(edited by Brimwood.7963)
11-23 Devona / Kain / Ferg
For Kain, the “united” thing is hilarious. You need to realize how you guys held SM.
Fergs were invading DR 24/7 all weekend long till Sunday, Saturday night is when our little “alliance” finally got screwed by SoS it seems. So we stopped invading DR, all of DR came to EB, you guys got wiped.
All you ended up doing was pissing off a lot of Ferguson with the bragging about how amazing you guys are doing, and invading us at the same time.
In summary without us flooding DR map, where are they going? Our respected maps and EB. Enjoy, I hope that “moral” boost lasts throughout the week. Next time, think before leaping for joy about how you guys are doing so amazing in first and figure out why you’re there to begin with instead of screwing with the only ones willing to help you.
I am glad u all admitted it, was a good run, but run at that. You all did great this weekend, nice job But let me tell you all, it will take more than a “little” alliance. Wish you all well and good health, Remember I love u all, but atleast you did admit it
Oh I’m not denying DR must surely have efficient small groups as well. I just don’t see a great deal of them…the zergs are indeed occupying a LOT of attention.
As for why our server numbers dwindle so much during the week…I expect it’s simply because a lot of people have day jobs and simply not as much time available as they do on the weekend.
SoS for example is a Taiwanese guild and working hours in Asia tend to be long (I should know, I work there myself). That’s why you’ll typically see the bulk of them for about 3-4 hours right about at this time of day on weekdays and sharply reduced number during other times of the day. This is enough time to cap a lot of stuff but sadly, not nearly enough to be able to hold it for extended periods of time whereas again, we’ve repeatedly captured and held Stonemist for 2 consecutive weekends now when everyone is on.
DR keeps winning these fights because they have (far) higher primetime numbers during the week than the other two servers. This can be easily deduced by the way the scores play out week after week. It’s an undeniable fact.
Not that DR is to ‘blame’ for that, you can’t blame a server for having more people on after all but it is rather annoying when people on DR claim their wins happen because of their “godly commanders” or “amazing fighting spirit” when this is simply not true.
Before I go, I work 45 hours a week, i have a child, so thats not excuse, remember, love u all, good wishes
If anyone from the Kingswood brotherhood is reading…
rest deleted
lol, why am I not surprised from a guild that does what it does best?
Bullying, and bad sportsmanship.
They only think they are so good, but they are in fact not.
I feel so sorry that DR have to bare with them.
This coming from one of the people we ALL 3v1. We couldn’t “bully” if we weren’t good. Now stop whining and start rerolling your classes instead of turning to speed hacking.
I think he was actually calling KWB the “bullies” and I have to agree with him. /Laughing at a sub-80 that you 4v1 is just pitiful lol.
[Envy], [Moon]
My opinion:
DR – Has individuals that shine, but in general most of them are honestly a joke. Sadly, a joke that keeps coming back over and over. Eventually wars of attrition always go to the one with higher numbers. That being said, I’ve fought several awesome Devonas, and in some cases enjoyed random Emoting in the BLs with them.
Fergs – Ferg tends to be much stronger individually. They have many people who I refuse to take on 1v1 if we’re in a serious fight simply because they are kitten good and there’s high chances I’ll end up dead. Where against Devona’s I’ll leap into a fray with 6v2 and be confident of victory(have done it oh so many times…) I’ll take the time to look through the names of the Fergs to make sure none of the kittenes I know are there first. Now…this MAY be because Devona simply has so many more that the kittenes are outshined by the Zergs, and that’s sad.
The one thing I find funny though is when people “Taunt”(aka laugh and dance on corpses) when you outnumbered the other guys by like 3 to 1. XD That’s just silly and nothing to brag about. I won’t lie…I occasionally do so when I win fights that SHOULD be one-sided with me losing. But that’s because I’m surprised and happy I won.
Devona has several skilled groups(I used to be fearful of PRO, but honestly the average PRO anymore kinda makes me sigh and just rush in to kill off. I miss there being fewer around who were kitten good.) but for the most part their victories don’t come from superior skill, but rather numbers. Not always…but a majority.
They certainly don’t mean win every time no. That’s exactly why Ferg and kain have been holding you off so successfully so far.. On the scope of a whole week though, that’s actually exactly what numbers do, letting you win. And let’s not beat around the bush, you have had a ton of new guilds come in since you were in “last place”. Sure, the original DRs may also have been fighting tooth and nail but if it was just that, you’d still be in last place. Everyone fights tooth and nail here.
Not that it matters much, as I said it’s been fun so far but yeah, there is a reason the Fergs are far more feared than DR…
Yeah, Fergs has actually been tempered into a fairly skilled WvW playerbase. When we were last place, I think a lot of the more “zergy” players left for greener pastures, which kind of “culled” the herd and left the more skillful players behind. Add to this that some of the more skilled players from other servers (like TrX) came to Fergs for the challenge, and you have a pretty bad kitten player-base.
