11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Good fight at SM tonight if we would have held on a few more minutes we would have had walls repaired and held you out another hour or so but DB pushed at the right time. Oh well there is always tomorrow night.


11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Furey.6734


Fuery sorry that was more directed towards the DH commanders, trust me I read your post I know, sorry for it being somewhat unclear though

NP. For the record, we did not focus on NSP first tonight. We did get to you eventually but we did DH BL first.

Commander Cristyn
Masters of Combat [Duel]

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Insidious.9460


Got to love pvd servers.


11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


With the new guild DB will likely move up a tier after next week and get crushed. Hopefully not, but goodluck to you guys.

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


DB has got alot of spirit. with a some new found support i think were going to do better then you think.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: ZacharyAY.9231


DB now same cant go up more yet
asia time same need more player to fight…

Guild : NNK

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Midnight US time on a sunday.

Excuse me, 1 am for most of us (Os Guild lives on the east coast mainly.)

Not night capping. Good show.

Don’t listen to her,
Os is all night crew.
They ride on the shoulders of the irish champions.

Oh and, if you are in EB from 3am to 6am. Then you are facing me.
Prepare. Your. Bum-Holio

Are you the Os officer with the t3 cultural armor? I think Guardian? Human male who likes to to run in ahead of his zerg?

Lol, correction, Bird Song (Rob) Who isn’t the male guardian in t3 (That’s broxy, And he is a warrior) is our night crew.

He alone… Defenses the os castles!

Prepare yourself for Irish bar fighting.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Also, despite all “Fairness” NSP rarely ever has ques (Never during the week) and often has outmanned buffs. We don’t belong in this bracket, but somehow we still are. : *

I honestly don’t think DB nor DH should complain.

We are probably going to stay matched up next week, so get used to it.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


If we have the same matchup next week, can we just have a truce and go in a big circle flipping things? One giant 3 server karma train.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


BTW, last night’s clutch save by us (DB) at Hills on our borderland was great fun. They had the lord down but couldn’t quite cap before our reinforcements arrived. They (DH?) took down the outer wall and inner wall quickly with 3 catas before we could get help on the scene.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


BTW, last night’s clutch save by us (DB) at Hills on our borderland was great fun. They had the lord down but couldn’t quite cap before our reinforcements arrived. They (DH?) took down the outer wall and inner wall quickly with 3 catas before we could get help on the scene.

Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved our hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved are hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Ah even better. Didn’t see NSP there at all. Anyways I thought it was a great battle. It’s so much fun to run across the map, get there just in time to try and help make a difference.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved are hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Ah even better. Didn’t see NSP there at all. Anyways I thought it was a great battle. It’s so much fun to run across the map, get there just in time to try and help make a difference.

Maybe it was a different battle. Was funny as hell though last night, we bunkered down at the southern camp and pissed everyone off for a while!

XD then we took hills after DH weakened it and we wiped them out of there.

Now that is how you double team.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


We got rolled for about 5 weeks in a row, so these last 2 weeks have been great. DH and NSP have both been great. It’s really fun to try and hold off 15-30 with just a few in a tower and a bunch of siege. Back when we got rolled people just gave up and didn’t bother to even try to upgrade or place siege. Now although the coverages from all 3 servers are different, every time I’m on all our people are trying. I just wish I was making more gold during WvW to pay for more upgrades and siege.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


With new guilds DB will definitely do better but I doubt DB is rdy for the next tier yet.
DB will get more supports for NA prime time but the total NA population might be still less than what DH currently has(although not much). However, if you compare with the upper tier server (such as EB which has the lowest score in T4 now), you will really feel the word which is called “out-numbered”.

With the new guild DB will likely move up a tier after next week and get crushed. Hopefully not, but goodluck to you guys.

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


DB was always ready* for T4. They’ve always done well against Maguuma. The only reason DB got beaten bad by Ehmry was the lack of a third server in the fight.

