2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652



I talk so much I figure at some point everyone is going to tell me to STFU in map chat. I’m always calling out stuff. “White swords at Gods”. “Orange swords at Cliff”. “2 FC just ran towards Arah”. “Zerg of 25 heading towards you Commander!”. “60 SF heading your way guys, GET IN TEH GARRISON!!!11!11on”.

I’m a hardcore gamer but my skill with GW2 is really only average (at best) so I try to find other ways to stay useful. Calling out stuff when I see it and doing some of the more “mundane” things like renewing siege, taking out sentry’s and veterans, yakstomping, teaming up with another 1 or 2 to grab an undefended camp, etc. One on one? I’ll probably go down every time; I just had to find my niche. (I’m improving though!)

First off if you are calling stuff out in map like that you are doing you job and setting a good example….but just try to stay away from using capitols when they aren’t needed.

Just wondering what level you are because if you are under 80 and fighting a geared 80 (all exotics) then you are at huge disadvantage. Also you have to realize what class you play and how matches up with other classes based on your build. A good thing is to check out builds and their WvW roles. Here is a site I check out to get opinions on get an idea where I want my builds to be directed to http://en.gw2codex.com. Spvp can also be a good way to practice for WvW.

If you get a full group of five you wont pull up the orange swords on maps and is very effective to take smaller objectives before the enemy realizes. Just make sure if there is only a couple of you taking camps (especially on BL’s) to bounce around to throw any back-capping force off. Take group up left side take 2 camps- then way point back take south camp and one on the right side and then check map to see where the enemy is going, just bounce around to throw them off.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


FC: We are too busy bickering with each other. Certain commanders/guilds dont get along and I’ve been a part of that to some extent. Some times we click just right; other times there is just too much fighting. THat holds us back tremendously.

fixed that for you

but then thats something i would say, i dunno why you said it for me

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I’m pretty much done with WvW until SF moves up. I’ll go there for duels, but that’s about it.

Having too much fun in PvP anyways.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Agricola.2817


Good luck on your next server TTA.


2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Haven’t checked into WvW lots lately, it’s basically just a place to run through dailies right now.

Anyways, as is, the state of the match up is appalling and as such any conclusions drawn (as in lack of coordination, server strength/quality, etc) from the current state are for the most part meaningless. Speaking for myself, my time and effort towards WvW has consistently shifted to PvE and sPvP. Started messing around with alts, fractal and dungeon runs for gear, etc. I think this is most likely a very common story.

Coordination on SF used to be very bad, then there was a large server effort to coordinate more that really hit its prime in the earlier stages of this current match up. Once the steamroll became apparent to everyone, that began deteriorating. There was a resurgence at the news of the reset (because everyone knew we’d be getting annihilated) and then reset was scrapped and that fizzled out.

As is to be on SF in WvW its just zerg around. No one wants to waste siege so it’s not even really used anymore. A little supplement as we smash our heads against our unfortunate victim door. Used to be seeing some creative tactics from ET and FC but that’s not as common anymore, and really only the hardcore WvWers from those servers seem to make any appearance anymore. Everyone’s just losing interest.

Really like as much as I hate to say it ET and FC should just abandon WvW completely and give SF 24 hour full map ownership. Even saying that though I’m skeptical if it’d be enough, and even if it was, the server that’d replace us would probably be condemned to permanent residency no matter what. Tier 8 seems to be becoming some form of cruel and unusual punishment.

I hope the divine hand of ANet intervenes and saves our impoverished WvW souls but until that day of holy reckoning we’re stuck in this purgatory. “Why don’t you change servers?” Don’t want to, not even a solution worth suggesting, as there are bonds and community here I feel a part of. Furthermore it’s not like the server doesn’t care about WvW, I’d like to be able to see it grow, etc, instead of being on the coat tails of some other established server community’s efforts. Paid transfers also punishes us if we were to elect that option because we had the misfortune of being stuck in the T8 pit of rating quicksand when they were activated.

