11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tijo.9857


So the super skilled elementalist who brags about how leet he is could be just a bot after all. And people who play with him are not aware that it happens?

Surely, the boon stacking thing is easy to verify, and that itself could be proof enough. Your server doesn’t need cheaters like this!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Regrets of Sini.6083

Regrets of Sini.6083

After seeing this video I hope Anet developers do one of the following:

I. Ban the poster for exploiting


II. Close the loophole allowing such game-breaking self-healing.

No matter how amazing the player is, this should not be possible.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Soloc.8693


big shout out to the commander in DH BL who ordered to treb cliffside from garrison instead what with all the advantages you already have against us. Our one shred of land in our BL and you have to take it from afar. Stay classy, FA.

That was my guild, and myself in fact trebbing Cliffside. I’m sorry, apparently I misunderstood the goal of this game. Did you want our guild to run dungeons for the remainder of this match so that you can keep some more towers?

If no one from FA has told you this yet, we ourselves are slightly frustrated that we ended with this matchup, but that’s just how WvW is set up right now. We wish that we could see more resistance from Darkhaven and Henge, but that’s just not the case right now. Hopefully you guys are able to recruit some more WvW guilds or get more PvE-ers to join in the fight. We have been in your position as well, getting steamrolled by servers despite our best attempts. It’s not fun, but you can’t blame us for this matchup and its result. We would’ve preferred an immediate rematch with Yak’s Bend. But we are who we are, WvW is what we do, what we’re about. We’re not going to change that because no matter how skewed the matchup currently, we’re still seeing good fights from both the other servers, and it’s continuing to shape our guild into the well-oiled war machine we want to be.

Soloc – Level 80 Ranger
Member of The Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


Yeah, he’s pretty sick. Most people can’t pull it off. I don’t think I could.

We got a taste of it last week.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Soloc.8693


edit: to get the facts straight: Initially you guys had a treb up on the tower that took out our first treb at the garrison. Then when we took out your treb (which was a pain in the rear to do, much credit to you guys!) you built the second treb inside, which then couldn’t reach the second treb we built. You could’ve built your 2nd treb at the same place as the original and there would’ve been no way we could’ve taken out that wall with our treb. My point is, sometimes it’s not about numbers, but about the right tactics at the right time.

Soloc – Level 80 Ranger
Member of The Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: daphoenix.4283



Its not easy to defend a “botting/hacking” argument without bringing up how I play.


Your argument follows the logic of banning all WvW CnD thieves for exploting the perma stealthing and latency effects from stealthing. You might as well ban all the top ranked PvP players as well, I’m sure they “exploit” too according to your logic.

Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Regrets of Sini.6083

Regrets of Sini.6083


Your argument follows the logic of banning all WvW CnD thieves for exploting the perma stealthing and latency effects from stealthing.

Yes. You can be sure that no tears will be shed for them.

“Not working as intended” is very clear test of malicious intent. Player doing something like that are not doing it by accident, rather very intentionally exploiting in-game bugs or third-party programs. It breaks the game for the rest.

Put it this way, say a combination of abilities allows me to delete your character. I accidentally stumble on this ability, then proceed and go delete every invader I come across. Should I be banned in such hypothetical situation?

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: daphoenix.4283



I don’t know which bugs you refer to in how I play

Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Undermine.1678



You were not the player I was posting about and you really just misdirection typing to attempt to discredit what I have see and researched.

but this player had 10 stacks of regen which is simply not possible solo.

While I can appreciate what an elementalist can do with legit playing and skill uses. It was clear that this player was using a bot program to manipulate game mechanics.

I used a warrior in my scenarios because a warrior has similar armor or higher armor to an elementalist with high toughness. So comparing my berserker damage and illusionary riposte is valid when compairing to the elementlist…. even with protection, the 5000 damage cannot be reduced to 500. and even that is inconsequential to this players hacked 10 stacks of regen where the 500 damage vanishes in a second.

I appreciate you defending what an elementalist can do but to justify or talk down or misdirect the actions of someone that is clearly using a bot program to alter game mechanics is unnecessary.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wink.7502


Can we please have an end to this daphoenix is hacking stuff. I play on DH and I also use the same spec/gear as daphoenix. He is a very skilled player that is utilizing the tools given to him by arenanet….well. He has also been very helpful and humble to share his spec and tactics on these [ele] forums. I too have had some epic solo vs 2,3,4,5 and more this week. Won some , lost some. The spec takes time to “master” but it will be adjusted i’m sure in the near future. When they do, good ele’s will still be fine and bad ele’s will roll thieves. GG this week FA, well played and good luck next week.