[Envy], [Moon]
My opinion:
DR – Has individuals that shine, but in general most of them are honestly a joke. Sadly, a joke that keeps coming back over and over. Eventually wars of attrition always go to the one with higher numbers. That being said, I’ve fought several awesome Devonas, and in some cases enjoyed random Emoting in the BLs with them.Fergs – Ferg tends to be much stronger individually. They have many people who I refuse to take on 1v1 if we’re in a serious fight simply because they are kitten good and there’s high chances I’ll end up dead. Where against Devona’s I’ll leap into a fray with 6v2 and be confident of victory(have done it oh so many times…) I’ll take the time to look through the names of the Fergs to make sure none of the kittenes I know are there first. Now…this MAY be because Devona simply has so many more that the kittenes are outshined by the Zergs, and that’s sad.
The one thing I find funny though is when people “Taunt”(aka laugh and dance on corpses) when you outnumbered the other guys by like 3 to 1. XD That’s just silly and nothing to brag about. I won’t lie…I occasionally do so when I win fights that SHOULD be one-sided with me losing. But that’s because I’m surprised and happy I won.
Devona has several skilled groups(I used to be fearful of PRO, but honestly the average PRO anymore kinda makes me sigh and just rush in to kill off. I miss there being fewer around who were kitten good.) but for the most part their victories don’t come from superior skill, but rather numbers. Not always…but a majority.
Yeah I agree. And coming from Fergs, I find Kaineng players in general to be much more of a threat than Devona’s. There are of course some exceptions, but Kaineng has some really good guilds like LARP and NoQQ.
IMO, PRO has a few really good players, and when I fought them I was surprised. But they have SO many people, that you rarely ever see their good ones. Most of the time, I just roll over PRO without blinking. Also…I know it stands for Protocol, but giving your guild a tag of “PRO” when you seem to let just about anyone in is just asking for ironic jokes.
[Envy], [Moon]
I agree with what you guys are saying…. but…
The numbers were not in DR’s favor until Sunday afternoon EST. We had the outmanned buff part of Friday night and Saturday morning in our BL. We still were able to hold it close which I am very proud that we were able to.
All 3 servers are doing work Those times we were outmanned showed us just how unorganized we are and that we have a lot further to go. Also told us who has the right mentality and who panicked and was negative. Sadly we failed a lot, but hopefully we are smart enough to learn from it.
Devona’s Rest
Had fun at Redvale camp in Kain’s borderlands tonight. Fought Envy quite a few times and random Kains that came by. Finally got booted out when the Kain zerg came by :[ Either way, whoever the Envy mesmer I fought was, much respect to you.
That was me
Was hard to do much with the guards, ele, and kain thief attacking me though… That guy seemed to hate me a lot more than you
Always nice to see another mesmer using a scepter. Don’t see much of those around. Was tough pinning you down quite often. Not often I see all three servers converging on one camp at once. Was amusing to watch you and your other mesmer friend outside of it fighting Kain while I cheered you guys on, lol.
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
Had to ninja this from another thread talking about hacking, don’t think of DR masses as zergs think of them as “They fallen from the sky like a snow”. Whatcha gonna do when “They fallen from the sky like a snow” on you? Also [ENVY] bags are filled with candy, it has been confirmed.
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
To the Charr Kain thief from [KAIN], i’m the elementalist whom you fought at hills, we bowed like 2-3 times haha. Anyways i’m sorry for the mess up of our 1v1 match, i forgot to tell my guild not to interfere >:. Hope we can fight again soon!
Edit: I let myself die to 2 other Kain after you ported back to absolve my guilt >: Cya around!
Atelierista – Elementalist (RAVE/GASM)
Together we fight, for the Dolyaks.
(edited by Shiikai.2931)
But it is rather annoying when people on DR claim their wins happen because of their “godly commanders” or “amazing fighting spirit” when this is simply not true.
If you truly had as much of them as you claim, with your numbers, you’d have escaped the last tier weeks ago.
No, we require numbers to move up a tier, just like anyone else in this tier. If 2 servers stopped playing for a week, and one won by an outstanding landslide, I don’t believe that server would move up. because they would still be sitting below the 1100-ish points to move up and bring a server down.
And I agree not every victory is won because of outstanding leadership or clutch plays, but it is just as black and white to claim every victory is earned due to zerg tactics. I see plenty of zergs on all factions.
Not too many weeks ago, when SoS first reared its face , K was winning days due to the fact there was little resistance for them. once that had been slowed, griping about the same type of victory for DR is now in abundance.
I think it’s a bit pathetic for adults on all sides to lose to poorly. To constantly cry foul when something doesn’t work their way, even if what they are crying against was something they were part of not too long ago.
I was in the K keep in EB yesterday when DR took it around 3. it was a lot of fun. Lot’s of back and forth between K and DR. Not once did I ever think the other team was cheating. Crazy, right? the fight seemed legit. how insane, nobody was doing anything to cheat. I think I got an achievement for being in the first ever fair fight in this game.
all hail me.
Yak’s Bend.
To the Charr Kain thief from [KAIN], i’m the elementalist whom you fought at hills, we bowed like 2-3 times haha. Anyways i’m sorry for the mess up of our 1v1 match, i forgot to tell my guild not to interfere >:. Hope we can fight again soon!