*Ready to fight for second place. T4 is T3’s punching bag. There are four T3 servers so one of them has to wait their turn. Neither Maguuma nor Ehmry stand a chance against the T3 servers.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Kelvingts.2035


BTW, last night’s clutch save by us (DB) at Hills on our borderland was great fun. They had the lord down but couldn’t quite cap before our reinforcements arrived. They (DH?) took down the outer wall and inner wall quickly with 3 catas before we could get help on the scene.

Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved our hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved are hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Ah even better. Didn’t see NSP there at all. Anyways I thought it was a great battle. It’s so much fun to run across the map, get there just in time to try and help make a difference.

Maybe it was a different battle. Was funny as hell though last night, we bunkered down at the southern camp and pissed everyone off for a while!

XD then we took hills after DH weakened it and we wiped them out of there.

Now that is how you double team.

I thought OS guild was DH? aren’t you from DH? cause i recall you being the guy crying after we scared your zerg off NW cliff at hills lol

Kelvingts – Human Warrior
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand

(edited by Kelvingts.2035)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


BTW, last night’s clutch save by us (DB) at Hills on our borderland was great fun. They had the lord down but couldn’t quite cap before our reinforcements arrived. They (DH?) took down the outer wall and inner wall quickly with 3 catas before we could get help on the scene.

Yes we (DH) would have had Hills if it weren’t for you pesky (DB) kids! I led a great group of guys in and we had the lord down to about 20% health when you guys beat down on us. These fights are and have been great so much fun. Good luck to all tonight…last I saw you guys (DB) had a 7K lead.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Midnight US time on a sunday.

Excuse me, 1 am for most of us (Os Guild lives on the east coast mainly.)

Not night capping. Good show.

Don’t listen to her,
Os is all night crew.
They ride on the shoulders of the irish champions.

Oh and, if you are in EB from 3am to 6am. Then you are facing me.
Prepare. Your. Bum-Holio

Are you the Os officer with the t3 cultural armor? I think Guardian? Human male who likes to to run in ahead of his zerg?

Human male Guardian who run in ahead of the zerg is me.
I’m no officer though.
Thats almost certainly Brox, he does the exact same though except its more LOOOL, as an entire zerg tries to take him down and he just refuses to die.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


OS is NSP.

And regardless of outcome, if FA is still in the bracket up above, they will crush any of our servers. There is not enough here on any server regardless of what you think. Some guy on maguuma gave me the heads up about them weeks back, and when we battled, it was even worse than your heart wants to convince you.

If you were to have a fighting chance at being competitive in the bracket above, you really do need 24 hour coverage.

these past two weeks however, have been a blast. I’ve enjoyed the battles. And you know how to tell when it’s close right? Squabbling over tag teams … things in mind that seem so real are intensified with competition. We all belong together, and yes DB you will be getting stronger, with your new additions. But reality sets in on the first 24 hour full server coverage.

Mag’s and Ehmry are great, but they are much like our 3 servers. You guys all played well these past 2 weeks, and I’m certain we all have gone through so much siege our pockets are feeling the hurt.

To the guy who posted the karma/capping train thought, it would be nice to build everyone’s bank roll back up. But will never happen.

Hopefully DH can increase our Asia Pacific and EU/early bird EST coverage, we’re growing there, but still a lot of room for any looking to fill that gap. We have good NA prime to PST midnight, growing AsiaPac / Australia coverage, but little early bird EST specials.

Looking forward to more battles with you all tonight, regardless of race or color… fight hard.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Got to love pvd servers.

Are you implying DH is pvd’ing because we’re keeping up with DB in score?

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


On the matter of “double teaming” against DragonBrand.

I have to say the fabled words,
Are you serious bro,
Do you even lift?

I mean, you are the leading server in points. And you are surprised that DarkHaven want to attack you?

