11/30 - TC, FA & YB

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Oh no oh dont you dear. This is good drama. Like a reality show, but about roman Gods and borderlands.

It’s not good drama, lol. It’s a couple of people being lame. Right now, one of them is sitting in our Raidcall group even though very few people are on at this time and no one is talking. He decided to impersonate one our members (me lol) even though I’m already there so it’s obvious he’s not one of us.

TC players need to teach them a thing or two imo. You guys seem like you have a lot of fun in the middle of conflict. These guys are just angry.

Good lord man I gotta hand it to ya you are great at keeping the drama rolling. Oh kitten I’m keeping it rolling AS WE SPEAK!

Check out this guy’s message history. He only has like one post not related to the drama and that one post was before it happened.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Oh no oh dont you dear. This is good drama. Like a reality show, but about roman Gods and borderlands.

It’s not good drama, lol. It’s a couple of people being lame. Right now, one of them is sitting in our Raidcall group even though very few people are on at this time and no one is talking. He decided to impersonate one our members (me lol) even though I’m already there so it’s obvious he’s not one of us.

TC players need to teach them a thing or two imo. You guys seem like you have a lot of fun in the middle of conflict. These guys are just angry.

Good lord man I gotta hand it to ya you are great at keeping the drama rolling. Oh kitten I’m keeping it rolling AS WE SPEAK!

Check out this guy’s message history. He only has like one post not related to the drama and that one post was before it happened.

Better off just letting it go and walking away from it Arc, nothing good is gonna come from arguing with ’em.

Looking forward to hitting up WvW tonight however!

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Fel.8195


For the record I just want FA to start defending in the Eternal Battleground so that I no longer have a reason to prefer them over Yak’s Bend.

FA did a hell of a job defending QL last night. That place was a death trap…. even after we had two walls down, and a treb setup to clear siege from inside. When we rushed it that second time, I couldn’t believe how much siege was still left inside. Impressive defense!

Fun times in EB last night, and WvW overall. I am thankful that I can login, get into WvW, and work with the awesome people on TC. That is the reality of WvW… not the drama that goes on here. The drama that goes on here, has zero impact on actual WvW. It is 100% irrelevant. The sooner people realize that, the faster these threads will improve.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


We saw one member of FA openly ganking people in the arena and so we sentenced her to life imprisonment with the siamoths!

She stayed there for a while. Kara said it was fascinating so we observed her behaviour…

“Day 21 – The siamoths have begun to mate.”


Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


So we’re not really camping, as such, but are actually trying to maintain the peace and only kill people when we feel an injustice has been committed. We saw one member of FA openly ganking people in the arena and so we sentenced her to life imprisonment with the siamoths!

Another person received the death penalty, so imprisonment was decidedly less harsh. She stayed there for a while. Kara said it was fascinating so we observed her behaviour with the animals…

“Day 21 – The siamoths have begun to mate.”

Lol couldn’t help but laugh at the screenshot

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: papacooldown.9482


Oh no oh dont you dear. This is good drama. Like a reality show, but about roman Gods and borderlands.

It’s not good drama, lol. It’s a couple of people being lame. Right now, one of them is sitting in our Raidcall group even though very few people are on at this time and no one is talking. He decided to impersonate one our members (me lol) even though I’m already there so it’s obvious he’s not one of us.

TC players need to teach them a thing or two imo. You guys seem like you have a lot of fun in the middle of conflict. These guys are just angry.

Good lord man I gotta hand it to ya you are great at keeping the drama rolling. Oh kitten I’m keeping it rolling AS WE SPEAK!

Check out this guy’s message history. He only has like one post not related to the drama and that one post was before it happened.

You bring up a good point. I’m not normally a big forum poster, but I let all this back-and-forth get the better of me and joined in on it. I know GODS/BLNT have differences that are just not going to get resolved and its only going to reflect poorly on our respective guilds and communities if we continue squabbling in a forum.

Can we agree to disagree on all the backroom shenanigans and take our frustration with each other out on the battlefield instead? Duels anyone?