Edit: I let myself die to 2 other Kain after you ported back to absolve my guilt >: Cya around!
Look forward to the next match. Not a fan of the “Uber Dagger” build myself so I’ve been avoiding anything like the usual Daggers so I enjoy every opportunity to test it out!
Thanks for showing that Devonas can be cool too. :p
Status update.
it’s 2:50am as of this post
There’s literally no one left in EB.
Go nuts.
And you’ll see what some of the post people were saying earlier is true about there’s no group of serious threat after we had gone to sleep.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
the noobler,
I have to correct some of your post as it is a little off.
We had some very good fights with NoQQ last night in DRBL, but it was not a 60 MAN ZERG as you stated, at least not while we were fighting them. We sent the zerg away from them and told them to handle taking the towers and supply.
We scouted and follwed them for an hour, we had a group of about 15. They wiped us several times, and we got them several times. We had scouts following them and worked very hard at cutting them off. It was a lot of fun. Those guys are very tough to deal with.
I am not sure the “lightning” excuse holds up for the Hills either. You were out of supply and could not repair anything. We built a balista and cata on the bridge and slowly took you down after getting in. Now you are correct you beat us back the first 2 times, and I give you much credit for that. Then the fight in the lords room was epic.
Not trying to argue, it just really would be nice if you didnt try to discredit everything DR does and chalk it up to….you guys just 60 man zerged everything.
Ya, wasn’t a total Zerg NoQQ was fighting open field I would say 15-20ish like Spacelord said, but I only had 5 with me. But we did die to a HUGE Zerg at a supply camp that was crawling with you all (we killed a huge zerg at a supply camp too but that is another story) and died to your shadowing tactic once. Was going to port out since I thought for sure it was a trap but one of the guys said, " SQUEREL" (movie Up reference) and gave chase only to fall fully in the trap being hit in the front, back, and cliffside. Then there was the chase of more than 20 of you (had to be since I have the footprints still on my back from it) for like almost half the map. I would think you all don’t like us or something. I mean seriously you invited us over for crumpets and tea and this is the welcome we get?
The lightning did destroy the outer siege (outside of the lords room on the bridge) that was placed @ the hills. The defenders were able to rout you all a few times then came The Lord defense & this is where I think the large number came in. (I put you all between 30 to 40 total but could be wrong) All in all some good fun but dang do you all have a factory churning out clones of Devona people or something? I kill one and 2 more pop out, you gotta give me time to spike you know ;-p
Stylii Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
Status update.
it’s 2:50am as of this post
There’s literally no one left in EB.
Go nuts.
And you’ll see what some of the post people were saying earlier is true about there’s no group of serious threat after we had gone to sleep.
The only thing you are a serious threat too is undefended keep doors. Go cry about lack of coverage somewhere else. Instead of playing at some godawful off hour on a tier 8 server, how about you save everyone the trouble and transfer somewhere where you face more opposition than a group of 5 arctic wolves during your prime time.
P.S. you lag my chat with your untranslated Daewoo owner’s manual copypasta.
Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father
Status update.
it’s 2:50am as of this post
There’s literally no one left in EB.
Go nuts.
And you’ll see what some of the post people were saying earlier is true about there’s no group of serious threat after we had gone to sleep.
The only thing you are a serious threat too is undefended keep doors. Go cry about lack of coverage somewhere else. Instead of playing at some godawful off hour on a tier 8 server, how about you save everyone the trouble and transfer somewhere where you face more opposition than a group of 5 arctic wolves during your prime time.
P.S. you lag my chat with your untranslated Daewoo owner’s manual copypasta.
let me get this straight. That post was someone from SoS talking about coverage/resistance from another server in a negative form?
if that is the case, your opener made me laugh. if not, then your opener made me laugh for the wrong reason.
Yak’s Bend.
I’m pretty sure it’s them crying and acting like they are the only serious threat on Kaenig………..when they play the game essentially alone. They even made another thread crying about it here in the forums.
Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father
Well, given the rankings of the past 4 weeks of November (since Nov 2nd), I’ll give DR 2 weeks until we change tiers. Unfortunately this seems to have as much to do as DR winning aa much as it does with GoM being dominated. From what I gather in the GoM WvW posts, they don’t have much of a chance of improving.
Dragonbrand [Formerly Devona’s Rest]
Well, given the rankings of the past 4 weeks of November (since Nov 2nd), I’ll give DR 2 weeks until we change tiers. Unfortunately this seems to have as much to do as DR winning aa much as it does with GoM being dominated. From what I gather in the GoM WvW posts, they don’t have much of a chance of improving.
I am thinking more than 2 weeks. Mainly, because we (DR) had an influx of players a few weeks ago. we climbed from last place, in our tier, to first in 7 just days. At that point our weekly points were still under 900.
Last week after reset a pal from RGTG and I were chatting about weekend numbers and our increase was less than a point, from the week before. still a bit from 1k. I am thinking to get out we need to break 1100+/-
This weeks slow opener could be a few things:
I hear K has some new guilds (good for them) nice to see numbers up. I know for a fact I and a number of my friends have been doing PvE more while we are winning at such lengths. The PvP I did this weekend was on a level 15 alt, trying to grind up to level 30. AND it looks like K and Ferg decided that not attacking each other was a good idea. Combined, it’s pretty understandable why we were in last place when I logged off yesterday.
