11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


Don’t see this everyday


lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


So is that our new Euro contingents doing the dirty work out there? I’m never on around this time so I have no idea what the mix is.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Discordian.5384


Seriously .. Where is the fun in this?


11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: MileHigh Hitman.3854

MileHigh Hitman.3854

So I was reading that a guild left Darkhaven? Who is the bandwagon jumper this week? Just curious!

And I like Ethersin a lot, a very enjoyable commander to be under. I also enjoy Rethesis, they seem to know how to get stuff together and take things! (Well, the few golem crashed I have been to were cool.)

So what guild left this time? Was it one who joined us last week because we were winning? Or was it one who joined the week before last because we were winning?

Sorry it is hard to keep track of all the guilds who come and go so often…

So..what guild was it that left this time?

There’s a rumor and nothing more. People causing drama.

Huge WvW guild ICoA left.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: NinjaYoshi.3429


Well, to counteract all the negativity, I have to give props to HoD for some really fun fights in their BL last night. 30 vs 30 is quite intense, no?


Ze Butler – Level 80 Human Engineer, and a lot of alts
[YOHO] – Its a Pirate Life for Me

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow Gathering.5649

Shadow Gathering.5649


On the flip side I have loved Fort Aspenwood, the attitude here is a tremendous upgrade. I have yet to see commanders arguing on map chat. PUG’s listen and use blue prints, something I didn’t know was possible while on DH. My first night over a month ago as an Aspenwood commander, I had a large Squad of PUGs in addition to my own guild who operated together, followed every order and even gave me regular scouting updates. It was a amazing. Our night presence that week rivaled Sea of Sorrows, which is an oceanic server and we beat them. The intestinal fortitude of this server is surprising, last week Yak’s had us pretty well night capped and sealed in and Aspenwood pulled it together and brought the fight back up to a head-to-head.

I am really proud of the progress FA has made! Our progress is not because we’ve had a flood of fair weather transfers. Who wants to jump on a “bandwagon” that is ranked #10 and has a winning ratio of about 50 percent over the last month? That’s kind of a crappy wagon. Instead, we learned from our more-skilled enemies. For about three weeks in a row we got hammered by SoS, BG, and TC. They were so much better than us. But we saw how they operated, and we learned. For the most part, I see the same devoted WvW players and guilds, but now we’re better: better defense, strategy, and cooperation. We’ve worked hard and it is paying off. We are on an exciting trajectory and I am kitten proud. Keep up the good work, the positive morale, and the cooperative spirit!



11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphim.3475


I’m still fairly new at this but I’ve done Wv3 almost exclusion from level 15 up to the 56 I’m at now. We played TC and we played Yaks and I don’t recall it being so one sided In those match ups. That’s the thing I can’t understand when people say TC ans Yaks rolled AW. Looking at the score posted a few posts up what makes Anet think this process is working? I don’t have the answer but its clear that they need to better balance the match ups. I’m more if a FPS gamer but like MMO once in awhile for a change but this is not the change I was looking for. Why don’t they have servers designated for PvE only players like war hammer did? (My only other MMO I played so not sure if others do it) would having those kind of separations help with population levels in Wv3?

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kami.7369


I’m still fairly new at this but I’ve done Wv3 almost exclusion from level 15 up to the 56 I’m at now. We played TC and we played Yaks and I don’t recall it being so one sided In those match ups. That’s the thing I can’t understand when people say TC ans Yaks rolled AW. Looking at the score posted a few posts up what makes Anet think this process is working? I don’t have the answer but its clear that they need to better balance the match ups. I’m more if a FPS gamer but like MMO once in awhile for a change but this is not the change I was looking for. Why don’t they have servers designated for PvE only players like war hammer did? (My only other MMO I played so not sure if others do it) would having those kind of separations help with population levels in Wv3?

Warhammer PvE only servers still have RvR in RvR lake zones.

WvWvW is VERY largely decided by population and 24/7 coverage. As populations fluctuate, servers will move up or down in the rankings. Look at Henge of Denravi and Eredon Terrace. use to be T1-2 servers and have fallen on some very hard times due to population dispersal.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


ULTD has been having a blast this matchup. Darkhaven been putting up some good fights out there on the battlefield!

Great video! I look forward to more in the future!

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


On another note, to all you who betrayed HoD, shame on you. There is one thing I cannot stand, Server Hoppers. Sad to see guilds that were once part of HoD making it a top server on the opposing servers now. I wont go into specifics, but they know who they are.

The guilds that made HoD a top server, mainly those of us who were in the Titan Alliance, feel no shame for spreading out and leaving. We didn’t like the idea of one powerhouse server. Hence the split. I’d think more on your words before calling out groups.