And secondly.
As a noob Comamnder, you might see DarkHaven and DragonBrand tied up in a fire fight and think, “hmm, maybe I should attack the undefended Darkhaven rear”.
But that is where you earn your noob rank. If Darkhaven attack up the left side OFC we are going up your right LOL’ing all the way.
As you try and push DH out we are wiping your towers. And when DH are dead you come at us and we pull you out of your lands.
DH respawns and start to reclaim all the land that they already wiped that is all wood. And we do the same.

Why you cry? Why us?

Its because as a little boy growing up on a farm in the cold, dark mountains of the Northern Shiverpeaks. My mother used to tell me tales of other lands and how they were locked in endless battle with one another. How the blood and sweat of my forefathers had fought to keep the Shiverpeaks Great.
I grew up on these stories and the dreams of one day rising from the low peasant ranks to the Glorious title of Commander. To abide by the High King Ocularis’s law and violently remove his enemies from this world.

And I did, through many hard long years of the Royal Guard, whacking in zombies heads and stealing their shoes. I could finally afford an appeal to my Great King for the right to Command.

But alas, after many wars and swift victories wrought from our hands, allies leaving us for the favour of our enemies, we stumbled upon the vile stench that was DragonBrand.

They were followers of the Dark One the people said as we watched their hordes come over the lush green hills of the Eternal Battleground, each one bearing the brand of the Dragon, the Dragon that has broken the world and burnt all happiness out of a hundred generations in the stories of old.
And the hills, ERMAHGERD, seriously dudes we had spent some time gardening that and you went a made it all muddy, bloody and creator riddled..

But when we gathered our forces to lead the counter strike on our lands they were nowhere to be seen!
We laugh and rejoiced in celebration of our enemies retreat, our gleaming Sapphire armour would not have to be repaired on this day we thought. On this day we will return to our farms and our families. Play with our children and warm our feet by the fire.
But how we were wrong..
They came when we were sleeping. The hordes of blood red. Dashed our defences and murdered our Lords in their own homes. While we slept they built monsters of war, and tore at our Garrisons. Little was left when we left our families to return to the fight. Little hope remained in the land.
But we swore. Every single one of us swore. That the days of the Blood red horde were numbered. Because we knew of others who had faced equal destruction in their lands. Lands that they had thought were a Haven. Lands that now sought revenge as we did.

So you ask me why foul pleb? You ask me why we choose to raise the sword to your kind….

…Because LOL like I said you don’t even lift brah.
c: Hope you enjoyed.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


OS is NSP.

And regardless of outcome, if FA is still in the bracket up above, they will crush any of our servers. There is not enough here on any server regardless of what you think. Some guy on maguuma gave me the heads up about them weeks back, and when we battled, it was even worse than your heart wants to convince you.

If you were to have a fighting chance at being competitive in the bracket above, you really do need 24 hour coverage.

these past two weeks however, have been a blast. I’ve enjoyed the battles. And you know how to tell when it’s close right? Squabbling over tag teams … things in mind that seem so real are intensified with competition. We all belong together, and yes DB you will be getting stronger, with your new additions. But reality sets in on the first 24 hour full server coverage.

Mag’s and Ehmry are great, but they are much like our 3 servers. You guys all played well these past 2 weeks, and I’m certain we all have gone through so much siege our pockets are feeling the hurt.

To the guy who posted the karma/capping train thought, it would be nice to build everyone’s bank roll back up. But will never happen.

Hopefully DH can increase our Asia Pacific and EU/early bird EST coverage, we’re growing there, but still a lot of room for any looking to fill that gap. We have good NA prime to PST midnight, growing AsiaPac / Australia coverage, but little early bird EST specials.

Looking forward to more battles with you all tonight, regardless of race or color… fight hard.

To be fair DB is only really competitive because for about 10 hours out of the day they have the maps completely uncontested for the most part.

If DH is able to beat DB and keep competitive with them score wise with the amount of time coverage we have DB will get absolutely destroyed in the higher tiers. That may as well be considered a fact of life at this point. I hope no one takes offense to this because this is just how it is.

That being said it’s pointless to discuss because next week’s projected match up is the same as this weeks.