I’m not making excuses nor am I attempting to take away from the great weekend K and Ferg had. These are simply the observations of a silent minority. Honestly, I am happy when I look at the map and I see K and Ferg working on DR collectively. I am going to assume that despite how it appears, Ferg and K did not draft a formal treaty in which they are forbidden to partake in acts of violence against the other. I am radically suggesting they both may have decided DR would be easier to topple if it was getting assaulted from multiple points. what I will enjoy watching is what unfolds as each server gets withing winning distance of each other with just a day or two left in the match.
Yak’s Bend.
I’m disappointed in the way the week is turning out, I had an absolute blast this weekend defending Sm and EB with my guild… Was hoping the competitive relatively equal number fights would continue but meh, wasn’t expecting it too.
Chaster as much as I like you, that’s a bunch of bullkitten. KAIN, KR, NoQQ, WAR, Ispy, LEAF, XO, and I’m sure many other that I’m forgetting make a difference. Despite what you may think SoS isn’t our server, they are a huge part of it just like any of the other guilds. We may have lost SM, which you defended but you need to remember that you didn’t take it, you wern’t out when there we 7 walls down and we fought for hours to keep it. You play a major part in our server but the fact that you are quitting WvWvW for 2 weeks make you what your complaining about, a gap in our time zone. If you arnt willing to fight for us, why the kitten would anyone else care enough to help you.
I was up till 4am, often waiting for you to log on to log for the night, so I care just as much as you do. but I will continue to play.
Status update.
it’s 2:50am as of this post
There’s literally no one left in EB.
Go nuts.
And you’ll see what some of the post people were saying earlier is true about there’s no group of serious threat after we had gone to sleep.
The only thing you are a serious threat too is undefended keep doors. Go cry about lack of coverage somewhere else. Instead of playing at some godawful off hour on a tier 8 server, how about you save everyone the trouble and transfer somewhere where you face more opposition than a group of 5 arctic wolves during your prime time.
P.S. you lag my chat with your untranslated Daewoo owner’s manual copypasta.
hahahahaha. bro… u r absolutely hilarious
Thanks for all the good fights last night as well Kaineg. Whoever that thief commander was that kept throwing random siege at us while we were still fighting cracked us up btw That was epic, lol. Also.. I think that camp’s got more action than SM at this point. Golems and all.
Whoever that thief commander was that kept throwing random siege at us while we were still fighting cracked us up btw
That was epic, lol. Also.. I think that camp’s got more action than SM at this point. Golems and all.
That’d be me! Even I like to have fun.
Darxio – Thief Commander
Props to the DR at the upper supply camp in your BL you may have had more but we waited 10 minutes for you to come so we could suprise you from our hidy hole.. for the first wave anyways.. the DR just kept coming. Some of the best fun ive had in a while!
I love envy because they dont give a kitten how many ppl they fight XD. Oh and i was talking about the 1v1 at DE on KBL with a mesmer. Had him to 25% hp then 3 other mesmers came and gave me a whooping. The other 1v1 was with the awesome ele but i wasnt prepared for that lol. Had hammer and tank gear on without any of the hammer or tank traits. Actually had bow/rifle traits that time but then 2 ppl came and they didnt do much the ele pwnt me. She is bad kitten
Oh I’m not denying DR must surely have efficient small groups as well. I just don’t see a great deal of them…the zergs are indeed occupying a LOT of attention.
As for why our server numbers dwindle so much during the week…I expect it’s simply because a lot of people have day jobs and simply not as much time available as they do on the weekend.
SoS for example is a Taiwanese guild and working hours in Asia tend to be long (I should know, I work there myself). That’s why you’ll typically see the bulk of them for about 3-4 hours right about at this time of day on weekdays and sharply reduced number during other times of the day. This is enough time to cap a lot of stuff but sadly, not nearly enough to be able to hold it for extended periods of time whereas again, we’ve repeatedly captured and held Stonemist for 2 consecutive weekends now when everyone is on.
DR keeps winning these fights because they have (far) higher primetime numbers during the week than the other two servers. This can be easily deduced by the way the scores play out week after week. It’s an undeniable fact.
Not that DR is to ‘blame’ for that, you can’t blame a server for having more people on after all but it is rather annoying when people on DR claim their wins happen because of their “godly commanders” or “amazing fighting spirit” when this is simply not true.
If you truly had as much of them as you claim, with your numbers, you’d have escaped the last tier weeks ago.
Your argument makes no sense: in one statement you talk about how you “consistently held SM 2 weekends in a row when everyone is on..”, but you dont have large zergs…then you state " (DR)…had as much (commanders/fighting spirit) as claimed we’d moved up last week."
Mate, DR has consistently fount a 2:1 battle for going on 5 weeks now. And by that I mean Ferg BL has been predominantly Fergs with little to no Kain incursions. Kains BL has been both Kain and DR with little to no Ferg incursions. EB is a 3-way split depending on time zones. DR BL has been consistently attacked by both Kain and Ferg on a daily basis. Even this thread has confirmed an alliance with Kain/Ferg vs DR.
