2/15 DH vs GoM vs HoD
It is honestly hard to figure out what is going on in this thread with all the deleted posts, but it sounds familiar enough. I remember when GoM took tons of flak because some people hacked on our server. People branded the whole server as hackers, and accused us all of being complicit. Of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth, GoM hated the hackers, and we are in T7 right now thanks to them (lost a lot of good guilds/players to “hacker rep.”)
So don’t blame DH. It is not their fault anymore than it is GoM’s fault that ARM likes to troll, or that people like to hunt in the JP, etc. No one controls the people on their server. It would be neat if a server community actually had enough social pressure to stop things like this, but it does not. The “community” is completely optional. The hackers may never even read all the complaints we have about their actions.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
(edited by titanlectro.5029)
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Putting aside that holding all of DH accountable for the actions of a few, killing people in a PvP zone is hardly bad form. And it’s hardly worth starting a pointless internet argument over.
From what I have seen all parties have been mostly very courteous over this ridiculously long matchup. The people being discourteous are definately in the minority. So… Kudos to everyone?
Killing in a PvP zone is not the issue. The issue is using a known exploit in order to take a keep that you could not take honestly. If members on your server particpated/know who capped the keep or have any knowledge of it whatsoever and you fail to report them then you are complicit.
Have to agree with Theftwind here. We had a mystery keep loss in our BL today. One minute it was red then without warning green. Had thought it might be something we overlooked, but the silence on the matter in the forums is… curious.
Reputation does matter when one hears complaints on the forums. For example, things like
make me less sympathetic regarding jumping puzzle issues.
The mystery loss of west keep in GoM around 5 eastern was 2 [PD], one thief that evaded you guys in the inner, and me, dead on the floor who was revived. No foul play, I promise. Like others have said, I hope you don’t lump all of DH in as cheaters. We don’t condone it under any circumstances, it ruins everyone’s experience.
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
(edited by Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982)
Ok took me a minute to figure out what was happening in this thread. lol
[PD] specialize in ninja capping and generally have thieves and mesmers teamed up to stealth multiple times when a keep is being lost. Even when sweeping you most likley won’t find them unless your there for a couple of hours and then by then when you see them you will probably claim foul play.
I also read that all gates and walls were up when it was takin, inner included, so I don’t know if they had a mesmer inside or not. I HOPE no one cheated to get it but I wasn’t there for it so I wouldn’t know.
If I see someone cheating i’ll report them. I’ve reported guildmates before for doing things like this and will do it again. I’ll keep my eyes out for you guys… bout the best we can do. :\
Sorry for the loss (if it was hax).
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
PD are definitely sneaky folk.
The only thing that I’m sour on about ninja capping is that a thief can perma invis inside a keep and that ain’t right. I sure would like to know what to do about that. Also looking forward to them forcing respawns, whenever they’ll get around to that.
PD are definitely sneaky folk.
The only thing that I’m sour on about ninja capping is that a thief can perma invis inside a keep and that ain’t right. I sure would like to know what to do about that. Also looking forward to them forcing respawns, whenever they’ll get around to that.
I stayed dead until there until the 10s timer to be kicked for inactivity. It was a very close call. I then waited in the corner with no stealth for 15 more min waiting on a distraction.
(edit)I feel you though, the forced respawn absolutely needs to be implemented so it is much sooner than the boot timer.
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
(edited by Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982)
PD are definitely sneaky folk.
The only thing that I’m sour on about ninja capping is that a thief can perma invis inside a keep and that ain’t right. I sure would like to know what to do about that. Also looking forward to them forcing respawns, whenever they’ll get around to that.
Oh, I stayed dead until there until the 10s timer to be kicked for inactivity. It was a very close call. I then waited in the corner with no stealth for 15 more min waiting on a distraction.
So sneaky!
Someone just sent me a message about some shananagins that happened last night in hod bl at there east keep… If your HoD and have a screen shot of it please send it to me.
