11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Unlimited [ULTD] has blast last night into the weary hours of this morning (something like 0130). Cannot wait for tonight! Cheers to future battles!

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Kratic.8763



In general, I do wish ET would do a little more than their own BL. It does get boring wandering around and fighting PRO guild, only to see GODS guild, or a similar green group run up to help. It’s always more fun when it’s 20 on 20 and then the other team’s zerg runs through and roflstomps both groups. I miss weeks where it was 3 teams instead of 2.
But, FA has really started fighting. It’s become far more enjoyable than Friday and Saturday. I hope that ET and their server drama fixes itself so they can field an actual threat before Friday’s reset. And that isn’t insulting, they just don’t have any numbers in WvW. I saw one red player in EB last night, and just didn’t have the heart to kill him so I let him run away.

See you on the field, and good luck.

We would love to do more then our own BL but after the mass exodus of the drama queens we just don’t have the numbers to. So instead, we focus on our “home turf” and do what we can with those that we have, which has been great.

It will probably take a few more rotations before everything starts to balance out again.

250 years later, still haven’t forgotten…

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


Good luck to you Kratic and ET,keep up the fight.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Kazak.8459


Unlimited [ULTD] has blast last night into the weary hours of this morning (something like 0130). Cannot wait for tonight! Cheers to future battles!

You guys have great organization, turtling and portal bombing skills. Now I don’t rush right in when I see ULTD around.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Unlimited [ULTD] has blast last night into the weary hours of this morning (something like 0130). Cannot wait for tonight! Cheers to future battles!

You guys have great organization, turtling and portal bombing skills. Now I don’t rush right in when I see ULTD around.

:D We’re pretty quick on it too.

I can say this week, we’ve had more fun fighting then we’ve had in a while. We’ve actually had to dive in with more up our sleeve. Cheers to future fights!

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


We’ve played with ULTD quite a bit this week and it has been a lot of fun. They really know what they’re doing and they’re very organized. BT looks forward to playing with you guys in the future.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Any score update by chance?

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Any score update by chance?



Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


Here is a score update.


Fort Aspenwood

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Well thank you both!

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914


FA is only server that has sent me mass whispers over me killing them. Obviously not all of you but never had a whisper from anyone on another server till Friday. And as of now I have blocked 20 of you FAers because of repeated whispers over and over. And this forum post kinda mirrors what whispers represent. If I was most of you or EU server looking to transfer I’d pick another server. Playing along side people like that giving the impression that FA are immature whiners is not good.

Harsh. I’ve been on FA since launch and I’ve been very happy with our community so far. From what I’ve experienced on FA we have a lot of helpful and nice people willing to help with anything. The community I’ve experienced has been more mature and understanding than in any other mmo I’ve played (I assume it’s generally like this on most servers). I guess this recent evidence proves me wrong though…

Not all are bad. Just a few I guess. A example would be someone called Death Wedding. Called me a exploiter because of thinking I was using perma stealth he was too much of crappy PvP player to understand another classes skills. Try to help him out and pointed him to http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Strike. I was visible behind them. And when try to give him pointers on what I was doing I get insulted because of my grammar skills. That person will never get any better because in his/her mind they already think they are best PvPers in world and can’t learn anything. That I hope FA is not general population of your server cause I feel sorry for decent ones on FA if it is.

While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

(edited by Reonhato.5914)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Score update. Yaks went from a little over a 110k lead to a 70k lead. 40K over the past two days. The comeback was too late to actually win, but FA is in much better shape now.


Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ultriss.9325


I would just like to congratulate FA for being the biggest bunch of hackers I’ve ever met. I especially like the invisible warriors and invincible ele’s. If anything particularly a couple peoples from “GODS” and “ULTD” really make you look bad. Oh well. no skill tactics for no skill players. Just try to not lose too bad, kk cheaters?

