11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven
Yeah, we brought the fight back to YB a little late last week. I think we could give you a consistent run for your money in a rematch.
Many <3s, everyone on FA.
Dakine Dakine.. [GODS] Quaggan Camp Commander =)
Well I had fun this morning. If possible could we keep the spawn camping to a minimum atleast? lol all good though! I love being the underdog! makes for some fun play and funny moments when were like “yes we capped a tower” then there mood goes to holy “holy crap! here comes FA ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.” lol and my personal favorite “huh…. where did all these red names come from?? :o”
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
GODS rally picture. Loving the WvW!
[GODS] Guild Leader
I/We (PTX) have portal/stealth bombed spawn points before, but we don’t spawn camp. It’s fun to get in past the legendary defenders and wipe the NPCs, though. >.>
Hey, this post is only really relevant to FA players but since we don’t have a server sub forum I’m posting it here. I have been looking for the source of these rumours surrounding the “massive influx” of “200 players” we have received that we never seem to see in WvW. I finally tracked down who this “Rush” guy was in-game and this is my conversation with him.
As a side note – I believe the Euro guild [Asg] may be joining us today so be sure to give them a warm welcome if you see them out there. (even weirder coincidence? I got one of their members in the screenshot by accident.)
P.S. – The “maybe 100 man” guild is LLAC. I think they send about 10 people to WvW for 3-5 hours during NA early morning. I haven’t seen a bigger group than that, feel correct me if I’m wrong. – Monster Madness is their commander.
P.P.S – No, we’re not Japanese in [PRO], nor do we put 70 members in WvW. In fact, as a rough estimate 90% of our members reside in the USA. Also, given our name is “The Protectorate of Aspenwood”, no, we didn’t recently transfer over lol.
(edited by Maniac.5163)
Shout out to [RE] Rethesis from Darkhaven. Your little bunker crew is pretty tough. I look forward to fighting you guys again.
Hey, this post is only really relevant to FA players but since we don’t have a server sub forum I’m posting it here. I have been looking for the source of these rumours surrounding the “massive influx” of “200 players” we have received that we never seem to see in WvW. I finally tracked down who this “Rush” guy was in-game and this is my conversation with him.
As a side note – I believe the Euro guild [Asg] may be joining us today so be sure to give them a warm welcome if you see them out there.
(even weirder coincidence? I got one of their members in the screenshot by accident.)
P.S. – The “maybe 100 man” guild is LLAC. I think they send about 10 people to WvW for 3-5 hours during NA early morning. I haven’t seen a bigger group than that, feel correct me if I’m wrong. – Monster Madness is their commander.
P.P.S – No, we’re not Japanese in [PRO], nor do we put 70 members in WvW. In fact, as a rough estimate 90% of our members reside in the USA. Also, given our name is “The Protectorate of Aspenwood”, no, we didn’t recently transfer over lol.
I can attest to all of this
I have been trying my best to follow up on the information on the transfers and it seems a lot of the information is false. We did NOT have 20 guilds of 100+ transfer over. we did NOT have a 70 man Japanese guild transfer over.
We have 2 confirmed 40ish man EU guilds move over to us (Asg, LLAC) Looks like LLAC fields about 10 guys and Asgards just came over tonight, and the leader is saying they still have players to transfer in so Asgards may indeed be looking at a lot more then 40
While this is a good start it is simply not enough coverage to contend in Higher tiers. We still need to fill in our overnight badly (Asians, oceanics). I’d say we would still do well with more Euros as well if we are looking to be compete in the higher slots.
Figured I’d keep everybody in the loop, keep up the good work guys, and lets keep recruiting.
