[Rawr] – HoD
11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace
[Rawr] – HoD
I think Yaks growing is more for their pride and great community rather than oportunist transfers; new focus with a dedicated website, organization and friendly communication between large guilds and commanders can turn a really bad strategy into a partial winning situation; that give to founders and newcomers a sense of ownership of the server that really helps to numbers, at least in wvw, and give to commanders some respect for the fact that they need… well… command, not just be a blue icon on map.
Is not fun to win (or loss) against a huge zerg being 10, nightcapping or fake outmanned buff due bots (at least for me); i just try to ignore scores the most i can and play on funny situations, which imho, are evenly match at least for a couple of hours, attacking and/or defending. So idc if yaks going to scale up to tier 2, or fall down on last, if they keep that attitude, we’ll grow even more.
Dear FA,
I’m sorry i scared you away from Cragtop by doing AoE. I was just trying to get enough dmg for credit while you took down the gate. Please come back and take it so we can have a fair fight due to glitches and hackers.
That kitten on top of the tower shooting arrows
To the YB folks here, ignore the trolls in this tread that are crying poor for FA, it’s only about 3 people from the skim through I’ve seen, thus not representing the community of FA, of which 90% of them are out trying to make our lives hell on the battle field and not on a forum.
To those 90% of the FA community that are out in the battle field, I thank you for continueing to show up and put up some ripping fights, and may we have many more before this week is over!
To those 10% of FA community that are on the forums, stop just stop and back up your other 90% that are out in the battle field. There’s losing a battle while holding your head up high, and there’s losing a fight and crying about how unfair it is on a forum.
Lets get this thread back on track and talk about the good fights and maybe just maybe at the end of it for the last hour before reset we can all sit around vista island drinking and laughing and telling jokes and sharing the stories from our week of battles all while sitting on our esky’s!
I think its important to point out that most complaints on this or other server related threads are mainly about game mechanic issues. We all know about the many issues and it still frustrates everyone involved.
I do take Anet removing orbs as a sign they will be or are currently addressing the current game play mechanic issues. Its just hard to have patience when hard fought battles or work is diminished because of them.
What I don’t understand is, why can’t AN add a simple balance check into the WvW, that would clear up all these numbers names calling threads.
Just got done playing for about 3 hours in EB. Didn’t see ET at all unfortunately, but I guess they are really only in their BL. I miss them from the reset. We engaged Yaks several times, but for the most part we were up against doors. The back and forth this time around was towers and supply camps changing hands every few minutes.
I hope people don’t assume that FA is represented by a vocal/whining minority.
Overall I’ve been enjoying this match. Although I’m not sure why Yak’s players think FA are complaining about zergs.
I’ve just read this entire thread and not seen one FA person even mention zergs or complain about being losing because of being outnumbered.
Unless you buy into the Yaks narrative that they are winning because of superior tactics, they seem to just accuse you of whining and complaining. I should be fair though. Not all Yaks in this thread have been doing that and I thank those who are able to look at the situation more objectively. Yaks have really put out some good strategies just as TC did weeks ago. It just isn’t why they are winning. I really wish WvW was about that, but it’s up to Anet to create a system that focuses on that. They intended WvW to be something between PvE and sPvP. People will jump on and have great fights and then jump off.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Just got done playing for about 3 hours in EB. Didn’t see ET at all unfortunately, but I guess they are really only in their BL. I miss them from the reset. We engaged Yaks several times, but for the most part we were up against doors. The back and forth this time around was towers and supply camps changing hands every few minutes.
I hope people don’t assume that FA is represented by a vocal/whining minority.
Overall I’ve been enjoying this match. Although I’m not sure why Yak’s players think FA are complaining about zergs.
I’ve just read this entire thread and not seen one FA person even mention zergs or complain about being losing because of being outnumbered.
Unless you buy into the Yaks narrative that they are winning because of superior tactics, they seem to just accuse you of whining and complaining.
I should be fair though. Not all Yaks in this thread have been doing that and I thank those who are able to look at the situation more objectively. Yaks have really put out some good strategies just as TC did weeks ago. It just isn’t why they are winning. I really wish WvW was about that, but it’s up to Anet to create a system that focuses on that. They intended WvW to be something between PvE and sPvP. People will jump on and have great fights and then jump off.
I’m not saying that we have super leet tactics, nor am I denying that we have solid coverage. All I’m saying is we are not simply one giant, rolling zerg machine. With that, I’m done with this thread. I don’t know why I do this to myself. It only serves to rile me up.