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

Yea another person who knows so much didn’t even go read link and thinks he knows all. See the skill called infiltrator strike allows you to charge someone and leaves a point on ground you activated it. This then you can use later to telport back. So rendering has nothing to do with it. Stealth was not issue because I was not in stealth I was behind them. So please like person who whispered me please learn something. And please don’t comment on a situation you have no clue about as you were not even there. And no one said anything about my skill level. I tried to help person out with instructing them in use of a skill when they thought it was stealth, and they were not able to understand it seems just like you who think Infiltrator strike = stealth.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914


While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

Yea another person who knows so much didn’t even go read link and thinks he knows all. See the skill called infiltrator strike allows you to charge someone and leaves a point on ground you activated it. This then you can use later to telport back. So rendering has nothing to do with it. Stealth was not issue because I was not in stealth I was behind them. So please like person who whispered me please learn something. And please don’t comment on a situation you have no clue about as you were not even there. And no one said anything about my skill level. I tried to help person out with instructing them in use of a skill when they thought it was stealth, and they were not able to understand it seems just like you who think Infiltrator strike = stealth.

I dont think you get it, based on what you said the person was obviously complaining about you having perma stealth, he was complaining about more than just 1 skill. The issue is that you may not have been stealthed and to you everything is going fine, but to him there is a really high possibility that you simply had not rendered properly from the last time you used a stealth skill and he could not see you not matter what skill you used.

The issue has nothing to do with what skills you used, it is entirely about the rendering and the fact that he could not see you, no matter how much you try and argue against that by saying you were using certain skills it does not change the fact that it is a well known issue that thieves will often appear to be stealthed almost permanently

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914


I would just like to congratulate FA for being the biggest bunch of hackers I’ve ever met. I especially like the invisible warriors and invincible ele’s. If anything particularly a couple peoples from “GODS” and “ULTD” really make you look bad. Oh well. no skill tactics for no skill players. Just try to not lose too bad, kk cheaters?

GODS, due to its sheer size may get a hacker occasionally but I doubt they let him stay long, ULTD definitely not, they are just a small but very focused and practiced group of players who no doubt owned you.

Hackers are really not a server based problem, they move around a lot and are not unique or overwhelmingly numbered on any server. I have yet to see any server hacker free but I have yet to see any server with any major hacker problem compared to other servers with similar population.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


While messaging someone with accusations is never a good thing to do both of you obviously have no idea what is actually happening. It has nothing to do with class skills or exploits but with the rendering problems. Im sorry to tell you this but you are probably not as good a player as you think you are, what is going on is whenever you come out of invis you are in fact still invisible to your opponent because you have not rendered, by the time they can see you then you go invisible again and repeat, thus the illusion that you have perma invis.

So many thieves are going to get a rude awakening when this is fixed, it is a huge advantage in WvW for them at the moment.

Yea another person who knows so much didn’t even go read link and thinks he knows all. See the skill called infiltrator strike allows you to charge someone and leaves a point on ground you activated it. This then you can use later to telport back. So rendering has nothing to do with it. Stealth was not issue because I was not in stealth I was behind them. So please like person who whispered me please learn something. And please don’t comment on a situation you have no clue about as you were not even there. And no one said anything about my skill level. I tried to help person out with instructing them in use of a skill when they thought it was stealth, and they were not able to understand it seems just like you who think Infiltrator strike = stealth.

I dont think you get it, based on what you said the person was obviously complaining about you having perma stealth, he was complaining about more than just 1 skill. The issue is that you may not have been stealthed and to you everything is going fine, but to him there is a really high possibility that you simply had not rendered properly from the last time you used a stealth skill and he could not see you not matter what skill you used.

The issue has nothing to do with what skills you used, it is entirely about the rendering and the fact that he could not see you, no matter how much you try and argue against that by saying you were using certain skills it does not change the fact that it is a well known issue that thieves will often appear to be stealthed almost permanently

Well if a 3 vs 1 and no one around and it goes on for 2mins and I don’t render then they have issues more than the culling, See you are commenting and kinda tried to insult me without even knowing the situation. The 3 people were mad about not being able to kill a Thief made to not be killed, but I did not kill them either as my dmg is rather low in the build. They died when two other people rolled in and killed them.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: FireRunner.9481


Just pointing out on Monday I posted that Fort Apsenwood could come back and win this round even being over 140k behind Yak’s Bend. Many players disagreed.