Fort Aspenwood
lol holy jeebus
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
My guild went into HoD BL a couple of hours ago.. Took back Redbriar/AB for a while. FA zerg was too good. It was a back and forth between the island. We extended to Woodhaven as garrison was being hit by HoD. After the garrison was taken, HoD flipped Woodhaven back. We had FA hitting back @ Redbriar and then we had HoD hitting north gate of AB. We held for a while especially @ AB. HoD broke down the gate twice but we had sieges waiting for them. Thanks HoD/FA for the great battles today. My Guild thoroughly enjoyed it.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
To be fair, being on the winning side of a blowout is just as aggravating as being on the losing side. At least on the losing side you can do stuff like ninja towers, disrupt supply, flip camps and sentries and generally be a huge pain in the kitten. Now on the winning side we’re kinda sitting here scratching our heads wondering what there is to do – really no fun. (Xandra – PTX – Fort Aspenwood)
When you’ve got siege set up blocking the exits from the spawn areas I don’t think anyone is going to feel sorry for the side that’s dominating.
Blocking all 3 exits? Can you get 5-10 people with a mesmer to portal bomb the seige from a side? You’re never fully stuck in your base.
lol holy jeebus
Heh, sometimes I think some people only join WvW when we are in an unbalanced match up just to do this sort of thing and waste manpower. They won’t even be there next week when we have a challenging fight ahead of us.
I know you guys at HoD & DH are capable fighters with sound tactics but given our numbers advantage in FA if you want a fairer fight you should all just focus your main forces on one map that seems it has poor leadership/control from FA. Don’t bother upgrading stuff as it will just be lost overnight, however this doesn’t mean you can’t cost us some money and raise your morale by hitting our upgraded points quickly and silently. If the mindless zerg figures it out, hop to another map. Just my 2 cents anyways.
Hey, this post is only really relevant to FA players but since we don’t have a server sub forum I’m posting it here. I have been looking for the source of these rumours surrounding the “massive influx” of “200 players” we have received that we never seem to see in WvW. I finally tracked down who this “Rush” guy was in-game and this is my conversation with him.
As a side note – I believe the Euro guild [Asg] may be joining us today so be sure to give them a warm welcome if you see them out there.
(even weirder coincidence? I got one of their members in the screenshot by accident.)
P.S. – The “maybe 100 man” guild is LLAC. I think they send about 10 people to WvW for 3-5 hours during NA early morning. I haven’t seen a bigger group than that, feel correct me if I’m wrong. – Monster Madness is their commander.
P.P.S – No, we’re not Japanese in [PRO], nor do we put 70 members in WvW. In fact, as a rough estimate 90% of our members reside in the USA. Also, given our name is “The Protectorate of Aspenwood”, no, we didn’t recently transfer over lol.
Wait did he call PRO japanese? I know ibludgeon used to be part of the night crew, but that doesnt make his guild japanese :o
Hey, this post is only really relevant to FA players but since we don’t have a server sub forum I’m posting it here. I have been looking for the source of these rumours surrounding the “massive influx” of “200 players” we have received that we never seem to see in WvW. I finally tracked down who this “Rush” guy was in-game and this is my conversation with him.
As a side note – I believe the Euro guild [Asg] may be joining us today so be sure to give them a warm welcome if you see them out there.
(even weirder coincidence? I got one of their members in the screenshot by accident.)
P.S. – The “maybe 100 man” guild is LLAC. I think they send about 10 people to WvW for 3-5 hours during NA early morning. I haven’t seen a bigger group than that, feel correct me if I’m wrong. – Monster Madness is their commander.
P.P.S – No, we’re not Japanese in [PRO], nor do we put 70 members in WvW. In fact, as a rough estimate 90% of our members reside in the USA. Also, given our name is “The Protectorate of Aspenwood”, no, we didn’t recently transfer over lol.Wait did he call PRO japanese? I know ibludgeon used to be part of the night crew, but that doesnt make his guild japanese :o
Yeah, it was pretty weird to get told that my own guild was the “new Japanese transfer” just because we play the graveyard shift, haha. Rumours just get out of control sometimes.
lol holy jeebus
Hmm… I definitely don’t condone this spawn camping. I’ll be talking to the PTX peeps doing this (and our wvw officer corps.)
