EDGE lost our tower, but we had fun. After that, we sat at the back of Kain’s citadel camp, placed down a banquet, and got drunk. 25 stacks of drunk and fighting doesn’t go well, FYI.
Image 1: Kain zerg shows up
Image 2: charging the catapult
Image 3: Zerg inside at the lord
Image 4: Our guys coming up from behind to finish them off
Image 5: Sweet, sweet victory with all the dead and downed players.
(edited by Pentzski.4620)
I believe there’s a big chance Anvil will drop this week. Not 100% sure though.
Anvil Rock will be staying in the next Tier. Devona’s Rest has another 200 points average to move up http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA. Trust me check it out
@Zizanzi.4678- I was there last night and was laughing my kitten off at you guys. Very well coordinated and very well in control of any engagement you encountered. I was like did this motherkitten just drop a flame ram on me? OH HE DID! At first I was thinking this is just some sort of feint and there was going to be a larger scale attack on the other side of the map, but after I robbed you of yet another 18s I realized I would no longer contribute to the flame ram embarassment. We did have the numbers to take you on I could just never get anyone to attack in any kind of force. (no one listens when you don’t have a commander tag). The worst was when we had the numbers but half stay at camp to attack the Lord (with 3 mins mind you left on the invuln buff) while the other half melted into you guys. I can only assume you were calling targets cause I went down faster than a HS cheerleader at prom at least twice. I did get 1-2 of you into the “downed” state but never got the finisher. Kudos, I got a good amount of chuckles last night watching ram after ram litter the battlefield.
LOL at Khanswrath,
The worst part of it all was that the randoms were stopping and trying to kill all of the rams…and then dying to the Kains fighting them.
If only we could get them to fight normal seige that way!
@ SpaceLord quoted,
“LOL at Khanswrath, The worst part of it all was that the randoms were stopping and trying to kill all of the rams…and then dying to the Kains fighting them.
If only we could get them to fight normal seige that way!”
We have noticed that too :-) BTW we retrace our steps on occasion only to find random people “BUILDING” the flameram! We bust out laughing @ them doing it in the middle of nowhere. All good laughs.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
Zizanzi, that is epic! I guess both sides have had a lot of fun with this. I actually fell too far last night trying to go to fast getting back to bay and killed myself. Fully expected one of your guys to pop up and ram me! lol
You guys were brilliant in this prank!
@SpaceLord quoted, " Zizanzi, that is epic! I guess both sides have had a lot of fun with this. I actually fell too far last night trying to go to fast getting back to bay and killed myself. Fully expected one of your guys to pop up and ram me! lol
You guys were brilliant in this prank!"
Hehehehe, it is all in good fun. I’m sure I will eventually get one myself one day. But it does breed great competition out on the battlefield to make people fight harder on both sides to either to put siege on someone or not to have siege put on you.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
When we < uXa> looked into moving, we saw the bottom 3 servers and just did a random pick. we had a vote in vent, and the guys were just told the names of the servers, not their overall placement. There was no real reason other than happenstance we choose DR over the other two. We came down here to look fro smaller scale fights and less kitten wagging. Plus i highly doubt our 20ish actives will have such an impact that the server balance will be off kilter.
Except what you are doing will push it a bit further out of balance.
@ Zizanzi.4678
Funny, PRO had been owning NoQQ all day anytime you went after anything worth taking. As NoQQs zerg was made up mostly of thieves and mesmers, all you guys could manage was to ambush players by spam using the known invis rendering bug. Myself i found it funny anyone would resort to such lame tactics. But hey, if you cant take control of the map guess just do what u can. Oh, kwayzeee and will from PRO were the 2 that led bout 8 others in owning you anytime you went after anything worth taking. Sorry the rendering bug dont work for sieges.
Fun fights though, myself i laughed when you all showed up,mass invis or portal bug. And if you didnt get us all youd run for cooldowns to reset. Fun fights overall and enjoy the bug, when its fixed im sure you’ll roll other classes lol.