Papa Cooldown – Mesmer
[BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
Tarnished Coast

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Senjun.8149


We saw one member of FA openly ganking people in the arena and so we sentenced her to life imprisonment with the siamoths!

She stayed there for a while. Kara said it was fascinating so we observed her behaviour…

“Day 21 – The siamoths have begun to mate.”

Indeed. We observed her behavior from a distance. At first she seemed to grow agitated towards anyone who neared her cage. It seems living with the animals turned me into one of them. In time we earned her trust, she was obviously the matriarch of the herd as the others calmed when she did.

What became of her is unknown after she escaped her cage but what we do know is that she is still out there somewhere….

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Beachead.4127


We saw one member of FA openly ganking people in the arena and so we sentenced her to life imprisonment with the siamoths!

She stayed there for a while. Kara said it was fascinating so we observed her behaviour…

“Day 21 – The siamoths have begun to mate.”


Ullrok – Warrior
Ullrom – Mesmer

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: zythhawk.5782


For the record I just want FA to start defending in the Eternal Battleground so that I no longer have a reason to prefer them over Yak’s Bend.

FA did a hell of a job defending QL last night. That place was a death trap…. even after we had two walls down, and a treb setup to clear siege from inside. When we rushed it that second time, I couldn’t believe how much siege was still left inside. Impressive defense!

Fun times in EB last night, and WvW overall. I am thankful that I can login, get into WvW, and work with the awesome people on TC. That is the reality of WvW… not the drama that goes on here. The drama that goes on here, has zero impact on actual WvW. It is 100% irrelevant. The sooner people realize that, the faster these threads will improve.

The people I play with are the reason I keep coming back to WvW (I’m usually not a PvPer). Love battling next to my guildies and some of the other cool folks we play with. It’s what makes it fun for me. The camaraderie is great!

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Vendetta.4902


I find it funny that history is changed. We were never kicked lol, we left on our own. We do not even try to get people to leave with us, they just come if they want to. The sad truth is FA knows what GODS turned into, and it was a running joke on the server in both WvW and LA. GODS was only known as a zerg that never cooperated with other guilds, NEVER defended what they took, and never upgraded anything. People that disagreed with what was done were kicked, and one of those members now runs the only effective alliance left on FA.

Also, the people that are anti-drama usually represent the people in other WvW games that got crushed all the time but people knew who they were due to their system so they now have some long-held resentment. WvW is suppose to have rivalrys, the fact that you are against that is one of the reasons i feel that numbers in wvw are dwindling. There are rarely Ques on T1 servers any more due to the fact that rivalry’s are non existant, and you can no longer even figure out who it was that you killed unless you specifically know that peron. (you used to be able to use report to at least tell the person good fight) Many games live off of that competition, especially games that want to be e-sports. Yet, this forum discourages it. Without competition, the killing of nameless faceless people will only be fun for so long. Its hard to even have server pride when the servers change who are on them so often, the old number 1 and 2 servers are almost down to 23 and 24.

So, in short, we were not kicked, there was no real guild drama we were trying to just leave on our own until it was brought here. Yes, we moved to TC, but it was the first time any of us have even moved servers, and it was due to one of us have RL friends here, not because they were winning. At this rate TC will be against CD and Yaks next week, and hopefully that will enable the stupid lies to fade. However, to discourage rivalry, well I think that will sink this game even faster.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


I’m reading this thread, seeing people post about drama…and then I realized: There is so much drama about the amount of drama that people are dramatizing about o.O

Anyways, it has been a good match so far! I’m not sure how TC got so far ahead compared to last week (a couple days I got too busy), but I’ve had some good fights!

Also, to the person who killed me when I was naked dancing behind your lines (I portaled past), you killed my buzz :P

One reason I love TC is that there are a lot of people who are just there to have fun. If we lose a keep, we’ll have fun about getting it back! And seeing RPers in WvW can be really good fun!