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Great story, Rob. It is people like you that make this game fun and worth playing.

As much as I would like to see my server (DB) move up a tier, I am rather content with being where we are. The matchups are compettitive and pretty fair. People log on and try hard, even in a losing situation, and the large amounts of siege on each side make it feel like an all-out war.

It’s exactly what WvW should be.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Great story Rob. I enjoyed the read, and for some odd reason, yearn to watch some Game of Thrones

We’ll attack DB, and we’ll attack NSP, discussing logic on why DH attack DB more so is a waste of time. Your smart enough to figure it out on your own I’m sure of that (yes I will give you credit and have faith in you). Out of respect, this battles been wearing on many, so sometimes perceptions are construed. Happens, enjoy the ride together though. We’ll be seeing alot of eachother unless we have some major changes in WvW, either server(s) or overall.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Volcanus.2756


To add onto any server moving up in the tiers from this bracket, i wish you good luck cause you will need it. Like stated above there are 4 tier 3 servers and 1 will always be in tier 4. All tier 3 servers have the same coverage as us (DH) for NA primetime buts its 24hr coverage. In my opinion, and this is just my opinion, Fort Aspenwood has all the numbers but great organization with there guilds. A few that I remember GODS, and ULTD. CD has huge numbers all the time, but no where near FA’s control and discipline. I would hope all the servers here would want to stay here cause it sucked for the past 2 weeks when we were up in tier 4.

Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Furey.6734


To summarize on my definition of double teaming; it is two servers attacking one server non-stop and not attacking each other unless their armies bump into each other for many hours. IE: If these two servers happened to attack the same thing such as SM but were also constantly attacking each other else where (orange swords), then this is not double teaming. I am pretty sure you guys can figure out what is and what isn’t, but I think all 3 servers know what is going on.

DB has been constantly full, and I know that there are a few guilds still in the process of transfering onto the server so it is not over. You are not going to see an instant NA prime time boost. You will probably notice the change gradually. As for moving up a tier, I believe DB will be ready after the guilds are settled in. Like I said before, I would want DB to move up a tier on its own merit when its ready without any other server’s help, because it would just get hammered back down.

Commander Cristyn
Masters of Combat [Duel]

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


This has always been our weakest hour. and yet we survived to regroup and regain a point total over everyone. as of right now we are fighting back on 2 BL’s and EB. this hasn’t happened for over 5 weeks. not since the huge exodus to SoS.

we will see how the night play’s our. last week DH came out strong tonight and was able to contain our night crew which is what lead to them winning.

If it wasn’t for NSP and DH trying to swap keeps we couldn’t have regained our ground in EB

thank you very much.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Had fun tonight in EB lots of great battles and my final battle at Aldons was a blast. I got a portal bomb off twice to get rid of trebs and even though we took them out it wasn’t enough to stop DB. Great fights but I do need to bring up one issue.

Not going to point fingers because I couldn’t tell you who did this stuff and not going to chastise an entire server for what probably was a single person or group of people but this stuff needs to stop.


There was another two rams next to each other that I didn’t get a chance to takes picture of and a low level elementalist that would not stop moving in a bot like fashion from SM’s supply depot to the broken wall to repair it no matter how much I and everyone else asked her to stop in whispers and in normal chat. Lots of people wasting supply on Darkhaven on purpose and I don’t like it.


(edited by Skapocalypse.5236)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

It makes total sense for NSP and DH to attack DB during the NA Primetime. The night presence just necessitates it.

I agree with fellyn here. Put yourself in their shoes on the other servers. They both know that DB is going to take everything during the night. The only chance they have to win the week is make sure DB gets as few points as possible during the day.

I don’t think there really is a viable strategy for NSP to win the week against these servers the way they are currently comprised. But using this strategy has kept them competitive at least without letting either DH or DB run away with it.

