2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


IOJ did something that impressed me big time tonight while trying to hit the east side of DR garrison. They left men behind to defend the tower that had 3 trebs up and running.

DR needs to take a page from this, and realize that not everyone should be part of the main front of the zerg, we do need to leave others behind to defend things. When IOJ got pushed out of the garrison, they fell back to the tower, and started hitting the walls again. Kudos to you guys for this.

We often don’t have the numbers to fight the main zerg head on head, and we certainly don’t have enough to fight IOJ and SBI at the same time on the front lines. We need to start taking points, and leaving a few behind, if nothing else, to call out incoming.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: EricDravin.8947


Crazy fun times in EB tonight, we ran into that raging small village of Sbi between Umber camp and ogres for while… we stormed them while they were setting up to double portal bomb DR.. while this was fun, I’d say we kicked the hornets nest cause after ….. well its better you see for yourself what It was like

EricDravin-lvl80 Necromancer
(UnS) UnitaSumus-GM
(IoJ) Isle Of Janthir-Commander

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


Hope you enjoyed your time in EB tonight DR XD. No new commanders or tranfers. The QQing just kitten us off a bit. Blame your forum warriors for lighting a fire under our bottoms.

Hats off you guys were amazing tonight.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Thanks for the laugh [TRON] glad i found you guys before logging off for the night!


Mr(s) Starkk

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: lim.3687


It was really really so fun on DR BL yesterday night (EST).
I love this match.

Good luck~!!!

Sojoojan series (E, G, M, W)
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Last night was amazing in EB. The best part was how IoJ carefully planned the defense of their territory against our superior numbers in order to preserve Veloka, and more importantly their keep. I was very impressed. Good show, everyone, and I can’t wait for more!

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: MegaManExpert.8413


Hey folks,

Last night was crazy and I think SBI wanted to really stomp some heads into badges. Here is my recount of the adventures last night.

8:00 PM EST: My guild mate(New to WvW) and I where standing in ogrewatch and playing the “Defenders” as commanders pushed on Durios(sp?). There was a small DR push later and was fought off. Then SBI started trebing Ogrewatch from StoneMist and we tried to remove it. That’s when SBI summoned a huge group of people and set up 2 trebs in ogre camps. This group had to of been two groups of 20 or 30, one by the trebs, one outside the tower.

9:00 PM EST: Ogerwatch falls, SBI groups vanish, reclaim the tower, watch a group of 20 people from DR with the guild tags [AD] and [noQQ] eat our smaller pug groups out side of overlook and ogrewatch . We tired to tell our puggers to not fight in the open and use the siege in Towers/Keep to fight back, of course they never listen and get crushed in to badges.

10:00 PM EST: IoJ Commander Takk(Professor Takk) starts his Training session for people new to WvW on the DR Borderlands on the topic of Hold/Retreat/Re-Capture. Took Redvale after we send poor Stargrazor(sp?) to solo the Redbrier tower. We set up siege at Redvale in anticipation of the DR assault. The assault never came so we push Bay after the tower was captured. We noticed while assaulting Bay SBI was pushing the east end of the map. We joke that we should try and race SBI to Garrison and take it before they did. The lack of resistance to our push to Woodhaven and the fact our training plan completely fell apart made us wonder if we could take the garrison. We took Woodhaven and parked our group of 30 there as we explaned how we plan to take Garrison. The first assault from DR to retake Woodhaven got the group energized and after that people where placing siege all over Woodhaven and three trebs on the supply hut.

11:00 PM EST: We noticed that SBI was pushing Garrison and we where trebing the wall from Woodhaven. Soon as the wall fell we told everyone to to take out the closest gate and stack on the three flame rams being built. After the doors where busted down we rushed in, which the professor admitted was a stupid move. We wiped hard, and watched SBI wipe there as well. Good job DR, though I wonder if you recalled all your troops to borderlands because around that time you lost your end of the EB map.