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


So, in short, we were not kicked, there was no real guild drama we were trying to just leave on our own until it was brought here. Yes, we moved to TC, but it was the first time any of us have even moved servers, and it was due to one of us have RL friends here, not because they were winning. At this rate TC will be against CD and Yaks next week, and hopefully that will enable the stupid lies to fade. However, to discourage rivalry, well I think that will sink this game even faster.

You did not read or respond to anything I wrote(which is fine lol).

No one said you were kicked from the Guild. Two of your members WERE kicked from our raidcall channel for trolling.

No one is lying dude, calm down. Yes we know who had the friends there…

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


TC once again managed to please The Golem Gods and took both YB’s keep and FA’s keep with 9 golems, plus everything inbetween!

Just a pity that the defending-focused commander left and an attack-focused commander took over, else we may have held the FA keep alot longer.

Still, was alot of fun!

All hail to The Golem Gods!!!

I was pretty sad about that too. I was hoping we would hold YB’s stuff longer.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I just wanted to add in my 2 cents on this matchup.

Clearly TC has a numbers advantage and just zerg whatever they feel like zerging at the moment.

Yak’s is simply happy with being second place which is why they rarely attack TC and take advantage of them attacking FA.

FA is just disorganized.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Oh, we all love the drama. Only if the forum rules allow it. And drama in a civilized manner is acceptable if I’m not wrong. But when player A starts the drama, players B to Z join and stretch the drama over the course of 10 pages and it forces the page to get locked. A little drama with some humor included is fine, just don’t bring your personal frustrations in an uncivilized manner and derail the thread. There’s a reason why we look at even the worse kind of drama in other matchup threads and laugh at those. There’s a reason why most of us are enjoying this tier and the battles, the fights have been fun and even and the overall tone here has been good. Too much drama would eventually bore us out and we’d beg to either move up or down in ranks to move onto a different tier. And that’s so many ’drama’s in one post, phew!

Tee See

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


I just wanted to add in my 2 cents on this matchup.

Clearly TC has a numbers advantage and just zerg whatever they feel like zerging at the moment.

Yak’s is simply happy with being second place which is why they rarely attack TC and take advantage of them attacking FA.

FA is just disorganized.

YB are certainly not happy with second, however our numbers are significantly lower than TC for large periods of time each day and as a consequence we have had to defend more than attack

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


I find it funny that history is changed. We were never kicked lol, we left on our own. We do not even try to get people to leave with us, they just come if they want to. The sad truth is FA knows what GODS turned into, and it was a running joke on the server in both WvW and LA. GODS was only known as a zerg that never cooperated with other guilds, NEVER defended what they took, and never upgraded anything. People that disagreed with what was done were kicked, and one of those members now runs the only effective alliance left on FA.

Also, the people that are anti-drama usually represent the people in other WvW games that got crushed all the time but people knew who they were due to their system so they now have some long-held resentment. WvW is suppose to have rivalrys, the fact that you are against that is one of the reasons i feel that numbers in wvw are dwindling. There are rarely Ques on T1 servers any more due to the fact that rivalry’s are non existant, and you can no longer even figure out who it was that you killed unless you specifically know that peron. (you used to be able to use report to at least tell the person good fight) Many games live off of that competition, especially games that want to be e-sports. Yet, this forum discourages it. Without competition, the killing of nameless faceless people will only be fun for so long. Its hard to even have server pride when the servers change who are on them so often, the old number 1 and 2 servers are almost down to 23 and 24.

So, in short, we were not kicked, there was no real guild drama we were trying to just leave on our own until it was brought here. Yes, we moved to TC, but it was the first time any of us have even moved servers, and it was due to one of us have RL friends here, not because they were winning. At this rate TC will be against CD and Yaks next week, and hopefully that will enable the stupid lies to fade. However, to discourage rivalry, well I think that will sink this game even faster.

[BT] Black Talons

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


What I find funny is that your guild is the running joke of the server atm. Yes I disliked what GODS became. But honestly you act like you took the high road and are quite frankly trash. When I see your tag I think oh look easy medals. Who are you to trash talk anyone?

