(edited by Ninein.4782)
Winning is about making opponents whine on the forum. Tears never tasted so sweet…:D
Also, last time we won was against Ebay so I guess this is good timing for the second win.
(edited by Ninein.4782)
It’d be pretty hilarious if Ebay was the only server we ever beat in say a year.
I don’t mean any offence to Ebay, you guys generally do a great job and the fights are always fun when you have the numbers out there, but I suspect we are getting a few of your crappier players transferring over.
I really loathe the whole transfer thing and wish they just put and end to it – just leads to the worst elements moving from server to server and ruining it for everyone – I realise that there are cases of good people transferring for genuine reasons but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
Actually, you guys got a rather large influx of NSP this week as they had a mass exodus after a string of losses. We’ve been seeing their guilds playing on your server (specifically FINE).
And considering they are the type of people to make this () and transfer off after they lose…yeah, it’s probably them.
It was never about winning. NSP has bever been a high winning server. You think we stayed on NSP for winning? We’re at the bottom and have been there for quite some time. It was a rally for PvE guilds to join WvW, and it failed. I would prefer you not judge my guild, when you have no idea who we are or why we came here.
We’ve only ever moved once and it was because a community didn’t come together. We’re happy here on Maguuma with it’s more WvW based community. We joined a server that was 3 ranks up as well, thats maybe a handful of wins more. It was never about that, we joined here because of Mag’s community. So I would prefer if you didn’t harass my guild. Thanks
Says the guy whos been there for what…. 3 days?
We don’t hate that you did or anything, we just find it hilarious.
Its one thing to transfer off a badly coordinated server onto one that does have coordination and is mostly likely higher tiered
Its another to transfer to the enemy of a server that just got done stomping you.
(edited by Wizardauz.3761)
Why are you guys hating on a guild that transferred to our server? Do you similarly hate KISS, who transferred to your server and has given great benefit to your server this week? FINE met with us before they transferred, and they could tell the difference between our server and theirs. It doesn’t take three days to see that, it takes one. Please refrain from these sorts of ad hominem attacks.
Its another to transfer to the enemy of a server that just got done stomping you.
Mag has that effect on people. Fight Club/Ramelot/The Alamo/Pangloss Adventures are too powerful a draw for people to turn down.
I don’t mean any offence to Ebay, you guys generally do a great job and the fights are always fun when you have the numbers out there, but I suspect we are getting a few of your crappier players transferring over.
I really loathe the whole transfer thing and wish they just put and end to it – just leads to the worst elements moving from server to server and ruining it for everyone – I realise that there are cases of good people transferring for genuine reasons but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
Actually, you guys got a rather large influx of NSP this week as they had a mass exodus after a string of losses. We’ve been seeing their guilds playing on your server (specifically FINE).
And considering they are the type of people to make this () and transfer off after they lose…yeah, it’s probably them.
It was never about winning. NSP has bever been a high winning server. You think we stayed on NSP for winning? We’re at the bottom and have been there for quite some time. It was a rally for PvE guilds to join WvW, and it failed. I would prefer you not judge my guild, when you have no idea who we are or why we came here.
We’ve only ever moved once and it was because a community didn’t come together. We’re happy here on Maguuma with it’s more WvW based community. We joined a server that was 3 ranks up as well, thats maybe a handful of wins more. It was never about that, we joined here because of Mag’s community. So I would prefer if you didn’t harass my guild. Thanks
Says the guy whos been there for what…. 3 days?
We don’t hate that you did or anything, we just find it hilarious.
Its one thing to transfer off a badly coordinated server onto one that does have coordination and is mostly likely higher tiered
Its another to transfer to the enemy of a server that just got done stomping you.
We have been in contact with Maguuma for over 3 weeks, well before you fought us. You think we came to Mag because you were fighting them next week? Yes we left our server we have been on from the start to help stomp your server. No, we have been talking to Mag guild leaders and looking at their server for some time.