11:30 PM EST: We regrouped/rallied at Woodhaven for a final push since it was getting late and we really did not want to leave our EB area short staffed. DR Garrison wall went up and defended Woodhaven till it the wall fell. We made the desion to abandon the tower knowing we are going to get sandwiched by both ends of DR. What we did not know was SBI [Kiwi] was at the inner gate next the wall. I only imagine IoJ pulling a Kool-aid man through the wall into the unsuspecting SBI and because of culling/rendering we ended up on top of each other. I think DR came out on that exchange winning.

12:00 PM EST: Tranning session disbanded, once again saw the [AD] and [NoQQ] wipe up our remaining group outside of Redvale. Apparently there was this hard to kill person with a Twilight and was starting to gain a bounty for who ever killed him in IoJ Teamspeak. This was around the time I headed over to EB for the JP and portal up the remanding people in the channel to the chest for prints to help fight the SBI forces at Garrison. We had two commanders coordinating defenses and yelling at people to stop repairing the wall and wasting supplies.

I would like to thank Nudibranch and the other commander(sorry, forgot the name) for holding off the HUGE SBI push. I am Proud to part of the IoJ server and living proof that we are growing/evolving as a server!

I would like to hear from some SBI [Kiwi] members on there take of the DR Borderland assault. Also I would like say there was no alliance with SBI that I was aware of, just an assumption that DR would hit back hard on there Borderlands.

Proud Commander for Isle of Janthar
Laspo Yorick – Mesmer
Samson Longshanks – Warrior

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


DR needs to take a page from this, and realize that not everyone should be part of the main front of the zerg, we do need to leave others behind to defend things.

This one item causes more internal strife on DR than anything else. zerg zerg zerg is the answer for many. why send 5 people to take a camp when 20+ can. in 6 min after the camp is capped, those 20 people are somewhere else while it is getting taken back too.

I got to interact with an amazing member of AoD a few times over the last week and it has been fantastic to share a map with him. Good ol’ Bela from AoD is a fortification hero and another amazing commander to work with. ( I don’t know if Bristol is AoD, I think she is, but I only hear her, never see her lol)

Here are a few fantastic things this DR member does while he is helping a map.
1. He dedicated his primary efforts to something specific, and he sticks to it.
2. He doesn’t expect everyone else on the map to do everything for him
3. He communicates clearly, with detail, and considers more than what his focus is on.
4. He asks for help, he doesn’t demand
5. He send’s / request’s help tailored to what needs helping.
6. He considers multiple objectives.

Anti siege treb set up in DRB to take out out Hills treb on SE tower. he doesn’t call for a zerg of 20 people to take it out. Instead sends a single scout, and with communication between that scout and Hills the treb was taken out. Our forces still out dealing with more important stuff.

He remindes his people to upgrade, and to keep eyes on the upgrades. He know’s the best way to stop someone from taking a tower with nobody in it is to upgrade it. He pays for a lot of these upgrades himself. quite the opposite of some of the excuses I hear for ignoring a tower post-zerg-flip.

He and Bristol BOTH would run off to other locations to put silver into it for fortification. Sadly, they can’t be on every map making sure things are actually working right. I know it’s not only them who does this. But there sure are more people not doing it than doing it.

Yak’s Bend.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: lim.3687


11:00 PM EST: We noticed that SBI was pushing Garrison and we where trebing the wall from Woodhaven. Soon as the wall fell we told everyone to to take out the closest gate and stack on the three flame rams being built. After the doors where busted down we rushed in, which the professor admitted was a stupid move. We wiped hard, and watched SBI wipe there as well. Good job DR, though I wonder if you recalled all your troops to borderlands because around that time you lost your end of the EB map.

11:30 PM EST: We regrouped/rallied at Woodhaven for a final push since it was getting late and we really did not want to leave our EB area short staffed. DR Garrison wall went up and defended Woodhaven till it the wall fell. We made the desion to abandon the tower knowing we are going to get sandwiched by both ends of DR. What we did not know was SBI [Kiwi] was at the inner gate next the wall. I only imagine IoJ pulling a Kool-aid man through the wall into the unsuspecting SBI and because of culling/rendering we ended up on top of each other. I think DR came out on that exchange winning.

I would like to hear from some SBI [Kiwi] members on there take of the DR Borderland assault. Also I would like say there was no alliance with SBI that I was aware of, just an assumption that DR would hit back hard on there Borderlands.