Oh well, very unfortunate situation. Feels like those who do care about WvW might be forced to transfer out simply out of frustration and resignation due to this current match up. I also sympathize with those newer to the game that have only had this match up to base their WvW experience off of.

Frosura master race

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Iskandor.9415


FC: I really don’t like to say this, but did a lot of your commanders leave or take a break? There doesn’t appear to be much cohesion at all, except for once in a great while.

I would say that’s pretty close to the reality of the situation over in FC. Ferg is, in my opinion, pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel for moral. Peak time last night there was barely anybody running around in our BL, let alone commanders. I think it bottomed out when we had ET running up one side of our BL and SF on the other and we didn’t have enough bodies to really put a stake in either zerg. Lot of ‘kitten it, I quit’, in that few hours.

Basically, this.

I haven’t been on Wuvwuv in the two weeks since I updated the week of 2/1’s matchup. My (small, IRL friends) guild has seen some more activity since when, but they popped in, saw the map laid out in green, and promptly yelled “kitten it” into our voice chat. And then we ran some dungeons for our monthlies.

I’m still patiently waiting to be on something that isn’t a blue borderland. I would so, SO love to have my 100% map completion finished. Kudzu isn’t going to assemble itself.

And edit for clarification: I’m not a commander. I’m just a vocal minority speaking for the nonvocal majority. Maybe. I don’t know. I have other problems, namely my primary class’s role in other modes, not just WvW;

OH, and I’m also levelling up some alts. And by levelling I mean inciting small dance parties in newbie zones.


Isquen – Ranger – Ferguson’s Crossing
Sabrina Norofski – Mesmer – Ferguson’s Crossing
Representing Elsendor Militia (who?)

(edited by Iskandor.9415)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Great job in ET for all the new tactics and even the small group raids running across the map and capturing so many points. You guys seem like you have been working together a lot more in the last few days.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Hi guys Im done. Moving to Borlis Pass sometime this week. Check my post in the Suggestions subforum in the T8 attention thread.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


sorry to hear it moobs

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Really like as much as I hate to say it ET and FC should just abandon WvW completely and give SF 24 hour full map ownership. Even saying that though I’m skeptical if it’d be enough, and even if it was, the server that’d replace us would probably be condemned to permanent residency no matter what. Tier 8 seems to be becoming some form of cruel and unusual punishment.

I too share this fear and had pondered this often on these very forums.

Like this dark cloud, that at some point, T8 will become a complete trap to any that fall into it, and that if SF does not pull out soon, it may not pull out at all.

When I voiced this, trying to explain the math and what was happening, and how it could end badly for all involved… well… You can read for yourself

So this is not a new thing to me. Been worried about this for a while now (well the 2 weeks that I started to look at it at least, you can see my first post in WvW was only 15 days ago) and even then, I saw the potential of what could happen (others had seen it far before me).

Well SF never was my enemy, and I wish you all well, after all, we as individuals can be on any sever we want, and any server we are on, is because we chose to be there.

Well, Good luck to you. Hope you pull out of this death trap.

I am seeing a bit more PvE in the Horizon for me, for a little while at least.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Hi guys Im done. Moving to Borlis Pass sometime this week. Check my post in the Suggestions subforum in the T8 attention thread.

I read what you said, I feel bad for you and that things have come to this.

Not much I can say, but, I don’t fault you all, Fair weather and clear skies, best of luck to you.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


I can definitely tell that the mood has swung drastically in Ferg. Certainly in the last few days. I mean, it has been dour for the past few weeks, but now people are just exhausted. It’s tough working ten times harder to hold onto ten times less than the other guy. I dunno. There’s been no proclamation or multi-guild announcement or anything of the sort, but I think Ferg is largely tapping out until this horsekitten is either A. Solved or B. SF goes up a tier.

Yeah, there will still be the occasional zerg taking back spots in the BL and some cross-map supply camps flipped. I’m sure bored toons — such as myself — will be night-capping a keep here and there. Die-hards are die-hards. But, in my opinion, the soul has been sucked out of this fight.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Shame, ET and FC could have banded together a bit to fight back against SF too.

