11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Let’s have a good fight!

Reminder: Match is in 3 hours. Don’t get confused those of us who changed our clocks because of DST.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Derv The Monkinator.4915

Derv The Monkinator.4915

Hope for the best for everyone. [GODS] plans to roll deep into the WvW tonight!

Derv The Monkinator – Fort Aspenwood
[GODS] Guild Leader

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

Oh this should be an entertaining match

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


GODS! ready your breakfast and eat hearty !!!For tonight we dine in hell!!!

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Looks like I can’t make it tonight since I’m out of town. Really unfortunate since after reset is always the most fun. Hope people post updates.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

If you see a thief with the dwayna gauntlets in the jumping puzzle make sure to bow or wave or something, it’s more fun with cross team teams. HoD!

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Serbaayuu.3051


Good luck all. Had some good fights with Fort Aspenwood tonight in the HoD Borderlands – whoever pulled that decoy ploy over at Godslore did a good job. We managed to fend you guys off though.

Servers puked us all back into Lion’s Arch after we retook the Garrison, though, so I’m done for tonight. Looking forward to the rest of the week, though! Henge may be dropping, but we’re coming into our own very soon.

Sylva – 80 Ranger
The Fifth Column [FCol]
Henge of Denravi

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Good luck all. [PRO] looking forward to the late night shift to meet the infamous DH Oceanic crew.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: UberLander.8326


Looks like I’m going to miss the opener. But I’ll be back!

Uber Lander
Black Talons

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Mother’s birthday tonight, going to have to miss the opener sadly. But good luck to all servers.

Anet make Rev great again.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Can we get a score update?

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

FA: 5408
DH: 2672

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.

I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.

Report and move on. Also, if you think one alleged “invulnerable” player can change the outcome of a match in WvW in any way you’re mistaken. Proposing to disqualify an entire server is anger talking, not sense.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

Now that’s the quickest “OMG the server is hacking” post I have seen.

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.

I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.


Exact same comment was made last week.

It’s not hacking, it’s just a well played, well-geared D/D elementalist.

Anet make Rev great again.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tera GX.8149

Tera GX.8149

So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.

I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.

Did you get any clues about identity? Was there a clan tag? The weapon of choice even helps for keeping an eye out.

We all take hacking seriously. We on Fort Aspenwood would quickly decry and report any hacker on our server. The fun lies in opposition, hacking destroys the experience for everyone involved.

6v1 and being unable to kill a player however is not in itself evidence of hacking. There are some very strong routes to survival. I don’t know the elementalist’s options however. I’ve won 4v1 myself, though I’m not enthusiastic taking on such numbers (mind I’ve lost 4v1 too, of course).

There are some rune sets that also have influence that is harder to track. For example, Rune of Lyssa tier 6 effect is “lose all conditions and gain all boons when you use an Elite skill”.

Tera Xenphos of Fort Aspenwood (guildless, deliberately)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Drede.4701


That would be one of I believe 5 Dagger/Dagger Elementalists that Fort Asp has. They are all very skilled and very dangerous, however they are not a hack. Check out the build on YouTube, completely legit.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


Well this looks to be a good week. lol


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


not sure about this match, so far I’m not feeling the font they are using on the forum! O.o

-waves hi-

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


Oh god. Here we go again.

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: The assassin overlord.1053

The assassin overlord.1053

So just because a group of 6 can’t take out an elementalist, yaks said the same thing last week, doesn’t mean we are hacking.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


yes lady sayrah me and excala were in front of darkhaven fighting and again ppl think hes hacking cuz hes running a 0/10/0/30/30 witch u have been running for awhile… ppl listen its not a hack ok we are very very good players. even yaks was thinking we were hacking i repeat we do not hack

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


opps cant forget wynter as well

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: will.2105


Yeah, Warrior 22k HP, 2578 armor, got 3 shot by a ranger, downed, got 2 more hits, went back to respawn, went back, found a thief, 2 hits and i was down again. Funny, never happened before. Hard to walk around the map when you cant even move 5 feet when u encounter someone. Good old times, port bombs, good thiefs or mesmers and actual zergs would be the death of me. Or the difference between the best of Magumma and the best of Fort Aspenwood is that great.