It’s Thursday morning at 1:00am EST and Fort Apsenwood is less than 40k behind Yak’s Bend. The map points are 500+ FA and only 100+ YB. Like I said before this is a war not a battle. If you keep on fighting, controlling supply camps and using proper siege any server can come back. Without the orbs, it’s very possible and now this is proof. Nice work FA.

As for the accusation that FA uses hacks. 100% not. Sorry, but if we did use hacks we would not have gotten our kitten kicked by Blackgate and Tarnished Coast back to back. Maybe there are one or two hackers (as all servers have them) but in general FA does not have hackers.

80 Asura Ranger – Commander

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


The invisible characters might be players that just log off as soon as their about to die o.O

Unless of course you were to be in a barren field then suddenly a warrior pops up right next to you, that’s a different story.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Severim.7938


I would just like to congratulate FA for being the biggest bunch of hackers I’ve ever met. I especially like the invisible warriors and invincible ele’s. If anything particularly a couple peoples from “GODS” and “ULTD” really make you look bad. Oh well. no skill tactics for no skill players. Just try to not lose too bad, kk cheaters?

I haven’t seen any hackers from FA or anyone this week. I know FA has and is leading the charge with awesome bunker d/d ele builds that might appear cheating to someone who doesn’t know the class or counters. You should also be aware of the culling and stealth issues with thieves that exacerbates encounters. I’ll keep saying it. Learn the classes before you whinge. Playing SPVP is a great way to practice.

Learn the classes, learn the counters, and stop complaining about legitimate gameplay unless you have proof.

Yak’s Bend – Bellenisa (Ele), Bellesina (Thief)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


I would just like to congratulate FA for being the biggest bunch of hackers I’ve ever met. I especially like the invisible warriors and invincible ele’s. If anything particularly a couple peoples from “GODS” and “ULTD” really make you look bad. Oh well. no skill tactics for no skill players. Just try to not lose too bad, kk cheaters?

LMFAO can i ask where this happened cuz if it happend at arahs hope there was nooo hacking going on there. BTW im from GODS and an human male ele, i keep hearing that our ele’s hack, its call render rushing that or we are just better then you

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


It is still possible for FA to win this match, but it would require FA to maintain a 500 point-per-score-tick lead on YB for a day and a third. With slightly less than two days left in the match this is going to be very hard, but it is still possible. The match is not over yet.

Fort Aspenwood

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


we could if we have good over nights and keep at it,but yaks is not gonna make it easy

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: daphoenix.4283


Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


LMFAO can i ask where this happened cuz if it happend at arahs hope there was nooo hacking going on there. BTW im from GODS and an human male ele, i keep hearing that our ele’s hack, its call render rushing that or we are just better then you

Gods and Pro both really abuse the rendering issues. But that isn’t really cheating, just cheap.

While some of the fighting has been good. I will be happy to be done with FA. Unlike our opponents last week, witnessing all their whinging and bullkitten has run its course. Its like playing against a bball team that whinges over every call.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


everyone render rushs even if they dont mean too and if they do its part of the game at this atm it just happens… there’s not need for name calling.

great video excala i see your using cleansing fire finaly after we had talk about it im glad u took my advice and used it instead of arcan wave also your new build the 0/10/0/30/30 lady sayrah and wynter have been useing that build for awhile as well very strong cant wait to do a 5 ele dd group.oh yeah nice epic battle music another thing i been asking u to do

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Bedinar.1754


hmm, my quoting didn’t work. Hope a mod deletes that. Anyways, I think that this thread has developed a some pretty angry vibes. I don’t normally like whinning, but after reading it I wanted to post several long rants against different topics and players, but that would be boring for other people to read.

Instead I’d like to say think about how blessed we are. We have a week long match that is going to be a close win for whoever triumphs in the end. If its the Yaks, then congrats on getting a lead and holding it despite a major resurgence by the Forts Aspens. If the Forts Aspens win, it will be by a very small margin and we’ll get to feel good for fighting through the week and making a pretty dang cool comeback.

The only way you should feel bad about this match up is if you gave up and left your team hanging when they needed you. I’m happy that I got to fight you Yaks, and I’ll be happy win or lose because I and my server-mates tried hard. Besides, we’re all lucky (except maybe ET, feel bad for them, sorry for what happened to your server) we are probably one of the few match ups that is going to have a close game this week. Its what most of us dream about having, but never think we’ll actually get.