You know, if FC didn’t backstab ET all the time when SF was hitting us.

I want to have feelings of pity for FC, but I don’t. And I can tell you that while the outlook is grim, morale at least is not low on ET. We know our limits, and stick to it, farming the SF Zergs as they come for our heavily fortified structures until they overwhelm it with numbers from the other maps, but are so broken from the fight they can’t take the next structure.

We call them Pyrrhic Victories.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Believe me when I extend the olive branch to any ferguson’s crossing guilds. It seems quite clear that arenanet doesn’t care about tier 8 and people are leaving in droves. I have already spoken to several of the FC guilds and I am totally sincere in helping you pay part of the cost of moving servers (I’m sure other wvw oriented guilds on our server would also help if asked)… That way we can have an active wvw population in at least one of the servers. Moobs, it’s a shame you guys didn’t take my offer as well, but I don’t blame you. The lack of caring or response from this company is incredible.

Feel free to mail me if you are interested. I’m sure many of you know this guild by now and you know we have a lot of good players just itching to have less of a pitched battle.

Benefits include but are not limited to: seeing me run around, the ability to play in a great community of spvp and wpvp players, coming somewhere where you’re wanted and can make a difference, serverwide voip, forums, etc.

Come join our side… it honestly couldn’t hurt and maybe you’ll get to like the ET community as much as I have

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123



I never understood why guys from Ferg would backdoor ET. It boggled me. And I’m not even talking about alliance crap. It just never made sense logically. For what it’s worth, I never participated in it. Never made sense to me to punch the other kid who was getting pushed around by the same bully. I’ve noted my largely pacifist stance on ET in other places in the forum already, though, so it’s old potatoes.

Though, I also have to note that you guys are pretty much returning the favor right now. Reap what we sow, I suppose. So perhaps it’s too late for the ol’ ‘Let bygones be bygones’ routine. But you’ll have to understand if I don’t exactly turn my head the other way when running into ET these days.

Who knows what the future will bring? I know there is a certain sense that if something isn’t done, our guild might pull up roots. I’ll keep your offer in mind for our guild if that time comes. Could be sooner rather than later at this point.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Could always come to SF, and help push us out of T8 ;D

As for SF, outside of a few groups, we lack any sort of coordination. Having a large portion of the server speaking spanish doesn’t exactly help either, and will be another hurdle to jump. Whether it’s due to the language barrier or not, half of the players I whisper in game do not respond at all.

Once the zerg starts rolling, nothing can stop it. Then when it wipes, 40% of it will disappear. When the other 60% sees this, most of them will disappear as well, leaving only handful to defend all the objectives that we had just claimed.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Man looking at the score match up on the MOS site and if we pull these numbers next week we might be able to move up.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Scleameth.6809


From my point of view ET attacked FC first during our “treaty” that never reaaaaly seem to get started in the first place.
Not that it matters much. I actually wish that everyone in FC would give up the fight and do some PvE for two weeks so that SF can just move out of T8. If anyone returns is yet to be seen. I know ET has some new found spirit and I wish FC can get the same spirit back, but we’re tired. Too much time and gold spent on nothing really.

Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I think Ferg is largely tapping out until this horsekitten is either A. Solved or B. SF goes up a tier.

Not to spread any doom here, but, I am not sure what SF going up a Tier would solve for FC or ET at this point. I mean, make no mistake, it would good for SF, but, as far as T8 goes, SF would most likely be replaced by Gate of Madness or Henge of Denravi.

Now, I could be missing something, but as I see it, neither of them seem to be any better a match for T8 then SF is.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


The problem wasn’t addressed soon enough, and now people have jumped ship at an alarming rate.

To answer the player who mailed me about transfers.

If you catch ET on offpeak, around 2am est to 6am est you can catch our server at med population and sometimes it gets lower so the gold price to transfer would then be anywhere from 8-12 g depending on the gold to gem rate and the population. It’s not unreasonable for a lvl 80 doing runs for a day or to get enough gold for himself and some buddies to come over here. It beats waiting months for the match up to change.