Now with that in mind…how you can consistently state the “overwhelming zergs of DR” is ludicrous. How about you add the zergs on Kain and the zergs on Ferg that are attacking DR at the same time (in lots of cases) and do the math. Does DR have a higher Wv3 population than either Kain or Ferg…maybe, but both combined…no. (i say “maybe” because i’ve seen as larger or larger zergs from both servers as Ive seen on DR, all around the clock)
Numbers and only numbers will not, cannot manage what DR has managed to do this past 4 weeks. We’ve taken the best 2 servers can throw at us, unified attacks at that sometimes, and still managed to pull out the win on reset. (last reset DR had more points that both Kain/Ferg combined)
Everyone talks about all these “massive guilds transfering to DR”, please post pics of these transfered guilds as I’d like to know them. I know of 2, one with like 10 members, and another with less than 20. One of which as since left DR. (30 new gamers on a server is not “game breaking”, im sorry if u believe it is)
DR’s teamwork, coordination, and increase in DR activity in Wv3 has led to where we are today. Give credit where credit is due please. And stop always downing a server/guild/player’s accomplishments with lame excuses as to why you/your server/your guild isnt #1.
Also, learn the rankings mechanics before you talk, DR requires 2 things to rank up: (1) DR to win in our tier, hopefully gaining more points than the #3 server ranked in the next tier and (2) the bottom ranked server in the tier above us needs to get shut out. Those 2 things have to happen on a regular basis for us to move up: ie, we have to have a higher point tally than the #3 server on the tier above us before we can move up a tier.
I find it funny how on the weekends when Kain/Ferg field massive numbers its all in the thread about skill/teamwork/coordination, etc. But during the week it turns into “DR only winning because of massive zergs.” On a recent reset DR shut both servers down the entire weekend, what was the excuse then?
Simply this: all 3 servers have zergs from small groups to large groups, all 3 servers have great players, good players, average players, and players that are recognized as guaranteed loot bags. All 3 servers “primetimes” may or may not differ, but all 3 each have a window where they pwn, whether its due to numbers or skill thats up to interpretation by the server and its opponents.
In the end the ONLY thing that matters is the final tally at reset and server progression for Wv3.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Sajec.5302)
I was kinda depressed last night as DR had the pop to push kaineng and ferg off EB, at the same time :/
We would kill 60 of them and 60 more would run back to fill the holes, not even giving us enough time to push out and take a supply camp. All the while I was noticing ferg was losing stuff slowly just as we were.
We didnt have the numbers at all. Had outmanned the entire time i was out in EB last night. And DR was using those numbers properly, never commiting the entire force to a push or attack. So when we forced a wipe we couldnt rally and retake an objective to relieve the pressure on our keep.
At least I got to teach a few people how to setup a proper meatgrinder and we got to feast on your corpses at a tower.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I was kinda depressed last night as DR had the pop to push kaineng and ferg off EB, at the same time :/
We would kill 60 of them and 60 more would run back to fill the holes, not even giving us enough time to push out and take a supply camp. All the while I was noticing ferg was losing stuff slowly just as we were.
We didnt have the numbers at all. Had outmanned the entire time i was out in EB last night. And DR was using those numbers properly, never commiting the entire force to a push or attack. So when we forced a wipe we couldnt rally and retake an objective to relieve the pressure on our keep.
At least I got to teach a few people how to setup a proper meatgrinder and we got to feast on your corpses at a tower.
=( i missed it. Sorry to hear you got pushed off, but glad to hear you never gave up! Props to ya man! (or girl, or it, whichever applies)
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
Sadly, my game time has been cut drastically down so I’ll not be doing hardly any more late night fighting. Might manage an hour or so before bed, but got awarded a new contract so gotta go make da $$$. (or wife will want to spend more time with me…GAH!)
Keep up the good fight DR and Kain/Ferg…dont relent, you’re both great servers with great players!
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
I’m fully aware of the fact that you guys are doing a great job. As you can read from most of my posts, I compliment and recognize all of you. I never take credit on all of the result of EB. I was just talking about one simple issue - Timezone coverage.
When apex was suggesting that they were going to come and cover our time, that was for once I saw a true hope on succeeding in securing the victory for once.
Honestly speaking, I do not believe that we will lose to DR, nor FC combined to a certain extend. We have the skilled player, we are majorly coordinated, and we have the supply and funding to keep the war rolling. I believed in Kaineng.
But when I am about to go to sleep, the truth is, there’s no one left. Like, no one. The entire EB is becoming like a ghost town, and the last image I am getting before I sleep is knowing DR is awakened, as I am seeing considerable size of zerg start merging out of their spawn. Unless quite a lot of DR are from Europe, or else why can our opponent do what we cannot?
This is just demoralizing.
The timezone coverage is like rock-paper-scissors, US cap EU, Asia cap US, and EU cap Asia. It’s super effective, unless someone in the same timezone started to stand out to defend during those timezones.
Try imagine this. Assuming each phase is 8 hours apart, and it’s their prime time, and each side is equally distributed, and same skill level.