Back off the spawn camps and get some real fights going.
I have not logged in today but a major player that HOD was facing in our BL last night was the Fort Aspenwood guild NICE, I never bothered trying to count but I am certain they had groups of at least 10 and often much more than that roaming. They are actually the only guild I especially remember from last night, mainly due to them showing up at supply camps in force then building multiple ballista as soon as taken.
What was said about us lacking organization is true, HoD is somewhat a month behind other servers in the organizing and community building due to TA just being to competant for us to have/be able to do anything lol.
That said I have noticed a pretty big improvement each week, the prior 3 weeks we had literaly lost all within 30 minutes of reset then started recapping a little as people trickled in an hour later. Now we put up a good fight all night and switched in and out of second place PPT for awhile last night.
We already have a handful of new guilds forming, the one I am in is HODR, and a few commanders. Our communication is improving, and we are even starting to place more defensive siege. Last night managed to take back our Garr using a mesmer who hid, and a bit later wipe out a large push to take it back from inside our lord room and kill their 3 golems.
Although from what I hear a big issue in EB last night was a new commander in there taking his whole group and just having it killing the grub and not doing much else tieing up numbers we didn’t have, I was not there just going by what saw in BL chat.
We are even starting to get queue back in our BL occasionally. So right now the issue is purely in numbers, we have at most enough to cover our BL and our EB keep. I have noticed a pattern over the past week’s matches. Since the TA days we were not the best weekend, which is still true now. It is partly just a morale issue though, there are still alot who do not even bother looking at WvW anymore after our couple week stretch of 0 PPT.
Seems there are about 3 multi hour windows where we do quite well, then those people log off over a 30 minute period and in the 1-2 hours before the next window opens we lose everything due to not even enough people to man the siege in one location. It really is a sudden drop off, go from having a que to outnumbered before know it. It really is a pretty regular pattern each day of late.
Well sorry for the ramble, being brief was never a strength of mine lol, glad we had good fights and showed good progress last night. Looking forward to it improving when fewer enemies come end of weekend.
about the new kitten guild joining the server.
It was a miss comunication on my part (blame the drunk frenchman) the new kitten guild that joined is (jpn) not (pro)
And keep up the good fight FA! we are rocking it this week! also good fight fight Henge tonight at garrison and please remove that treb in your spawn its pretty cheap play
(edited by Warscream.6817)
about the new kitten guild joining the server.
It was a miss comunication on my part, the new kitten guild that joined is (jpn) not (pro)And keep up the good fight FA! we are rocking it this week! also good fight fight Henge tonight at garrison and please remove that treb in your spawn its pretty cheap play
[JPN] – I have seen this guild bringing a small team to WvW longer than a month back.. they have been registered since 23rd of Sept.
about the new kitten guild joining the server.
It was a miss comunication on my part, the new kitten guild that joined is (jpn) not (pro)And keep up the good fight FA! we are rocking it this week! also good fight fight Henge tonight at garrison and please remove that treb in your spawn its pretty cheap play
[JPN] – I have seen this guild bringing a small team to WvW longer than a month back.. they have been registered since 23rd of Sept.
seen some of there members in wvw and they metioned there guild just tranfered here. butw/e doesn’t matter, what does matter is that we are winning nights now.
(edited by Warscream.6817)
There has been a guild with the guild tag JPN on the server for months now.
That said, it is very likely if another guild is japanese they would probably rock the same tag.
Fort Aspenwood
Yeah, fair enough. Next week will reveal a lot more.
Time to start stocking some siege up.
Acium and I worked on Eternal for a couple hours, managed to take overlook and worked to expand to our territory. Thanks Darkhaven. Good luckittenep going at it folks.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
Thank you very much to the Asura from Galactic Ninja Commandos that showed me through the EB jumping puzzle. Never done it before
[JPN] has been around for a while, though they have been more active in WvW lately than usual.