Thanks for your post. It’s really fun for me. We could not take the garrison on DR BL. DR’s defense was very nice and it was good fight. Lord is too strong.. lol.. Actually, we decided back-attack of IoJ at Garrison but the result was helpful for DR. However, it was really nice and I remember our fight at west wall of Garrison. IoJ were turning back after push DR and we were attacking the gate. If we could know it was your training, we may not attack Garrison from west. Probably, we would attack Garrison from only east. Anyway, it’s not make sense and so it was really fun. lol..

Oh.. I saw DR zerg. They were so many but not many times. Probably, they moved to EB for taking back their lands.

Sojoojan series (E, G, M, W)
[ML]/[Kiwi] member in Stormbluff Isle (SBI)
Enjoy!! Game is just game.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Krash.9486


I know things looked bleak for DR last night. But I wanted to complement their defense of the DR BL Garrison. They were getting hit from both sides with Trebs, Golems, Rams and massive numbers. Both SBI and IoJ made it into the lords rooms several times and I believe the Lord was even downed at least once. But DR held and wiped our forces with good positioning, good siege placement and flanking moves. As well as placing forces in key points on the map to block our reinforcements and choke off supply to the assault force! I had to log off after a few attempts so I don’t know if it eventually fell or not.

Good Job guys. It was little victories like these that kept our morale up and kept it fun when we were in similar circumstances facing superior forces but still holding on to our little piece.

Don’t get me wrong..you well get no mercy from SBI, just as we got none. But prevailing in these battles will just make you better.

And this should also show the wisdom in upgrading, placing siege and then manning that siege and fighting from inside the keep/tower. That is a GOOD strategy and was intended to be part of this game style. And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.

In any case once again, GG DR!

[SBI] Champions of Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Krash.9486)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: MegaManExpert.8413


Thanks for your post. It’s really fun for me. We could not take the garrison on DR BL. DR’s defense was very nice and it was good fight. Lord is too strong.. lol.. Actually, we decided back-attack of IoJ at Garrison but the result was helpful for DR. However, it was really nice and I remember our fight at west wall of Garrison. IoJ were turning back after push DR and we were attacking the gate. If we could know it was your training, we may not attack Garrison from west. Probably, we would attack Garrison from only east. Anyway, it’s not make sense and so it was really fun. lol..

Oh.. I saw DR zerg. They were so many but not many times. Probably, they moved to EB for taking back their lands.

If we where in communication it would of been a double team effort on DR. Not to say that would of been bad but we would of had to figure out how each side would get Garrison in the end and convincing our group to stick to an agreement. Agreements are hard to honer in WvW due to the fact some players feel that it’s underhanded, not applicable, or not aware of the agreement. This is kinda what happened last week when a random group attacked and took some DR sites and in turn DR felt we broke the agreement. Also don’t feel bad for crushing our training mission, we all knew it would end with confronting SBI, just not the [Kiwi] and not there…

I would personally like to see only skirmishes be fought in EB and all three borderlands of there respective owners and keep the points close as to random break outs in borderlands and moral crushing attacks in borderlands. When people see the pie chart and points close more people join in and feel like they can make difference and not have to worry about overly deafened fortifications by large groups of people in a borderland.

As for the training mission, it was bust since we went from Take/Defend/Retreat to Take/Push/Conquer which was not the topic of that training session. But hopefully the mission boosted IoJ Morale and maybe we can start fielding more members and hopefully at a higher skill level.

Proud Commander for Isle of Janthar
Laspo Yorick – Mesmer
Samson Longshanks – Warrior

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.

I don’t think it’s all trolls. More than anything else, I feel like lot’s of players are only able to imagine one way to do something and that’s where it stops. If you give someone like this a commander tag, guess what they are going to do? Their single trick.

similar to someone’s post above, I feel WvW has lot’s of room for lot’s of play styles; Small Man, Zerg, Solo Roam, or whatever your flavor. If someone is unable to see this then I feel trying to show them is a waste of time, especially online of all places.