Group A has EU + US, Group B has US + Asia.
EU Phase - Group A take the lead
Result: It’s Super Effective! (EU knocks over tower’s uncontested)US Phase - Group A and B are tied, stalling
Result: There’s no big change to Group A’s lead as both USA and USB countered each other out.Asia Phase - Group B took the lead, finally
Result: It’s Super Effective! (Asia knocks over tower’s uncontested)Back to EU Phase.
See the simple rock paper scissors theory can shown?
Out of the three phases, we only have one phase that is bringing us the lead
This comes to the problems of gap. There is a larger gap from Asia to US than US to Asia. We can easily carry on from where the US left off, but it’s rare to see that the US carry on from where we left off.
Take your case and at a reasonable scale, Shananigans.8412, assuming everyone goes to sleep at 2 am. When you are asleep, it’d be 2 pm in Asia, but that’s 11pm in western US, then can continue the progress for another 3 hours, and when the western US has gone to sleep at 2am PST, that’s now 6 PM in Asia, perfect. But how about when WE are going to sleep at 2am? that is 2 PM EST and 11 AM PST. Now THAT is a big gap, as a lot can change within the 3~5 hour prime time gap.
And that’s exactly where I’m seeing numbers rising up in DR’s numbers.
As I have said in my other thread, this is just some personal rant I want to release, or else keeping this pressure inside me isn’t going to help anyone.
One of my common whining in my guild was "How come the US players didn’t defend what we’ve accomplished?", and I have been telling them exactly what I’ve stated above. This is a time zone gap issue, and unless we change our gaming hour, or they change their gaming hour, *this is not going to change*.
So some asked, "Then why pouring so much effort and fund right now?" I simply replied, "because this is all for Kaineng."
As I have stated in my other thread, this is just a personal rant.
Yes, seeing DR caching up with 300k point with one night is VERY depressing. Not to mentioning LOSING ALL OF EB. That is just pure demoralizing. And I have to release this anger or else it’s hard for me to continue.
I still love you all <3
Chaster as much as I like you, that’s a bunch of bullkitten. KAIN, KR, NoQQ, WAR, Ispy, LEAF, XO, and I’m sure many other that I’m forgetting make a difference. Despite what you may think SoS isn’t our server, they are a huge part of it just like any of the other guilds. We may have lost SM, which you defended but you need to remember that you didn’t take it, you wern’t out when there we 7 walls down and we fought for hours to keep it. You play a major part in our server but the fact that you are quitting WvWvW for 2 weeks make you what your complaining about, a gap in our time zone. If you arnt willing to fight for us, why the kitten would anyone else care enough to help you.
I was up till 4am, often waiting for you to log on to log for the night, so I care just as much as you do. but I will continue to play.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
on a side note btsy is just a instagib thief/mesmer guild now lol. That salad face thief they got runs away as soon as someone hits him. lololol. Least ssitar plays like a boss instead of runnin away on every hit.
on a side note btsy is just a instagib thief/mesmer guild now lol. That salad face thief they got runs away as soon as someone hits him. lololol. Least ssitar plays like a boss instead of runnin away on every hit.
To be fair I ran into an awesome Bsty on Kaineng, was trying to solo gank us, just he ended up getting overwhelmed. Was a Guardian with Greatsword.
And about the whole “Kaineng/Ferg Alliance”….Fergs were the first ones to take our Towers since the reset, and since the reset we haven’t lost our Keeps a single time simply because we all converge when they’re threatened. Every single night Ferg attacks us, every single night we push and hold and do everything to prevent anything from being lost but are lucky if it’s just Supply Camps and not a couple Towers.
As for FCBL, we haven’t attacked there because we don’t have the manpower to attack another Server’s BL AND maintain -ANY- presence in our own BL. Do we occasionally foray into DRBL or FCBL? Yes. But that is very very very rarely a concerted effort thing. We’ve managed to take both DRBL and FCBL Keeps by Ninja only, not through sheer force.
DR is winning because they have numbers, if you think you’re the only one fighting a 2 front war, you’re fooling yourselves. I can’t count the number of times we had to fight off a Ferg Zerg and a Dev Zerg in our BL at the same time…it usually ends well, but has many bad parts leading up to that ending.
Lol at that Salad thief on Btsy. Saw your group get my friend from afar and you come to me, steal and spam heartseeker. hahahaha so bad, yeah you killed me, but I let you. Play better.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
Oh I’m not denying DR must surely have efficient small groups as well. I just don’t see a great deal of them…the zergs are indeed occupying a LOT of attention.
As for why our server numbers dwindle so much during the week…I expect it’s simply because a lot of people have day jobs and simply not as much time available as they do on the weekend.
SoS for example is a Taiwanese guild and working hours in Asia tend to be long (I should know, I work there myself). That’s why you’ll typically see the bulk of them for about 3-4 hours right about at this time of day on weekdays and sharply reduced number during other times of the day. This is enough time to cap a lot of stuff but sadly, not nearly enough to be able to hold it for extended periods of time whereas again, we’ve repeatedly captured and held Stonemist for 2 consecutive weekends now when everyone is on.