I have an idea… how about NSP and DB double team DH? Then DB and NSP can fight over 1st place.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


This has always been our weakest hour. and yet we survived to regroup and regain a point total over everyone. as of right now we are fighting back on 2 BL’s and EB. this hasn’t happened for over 5 weeks. not since the huge exodus to SoS.

we will see how the night play’s our. last week DH came out strong tonight and was able to contain our night crew which is what lead to them winning.

If it wasn’t for NSP and DH trying to swap keeps we couldn’t have regained our ground in EB

thank you very much.

I’m on Nightcrew commanding atm in Eternal. Just watching all of DH fall to a huge DB zerg (with little oranges crosses as I suspect few DH are online)
In NSP we have a 15man going and held our our keep and Langors. But I doubt we can keep them.
There is no opposition for DB at this time, and the only reason we still have what we have is because I’m European with a lot of friends.

Screen shot attached. (Since writing this we have lost QL)

Your night seems to be going well from the looks of it.
As always.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


To summarize on my definition of double teaming; it is two servers attacking one server non-stop and not attacking each other unless their armies bump into each other for many hours. IE: If these two servers happened to attack the same thing such as SM but were also constantly attacking each other else where (orange swords), then this is not double teaming. I am pretty sure you guys can figure out what is and what isn’t, but I think all 3 servers know what is going on.

DB has been constantly full, and I know that there are a few guilds still in the process of transfering onto the server so it is not over. You are not going to see an instant NA prime time boost. You will probably notice the change gradually. As for moving up a tier, I believe DB will be ready after the guilds are settled in. Like I said before, I would want DB to move up a tier on its own merit when its ready without any other server’s help, because it would just get hammered back down.

And what do you think we should do about it to make it fair for you? You obviously feel slighted in some way otherwise you wouldn’t keep bringing the double teaming up.

It makes total sense for NSP and DH to attack DB during the NA Primetime. The night presence just necessitates it.

I agree with fellyn here. Put yourself in their shoes on the other servers. They both know that DB is going to take everything during the night. The only chance they have to win the week is make sure DB gets as few points as possible during the day.

I don’t think there really is a viable strategy for NSP to win the week against these servers the way they are currently comprised. But using this strategy has kept them competitive at least without letting either DH or DB run away with it.

I have an idea… how about NSP and DB double team DH? Then DB and NSP can fight over 1st place.

I can’t speak for NSP but I imagine that they disagree with how DB is staying competitive score wise (hint: it’s not because of your us prime time people) so that might be why they choose to target you guys instead of trying to fight DH.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


BTW, last night’s clutch save by us (DB) at Hills on our borderland was great fun. They had the lord down but couldn’t quite cap before our reinforcements arrived. They (DH?) took down the outer wall and inner wall quickly with 3 catas before we could get help on the scene.

Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved our hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Um… No.

Thank you NSP for pushing in behind DH from the camp, you saved are hills and are clearly double teaming with DH, despite the fact you just rolled in behind them and helped wipe them.

We are so double teaming.

Ah even better. Didn’t see NSP there at all. Anyways I thought it was a great battle. It’s so much fun to run across the map, get there just in time to try and help make a difference.

Maybe it was a different battle. Was funny as hell though last night, we bunkered down at the southern camp and pissed everyone off for a while!

XD then we took hills after DH weakened it and we wiped them out of there.

Now that is how you double team.

I thought OS guild was DH? aren’t you from DH? cause i recall you being the guy crying after we scared your zerg off NW cliff at hills lol

Nope, OS and Os to Totally different guilds.

We have been on NSP since launch

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


Not sure if the new guilds already started to participate wvw last night, but the fact is when I get in wvw ~7pm EST last night DB still held the 1st place in score and kept ~1/3 of the map (this never happened during last 2 weeks since that period of time is the weakest point for DB, DH usually control most of maps during that time). Also after checking all 4 maps, surprisingly, I only get outmannad buff at NSP BL(it was usually at 3 maps). I think the new blood not only bring more force but also bring more morale to DB which encouraged more PVE players (DB do have a super huge PVE base) to come to wvw when they see the possibility of having some fun here (this is almost a tradition in DB’s wvw history).