I was not talking about titan, I was referring to the guilds that server hop every week. I have seen,the same guilds vs HoD a few weeks in row. They basically transfer every week to winning servers. Im sorry if this wasnt clear in original post when I said i would not name specific guilds. However you assumed I was talking about one that I wasnt.
Edit: sorry for any typos posting from phone.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

(edited by Otaur.9268)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Toxophile.6215


Seriously .. Where is the fun in this?

Or this: !http://sdrv.ms/TJ9b3y!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kore.9523


So I was reading that a guild left Darkhaven? Who is the bandwagon jumper this week? Just curious!

And I like Ethersin a lot, a very enjoyable commander to be under. I also enjoy Rethesis, they seem to know how to get stuff together and take things! (Well, the few golem crashed I have been to were cool.)

So what guild left this time? Was it one who joined us last week because we were winning? Or was it one who joined the week before last because we were winning?

Sorry it is hard to keep track of all the guilds who come and go so often…

So..what guild was it that left this time?

There’s a rumor and nothing more. People causing drama.

Huge WvW guild ICoA left.

I wouldn’t say it was a “Huge” guild, It was an average size guild which came from another server and then moved on again to another server “Blackgate.” [ICoa] Used to be [ViP] from Northern Shiverpeaks. From my understanding only like less then 100 people moved over which was stated by a member of theirs which could be inflated.

As to being on Darkhaven we will not know how hard we are hit till we hit next week and have another crack at other servers we have fought previously to get a sense of where we are at now.

Kore Rallos Zek – 80 Warrior
[WE] Win Everyday – Council
Server: Dragonbrand

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ethersin.3270


Cheers Fort, we were able to ninja SM from under your noises! However we really kicked the bee hive on this one, nice job with the counter steamroll =P


GL of [RE] Rethesis

(edited by Moderator)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


Haha, I’m at work but I wish I’d been on when you guys ninja’d SMC. It would’ve been worth it just to hear the FA teamspeak chat when that single red dot appeared in the middle of all that green.

FA hasn’t got a lot to do right now, so I’m guessing the moment it was ninja’d every borderland had people port straight to EB.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Haha, I’m at work but I wish I’d been on when you guys ninja’d SMC. It would’ve been worth it just to hear the FA teamspeak chat when that single red dot appeared in the middle of all that green.

FA hasn’t got a lot to do right now, so I’m guessing the moment it was ninja’d every borderland had people port straight to EB.

When I heard about it, as a fortie I just laughed at it, found it pretty amusing

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


DH manage to take a good chunk of EB back, not a lot of FA is on, one of my guilds (GODS) isn’t even in wvw that much right about now cause there was nothing to do

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


DH started organizing a multiserver event we like to call Fight Club

We host it every thursday and any guild or players from any server is invited. Its friendly, coordinated and fun. Brings something new for the players in WvW for a short time during the sometimes boring math ups. It builds morale and its just plain fun.

Here are the rules:

Form a circle or ring like area. Whoever wants to goes to center, challenger meets other fighter in center and both bow at eachtother. Once a player is downed the winner stays till the other player gets back up and both bow at eachother again.

Can do 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, etc.

Heres a sample vid and some screenies from the previous Fight Clubs




I have spoken to some HoD and FA players, and it seems this is new to most, and infact a large guild from FA thinks this is a horrible idea…Well the previous servers enjoyed it every much, we hope to see people there

Time: 5PM PST
Location: (Tentatively) Behind south supply camp (Victors Lodge)
Communication: Whisper Ethersin, Arishock, Littlefeather. We can form parties accross servers for faster communication as well.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kore.9523


Why dont you DH PUG’s defend anything

I alone setup 8 arrow carts, 2 ballista, 2 catapults on SH in FA BL, each gate had atleast 5-8 arrow carts 1 ballista and 1 catapult, side walls had 4 arrow carts. ENough for 20-25 people to man siege. Why do you people prioritize a tower and supply camp over a Keep ! ?

Almost everyday I ask my self why am I here in DH

[GoF] took over a lot of the map in Dh BL with pug support, once [GoF] left to hit EBG before they went off to bed [WE] steped in to control the left over mini zerg force to hold and retake areas.

We been holding it since 6PM, its now 10PM and we still fighting as im typing this, But your right pugs need to defend but they wont till their guild becomes more active in wvw and learns that zerg mentality will not always work for point generation. so inviting those pugs into guilds to learn wvw is the only way.