DR keeps winning these fights because they have (far) higher primetime numbers during the week than the other two servers. This can be easily deduced by the way the scores play out week after week. It’s an undeniable fact.
Not that DR is to ‘blame’ for that, you can’t blame a server for having more people on after all but it is rather annoying when people on DR claim their wins happen because of their “godly commanders” or “amazing fighting spirit” when this is simply not true.Before I go, I work 45 hours a week, i have a child, so thats not excuse, remember, love u all, good wishes
Obviously you do not know how much time asians spend working. we are a bunch of working freaks and we spend more time in office than home. personally i work close to 70hours a week and i have a child. Can only WvW when i am home and my child is sleeping. I also try to help out during lunch and dinner time in office, but there is only so much time that we can login during weekday.
I have it!! The solution to all 3 server problems.
Lets take all the top guilds that have the common goal of server rank progression, and move to ONE server!!!!
KAIN/WAR/iSPY/ENVY/NoQQ can push domination on reset thru sunday. PRO/GASM/RED/BTSY/WAR/iSPY can push domination through “primetime” on weekdays, and PRO/YARR/SoS can push domination late nights!
Oh man, we’d rise to #1 server!
Question is: what server do we all get on? I’d vote DR simply because its has the highest point tally at the moment and gaining points is pretty much suck!
Ok..now lets make it happen so we can rise up and put a stompin on some arses in tier 1!
We can reform into one big guild called Alpha n Omega [AnO]. When you see us its the beginning of your end! lawl..caaaaaaaaaaaaackle…weee to beer!
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
I have it!! The solution to all 3 server problems.
Lets take all the top guilds that have the common goal of server rank progression, and move to ONE server!!!!
KAIN/WAR/iSPY/ENVY/NoQQ can push domination on reset thru sunday. PRO/GASM/RED/BTSY/WAR/iSPY can push domination through “primetime” on weekdays, and PRO/YARR/SoS can push domination late nights!
Oh man, we’d rise to #1 server!
Question is: what server do we all get on? I’d vote DR simply because its has the highest point tally at the moment and gaining points is pretty much suck!
Ok..now lets make it happen so we can rise up and put a stompin on some arses in tier 1!
We’ll become the next Titan alliance. if you can make it happen, it would be epic.
Also if you can place us into the same tier as SoS, that would be epic, because i would love to dominate them for personal reason.
And DR is pushing hard into Kaineng trying to get our Keeps…We’re doing kitten well despite being a much smaller force, but even this smaller force will be heading to bed soon…
Lmao at whoever the KAIN commander was who rammed my engineer. Good job winning a 4v1 against a 40 XD
Our blood pressure is high enough with DR in our borders nonstop, man. Can you fault us for sharing the ram love when you show up?
Darxio – Thief Commander
I don’t think I’ll ever understand the logic of Fergs attacking KBL when we have the least amount of held territory…I’ve seend some Kaineng people do it too, never made sense then either and I usually have to smack some sense into them. “Dev is in the lead with more than 50% of the pie chart and everything in EB. STOP ATTACKING FERG.”
Our blood pressure is high enough with DR in our borders nonstop, man. Can you fault us for sharing the ram love when you show up?
Hahaha. Guess not :P We’re mostly just there for Devona loot though (mostly Btsy).
RED Ranger in DR…seriously awesome fight…I think it would’ve gone on forever if no one had stopped and offed me. XD So fun, health up! Health down. Health up! Health down…I think you’re one of the best Tanky Rangers met yet.
Take your case and at a reasonable scale, Shananigans.8412, assuming everyone goes to sleep at 2 am. When you are asleep, it’d be 2 pm in Asia, but that’s 11pm in western US, then can continue the progress for another 3 hours, and when the western US has gone to sleep at 2am PST, that’s now 6 PM in Asia, perfect. But how about when WE are going to sleep at 2am? that is 2 PM EST and 11 AM PST. Now THAT is a big gap, as a lot can change within the 3~5 hour prime time gap.
And that’s exactly where I’m seeing numbers rising up in DR’s numbers.
As someone in Shan’s guild and in an Asia timezone, I unreservedly agree with what Chaster says here.
It would be great if ANet could provide some kind of records/graphs of +points around the clock on servers, because it would better help servers to analyze/organize their commanders/leadership etc.
Stick around, Chaster!
Oh I’m not denying DR must surely have efficient small groups as well. I just don’t see a great deal of them…the zergs are indeed occupying a LOT of attention.
As for why our server numbers dwindle so much during the week…I expect it’s simply because a lot of people have day jobs and simply not as much time available as they do on the weekend.
SoS for example is a Taiwanese guild and working hours in Asia tend to be long (I should know, I work there myself). That’s why you’ll typically see the bulk of them for about 3-4 hours right about at this time of day on weekdays and sharply reduced number during other times of the day. This is enough time to cap a lot of stuff but sadly, not nearly enough to be able to hold it for extended periods of time whereas again, we’ve repeatedly captured and held Stonemist for 2 consecutive weekends now when everyone is on.