Maguuma doesn’t have guilds that have petty differences and refuse to work together. A majority of their pugs are active members of their community and they have a very fluid structure. This is what we tried building on NSP but failed. So we instead felt as if we would be a good fit here. Especially as it was one of the last non-full PvP dedicated servers left we could move to. It was the optimal choice.
P.S. We have been in contact with Maguuma ever since FINE helped start the first Thursday Night Fight. http://i.imgur.com/Gi4tE.jpg?1 , If you require more proof
reddit link for date: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/123xra/welcome_to_fight_club_guild_wars_2_edition/
(edited by Samusen.4578)
Winning is a double edged sword my friend. Last time Maguuma won, we shot up to 4th tier and just fought zergs after zergs with night cappers. Now that we’re back to 5th tier things are a bit more even now.
With Ebay’s current night population, you don’t want to hit 4th tier because it’s pretty bad if Maguuma can night cap you.
Moral of the story? Just chill out and don’t be so mean. Just enjoy the WvW fights.
(edited by Ninein.4782)
We absolutely do look forward to having FINE on our server. I don’t see why their transfer time is of any relevance. It takes time to make a decision, to gather the opinions of everyone in your guild. As for the other questions, I think they’re equally irrelevant and can flip them back to KISS. Gunnar’s Hold is also in last place by more than 10k. Does that matter? No. Quit being so judgmental on a guild you hardly know. Accept that transfers happen and that your server also got a huge transfer that absolutely helps your time zone coverage and be happy.
This guy is hilarious. Wizardauz, I am sure EBay loves having you helping too! In here calling out guilds and trying to come up with bullkitten to put us down. Bragging about “stomping” NSP, who for the past month has had thousands of players jumping ship. The fight that FINE made to rally the server together was amazing, but NSP would not listen. You come in here and call people out when you have no clue what is going on, and when a HUGE guild just came to your server. You should focus more on the stomping you are getting right now and how you are going to combat it, instead of trying to e-flex with false confidence from a stomping you gave a deserted WvW population last week. For those EBay players still out there giving it the good fight, thank you, makes WvW more interesting, but this guy is just ruining it with continued ignorance.
EBay just tried to take our SW supply twice on ET borderlands with their whole zerg. Two times they gave up because about 6 of us kept corpse bombing it and hiding. Ahahahahahahaaha this is way too funny.
I feel silly, what’s corpse bombing?
Got to love Maguumas immense kittenyness. Let me know when you step outside your fully fortified keeps/towers and I’ll glady accept free badges.
Got to love Maguumas immense kittenyness. Let me know when you step outside your fully fortified keeps/towers and I’ll glady accept free badges.
someone’s mad
Got to love Maguumas immense kittenyness. Let me know when you step outside your fully fortified keeps/towers and I’ll glady accept free badges.
I’m down there, where are you?
To pk and Ehmry Bay: Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Holy crap dudes, that was an epic golem rush on Stonemist.
I gotta know how many golems were there lol. Looked like 10.
I gotta know how many golems were there lol. Looked like 10.
Around 10 I believe, could be wrong because my PC sucks.
Hey KISS…you can always check out Maguuma =)
14 with 4 omegas. That was an incredibly fast response time from your zerg.
We got really, really, really, really —100→ lucky that someone saw you guys in time.
Really really really lucky. Guild member hit M and saw cross and asked, then we 2 seconds later the cross moved to inner SM. Heart attacks were had xD
I could only imagine what chat was like.
That was just sooooo close. Had you guys shown up 30 seconds later it probably would have been over.
(edited by Gorefiend.9675)
I could only imagine what chat was like.
Maguuma side:
- I’m a spy.
- I’m a spy too.
- We all are spies
- Hey, any group is going? I’m a spy.
- You’re not a spy, I know – I’m the spy.
Standard Mag team chat.