Kore Rallos Zek – 80 Warrior
[WE] Win Everyday – Council
Server: Dragonbrand

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: I Will Rez U.1743

I Will Rez U.1743


We had some very good teamwork and communication today! Excellent work done by both guilds, I love when guilds come together and work towards helping each other in WvW.

Hopefully tomorrow we can do the same thing again!! Shout out to the few commanders in DH and the small guilds who are still taking the fight to enemy!! Keep up the good work!

~ Phoenix

Ixl Phoenix lxI

[XVX] Guild Leader – Blackgate – #BringBackTheBeast

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Inuko.1452


Seriously .. Where is the fun in this?

Well if nothing else I’d say it quells the whole DH and FA working together theory!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Inuko.1452


Also as an off-peak guild member – I’d like to express we’ve had nothing to do all day/evening…

This weeks win is primarily down to the peak-time forces being outclassed by FA. It’s not what everyone will want to hear but it’s factual.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Um, no.

I played against DH last matchup and they are on equal numbers with us (Maguuma). The two times we played FA it was basically like us slamming into a zerg server that had 2 times our numbers every part of the day. FA also played pretty poorly, but I can’t fault that because every server gets jaded when they’re winning.

If you think your win this matchup is attributable to anything but coverage then I’d recommend deflating that hubris before you get bumped into the real tiers.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Also as an off-peak guild member – I’d like to express we’ve had nothing to do all day/evening…

This weeks win is primarily down to the peak-time forces being outclassed by FA. It’s not what everyone will want to hear but it’s factual.

If by outclassed you mean out zerged, then yeah..

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


I’m not going to press the issue but those of you who are regular in WvW know that isn’t true. In fact, we posted videos in the Mag/FA/DB thread showing a good 20+ Maguuma being wiped at garrison inner water gate by 8 guild members, wiped at SMC lord room by less than 12 guild members etc. ULTD are also kind enough to provide us with their visual entertainment where they are clearly outnumbered in skirmishes.
By all means, feel free to say this match was determined by coverage superiority. Claiming we can only win if it’s a 2:1 ratio in a roundabout way is still false no matter how you put it. Keep in mind when we have 100% of all maps you’re bound to find a high ratio of inexperienced PvP players who are there simply to complete map.

I know that [RE] is well aware we don’t have 24/7 coverage across the maps and take good advantage of it as we map hop and stay on their tail so they stop throwing golems all over the place. Cheers to those guys – they don’t just pay attention to the scoreboard and roll with a defeatist attitude, Darkhaven is lucky to have them.

EDIT: Also, since I had to do it to prove a point to Yak’s Bend – I’ll do it for you guys too, obligatory screenshot. My timestamps are different in chat and server time because chat uses my PC clock (my timezone) while the one on the map is the server time, Pacific I believe.


(edited by Maniac.5163)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Regrets of Sini.6083

Regrets of Sini.6083

As a FA player, I really want to sound my displeasure at the people who went recruiting transfer carpetbaggers for our server. This week, and resulting mind-numbing boredom, is a direct result of your efforts. To make it worse, next week when we have much harder matchup all these fair weather friends will move on to the next winning server.

Please learn from your mistakes and Do Not Encourage these kittenning kittens from kittening any of our kitten matchups. Kitten!

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


As a DH player, Im proud to say we dont grovel and beg for Oceanic player’s and other players to fill in our coverage or population (not saying FA does, but this is how I categorize this). We got here our selves and when I see other posts for recruiting and what not, all thats really going to do is make it worse for yall in the long run. The way I see it we mid tier servers are forced to use strategy because we lack numbers and coverage. Zerg servers dont need any strategy tbh, I have not seen alot of tactical stragey from FA, but I do recall one time atleast from FA was with siege placement, was friday night after reset in EB. DH held Ogrewatch for about 7 hours with anywhere from 2-8 people at times, held against about 6-7 large (40+) zergs both from FA and HoD. I must admit I have not seen anything of great significance with less that 20 man zergs from FA. I do recall some strategy from FA dealing with treb placement, their first treb location was counter trebbed, their 2nd treb placement was taken out by our Gorilla squad, their third treb placement were slightly behind AoE range at SM (which we were going to take out with ballista but were greatly outnumbered). It is great to have numbers I can imagine though.

Also, IDK if majority of server hopppers on FA are aware of great treb placement or not, but there are easier ways to take out certain structure’s on BL’s, but yall only ever use 50 man zergs lol ;p, but it is very hard to defend against 40-50 man zergs with maybe 40 people for DH on the entire map :/

Not that their is anything wrong with that, kudos for the numbers for real, but being out zerged sometimes and even outnumbered at times forces some people to think outside the box.

