(edited by LegoTechnic.5910)
11/30 FC / Kain / DR
Just to point out the obvious, this thread is becoming absolutely full of straw men arguments. There’s a lot of rationalizing according to assumption, and frankly it’s just silly. You’re seeing the situation one way because you feel justified with that view, and your opponents choose to interpret everything in a different manner because they feel it’s substantial.
As an experiment, look at the image Yermoh linked of the Dev attack on Garr. It’s just above here on this page a few posts up. Go ahead and look, and think about what you see.
Did you notice all the red names? Of course you did. But did you also see the incredibly diverse guild tags? You see a few mainstays like GASM and PRO, but do you normally associate all the other guild tags with Wv3 groups?
Now ask yourself what kind of conclusions you can draw from this. If the only thing you can come up with is a result that verifies your earlier conclusions and can’t justify another, less condescending point of view, then you’ve failed the thought experiment.
If you read my post, i was referencing the guilds and players that joined DR, after PRO. Which means the screenshot you are referencing reinforces my point, not invalidates it.
Except it doesn’t, because you’re assuming they’re guilds that transferred in. The idea that they’re largely PvE guild members or players who have been on the server for months and just decided to Wv3 a bit or even recently got into it either didn’t occur to you, or you quickly dismissed it. You are making assumptions and running away with them, and that is bad form for an argument.
I posted something on this exact happening some time ago. DR had lots and lots of lowbies leveling up, and still now, lots of lowbies.
I like this guy. sense of humor and has this strange ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively. Your Logic is going to make a lot of people who only are able to see in extremes get upset.
Yak’s Bend.
While I thoroughly enjoyed your Pro Vehicle Voltron rant, I am unsure where you stand on who would win the proposed tag team match of GoLion and Devistator Vs. Dairugger and a freaking power ranger thing.
I think we know where my money rides.
Wait… Which Megazord? There’s been like… 20 of them or something? I mean if the dragonzord is involved I’m pretty sure it would devolve into a weird dance festival to repetitive flute music. Also they were supposed to be actual gods in the Japanese version (like, they literally spoke to the pilots from heaven and kitten). And Devastator was a jobber who constantly failed at everything he was told to do, so I can’t think any team he would be on would benefit from his ineptitude. Honestly I’d expect him to betray GoLion the first chance he got simply because Dairugger was more “his type”.
That said, my money is on GoLion for sole victor because it’s the only one cool enough to have appeared in a Super Robot War game, and this is the only measure that really matters.
I like this guy. sense of humor and has this strange ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively. Your Logic is going to make a lot of people who only are able to see in extremes get upset.
Just thought I’d point out that this man with the “ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively” is also the same guy who, back on page 7, couldn’t tell the difference between someone using position hacks and a thief using shortbow teleport.
I like this guy. sense of humor and has this strange ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively. Your Logic is going to make a lot of people who only are able to see in extremes get upset.
Just thought I’d point out that this man with the “ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively” is also the same guy who, back on page 7, couldn’t tell the difference between someone using position hacks and a thief using shortbow teleport.
I’ve only had the game for three weeks, so cut me a little slack maybe? I do apologize for the comment as what I was actually experiencing at the time was pointed out to be the render bug (which frustrated the hell out of me), and it was my first time actually seeing it (or… not seeing it). I am also aware now that it is beyond a player’s control, and an issue with the game itself.
So if it helps I apologize to LARP and its thieves, and you may devour the frustrated tears of my page 7 post as the delicious PvP sustenence that they are.
Edit: oh wow, it’s been 5 weeks?! Time flies…
(edited by LegoTechnic.5910)
Except it doesn’t, because you’re assuming they’re probably guilds or players that transferred in or jumped onto the bandwagon because others did. The idea that they’re largely PvE guild members or players who have been on the server for months and just decided to Wv3 a bit, or even players who just recently decided to get into Wv3 either didn’t occur to you, or you quickly dismissed it. You are making assumptions and running away with them, and that is bad form for an argument. In the case of the picture it is baseless conjecture as you don’t have the tiniest clue about any of those players; likely you can’t even identify any of them. So on what grounds can you conclusively state you know who they are? You honestly can’t even tell if the guild members of PRO shown were even the members that transferred or one of their new recruits from the server itself (they do, in fact, occasionally announce recruit messages in LA).
This is why your argument is stupid. You’re just saying whatever you want because it supports your case. It’s not unique to you and I don’t want to call you out (your opponents do largely the same exact thing), but you did respond and in an easily rebutted manner.
I have been in this matchup from the beginning, while yes DR has more of its native population going in wvw, you guys did benifit from a lot of transfers post PRO. There are posts in this forum to that effect, as well as information I got from a few of my DR contacts about the transfers they got specifically. Ive been on kaineng from its creation, so I know when things change.