I was told you have screenies.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Someone just sent me a message about some shananagins that happened last night in hod bl at there east keep… If your HoD and have a screen shot of it please send it to me.
I was told you have screenies.
Honestly acium I would not be to worried about it. From what was said It doesn’t sound like hacking the more that is said, and hopp already explained how the other keep happened
(edited by Shira.3897)
Thats what i was hoping till the person that messeged me was from darkhaven.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Probably just read this thread
Anyone from DH have an explanation?
Putting aside that holding all of DH accountable for the actions of a few, killing people in a PvP zone is hardly bad form. And it’s hardly worth starting a pointless internet argument over.
From what I have seen all parties have been mostly very courteous over this ridiculously long matchup. The people being discourteous are definately in the minority. So… Kudos to everyone?
Killing in a PvP zone is not the issue. The issue is using a known exploit in order to take a keep that you could not take honestly. If members on your server particpated/know who capped the keep or have any knowledge of it whatsoever and you fail to report them then you are complicit.
Have to agree with Theftwind here. We had a mystery keep loss in our BL today. One minute it was red then without warning green. Had thought it might be something we overlooked, but the silence on the matter in the forums is… curious.
Reputation does matter when one hears complaints on the forums. For example, things like
make me less sympathetic regarding jumping puzzle issues.
The mystery loss of west keep in GoM around 5 eastern was 2 [PD], one thief that evaded you guys in the inner, and me, dead on the floor who was revived. No foul play, I promise. Like others have said, I hope you don’t lump all of DH in as cheaters. We don’t condone it under any circumstances, it ruins everyone’s experience.
Well played. It seems we do need to work more on sweeping.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork
Actium, I have screens. And there was multiple instances this one night, of somehow a party getting in without previously breaking in. (yes I know about mesmers, as I happen to main one. Throw at me a reasonable explanation and we’ll talk) I as well have been in contact with some DH members who testify to a known exploit into the keep.
I wouldn’t post if it wasn’t legit. I know my stuff and will stand by what I witnessed.
You dont have to sign your posts whiterose.6934, they have a signature section that will make it easier for you.
1. telling SE to go away…actually works.
2. having some fun by the gom spawn in dh bl
3. hey this is our tower! you arnt welcome.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
[Mort] should totally be in this video
This talk about Jumping puzzles especially from GoM guilds TYRI/BS/GoM. Don’t blame DH for camping the puzzle. These guilds specifically started it first. Eye for an Eye.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
This talk about Jumping puzzles especially from GoM guilds TYRI/BS/GoM. Don’t blame DH for camping the puzzle. These guilds specifically started it first. Eye for an Eye.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world… not have any badges I guess?
(edited by VeTx.5340)
Lol you guys are rediculous.
Let’s all pause for a moment, and please for gods sake repeat after me…
This is a computer game.
There. Didn’t that feel good? Let’s do it a couple more times.
This talk about Jumping puzzles especially from GoM guilds TYRI/BS/GoM. Don’t blame DH for camping the puzzle. These guilds specifically started it first. Eye for an Eye.
You probably need to get your eyes checked then. All that happened was a bunch of SE camping the entrance, spamming /laugh, and jumping on bodies. 3 [BS] started the attacking in the JP? LOL???? There was 15 of you guys just surrounding us, there was even a commander. Pretty desperate eh?
(edited by PapZeeHurl.6078)
This talk about Jumping puzzles especially from GoM guilds TYRI/BS/GoM. Don’t blame DH for camping the puzzle. These guilds specifically started it first. Eye for an Eye.
I have to call bs on this one.. There is no way in …. that you can tell who it was that actually started it first. every server has campers. every server has those that just attack to be attacked and those who just want to do the puzzle and do not fight.
As i have stated in a previous thread ,, 90% of the time i go into the jp i am ganked by DH campers. I never said DH started it but that is just my experience. I rarely have any issues with HoD in the jp. I never really had any issues with SE until tonight.
since we are naming some tags here are my issues.. SE ( just recently ).. Jade.. MoRt.. DARK.. MEAN.. NOX.. LOAD.. BURN.. and just recently (Pak).. and there are others but these are the ones i notice the most.. and i have encountered then since the beginning of our first match up.