So everyone take a deep breath, at least we aren’t really killing each other in real life, and forgive each other. Seriously this thread just has an angry feel to it.

Fort Aspenwood
Human Ele – Koenix
Sylvari Mesmer – Tenshi No Kanade

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Tetnis.9137


Just pointing out on Monday I posted that Fort Apsenwood could come back and win this round even being over 140k behind Yak’s Bend. Many players disagreed.

It’s Thursday morning at 1:00am EST and Fort Apsenwood is less than 40k behind Yak’s Bend. The map points are 500+ FA and only 100+ YB. Like I said before this is a war not a battle. If you keep on fighting, controlling supply camps and using proper siege any server can come back. Without the orbs, it’s very possible and now this is proof. Nice work FA.

As for the accusation that FA uses hacks. 100% not. Sorry, but if we did use hacks we would not have gotten our kitten kicked by Blackgate and Tarnished Coast back to back. Maybe there are one or two hackers (as all servers have them) but in general FA does not have hackers.

What this week proves is that if you dont have the numbers to win fairly you should spam other servers guilds to jump ship and join your server. I hope those transfers stick around when you start losing in a higher tier FA

I want to know who these mythical transfers are. I keep hearing we have a new Japanese guild (What tag? JPN has been with us for weeks) and we have Europeans coming in the next fortnight or so.

Maybe its hard to see from your side but up until yesterday Aust. time at a certain time every single day from our POV at least 90% of FA players seemed to log off. This was confirmed by all the comments at the beginning of the thread about FA having almost nil presence other than at NA prime time. Now all of a sudden you have massive numbers at that time that you had previously dropped off. Why has that occurred? NA players staying up later on election day? Why weren’t they doing that on the weekend?

It really is hard to see from my side. Particularly because I play during that time slot and no new guilds have been on in any map and I also ask in all chats constantly to find out what guilds are staying up except random individuals and 3-4 old timer guilds in small groups. Provide me with a screenshot of a large guild contingent (people are saying 40, 70, and 200 member transfers now ??) at that time slot and I can be convinced. Now there’s rumor of transfers going around means we couldn’t possibly beat you without them and we recruited them just to fight Yak’s.

You guys have only mentioned guilds that have been here for a long time. Who are these new faceless warriors whom I owe so much to, yet aren’t visible during my playing hours when we turn the map green? A genuine question so I can find out who to thank for all their hard work when I thought it was just our server working hard.

You’re forgetting we had FA borderlands locked down before our PPT gain all started, which increased morale by a great amount. FA is notorious for having a sensitive morale if we hold no territory. If we do – a massive amount of PvE players will join the fight.

The fact that Yak’s is pretending we started recruiting for off peak purely for this match when all recruiting threads are dated a fortnight back is plain ignorant, just saying. We’ve been trying to recruit for that time slot since week long matches opened.


This is from rush in the guru forum:

Guild Tag:[Echo]
Server:Fort Aspenwood

Posted Yesterday, 05:21 PM
Updates for everyone, I’ll list who I know has moved so far.

-9 man elite euro squad joined GODS
-20-40ish man AU guild moved (they are still moving people according to my AU commander)
-70 man Japanese guild confirmed moving as well (confirmed by my co-leader, he talked with their leader)
-100 man EU guild (the one from earlier posts) confirmed as having moved. (They are recruiting in LA, and myself and my co-leader talked with their leader).
-Individual people [17 atm] (I have met 12 personally, my co-leader tells me he has met another 5).

We’re looking good. We were able to take almost the entire map from Yak’s and Eredon early this morning (NA early).

The 100 man guild that moved over is recruiting more EU guilds in as well.

Good work everyone who helped the recruitment going, it means a lot to me and everyone in Fort Aspenwood.

You should be able to find rush from the guild ECHO in your server and that’s over 200 players.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


Nice to see Yaks is being good sports all the way through like you bragged about.

BTW, is it ironic to whine about whining?