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Kelvingts.2035


Had fun tonight in EB lots of great battles and my final battle at Aldons was a blast. I got a portal bomb off twice to get rid of trebs and even though we took them out it wasn’t enough to stop DB. Great fights but I do need to bring up one issue.

Not going to point fingers because I couldn’t tell you who did this stuff and not going to chastise an entire server for what probably was a single person or group of people but this stuff needs to stop.


There was another two rams next to each other that I didn’t get a chance to takes picture of and a low level elementalist that would not stop moving in a bot like fashion from SM’s supply depot to the broken wall to repair it no matter how much I and everyone else asked her to stop in whispers and in normal chat. Lots of people wasting supply on Darkhaven on purpose and I don’t like it.

Yes i admit 2 portal bombs occured but we wiped every portal bomb of 15-20 people each lol All you guys did was give us free badges lol

Kelvingts – Human Warrior
Adventurethyme [BMO] , Dragonbrand

(edited by Kelvingts.2035)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


Soooooo 8 of us in NSP held off a DB zerg then a DH zerg on Bluelake tower right now. This was in DB BL. Just want to say good job.


11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Soooooo 8 of us in NSP held off a DB zerg then a DH zerg on Bluelake tower right now. This was in DB BL. Just want to say good job.

I’m on DB and I wasn’t there, but isn’t this awesome? This is why I play. You see the zerg roll in, you yell for help, you are running around doing everything you can, and you manage to hold them off. Quite a good feeling. Hard to even explain to people who aren’t playing.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

just wanna share our ram in the air lol


11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


just wanna share our ram in the air lol

What a minute..

If this is just there now.. You have the noobest Commander on in the world.

NSP were carving a path through DB and you start attacking our rear even though you are only 10k points behind DB with 1 day left?
Where do your tactics even come from random commander.
Your spoiling our vengeance fun run against DB to challenge our 30man zerg?
Seeeriooousss brrrrooooo?

You know what I’m going to do now don’t you.

You know its coming.

Since its not just some pug zerg trying to wipe us.

Its on fools.

(attached is an SS of your map this morning before we took it from DB and wiped all their gear).


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

just wanna share our ram in the air lol

What a minute..

If this is just there now.. You have the noobest Commander on in the world.

NSP were carving a path through DB and you start attacking our rear even though you are only 10k points behind DB with 1 day left?
Where do your tactics even come from random commander.
Your spoiling our vengeance fun run against DB to challenge our 30man zerg?
Seeeriooousss brrrrooooo?

You know what I’m going to do now don’t you.

You know its coming.

Since its not just some pug zerg trying to wipe us.

Its on fools.

(attached is an SS of your map this morning before we took it from DB and wiped all their gear).

if u cant tell…thats Wildcreek that we’re trying to take back from DB…and this is from last night…we didnt touch you at all when i was playing last night in EB…but you[NSP] keep taking our supply camp at Golanta even though your Durios and Umber is under control by DB jeez

(edited by Ayane Hajinmon.9165)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


just wanna share our ram in the air lol

What a minute..

If this is just there now.. You have the noobest Commander on in the world.

NSP were carving a path through DB and you start attacking our rear even though you are only 10k points behind DB with 1 day left?
Where do your tactics even come from random commander.
Your spoiling our vengeance fun run against DB to challenge our 30man zerg?
Seeeriooousss brrrrooooo?

You know what I’m going to do now don’t you.

You know its coming.

Since its not just some pug zerg trying to wipe us.

Its on fools.

(attached is an SS of your map this morning before we took it from DB and wiped all their gear).

Did you not pay attention to the picture? We are attacking DB in the picture and it was from last night around 2 or 3AM Eastern. Relax bro and pay attention I don’t appreciate you trying to call me out on something that never happened.


11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Oh man, this tier has NO idea what they’re in for from the two transfer guilds.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546



Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


If you do so well you’ll be moving out of our tier

Also…shakin in mah boots!

