12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


I just logged in the check, Red Borderlands are entirely 100% red, what should I be doing, as an individual player, to capture the forts on the opposite side of the map, that I am somehow personally failing to do?

You, as an individual player, should log in at a time when we are holding red borderlands.
If you are there long enough you will know which CD guilds camp out there. I did my red borderland completion last week. It’s quite simple really.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: mistabean.5408


wow… holding Bravost and Langor for a long time from both FA and IoJ. Bravost fell at the last, but only after FA fortifiying umber with ballistas and carts, 1 golem and a treb.

Good job, whoever that was on Eternal BG.

—- Mb Lanfear of (HAX) —-
Crystal Desert

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


To the players peacefully dueling in the EB jump puzzle tonight…. Sorry my guild coulnt resist. We needed the badges. On a plus note. If you catch us and kill us fair enough. (The)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Axel.5412


You guys are on the wrong thread if you want to talk map completion and legendary weapons. This is for discussing the matchup at hand. A recent score update would be much appreciated.

Sabot Earthshatter 80 Elementalist
SoR Helioz

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283



CD : 39,402 +260
IoJ: 34,430 +260
FA: 30,570 +175

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Yes to score update promised my gf no gw2 during the day today and millennium hasn’t had a update in 12 hours

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


current score


12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Yes to score update promised my gf no gw2 during the day today and millennium hasn’t had a update in 12 hours

I just logged off.

IIRC, it was: CD > 2.8k > IoJ > 6k > FA

And something like:
IoJ 315 SM
CD 215
FA 185

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


That was dirt how FA snuck our north tower while IoJ was keeping us busy in southern CDBL. Any guild want to boast about pulling that off?

I want the aesthetic achievement, and eventually the shiny weapon (though likely not within even next year), but I want them for their intrinsic value, not to say “I’ve done everything in this game.” I truly hope that most players don’t quit right after earning their Legendaries, that would seem such a waste.

They have the same intrinsic value as much much cheaper weapons. Unless you are ridiculously attracted to “it is going to get a stat boost when they release ascended weapons” you really don’t gain any bang for your buck there.

But it’s not hard. It’s either very easy, or completely impossible, and which of those it has has nothing to do with me.

It has two very important things to do with you.
A: You refuse to change servers.
B: You don’t log on during our strongest hours.

If my own server is in control of the node, or within striking distance of it, then clearing it for map completion is effortless. If my own server doesn’t control that keep, and is nowhere near it, then it’s impossible, even if I’m a PvP god. It’s a bit foolish to try to invoke player skill in this, player skill is completely irrelevant here. It’s a bit like blaming someone for voting for the “wrong guy” in an election with a 1000+ vote margin of victory, each vote matters very little, it’s only the combination of numerous votes that makes any difference.

Well first of all thank you for telling me that I’m wasting my time and don’t count. Secondly- well no, I have enough self restraint to decide against saying that. Small contribution doesn’t mean pointless.

What other players want to do with their time is not up to me, and shouldn’t be up to you either.

Motivating people is not the same thing as forcing people to do things they don’t want to. Stop acting like you can’t tell the difference.

the past few weeks I’ve been checking in every hour or two when I was near a computer, but it’s never been in blue control during that time.

You’ll need to stay up a few hours because our regular NA players aren’t numerous enough to get things done that early.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Rocksteady.9160


So much fun again this week -=0 Such a close contest during Australian Prime time and all round, some Crazy fights. Just pulled a 32 hour session ;0 and added at least 100 deaths to my 1400+ /death count so far (my deaths not kills =).

FA and CD must have stuffed there bags full of my loot bags as I charged in over and over while I was running Solo and with my map chat army while AVRT was sleeping/working. Great work upgrading and holding our borderlands strong this week guys, sending me broke upgrading though =/

Anyways – Sleep time for me more WvWvW chaos after the new year =0

Happy New year all -

Garbar The Weak
(The black and greenish (teal) Guardian who drops the juicy loot bags for SB and IOJ with AVRT Tag)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


IoJ takes the lead


Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Saw that coming, they usually do.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: lemora.1304


I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and I don’t want to derail the discussion on the thread but the guild Primordial Dragons [DRGN] has been actively recruiting on FA in Lion’s Arch and all the WvW borderlands for the past 2 weeks. They are an IoJ guild actively recruiting on FA and trying to get players and guilds to transfer over. Seems a little low and is really giving IoJ a bad reputation over here on FA.