[BT] Black Talons

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


YB are certainly not happy with second, however our numbers are significantly lower than TC for large periods of time each day and as a consequence we have had to defend more than attack

This. To think we Benders are “happy with second” is absurd. We just don’t have the manpower and coverage neccessary atm to move ahead how we would like to. Seriously we practically froth at the mouth in anticipation of that magical hour we actually have enough people on to go on the offensive. We crave it. Logistically we just don’t have the population in W3 to do it very often. So we defend as viciously as we can to our claims and send the small groups we can spare to EB to push forward as best they can with the people they have.

But no, we’re not “happy” with second.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I’m in YBBL right now! I try to kill all my enemies equally and with as much violence as possible.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


See that FA? YB is helping you out! Alliance!

Now kiss.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


So anyway, it’s been like 4 posts now with no one from TC gloating. Does that server no longer exist or something?

From your posts history, I understand you’re from FA and you are also who constantly whines about some secret alliance between TC & YB.
You should however be happy that your current and ex-comrades-in-arms from FA are whining, as it seems is the characteristic of the server. I’m sorry I had to do it despite always asking for not lowering the maturity of the thread, but bringing in such ridiculous statements such as us gloating, while its FA doing more whining since the first time we ever fought.
Go cry in your corner now that you’re one of the losing one’s that constantly whines here on forums only coz someone killed you while you were farming some Iron ore nodes. I’m assuming this since that’s all you seem to be capable of from your tone. Real fighters fight, they don’t gloat or whine.

Ah, there’s the TC post we all know.

Don’t tell me what I said was basically just a lie and full of gloating:


Oh wait, that was like over a month ago!

Oh I have some more for you to add to the “drama” that everyone likes to have in here:


But alas, some like me, understand that its only a few of your server that this applies to, and not everyone whines (in fact majority are quite the opposite), but it’s the routine whiners that make most of the posts, and then the one’s like yours above, where you say, we TC basically gloat.

Tee See

(edited by phaneo.4597)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I dunno. Just can’t do it tonight. Maybe it’s just my timeslot being on the west coast and only being able to play at night. So few fellow Bender’s anymore lately at all during this period. TC has zerg crews everywhere, FA is kind of milling around, but there’s only a handful of allies…

I actually got so bored of being so overwhelmingly outnumbered I took a friends advice and finally decided to check out the jumping puzzle everyone is so fascinated with. TC group of about 20 in there camping various ledges, mostly mesmers. WP guild tag whomever that is, never seen em on the fields of battle before, is pretty well bunkered up in there.

I just don’t know any more. Can’t cover the constant repairs at this point, wasted about 30 mins in that JP with the campers and since I don’t PVE I think it’s just about time to call it a night on GW2.

Yeah, bunch of whining I know. Just been very demoralizing lately with the population difference and seing the number of my server mates during this time becoming less and less. Gonna go check out Planetside 2 for a bit I guess.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


I dunno. Just can’t do it tonight. Maybe it’s just my timeslot being on the west coast and only being able to play at night. So few fellow Bender’s anymore lately at all during this period. TC has zerg crews everywhere, FA is kind of milling around, but there’s only a handful of allies…

I actually got so bored of being so overwhelmingly outnumbered I took a friends advice and finally decided to check out the jumping puzzle everyone is so fascinated with. TC group of about 20 in there camping various ledges, mostly mesmers. WP guild tag whomever that is, never seen em on the fields of battle before, is pretty well bunkered up in there.

I just don’t know any more. Can’t cover the constant repairs at this point, wasted about 30 mins in that JP with the campers and since I don’t PVE I think it’s just about time to call it a night on GW2.

Yeah, bunch of whining I know. Just been very demoralizing lately with the population difference and seing the number of my server mates during this time becoming less and less. Gonna go check out Planetside 2 for a bit I guess.