Each playstyle is it’s own respective WvW tool. If all you have in your tool box is a hammer and you can eventually get a nail in some wood, you ain’t a carpenter. A screwdriver isn’t going to help replace that pipe under the sink by itself. I’m not sure how someone could think only one PvP option is viable.

Once that get’s understood will you actually be able to teach someone what a lathe is. Then someday if they are as talented as they like to think, perhaps they too will assemble a balsa-wood computer table and use BOTH tools it came with.

2 tools? 3? that wrench screwdriver key thing… is that one or two tools? do you count the item or it’s intended use?

Yak’s Bend.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

DR needs to take a page from this, and realize that not everyone should be part of the main front of the zerg, we do need to leave others behind to defend things.

This one item causes more internal strife on DR than anything else. zerg zerg zerg is the answer for many. why send 5 people to take a camp when 20+ can. in 6 min after the camp is capped, those 20 people are somewhere else while it is getting taken back too.

I got to interact with an amazing member of AoD a few times over the last week and it has been fantastic to share a map with him. Good ol’ Bela from AoD is a fortification hero and another amazing commander to work with. ( I don’t know if Bristol is AoD, I think she is, but I only hear her, never see her lol)

Here are a few fantastic things this DR member does while he is helping a map.
1. He dedicated his primary efforts to something specific, and he sticks to it.
2. He doesn’t expect everyone else on the map to do everything for him
3. He communicates clearly, with detail, and considers more than what his focus is on.
4. He asks for help, he doesn’t demand
5. He send’s / request’s help tailored to what needs helping.
6. He considers multiple objectives.

Anti siege treb set up in DRB to take out out Hills treb on SE tower. he doesn’t call for a zerg of 20 people to take it out. Instead sends a single scout, and with communication between that scout and Hills the treb was taken out. Our forces still out dealing with more important stuff.

He remindes his people to upgrade, and to keep eyes on the upgrades. He know’s the best way to stop someone from taking a tower with nobody in it is to upgrade it. He pays for a lot of these upgrades himself. quite the opposite of some of the excuses I hear for ignoring a tower post-zerg-flip.

He and Bristol BOTH would run off to other locations to put silver into it for fortification. Sadly, they can’t be on every map making sure things are actually working right. I know it’s not only them who does this. But there sure are more people not doing it than doing it.

The problem is not just that people don’t upgrade or place siege.
I have seen many RED, AOD, DDLG, REGA, TBE ,SoCO, Gold,TRON and even guildless players buy upgrades and drop siege. The problem is that they often leave and go somewhere else, but with DR having very small coverage and many guilds hopping maps all the time, siege gets destroyed or reset.

I hear a lot of complaining about people not upgrading on our server. But to be fair I see a lot of upgrading, but less understanding that its ok if an upgrade gets reset, its still worth upgrading. Eventually enough commanders realize that its a benefit to have an upgraded tower with siege to fall back to in case they need to.

Also, a lot of those upgrades are lost in day time, before 8 est when DR comes to play. So if our players don’t see things upgraded, well they were just taken back.

A shout out to DR day krew. You guys are usually outmatched, outgunned and outnumbered. But you are some of the best, stubborn, and selfless players DR has.
I am sad that I only get to play with you once a week.


Lion of the Wind

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Krash.9486


And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.

….. I feel WvW has lot’s of room for lot’s of play styles; Small Man, Zerg, Solo Roam, or whatever your flavor.

Of course, you are correct and I did not mean to suggest that ONLY defending from within a keep/tower with siege is good strategy. But it is a viable and necessary one that some in this thread have suggested indicates unskilled players unable to compete in the field.

Jumping out of your keep into the middle of the attacking forces does not prove skill or courage regardless of the result. It just proves you don’t understand how the game works.

There is a need for every type of play style you mentioned and maybe a few more, and that includes the much denounced zerg.

[SBI] Champions of Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Krash.9486)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


DR needs to take a page from this, and realize that not everyone should be part of the main front of the zerg, we do need to leave others behind to defend things.

This one item causes more internal strife on DR than anything else. zerg zerg zerg is the answer for many. why send 5 people to take a camp when 20+ can. in 6 min after the camp is capped, those 20 people are somewhere else while it is getting taken back too.