Good luck out there.
[Rawr] – HoD
^Yeah, that guy is mad, but if you want to see some real complaining/whining, read up on any thread dealing with Desolation/RUIN.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Scorpio ShiricaI like to visit FA threads just to see them complain about fighting TC’s “overwhelming night presence.” I hope we at TC get to fight Yak’s, they don’t seem to complain as much even when losing. I think YB, TC, CD would be a fun fight.
I think this would be an awesome matchup. TC is kinda rolling over us at CD right now, not without a fight, of course. Mainly because HoD has hardly any presence whatsoever. A third server, especially one as great as Yak’s, would even the play field. Both TC and Yak’s have been my favorite servers to play against, so far.
With that said, nice going YB! Keep it up, and I am sure most of us at CD would like seeing you again in the (near) future.
Happy Tree of w0t0 [w0t0] -Crystal Desert-
Eredon Terrace Borderlands map
Fort Aspenwood server has a hacker.
Guild Name: Rise of the Omnipotent [GODS]
Sunday night @ 11:15pm CST
He mows groups of people down like nothing and has 15-20 buffs on him like he has every profession. It takes 12-15 people to eventually kill him.
Not nice.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
(edited by Xavi.6591)
I hope people don’t assume that FA is represented by a vocal/whining minority. It’s like saying all of Yak’s doesn’t understand Thief mechanics because one guy complained about a C&D Thief defending a point for a large number of minutes against their large zerg.
MMO players being bad sports about losing is old hat. A large number of us are busy not being bad sports and having fun out on the field.
Which is where I’ll be.
Right now.
Fort Aspenwood, ho!
If you are talking about the post I made, no sir I do understand thief mechanics. It is rendering issues that make thieves invisibility abusable and pretty much permanent with some builds. Debatable if that is smart or just an annoying waste of time, I mean I think certain uses of mesmer portals shouldn’t be legit, especially with how the game currently works (again, rendering issues), doesnt mean I dont understand or see how some people think that’s playing smart.
I do feel rendering issues are having a bad influence on the game. Sometimes I can use tab to target a thief after they go out of invis but dont render for 2 seconds, but in some circumstances, the thief is untargetable for 2 seconds, then targetable for another 2 seconds until finally rendered. If you dont suffer from those rendering issues, understand that some people do and that was the point I was trying to make, don’t see how it’s relevant to understanding thief mechanics…unless you mean it’s a thief mechanic to abuse rendering problems?
Anyway, sorry for going off topic. I just find these rendering issues becoming worse and worse after every patch instead of improving.
@Xavi Is he using abilities of every profession? Is he stealthing? What is “groups of people?” 40 people, or 3-4 people not even level 80? An 80 thief in exotics can roll 4-5 maybe even more if they’re low level and a simple steal from a mesmer gives him every buff for a while.
Your post lacks the info needed to make it credible – and screen shots of combat logs would go a long way.
p.s. Are there 15-20 buffs in the game?
@Ekove – it is annoying, but this particular instance wouldn’t have been improved all that much by rendering – he was restealthing almost immediately with C&D. Watch the video. With portal bombing, rendering would help only minimally. For many people the instant render would mean massive lag in which case they couldn’t do anything anyway. The most obvious fix to portal bombing is limit players that can go through to 5 or 10.
Thief nerf will probably be for the revealed debuff to always trigger even when exiting stealth without an attack – that and/or make it so they can’t defend/cap points while stealthed in wvw (like it is in spvp). In the mean time just try to play smart. I spam cluster bomb and detonate it (stacking bleeds and doing aoe) when I see a thief stealthing – that wouldn’t even work on him because his defense is stacked. This is the “bunker” thief you are looking at.
(edited by neclon.4510)
@Xavi Is he using abilities of every profession? Is he stealthing? What is “groups of people?” 40 people, or 3-4 people not even level 80? An 80 thief in exotics can roll 4-5 maybe even more if they’re low level and a simple steal from a mesmer gives him every buff for a while.
Your post lacks the info needed to make it credible – and screen shots of combat logs would go a long way.
p.s. Are there 15-20 buffs in the game?
@Ekove – it is annoying, but this particular instance wouldn’t have been improved all that much by rendering – he was restealthing almost immediately with C&D. Watch the video. With portal bombing, rendering would help only minimally. For many people the instant render would mean massive lag in which case they couldn’t do anything anyway. The most obvious fix to portal bombing is limit players that can go through to 5 or 10.