There’s meeeeeeeeeee im gental warrior
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA just updated. Previous updates projected we would stay as the green server of Tier 4, but now it’s projecting that we will be the blue server of Tier 3! Still very early of course, but it looks like we will get another shot at that tier. Yak’s Bend is the likely server to drop.
I think it’s possible that even if we (YB) won tier 3 this week, we could still drop if the final scores were close enough. That’s crazy.
That’s unfortunate, I was hoping for a rematch.
Looks like we might get that rematch after all next week:
oh i hope so, cant wait for a rematch with yaks
Just very curious to why it is that when Darkhaven have a full WVW map with queue and all, but we are outnumbered when we have the whole map up against a 1/2 or 1/3 of the the Aspens force. I mean its fun and all but we are just outnumbered in every battle.
Server: BlackGate!
A lot of the issues with darkhaven are the bots that were never fully gotten rid of. Also a lot of times we have people who stand around in the citadel on our BL map or stand around chilling in other BL’s spawns like its a social club to chat at. We cant exactly force the non wvw fighters to leave for not helping so its hurting us there( maybe add a mass voting option to force afk players off a map). This may be crazy to most ppl but its almost as if DH has a bug as far as how many players can be on each map, ive had ppl say they were in queue before while I was on the map they tried to get to, I desperately searched around to find where these magic few were hiding, so either its still botters roaming or we as a server are bugged for how many per queue we can have on each map hurting our ability to match forces. Because ive had occasions where there would be a queue and the numbers on the field werent any greater than when there wasnt a queue. Yet we still get outnumbered there. Back to the actual battle at hand though, im normally a fight to the last man kinda guy in wvw even when losing in points but this is kinda just beyond rediculous, stuff like this is why people afk from wvw for a week. The messed up deal is we’ll face another force like this again if we win next week when the third from the tier up drops one. WvWvW really needs a mega change in match balancing.
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC
big shout out to the commander in DH BL who ordered to treb cliffside from garrison instead what with all the advantages you already have against us. Our one shred of land in our BL and you have to take it from afar. Stay classy, FA.
about the new kitten guild joining the server.
It was a miss comunication on my part, the new kitten guild that joined is (jpn) not (pro)And keep up the good fight FA! we are rocking it this week! also good fight fight Henge tonight at garrison and please remove that treb in your spawn its pretty cheap play
[JPN] – I have seen this guild bringing a small team to WvW longer than a month back.. they have been registered since 23rd of Sept.
There are two guilds with the [JPN] tag. Have they both been here for a while?
about the new kitten guild joining the server.
It was a miss comunication on my part, the new kitten guild that joined is (jpn) not (pro)And keep up the good fight FA! we are rocking it this week! also good fight fight Henge tonight at garrison and please remove that treb in your spawn its pretty cheap play
[JPN] – I have seen this guild bringing a small team to WvW longer than a month back.. they have been registered since 23rd of Sept.
There are two guilds with the [JPN] tag. Have they both been here for a while?
Two registered on that website, same leader and same guild website. Do you know of another in-game? The only [JPN] I see in WvW are “White Macaron” and they have maybe 15 people spread across maps as a rough estimate at GMT+9 afternoon/late evening which is their timezone. They have been here for at least two months.
Oh, didn’t know that they shared the same leadership. I’ve only seen those two guilds with the [JPN] tag.
This matchup is a joke. I mean it has to be a joke, right?
Sorry HoD isn’t leet enough for you. We’re still working on dropping down to an appropriate tier since Titan built us up to Top and then dropped us like so much garbage.
I think he was referring more to FA than HoD. FA had taken almost everything at one point (+600 points) and we seem to have more people than both DH and HoD combined.
to Be More Clear, It was a comment on the matchup itself, not the actual servers involved – and a way to make a comment on portal bombs, and a ranking system which will be exploited by continued free server transfers without derailing the thread.