Honestly, just ignore the trolls and such. Not that hard :P
The Golem Rush:
Was north of SM at the time, opened up my map and thought it was odd there was orange x’s on SE SM when we controlled the nearby tours. Went to investigate, entered North portal, ran face first into the Ehmry zerg as I was heading down to SE gate, turned around and ran for the inner gate with my talk key held down panicking and rallying everyone to SM.
Got on the oil, dumped a few on the golems that just kept coming to the gate, ended up dying. Got ressurected, ran into the Lord room and suicided on some golems to try to get some damage on them. Got a screenshot while I was dead relaying info.
Edit: Partial chat block
(edited by Moderator)
I’m starting to miss Darkhavens…
Don’t you worry your pretty little head, looks like we’ll probably be seeing DH this friday.
Don’t you worry your pretty little head, looks like we’ll probably be seeing DH this friday.
During times of events there’s no actually WvW is going on.
Got to love Maguumas immense kittenyness. Let me know when you step outside your fully fortified keeps/towers and I’ll glady accept free badges.
For free badges you can do some jumps.
Main purpose of WvW – gain and defend your territory, jeez.I’m starting to miss Darkhavens…
I’ll admit it’s a bit frustrating because we don’t have the population to stop it. The counter to such tactics is to bleed them dry and take them slowly. Problem is we do not have the time due to our population.
You guys take everything early morning and run virtually unopposed until after our folks get off of work. Then we have to scrabble back things a piece at a time against a fair amount of opposition. I’ll give you credit that your turtle force is actively responding and switching to which maps are being hit.
Don’t get me wrong, we have you outnumbered at times during this, but outnumbered by 50% defending is nothing like outnumbered 4:1 defending. This is the primary reason we have lost this match-up so far and will likely continue to lose it. We’ll continue fighting, but it’s likely out of our reach do to nothing relating to skill unfortunately.
Speaking of skill I want to congratulate Maguuma. The individual player skill of our good guilds might be higher, but you guys have better organization and tactics overall. I have paid attention ankittenaking steps to rectify some of our failings in that area. The strategy of take and hold until you have a nearly insurmountable advantage might come across as a bit cheesy or cowardly, but it is wise. We need to hold and fortify more.
However what IS a bit cheesy is the reliance on some of the gimmicks that currently infect high level play. Things like glass cannon thief builds melting people while, turtling (even though yall don’t do it properly lol), and loads of mesmer abuse.
I agree these things are effective, and currently legit, but it certainly doesn’t mean they are properly balanced atm. I do thank you though for finally putting me up against a few dual dagger elementalists that know how to play, they were enjoyable to face.
(edited by Moderator)
I’m telling a poster to give up this masquerade that Mag is some big night capping server. His last 3 posts have been the same.
I want EB to fight harder.
You can tell yourself w/e you want, the only reason you win is because of nightcapping+more bodies.
mental gymnastics FTW.
On day one you had more than enough players to kick our kitten and it was a great fight. Where are they now?
It’s hardly our fault your side has decided to stop turning up, is it? We were losing by 20k points, we came out in force and fought for our honour. Where was your response when we went 20k ahead of you in the middle of US day time on a weekend? Why didn’t you claw back your lead with the massive organised offensive you showed on day one??
Being outnumbered has nothing to do with it. You’re only outnumbered because half your guilds are only interested in playing if they’re already winning. Fix that and you’ll have plenty of numbers to take us on.
Come give us a challenge, it’s more fun for everyone that way.
Props to all the EBayers who’re putting up a good fight rather than making up excuses. We’ve seen some absolutely fantastic tactics from you guys, from dedicated thief teams taking out heavily escorted yaks to back door mesmer portals while we’re all focussed on a different wall being down. I hope you fix your morale problems because there’s some serious talent on this server.
Sheesh, you guys really hate each other. I feel like I’m intruding on a nasty domestic argument or something.