Funny, Primordial Dragons was also in CD today recruiting for their guild. The most annoying part was this guy was in EB taking up a slot when we were getting pushed from both FA and IoJ and needed all the help we could get (we actually had a que this time). And finally he conveniently forgets to mention that they aren’t even from CD. How desperate can you get…

To the guy whining about your world completion in red borderlands, shut up please. You are obviously trolling and/or trying to get attention. If you even tried half as hard as you claim to you would have had 100% on all the BLs by now.

/end rant. Now carry on….

Lv 80 Guardian , Warrior, Elementalist, Necromancer and Mesmer
[GoF] of Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and I don’t want to derail the discussion on the thread but the guild Primordial Dragons [DRGN] has been actively recruiting on FA in Lion’s Arch and all the WvW borderlands for the past 2 weeks. They are an IoJ guild actively recruiting on FA and trying to get players and guilds to transfer over. Seems a little low and is really giving IoJ a bad reputation over here on FA.

Funny, Primordial Dragons was also in CD today recruiting for their guild. The most annoying part was this guy was in EB taking up a slot when we were getting pushed from both FA and IoJ and needed all the help we could get (we actually had a que this time). And finally he conveniently forgets to mention that they aren’t even from CD. How desperate can you get…

They been doing this for weeks on FA, even before IoJ moved down to this tier. I find recruiting from your current enemy pretty lame. Particularly revolting behaviour was when the person was asking to be invited to small/medium sized guilds and then would recruit from within the guild, undermining the guild when officers were offline, etc. Not sure how this guild keeps its members, guess they must all be trashcans, they sure play like it.

~ AoN ~

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


They have the same intrinsic value as much much cheaper weapons. Unless you are ridiculously attracted to “it is going to get a stat boost when they release ascended weapons” you really don’t gain any bang for your buck there.

They make much cheaper weapons that make your footsteps glow or that have trails of skybox or that coat you in liquid metal? I’ve been keeping an eye on my options and haven’t seen any so far.

It has two very important things to do with you.
A: You refuse to change servers.
B: You don’t log on during our strongest hours.

Which would be? I’ve logged in early in the morning, mid afternoon, late afternoon, late at night, later at night, just before dawn, I mean, I need to sleep for at least a few hours per day but none seem particularly strong. I’ve logged on when we had three or more commanders in the zone and when we’ve had none, but I’ve never seen DB or any structure NW of Greenbriar under our control. If we have a strong hour, it’d be nice to know when it is. I’m not psychic.

Motivating people is not the same thing as forcing people to do things they don’t want to. Stop acting like you can’t tell the difference.

If people are interested in WvWing then that’s what they will be doing, if not, they won’t. If they are running fractals instead of WvWing then that’s because running fractals is how they’d prefer to spend their time.

To the guy whining about your world completion in red borderlands, shut up please. You are obviously trolling and/or trying to get attention. If you even tried half as hard as you claim to you would have had 100% on all the BLs by now.

You mean if CD was trying half as hard as they claim they are then I would have those unlocked. I can’t unlock a keep myself, no matter how hard I try. I assure you that I am in no way “trolling,” I’m trying to, as Hekatombaion might say, “motivate” some people to take WvW seriously and actually capture some points outside of the bottom left corner of the map. I’m in this thread because this is where CD WvW players go.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


Lol I love all the hate Drgn gets for recruiting on other servers.

1) we have been on CD and FA recruiting way before we dropped to T3, we were trying to get guilds and players to face BG and SoR.(also SoR and BG have had people recruit on IoJ so stop acting that were the only guild that does it, your only mad because its not being done for your server)

2) We don’t annonce were an IoJ guild until someone that is interested PM’s the guy (its the same guy on every server) recruiting. Its not a welcome to our guild, and oh hey! You got transfer to ioj now.