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

To summarize on my definition of double teaming; it is two servers attacking one server non-stop and not attacking each other unless their armies bump into each other for many hours. IE: If these two servers happened to attack the same thing such as SM but were also constantly attacking each other else where (orange swords), then this is not double teaming. I am pretty sure you guys can figure out what is and what isn’t, but I think all 3 servers know what is going on.

DB has been constantly full, and I know that there are a few guilds still in the process of transfering onto the server so it is not over. You are not going to see an instant NA prime time boost. You will probably notice the change gradually. As for moving up a tier, I believe DB will be ready after the guilds are settled in. Like I said before, I would want DB to move up a tier on its own merit when its ready without any other server’s help, because it would just get hammered back down.

And what do you think we should do about it to make it fair for you? You obviously feel slighted in some way otherwise you wouldn’t keep bringing the double teaming up.

It makes total sense for NSP and DH to attack DB during the NA Primetime. The night presence just necessitates it.

I agree with fellyn here. Put yourself in their shoes on the other servers. They both know that DB is going to take everything during the night. The only chance they have to win the week is make sure DB gets as few points as possible during the day.

I don’t think there really is a viable strategy for NSP to win the week against these servers the way they are currently comprised. But using this strategy has kept them competitive at least without letting either DH or DB run away with it.

I have an idea… how about NSP and DB double team DH? Then DB and NSP can fight over 1st place.

I can’t speak for NSP but I imagine that they disagree with how DB is staying competitive score wise (hint: it’s not because of your us prime time people) so that might be why they choose to target you guys instead of trying to fight DH.

That sounds like a dig at the NA prime time players. Even outnumbered as much as we are in NA prime time, both of you struggle to contain DB. The only problem I see with NSP being able to be more competitive is the simple fact DH wipes their map for numbers. We do this at times, but it’s more or less to pull them off our borderlands. We do the same thing to DH. Strategy 101 my friend. I think we’re all pretty close in terms of rating, so it’s actually been fun for a change. Nice not to have the huge blowouts we’ve endured for some time. Bottom line is we’re all going to get doubled teamed at some point. I actually enjoy it, but I wouldn’t if it was a constant thing.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


To summarize on my definition of double teaming; it is two servers attacking one server non-stop and not attacking each other unless their armies bump into each other for many hours. IE: If these two servers happened to attack the same thing such as SM but were also constantly attacking each other else where (orange swords), then this is not double teaming. I am pretty sure you guys can figure out what is and what isn’t, but I think all 3 servers know what is going on.

DB has been constantly full, and I know that there are a few guilds still in the process of transfering onto the server so it is not over. You are not going to see an instant NA prime time boost. You will probably notice the change gradually. As for moving up a tier, I believe DB will be ready after the guilds are settled in. Like I said before, I would want DB to move up a tier on its own merit when its ready without any other server’s help, because it would just get hammered back down.

And what do you think we should do about it to make it fair for you? You obviously feel slighted in some way otherwise you wouldn’t keep bringing the double teaming up.

It makes total sense for NSP and DH to attack DB during the NA Primetime. The night presence just necessitates it.

I agree with fellyn here. Put yourself in their shoes on the other servers. They both know that DB is going to take everything during the night. The only chance they have to win the week is make sure DB gets as few points as possible during the day.

I don’t think there really is a viable strategy for NSP to win the week against these servers the way they are currently comprised. But using this strategy has kept them competitive at least without letting either DH or DB run away with it.

I have an idea… how about NSP and DB double team DH? Then DB and NSP can fight over 1st place.

I can’t speak for NSP but I imagine that they disagree with how DB is staying competitive score wise (hint: it’s not because of your us prime time people) so that might be why they choose to target you guys instead of trying to fight DH.