You guys almost doubled your wvw force in a week after PRO came in, doubled it. It wasnt all native, and it wasnt all transfers, it was both, a bandwagon. I say the transfers post PRO ruined the matchup balance because the post PRO transfers made a choice to come into our matchup when it was unbalanced, and unbalanced it further. Thats my point. The native players that started to play wvw are irrelevent to that point entirely.
Let me phrase it so you can better understand.
The week before PRO came into the matchup DR was dead last, they were in reorg mode and they were just starting to figure out their strategy. PRO members came to this forum and asked in a thread which server was best to go to. I posted in that thread that I felt that DR could use the most help, as kaineng had gotten itself oriented with the help of several guilds. PRO is convinced by my arguement and joins DR. That week that they joined we had a very balanced matchup. Several Kaineng guilds were ‘taking a break to pve’ at the time but I felt overall we were balanced at this point.
If no transfers were to take place after that point, we would still be in a balanced matchup today, kaineng and dr would gain native players at rougly the same rates as they are roughly the same pve wise as well because both servers opened on the same day. However something started happening after DR started winning. Instead of guilds doing like PRO did when looking to come down into our tier asking how the balance was and where people were most needed, they simply transfered into DR. I could give examples of specific guilds, but I’d rather not get down to making callouts. So DR gets +10, +20, +30 etc population advantages slowly, and more importantly coverage advantage outside of asian and us prime. Slowly, their coverage advantage extended the entirty of US prime, and asian prime was based more on participation, if the other server didnt participate then they had asian prime coverage as well.
Then comes bandwagon time. Your winning, most people tolerate winning better than losing, your native players joining you in wvw are more likely to continue to participate in wvw for longer hours, we call these players ‘fair weather players’ as they will likely stop participating meaningfully when things get rough again. They are always there, we had some of them on kaineng that arnt playing anymore, you will find out who they are when things get rough for you. Its hard to pinpoint them before things get rough because usually they are the ones saying that they are ‘in it for the fights’ or ‘in it through thick and thin’ and other such nonsense before they jump ship suddenly for ‘reasons’.
You gained transfers, you gained native players, but the transfers caused your server to bandwagon. Thus transfers are to blame for the matchup becoming unbalanced. I like keeping rough track of who my enemy is, and where they are coming from and rough guild histories of the impact guilds on each server.
Dont get me wrong, I dont really care that you have more numbers, I will have fun like I always do. Even the days against Borlis Pass, or Northern Shiverpeaks we would make our own fun.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I like this guy. sense of humor and has this strange ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively. Your Logic is going to make a lot of people who only are able to see in extremes get upset.
Just thought I’d point out that this man with the “ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively” is also the same guy who, back on page 7, couldn’t tell the difference between someone using position hacks and a thief using shortbow teleport.
I’ve only had the game for three weeks, so cut me a little slack maybe? I do apologize for the comment as what I was actually experiencing at the time was pointed out to be the render bug (which frustrated the hell out of me), and it was my first time actually seeing it (or… not seeing it). I am also aware now that it is beyond a player’s control, and an issue with the game itself.
So if it helps I apologize to LARP and its thieves, and you may devour the frustrated tears of my page 7 post as the delicious PvP sustenence that they are.
It’s cool bro. We really are a pretty lousy group of individuals anyways. Oh and te voltron mega-zord argument. MZ all the way, because pink ranger – end of discussion.
Sylvari Rouge
I like this guy. sense of humor and has this strange ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively. Your Logic is going to make a lot of people who only are able to see in extremes get upset.
Just thought I’d point out that this man with the “ability to step outside his circle of influence and continue to see objectively” is also the same guy who, back on page 7, couldn’t tell the difference between someone using position hacks and a thief using shortbow teleport.
Maybe he is, maybe he didn’t, maybe he can’t, maybe he made a mistake. He’s one of the few people posting who doesn’t seem obsessed with deflating someones ego to inflate their own. I like that. More people should simply put up or shut up, but it seems that everyone needs to explain why they are awesome, or why someone is not as awesome as them. why don’t you all just go show everyone instead of talking about narrow views on how something should appear to everyone else.
I think you all sound like idiots fighting like this. making excuses for losing, for winning, for not having enough people, for having too many, for exploits, bad manners, poor punctuation, a gross inability to pick the right robot in a battle royal, too many theives, too few heals, not enough 80’s, transfers on and off a server, lowbies, using siege, Sir Morningstar, water gates, mesmers, peak hours, off peak hours, Oceanic players.. cry cry cry.
This all came to a head when K decided to show the rest of us that you/they/whoever all can’t get along and since then it’s been this pathetic thrashing back and forth in an attempt to show the rest who sucks the most. It’s got a humorous side to it too, it’s unfortunate that it results in people who are trying very hard to appear great look like little girls crying over dolls.
maybe he made a mistake, maybe you did, perhaps everyone does. it’s not about perfection, especially if you aren’t worried about numbers. right?