DR keeps winning these fights because they have (far) higher primetime numbers during the week than the other two servers. This can be easily deduced by the way the scores play out week after week. It’s an undeniable fact.
Not that DR is to ‘blame’ for that, you can’t blame a server for having more people on after all but it is rather annoying when people on DR claim their wins happen because of their “godly commanders” or “amazing fighting spirit” when this is simply not true.Before I go, I work 45 hours a week, i have a child, so thats not excuse, remember, love u all, good wishes
DRObviously you do not know how much time asians spend working. we are a bunch of working freaks and we spend more time in office than home. personally i work close to 70hours a week and i have a child. Can only WvW when i am home and my child is sleeping. I also try to help out during lunch and dinner time in office, but there is only so much time that we can login during weekday.
I’m confused. Isn’t that exactly the point I was trying to make? Asians spend far more time working on average than Americans or Europeans, they have to put up with those working hours to make a living, it’s just the way the job market is here.
Kaineng has a LOT of Asians. Sure there’s people from other countries as well but percentage wise we have far more people from Asia than other servers do, I guess it must be the Chinese-sounding name.
Also Drednyte, you say SoS is by far the least threat on Kaineng but honestly, the scores prove you wrong every single time.
Whenever SoS is on in masses, our scores are far higher than when they’re not.
Yes this is obviously in large part do to their numbers but the simple fact of this game is, numbers win. Which is what I’ve been saying all along.
For most of the day, DR has the numbers and Kaineng and Ferg do not. That’s why you consistently control all of EB at always the exact same time of day and you end up winning in the end.
In about 2 hours, SoS will come on, capture all of EB again and for precisely 4 hours our scores will be significantly higher than yours. Then SoS goes to bed and the cycle repeats.
Our other guilds are certainly strong with skilled individual players but it is quite clear that they do not have the numbers (yet) to hold onto everything that SoS caps or to compete with DR during primetime. Frankly I don’t know why you’re making such an argument about that, any dimwit can see it’s true.
Promisingly though, we have managed to keep hold of most of our borderlands during primetime for 2 weekdays straight now which is a sure sign that things are improving. Ferg seems to be similarly improving slowly but steadily.
Oh and btw, the tiers will get shaken up in about 2 weeks but not so much because of GoM but rather because Eredon Terrace and Henge of Denravi are plummeting down by a tier a week and showing no signs of stopping. At this rate they’ll be rock bottom very quickly.
For those claiming numbers =/= Win: Devona is currently in KBL with about twice the numbers(I believe more, I’m underexaggerating atm, seriously.) that we have. It’s seriously getting old having to be on for ridiculous hours to protect our stuff because there’s NO ONE on to defend against the DR horde.
For those who feel proud of themselves for their “Accomplishments” this night…You’re very sad people. You can be happy because you’re winning…but it’s nothing to brag about taking nearly undefended Towers. -.- It also isn’t “Skill”. Skill was earlier when they broke the outer and inner gates of Hills and got in…Yes we beat them with a meat-grinder, but it was skill and kitten good planning. What’s happening now is…depressing.
Finally got a look at their numbers. They officially have a MINIMUM of 15 times our number on. Sigh. I think I give up on WvW.
(edited by StormWolf.7645)
Ah well, speaking from somebody from the lesser guilds. You usually find me representing MWF Meowanfish. Bet you havent heard of it right. Us randoms do appreciate all the bigger guilds out there putting up a fight. Whether its Kain, Ispy, War, Noqq, Larp, SoS etc. Props to everyone still fighting and also to the randoms too. Many good players out there.
Were all in this together. Lets not start some stupid inner-server guild drama.
Also, nice fight in EB just then. You know if your there, props to the people defending Danelon. Was a fun meatgrinder. Though it saddens me everytime i look at the score. I mostly WvW for the fun of killing some people. And looking at 5-6 devona bodies lying there cheers me up.
And to the Devonas, I have probably fought you guys long enough to grow a bit fond of you. Might be a bit sad to see you move up a tier. But ill be secretly rooting for you guys when you go up to tier 7 against BP and GoM. Ill also miss your lowbies.
I love envy because they dont give a kitten how many ppl they fight XD. Oh and i was talking about the 1v1 at DE on KBL with a mesmer. Had him to 25% hp then 3 other mesmers came and gave me a whooping. The other 1v1 was with the awesome ele but i wasnt prepared for that lol. Had hammer and tank gear on without any of the hammer or tank traits. Actually had bow/rifle traits that time but then 2 ppl came and they didnt do much the ele pwnt me. She is bad kitten
At DE we were constantly fighting 30-35 Kain with 8 people. He prolly didn’t even have cds, or was even paying u much attention at all for that matter. You’re not gonna be given a 1v1 in that situation… lol.
If you ever want one, just ask someone in Envy, pretty much all of us will.
Huzzah for the Cavalry! People from other BLs converged, we numbered a little less initially but still pushed them out of the Keep, and that’s when the numbers came rolling in to equalize the odds. On equal terms, we proceeded to steamroll the Devs right outta our BL.
Thanks to all who came to reinforce us…was getting tired of fighting impossible battles.
AWWW YEAAA! Took SM with 2 golems while DR wasn’t looking