I can remember too many times Maguuma out smarted the lot of our server using bait and cut off strategy, even got to the point where I was telling every one on our map what Maguuma was going to do (for a few days, lol), but sometimes people wouldnt listen to me even though I was right -_- lol.

And hopefully people will eventually soon learn that dealing with large population servers, you have to expect multiple hits but prioritize which one to hold and which one to let go.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Umm, no.
It’s based on how many players are in that particular WvW borderlands map in each team. By your logic, anyone in the jumping puzzle would have the outmanned buff. Hope that helps.

As a FA player, I really want to sound my displeasure at the people who went recruiting transfer carpetbaggers for our server. This week, and resulting mind-numbing boredom, is a direct result of your efforts. To make it worse, next week when we have much harder matchup all these fair weather friends will move on to the next winning server.

Please learn from your mistakes and Do Not Encourage these kittenning kittens from kittening any of our kitten matchups. Kitten!

Is this your first time in WvW or something? Did you miss our last matches against Maguuma etc? This is how T4 has been for a long while. We are rated higher than them by a large margin.

I love how the new trend is to say FA is full of “server hoppers” because we are winning a match in Tier 4..

@Littlefeather: All of us are so tired from server hopping, we couldn’t use any tactical strategy on the few supply camps you occasionally hold. We don’t really see the point of throwing golem rushes at our own water gates over and over. I guess you guys just have exceptionally better players than our sub 80’s doing map completion. Cheers

(edited by Maniac.5163)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Umm, no.
It’s based on how many players are in that particular WvW borderlands map in each team. By your logic, anyone in the jumping puzzle would have the outmanned buff. Hope that helps.

I think what he meant was the outmanned buff is based on location on the map and even sometimes is buggy with it. Alot of things affect it but having experience in having that buff I can say it flickers on and off sometimes, but if you have it for atleast 1-2 ticks then yea you can definetly say you are outmanned.

Crazy Leg

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Umm, no.
It’s based on how many players are in that particular WvW borderlands map in each team. By your logic, anyone in the jumping puzzle would have the outmanned buff. Hope that helps.

I think what he meant was the outmanned buff is based on location on the map and even sometimes is buggy with it. Alot of things affect it but having experience in having that buff I can say it flickers on and off sometimes, but if you have it for atleast 1-2 ticks then yea you can definetly say you are outmanned.

Considering I was the last of my guild members responding to an assault on the garrison and I had waypointed in from Hills and ran all the way to that pathway, I’d say it had gone a couple ticks. I really have nothing to prove anyway. I just don’t understand why Darkhaven is so upset when they are actually gaining 2 rating points. People seem to forget that Fort Aspenwood is a ~1700 rated server while Maguuma/Darkhaven hover around ~1500. Kinda big difference, you may as well get used to it because Yak’s and Crystal Desert are exactly the same. Tier 4 blows for everyone involved, I’d rather be on the losing end though.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


You need a longer perspective.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Umm, no.
It’s based on how many players are in that particular WvW borderlands map in each team. By your logic, anyone in the jumping puzzle would have the outmanned buff. Hope that helps.

I think what he meant was the outmanned buff is based on location on the map and even sometimes is buggy with it. Alot of things affect it but having experience in having that buff I can say it flickers on and off sometimes, but if you have it for atleast 1-2 ticks then yea you can definetly say you are outmanned.

Considering I was the last of my guild members responding to an assault on the garrison and I had waypointed in from Hills and ran all the way to that pathway, I’d say it had gone a couple ticks. I really have nothing to prove anyway. I just don’t understand why Darkhaven is so upset when they are actually gaining 2 rating points. People seem to forget that Fort Aspenwood is a ~1700 rated server while Maguuma/Darkhaven hover around ~1500. Kinda big difference, you may as well get used to it because Yak’s and Crystal Desert are exactly the same. Tier 4 blows for everyone involved, I’d rather be on the losing end though.

I can only speak for myself, Im not upset about loosing, or even loosing in the way we did, I know some of us put up a good fight with T4 servers no doubt about that. One thing for me is though alot of our PUG population still have alot to learn, in time eventually but I want them to get away from the zerg strategy, they go used to it early on, Seal the Deal is great at what he does but he pampered our PUG’s with it lol. I personally dont like working in zergs, I prefere small Gorilla team tactics and top notch defensive fortifications, where even being outnumbered you can effectively defend. I know there will always be a zerg, and it is needed to push off and flank an attacking zerg. But more structural dedicated organization with small teams and tactics and expert siege placement,this is what I want our PUG’s to learn.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


@Regrets of Sini

You need a longer perspective.