3) As for him joining a guild and trying to steal members when officers are offline, do you have proof this is how it actually happened? Because I know that he has been invited to a couple guilds by accident and he just threw up the message and left. He also joind guilds that were hearing him out on why they should transfer. So if you have any proof he joined guilds to try and take members while officers are offline send it to me because that is kinda scummy.(can’t promise he will stop since I dont out rank him)

4) as I said it other threads don’t get mad at people recruiting from your server, get mad at the people abandoning your server. Instead of complaining, why don’t you try and get ppl from IoJ? I personally would be happy to lose the fair weather players that are willing to server hop.

5) I must state that what I say is not a representation of IoJ as server.

(I’m also posting this on my new tablet so sorry for any typos Im still getting used to it. Happy holidays)

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Volcanus.2756



It’s not a bad thing to be recruiting, but to be recruiting against the servers you are playing. All the other person was saying is it looks bad, and was trying to help ya’ll out in the PR department. As for joining guilds and recruiting there. Why? Why even take the event. Why even post the message. Once again bad image. I know it’s just one guild doing it but it does have an effect on the server even though it shouldn’t. That’s just how people look at it. Oh he’s from IoJ, and that’s what everyone immediately focus on. How about instead of defending the actions of this person. It might be best to halt the recruitment there while we are playing each other. Once again there is nothing wrong with it, it is just resulting in bad tastes in everyone’s mouth from it and giving a bad image to be doing that. /cheers

Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Volcanus.2756


As for ohoni, It’s probably best to go to another server after saying anything like that if we(Crystal Desert) tried half as hard for something you WANT. Might as well use the server transfer and stay where ever you end up. I know personally I don’t want to help you now, after the poor attitude that is being shown. I hear Primordial Dragons is recruiting.

Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Lol I love all the hate Drgn gets for recruiting on other servers.

Has nothing to do with your recruiting, more the where and how.

1) we have been on CD and FA recruiting way before we dropped to T3, we were trying to get guilds and players to face BG and SoR.(also SoR and BG have had people recruit on IoJ so stop acting that were the only guild that does it, your only mad because its not being done for your server)

Never said a word when we were not fighting each other. I do however think actively recruiting on servers you are fighting is bad form, classless, and speaks volumes of the type of players you attract and make up your guild.

3) As for him joining a guild and trying to steal members when officers are offline, do you have proof this is how it actually happened? Because I know that he has been invited to a couple guilds by accident and he just threw up the message and left. He also joind guilds that were hearing him out on why they should transfer. So if you have any proof he joined guilds to try and take members while officers are offline send it to me because that is kinda scummy.(can’t promise he will stop since I dont out rank him)

It happened from the person on FA. This person was recruiting for your guild for awhile, then suddenly stopped recruiting and instead was spamming asking for invites to guilds of small/medium size. This went on for a few weeks. In map chat one night a fellow was complaining that the person joined their guild, bad mouthed the guild officers and leader while they were offline and did everything they could to recruit members from that guild. While it wasn’t my guild and I didn’t see the in guild stuff first hand, I fail to see any reason why someone actively recruiting for your guild would randomly start asking for invites to other guilds, other then the above noted activities?

I could care less if you believe me or not, just pointing out that your guild is a trashcan, collecting garbage from all the other servers. It shows in their play.

~ AoN ~

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


I haven’t seen DRGN with any significant force. I see them running around EB in 1s and 2s, but never as an organized group. If they’re taking our players, they’re not taking the very good ones, imo.

But maybe their commanders are oceanic, or they stick to their borderland or something…

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Waking.6052


As a member of Drgn, I can say we attract people of the highest calibre.

And we recruit everyone, not just our immediate opponents. We recruit guilds and individuals from people at the bottom of the tiers in addition to the top.

“Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

If they don’t like you and your server, but they like us, don’t hate!

Guardian Commander “The Lord Saves”
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


I haven’t seen DRGN with any significant force. I see them running around EB in 1s and 2s, but never as an organized group. If they’re taking our players, they’re not taking the very good ones, imo.