Making one of the servers a wpvp force is totally doable… Most of us came to t8 for a reason and a large part of that reason was because we loved the smaller scale fights, mobility, and tactics. Tier 8 is a WvW chess match. Also, why move somewhere where you don’t know anyone and could be trolled out of your mind? We’ve been fighting each other for quite some time so why not come over here with people you know? The only reason to have a “home” server is to wvw (because you can go anywhere to pve for free with guesting) and no one is having fun in wvw. Let’s make this a competitive tier. Before you decide to hop off to some other tier, think about why you came here. The wpvp and communities are unique here. It’s a no-brainer, come join your old foes here at ET.

Sorry about the long winded answer.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jovani.9207


ET this is how bad we want your land.


2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ralloff.7359


ET this is how bad we want your land.

Not even mad at that. I’m impressed even.

Leader of the 3 man Pop Up Pirates(POMF)
Pretty OK Elementalist

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


ET this is how bad we want your land.

Not even mad at that. I’m impressed even.

Umm unless I missed something, that’s one person manning 4 trebs?

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jovani.9207


ET this is how bad we want your land.

Not even mad at that. I’m impressed even.

Umm unless I missed something, that’s one person manning 4 trebs?

This was all after we took the keep so it was empty for that moment and it was 5 not 4 trebs

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: K U R O I T S U K I.4980

K U R O I T S U K I.4980

ET this is how bad we want your land.

Not even mad at that. I’m impressed even.

Umm unless I missed something, that’s one person manning 4 trebs?

Gate was down already, when I saw that many trebs I honestly though of overkill, any counterattack would had suked xd, but I believe that you guys were defending garrison.

[LH]La Hermandad-Guild Leader
Kuroitsuki Lvl.80 Mesmer/La Biribiri Lvl.80 Elementalist
Sorrows Furnace SF (since Aug-25-12)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Going to post a few of my pictures from this match before I go. Hope you enjoy

PICTURE 1: Check out this new ninja spot for Mend I found this match. Blends in with the wall nicely but you need to stop shooting if someone goes into Mend or they will see your giant rocks!

PICTURE 2: In Soviet Sorrow’s Furnace, we ram gates from the inside! If you look closely, you could tell that our ram is set up on the inside of Overlook Keep, and that somebody set a ram up just to allow reinforcements to pass. A strange, yet interesting, way to do things!

PICTURE 3: Positive spawn camping. If they attack your yaks, simply down them but do not kill them. Unless they continue doing it! This way you could be friendly by letting your enemy keep his armor repaired, while also supporting your team

PICTURE 4: Open your eyes ET! One man ninja gets both outer and inner walls down. Time-consuming but fun! It was, of course, another fail, because only about five showed up. It was still fun nonetheless.

Great match thus far ET and FC.


The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Always good to learn new ninja catapult spots :o

The new orange swords change is going to make ganking and ninja capping so much more fun. Unfortunately, that also means no more orange swords with most off-peak zerg sizes in T8 XD

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


I think Ferg is largely tapping out until this horsekitten is either A. Solved or B. SF goes up a tier.

Not to spread any doom here, but, I am not sure what SF going up a Tier would solve for FC or ET at this point. I mean, make no mistake, it would good for SF, but, as far as T8 goes, SF would most likely be replaced by Gate of Madness or Henge of Denravi.

Now, I could be missing something, but as I see it, neither of them seem to be any better a match for T8 then SF is.

Yeah, I wouldn’t argue that. Could be worse, even. But I have zero doubt in my mind that an opponent change would at least ignite the /hope/ that we can win. And that’s important. It’d bring people back out of the woodwork. Maybe even make a match of it. Who knows? Maybe we’ll eventually find out. Or perhaps we’ll be stuck in this hell-hole ad nauseum. I know which one I’m hedging my bets on right now.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


ET this is how bad we want your land.

Not even mad at that. I’m impressed even.

Umm unless I missed something, that’s one person manning 4 trebs?