For all but the top 1/2 tiers, matches are generally absurdly uneven and decided entirely by numbers/off hours coverage. You can see this by looking at past match histories. It’s pretty much a long list of absurd blow outs, for all tiers, for all matchups.

FA is in a strange position of being better than most of the T4 servers due to a very populous, very skilled, and very well organized NA primetime. But the T3 servers generally have much better off hours coverage than us. So Friday night it’s a good hard fight that could be anyone’s game, then we wake up Saturday morning owning nothing and everyone calls it quits and it’s another blow out. Or our numbers just let us outzerg anything the smaller servers throw at us. Not to say we don’t have skilled guilds, we do, it’s just that you don’t need to play well to win when you outnumber your enemy (anyone remember, the absurdly huge and absurdly bad blackgate zergs?)

As far as people calling it quits when a match goes bad, this afflicts every server in all tiers. As soon as it becomes obvious that your server isn’t going to be #1, a huge number of people stop showing up. They view the point of Wuvwuv as getting the highest score, and if they can’t do that, they stop showing up. That’s how these 400k blowouts happen – everyone on the losing servers just gives up. There’s no way you’d get these blow outs if every server came out and fought as hard as they did on the first day.

Arena.net needs to do something to incentivise losing servers to come out and fight more. I highly approve of removing orbs, that helps.

But we’ve had a long string of rolling effortlessly and getting rolled effortlessly – it’s just the way Wuvwuv plays out right now. It’s nothing unique to FA to have imbalanced matches. What is unique to FA is that we dominate T4 servers and then get dominated by T3 servers with better off hours coverage. I think we’re a tier 3.5 server the way TC seems to be a tier 2.5 server.

The only way to fix this see-sawing is to recruit more off hours players so we can try to compete in T3. I don’t think imbalanced matches are fun for anyone, winning or losing.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


In week 40, we were in T3, and lost to blackgate, who gained quite a few transfers mid match. We dropped down to T4, and beat Maguuma and sea of sorrows. Back in T3, we and TC get curbstomped by the newly bandwagon filled server Blackgate.

That massacre kicked both of us down to T4, and TC beat us quite handily (definitely being good T3 server material). That got us kicked down to T5, where I think it’s pretty clear we are pretty good T4 server material, so we handily beat Maguuma and Dragonbrand)

Then we move up to T4 again and now we are fighting darkhaven and HOD. Next week we’ll be in T3 and get rolled by TC again unless we’ve got some more off hours coverage.

All these swings were more or less due solely to numbers and off hours coverage.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Hey Maniac,

If you didn’t know, Outmanned buff is locational and is based on the amount of other players within a certain radius.

Hope this information helps!

Umm, no.
It’s based on how many players are in that particular WvW borderlands map in each team. By your logic, anyone in the jumping puzzle would have the outmanned buff. Hope that helps.

I think what he meant was the outmanned buff is based on location on the map and even sometimes is buggy with it. Alot of things affect it but having experience in having that buff I can say it flickers on and off sometimes, but if you have it for atleast 1-2 ticks then yea you can definetly say you are outmanned.

Considering I was the last of my guild members responding to an assault on the garrison and I had waypointed in from Hills and ran all the way to that pathway, I’d say it had gone a couple ticks. I really have nothing to prove anyway. I just don’t understand why Darkhaven is so upset when they are actually gaining 2 rating points. People seem to forget that Fort Aspenwood is a ~1700 rated server while Maguuma/Darkhaven hover around ~1500. Kinda big difference, you may as well get used to it because Yak’s and Crystal Desert are exactly the same. Tier 4 blows for everyone involved, I’d rather be on the losing end though.

I can only speak for myself, Im not upset about loosing, or even loosing in the way we did, I know some of us put up a good fight with T4 servers no doubt about that. One thing for me is though alot of our PUG population still have alot to learn, in time eventually but I want them to get away from the zerg strategy, they go used to it early on, Seal the Deal is great at what he does but he pampered our PUG’s with it lol. I personally dont like working in zergs, I prefere small Gorilla team tactics and top notch defensive fortifications, where even being outnumbered you can effectively defend. I know there will always be a zerg, and it is needed to push off and flank an attacking zerg. But more structural dedicated organization with small teams and tactics and expert siege placement,this is what I want our PUG’s to learn.

Every server has this problem though (including FA obviously). Just encourage communication and boost morale, lead by example, party up and give subtle leadership where necessary. Do a call to arms in Lion’s Arch, guild your PUG’s up and get them in voice comms. Don’t assume everyone in WvW knows what they are doing – it could be their first time in there and if you treat PUGs badly they might switch server or never come back to WvW due to elitist attitudes.