[PD] Mesmer – Yaks Bend

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


After seeing this video I hope Anet developers do one of the following:

I. Ban the poster for exploiting


II. Close the loophole allowing such game-breaking self-healing.

No matter how amazing the player is, this should not be possible.

Its quite possible or even probable that that build will be nerfed but to call it an exploit or botting is ridiculous. Read up on how the build produces boons and keeps them up for a long period.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: LostRib.7320


After seeing this video I hope Anet developers do one of the following:

I. Ban the poster for exploiting


II. Close the loophole allowing such game-breaking self-healing.

No matter how amazing the player is, this should not be possible.

How is he exploiting?

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


hackers hackers hackers all ele’s are hackers wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Undermine.1678



Not once did I say daphoenix is the one hacking. However, it is not out of the possibility of reason that he used additional tools to execute combinations. It is hard to tell though with his modification to playback timer on his videos.

But I have put together the build and armor template he suggests and set up a situation where I have protection and the other boons while fighting a mesmer’s berserker, and the damage I take is more significant that earlier accounted record of the 7 boon hacker with 10 stacks of regen.

In no video or any playing of my own have I been able to replicate having 10 stacks of regen. I know of only 1 way to achieve this, and that is through the bot program I had found.

No where had I spoke out about individual players or given names or was arrogant to say all elementalist… I was speaking of 1 player that several witnessed that belonged to a specific guild. THAT person was hacking.

If he was not, prove it why showing a video with steps to achieve 10 stacks of regen that never time out.

Because I am not disputing the ability to get 7+ stacks of might or maintaining up to 4 boons at any given time and having +/-2 additional boons apply and fall off… I am disputing the possibility of getting 10 stacks of regen. Having 2 stacks is possible and I can believe, but not 10 solo.

(edited by Undermine.1678)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: raziel.8375


no tears only dreams

Janos Audron D/D Human Male Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: daphoenix.4283



sorry I had assumed you were talking about me. In the last wvwvw matchup, I got accused of hacking alot on the thread and in game

Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


I think it was [RE] Rethesis who just golem snatched FA Garrison. Well played to you guys, funny stuff.
Maybe this will teach our server how to defend and communicate. Doubt it.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319



Not once did I say daphoenix is the one hacking. However, it is not out of the possibility of reason that he used additional tools to execute combinations. It is hard to tell though with his modification to playback timer on his videos.

But I have put together the build and armor template he suggests and set up a situation where I have protection and the other boons while fighting a mesmer’s berserker, and the damage I take is more significant that earlier accounted record of the 7 boon hacker with 10 stacks of regen.

In no video or any playing of my own have I been able to replicate having 10 stacks of regen. I know of only 1 way to achieve this, and that is through the bot program I had found.

No where had I spoke out about individual players or given names or was arrogant to say all elementalist… I was speaking of 1 player that several witnessed that belonged to a specific guild. THAT person was hacking.

If he was not, prove it why showing a video with steps to achieve 10 stacks of regen that never time out.

Because I am not disputing the ability to get 7+ stacks of might or maintaining up to 4 boons at any given time and having +/-2 additional boons apply and fall off… I am disputing the possibility of getting 10 stacks of regen. Having 2 stacks is possible and I can believe, but not 10 solo.

I thought regen can only stack in duration???

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


Man am I tired of seeing people complaining about D/D eles. They don’t seem to understand what goes into playing this profession and weapon combo well. Yea we can take on groups of people and live or even prevail, but you better believe there is a lot of work that goes into it. Just last night I fought off 4 [NE] from Panglass with no assistance, and they all just sat there dead. I’m sure they were seething or something, but when you’re in full exotics and know how to put in the work that it takes to excel at this spec you can be rewarded handsomely.

Much respect to FA eles I’ve met and for the occasional non-huge zergs I don’t have to flee from :P

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


I thought regen can only stack in duration???


Regeneration stacks in duration not intesity. Just like swiftness, you only see a single boon with no counters. Any stacking just adds to the timer, it doesn’t increment the stack. The OP is probably mistaking stacks of might for regeneration. An elementalist can easily get 10 stacks of might via a sigil of battle and attunement rotation.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Enough with the Elementalist jibber jabber please, if that person wants to join fight club this week, we’’ll see who beats who.