I have conversed with some from each bl and to hear all of.. gom is the most hostile.. hod is the most hostile.. dh is the most hostile.. its all the same. so if you are gonna point out guilds from gom.. ( and if you do about hod ) you might want to take a look at the guilds from your own server as well.
im not really complaining about these guilds. ive made it past them all and did my part to clear them out. my complaint is to not point fingers because you dont really know who started it.. no one does!!
Let’s ask tootsie.
Lol you guys are rediculous.
Let’s all pause for a moment, and please for gods sake repeat after me…
This is a computer game.
There. Didn’t that feel good? Let’s do it a couple more times.
+1, Lets all talk about something positive for a change.
I’m really impressed by how HoD and GoM have held up in this matchup, since it’s been over a month of DH victory and they still make us fight for every bit of land we take. They had a strong lead and worked together really well over the weekend this round as well.
I agree the matches have been fun but nothing personal, I’m tired of this matchup.
How much longer?
I just want to say that I LOVE camping the jumping puzzles. I find it fun and reading peoples posts about how they hate people camping the jumping puzzles really just makes me laugh and want to do it more. Also I find it more fun when you kill someone and they bring in people to HELP them out to get through it. It is also fun when people are camping against me and I have to bring people to help me because it becomes more of a challenge than just an easy JP that I have done a million times and could do with my eyes closed. It’s not that difficult to get past campers just get guildies or other people around to come in their with you! It’s fun to fight groups that aren’t huge zergs and to create a challenge in there.
Gotta stomp em [ALL]
Sea of Sorrows
Sorrow’s Furnace is 100 points behind Gates of Madness right now and looks like they’re closing. Darkhaven is about 50 points behind Northern Shiverpeaks but the gap is widening at the current scores.
Could be a few more weeks.
I just want to say that I LOVE camping the jumping puzzles. I find it fun and reading peoples posts about how they hate people camping the jumping puzzles really just makes me laugh and want to do it more. Also I find it more fun when you kill someone and they bring in people to HELP them out to get through it. It is also fun when people are camping against me and I have to bring people to help me because it becomes more of a challenge than just an easy JP that I have done a million times and could do with my eyes closed. It’s not that difficult to get past campers just get guildies or other people around to come in their with you! It’s fun to fight groups that aren’t huge zergs and to create a challenge in there.
I agree. But when you kill a thief who thinks themself a god in 1v1. They will call in a zerg to help them.
You dont have to sign your posts whiterose.6934, they have a signature section that will make it easier for you.
1. telling SE to go away…actually works.
2. having some fun by the gom spawn in dh bl
3. hey this is our tower! you arnt welcome.
hahaa i see me in that 2nd pic of yours. I’m the white guardian shooting out the waves infront of the ballista. The yellow guardian directly to your right is iamstargazerrr. ^.^ awesomes.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
Sorrow’s Furnace is 100 points behind Gates of Madness right now and looks like they’re closing. Darkhaven is about 50 points behind Northern Shiverpeaks but the gap is widening at the current scores.
Could be a few more weeks.
Thats just great. I just saw the outmanned buff at GOM Borderlands. There are others getting tired as well of this matchup. It begins to get demoralizing especially when you are being double teamed.
Guess I’ll keep on fighting.
Lol you guys are rediculous.
Let’s all pause for a moment, and please for gods sake repeat after me…
This is a computer game.
There. Didn’t that feel good? Let’s do it a couple more times.
Quite funny from the biggest trash talker on DH.
It sounds like Sorrow’s Furnace will be able to match DH for population if/when they break out of tier 8.
15 character limit
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Thats just great.
I just saw the outmanned buff at GOM Borderlands. There are others getting tired as well of this matchup. It begins to get demoralizing especially when you are being double teamed.
Guess I’ll keep on fighting.