Thief nerf will probably be for the revealed debuff to always trigger even when exiting stealth without an attack – that and/or make it so they can’t defend/cap points while stealthed in wvw (like it is in spvp). In the mean time just try to play smart. I spam cluster bomb and detonate it (stacking bleeds and doing aoe) when I see a thief stealthing – that wouldn’t even work on him because his defense is stacked. This is the “bunker” thief you are looking at.
He/she is an elemental and 10 people can’t kill him.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Still severely lacking in details, man. Are those 10 people level 10? Are they level 60 in crap blues/greens they picked up in pve? Is the guy using abilities he shouldn’t like stealth (when he’s an elem)? Any well played class in full exotics can easily avoid dying to if not manage killing really low level players or even some higher level ones with crappy gear.
Screen shots of combat log?
Its a dagger dagger build that we have seen this week. It is not a hack.
Props to the elementalist that originally came up with this build. A couple of GODS and PRO are using it.
Just have a mesmer Moa them or Confuse them and they cant do kitten.
Drako WindSpur – Ranger
General – Badger Spirits – [BS] – Yaks Bend Alliance Team Lead
Yeah there was some tanky Ele running around yesterday. 10 pple couldn’t kill her. After a min gave I up and wandered off somewhere else. 10 people couldn’t dent her health bar. Was she cheating? I dunno. I got more important things to worry about.
Also had a Ranger hit me about 30 times in 3 seconds. Again, I got more important things to worry about. But it was very suspicious.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Yeah it was an elementalist using that build. 1 man army.
I predict everyone is going to be rolling elementalists soon after watching those vids.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
had a nice talk to a commander in YB… anyway i was running for supplies and i put a golem when the side wall was nearly down. (didn’t know, u know was running and building trebs).
Yeah, I run a similar build to that and have very good success as a support ele with a staff. Almost never die if I’m careful and rack up kills fairly easily.
i personaly wanna thank everyone that said nice things about GODS and FA, my toon is Janos Audron ele D/D,me and a few others run spec ops for GODS we are a small group you may have seen us around, its nice to hear ppl talking about our skills and how hard we play.Its been fun fighting yaks i hope we are giving you guys a nice fight.
i might just be a lowly random out there in the battle fields, but today i had some great times in Yak Borderlands (10-12pm GMT-7)
running around the back harassing your Dolyks and taking out a camp with a lvl 27 mesmer and 20 thief that joined me on my adventures of raiding everything.
thank you YB for capturing everything and leaving the wargs, worms, and Harpies alone. made today very worthwile
Thanks to the Yak and ET players for some great fights! I’m a member of GODS on FA and run with a small tight knit group and we have had a blast so far this week. Although we have been outnumbered on many occasions we have enjoyed it! Even if you feel like there are less of us showing up we will be on everyday giving it our best. Looking forward to more great fights.
~Wynter Coldmoon Elementalist – GODS
BTW i see alot of ppl calling us hackers, we are not we just have fully geared and lvled players that are very good we have 2 human female DDele’s and me human male DDele.
Hello GODS, i was on Yaks at the camp when those eles were there.
I didn’t see anything unusual aside from some very skilled players who know how to build and play their characters well.
good fighting all.. enjoyed it much.
I apologize for the hacking comment then. You guys are seriously geared and good players. I just wasn’t expecting some of you guys to roll through us so quickly.
Good times.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Thanx for the respect , we know we are outmaned esp at night so GODs spec ops is a unique group of different classes ones that we dont even reveal or share with the community. We have become what some might say special forces for the guild and we decided as a unit that if we dont have the numbers to fight open battle then our spec ops unit will make sure you feel our presence. Those who have faced our unit in battle cannot mistake the signet moves … next time you face us in battle know that if you dont bring twice your numbers its likely you will RIP mad respect to those who have stood and fought to the death truth be told we leave no man behind… and one last tip if you get hit by our elementals just know we refer to them as our attack dogs and if you dont run from then you will soon meet the rest of us.
salute aka jedi warrior the medical ninja
GODS is only guild I give my respect on FA so far. Give me a scare on Friday when server flipped when you show up after we got East Keep on ET BL. Was good fight then, and every other fight after that.
One more thing, you need to protect your siege better :P 3 balistas without arrow carts will do nothing, you always can go around them and hit those Trebs.
Because elementalists are difficult to master, it’s hard for people to understand how powerful they are. When played well, a d/d ele will demolish you and your mates. I know there’s at least one really good d/d ele on Ft Aspen that has put a few vids out. Again, think for a second whether you’re outclassed or outplayed rather than immediately crying foul.