Welcome to DR those that just transfered in. Ignore the “you should come to kain or ferg” posts. DR was perfect choice, hope you have some night shifters!
Kain- u have plenty of Wv3 gamers, just stop zerging
Ferg – granted a little help wouldnt hurt you. But get more folks u have out of PvE and into Wv3. Those that already are are beasts! Only reason you are last place is your chosen strat. Saw you guys yesterday roll into kain with a vengeance and were owning. Red dots replacing blue everywhere.
Welcome to DR those that just transfered in. Ignore the “you should come to kain or ferg” posts. DR was perfect choice, hope you have some night shifters!
Kain- u have plenty of Wv3 gamers, just stop zerging
Ferg – granted a little help wouldnt hurt you. But get more folks u have out of PvE and into Wv3. Those that already are are beasts! Only reason you are last place is your chosen strat. Saw you guys yesterday roll into kain with a vengeance and were owning. Red dots replacing blue everywhere.
Thanks for the welcome but I think everyone allready hurt Undead’s and Weaponsx’s feelings so we probably won’t stay.
@ Drednyte quoted, @ Zizanzi.4678
“Funny, PRO had been owning NoQQ all day anytime you went after anything worth taking. As NoQQs zerg was made up mostly of thieves and mesmers, all you guys could manage was to ambush players by spam using the known invis rendering bug. Myself i found it funny anyone would resort to such lame tactics. But hey, if you cant take control of the map guess just do what u can. Oh, kwayzeee and will from PRO were the 2 that led bout 8 others in owning you anytime you went after anything worth taking. Sorry the rendering bug dont work for sieges.
Fun fights though, myself i laughed when you all showed up,mass invis or portal bug. And if you didnt get us all youd run for cooldowns to reset. Fun fights overall and enjoy the bug, when its fixed im sure you’ll roll other classes lol.”
As for your accusations of rendering, portal bug, and anything else you can dream up to make yourself look better we all know how those accusations played out before on the boards. Personally I think a real leader would cover his 6 a lot better than anything I saw last night.
You didn’t own anything on NoQQ, you owned the SIEGE ram sitting on top of your people. Simple as that. That is why so many siege were placed on your guys last night. NoQQ only went for one keep last night & we took it so again your farce of you and 8 others owning NoQQ anytime we went after anything worth taking is a total fabrication as shown in your #2 photo showing us on the bridge about to take it, which we did.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
It dosn’t matter if you stay or go, Kaineg will control primetime every night with 3 guilds that have less members combind than PRO claimed they had when they came here. I invite the challenge, if it takes another giuld the size one of our 3 to add to PRO, GASM, DR, RED, SOCO and more for you guys to stop us, so be it.
You sir… Are one funny fella.
A few pages ago when WAR was bragging about their win, I said wait till the week and ill be back on here telling you we told you so.
So… Didnt I tell you?
Now if WAR is Sssooooo good, then how come I haven’t seem them in WvW much?
“We’ll never catch up to DR now… Mise well give up”
Anytime I see WAR they either run or alt f4… Guess I’m just one scary guardian.
Also fergs… Fought Envy and a few others today in your BL… You guys are crazy good. Great fights and it was fun taking over the hills & bay.
(edited by Sirenic.4275)
You probably havnt seen us because you switch maps whenever you face any opposition.
Welcome to DR those that just transfered in. Ignore the “you should come to kain or ferg” posts. DR was perfect choice, hope you have some night shifters!
Kain- u have plenty of Wv3 gamers, just stop zerging
Ferg – granted a little help wouldnt hurt you. But get more folks u have out of PvE and into Wv3. Those that already are are beasts! Only reason you are last place is your chosen strat. Saw you guys yesterday roll into kain with a vengeance and were owning. Red dots replacing blue everywhere.
There’s almost no one in PVE these days, excepting primetime there are not enough people around to run events. Just botters everywhere.
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