But maybe their commanders are oceanic, or they stick to their borderland or something…

We play 8pm EST everynight but if you go to eb you wont see us organized there…yet, we plan on playing more in EB but IoJ has some eb dedicated guilds so we let them do what they do best. And we play in the BLs and we do jump back and forth to IoJ bl to stop break out events and pushes.

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


As for ohoni, It’s probably best to go to another server after saying anything like that if we(Crystal Desert) tried half as hard for something you WANT. Might as well use the server transfer and stay where ever you end up. I know personally I don’t want to help you now, after the poor attitude that is being shown. I hear Primordial Dragons is recruiting.

Lol not him were not, we only want people that enjoy W3

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


As a member of Drgn, I can say we attract people of the highest calibre.

Might want to run some in guild lessons on the downed system, because I just 1v4’d some of your high calibre guildies.

~ AoN ~

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


As for ohoni, It’s probably best to go to another server after saying anything like that if we(Crystal Desert) tried half as hard for something you WANT

Lol, is it something I want? Sure. But it’s what’s good for the server too. I’m sure I’m not the only one that hasn’t completed the Red Borderlands yet, and holding terrain is good for the server score. It’s not like I’m asking for anything that would make anything worse for anyone on CD.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


Wow you play this game on a really low resolution o.0
Nothing wrong with that, just sayin… darn.

Your text is right in the middle where people should be dying.
It’d be virtually impossible to ignore all the whiners on team chat

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


goodnight CD

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Wow you play this game on a really low resolution o.0
Nothing wrong with that, just sayin… darn.

Your text is right in the middle where people should be dying.
It’d be virtually impossible to ignore all the whiners on team chat

My comp broke so I’m using a kittenty 3 year old laptop to play while I wait for it to get fixed.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


My comp broke so I’m using a kittenty 3 year old laptop to play while I wait for it to get fixed.

My heart goes out to you, my friend.

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: PendingDoom.3068


As recruiter for [DRGN], I will make some things clear, for all the haters, that keep posting stuff.

Few points to re-emphasize that make my actions valid, many Muffin covered already:

1) I was recruiting from CD and FA WELL before we moved to tier 3, even before we knew we were going to T3, I’m talking months in advanced, many of you should know that, my efforts were not done out of spite to either server. That said, I will admit I recruited some during the current Live Match up, but will stop and move somewhere else then for now, since it’s upsetting so many people. I will continue to recruit off server for reasons I will state in point 2 now.

2) Anyone that contacts me, I let them know right up front, I’m from another server, and state solid, factual, and true arguments, and let them decide what they wish to do. I put the facts out there, it is up to the individual PLAYERS to decide what they wish to do. If they are unhappy with the server, I provide an alternative. Generally lower tier servers miss out on a lot of WvW has to offer, it’s a night and day difference between lower and higher tiers. I feel Tier 3 should consolidate to push up to Tier 2 together, instead of fighting eachother, FA and CD have very good talent, I will admit. Even better talent then T2 and T1. I have been surprised in that regards. So I have tried different approaches, I not only tried to recruit from FA and CD, but spoke to MANY guilds to try and move over to IoJ to consolidate and spearhead to T2 and maybe even T1, it’s the only way we will move up as a collective. IoJ is in the best position as a home server to move up, due to our dedicated guilds and strong oceanic guilds, combined with FA’s strong North American time players during the weekdays, and CD’s insane weekend crew, we got everything covered to be T1. In another 2-3 weeks if we’re still here in T3, I may come back and offer a solution for guilds to come over to IoJ again to move up tier, and if guilds refuse, I will do what I think is best for Tier 3 to move to Tier 2, by recruiting again for IoJ to consolidate together. Other servers do this, and it can work.

3) I do NOT join guilds and speak to members in private to try and funnel them out of the guild. I only speak to the leader(s), and if they are not around, I speak to the officer(s) to give them a heads up, to consider either merging into [Drgn] or transfer servers to IoJ to move back to higher tier. Show your proof for these claims, otherwise, don’t stir up false rumors against our guild, it’s in bad taste.