(edited by TheFreshBrew.1958)
[WE] Guild here from Darkhaven.
We had about maybe 8 people help to defend the 1 tower and 1 “east keep” in Fort aspenwood borderlands. We held off you’re still large but smaller zerg from taking it over till you called in back up support where we counted around 60 people or so.
I think the funnest thing about this battle was the need to use Trebs and Omega Golems on such a small number of Defenders Guess our bombing tactics worked well.
For peoples enjoyment i posted some lower quality screenshots, our Servers community website still being worked on and quality of the images will be fixed soon.
These screenshots were taken a day ago, thx for the fun
[WE] Win Everyday – Council
Server: Dragonbrand
(edited by Kore.9523)
FA here. Match is huge disappointment.
I really wish all the bandwagoners and fairweatherers that joined FA went home.
At one point my cheat piece broke and i was in the nude on my norn ranger haha.
I had a blast in EB last night. huge battles huge siege attacks. I feel into the hill just so you know… no hacks involved. after i fell into it and realized i could attack and revive deep below the ground i let you kill me at the edge.
As a small request enough of the unkillablepermastealthing! Every server has some sort of exploiters but please help us report these kittenkittenssssS!
Black Talons
I am finally able to play a bit after losing my house and a lot of my stuff thanks to Hurricane Sandy and I don’t even want to play because this match is a wash. Anet needs to look at match scores like last week and keep those servers together instead of following their little spreadsheet and adjusting servers by it.
Anyway shout out t my homies in Darkhaven I’ll finally see you guys on the battlefield again although I will be playing on my alt character “SkaP” this week.
Been fun soloing….a lot less alt+f4ers then in yaks bend
Friday evening will be a very welcome day.
Who knows. Hope we (DH) get matched with 2 fun servers like last week.
This week is a total blow out.
I see a few DH people going out then minutes later they are spawning in. Quite often the same players.
Wish I had tons of coin to spand on armor repair.
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.
A lot of the issues with darkhaven are the bots that were never fully gotten rid of. Also a lot of times we have people who stand around in the citadel on our BL map or stand around chilling in other BL’s spawns like its a social club to chat at. We cant exactly force the non wvw fighters to leave for not helping so its hurting us there( maybe add a mass voting option to force afk players off a map). This may be crazy to most ppl but its almost as if DH has a bug as far as how many players can be on each map, ive had ppl say they were in queue before while I was on the map they tried to get to, I desperately searched around to find where these magic few were hiding, so either its still botters roaming or we as a server are bugged for how many per queue we can have on each map hurting our ability to match forces. Because ive had occasions where there would be a queue and the numbers on the field werent any greater than when there wasnt a queue. Yet we still get outnumbered there. Back to the actual battle at hand though, im normally a fight to the last man kinda guy in wvw even when losing in points but this is kinda just beyond rediculous, stuff like this is why people afk from wvw for a week. The messed up deal is we’ll face another force like this again if we win next week when the third from the tier up drops one. WvWvW really needs a mega change in match balancing.
Well I know for a fact that the queue system is bugged. On Friday night I got on about 4:50, hoped in the EB queue and went through it in a bout 10 minutes. While some one in guild chat said they’d been in it for over an hour.
Had some fun fighting that D/D ele! that person is a beast. lol
ps.. that was my fat cow you killed…
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
sorry about your cow loss and your fully upgraded camp xD
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
So much for a fair fight. Fort Aspenwood was using a hack elementalist. 6 of us were hitting her and she wasn’t going down. In addition, she had pretty much every buff in the game (regen was stacked 10 times) when no one else was near enough to buff her.
I think FA should be disqualified this round for cheating.
Exact same comment was made last week.
It’s not hacking, it’s just a well played, well-geared D/D elementalist.