Keep your chin up. This is the goal afterall of the matchmaking, There is not a high chance that the servers will ever be close enough to facilitate matches changing out frequently, and all we can hope for is for the bracket below us to gain more traction and people to the point that they can fluctuate with our tier easier.(not to mention that matchups were first advertized as initially going to be 2-3 week long matches, not these 1 week matches we are currently having, nor the 1 day matches we started with) If you really want constantly fluctuating matches, there are not enough servers to have a rotating tier as such, and more servers is not the answer.
The servers I was watching to see where they would stabilize have found stabilizing tiers already(IoJ, SBI), so the only thing you can do is either get your server to purposely throw a match, if you want to change it up THAT bad, which would, in turn, make One server go down a bracket, and Probably give DH enough points to catapult them up a bracket where DH doesn’t have enough people to compete in the next tier and will lose, and just come back anyways.
On the topic of doubleteaming… That’s one of the downsides to a 1v1v1 type setup. Everyone will be double teamed sometime during the match, and the only way to do out with it is to run a 1v1 setup. I know many times I’ve gone into WvW and seen GoM chomping at the bits in our borderlands with HoD pushing hard at our properties in EB. Just need to rally and push back. That’s all you can do.
Keep heart, but realize that these matchups won’t change like they used to, and will probably lock into near perminent matchups. That’s the downside to very even matchups.(yes, we are a rather even matchup, even if DH has won frequently since we moved down here)
EDIT: On the topic of doubleteaming: I felt this was important to bring to light for anyone interested: [SE] Is currently “allying” itself with HoD, at least on some level, to push GoM out of our matchup. This is going on, and was noted in /t when Abyss took a tower that GoM was holding in HoD’s borderlands. Play for server, play your best, and play for fun, Doubleteaming is not kosher, guys, and [Abys] will never take part in such an action.
(edited by Flinch.8061)
Your point? I’d double team with GoM if HoD pisses me off. If allying with 1 server can get us more PPT, I’d do it. There are no rules in WvWvW. Just remember that. Thanks for putting us out there, our reputation will surely go up now.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
I hate to see what was once such a mutually respectful thread with friendly comments across the board become so negative. Hackers aren’t tolerated among us, as Acium said. We report them when we see them or hear about them and hope that their actions don’t become examples of something that Darkhaven isn’t.
As for the JP complaints, I understand and I don’t. This is, after all, a PvP world. If someone (any server) wants to kill people, or groups of people want to gang up and do the same, then there shouldn’t really be any tears shed over it. Kill them or move on. There are 3 more maps with JPs, after all. Also, quoting a 2 month old Reddit doesn’t do much. We change… a lot. For the record, Borliss Pass was always the one that trolled the most.
Finally, I had a great time in EB tonight. I feel for both GoM and HoD and their never ending plight of mashing heads against our walls and keeps and zergs with what always seem to be smaller numbers. I really do. Trust me. We had it for months on end as guild after guild left our server. Hopefully sometime soon we can jump up a tier and leave you guys with a more sane matchup. When that happens I’ll be pulling for you all the way. So, to both servers, you did a great job stopping us with fewer numbers. (GoM at Overlook and HoD at Bravost.) Also, sorry to the GoM people at Anz that thought they faced an empty-ish keep but found a zerg with carts and ballistae inside waiting for them… I thought we’d have a little fun defending
Again. Let’s cool with the animosity guys. Everyone’s a little frustrated that this matchup has gone on so long—don’t take it out on players for something out of their control.
(To the PD ninjaers: you’re the best. I had to smile reading Hopp’s insider scoop on what happened.)
(To the guy that thinks he can troll and “always win 1v1” and then a bit of “1v3” in the first page, I look forward to rolling you. Seriously. Find me shooting unicorns on the battlefield. I love taking down button mashing Eles.)
Have fun guys. <3 Ink.
…beware the unicorns.