Contrary to popular belief, a zerg isn’t always needed to counter another zerg. It can come down to psychological warfare, making yourself appear like you’re much bigger than you really are, in two places at once, surrounded on all sides, element of surprise, class cohesion, individual player ability/gear, teamwork, siege/NPC/terrain advantages etc etc etc.

I hear this one on the forums all the time “50-60 man zerg”. Half the time in chat I hear "15 ppl at “x” supply camp need help!" so I turn up with others and it’s 1 necro and 1 mesmer.. this can be critical when you need manpower elsewhere – never over commit to keeping something if it will leave you very exposed somewhere more valuable.

Just a few ideas ..

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Regrets of Sini.6083

Regrets of Sini.6083

@ Vorpal

My worst nightmare is ending up all zerg and long queues for everyone. I don’t think you could recruit night crew and not get a large chunk of server hoppers on the way up.

I am willing to bet we will pick up a lot of PUG HoD/DH players on the way to T3. Do we really want them? (rhetorical question)

I was personally OK losing to nighttime caping. Yes it was annoying, but at least during prime time you always could find a fight. This week I couldn’t pay to get good small scale fight. The few rare enemies that were there all moved in a zerg (by necessity) and there was absolutely nothing to do outside of rolling with FAs bigger zerg.

I think we had better matches in T4 where we dominated prime time but had night-caps setbacks and motivated enemy at all times.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Joiry.2504


The other thing is that when a server like HoD has a population exodus and drops down the tiers, it has a multiplier effect on whichever of the 2 other servers in the match has better off peak coverage.

It happened to us in the TC/FA/ET matchup. TC could effectively farm ET for points because they had better off peak coverage. FA would not be winning by such a high margin against DH in a 2 way matchup, but because we have the edge, its multiplied by a severely low pop HoD which needs to fall several tiers in their current state.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: UberLander.8326


It’s a little pointless now that the match is half over but I’d like express my extreme disappointment in both DH and FA for various reasons.

We’ll go with DH first;

I notice a lot of the time when FA has mostly the full map controlled, DH likes to roll into our (HoD) borderlands and, big surprise, start taking camps and attacking towers. The ones by their own border? Dear no, despite FA having a huge advantage, not only do they come to our BL to cause trouble, they will constantly hit the camps all the way across the map near the HoD citadel and begin attacking dawns and woods towers randomly. I can think of quite a few situations where FA probably would have been routed from the majority of the map, if instead they did the logical thing and started taking the things by their own border instead of screwing around and attacking HoD’s pittance of an established land.

As for FA – I mostly noticed that a lot of the time when DH gets their game on (especially in EB) and starts taking stuff, we will also be there trying to take the towers and camps near our border, yet despite DH taking close to half the entire map, FA will continue to flood our border with literally 30+ people, while they let DH just plow down the rest of the map… seems kind of suspicious and very counter-productive: prevent 1 server from getting 1-2 towers at the cost of half the map.

I don’t hold the idea that FA and DH are working together necessarily, but the seeming amount disregard they have for each-other when they go well out of their way to keep HoD under wraps, at the same time seems pretty ridiculous and definitely not productive in terms of a good match.

P.S. Please keep the “well obviously HoD sucks” and “QQ more nub” comments to yourself. Regardless of how bad 1 team is, logic says that you will spend more energy fighting the hard fights than the “weak” guys – which has not been the case as outlined above. This also isn’t to admit that HoD isn’t capable, because we are.

Just to clarify we switched to EB 3 or 4 times last night. Would push red off the map and move back to HOD. Your server defended garrison for what seemed like all day. Now don’t you think starting off your post with how well you held us back would have been more positive?

I for one didn’t mind yesterday. It’s clear then that if you don’t bring the fight too us we will bring it too you.

Just a random question what are the names of your major guilds.


Uber Lander
Black Talons

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


@ Vorpal

My worst nightmare is ending up all zerg and long queues for everyone. I don’t think you could recruit night crew and not get a large chunk of server hoppers on the way up.

I am willing to bet we will pick up a lot of PUG HoD/DH players on the way to T3. Do we really want them? (rhetorical question)

I was personally OK losing to nighttime caping. Yes it was annoying, but at least during prime time you always could find a fight. This week I couldn’t pay to get good small scale fight. The few rare enemies that were there all moved in a zerg (by necessity) and there was absolutely nothing to do outside of rolling with FAs bigger zerg.

I think we had better matches in T4 where we dominated prime time but had night-caps setbacks and motivated enemy at all times.