This was all after we took the keep so it was empty for that moment and it was 5 not 4 trebs

Cool. When I first saw I thought it was 3, because of how they were tightly stacked.

Well I hoping we gave you some kind of fight at least, I was not there for this event, But no doubt this would have really rained some good destruction on whoever was.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


The new orange swords change

I don’t recall any notes about a change to the Orange Swords in WvWvW in any of the recent patch notes. What happened?

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic.6047


2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Fallen.2158


The major reason T8 needs a switch. Showing SF’s lead from about 7pm till 1am when i logged. The chart looked close to this the whole time.


2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


Why would you give up? ET has been face rolled by every single opponent for the past what, about 4.5 months? We haven’t really changed tactics, some of the commanders leveled alts in WvW, bu we have been there.

Here is how you raise your servers morale:
1. Run exp trains. Nothing big go take sentries/camps/dolys. Hit hard hit fast move on.
2. Keep on the move. Doesn’t matter where, if people are moving they think something is getting done.
3. Hit the little areas. Vet worm, vet warg, centaur camp, quaggans, all very easy and fast; lots of exp and you can get some fights at those areas too.
4. Be bold, talk, and let people know what to do. YOU MUST BE VOCAL.
5. Learn names, say hello when you see people come on, make em feel welcome and that they are needed, cause everyone is needed.

Finally, don’t be afraid to switch it up, try some crazy kitten maneuvers, go nuts from time to time, set up siege an hour in advance for what you know will be an incoming zerg eventually, etc.

Most important, make it fun and you can even while outnumbered.


Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Thanks for the link.. and I agree with some of the other posters there.. Yuck.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Why would you give up? ET has been face rolled by every single opponent for the past what, about 4.5 months? We haven’t really changed tactics, some of the commanders leveled alts in WvW, bu we have been there.

Here is how you raise your servers morale:
1. Run exp trains. Nothing big go take sentries/camps/dolys. Hit hard hit fast move on.
2. Keep on the move. Doesn’t matter where, if people are moving they think something is getting done.
3. Hit the little areas. Vet worm, vet warg, centaur camp, quaggans, all very easy and fast; lots of exp and you can get some fights at those areas too.
4. Be bold, talk, and let people know what to do. YOU MUST BE VOCAL.
5. Learn names, say hello when you see people come on, make em feel welcome and that they are needed, cause everyone is needed.

Finally, don’t be afraid to switch it up, try some crazy kitten maneuvers, go nuts from time to time, set up siege an hour in advance for what you know will be an incoming zerg eventually, etc.

Most important, make it fun and you can even while outnumbered.


Very good advise and should be practiced by all….I see a lot of people from every single server in the game that are against Zergs, but when it comes down to it if you run the smaller objectives you usually see the same faces doing it with you while most people follow the Zergs.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: DaBleuberry.1780


FC: I really don’t like to say this, but did a lot of your commanders leave or take a break? There doesn’t appear to be much cohesion at all, except for once in a great while.

Most of our server’s commanders are just done with World vs. World from what I can tell. I have noticed a drop in presence of one of our largest guilds Warzone [WZ] and we have also lost the guild [TTA] they are moving to Borlis Pass. Sometimes I feel like I am the only commander on the server

Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Don’t worry lableu you’ll get tired after 5 months in a row of this as well

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


Worst part is, I can’t stop from thinking, “What if this FC/ET exodus had’ve happened in reverse?” Instead of losing mainstay Wv3 Guilds, what if we’d gained a few?

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Fc cookie cutter perma stealth thief…..
Never accept a party invite, i can see you in stealth

Then get kicked out of EB due to a server error….i was enjoying sitting there tanking your build, with my tanky dps…i forgot my hammer >.<

If you read this pm me, was fun to fight you

PS…don’t stand still when i do 100b….

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Worst part is, I can’t stop from thinking, “What if this FC/ET exodus had’ve happened in reverse?” Instead of losing mainstay Wv3 Guilds, what if we’d gained a few?

That is a happy thought to ponder.