(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)
Darkhaven alliance? I laugh at that. I’m in Darkhaven, we’re winning currently. Some people here would like to call an alliance with another server strategy. I call it poor sportsmanship. I would understand, and even support GoM and HoD working together. We’ve won for several weeks in a row after all. But to team up simply to kitten off another server, while you’re in the lead? That’s despicable.
Isn’t the point of WvWvW to work together with our own people? Instead of calling on our full server to push another server, they choose to shun a large portion of our server in favor of a traitorous union with an enemy. And that my friends, is very low.
After a commander spear heading the alliance between Darkhaven and an enemy server left the borderlands they were attacking, my guild and a handful of other guilds went to work. Drawing on the resources of our own people, we worked together to turn the entire borderlands green.
No alliances, not now, not ever.
Thanks for the info, Flinch, but it really doesn’t change anything about the match-up.
We spend most of our time bringing the fight to the points leader and trying to chip away at their score, HoD is content to just play for 2nd, and DH has the numbers to do whatever they want. By server mentalities alone, this often puts us in 1v2 situations anyway, with or without a public alliance. We expect that, and we welcome it. And if we got under some guild’s skin deep enough to make them resort to asking another server for help, then job well kittening done, GoM!
This honestly made me “LOL” seeing this outside of Cliffside earlier today… The moment the HoD and DH zergs met each other, they stopped and went on their merry ways.
Yes, spunky has a huge point, as I’d much rather have a fair and honest battle against 2 servers with individual minds, but to have a server who is winning by a big margin and the other server whom we’re neck and neck with for 2nd team up against us at GoM is pretty much a kick in the proverbial balls. Very poor sportsmanship with this move. Yes, GoM is used to being 1v2ed, which isn’t anything new at this point, but it being this obvious its laughable at first, and a bit annoying, but mostly laughable.
PS: And yes Spunky, it then got better then as it was just DH and GoM fighting in the borderlands, specially the garrison fight. Good stuff there
PPS: Also would like to thank HoD for our quick recap of Hills shortly after the garrison reclaim.
(edited by Colt.9051)
(To the guy that thinks he can troll and “always win 1v1” and then a bit of “1v3” in the first page, I look forward to rolling you. Seriously. Find me shooting unicorns on the battlefield. I love taking down button mashing Eles.)
Have fun guys. <3 Ink.
aren’t we all in some way button mashers or click clankers.. lol
anyway i hope i can find you sometime for a duel.. i always feel i have something to learn and to improve. im a ele but im not the guy on the first page. i dont always win 1 v 1 nor 1 v 3 . maybe i can learn something new here and learn how to beat you if i cant.
Let’s ask tootsie.
Darkhaven alliance? I laugh at that. I’m in Darkhaven, we’re winning currently. Some people here would like to call an alliance with another server strategy. I call it poor sportsmanship. I would understand, and even support GoM and HoD working together. We’ve won for several weeks in a row after all. But to team up simply to kitten off another server, while you’re in the lead? That’s despicable.
Isn’t the point of WvWvW to work together with our own people? Instead of calling on our full server to push another server, they choose to shun a large portion of our server in favor of a traitorous union with an enemy. And that my friends, is very low.
After a commander spear heading the alliance between Darkhaven and an enemy server left the borderlands they were attacking, my guild and a handful of other guilds went to work. Drawing on the resources of our own people, we worked together to turn the entire borderlands green.
No alliances, not now, not ever.
All your guild did was PvDoor. Don’t know if that is something you are proud of. As far as a it goes for SE and HoD specifically WvW guild, it was a temporary truce.
Maybe you need a history lesson but many empires in the old days have allied each other for a common goal. If you don’t like it, not my problem. I dont need the likes of another guild that types like Seal the Deal or never communicates. So continue to criticize the work that [SE] puts in. I can see it now, [SE] camping, calling for temporary truce. I bet the next thing we’re going to get called out for is taking advantage of culling.
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast
I can see it now, [SE] camping, calling for temporary truce. I bet the next thing we’re going to get called out for is taking advantage of culling.