Ishionna (80 Ele)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914



What this week proves is that if you dont have the numbers to win fairly you should spam other servers guilds to jump ship and join your server. I hope those transfers stick around when you start losing in a higher tier FA

ignoring that we have been recruiting for weeks, the japanese guild has been on FA for as long as i can remember, I have not seen or heard about any AU guild even though I am an aussie so would be playing the same time, the EU guild was confirmed to be looking to move but nothing guaranteed, it was confirmed that earlier in the week 1 EU player came here to have a look, his guild were going to discuss it. We had ULTD move over a month ago. Obviously have no way to confirm individuals coming over but servers get new players all the time so yeah.

FAs population for the oceanic period has been pretty much the same as it has been for weeks, the only difference between now and the weekend that put you guys 100k up is the amount of yaks that disappeared. Even now I find it a miracle that we are winning in this time period. YAKS seem to have just as many, if not more players than FA but they are all in 1 big zerg and are missing out on a lot of points by not working as a team.

Again, no one has been able to show these mystical transfers, sure we may have had a few people come to FA but no where near enough to go from losing 100k points in 2 days to constantly holding a 200+ point lead.

(edited by Reonhato.5914)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Again, no one has been able to show these mystical transfers, sure we may have had a few people come to FA but no where near enough to go from losing 100k points in 2 days to constantly holding a 200+ point lead.

Yeah well that forum post is from someone on FA and from your opponents POV numbers have definitely increased significantly since about Tues Oz time.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


Lets face it FA’s WvWers volumes are increasing daily and have essentially doubled their numbers as the week has progressed and consequently should be in a higher tier than YB or ET.

I think FA original players will have mixed feelings about this in the coming weeks as their weekend queues will essentially lock out a lot of people but I guess that’s the sacrifice required if you want to be top tier which they will be very soon if they retain these huge numbers.

I think we can match you player for player but in the attracting new talent to your server YB have had their backsides kicked.

Good luck next week.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914


Lets face it FA’s WvWers volumes are increasing daily and have essentially doubled their numbers as the week has progressed and consequently should be in a higher tier than YB or ET.

I think FA original players will have mixed feelings about this in the coming weeks as their weekend queues will essentially lock out a lot of people but I guess that’s the sacrifice required if you want to be top tier which they will be very soon if they retain these huge numbers.

I think we can match you player for player but in the attracting new talent to your server YB have had their backsides kicked.

Good luck next week.

again, I have played every night this week from about the end of NA peak for about 4 hours. We had an increase in numbers after the weekend but that can be attributed to the fact that yaks lost a lot of players and we were no longer outmanned on every map. Other than that our numbers right now are pretty similar to the numbers we have had for weeks at this time. We might have a few more players as in 5-10 extra players on the 2 maps that we are concentrating on but yaks are seemingly intent on trying to make out as if we all of a sudden gained several hundred player guilds that are all very active in WvW and that is simply not true and not a single person has been able to show that it is true.

To me it just seems yaks are making excuses for a large falling away of offpeak numbers after an easy initial couple of days, its almost as if they expected FA to just give in and when FA kept showing up they decided it was not worth the effort since the lead should already be big enough.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: juicifruitz.6251


@Reonhato your cracking jokes about your OC presence being the same aren’t you?

As just about the only commander on in OC time zone for YB your numbers in OC prime time have trebbled if not more so from the start of the week. There is no way your numbers have been the same, going by what I was seeing on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and even Tuesday.

Regardless of that factor our fights with PRO have been great fun

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


And people from FA that “claim” you have outmanned buff might want to go find out how it is suppose to work. So unles ET server is hiding a big zerg well there is no way you should have outmanned buff in a BG.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Tetnis.9137



What this week proves is that if you dont have the numbers to win fairly you should spam other servers guilds to jump ship and join your server. I hope those transfers stick around when you start losing in a higher tier FA

ignoring that we have been recruiting for weeks, the japanese guild has been on FA for as long as i can remember, I have not seen or heard about any AU guild even though I am an aussie so would be playing the same time, the EU guild was confirmed to be looking to move but nothing guaranteed, it was confirmed that earlier in the week 1 EU player came here to have a look, his guild were going to discuss it. We had ULTD move over a month ago. Obviously have no way to confirm individuals coming over but servers get new players all the time so yeah.