I get what you’re saying. I play mostly during nights (Asian time), which is like around 7-10 am EST. Trust me when I say it, TCBL is deserted as well. There are, at any given point, like 10-15 on the whole map, half of them doing whatever it is they do – crafting, doing JP’s or farming. Rest of us either escort dolyaks, fend off whatever stragglers that invade us or have duels for fun or just go cap the quaggan nodes. At times it gets discouraging to us even, when there aren’t enough people on your side, nor from the enemy’s sides.
I did EB JP the first time during our match against SoS. My first run was pretty decent with nobody attacking me and a few SoS players and myself were indirectly helping each other in the dark room by showing each other light etc. The next day I tried again, I was almost closer to the chest, when this SoS guy who was fine till then suddenly started attacking me and I tried to take neutral stance by waving etc & eventually his friends joined and killed me. I didn’t do JP after that until TC/CD/YB where YB & TC were basically neutral towards each other out there.
Not trying to tell you that it’s ok or justifying anything, just sharing things from my end.

Tee See

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Jaldy.6285


To the robed underwater dude in FA BG as of this post…<3

Jaldy (the underwater Warrior)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


Just wanted to chip in I have had a great day in YBBL. I spent 4 hours holding the bay against the onslaught of TC. You build siege in the supply camp we trebbed it down and so it went on for ages. As your numbers grew we had to work harder to just hold our ground. You took green tower put up trebs placed two in open ground and had tremendous numbers to hold and defend them. Eventually you took tne bay. A well planned attack if only we had had a few more yaks we could of made it harder.

That being said well done and well fought. Over the next four hours you and by now Fa had joined in the fun took between you both sides of the map. To the above poster who claimed 2v1 must have not been looking at the map. If that poster had noticed at reset we attacked tc only to be wiped by FA crossing the map and hitting us. Had you gone up your side of the map TC would have had a fight on its hands this week.

Anyway that is all history and after 10 hours Yaks is red again and its our turn to have a bit of an attack. This is another great week and there will be a change at the end of it. I am sure the slug fest will continue with much to winge about. We fight with what we have and all give as good as we get. Keep it going to reset.

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: sharkmegabyte.2859


TC group of about 20 in there camping various ledges, mostly mesmers.

Sorry about that, even though I wasn’t there. Not sure about the other maps, but at least in TCBL, we try to keep the jp neutral ground and not camp or fight in there unless someone else starts the fighting. Thanks to whoever it was on FA who let the solo TC thief into your jp tonight when you saw that’s where I was going! I didn’t cause any trouble.

Also, a jaunty wave to the FA who took back your southeast keep tonight – that was me solo-defending the north gate after – it seemed – everybody else we’d had on your map decided to take a break! Am sure I could’ve done things more efficiently, but it was fun trying to hold out as long as I could. I think you had a south gate team that beat you inside and took care of me for you.

Tarnished Coast – Kirista, 80 Thief / Stormageddon Darklo, 80 Elementalist
/ Danykka Mistreaver, Guardian

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Jaldy.6285


You may also call me THE CLIFF CAMPER.

<3 to all you guys I’ve knocked off cliffs tonight!

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


For the record I just want FA to start defending in the Eternal Battleground so that I no longer have a reason to prefer them over Yak’s Bend.

FA did a hell of a job defending QL last night. That place was a death trap…. even after we had two walls down, and a treb setup to clear siege from inside. When we rushed it that second time, I couldn’t believe how much siege was still left inside. Impressive defense!

Fun times in EB last night, and WvW overall. I am thankful that I can login, get into WvW, and work with the awesome people on TC. That is the reality of WvW… not the drama that goes on here. The drama that goes on here, has zero impact on actual WvW. It is 100% irrelevant. The sooner people realize that, the faster these threads will improve.