You are abusing culling feature.. i also accuse you of killing the rabbits in my bl..
Let’s ask tootsie.
these are a few days late but its the naked HH race.
the last pic was to show i cant hit anything while naked..
Let’s ask tootsie.
Thats just great.
I just saw the outmanned buff at GOM Borderlands. There are others getting tired as well of this matchup. It begins to get demoralizing especially when you are being double teamed.
Guess I’ll keep on fighting.
Keep your chin up. This is the goal afterall of the matchmaking, There is not a high chance that the servers will ever be close enough to facilitate matches changing out frequently, and all we can hope for is for the bracket below us to gain more traction and people to the point that they can fluctuate with our tier easier.(not to mention that matchups were first advertized as initially going to be 2-3 week long matches, not these 1 week matches we are currently having, nor the 1 day matches we started with) If you really want constantly fluctuating matches, there are not enough servers to have a rotating tier as such, and more servers is not the answer.
The servers I was watching to see where they would stabilize have found stabilizing tiers already(IoJ, SBI), so the only thing you can do is either get your server to purposely throw a match, if you want to change it up THAT bad, which would, in turn, make One server go down a bracket, and Probably give DH enough points to catapult them up a bracket where DH doesn’t have enough people to compete in the next tier and will lose, and just come back anyways.
On the topic of doubleteaming… That’s one of the downsides to a 1v1v1 type setup. Everyone will be double teamed sometime during the match, and the only way to do out with it is to run a 1v1 setup. I know many times I’ve gone into WvW and seen GoM chomping at the bits in our borderlands with HoD pushing hard at our properties in EB. Just need to rally and push back. That’s all you can do.
Keep heart, but realize that these matchups won’t change like they used to, and will probably lock into near perminent matchups. That’s the downside to very even matchups.(yes, we are a rather even matchup, even if DH has won frequently since we moved down here)
EDIT: On the topic of doubleteaming: I felt this was important to bring to light for anyone interested: [SE] Is currently “allying” itself with HoD, at least on some level, to push GoM out of our matchup. This is going on, and was noted in /t when Abyss took a tower that GoM was holding in HoD’s borderlands. Play for server, play your best, and play for fun, Doubleteaming is not kosher, guys, and [Abys] will never take part in such an action.
gasp! I thought we were friends, Darkhaven and Henge of Denravi!
You know what, I don’t even care, bring it, kittenes. One can golem rush our keeps and one can golem rush our garrison all day every day. I will kill you.
Guess that’s what happens when some players in GoM start trash talking my guild. Some of my guild members have enen gotten whispers from some of GoMs players about how they hate us and that were garbage. Which is fine I guess.
Didn’t know anything about the ‘alliance’ since I was on duty yesterday and didn’t play at all. But my gf does text me so I know alil about whats goin on.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
All your guild did was PvDoor. Don’t know if that is something you are proud of. As far as a it goes for SE and HoD specifically WvW guild, it was a temporary truce.
Maybe you need a history lesson but many empires in the old days have allied each other for a common goal. If you don’t like it, not my problem. I dont need the likes of another guild that types like Seal the Deal or never communicates. So continue to criticize the work that [SE] puts in. I can see it now, [SE] camping, calling for temporary truce. I bet the next thing we’re going to get called out for is taking advantage of culling.
Here is another lesson to be learned from empires in the old days: politics. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that there won’t be a backlash. How you handle that backlash matters. So far, you have not done yourself any favors.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
aren’t we all in some way button mashers or click clankers.. lol
haha, yes
…beware the unicorns.
Guess that’s what happens when some players in GoM start trash talking my guild. Some of my guild members have enen gotten whispers from some of GoMs players about how they hate us and that were garbage. Which is fine I guess.
Didn’t know anything about the ‘alliance’ since I was on duty yesterday and didn’t play at all. But my gf does text me so I know alil about whats goin on.
You can block and report them under verbal abuse, that shouldn’t be tolerated.