Poor ET
I’ve never wanted an opponent to capture keeps more in my life. Hang on in there!
Oh please don’t give me that “Come give us a challenge” crap. Face it WvW is broken, want me to prove it?
Pretty sure this was a THREE way thing, where is red?
WvW= broken.
Maguuma don’t care about winning the matchups. We play for the fun and the experience. The mumble community itself is enjoyable enough that winning is the last thing we care about. I can honestly say that the mumble team wins almost every battle they commit to. The only reason we don’t win most of the matchups is because the committed mumble crew only account for a portion of the WvW population. I wouldn’t care for our server moving up in tiers until we have a larger more committed following in all the WvW maps.
To pk and Ehmry Bay: Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
I missed that golem rush on SM. Boo! I went to sleep early last night, (and woke up tired).
Posting again without a small piece because apparently some out there are not mature enough to deal with a situation as honestly as I am dealing with some of the things we need to fix.
Speaking of skill I want to congratulate Maguuma. The individual player skill of our good guilds might be higher, but you guys have better organization and tactics overall. I have paid attention ankittenaking steps to rectify some of our failings in that area. The strategy of take and hold until you have a nearly insurmountable advantage might come across as a bit cheesy or cowardly, but it is wise. We need to hold and fortify more.
However what IS a bit cheesy is the reliance on some of the gimmicks that currently infect high level play. Things like glass cannon thief builds melting people while, turtling (even though yall don’t do it properly lol), and loads of mesmer abuse.
I agree these things are effective, and currently legit, but it certainly doesn’t mean they are properly balanced atm. I do thank you though for finally putting me up against a few dual dagger elementalists that know how to play, they were enjoyable to face.
I hate this match.
Mag being unbelievable stupid and lazy atm. You, EB, could actually take east blue keep tonight if you have rushed it with 5-7 trebs from NE camp or something.
We got about 10 new commanders from nowhere. 5 commander icons at one place – that’s the point?
PvE people are building golems in the middle of nowhere. Today I was 2.
The only time Mag playing smart is when we’re losing. Now it’s just lazy zerging of PvE people. I’m off for this week. EB, hope you can actually win, because I hate winning in WvW.
(edited by Halo.8976)
Man, TAC was tearing up those supply lines last night….
On day one you had more than enough players to kick our kitten and it was a great fight. Where are they now?
It’s hardly our fault your side has decided to stop turning up, is it? We were losing by 20k points, we came out in force and fought for our honour. Where was your response when we went 20k ahead of you in the middle of US day time on a weekend? Why didn’t you claw back your lead with the massive organised offensive you showed on day one??
Being outnumbered has nothing to do with it. You’re only outnumbered because half your guilds are only interested in playing if they’re already winning. Fix that and you’ll have plenty of numbers to take us on.
This. I’ve seen so much QQ in the Ehmry Bay chat lately it’s unbelievable. It’s like after winning 3 matches in a row, people think they can faceroll everything…?
“Mag and ET have an alliance, it’s impossible to fight 2 servers at once!!!!!!!”
“Mag has a zerg in every zone, we don’t have nearly enough people to match it..”
What was the deal with Friday night / Saturday morning when we (Ehmry) were rolling everything? We had equal numbers, coordination, and a (relative) lack of QQ. Then come Saturday afternoon, half of our players just… stopped playing? I don’t get it. The complaining is embarassing.
PS – Props to Maguuma and ET. Most of you have been a good challenge and you demonstrate strategy. And it’s nice to see ET come out and play, even though you don’t have a lot of WvW players.
(edited by Adein.2031)
I do feel for you guys at Ehmry Bay. Maguuma has had its fair share of having to fight fully fortified positions coming out of a total wipe and sometimes it can be a long bleed out process if the defenders play it right. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me because I find the long bleed outs to be more fun than the super fast caps.