I’ve seen this ele at work and I can confirm it’s not hax. However I wouldn’t get in a bar brawl with them
I reviewed the data of the Build, Gear and Skillbar. I also seen this player running around and fought this player(she belongs to [GODS] guild). I literally spent 40+ gold in adjusting my elementalist’s gear and spent approx 2500-3000 of my badges of honor on gear as the bonuses on this gear is exactly the same as the suggest AC gear minus the monk runes.
While agree that D/D Elementalist can stack a bit of boons, especially Might… It is impossible to get more than 2 stacks of regen at any given time. This player would have a consistent stack of 10 regen followed by a consistent Might stack of 7 and a boon count of 6-7.
Might is the only boon STACK this player should have consistently. While swapping attunements you would get swiftness, vigor, occasionally protection, and occasionally retaliation. but no more than a consistent count of 4 boons.
I did some digging on the internet and found a bot program that does allow you to manipulate the game client on a sliding bar. 2 of the most notable aspects of the bot program is to adjust your Magic Find to 500% as well increasing your movement speed. It also allow you to add boons to yourself up to max stack.
It will also auto cycle through your Attunements/Weapons skill to perform basic functions like…
Spiking Air Attunement, Dagger Air 3, Dagger Air 4.
Spiking Water Attunement, Dagger water 3, Dagger water 4, Dagger Water 5, then follow with Dagger water 2, Switching to another either Fire or Air
This bot program has a forum dedicated to it and it boast to their customers that, ArenaNet cannot detect this program. And with ArenaNet tackling RMT it is true that they do not have the resources to track down and monitor people suspected of using bot programs in this manner. As they are not using the bot program is a way that allows them to play AFK, they are using it to enhance their ability to play and grant their character functions they would not/should not have.
This player, I fought with my Mesmer. Skills I would normally hit a warrior for such as illusionary reposte for 5000 damage, hit this this elementalist for 500. My Phantasmal Berserker, who would normally cripple and hit a warrior for 3500 damage, was ineffective in damaging or crippling this elementalist. At one point I was standing on the outside edge of combat with this elementalist, putting 3 Berserkers on her while she danced between 6 other attackers and took no more than 10% damage.
While I agree that Darkhaven players are probably the worst in PvP, this elementist was in open field, no obstructions and 6 players and 3 berserkers on her. taking max of 10% damage and killing several of the attacking players when she turned and charged me… I baited her into the Legendary Defenders where they took her down. She was good enough to mist form away where I got to finish her.
I did manage to report this player (at the time of the infraction) as BOT, I just hope ArenaNet has the time to investigate this player and program.
We need to see more encryption in the way the client deals with the stream and communication with the server so these bot programs have a harder time manipulate the client, game packets and DX stream.
I dont run any 3rd party programs, besides my video recording software. I don’t hack. Having a macro makes it much more harder to play since theres thousands of combinations of skills used specifically for each situation. By having a specific macro, you will put yourself at a big disadvantage because those macros you talked about require a set of skills to be used. Skills have varying cooldowns, which defeats the point of a macro to be used consistently
I don’t think you did enough research on the d/d elementalist. There is lots of information that I did not put in my guide, and an elmentalist is by far the most complicated class out there. I could write a 10 page guide and still not finish completely cover all the tactics and game mechanics that I utilize. All of them are legit, such as utilizing terrain in methods that most people don’t think of (no glitching here), psychological effects and taunting, blindsighting enemies specifically using only positioning, ambush tactics, specific skill combinations, underwater/land techniques, auto rallying, etc. I could go on with this list if I wanted too. You could try as hard as you want to think that I supposedly “hack”, but it all comes down to raw skill, advanced tactics, and build setup. It takes a lot of effort to memorize CDs, rotations, devising strategies on the spot, utilizing specific combination of skills for each situation, utilizing terrain to its maximal effect, knowing exactly where each enemy is and their predicted movement projection, predicting when and where the enemy will gank you, reading enemies and predict their next move, weapon swapping and skill swapping before intiating, constantly checking for the conditions you have on you, when your boon duration is ending, when to dodge and when not to, exactly how much HP you have, when to not pop your cd skills and when to, devising ambush tactics and juking techniques on the go, when to give up the fight and find a neutral to rally on, etc. I could go on here but I’ll stop here. Factor in all this consistently while fighting several enemies at once and realize that not all situations are the same, and 1 fatal error will get you killed. It took me a very long time to come up with some of these techniques and use them efficiently.