I understand what you mean, and I do not want the server to be Blackgate 3.0. Regarding the “better matches in T4 dominating prime time but having night cap setbacks” would that mean the match was great against Sea of Sorrows then? No, not really. We never even saw each other. I also think you underestimate how annoying it can be to spend countless hours and plenty of gold to fully upgrade and defend SMC or a keep under heavy attack for hours only to lose it before your computer even finishes powering down for the night. Again, I would like to reiterate that Darkhaven is punching above its weight class ratings wise, while HoD has suffered a mass exodus and needs to be in the bottom tiers.

You can’t really criticize our upcoming T3 bout or a hypothetical queue length from bandwagon transfers without it actually happening yet. Why would people who want to “win” jump on Fort Aspenwood instead of Sea of Sorrows/SBI/JQ, who already have established, strong and organized “night” crews? We’re talking about a fair fight through the prime time with a chance of holding onto some scraps overnight. Judging by the outmanned buff I’ve seen on us quite a few times this week (and posted a screenshot of) we don’t have a notable queue at all 8-10 hours after the match resets on Friday, with no queues in any maps at any times during the week. Please keep in mind our WvW participation is inflated this week by people doing map completion. I’m sure other regular WvW players can confirm that.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kasei.8726


@ Vorpal

My worst nightmare is ending up all zerg and long queues for everyone. I don’t think you could recruit night crew and not get a large chunk of server hoppers on the way up.

I am willing to bet we will pick up a lot of PUG HoD/DH players on the way to T3. Do we really want them? (rhetorical question)

I was personally OK losing to nighttime caping. Yes it was annoying, but at least during prime time you always could find a fight. This week I couldn’t pay to get good small scale fight. The few rare enemies that were there all moved in a zerg (by necessity) and there was absolutely nothing to do outside of rolling with FAs bigger zerg.

I think we had better matches in T4 where we dominated prime time but had night-caps setbacks and motivated enemy at all times.

I agree. In a nutshell, I can’t wait until FA starts losing again. I jumped in to watch my server setting up base camp outside of a spawn, and then called it a week. Hopefully next week, we start losing and the battles become interesting again.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


Dedicated pvp’ers have more fun when you are losing than when you are winning, certainly, as there is stuff to do when you are losing but nothing to do when you are winning. Other than portalling people up to the jumping puzzles to get siege bp’s to stock up for the next fight (which I actually enjoy doing).

I will say that so far, FA doesn’t seem to be in danger of being a bandwagon server. Unless one of the current top servers implodes.

I have been on FA since release and I have never at any time experienced a queue other than the initial rush Friday night directly after reset. I’d love it to stay that way

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: rhonyn.6810


To lazy to multi quote….some random points/thoughts…

- Props to all those still fighting
- Matches (aka macro points) are primarily determined by numbers/coverage
- Population/coverage delta between servers are magnified over a match as losing servers have less participation and winning servers get more (both internal and xfers)
- This isn’t a good match for judging strategy on FA’s part for obvious reasons (good and bad)
- HoD and ET have been in the wrong tiers for weeks, and likely weeks more – messing up scoring by removing the 2v1 viability
-Many of us play regardless of score (all servers), but xfers and large changes in internal server participation suggests that the majority of people are impacted by scoring…..and unless you have decent coverage/population you are always going to be susceptible to fluctuating scores and thus participating populations. Especially in mid/low tiers where small numbers can make a dramatic difference. Over time this will likely cause more drift/consolidation of WvW populations to a subset of the servers. There isn’t a large enough player base for all servers to have good coverage it seems.
-to FA – been here since start and enjoyed all the fights, server is remarkably drama free and mature atm….hope that continues as we grow.
-and lastly nothing is static – apparently Blackgate is low on numbers now (losing) and are looking for people to prop them up as people leave (back to my scores matter comment above) and in the bottom tier where matches were tight for weeks, a couple guilds moved to one server and its a blow out now…./shrug.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


To all the FA’ers who are already predicting we are going to lose the T3 match-up, quit your whining and put your big boy pants on. We are 1 day away from what has the potential to be an amazing match. It may be true that we do not have the overnight numbers we would hope for when getting this double rematch, but from what I can tell many guilds on our server have made some adjustments to run well past NA primetime to make up for the lack of late night/early morning coverage. We need to put in a strong effort Fri/Sat/Sun because our weekday crews can rock TC and YB. Lets see how well TC can RP a curb stomping shall we. Now hopefully I won’t have to come back into this post to harass the FA proletariat for maintaining a defeatist attitude before the match has even started.

To the DH and HoD players on this forum that keep saying FA does not have good tactics, why would we waste time using high end tactics on you guys, when we can so obviously faceroll into your gates without consequences.