Guess that’s what happens when some players in GoM start trash talking my guild. Some of my guild members have enen gotten whispers from some of GoMs players about how they hate us and that were garbage. Which is fine I guess.
Didn’t know anything about the ‘alliance’ since I was on duty yesterday and didn’t play at all. But my gf does text me so I know alil about whats goin on.
You can block and report them under verbal abuse, that shouldn’t be tolerated.
Please don’t whisper flame SE people.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Actually I found last night to be a lot of fun. What started as a long slow siege by DH of bay in our borderlands became quite a bit more interesting when we jumped over to garrison to find, was it 9, HoD golems attacking the water gate. Made me smile. The action kept me up much later than usual. For us it became a target rich environment. Some of the people in GoM BL did seem a bit frustrated, but still I think many, like me, were having a good time.
Actium, I am sorry that your guild members received such whispers. I can only assure you that none of them was whispered by me. My understanding is that such whispering requires a party invite to figure out the players account name. My necro has received party invites from HoD players in the past couple of days, which I have been ignoring. Not quite sure what that is all about, but I obviously read the forums so any comments they might wish me to see can be made here.
As far as the jumping puzzles go, my one experience was that I encountered many DH who were quite gracious and others who were quite aggressive. I suppose I could try to learn the stealth run through the EB jumping puzzle
but at the moment there are other things to keep me busy.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork
Nah, Debois, you can whisper anyone whose account info you know. Any post here opens you up to be contacted in the game.
(edited by styx.7294)
Nah, Debois, you can whisper anyone whose account info you know. Any post here opens you up to be contacted in the game.
brb whispering members of [RH] to say their mother was a charr and their father smelt of omnomberries.
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
I +1 the effort for a more respectful forum and more positive posts. We all used to get on here and trash talk and then all laugh about it. I personally have lost interest in reading this b/c it is constantly ……you did this, no you did that. This matchup will clearly continue for a while so I hope that we can all wipe the slate clean and move forward. I respect all three servers very much and have stated prior to this week that since this matchup has been going on I have had the most fun on this game during that time.
As for last night our guys had a blast at the SE tower of HOD BL. We fought there for almost an hour back and forth with you guys. I was saddened when you all got bored with us and abandoned the tower. We weren’t really trying to take it b/c obviously we didn’t have the numbers but just having fun fighting in the field. However, we did leave a ram offering of appreciation in your tower’s lord room after you guys left. Good times!
I can only help control [PD] guild but I assure you that we do not in anyway abuse any mechanics in the game knowingly. If you witness any of our guys doing something that you believe to be an exploit or unfair, please PM me here or email me in-game.
PS: HOD, our waves and gestures were to tempt you to steam roll us again back to our spawn. We had a ballista that we were iching to show you there. It was the new killa-HOD model.
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend
Hello, everyone.
I heard that members of HoD and DH formed a small truce today and I’d like to apologise to Gates of Madness on behalf of HoD right now.
I want you all to know it was only a few guilds from each server that agreed to this and not HoD as a whole. There was actually quite a large backlash on the forums and in map chat at this truce with a lot of the non participating players and guilds finding this to be dishonorable and not in the Henge spirit.
It’s hard for us here and HoD since our server population is, as far as I am aware, the smallest or close to being it. But we here at HoD generally believe in a fair game (even if we fight dirty where need arises) and we don’t approve on teaming up on someone, so I apologise on behalf of my server to GoM players for the actions taken by one of our guilds today.
Either way I’d like to schedule a little cross server get together at 5pm server time today in HoD. You guys can guest over here and say hi to us in Divinity’s Reach in the central gardens, outside of the palace, meeting near the Asuran gate. I think after fighting for so long it’d be interesting to talk to our enemies face to face and to meet some people cross server. We’ll probably be stuck together for a while so I think it’d help to ease the tiredness we’re all experiencing in this match up if we make some friends. So guest over to HoD, BYO drinks and just chat for a while.
Commander Superb Blue Wren – Aquila Lightbringer – Aurorae Eagle