4) Our guild accepts casual and new members as well, we are a very patient guild, and are more than willing to teach newbies the ropes in WvW and get better as players. Our WvW crew at the moment probably consists of atleast 1/2 the members at level 60 or below, so congratulations to whoever just gloated about beating 4 of our guild’s members, you probably ran into a group of low level newbs that weren’t sticking with the group, as we still are trying to discipline our initiates. Congratulations to you on that amazing feat

Let me know if you have any other complaints, and I will be sure to address them.
[DRGN] is a very fun, respectful guild and we train all members to be better players and improve, contrary to what most may believe. If we were so low and trashy, we wouldn’t be growing at such a fast and constant rate, and our members would not be sticking around as long as they have.

On that note, I have already left CD and FA. I hope to see you all later, and look forward to your colorful conversations in the future

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


There’s really no need to continue any drama with DRGN in this thread. If you’d like to raise concerns, please create a new thread and voice them there. IoJ as a server has already been informed, DRGN spoke their peace, and any more will just be drama-mongering that leads otherwise friendly competition into the gutter.

We all have our opinions about PendingDoom’s points. Typing them in this thread will only serve to derail it, so please keep them to yourselves. Just remember DRGN does not represent IoJ, so if you think ill of them, keep it to DRGN alone.

Now let’s go fight.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


Score update for us stuck at work anyone?

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Last I checked, IOJ leading, CD second and FA third. But per tick it’s:

IOJ : ~270
FA : ~270
CD : ~175

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmybass.2159


I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and I don’t want to derail the discussion on the thread but the guild Primordial Dragons [DRGN] has been actively recruiting on FA in Lion’s Arch and all the WvW borderlands for the past 2 weeks. They are an IoJ guild actively recruiting on FA and trying to get players and guilds to transfer over. Seems a little low and is really giving IoJ a bad reputation over here on FA.

It’s good to see Mind Trick representing FA! I’m glad to see Talons and No Heroes have found a home on a respectable server.

- J


King Kong Bundy
Blood Work [RED]
Fort Aspenwood

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


They make much cheaper weapons that make your footsteps glow or that have trails of skybox or that coat you in liquid metal? I’ve been keeping an eye on my options and haven’t seen any so far.

That’s not intrinsic value. That is an effect. That effect says “I have done everything in this game.” That is the point of it looking fancy.

It has two very important things to do with you.
A: You refuse to change servers.
B: You don’t log on during our strongest hours.

Which would be? I’ve logged in early in the morning, mid afternoon, late afternoon, late at night, later at night, just before dawn,[/quote]Those words mean nothing to me. Use server time please.

If people are interested in WvWing then that’s what they will be doing, if not, they won’t.

I like running the dungeons with players that can do so coordinated. I don’t run dungeons very often because I don’t know I’m going to get that. Without a WvW guild I would not WvW very often because I wouldn’t know if we had strong groups or if it was going to be five of us trying to hold off fifty enemies. I certainly wouldn’t know when I could be of a lot of use to my team or when we had already had our morale broken.

that I am in no way “trolling,” I’m trying to, as Hekatombaion might say, “motivate” some people to take WvW seriously
Like hell you are. You’re whining so much I can barely stand it and I almost want to avoid the points I know you need because of it. If this is how you motivate people you would be better off keeping your mouth shut.

Score update for us stuck at work anyone?

Too lazy to take two shots, but IoJ has everything but a tower and two camps on their border.


Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Ira.5172


I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and I don’t want to derail the discussion on the thread but the guild Primordial Dragons [DRGN] has been actively recruiting on FA in Lion’s Arch and all the WvW borderlands for the past 2 weeks. They are an IoJ guild actively recruiting on FA and trying to get players and guilds to transfer over. Seems a little low and is really giving IoJ a bad reputation over here on FA.

It’s good to see Mind Trick representing FA! I’m glad to see Talons and No Heroes have found a home on a respectable server.

- J


Those were the Mind Trick days

Ira Souleater – Necromancer
Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


When I left for work today I told Jonnyman to take SMC for me.

Drunk scottsman does not disappoint.

Only a 12K difference between us and CD. You guys sure that’s enough to get you through the weekdays?

It wasn’t last week

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


When I left for work today I told Jonnyman to take SMC for me.

Drunk scottsman does not disappoint.