As a Yak’s Commander I commend both servers in this matchup. You guys fight, are strategic, and are great competition. I tip my hat to you.
The scoreboard does not always reflect the actual quality of pvp on the battlefield. I’ve seen GODS, PRO, and several other guilds use excellent tactics, and best of all, you keep coming at us every minute of every day.
Regarding the Elemenatalist this evening, I personally fought this player and not only did they have excellent gear, this person is a very competent player. I was able to take him down, however I’m fully geared as he is. I did see him mow through entire groups of people, most of which were undergeared and not level 80.
Let’s keep things positive people. There’s no reason for us not to respect our competition. Keep the fight in the battlegrounds where it belongs.
Foo Guild – www.fooguild.com
@Severim – If you mean me, I’m flattered. I have a bunch of videos of me and PRO out in the battlefields on my youtube channel( http://www.youtube.com/user/JetstormTV ) and I just finished streaming our battles out there tonight. Was loads of fun tonight, and I even found that you guys on Yak’s have some streamers yourselves. Pretty cool
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV
As one of the leading Commanders on Yak’s Bend, the only thing I can really say about all of this talk is welcome to the higher tiers. Regardless if you moved up, or moved down, you’re bound to run into some competitive and well cooperating opponents.
I’m not one to sit here and say any of you guys are bad players, and I wouldn’t expect you to say the same about us. I’ve had some great fun these last few days fighting against you FA guys. You guys hit us when we least expect it with great numbers, and sometimes that’s all you need. As it’s been said in earlier posts, we are very very good at communicating, and have been getting better at it. If we notice a large zerg get on the map, and we are outmanned, the second we see them, we tell our other Team Leaders and Commanders via a VOIP, and within minutes, we have backup.
Think about what the even higher tiers are doing, do you really think they aren’t doing this? Do you really think they aren’t spending ridiculous amounts of money to do big attacks to lock down a map? Well if you think that, you’re probably wrong. As you progress higher in the tiers, you’re going to run into well developed servers. We may not be as good as those guys, but we are working on it!
Always learn from your mistakes, and study the enemy. If you see we have over 40 guys defending one keep or tower you’re attacking, try sending a smaller zerg to take another tower, split up our group. Learn how to win by outsmarting your enemy. Do you think we like having a 100k lead? I personally don’t. I’d rather have a small lead, or even be behind, so that way the fight keeps up the whole week.
My recommendations is, invest in a large VOIP, maybe talk to the larger Guilds about buying one. Once you get that VOIP, advertise it in WvW, and PvE, get your server actively participating on the VOIP. Get all of your Commanders have their Guild move over to that VOIP when they are in WvW. Communication is key!
That’s all I have.
Tarnished Coast
Eredon Terrace is an up and coming server. They don’t have that many people during they day, but they have some decent commanders and willing support. That showed when we were able to take back the N half of the map and the garrison (Albeit sparsley defended) later in the afternoon.
It is super fun fighting against vastly superior numbers. Even small gains mean more.
RE; The elementalist “build” video – that is Excala from GODS. Just FYI.
Ft Aspenwood rolling out strong now. Let’s keep it up.
I hope people don’t assume that FA is represented by a vocal/whining minority. It’s like saying all of Yak’s doesn’t understand Thief mechanics because one guy complained about a C&D Thief defending a point for a large number of minutes against their large zerg.
Its not whining to state the obvious – we have nearly nonexistent off-peak coverage which both directly hurts us and has follow on effects.
Does Yak’s have skilled players and organization? Sure, I saw that myself friday night and sunday morning. But is that the only reason they’re winning? No. Ignoring the off peak dominance is being willfully blind. And the advantages it gives when the next peak time comes around.
Winning/losing score-wise doesn’t bother me so much as the effects it has on our match ups. We either get to stomp lower tier servers (which is not interesting – in fact, those weeks I mostly skip WvW) or we face a constant uphill battle, knowing whatever gains made will be retaken uncontested in a few hours.
I am a thief, and I for one would appreciate some of those FA Ele’s go and post in the thief forums and show people how to beat us.
This weekend was the first weekend, since release, where I actually (embarassingly) had to run away from a D/D Ele. I figured something was up when i crit backstabbed for less 4k. You guys have some SKILLED Ele’s there – and thank you for the link to the vids – I will be posting them on guild and alliance forums.