As far as FA vs. DH, well, theres really no competition there. Yalls PUG’s are much more aware than ours are, hands down. We could have defended our SH Keep from that push recently but our PUG’’s were doing kitten things like flipping remote supply camps and defending a tower rather then helping defend our SH.

Its extremely frustrating to see the majority of people on the map being slow at reacting to things when they are needed. Every situation is the same, either slow to respond or just dont care I guess. Several times and even in previous matches I actually expected PUG’s to react, and when I see there werent, I made it very clear that they needed to react. And honestly I am surprised by now I’m not temporarily banned for my language in chat. Very very frustrating, to say the least.

I mean its not that hard, is it? If you see orange X’s in the Keep, to react?

btw, fight club this thursday 5PM PST, hope to see all, and please please I so want to fight this OP person every one talks about, I will win any match vs. melee from any FA or HoD, but I dont mind taking a crack at kiters either

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Well, lets get off the potential flame train and back to the WvW at hand.

So…………………..is it Friday yet?

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Inuko.1452


Hey all,

A clairifcation for you on The EU Guild situation as mentioned by Isyu some time above. The Asgards have now almost completed our transfer and with 40 or so active and dedicated members are filedingg a consistent 15-25 members on a daily basis. Naturally there is limited time overlap for us to line up with primetime US guilds, and being at the end of our day (early hours of the morning) we’re typically fielding 5-10 players at such a time… We’re thoroughly enjoying the server. The match up though one-sided is proving that the other two servers are determined and have a dogged resolve in the face of adversity.

Many thanks once again to EE, FF, PTX, Pro, WTF, Echo, BT and everyone else who has made us welcome, supported us in WvW and found out late night members a lesser role to fulfill alongside your members!


11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: showatt.9413



sorry I had assumed you were talking about me. In the last wvwvw matchup, I got accused of hacking alot on the thread and in game

Not surprised at all lmao

If you can turn what most people considered a sub-par class into an unstoppable killing machine, obviously your victims are gonna be in denial and accuse you of hacking :P

keep up the good work!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Reiven.2543


The d/d ele that daphoenix plays is strong but far from hacking at all he just plays it well. The d/d ele while strong actually takes a lot more work to play as opposed to faceroll thieves.

Unfortunately as shown in this thread is the natural tendancy for people to take the easy route. Complaining about hacking after all is a lot easier then thinking up counters or trying to learn another class.

Fort Aspenwood GW1 Bittervet….
Reiven Kloak-Warrior / Pizza Pirate-Engineer
Charr Grilled Fish-Ranger

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

I just want to say my perception of Fort Aspenwood is that they are the worst spawn camping server I have personally played against. And GODS guild is a huge culprit. I don’t typically post on forums but I felt a huge urge this round. This is not something I would want my guild to be known for personally. Just saying. =P


11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

…There were two trebs, and morters aimed at spawn as well lol…


11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


First two attachments are score updates.

Third attachment is to show GODS isn’t scared of RE, lol. Strange time to try and arrange a 1v1 fight. GODS was right in the middle of a battle while you were hiding on a cliff.

Since I’m already posting a bunch of attachments, the last one is a pic of me finding my evil twin in GODS.


Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Poizie.5187


Instead of claiming people are hacking or are oped you should learn to counter….with all the boon stacking that ele build has stability isnt one of them…learn to cc and time your burst

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.2450


First two attachments are score updates.

Third attachment is to show GODS isn’t scared of RE, lol. Strange time to try and arrange a 1v1 fight. GODS was right in the middle of a battle while you were hiding on a cliff.

Since I’m already posting a bunch of attachments, the last one is a pic of me finding my evil twin in GODS.

Referring to last picture

Lies, everyone knows that evil twins have goatees.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tijo.9857


I just want to say my perception of Fort Aspenwood is that they are the worst spawn camping server I have personally played against. And GODS guild is a huge culprit. I don’t typically post on forums but I felt a huge urge this round. This is not something I would want my guild to be known for personally. Just saying. =P

And then they come here to complain that they don’t have enough people to wtf pwn.
Can’t have it both ways guys

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: hidden.9743



No where had I spoke out about individual players or given names or was arrogant to say all elementalist… I was speaking of 1 player that several witnessed that belonged to a specific guild. THAT person was hacking.

If he was not, prove it why showing a video with steps to achieve 10 stacks of regen that never time out.

Where is your video proof he had these 10 boons for an extended time?
I mean we have been watching this argument for a bit now and it’s very interesting how you are ranting and demanding things be shown on how “he” does it when you yourself have given us no evidence it was done nor evidence for us to dive into and find out how it was done?
Quit your raging until you come back with something that we can be productive with and move along with the thread.