Only a 12K difference between us and CD. You guys sure that’s enough to get you through the weekdays?

It wasn’t last week

CD? Let’s kill IoJ as well. I want both of their dead bodies to litter the ground around my feet.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


3) I do NOT join guilds and speak to members in private to try and funnel them out of the guild. I only speak to the leader(s), and if they are not around, I speak to the officer(s) to give them a heads up, to consider either merging into [Drgn] or transfer servers to IoJ to move back to higher tier. Show your proof for these claims, otherwise, don’t stir up false rumors against our guild, it’s in bad taste.

While I appreciate the gesture of no longer recruiting from servers you are facing in battle, I am still at a loss as to why you went from recruiting people in chat, which I had no issues with until we were opponents, to spamming for an invite to small/medium sized guilds? You stopped trying to recruit for a couple weeks at least and instead kept trying to join guilds. Why is that, and why should I not assume someone in map chat was telling the truth? Granted I didn’t see what happened in their guild chat, but I did see you spam chat looking for a guild many, many times and see no legit reason as to why you would be trying to join those guilds.

4) Our guild accepts casual and new members as well, we are a very patient guild, and are more than willing to teach newbies the ropes in WvW and get better as players. Our WvW crew at the moment probably consists of atleast 1/2 the members at level 60 or below, so congratulations to whoever just gloated about beating 4 of our guild’s members, you probably ran into a group of low level newbs that weren’t sticking with the group, as we still are trying to discipline our initiates. Congratulations to you on that amazing feat

There were no lowbies in the four and frankly I have fought many lowbies that were much better then those four. It was far from an amazing feat, which was the point of the comment.

~ AoN ~

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


When I left for work today I told Jonnyman to take SMC for me.

Drunk scottsman does not disappoint.

Only a 12K difference between us and CD. You guys sure that’s enough to get you through the weekdays?

It wasn’t last week

Good thing IOJ gets stronger as week goes

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


When I left for work today I told Jonnyman to take SMC for me.

Drunk scottsman does not disappoint.

Only a 12K difference between us and CD. You guys sure that’s enough to get you through the weekdays?

It wasn’t last week

CD? Let’s kill IoJ as well. I want both of their dead bodies to litter the ground around my feet.

Last week? Didn’t help that most of our ppl didn’t show, being Xmas and all. Strangely enough, FA population seemed to swell. This week, same thing might happen for New Year’s day. We’ll see tomorrow.

We’d love to hit IOJ when we can, but when we were seiging IOJ yesterday, FA was doing all sorts of funny things, like blocking our keep wp for fun. One group of 5 went into SMC when the wall went down, only to be wiped by both sides.

FA is like a cat. Every time we engage IOJ, FA wants to play, otherwise they just sit in their towers playing with their trebs.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and I don’t want to derail the discussion on the thread but the guild Primordial Dragons [DRGN] has been actively recruiting on FA in Lion’s Arch and all the WvW borderlands for the past 2 weeks. They are an IoJ guild actively recruiting on FA and trying to get players and guilds to transfer over. Seems a little low and is really giving IoJ a bad reputation over here on FA.

It’s good to see Mind Trick representing FA! I’m glad to see Talons and No Heroes have found a home on a respectable server.

- J


Those were the Mind Trick days

Nice to see people from Mind Trick, small world!

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


That’s not intrinsic value. That is an effect. That effect says “I have done everything in this game.” That is the point of it looking fancy.

The point of it looking fancy is that it looks fancy. Ask yourself, would people use the Twilight skin if it cost 1c on the TP? Kittens yes they would and you know it. That’s intrinsic value. Now, if it was just some big “#1” icon over your head, something that did nothing but show off how much free time you have on your hands, then you would have a point.

Which would be? I’ve logged in early in the morning, mid afternoon, late afternoon, late at night, later at night, just before dawn, Those words mean nothing to me. Use server time please.

That would be EST, so Server Time +3. My point was that I check in at all hours of the dy, and if there’s some period at which we usually dominate the Red Borderlands, I haven’t stumbled onto it, and should not have been expected to have done so accidentally. If you know of such a time, then feel free to share.