I’ve been seeing a few complaints about us having an overwhelming numbers advantage or something, but the reality is that the public mumble allows us to effectively coordinate reinforcements from all borderlands. Usually, Mag barely has enough players to fill a single BL, but we’re willing to hop maps and go where we’re needed.
I’m telling a poster to give up this masquerade that Mag is some big night capping server. His last 3 posts have been the same.
I want EB to fight harder.
You can tell yourself w/e you want, the only reason you win is because of nightcapping+more bodies.
mental gymnastics FTW.
On day one you had more than enough players to kick our kitten and it was a great fight. Where are they now?
It’s hardly our fault your side has decided to stop turning up, is it? We were losing by 20k points, we came out in force and fought for our honour. Where was your response when we went 20k ahead of you in the middle of US day time on a weekend? Why didn’t you claw back your lead with the massive organised offensive you showed on day one??
Being outnumbered has nothing to do with it. You’re only outnumbered because half your guilds are only interested in playing if they’re already winning. Fix that and you’ll have plenty of numbers to take us on.
Come give us a challenge, it’s more fun for everyone that way.
Props to all the EBayers who’re putting up a good fight rather than making up excuses. We’ve seen some absolutely fantastic tactics from you guys, from dedicated thief teams taking out heavily escorted yaks to back door mesmer portals while we’re all focussed on a different wall being down. I hope you fix your morale problems because there’s some serious talent on this server.
Sheesh, you guys really hate each other. I feel like I’m intruding on a nasty domestic argument or something.
Poor ET
I’ve never wanted an opponent to capture keeps more in my life. Hang on in there!
Oh please don’t give me that “Come give us a challenge” crap. Face it WvW is broken, want me to prove it?
Pretty sure this was a THREE way thing, where is red?
WvW= broken.
No offense dude, but some of EB had no problems with this being a 1v1 match when you were winning. I do sympathize with fallen morale because nearly every server suffers from it, but you guys seemed to give up a lot earlier solely because of the nightcap.
Hats off to the EB that keep fighting without grumbling and to TTD for organizing the most intense, fun fight I’ve had in a long time in WvW.
(edited by saiyr.3071)
Speaking of skill I want to congratulate Maguuma. The individual player skill of our good guilds might be higher, but you guys have better organization and tactics overall.
I just wanted to comment this quickly. I think what you’re trying to say is that EBay seems to win the small scale fights more often, while Mag wins the larger scale fights more often. And I believe there’s another reason that could be happening and it has nothing to do with individual skill at all. Most EBay players seem to spec pure glass cannon and various specs based around 1v1 and small scale fights. EBay has a lot of thieves and warriors that seem to pretty much only walk around looking for the gank. More then any other server I’ve ever fought. Which is strong on the small scale, but doesn’t offer much on the large scale.
On the flip side, a lot of Mag players are walking around in 100% supportive specs that really don’t offer a whole lot on the small scale side, but can turn the tide in a major way with a larger group. My guardian, for instance, is a pure walking bubble/heal bot (and this spec is very popular on Mag). He offers no damage whatsoever, but to a large group he can sustain a large chunk of healing. This kind of spec isn’t ideal on the small scale, as the number of people you’re able to heal is much lower than what you’re capable of putting out. He’ll also never win a 1v1 fight, haha. This doesn’t make the people able to 1v1 my guardian down better than me, their spec is just more suited to the task.
I think what you’re describing is actually the perfect way to show the different and opposing mentalities of our servers.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
EBay has a lot of thieves and warriors that seem to pretty much only walk around looking for the gank. More then any other server I’ve ever fought. Which is strong on the small scale, but doesn’t offer much on the large scale.
This is largely subjective since 90% of all thieves and warriors spec glass cannon. Just about every thief and warrior from Maguuma I’ve fought builds this way looking for ganks, and I’m confident I can say the same about every single server. The vast majority of players don’t have guilds and groups to run with, so they rely on 1v1 builds for self-satisfaction. You’ll have people that rely on culling as well such as mesmers and thieves and build just to abuse it on every server – it’s unavoidable since it gives them such a clear advantage. Once they lower burst damage and remove the control cap invisibility mechanic, these specs will evaporate.