ET used to be 3rd (long before I started playing) and something happened to drop them to last. I mean, I don’t blame anyone for wanting to move were the fighting is more fun. Greener pastures and all that, and I know this is painfully cliche’, but it’s just a game after all.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Just gonna hijack your thread a little, apologies dont shoot!
T6(I think?) NSP/BP/AR is a very close tier for any guilds losing morale.

BP and AR however do have more built up guilds (larger zergs)
NSP has smaller guilds working together and several large ones. Trust me you will always find a decent fight here
Join on on NSP we are the underdog (yet an FC guild recently transferred to BP….even though they are the tier leader)
So if anyone wants to come to our tier pm me for more info <3
GL out there, dont lose the will to fight!

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jarettellis.7813


Honestly it is a little sad to see some of the older guilds leaving, and some of the hardcore wvwers from FC not showing up. But alas we continue on with this match.

And im not a fan of SF, but this is not a “troll” or “whine” post, but thank you in a small regard for taking so much land. It gives me, and the other solo roamers i am training in my guild how to flip camps solo fast. Also it gives me adequate practice when learning how to solo a tower and flip it Now just to try my luck at a keep.

And to any ET or SF that sees a P/D thief with an Omni tag, just bow to me if you ever want to duel. I am always looking for a duel

So good luck all, and kitteneep up the good fight.

Edit: saying Keep…….UP not kittenup >.> dumb forum lol

Vikings with Attitude (Zerk)

(edited by Jarettellis.7813)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


I doubt the 10 people that transferred are going to make a massive difference; although i was very upset when I played T6 yesterday and saw that green had such a large potential… Only this time I’m part of it. However blame yourselves, our guild leader went to the T6 thread and asked which server would be best and BP opened up and many guild leaders spoke to us. Now we’re even using the server wide TS

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

(edited by Darek.1836)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


I doubt the 10 people that transferred are going to make a massive difference; although i was very upset when I played T6 yesterday and saw that green had such a large potential… Only this time I’m part of it. However blame yourselves, our guild leader went to the T6 thread and asked which server would be best and BP opened up and many guild leaders spoke to us. Now we’re even using the server wide TS

Honestly.. that’s 7 more people then we have in EB right now.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


We were also told there wouldn’t be much room for small man teams on NSP and Lukian ruled out AR pretty fast. Honestly, the deciding factor was that BP was the only one of the 3 servers with a “High” population; that’s a 15g discount per person.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


I doubt the 10 people that transferred are going to make a massive difference;

Hmm that sounds quite familiar.. Could it be the same exact line PRO used when they transferred to DR and ruined T8 way back when…

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Wish we could be cut some slack here… I’m already upset I had to leave MY server. I don’t want to unbalance this match and just last week it seemed every server was completely even, so it wouldn’t matter which one we picked.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Wish we could be cut some slack here… I’m already upset I had to leave MY server. I don’t want to unbalance this match and just last week it seemed every server was completely even, so it wouldn’t matter which one we picked.

Well when TTA posted in our thread and asked advice for the move, every single post pointed out that BP had a much higher population and any transfers should go to either AR or NSP… Yet, they go to the overpopulated winning server anyways, and now more are following.. Sorry to be so rude, but I find this pretty lame.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


I’ve stated what our state of thought was but I’ll list the reasons we chose BP in the end.
1) biggest reason, only 1000 gems to transfer instead of 1800 for the other 2
2) Anvil was put under a bad light due to something like a poem about how bad they are
3) I’ve visited Anvil prior to the paid transfer deadline and disliked it. This and 2 basically ruled out AR completely
4) we were confronted by several BP guild leaders and commanders who encouraged us to come
5) likewise, we were not approached at all by NSP, our leader assumed they don’t really care for us coming there
6) a rather selfish reason but, since FC has not been green since week 2, many of us only needed green POIs for map completion. BP was green.
7) we want to fight Envy

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic.6047


1) biggest reason, only 1000 gems to transfer instead of 1800 for the other 2

This shows that the paid transfers price should be based on the average wvw population and not server population. I thought that AR , BP and NSP would have the same transfer fee.