80 Elementalist

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


^ I drink your milkshake

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


This week isn’t really anything … at all. Most DH seriously took a break. I personally don’t care and washed it off as the week to get back to things I left tabled (due to the fun week with maguuma prior). We don’t have 24 hour coverage, not even close. And the only reason I ever visit WvW is to pop in, check if there’s a ninja strike, or something to that affect. No … I am not planning to sit in WvW and go take camps or nodes with the other 5 people. No one enjoys getting rolled by a wall. I will go in once in a blue moon, and punch the zerg flat in the kisser, usually knowing the outcome ahead of that decision. I won’t make choices on feelings or fairweather. Facts are facts, and it is not enjoyable to experience these weeks, so why waste my valueable time. yes, I am one of many who easily let this week skip by to hmm … go do something irl, or regain some funds for our next match with maguuma. Because they are fun. We enjoy our common ground, we will fight club, we will go do things together, and keep battles separate. we have common understandings and share that. FA, I find the spawn camping, puzzle camping … and those sorts not for me. This is a difference. I enjoy battle, but it’s not the be all end all. I rather enjoy building and community. There’s alot more of that I see from other servers.

You guys deserve to be up with TC, and others like BG. not with the servers who have 3-5 hour coverage. But for the 1 or 2 hours this week I have seen opportunities to 4v4 or less, I will credit the PRO & GODS squads for there discipline, skill and prowess. The rest imho, is basically trashy. I couldn’t imagine it being fun looking at a green map and not having anything to do (which is fairly easy given we have maybe 5 a map combining late nights – with a whopping peak of maybe 15-20, we’ve been there too, when we badly outclass lower tier servers than us). And other servers do it all the time. So you do see it, if you look at the other threads.

One more day, then we can part ways. Wish it wasn’t so dead, but reality is … well … it is – not because of 1 guild. Because all guilds and players just pulled back from wvw this week.

For the continued FA shots back ~ this is a numbers game right now. If your smart enough to plan (a) single tactic ~ you know how the math works. You also know coming in that we wouldn’t be playing … much at all. I see you guys all the time … looking for something to do. Take a hint, and toss your ego in the garbage. It only makes your communication foolishly offensive. ^^ complimented you.

Egos aside, we’ll obviously not be having a relation with your server ‘every time we see you’. I’ll look for the servers who are more equally matched, and fight / enjoy / battle with them. Until our server is better in a position to compete 24/7. Which we are not.

Just facts here, that is all. Best of luck in future.

@ Zastari – Oh … 1 more thing … – you are correct, our discussion the prior week on this match up. Next fight club, I have a reward for ya (respect). The numbers you stated … were, well … evidently based on fact.

-Xgammon, DH [RE]

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: martillos.3790


If there are players on fort asp who didnt think we got a buttload of transfers last week or so then you are sadly mistaken.The proof is when we first fought yaks bend,we got zerged to all hell and were definitly gonna get our kittens pushed in.In just a few days after we got all those transfers we almost pulled ahead in that match.

I couldnt take it anymore so im in ehmry bay and server is 10 times better than fort asp.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


If there are players on fort asp who didnt think we got a buttload of transfers last week or so then you are sadly mistaken.The proof is when we first fought yaks bend,we got zerged to all hell and were definitly gonna get our kittens pushed in.In just a few days after we got all those transfers we almost pulled ahead in that match.

I couldnt take it anymore so im in ehmry bay and server is 10 times better than fort asp.

As someone that was communicating with some of the people that transferred this week and partook in the actual battles last week I can assure you that your portrayal is inaccurate. Couple that with your description of the opening weekend and I think you might be posting on the wrong thread. Anyways, GL on Ehmry.


FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


“I couldnt take it anymore so im in ehmry bay and server is 10 times better than fort asp.”

Emry Bay is currently losing pretty badly to maguuma, which FA has beaten every time we fought them. So we can assume you are talking about the server community rather than wuvwuv ranking. I’ve been very happy with the maturity and intelligence and comraderie on FA. Your comments make me think you are deeply unhappy with some people on FA – combined with your other incorrect assertions I suspect it is you rather than FA that is the problem.

I hope you have more fun on your new server.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Jonto.2160


Best timed update ever! sucks to be darkhaven atm

I believe in cookies.

11/9 Fort Aspenwood / Henge of Denravi / Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: NinjaYoshi.3429


I heard about that, but what exactly was going on when the kick happened? I heard it had to do with capping something.

Ze Butler – Level 80 Human Engineer, and a lot of alts
[YOHO] – Its a Pirate Life for Me