To your argument about the damage you are doing on illusionary repotse. I don’t think you ever considered weakness or criticals as an argument, or toughness /armor for that matter. Warriors have may have inherently high amounts of toughness and HP, but most of them are geared toward DPS as opposed to defense. It all depends on the build setup that you are utilizing. You may have gotten a critical on a low toughness warrior, and got a glancing blow from weakness on a high toughness (w/ protection) elementalist. As to your argument on crippling the elementalist, an elementalist can simply remove conditions instantaneously by using cantrips or swapping to water attunement.
To your argument on fighting on open ground and not being able to kill an elementalist, you did not factor in the movement displacers an elementalist possesses, nor positioning techniques. Positioning by itself is already a very strong tactic to mitigate damage, as it confuses enemies and puts them out of their line of sight, meaning they cannot attack.
I hope this answers your concerns.
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]
(edited by daphoenix.4283)
I dont run any 3rd party programs, besides my video recording software. I don’t hack. Having a macro makes it much more harder to play since theres thousands of combinations of skills used specifically for each situation. By having a specific macro, you will put yourself at a big disadvantage because those macros you talked about require a set of skills to be used. Skills have varying cooldowns, which defeats the point of a macro to be used consistently
I don’t think you did enough research on the d/d elementalist. There is lots of information that I did not put in my guide, and an elmentalist is by far the most complicated class out there. I could write a 10 page guide and still not finish completely cover all the tactics and game mechanics that I utilize. All of them are legit, such as utilizing terrain in methods that most people don’t think of (no glitching here), psychological effects and taunting, blindsighting enemies specifically using only positioning, ambush tactics, specific skill combinations, underwater/land techniques, auto rallying, etc. I could go on with this list if I wanted too. You could try as hard as you want to think that I supposedly “hack”, but it all comes down to raw skill, advanced tactics, and build setup. It takes a lot of effort to memorize CDs, rotations, devising strategies on the spot, utilizing specific combination of skills for each situation, utilizing terrain to its maximal effect, knowing exactly where each enemy is and their predicted movement projection, predicting when and where the enemy will gank you, reading enemies and predict their next move, weapon swapping and skill swapping before intiating, constantly checking for the conditions you have on you, when your boon duration is ending, when to dodge and when not to, exactly how much HP you have, when to not pop your cd skills and when to, devising ambush tactics and juking techniques on the go, when to give up the fight and find a neutral to rally on, etc. I could go on here but I’ll stop here. Factor in all this consistently while fighting several enemies at once and realize that not all situations are the same, and 1 fatal error will get you killed. It took me a very long time to come up with some of these techniques and use them efficiently.
To your argument about the damage you are doing on illusionary repotse. I don’t think you ever considered weakness or criticals as an argument, or toughness /armor for that matter. Warriors have may have inherently high amounts of toughness and HP, but most of them are geared toward DPS as opposed to defense. It all depends on the build setup that you are utilizing. You may have gotten a critical on a low toughness warrior, and got a glancing blow from weakness on a high toughness (w/ protection) elementalist. As to your argument on crippling the elementalist, an elementalist can simply remove conditions instantaneously by using cantrips or swapping to water attunement.
To your argument on fighting on open ground and not being able to kill an elementalist, you did not factor in the movement displacers an elementalist possesses, nor positioning techniques. Positioning by itself is already a very strong tactic to mitigate damage, as it confuses enemies and puts them out of their line of sight, meaning they cannot attack.
I hope this answers your concerns.
Wow, that is quite amazing.