Yaksbend Commander
This week’s match made me reroll an Ele. FA has some really insane Eles on their side.
For some reason Yak’s Bend thieves always catch me with my staff equipped. When I’m using D/D or S/D then I can usually handle thieves, but with staff I’m boned.
Joiry, I’m not talking about highlighting legitimate influential Oceanic disparities. If two servers are evenly matched in population and ability during primetime, while one server has an overwhelming Oceanic advantage, then the match goes to the server with the overwhelming Oceanic advantage (unless post-Oceanic pre-Primetime is huge for the other server, which I don’t think happens nearly as much). That’s just WvWvW. In fact, it shouldn’t even need to be said, because anyone with a rational head on his/her shoulders will understand how much the score means with such a disparity.
The whiners I was talking about are those saying winning servers are only winning because they are zergs. It’s disrespectful, misinformed, and does not represent the mentality of the world’s rational population.
I understand your particular frustration when it comes to ranking our world; however, it also doesn’t help when ET is on an unfortunate decline and has no real presence. That isn’t to say there aren’t skilled players over there as well, but there’s only so much you can do when you’re population handicapped to that degree.
Overall, it really needs to be about the joy of the fight when it comes to WvWvW. Perhaps they’ll add more incentives at some point, but I join up in order to get into enjoyable skirmishes. Luckily, those still happen frequently enough, even with an unbalanced score.
Also, I really want to fight one of these invincible Elementalists now.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
When it takes as many people as it took to take one down while they are killing a d stomping people I can say that build will get some type of nerf. If not I predict 50% elementalist population in wvw soon lmao.
Quick Score update for those who are not in-game atm or sleeping/just out of bed ^-^
Just like how they nerf’d Thieves? Oh wait..
Thieves and elementalists everywhere. Should be fun.
When it takes as many people as it took to take one down while they are killing a d stomping people I can say that build will get some type of nerf. If not I predict 50% elementalist population in wvw soon lmao.
Not likely. They are the hardest class to play. You have to put in a TON of effort to pull off what they pull off. swapping out 4 elements and juggling the timers on all 4 while staying mobile isn’t easy. You are also looking at a low burst bunker/heal builds. Decently effective in s/tPvP but monster in WvW due to under geared/under leveled toons they go against.
The class is fun to play but the effort to reward ratio is very low, maybe the lowest of any class out there.
When it takes as many people as it took to take one down while they are killing a d stomping people I can say that build will get some type of nerf. If not I predict 50% elementalist population in wvw soon lmao.
Not likely. They are the hardest class to play. You have to put in a TON of effort to pull off what they pull off. swapping out 4 elements and juggling the timers on all 4 while staying mobile isn’t easy. You are also looking at a low burst bunker/heal builds. Decently effective in s/tPvP but monster in WvW due to under geared/under leveled toons they go against.
The class is fun to play but the effort to reward ratio is very low, maybe the lowest of any class out there.
This. Ele is tough to play and this dd build is more challenging then the genaric staff builds. Also as mentioned above this is just one of our few viable builds that is centered on survivablity. On top of the build to be effective you need the gear and skill to support it.
That said, after spending 200k karma for gear and ~10g on jewels and runes. My ele does have 19k+ HP and 1600 toughness. With constant defense boons and a 100% swiftness uptime, I am a walking tank. But without might stacking the builds dps is lackluster on anything other then glass cannons.
The class is the problem, but not because we are op or hard to play. It’s because we are forced into these defensive builds to be viable for anything other then aoe’ing with a staff.
See ya on the battlefield.
I’m glad they are fixing culling next patch. This will help a lot with thieves insane stealth. So far I having a lot o fun on this W3. Yak’s number are a lot more than FA but the fights are challenging. See you all tonight.
I hate when people set up arrowcarts and such in the eternal battlegrounds jump puzzle and just troll all day. I am looking at you Yaks OTG guild.
I hate when people set up arrowcarts and such in the eternal battlegrounds jump puzzle and just troll all day. I am looking at you Yaks OTG guild.
We feel loved :P
Don’t you suppose to say: “We’ll kill you, bro.”
We gotta get siege on every alt you know.
I’m glad they are fixing culling next patch.
Where did you read about that? Could you provide a link please?
They’ve tried fixing it before, ended up rolling the changes back. I’d love to see some new info on this.
As a guardian who always rushes in, I keep running into the invisible zergs when it’s too late. If they are really fixing it, I am going to be one happy dude!
Nanorin ,I have no clue what in the hell you were trying to say there bud.