Like hell you are. You’re whining so much I can barely stand it and I almost want to avoid the points I know you need because of it. If this is how you motivate people you would be better off keeping your mouth shut.

I tried that, but six weeks and counting. . .

We apparently had a good chunk of the RB earlier today, but then for whatever reason a ton of players took off for our own borderlands, as if defending them actually mattered for anything. Who doesn’t have whatever blue points they might need by now?

As far as I understand it, there are two goals in WvW, one, to control as many locations as possible to earn victory points for each round, and two, to control the points that are most useful to members of your server. Assuming that you can’t hold everything at once, you’d want to control SM and as many keeps as possible in the EB, and then, with your free time, you’d want to keep as many keeps and forts as possible within the various borderlands, right? But it doesn’t really matter to the point tallys whether you dominate your own borderlands or someone else’s, so if you only have the resources to cover one of them, it’s best to tackle one of the opposing BLs, since you’re guaranteed to control your own for at least a little while each week, and it’s easiest to pick up your own territory later.

I mean, CD’s strategic goals, all else being equal, should be 1. Stonemist, 2. the rest of EB, 3. taking all of red and holding it (since we have been blue or green for weeks), 4. taking all of green and holding it (since we aren’t green this week), and only if all of those have been achieved should holding blue be a concern. It should be an afterthought. Let the other realms have the blue borderlands, I’m sure there are people on FA who still need blue points, why be a jerk about it?

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Folk.2093


Whats going on at redlake IOJ?

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Riddickk.7091


You know what I’m sick of?
Carebears crying about not getting what they want from pvp.
If you want it, earn it. There have been numerous solutions posted to you. I want to kill a thousand puppies now because this thread have been crapped all over.

With that said, Excellent fights this weekend from both FA and CD!

Roddrickk-80 Asuran Warrior
Guild: Helioz

(edited by Riddickk.7091)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Been having fun in fa bl but had to go get ready for New Years party. Nice try fa at taking bay back the 5 of us held your Zerg at the outer wall for long time till reforcements came to push you away from inner. Too bad I had to go for round two. In case your wondering I was the asuran necro dropping wells on your ram and fearing you off it

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: nicknacknob.8916


Honest question for US-based FA members: Why are you always camping the eb jp?

Like I get why you do it, all servers do it at some points to get the easy badges and blueprints, but ever since we dropped every time I check the eb jp there is always a significant group of people from FA camping it. Like tonight for example there were 10 right at the entrance and then, from what I could see, 10 more spamming the top of the well; and an unknown amount further on (I assume at least a few on top of arena w/ mesmer portal).

It just kinda baffles me that so early in the wvw week that you would waste so much of your resources (in other words: people) for such a significant amount of time in there. What makes it more baffling is that you’re incredibly organized when you camp! Now let me say I’m not kitten about it or anything; I can buy blueprints and get badges the regular way like everybody else. But why not transfer those resources and that organization and move into the real fight in eb, creating more competition and more enjoyable fights for all servers! And even more important, boost your server’s points up and we can have an even closer 3-way fight!

-From IoJ wvwer

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: jcabe.7549


Geez FA and CD, I swear you guys are like a zombie horde XD. I cant believe the numbers you guys come up with!


Yuki Shinon – Isle of Janthir

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


I guess it’s not news to anyone that [Drgn] plays dirty, but they just tried to glitch into hills in FA land, only to get stomped by some passerby defenders. Really guys. Learn to play.

since when did a mesmers portal become a glitch? and it only took you took your whole zerg to “stomp” us. you had a commander there and we got spotted by about 5-6guys before we event portaled and we had less then 10 guys. and OH! btw not sure if you noticed but we took briar back while we were distracting you.

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


I guess it’s not news to anyone that [Drgn] plays dirty, but they just tried to glitch into hills in FA land, only to get stomped by some passerby defenders. Really guys. Learn to play.

since when did a mesmers portal become a glitch? and it only took you took your whole zerg to “stomp” us. you had a commander there and we got spotted by about 5-6guys before we event portaled and we had less then 10 guys. and OH! btw not sure if you noticed but we took briar back while we were distracting you.

Amazing response. I’m not disappointed at all. hahaha.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis