Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
On top of that, I didn’t ask if you were protecting [PRO] the guild and its members, I asked if you were protecting the fortifications it stole. That’s not the same thing.
If your server is taking advantage of the fact that exploiters have given you towers/keeps, I assume that’s because most aren’t aware (although some may be), but then that means that people who know there are hackers need to be more pro-active.
Nobody accused AM server for nothing. We all know that the fight is a fair and good one besides the [PRO] guild.
Ran into a PRO necro on my thief today when I was soloing a camp, necro engages in fight with me when I am at 50%, he quickly gets some bleeds and stuff and then just poofs away with 2k health left… And no he was in combat due to my 11 stacks of bleed on him. But.. Got the XP and loot cause the exploit program these guys uses dont have a autocleanse in it.
Almost had to change trousers due to satisfaction when I got xp and 2 BoH!
You know, for guys voicing again and again how that is the action of a single small guild and not the fault of the server, and being aware that all we can do now is wait for ArenaNet to take actions against such people (might even happen within the next two centuries), you are awfully insistent on that topic.
Just let it rest and discuss the rest of the matchup.
It’s pretty difficult to discuss the rest of the match up when your time is spent sitting in a keep waiting for a hacker to strike. Pretty boring too…
Guys, really.
Stop this flaming about our server, this is only one guild, who no one of us ever have seen. And i asked a lot people. Where looking for them, but if you guys see them, why you dont make a video? Or a screenshot.[Army] Why are you on our server? Hopping? World completion or playing dirty
Hm yes, thanks for the information. The guy will be kicked tomorrow.
i saw 2 O.o
It’s pretty difficult to discuss the rest of the match up when your time is spent sitting in a keep waiting for a hacker to strike. Pretty boring too…
Yeah, and all of Gandara is only doing that, so there is nothing else to talk about… don’t embarass yourself, please.
Also when Hills was taken by that PRO guild, why AM comes defend a keep that u didnt got by playing fair?
If i would know something was taken without a normal attack i would not even try to defend it, unless u didnt knew, but u were fast to def it after the cap.
Also when Hills was taken by that PRO guild, why AM comes defend a keep that u didnt got by playing fair?
If i would know something was taken without a normal attack i would not even try to defend it, unless u didnt knew, but u were fast to def it after the cap.
That is indicating they know how it was taken. You may not know, but most of our players are randoms who don’t visit our TS3 and in many cases don’t even read the chat.
It’s pretty difficult to discuss the rest of the match up when your time is spent sitting in a keep waiting for a hacker to strike. Pretty boring too…
Yeah, and all of Gandara is only doing that, so there is nothing else to talk about… don’t embarass yourself, please.
Can’t wait until it constantly begins to happen to you, you invest a crud load of gold into defence, waypoints etc etc then have it flipped without warning or effort. I’m sure you’d be embarrassing yourself too especially since you seem so complacent with the behaviour.
A member of ETA perhaps, whose Zerg appeared out of no where as PRO Uncharacteristically stayed behind to stop us flipping the keep in question back tonight so that a guild Zerg could show up out of the blue?
I defended that guild group because I assumed they were already on the map and responding to the swords on the map but who knows.
It’s the organised guilds that are being taken out of play sitting in these keeps, it effectively cripples some of the structure we have in place, so yes it is affecting the way we play and we fight hard to play fair and enjoy ourselves but this constant capping results in gold wasted which isn’t easy to come by in WvW and thus, makes it unfun… So yeah, I’m allowed to be a little miffed and as you say embarrass myself.
The only result this hacking is having is the fact that gandara despite being chased by AR has set it’s sights on AM.
Yeah like i said, “unless u didnt knew”.
And everyone pls, noone blaiming AM server just that guild. its unfair for all 3 servers, Gandara and AR for losing stuff and AM cause they are there.
Good Fight at AM border today guys, u guys really hold sunnyhill after so much pressure, good def there^^
Like I edited my post: I got two essential points within the post wrong (because I’m not that fluent in english). I therefore want to apologize to those who got offended by my last post.
I’ll keep it low the last two days and I already want to conglatulate GA for the earned victory. I think the first place is settled already (would be really bad if the actions of [PRO] would take you the first place).
Appreciate you guys coming in and talking in English, same with my guild, I realise its not a lot of folks first language. So yay for you guys.
First place is never settled until the end one of AR thought they had it in the bag the other day and we’ve come to realise that despite our improvements over the past couple of weeks we’re still prone to mistakes and the odd commander that costs us
Despite the bad feeling at points it has been a really good match up, I think the higher we go the more the dark competitive nature of WvW takes hold… Eep
Yeah like i said, “unless u didnt knew”.
And everyone pls, noone blaiming AM server just that guild. its unfair for all 3 servers, Gandara and AR for losing stuff and AM cause they are there.Good Fight at AM border today guys, u guys really hold sunnyhill after so much pressure, good def there^^
Yeah, I saw that part, just wanted to emphasize again that a big chunk of our players are not organized in any way. A normal pattern for those is that they see on the map that some keep in an enemy borderland got capped, notice there might be some nice capping troop over there they can join for some karma and XP and then just switch over and run whereever they see the orange swords or a commander icon.
We had some good fights today on EB. Had some hard time standing our ground with having considerably lower number pretty much throughout the whole afternoon and evening, even getting the Outmanned-“Buff” most of the time. Over the course of an hour, Gandara went for Mendons like maniacs. Whenever we whiped them, they’d be back ten minutes later at most. Took all we had to defend the tower, so AR managed to get Ogrewatch from us. Still, was a lot of fun, even if it was very frantic getting the few guys we had to whereever they were needed that moment.
Tortun, that you’re wishing other folks the same crap you are experiencing now is just sad. I’m not being condescending, it’s just that all this whining (yeah, by now, after all this repeating it’s whining, even if the reason for it is very justified) get’s us nowhere and just clutters up the thread without serving any purpose. I can totally understand your frustration about it and that all the guys now being on guard duty have better things to do, but please don’t let that be your reason for littering this thread with repetition of the same stuff for days on end. By now, that’s just become you (and others) venting their frustration. As much as I can understand the frustration itself, I still do not approve of this thread being the release valve for it.
Tortun, that you’re wishing other folks the same crap you are experiencing now is just sad. I’m not being condescending, it’s just that all this whining (yeah, by now, after all this repeating it’s whining, even if the reason for it is very justified) get’s us nowhere and just clutters up the thread without serving any purpose. I can totally understand your frustration about it and that all the guys now being on guard duty have better things to do, but please don’t let that be your reason for littering this thread with repetition of the same stuff for days on end. By now, that’s just become you (and others) venting their frustration. As much as I can understand the frustration itself, I still do not approve of this thread being the release valve for it.
And the value in calling our entire server paranoid and foolish at many points in this thread for merely bringing up the suggestion that there may be hackers on your server?
It works both ways so please don’t add to the frustration with statements like this. Especially singling out one person when many have made the same points more than once on both sides.
I’ve been a very strong advocate for defence that the minority are at fault in game and not the entirety of AM.
(edited by Tortun.5946)
Tortun, that you’re wishing other folks the same crap you are experiencing now is just sad. I’m not being condescending, it’s just that all this whining (yeah, by now, after all this repeating it’s whining, even if the reason for it is very justified) get’s us nowhere and just clutters up the thread without serving any purpose. I can totally understand your frustration about it and that all the guys now being on guard duty have better things to do, but please don’t let that be your reason for littering this thread with repetition of the same stuff for days on end. By now, that’s just become you (and others) venting their frustration. As much as I can understand the frustration itself, I still do not approve of this thread being the release valve for it.
And the value in calling our entire server paranoid and foolish at many points in this thread for merely bringing up the suggestion that there may be hackers on your server?
It works both ways so please don’t add to the frustration with statements like this.
I’ve been a very strong advocate for defence that the minority are at fault in game and not the entirety of AM.
You may want to re-read this thread. Not once has you (or your entire server) been called paranoid and/or foolish for bringing up the topic of PRO hacking fortifications. Starfall only wrote (and even retracted by now because it was a misunderstanding) that he thought that the accusation that we were knowingly capitalizing on the hacking or even spying for them was silly. Us saying that we never heard of them is not the same as rejecting your accusations. So please stop spouting such nonsense.
Your advocating that it is just a minority that is hacking is very much appreciated, but nevertheless I’d want to encourage you to still not vent your anger about that minority time and time again in this thread when all has been said and done days ago. The ball’s now in ANets court and no complaining will change this.
I am confused.. why are people even mentioning or complaining about spying? Its allowed within the game structure its neither hacking or exploiting even, just game play.
Gee thanks for the singling out again much appreciated, reported my earlier post to Anet in order to get them to look in on this thread and it appears that they have already seen it but have chosen not to pop in and do the right thing which is to tell us they are looking in to the accusations of hacking Yatta Yatta Yatta.
I think you yourself need to reread the thread in question. Especially my posts just before you singled me out trying to move on from the issue
(edited by Tortun.5946)
Genewen, I think you can appreciate that a lot of people are trying to get information to others in this thread; we’re not just whining about a one time exploit, we’re indicating at what kind of frequency it’s happening and under what kind of scenario so that everyone understand entirely what it’s happening. If this were happening on Gandara, I’d want asmuch information as possible. Granted, some like Tortun need to vent their frustration and it’s important to give some space. No one is accusing your whole server.
That said, there are some issues cropping up, the spying accusation is a completely different thing, there’s also the fact that some of your players are apparently defending exploited keeps or towers. This may be due to ignorance or complacency, but as a server it’s one thing you can deal with.
Anyways, there is all a lot of chatting about the actual match up, which I think everyone agrees had been otherwise great.
If the others, mostly pugs, don’t actually stand in front of the closed gates noone really knows that those got cheatet. So you can’t reproach them for defending them 10min later. PRO isn’t bragging with their ‘victories’.
If a nothern tower would be capped without my knowledge I might think about a sneak-attack, another guild-group that switched server after their capture but cheating wouldn’t be the thirst thought. It would just be my first thought if the attack symbol would be there for just a few moments, what would indicate that there was no fight at the gate/wall. But how many pugs keep an actual eye on the map regularly?
Edit: If there is a Army or [DP] raid at this map during that time I think nobody would be offended if you write me or egalon IGM and then we could convince the pugs to let the keep fall.
(edited by Starfall.6425)
Had a pretty fun day, defended some stuff, catching the PRO guys a couple of times, nice mid scale fights against both french and germans, even captured bay on AR while they were pre-occupied with defending garrison.
I’ll add a little about the vindictive nature of PRO though, they are definately not just doing it for Karma and silver. When they capped Hills earlier today they burnt through 1700 supplies very very fast. So they are definately doing it for tactical advantage.
Hope it gets fixed but don’t really expect much until the new year being as there will probably loads of bugs introduced due to wintersday.
Another note to Anet can we plz zoom the view out abit so I have a vague chance of seeing the D/D ele that keeps owning me
Lets just hope that now Anet have somewhat got on top of the botters they will now be looking into the hackers and exploiters.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again players like these no matter what guild, server or nation are bring the whole game into disrepute.
All we can do as players is report it to them, the more we do it the more they are likely to heed the warning signs that things like this are more than likely going to drive players away from the game than entice them to it.
I will state this here and now if I spot anyone even from my own server or guild from now on I will screen shot and report it in game and also directly to Anet:
Maybe it’s time Anet also went down the road with games masters where players can contact one whom can stealth view the action going on directly like the vast majority of other mmos have in place.
Till then I will keep fighting the good fight as well as getting my rear end handed to my on occasion.
I’ll add a little about the vindictive nature of PRO though, they are definately not just doing it for Karma and silver. When they capped Hills earlier today they burnt through 1700 supplies very very fast. So they are definately doing it for tactical advantage.
You’re forgetting that they don’t get 1700 supplies. When they take over, all the upgrades reset, so you can have 500 supply max. If you recon that the fortification will be gone again soon and don’t want your enemies to have the supply, you can on top of that burn the supply by ordering some cheap upgrade.
I’ll add a little about the vindictive nature of PRO though, they are definately not just doing it for Karma and silver. When they capped Hills earlier today they burnt through 1700 supplies very very fast. So they are definately doing it for tactical advantage.
You’re forgetting that they don’t get 1700 supplies. When they take over, all the upgrades reset, so you can have 500 supply max. If you recon that the fortification will be gone again soon and don’t want your enemies to have the supply, you can on top of that burn the supply by ordering some cheap upgrade.
You are correct in saying that, but the point being made is that if these guys were hacking just for easy Karma and silver they would not then ‘waste’ that silver buying even a cheap upgrade to burn out the supply.
I did not say that they did it for the rewards. Farming events in PvE would still be more efficient than WvWing if that was their objective, especially seeing how often they fail due to your persistant guarding.
Also, it’s not really expensive to push such an upgrade. Hiring a second worker is done real quick, burns 300 of the 500 remaining supplies and costs only 7s 50c. Easily affordable since the whole group just now got the event rewards.
No, what I suspect is that they thoroughly enjoy the trolling, loving to feel superior compared to those “idiots” playing by the ToS and either thinking that they won’t be permabanned, or they just don’t care. I’d bet they laugh their a-, err, behinds off when reading this thread because they seriously managed to anger people and that was exactly what they wanted. It’s sad, but there are such people.
(edited by Genewen.2415)
I dont know if it was a bug or not, graphical or actual but there were still 1700 supplies after they ninja capped. The bankers and siege merchant were still there too.
Can we move on please and let Anet deal with it now just report them and have done with it.
Other than leaving the game there is nothing we can do about it unless Anet act upon it and trust me if they don’t act players will leave the game
Hi guys,
This Week the guild Once Were Noobs [XxX] has joined Gandara server. We are a small italian guild (15-20 players). We come from tier 1 – server Blacktide and we transfer becouse we are bored how zergy is that tier for our small numbers.
Basically our style is focused on dynamic impact incs. Recently on Gandara we have been accused to use bots for our particular style to play. But we have never used bots, cheats, exploits and whetever…
So we’d like to say many thanks to all who think we use bots and dedicate our first gandarian video to them
Here the video —->
P.S. A special thanks to Culego from [PUK] to join our bomb squad yesterday night!
(edited by piker.6790)
Ugh… So much stupid drama in here. Some carebear too much. Let’s talk less and pew pew more!
Gotta like the addition of [XxX] on Gandara. We noticed them roaming around and even i was a bit sceptical about their movement patterns at first. They walk via weird paths and hug towers etc.. Atleast that’s what i noticed from the very brief moment i saw and played with them. Good to see that we don’t have to worry! ;p
All i can say is welcome aboard! Gandara might even reach tier 4 if we keep scoring!
(edited by IDarko.4709)
Noticed XxX on AM BL now.. looked like a normal guildgroup to me. Lucky Gandara gets help and stuff xD Like you need it.. ^^
we had some really great fights today, capped the whole AR BL with [DP].
Because I won´t be able to log in till Sunday, I wanted to thank you all for the great fights and also for the nice thread here (Not including the hackers :P ). It looks like we will play in a lower bracket next week. I hope we will see you all again
Chaos Army [Army]
Just saw XxX in action (I think it was at Hills in AM BL) you guys are amazingly coordinated.
Instead of crashing into them like a rockslide you wear them down like waves on the beach with your movements.
welcome to Gandara
I wonder how often we lost t3 Bay and Hill because of a synchron attack of our enemies. Just hope Gandara will drive AR off our BL. We want to work on 2nd place tomorrow. I’m off for today. hf&gl
Was nice to drive AR off their BL with [Army]. AR outmanned on their own BL during prime-time.. was a good time xD
Another really enjoyable day and welcome XxX to Gandara you guys are a class act by the looks of things. Ty both to AR and AM for keeping up the good fight.
Hope its not quiet tommorrow due to Wintersday
Yesterday’s night and afternoon fights were really nice, and thanks for all the welcomes too! See ya ingame.
Augury Rock is first, 10k in your face, life is good, join us!
You were saying Bro?
Last XxX video:
Thanks to all AM and AR players for the awesome fights. It was fun
Thanks to all Gandara players for the welcome
Peace o/
Augury Rock is first, 10k in your face, life is good, join us!
You were saying Bro
I told him not to be so urrr braggy… I warned him… but heeeeeeeee didn’t listen…
It was a good matchup, ty all for the nice fights and gl with ur next matchup.
Sounds like they are probably the AM guild that we’re hacking against us on AG last week. Their were 5-6 people in a guild called Dunkle Wachter [DW] using some sort of teleport hack to appear in the lords rooms (seemed to be able to teleport directly to npcs/mobs even whilst we were in combat with them (no mesmers or theifs, was always the ranger that stood out when she tele’d). Caught them multiple times trying to take Cliffside and Sunny to the point where we had to have people guard them all day long. We reported them over and over but nothing was done about it, saw them doing it for like 4 days straight!
Thankfully no other AM players tried to take advantage of [DW]s antics so we managed to hold the majority of their attacks off without much problem.
Hey community,
I’m Sirius, Co-Admin from Dunkle Wächter [DW]. We saw the topic with the accuse of bugusing. After watching videos with the reported situations we could identify these 4 players from our guild. They were directly been kicked off our guild!
We are sorry for this and we hope, it will never happen again. It’s a problem, no other big guild can handle, but I guess we did the right thing by kicking them directly. Everyone in our guild has been sensitized again, to not use bugs or anything else.
[DW] should not been viewed as cheaters or bugusers. If you see more people doing it, please report them to us.
All the best,
The week is now almost over.
I give thanks everyone for the good fights and for the thrilling last day(s).
Did Am have fun with Dius up in Godsword? Sorry we went out of our way just to annoy the abnormally large group of people you had up there
@Sirius it was right thing to do and thank you for it. Such behavior ruins the fun for everybody who plays fair. If I discover a member of my guild doing that I would recommend to authorities to follow your example. Respect!
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.