I’ve been sick so I didn’t log in yesterday, but it’s great to hear that. This is what we need you guys doing FA — you’re obviously capable, so show us what you’ve got. More of this and less of whatever all of the guild qq is.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Feydra.6318


Candlejack… iwe said welcome to some of you, not sure if it were you, but welcome , and TC is a great friendly server, iwe said it earlier in some threads, TC isent better skill wise then other servers we fight, but im pretty sure in one aspect we are, and thats Merryness and Morale, are we zergy, yeb, but we are a merry zerg, and we will bring presents to ya door if you been noughty ;P

Miriel de Clavo – Elementalist
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Re: corpse dancing and etc

I don’t dance on corpses, I sit next to them. It’s not to insult you, but rather to let you know that I see you just in case you’re spying or camping. I mean it in the most neutral manner possible. I want you to know that we haven’t forgotten that you’re there.

I also bow at corpses when people do something brave, heroic or honorable. I wave at enemies if I’m doing something peaceful (like gathering ore or something). I kneel at corpses to say sorry if one of my allies is a dick to someone trying to play nice.

If you ever see a blonde human guardian in spiky armor (most likely wielding a staff or torch) emoting at you, chances are it’s not to insult you. Please don’t enter a mouth-frothing rage and flail at the other people on my server if I sit next to your corpse.

Lailah Seraphim, Tarnished Coast

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: oltouch.2913


If you guys haven’t noticed, “unofficial rp servers” typically have a more mature playerbase. Thats why I always roll them…. I don’t even like rping…. but back on track: Was a good fight tonight in EB at durios, all 3 servers fighting over it.


11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I don’t think we’re that zergy. No more than any other server we’ve fought in the past….. I see a lot of people not running with the zerg now. Ever since I left it, I’ve met a lot of others like me that prefer skirmishes.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


I don’t think we’re that zergy. No more than any other server we’ve fought in the past….. I see a lot of people not running with the zerg now. Ever since I left it, I’ve met a lot of others like me that prefer skirmishes.

TC is by far the zergiest server I’ve ever played against. Skill wise the people in the zerg are less skilled then people on other servers, but my god there is always just so many of them.

Don’t take this personal, just an observation.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


I don’t think we’re that zergy. No more than any other server we’ve fought in the past….. I see a lot of people not running with the zerg now. Ever since I left it, I’ve met a lot of others like me that prefer skirmishes.

TC is by far the zergiest server I’ve ever played against. Skill wise the people in the zerg are less skilled then people on other servers, but my god there is always just so many of them.

Don’t take this personal, just an observation.

So you haven’t played W3 much my friend. Don’t take it personal either, just from my experience. Playing against SoR, a few of us that were on TCBL, decided to ninja-cap NE tower after scouting that it had siege but only one defender. As soon as we got there, in 2 mins 7 of us got rolled over by a zerg of SoR that’s over 50 straight from the garrison and that was after, what 200k lead they had over us? So yeah, we aren’t as zergy as you guys make it/think to be.

And also, regarding skills. W3 is where you play for your server, for the pride of it, and to advance it through ranks and have fun at the same time. If you want to prove your skills or assess others, there’s sPVP. Battles are won with good strategies combined with skills. W3 is a mix of both, sPVP is a skill assessment game.

Tee See

(edited by phaneo.4597)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


I don’t think we’re that zergy. No more than any other server we’ve fought in the past….. I see a lot of people not running with the zerg now. Ever since I left it, I’ve met a lot of others like me that prefer skirmishes.

TC is by far the zergiest server I’ve ever played against. Skill wise the people in the zerg are less skilled then people on other servers, but my god there is always just so many of them.

Don’t take this personal, just an observation.

So you haven’t played W3 much my friend. Don’t take it personal either, just from my experience. Playing against SoR, a few of us that were on TCBL, decided to ninja-cap NE tower after scouting that it had siege but only one defender. As soon as we got there, in 2 mins 7 of us got rolled over by a zerg of SoR that’s over 50 straight from the garrison and that was after, what 200k lead they had over us? So yeah, we aren’t as zergy as you guys make it/think to be.

Its funny cuz what you just described is “just another day” in this match from my experiences against TC. I’ve played T1 through T6 and you guys take the cake (or pie) by far.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


To be fair you only see the zerg because it’s the zerg that knocks on your gates with the force of Hercules. You don’t see our camp defenders or our back line as often because we’re keeping you busy.