FAs population for the oceanic period has been pretty much the same as it has been for weeks, the only difference between now and the weekend that put you guys 100k up is the amount of yaks that disappeared. Even now I find it a miracle that we are winning in this time period. YAKS seem to have just as many, if not more players than FA but they are all in 1 big zerg and are missing out on a lot of points by not working as a team.

Again, no one has been able to show these mystical transfers, sure we may have had a few people come to FA but no where near enough to go from losing 100k points in 2 days to constantly holding a 200+ point lead.

Im sorry is this a company, did i miss the marketing budget, and when i say budget i refer to the time people spend not the money spent.

The point is Yaks bend stands on the merits of the people who call our server home, we do not campaign to recruit numbers, we do not approach other servers becasue we have an inflated sense of self importance. We compete because these are the resources we have available to us, we have a loyal player base that takes pride in the achievements we are able to secure based on our own capabilities.

If you are satisfied with treating your server like a business that requires constant recruitment to achieve what your current player base is not able to achieve without such initiatives then you also have to live with the reputation that comes with this strategy.

Congratulations! as i said in my previous post i hope this recruitment gains you members that believe strongly in your vision and are not just jumping on the bandwagon for the win.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706



What this week proves is that if you dont have the numbers to win fairly you should spam other servers guilds to jump ship and join your server. I hope those transfers stick around when you start losing in a higher tier FA

ignoring that we have been recruiting for weeks, the japanese guild has been on FA for as long as i can remember, I have not seen or heard about any AU guild even though I am an aussie so would be playing the same time, the EU guild was confirmed to be looking to move but nothing guaranteed, it was confirmed that earlier in the week 1 EU player came here to have a look, his guild were going to discuss it. We had ULTD move over a month ago. Obviously have no way to confirm individuals coming over but servers get new players all the time so yeah.

FAs population for the oceanic period has been pretty much the same as it has been for weeks, the only difference between now and the weekend that put you guys 100k up is the amount of yaks that disappeared. Even now I find it a miracle that we are winning in this time period. YAKS seem to have just as many, if not more players than FA but they are all in 1 big zerg and are missing out on a lot of points by not working as a team.

Again, no one has been able to show these mystical transfers, sure we may have had a few people come to FA but no where near enough to go from losing 100k points in 2 days to constantly holding a 200+ point lead.

Im sorry is this a company, did i miss the marketing budget, and when i say budget i refer to the time people spend not the money spent.

The point is Yaks bend stands on the merits of the people who call our server home, we do not campaign to recruit numbers, we do not approach other servers becasue we have an inflated sense of self importance. We compete because these are the resources we have available to us, we have a loyal player base that takes pride in the achievements we are able to secure based on our own capabilities.

If you are satisfied with treating your server like a business that requires constant recruitment to achieve what your current player base is not able to achieve without such initiatives then you also have to live with the reputation that comes with this strategy.

Congratulations! as i said in my previous post i hope this recruitment gains you members that believe strongly in your vision and are not just jumping on the bandwagon for the win.

Yes, no one from YB would EVER try to recruit people to fill in their weak timeslots.

Oh wait, that was wrong.

Guess you should speak for yourself. Oh wait. LOL

Can we stop making excuses and just fight? I for one have been having a blast this matchup (same as every other matchup) and honestly I blame our numbers on our fairweather players actually playing (just like last time) more than anything, also YB seems to have ALOT LESS people than when they started so maybe we’re in a reversed situation now. The guilds everyones talking about people on FA recruiting haven’t transferred yet, and if we’ve gotten any other new Dub Vee Dub guilds I haven’t seen them.

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

(edited by Stonesolid.2706)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


I’d like to point out a few things regarding ET:

- We have almost tripled our weekly score within a few days
- We have put up a better fight this week than the rest of the weeks
- Although we are in our own BL, it is better to maintain your own BL rather going to 4 different BLs and risk losing your own BL, we don’t really have the numbers yet to go out to several borderlands, but I feel ET has done 400% more work this week than previous weeks (And it shows…we put up good fights even if we are outnumbered 3:1 and are at the risk of losing whatever is getting attacked due to the size of the attacking group, but we don’t give up. Giving up is the easy option.)
- After w/e happened to our server (Not gonna say so not to cause drama) I think our server has become closer as a community and has started to work together, rather well at that also, we also have great commanders that know what they are doing, when to do something and don’t QQ at you for doing something wrong.