[RET] Miss Petit Pois 80 Thief

Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914


Yeah, Warrior 22k HP, 2578 armor, got 3 shot by a ranger, downed, got 2 more hits, went back to respawn, went back, found a thief, 2 hits and i was down again. Funny, never happened before. Hard to walk around the map when you cant even move 5 feet when u encounter someone. Good old times, port bombs, good thiefs or mesmers and actual zergs would be the death of me. Or the difference between the best of Magumma and the best of Fort Aspenwood is that great.

yeah it is that great. you have to remember FA is rated almost 200 points higher than you guys and you have the disadvantage of the 3rd team being HOD. When we played MAG I think our opposition was Sea of Sorrows, MAG rarely got above 100 points and FA won easily.

The crys of of hacking was the exact same thing yaks did. It has already been shown exactly how they do it and there are plenty of youtube videos of the eles fighting more than 6 players.

The problem at the moment is that the servers ranked 7th to 10th are a bit behind the top 6 but well ahead of 11th and down. From the looks of it for the next couple of weeks the servers unfortunate enough to be placed 11th and 12th will have to play whoever out of the 4 servers above them lost the week before (probably FA and YAKS with the weaker offpeak). This is going to result in some unbalanced matches.

(edited by Reonhato.5914)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Severim.7938


So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.

I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.

Did you get any clues about identity? Was there a clan tag? The weapon of choice even helps for keeping an eye out.

We all take hacking seriously. We on Fort Aspenwood would quickly decry and report any hacker on our server. The fun lies in opposition, hacking destroys the experience for everyone involved.

6v1 and being unable to kill a player however is not in itself evidence of hacking. There are some very strong routes to survival. I don’t know the elementalist’s options however. I’ve won 4v1 myself, though I’m not enthusiastic taking on such numbers (mind I’ve lost 4v1 too, of course).

There are some rune sets that also have influence that is harder to track. For example, Rune of Lyssa tier 6 effect is “lose all conditions and gain all boons when you use an Elite skill”.

Someone repost daphoenix’s video and link to bunker d/d thread. Otherwise you’ll be facing complainers all week.

Yak’s Bend – Bellenisa (Ele), Bellesina (Thief)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


if you under lvled and under geared ur gonna lose its that easy gear and lvls matter in wvwvw and ikittennow how to play even more plzzz stop with the hacking and QQ lets have a fun wvwvw match gl fh all

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Enke.9624


As one of the D/D elementalists running in FA Wv3, I am sure I can safely say those of us running it are not hacking. Believe what you will, a great D/D can get in, do damage, cause chaos, and get out, and maintain a large number of boons the entire time.

On that note, I have gone up against a great D/D on Darkhaven, hope to see that sylvari again soon.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Why do our elementalists always get raged at on the first page? Lol

Darkhaven doing a great job with defensive siege placement and trying to cut supplies in EB. [PRO] and [PTX] got it locked down though.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Its all lvl 80 exotics right? lvl 80 traits, i dont get it, I personally would love to go toe to toe with any melee from HoD or FA, so they can say Im hacking lol.

Great night, not alot of progress was made for DH but it will come together. DH has came along way since headstart, and were not done yet. Im very proud to say we came this far without wanting or needing Oceanic or EU guilds, well I think there is one Asian guild, but havent seen their GL on a quiet some time. We do have a stronger night presence but that Commander should be showing up soon again. GL all, cya tomrow.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nublakhan.6409


I’ll be interested to see how DH tactics start evolving from our matchup vs FA so far. I didn’t even see HoD during my time out tonight (FA cut us off from them in EBG).

I’m sure this coming week will demonstrate “necessity is the mother of invention”

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Inuko.1452


So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.

I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.


Exact same comment was made last week.

It’s not hacking, it’s just a well played, well-geared D/D elementalist.

I’ve seen this ele at work and I can confirm it’s not hax. However I wouldn’t get in a bar brawl with them

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: cmerc.2081


I think I just met one of the D/D Eles you guys are talking about. Female human who was a commander…guild tag was Defenders of Aspenwood or something. kitten was she just unkillable. I was playing a class I have little experience with (and bad gear) but she basically soloed a few of us easily. :\

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


I think I just met one of the D/D Eles you guys are talking about. Female human who was a commander…guild tag was Defenders of Aspenwood or something. kitten was she just unkillable. I was playing a class I have little experience with (and bad gear) but she basically soloed a few of us easily. :\

That was me, you three were at the supply camp yeah? /wave =)

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

(edited by Bit.2519)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: CharlieWaffles.1509


Hey from Darkhaven going to be a fun and challenging week, as far as DD Elementalist builds yeah they can be crazy tanky… with good sustained DPS…. takes allot of work to play it though, grats on sticking with it…. Definately not hacking….