When our server is big enough to front two zergs if desired and still run defense, and when we’re as communicative as we are/keep everyone informed of what’s going on, it’s not a surprise that you’re unfamiliar with anything else we’re up to.

This isn’t horn-tooting or anything. In the same way that TC only ever sees FA scurrying around outside of SM or throwing bodies at Golanta, or only sees YB attacking when they zerg up, you guys only recognize our server as a zerg-machine because that’s what we send to you (because we can).

Let’s not be dishonest with ourselves here: if your servers had our population, you’d have a flip zerg running too. Remember Shylock.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I never run with a zerg, and I see a lot of people who also avoid it. I don’t think that we should assume anything about players in a zerg though. Being in a zerg doesn’t imply anything about skill. Just like the fact that I run alone says nothing about my abilities. Ultimately what matters is results. Turning a camp by yourself or taking a keep with a horde. Doesn’t really matter as long as it gets done.

That’s kinda the mentality I get from TC as a whole.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


I don’t think we’re that zergy. No more than any other server we’ve fought in the past….. I see a lot of people not running with the zerg now. Ever since I left it, I’ve met a lot of others like me that prefer skirmishes.

TC is by far the zergiest server I’ve ever played against. Skill wise the people in the zerg are less skilled then people on other servers, but my god there is always just so many of them.

Don’t take this personal, just an observation.

So you haven’t played W3 much my friend. Don’t take it personal either, just from my experience. Playing against SoR, a few of us that were on TCBL, decided to ninja-cap NE tower after scouting that it had siege but only one defender. As soon as we got there, in 2 mins 7 of us got rolled over by a zerg of SoR that’s over 50 straight from the garrison and that was after, what 200k lead they had over us? So yeah, we aren’t as zergy as you guys make it/think to be.

Its funny cuz what you just described is “just another day” in this match from my experiences against TC. I’ve played T1 through T6 and you guys take the cake (or pie) by far.

Good for you! But just don’t confuse a group of 5 mesmers with 3 clones each with actual 15 players. j/k.
I’ve never seen a zerg of 50 from our side, atleast on TCBL. I don’t play on EB so I wouldn’t know the situation there. Most of us, especially these days, defend camps/towers/keeps & hell even some sentry points and only get zergy when we need to respond to call for backup. I can say I’ve also rolled over everyone through T1 till whatever the lowest tier is, and add a little more spice to my story, but in the end as I added to my post, W3 is a battle not a display of skills. My post is that we’ve faced the worst kind of zergs where all 3 doors of exit doors from citadel were camped, so don’t tell me how MY server fares compared to actual zergy servers.

Tee See

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Unfortunately.5940


Just because you think you’re running alone doesn’t mean there isn’t an kitten of people behind you with the same idea… just sayin’.

Differently/Sixtysix Sixes – Fort Aspenwood

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Nah, I’m alone. Just saying.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Being in a zerg doesn’t imply anything about skill. Just like the fact that I run alone says nothing about my abilities.

Yeah, whenever FA zerg rolls over my guardian only coz I refused to bow down to their might and back off, I see atleast 3 dancing/laughing emotes as if anyone of them are skillful. Hell all I see is atleast 5 thieves doing nothing but their elite kittentorm thing till I die and then they /laugh or /dance. Yeah, so much for skill. Who are we kitten here!

Tee See

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Yeah, whenever FA zerg rolls over my guardian only coz I refused to bow down to their might and back off, I see atleast 3 dancing/laughing emotes as if anyone of them are skillful. Hell all I see is atleast 5 thieves doing nothing but their elite kittentorm thing till I die and then they /laugh or /dance. Yeah, so much for skill. Who are we kitten here!

I don’t know, I mean skill and class aren’t the same thing. What you’re describing is classless, but it doesn’t imply they lack skill. You have to get them one on one to check their skill. But that being said, I’ve taken to calling enemy players medals. You scatter them from the herd and you’re almost guaranteed a kill. Hence, medals.