I can go on all-day congratulating my own server as our Work ethic has been outstanding this week, and i can only hope we only get better, not just at WvW, but as a server, together we shall fight! (hehe….movie references -.-)

I would also like to point out to EVERYONE, each server has their own hackers, cheaters & Bots (Their isn’t just 1 server with a handful of hackers) and for a person to know if he/she hacks is near impossible until the hacker displays the hacking (E.g Flying, etc.) and the accusations of such in a thread is useless, if you see a hacker, report it to the developers, there is no need to bring that kind of stuff in a thread and diminishing the thread as a “OMG This person hacks I blame this server for not taking care” Nonsense.


FA – you guys have great numbers……i also got a whisper from one of your guys (He knows who he is) and he made me walk into a trap of thieves (At least…..i hope it is thieves and not culling issues) lol, it made me giggle for at least an hour…then we just talked about the score etc. but you guys have a great community and a great WvW work ethic, i hope your recruitmen drive works, was fun fighting you! (I’ll still fight you…..just got AC3 and seeing as im a big fan of Assassins creed games i MUST play it xD).

Yaks Bend – Basically what I said to FA, lol, Was fun fighting you (Even if I only got to kill a couple of your scouts…and thats about the last time I saw you lol) and i also hpe your recruitment drive works.


Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


Again, I’m disappointed with many of responses and tone of this thread from both FA and Yak’s.

The battles have been great every time I log on and I thank FA for the relentless effort they have provided. Their tenacity is what makes Wv3 enjoyable.

It has been unfortunate that ET was on the decline at this point. Good luck on rebuilding ET, keep up the fight.

I hate seeing the “you have hackers” accusations in match threads. As a pc gaming community we all know every game has them. It’s a sad fact but true. I do not believe any server caters to or actively them. Let’s not derail match threads with hacusations. Proof of hacking players is always appreciated so a guild can remove them, but baseless claims should be deterred.

I’ve also seen complaints of FA using the culling issues to their benefit. If you think only FA does this your mistaken. I have not been in Tier 1 or 2 matches but I bet they take advantage of the culling issues as well. If you strive to move up as a server do not think your competition will not use every aspect of the game mechanics to provide an edge. What you may consider fair gameplay may not be what wins a battle. Highly competetive guilds/servers will take advantage of everything the game will give them. Complaining will not change the circumstances. Adapt and learn or suffer the consequences.

As far as recruiting and population changes during matches, no one likes to see a match outcome changed due to an influx of server population. But it happens and will continue until Anet finds or establishes a solution to the issue.

I’ve seen a lot of Yak’s players complain about FA gaining population and complaining about it. Let’s not forget that Yak’s has posted recruitment threads during this match as well. Don’t complain when the server you are currently figthing was successful at recuitment while we were not. If the shoe were on the other foot, the comments would be reversed, but the comment should not have been made at all. FA and Yak’s were actively recruiting at the same time, FA was successful. Get over it and do something about it Yak’s, don’t complain about like a bunch of pansies. Fight harder, recruit harder.

Posts have stated the reduction in Yak’s participation through the week and they are true. The first couple of days after the match reset there was a que time on Yak’s, now there is not. What may seem like an influx of FA players is also proportional to the reduced Yak’s player participation.

Again, the fights have been great with FA. It is a shame that this thread has created a negative tone to an extremely hard fought match by both FA and Yak’s. This match should have brought nothing but positive comments about the battle as this is what Wv3 tries to achieve.

I for one applaud FA. You have done what you need to do as a server to climb the tier rankings and good luck to your server.

As for Yak’s, we continually fight above our numbers. As a server we have extremely skilled palyers and I enjoy gaming with them. We also have strong and well organized leadership. Our best days as a competetive server are ahead of us. So let’s prove ourselves where it matters, in game. Let’s not have a war of words as it doesn’t provide a single point for our sever during the match. Let our skill and decication show this community what Yak’s Bend is all about!

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Cord.5371


FA’s population increase, as the match progressed, may have more to do with the lights coming back on in the Northeast of the U.S., than with any real influx of transfers.