There is a much higher thieve ratio from Ebay then any other servers. Especially the ones that likes to stay in stealth forever. Even in large zerg fights I see them use shadow refuge a lot.
EBay has a lot of thieves and warriors that seem to pretty much only walk around looking for the gank. More then any other server I’ve ever fought. Which is strong on the small scale, but doesn’t offer much on the large scale.
This is largely subjective since 90% of all thieves and warriors spec glass cannon. Just about every thief and warrior from Maguuma I’ve fought builds this way looking for ganks, and I’m confident I can say the same about every single server. The vast majority of players don’t have guilds and groups to run with, so they rely on 1v1 builds for self-satisfaction. You’ll have people that rely on culling as well such as mesmers and thieves and build just to abuse it on every server – it’s unavoidable since it gives them such a clear advantage. Once they lower burst damage and remove the control cap invisibility mechanic, these specs will evaporate.
I didn’t just mean glass cannon. Basically EBay has more thieves than any other server I’ve ever fought. And I’ve pretty much wvwed everyday on Mag since the 3 day head-start. Even if they nerf thief into the ground, the next most powerful 1v1 spec will be walking around and that will probably be what a lot of EBay players will choose to play. You guys just seem to focus more that way than other servers. Like I said, different mentalities.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
EBay has a lot of thieves and warriors that seem to pretty much only walk around looking for the gank. More then any other server I’ve ever fought. Which is strong on the small scale, but doesn’t offer much on the large scale.
This is largely subjective since 90% of all thieves and warriors spec glass cannon. Just about every thief and warrior from Maguuma I’ve fought builds this way looking for ganks, and I’m confident I can say the same about every single server. The vast majority of players don’t have guilds and groups to run with, so they rely on 1v1 builds for self-satisfaction. You’ll have people that rely on culling as well such as mesmers and thieves and build just to abuse it on every server – it’s unavoidable since it gives them such a clear advantage. Once they lower burst damage and remove the control cap invisibility mechanic, these specs will evaporate.
I didn’t just mean glass cannon. Basically EBay has more thieves than any other server I’ve ever fought. And I’ve pretty much wvwed everyday on Mag since the 3 day head-start. Even if they nerf thief into the ground, the next most powerful 1v1 spec will be walking around and that will probably be what a lot of EBay players will choose to play. You guys just seem to focus more that way than other servers.
You realize why you all perceive such a thief presence on EB compared to other servers right? Because they have that official Thief guild, TAC. So they have like 1 or 2 parties of thieves organized. I always see them running around and some days they look like they are joking off, other times they are methodical and some of the best players Ive seen. I mean seriously, leave the supply camps alone :P
It sounded like Shadowmoon was another guild with a ton of thieves in it, too. But yeah, I think these guilds skew our perception of how many thieves EB has.
Yeah well, TAC is part of your part of your server. It’s not a perception when they’re right there to be counted lol. I’d be surprised if Mag could field a couple parties of thieves together on a borderlands even if we wanted to. Mag has an absurd amount of guardians. Everybody has an 80 guardian, I swear.
Yeah well, TAC is part of your part of your server. It’s not a perception when they’re right there to be counted lol. I’d be surprised if Mag could field a couple parties of thieves together on a borderlands even if we wanted to. Mag has an absurd amount of guardians. Everybody has an 80 guardian, I swear.
My part??
It is a perception flaw because if there wasn’t organized thief groups they would not be countable, because theyd be mixed in the zerg and maybe some roaming on the other side of the map. Ive seen the entire TAC groups do both but not at the same time, So when there are a big clump of thieves like that, then you naturally perceive them as many more then they really are in comparison to the entire EB force.
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