That sounds like a dig at the NA prime time players. Even outnumbered as much as we are in NA prime time, both of you struggle to contain DB. The only problem I see with NSP being able to be more competitive is the simple fact DH wipes their map for numbers. We do this at times, but it’s more or less to pull them off our borderlands. We do the same thing to DH. Strategy 101 my friend. I think we’re all pretty close in terms of rating, so it’s actually been fun for a change. Nice not to have the huge blowouts we’ve endured for some time. Bottom line is we’re all going to get doubled teamed at some point. I actually enjoy it, but I wouldn’t if it was a constant thing.

It’s not a dig at anyone. It’s a fact. The only reason DB is staying competitive score wise is because of their night time players.

And DH has had very little issues doing what we wanted against DB on any map during NA prime time. At least that’s how it was for most of this match up, I haven’t had the time to play for a few days.

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


I can’t speak for NSP but I imagine that they disagree with how DB is staying competitive score wise (hint: it’s not because of your us prime time people) so that might be why they choose to target you guys instead of trying to fight DH.

Lol. If you use a word like “disagree”, then you’re opening up a whole world of complaints about “double teaming”. By saying it like that, you represent yourself as someone who is unhappy with the fact that DB has a strong night presence and your server does not, and is taking it out on the NA players.

Like Greens said, this point that you bring up is worded as a dig at DB NA players. Yes, it is a fact that our NA prime time isn’t as strong as DH nor NSP’s (hint: this has been the case forever, and we all acknowledged it). However, saying that you “disagree” with how DB stays competitive is almost an insult to both NA players and Oceanic players at the same time. Is it DB’s fault that they have a good Oceanic population? Is it a “bad” thing that they do? I don’t think so. I think we’re lucky. I think that puts us in a pretty good place competitively in WvW. We’re lucky as NA players, as it’d definitely be more difficult to try and recruit Oceanic players than it is NA players.

I say it’s an insult because whether or not DB has enough NA players to compete with prime time numbers of this tier, it’s not like the NA players aren’t fighting. It’s not like we’re just laying down and letting the Oceanic players do all the point gathering. We’re fighting as best as we can, and if we didn’t, there would be absolutely no chance we would stay competitive in this tier at all.

Now if you want to say that DB is being targeted because that’s the best way to keep DB from running away with points, then I can’t argue with that. If a team lacking coverage at a certain time is up against a team with good coverage during that time, then it’s a good idea to try and minimize the impact of that discrepancy. However, I can’t agree with your opinion that DB having Oceanic coverage is somehow something to “disagree” with.

Don’t open up this jar again by raising opinions like that, please. We have enough people complaining about “double teaming” in this forum as it is.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I got to say again, Im really impressed with DB this match up, as I was last match up, as our first two encounters I remember DH having 200ishk, and DB having 50ishK leaving NSP as the only real threat especially in our first match up together.

Yea for free server transfers for both in question, as we lost some guilds due to loosing to FA and DB has gained some evidently over the past month or so.

Crazy Leg

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Take it as an insult if you want. It wasn’t intended to be. But just look at the complaints in this thread that DB feels like they are being double teamed. It’s not intentional and it’s not by design.

My point was purely that we do our best to remove any trace of db off the map in prime time and because of that fact you guys complain about being double teamed. I said it before and the reason why that is is because we can’t compete with your night time population.

Again, take it as an insult or don’t. That’s up to you.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


Take it as an insult if you want. It wasn’t intended to be. But just look at the complaints in this thread that DB feels like they are being double teamed. It’s not intentional and it’s not by design.

My point was purely that we do our best to remove any trace of db off the map in prime time and because of that fact you guys complain about being double teamed. I said it before and the reason why that is is because we can’t compete with your night time population.

Again, take it as an insult or don’t. That’s up to you.

I’m afraid that wasn’t my point.
I’ve always been against this complaining about “double teaming”, and I’ve actually said that in this thread. I’ve said your two points already.

My point was, you said “disagree with”, and that to me is a buzz word. If you missed my last sentence, I’ll rephrase:

Please try not to use words like that in order to stop this complaining about double teaming that’s happening on this thread. Two of us have already picked up on it.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~