Illegal Contact 80 Ranger
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: TheFreshBrew.1958


This matchup is a joke. I mean it has to be a joke, right?

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Serbaayuu.3051


This matchup is a joke. I mean it has to be a joke, right?

Sorry HoD isn’t leet enough for you. We’re still working on dropping down to an appropriate tier since Titan built us up to Top and then dropped us like so much garbage.

Sylva – 80 Ranger
The Fifth Column [FCol]
Henge of Denravi

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Score update!

This match was expected to be a blowout. HoD is still dropping down the tiers and DH edged out Maguuma and DB in their last match while FA beat the same two servers by a wide margin two matches ago.

I haven’t fought anyone yet as I only logged in to see the score. That said, I’m sure DH and HoD players are giving FA players some tough battles and making things fun despite the overall score. HoD is putting up a good score considering. Maybe a tier or two down is where they belong rather than dropping all the way to fight Ferguson’s Crossing.


Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Good luck all. [PRO] looking forward to the late night shift to meet the infamous DH Oceanic crew.

You’re gonna be disappointed. Darkhaven has never really had an Oceanic crew contrary to popular belief.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


As long as Fort Aspenwood and Yak’s Bend bounce between Tier 3 and Tier 4 – this tier will probably remain this way.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA just updated. Previous updates projected we would stay as the green server of Tier 4, but now it’s projecting that we will be the blue server of Tier 3! Still very early of course, but it looks like we will get another shot at that tier. Yak’s Bend is the likely server to drop.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


This matchup is a joke. I mean it has to be a joke, right?

Sorry HoD isn’t leet enough for you. We’re still working on dropping down to an appropriate tier since Titan built us up to Top and then dropped us like so much garbage.

I think he was referring more to FA than HoD. FA had taken almost everything at one point (+600 points) and we seem to have more people than both DH and HoD combined.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA just updated. Previous updates projected we would stay as the green server of Tier 4, but now it’s projecting that we will be the blue server of Tier 3! Still very early of course, but it looks like we will get another shot at that tier. Yak’s Bend is the likely server to drop.

I think it’s possible that even if we (YB) won tier 3 this week, we could still drop if the final scores were close enough. That’s crazy.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I was right. On the DH server there will be no WvW queues at all.
Oh well. Friday is only 5 days away.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Atrophied.8725


To be fair, being on the winning side of a blowout is just as aggravating as being on the losing side. At least on the losing side you can do stuff like ninja towers, disrupt supply, flip camps and sentries and generally be a huge pain in the kitten. Now on the winning side we’re kinda sitting here scratching our heads wondering what there is to do – really no fun. (Xandra – PTX – Fort Aspenwood)

Xandra – 80s in all classes – Ele/Guard mains – [TL] – NSP

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Markan.3460


I think it’s possible that even if we (YB) won tier 3 this week, we could still drop if the final scores were close enough. That’s crazy.

I think it also requires a big score from FA (which look likely right now), but it would be a very odd thing to win a match and go down…

The Older Gamers – Yak’s Bend

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Well you could ninja stuff if you have enough people.
Most times you touch anything you will get a 20+ zerg of the dominating server showing up due to the mass PVP drought from a lopsided match.
At least last week was very close and fun.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphim.3475


Yea this is lame. Let FA have everything and make it boring as hell then maybe they will learn to balance out the wvwvw or this will die like war hammer.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sir William PD.9615

Sir William PD.9615

Where’s the half naked norn?

-Thoryn Stormbrew, Dolyak Slayer
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tijo.9857


There are a limited number of server WE (Darkhaven) can have a good match up with. What I mean is not that we necessarilry win, but the match is balanced enough that it remains interesting the whole time.
Maguuma is close, and fun to fight.
Rolling with overwhelming number or being rolled, is not.

Maybe it’s time to level alts again.