Fort Aspenwood Dolyak Killing Society

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


/salute [TOG]; you guys always keep it interesting super late at night.

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Tetnis.9137


and if we’ve gotten any other new Dub Vee Dub guilds I haven’t seen them.

So what you are saying is that because you have not noticed, it hasn’t happened? strong closing statement there.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706


and if we’ve gotten any other new Dub Vee Dub guilds I haven’t seen them.

So what you are saying is that because you have not noticed, it hasn’t happened? strong closing statement there.

Learn to read. Nowhere in my post does it say anything close to that. If we’ve gotten new transfers I haven’t met them, that’s it. Are you really so mad that FA has people playing now? It’s just flipped from what was happening at the start after we lost literally everything to what you would consider your off-peak team.

Stop being such a crybaby. Good fights are good fights and that’s all that matters.

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Tetnis.9137


and if we’ve gotten any other new Dub Vee Dub guilds I haven’t seen them.

So what you are saying is that because you have not noticed, it hasn’t happened? strong closing statement there.

Learn to read. Nowhere in my post does it say anything close to that. If we’ve gotten new transfers I haven’t met them, that’s it. Are you really so mad that FA has people playing now? It’s just flipped from what was happening at the start after we lost literally everything to what you would consider your off-peak team.

Stop being such a crybaby. Good fights are good fights and that’s all that matters.

So you are saying it has happened?

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706


and if we’ve gotten any other new Dub Vee Dub guilds I haven’t seen them.

So what you are saying is that because you have not noticed, it hasn’t happened? strong closing statement there.

Learn to read. Nowhere in my post does it say anything close to that. If we’ve gotten new transfers I haven’t met them, that’s it. Are you really so mad that FA has people playing now? It’s just flipped from what was happening at the start after we lost literally everything to what you would consider your off-peak team.

Stop being such a crybaby. Good fights are good fights and that’s all that matters.

So you are saying it has happened?

If you are being serious.. /facepalm

No, I’m saying I haven’t seen it. If we’ve gotten new people I haven’t seen them. Is it really hard to understand what I’m trying to say?

What I have seen is guilds like [PRO] working their kitten off to maintain coverage for our maps during “off peak” hours. They maintain a strong presence on maps that need it using our server’s militia and even have people going around the world recruiting our (quite famous) fairweather PvE’rs into WvW.

What I have also seen is Yak’s Band going from being a strong presence on the maps to having very little to none at all, it’s usually hit or miss when I’ve seen any of them the past few days. Either they’ll be running full force in large groups or I’ll see them with the Outmanned buff. And that’s all during peak hours (usually around 6PM to 1AM EST) when I play.

I have stayed up late and woke up early a couple of times to join in the early hours and it’s ALWAYS been a small contingent of people moving from map to map trying to keep everything we own defended and take anything undefended. There is no huge EU force running around covering every map.

In the words of Randy Marsh: GAWW!

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.2450


I had a dream about WvW last night. :/

Too much play time I suppose.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Shout out to [TOG] , [OTG], [COCO] and the Badgers. You guys are good fun and excellent opponents. You have enabled us to hone our small gang up to a sharp spear point that is leading the charge during our weakest hours, which in my humble opinion has helped to dramatically influence the overall point margin. See you again next graveyard shift and I expect it will be intense fighting every time, just what I WvW for.


11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


And people from FA that “claim” you have outmanned buff might want to go find out how it is suppose to work. So unles ET server is hiding a big zerg well there is no way you should have outmanned buff in a BG.


I laughed audibly. Nice to see not everyone is taking this so seriously.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


And people from FA that “claim” you have outmanned buff might want to go find out how it is suppose to work. So unles ET server is hiding a big zerg well there is no way you should have outmanned buff in a BG.


Your use of MS Paint pleases me.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Amon.5042


I’m from FA and with [PRO]. I’ve been in some pretty epic fights against YB. Just yesterday we held Stonemist against successive portal bomb attacks from Yak’s. The walls were breached and the inner keep was all that remained. We kept rebuilding our defences after each attack. Portal bombing lasted for about an hour but we held our ground. It’s been great fun.