But then there’s that occasional match that is challenging and fun. Somewhere in between rofl stomping a solo player and being rofl stomped by a zerg -that’s what I hunt for.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Guys its a video game….emoting isn’t the ultimate insult. lol.

People emote all over my dead squishy mesmer…at least twice a day.

Big deal. Respawn and rejoin your guild and find something to do.

WvW is war, go treb something.

Anyways had a lot of fun in FAbl and TCbl the other night, Yaks were no where to be found on either borderland at NA EST timezone, I’m guessing they don’t have the coverage to be on during those times.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that WvW needs some sort of equalizer to make it more competitive. Sure locking transfers could be part of the solution, but thats not going to fix the fact that there’s usually one server facerolling two other servers….

IDK what could fix it, but as of right now its broken. Still fun, but broken.

As for BLNT still popping off their side of the story: I don’t know what they are talking about half the time. I do know that they seem to be an angry bunch lol.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Anyways had a lot of fun in FAbl and TCbl the other night, Yaks were no where to be found on either borderland at NA EST timezone, I’m guessing they don’t have the coverage to be on during those times.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that WvW needs some sort of equalizer to make it more competitive. Sure locking transfers could be part of the solution, but thats not going to fix the fact that there’s usually one server facerolling two other servers….

Yaks definitely have very big down times. Early morning NA one zerg can pretty much cap our whole BL with minimal resistance. Just now we held off multiple attacks of two or three times our number at one spot, only to have a zerg run over and 3 ram down something else before any defenders could get there. Tier 3 that shouldn’t be happening. Or just throw out points altogether, because it can have a demoralizing effect on getting people out week after week when the matches are lost mostly when no one is on. Though with no points the sense of permanency would also be gone, and there is less of a feeling that you need to be out there every day. Many would probably play a lot less.

I think WvW server merging might be the only possible solution, but then you are still stuck with long queue times during primetime and still uneven numbers probably in off peak times.

Many people suggested obvious fixes for number imbalance the first weeks the game was out. I.e. Simply scoring points on sliding scale based on number advantage. If you have 50% more people on you should earn less per tick, maybe not 50% less, but something noticeable, maybe 33%. It fell on deaf ears from Anet, even though the problem is only going to exacerbate as time goes on.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: nyaonyao.8402


Score and map update~!


11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


Hang in there Benders! Mahn do you guys have a recruitment thread here?

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


Morning Score Update

Edit: Doh. Beaten to it. Last time I quick reply without checking beforehand >< Oh well, more recent.


Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I think WvW server merging might be the only possible solution, but then you are still stuck with long queue times during primetime and still uneven numbers probably in off peak times.

Many people suggested obvious fixes for number imbalance the first weeks the game was out. I.e. Simply scoring points on sliding scale based on number advantage. If you have 50% more people on you should earn less per tick, maybe not 50% less, but something noticeable, maybe 33%. It fell on deaf ears from Anet, even though the problem is only going to exacerbate as time goes on.

Yep to be honest, every other match type video game has a way to balance the teams.

Not trying to compare WvW to any FPS model, because “auto-balance” has its problems.

Is merging servers the answer that is going to make people happy? Probably not.

But it might be the right answer.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


TC probably does do a bit more zerging than some other realms. It’s been mentioned before that the mass of puggers in TC is sort of like a militia. Left on their own they tend to mill around the bridges around the Briars and not do much.

As soon as a Commander (or forceful personality in /team) shows up to take charge however they turn into a rampaging beast. Judging from what I see people from other realms saying (I haven’t played on any other ones – so this is just conjecture) it seems that after the first few weeks in WvW the pugs pretty much respect all the Commanders and we tend to not have as much “chat wars” in our own faction.

Also there is that “Morale” advantage that keeps getting mentioned. I think TC tends to retain player interest throughout the week better, so while other servers may start fielding less people TC stays fairly full, adding to the “zerginess”.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>