Magician Neer 80 Elementalist
Server- Fort Aspenwood
Guild leader of [Lords Of Ni]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

If you can’t leave spawn you can’t take any supply camps/towers now can you?

The goal of WvW is to get the most points. If someone can’t leave spawn to take objectives controlled by our server, then they can’t lower our incoming points.

Anet make Rev great again.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Finnaly I could get some rest tonight. I think DH might get slightly weaker, due to atleast 1 guild moving to a different server, and the Naked Norn seems MIA atm too.

We have not had the same presence we had in DH when we were climbing the ladder. But RE will more than likely stay in DH mostly because some of us will not run from a fight, even when things get hard.

Good stuff tonight DH, I hope every one will do the same tomorrow. I know I dont have a Commander Icon, but glad every one stuck by and pulled through with everything for the guidance I did give. Gives me a brighter outlook on DH, to say the least.

And even did a little bit of friendly FA Spawn camping myself


Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Friendly reminder Fight Club Thursday 15th Nov, 5pm PST. Whisper or message any RE member from DH for details on event.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Lopez.7369


@PRO: Good fight in the borderlands today. I was the female solo Asura Necromancer that kept harassing you guys! Your group was after me a lot.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


…There were two trebs, and morters aimed at spawn as well lol…

Too bad I wasnt there for the EB spawn camping :/…But I did lead the charge in the DH BL Spawn camping lol. Was so much fun, I did go down a couple times, but I know people eventually run away after a few times of seeing people charge at them

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


@PRO: Good fight in the borderlands today. I was the female solo Asura Necromancer that kept harassing you guys! Your group was after me a lot.

Hey there! You’re seriously probably one of the best Necromancers I’ve played against. I was almost ALWAYS poisoned when you were around, could barely keep it off even with my insane condition removal. Was fun trying to take you down.

As for all the hacking comments, jesus come on guys.

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

…There were two trebs, and morters aimed at spawn as well lol…

Too bad I wasnt there for the EB spawn camping :/…But I did lead the charge in the DH BL Spawn camping lol. Was so much fun, I did go down a couple times, but I know people eventually run away after a few times of seeing people charge at them

Glad your out there doing a little bit of Kamakazee anti spawn camping too Little =D. Always nice seeing you on the battlefield!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

If you can’t leave spawn you can’t take any supply camps/towers now can you?

The goal of WvW is to get the most points. If someone can’t leave spawn to take objectives controlled by our server, then they can’t lower our incoming points.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

Control the objectives not spawn. Spawn camping is for noobs in my opinion =D

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


…There were two trebs, and morters aimed at spawn as well lol…

Too bad I wasnt there for the EB spawn camping :/…But I did lead the charge in the DH BL Spawn camping lol. Was so much fun, I did go down a couple times, but I know people eventually run away after a few times of seeing people charge at them

Glad your out there doing a little bit of Kamakazee anti spawn camping too Little =D. Always nice seeing you on the battlefield!

Well the one thing I got going for me is I stay on my target till its down or he/she runs away lol.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Control the objectives not spawn. Spawn camping is for noobs in my opinion =D

Lol, its all good, If im there they wont be spawn camping for long its just badges for the people behind me is all.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Our original plan for the evening was to go into DH BL, take everything, then go into EB. So we went in and took everything as expected. But then there was a queue for EB so we did the jumping puzzle in DH BL. Afterward we went to the north supply camp since it was red and some of your pugs kept coming out of the spawn area so we fought them and the rest that kept coming out. At that point your people stopped coming out and instead attacked from the cliffs where they still had the invulnerability buff so we went into that little shack seen in the pic (hey we thought we were hidden lol!!!) so you guys would come out and we could fight again. After we went to take back a tower. By the time we came back to get the north supply camp again, half of our guys made it to EB and throughout the battle against Littlefeather’s guild, a lot of our people remaining got the prompt to go to EB. So you basically drove away the 10 people that hadn’t made it to EB yet lol.

I don’t know why anyone would be mad over that event. It was more funny than anything.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875



I can’t stop laughing looking at this. We really thought we were hidden.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Undermine.1678



No where had I spoke out about individual players or given names or was arrogant to say all elementalist… I was speaking of 1 player that several witnessed that belonged to a specific guild. THAT person was hacking.

If he was not, prove it why showing a video with steps to achieve 10 stacks of regen that never time out.