Yak’s Bend.
We really are a pretty lousy group of individuals anyways. Oh and te voltron mega-zord argument. MZ all the way, because pink ranger – end of discussion.
dude, you are delusional. first off Lion Voltron had a pink Lion driver. Second it’s a power ranger thing. its a wimp. power rangers are k-mart Voltron or even earlier versions of the chap junk GoBot combiners that they attempted to sell.
As far as Devistator, you both must have head trauma.
I will agree LARP is lousy, but that’s simply based off my ability to know a better robot fighter than you and I have used my vastly superior intellect to convincingly accuse the rest of LARP for picking the same losing robot as you.
you all fail
you are rotten at knowing an excellent robot warrior when you see one.
wth does LARP stand for it sounds a little on the gross side when pronounced.
like a dog vomiting.
" get off the carpet! "
“ kitten it, he got the carpet”
Yak’s Bend.
Live Action Role Play
Apathy Inc [Ai]
I don’t actually feel like this, but its a great example how how stupid someone can look when they reach at anything they can get their tender hands on when they need to feel better about themselves.
I’m sure this will get a little retaliation, I’m fully counting on it to support my argument.
Yak’s Bend.
(edited by Moderator)
hit a nerve? no. not at all. I come here while I’m at work to play. My post is free of crying. I’m mockingly pointing out what you and so many others sound like. I’m sure you would enjoy if I were mad or crying, but i’m not. I’m far to awesome A human being to let a stranger with a chip on their shoulder upset me. I am also better looking than you. I am willing to bet I have no less than a quarter inch more than you, and I am way better at not blowing my own horn than you. and if you actually played with females who are hott, cause I know you don’t, my accent would make them all start filling a river. I am modest and awesomely awesome at being modest.
You forgot to ask if I even lift.
Seems I hit a nerve with my little musing.
I only have two comments to respond with.
A) Mistakes happen. The important thing is owning up to them, which this guy did. Even if it was in a slightly hysterical manner. Being a newbie is a poor excuse though, it’s not like he’s wearing a bloody nametag that says “HI! I’m NEW! PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY WITH SOME ADDITIONAL SALT!” The forums are a public medium for commentary. One should expect comments on their comments. Especially if they’re full of it.
B) Your post has an awful lot of crying and whining in it for a post about how people are whining and crying too much.hit a nerve? no. not at all. I come here while I’m at work to play. My post is free of crying. I’m mockingly pointing out what you and so many others sound like. I’m sure you would enjoy if I were mad or crying, but i’m not. I’m far to awesome A human being to let a stranger with a chip on their shoulder upset me. I am also better looking than you. I am willing to bet I have no less than a quarter inch more than you, and I am way better at not blowing my own horn than you. and if you actually played with females who are hott, cause I know you don’t, my accent would make them all start filling a river. I am modest and awesomely awesome at being modest.
You’re crying. You just used speculations about real life on the internet and you’re trying to be serious about it.
I’m 6.5, from Sweden, I’m 1 IQ point of Mensa (yes I did the test once). I’ve had sex with 37 chicks, I work with homeless people, I have 17 friends that I would call close and would come visit me if I ever ended up at a hospital. I have an accent and I’m a really nice and funny guy.
You mad?
My lord I can’t quote anything without kittening it up…….
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
(edited by Khanswrath.1032)
The responses to my complaint were completely justified. My post was vitriolic, and the responses would naturally be as well. It’d have been better form to respond sooner, but… Who likes to admit they were wrong?
I certainly don’t! It’s embarrassing!
I’ve had sex with 37 chicks
How many of them did you rescue from dragons and such with your boffer sword?
I’ve had sex with 37 chicks
How many of them did you rescue from dragons and such with your boffer sword?
Seven. Two of them threw out their long blond hair so I could climb up and defeat the evil in the tower before the happy ending.
I’ve had sex with 37 chicks
How many of them did you rescue from dragons and such with your boffer sword?
Seven. Two of them threw out their long blond hair so I could climb up and defeat the evil in the tower before the happy ending.
I need to move to Sweden
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
I’ve had sex with 37 chicks
How many of them did you rescue from dragons and such with your boffer sword?
Seven. Two of them threw out their long blond hair so I could climb up and defeat the evil in the tower before the happy ending.
You’re slacking man.
You forgot to ask if I even lift.
Crap. Sorry about that. do you? cause if you do, I can do more. and faster, and look cooler with sunglasses on.
Yak’s Bend.
Due to the many off topic posts and derailments, this topic has been locked. Please refrain from off-topic posting and remember to keep the discussion civil and productive to the topic at hand.