Where is your video proof he had these 10 boons for an extended time?
I mean we have been watching this argument for a bit now and it’s very interesting how you are ranting and demanding things be shown on how “he” does it when you yourself have given us no evidence it was done nor evidence for us to dive into and find out how it was done?
Quit your raging until you come back with something that we can be productive with and move along with the thread.

I don’t need to, as I said, I reported the person should security team see wrong doing they will be banned. I don’t care one way or the other… There are people that play fair and there are people that exploit.

While I did not name any one person, I did say this was isolated to a single individual. It is amusing how people are quick to defend when you don’t even know who you are defending.

I was not the only person in this thread that seen this individual. But you really need to be realistic, while you have 9 people that play fair you will always have the 10th using exploits… by defending the one rotten apple and crying about people pointing fingers, you make the whole batch seem suspicious.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


[WE] held on to that tower in FA BL for awhile tonight was some fun stuff.

3 trebs, like 6 ballistas, 2 arrow carts were harmed in the making of that FA tower. lol

Was some fun stuff. we moved to HoD BL and set up shop at Redvale Workshop. Come get us!

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zulubeast.8519



No where had I spoke out about individual players or given names or was arrogant to say all elementalist… I was speaking of 1 player that several witnessed that belonged to a specific guild. THAT person was hacking.

If he was not, prove it why showing a video with steps to achieve 10 stacks of regen that never time out.

Where is your video proof he had these 10 boons for an extended time?
I mean we have been watching this argument for a bit now and it’s very interesting how you are ranting and demanding things be shown on how “he” does it when you yourself have given us no evidence it was done nor evidence for us to dive into and find out how it was done?
Quit your raging until you come back with something that we can be productive with and move along with the thread.

I don’t need to, as I said, I reported the person should security team see wrong doing they will be banned. I don’t care one way or the other… There are people that play fair and there are people that exploit.

While I did not name any one person, I did say this was isolated to a single individual. It is amusing how people are quick to defend when you don’t even know who you are defending.

I was not the only person in this thread that seen this individual. But you really need to be realistic, while you have 9 people that play fair you will always have the 10th using exploits… by defending the one rotten apple and crying about people pointing fingers, you make the whole batch seem suspicious.

If you’re going to throw accusations out, you do need to post some substance. Any argument presented without evidence can be disregarded without evidence as well.

It’s more reasonable to assume someone on forums is overreacting (i.e. every other topic on these forums) instead of believing what he says without evidence. If you can provide evidence that he is 10 stacking boons by exploiting, then you have every right. Without evidence, it’s just needless bashing.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


[WE] held on to that tower in FA BL for awhile tonight was some fun stuff.

3 trebs, like 6 ballistas, 2 arrow carts were harmed in the making of that FA tower. lol

Was some fun stuff. we moved to HoD BL and set up shop at Redvale Workshop. Come get us!

I’m glad you guys are still out there! Despite having a huge number disadvantage. /salute

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Heavens Brethren.6471

Heavens Brethren.6471

Our original plan for the evening was to go into DH BL, take everything, then go into EB. So we went in and took everything as expected. But then there was a queue for EB so we did the jumping puzzle in DH BL. Afterward we went to the north supply camp since it was red and some of your pugs kept coming out of the spawn area so we fought them and the rest that kept coming out. At that point your people stopped coming out and instead attacked from the cliffs where they still had the invulnerability buff so we went into that little shack seen in the pic (hey we thought we were hidden lol!!!) so you guys would come out and we could fight again. After we went to take back a tower. By the time we came back to get the north supply camp again, half of our guys made it to EB and throughout the battle against Littlefeather’s guild, a lot of our people remaining got the prompt to go to EB. So you basically drove away the 10 people that hadn’t made it to EB yet lol.

I don’t know why anyone would be mad over that event. It was more funny than anything.

no hard feelings here =D. It’s more obnoxious than anything lol. But I imagine that’s why most people do it. I had just logged into WvW just before the Godsword pics. What made me make my original post was the multi-hour EB camp shown in the other pics and a few others that I didn’t bother to catch screenshots of. Seems like every time I log into WvW we are being spawn camped this match up and I start Kamakazee stealth portal bombing the siege lol. doesnt work out always, you guys just end up building more. lol

In all fairness there has been GODS members building siege and such every time, that’s what made me make that comment about your guild. I’m sure you guys are cool. I imagine your pretty large though and cant control all of the noobs hehe =D Anyway its all good. When I get bored of fighting at spawn I move on and ninja stuff. =)