I got to interact with an amazing member of AoD a few times over the last week and it has been fantastic to share a map with him. Good ol’ Bela from AoD is a fortification hero and another amazing commander to work with. ( I don’t know if Bristol is AoD, I think she is, but I only hear her, never see her lol)

Here are a few fantastic things this DR member does while he is helping a map.
1. He dedicated his primary efforts to something specific, and he sticks to it.
2. He doesn’t expect everyone else on the map to do everything for him
3. He communicates clearly, with detail, and considers more than what his focus is on.
4. He asks for help, he doesn’t demand
5. He send’s / request’s help tailored to what needs helping.
6. He considers multiple objectives.

Anti siege treb set up in DRB to take out out Hills treb on SE tower. he doesn’t call for a zerg of 20 people to take it out. Instead sends a single scout, and with communication between that scout and Hills the treb was taken out. Our forces still out dealing with more important stuff.

He reminds his people to upgrade, and to keep eyes on the upgrades. He knows the best way to stop someone from taking a tower with nobody in it is to upgrade it. He pays for a lot of these upgrades himself. quite the opposite of some of the excuses I hear for ignoring a tower post-zerg-flip.

He and Bristol BOTH would run off to other locations to put silver into it for fortification. Sadly, they can’t be on every map making sure things are actually working right. I know it’s not only them who does this. But there sure are more people not doing it than doing it.

I totally agree. Belascuza has a broad sense of what to do, communicates well, and keeps his cool. I’ve partied up with him quite a bit and he does whatever is necessary, whether it’s on his own or running a group. Nice guy as well.

And yes, Bristol is in AoD (as am I). She holds the officer title of “Treb Lady” (seriously … the guild title was created specifically for her) and she is renowned for placing, building, and operating siege. She pretty much knows what anything is capable of hitting from anywhere. She’s also, of course, our unofficial greeter on the server’s TeamSpeak.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: RiceRepublic.9271


Fight at DR BL was fun last night. Around 11PM~1AM PST, DR lacked number to defend attackers from both servers, IOJ and SBI. IOB and we were splitting half of DR BL. We probably didn’t attack each other’s keep because we knew each server had great number. So hitting each other would be helping DR. Then all three servers met in DR BL garrison’s lordroom. Greatly sieged! Bali and Arrow carts melted us. (part of the reason we could not take Garrison was that many SBI people don’t know how to take the lordroom. We need to practice this).

As a few people pointed out, we saw 50+ DR zerg at their BL although many disappeared to go to sleep soon after. Great fight at DR BL last night.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.

….. I feel WvW has lot’s of room for lot’s of play styles; Small Man, Zerg, Solo Roam, or whatever your flavor.

Of course, you are correct and I did not mean to suggest that ONLY defending from within a keep/tower with siege is good stagey. But it is a viable and necessary one that some in this thread have suggested indicates unskilled players unable to compete in the field.

Jumping out of your keep into the middle of the attacking forces does not prove skill or courage regardless of the result. It just proves you don’t understand how the game works.

There is a need for every type of play style you mentioned and maybe a few more, and that includes the much denounced zerg.

Nothing wrong with getting in a keep or tower and defending when you are outnumbered. There is something wrong with running away into towers and keeps from even number open field fights or fights where you outnumber your opponent when the match has already been determined, however.

Being careful to not use the big ‘ole generalizing paint brush but SBI does have quite a few players and even guilds like that. But, I’m sure every server does. Except for DR, of course.

BTW, going outside of the wall and killing those attackers can change a lengthy stalemate that drains your defensive supplies into a short victory that doesn’t. It’s a judgement call. Sometimes going out is the correct choice, and sometimes it isn’t.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


There is a need for every type of play style you mentioned and maybe a few more, and that includes the much denounced zerg.

I mentioned Zerg and I believe it surely does have purpose and meaning in WvW. I’m not anti-zerg at all. I’m anti “only do it one way” I’ll zerg, when the time is right. I will not “Rally” to go take a supply camp.

I’m not too sure what you mean about the leaving/staying in a tower bit. I may not be aware of what that conversation is about. I believe that every moment we are in has multiple ways to react to it. Knowing there is more than one option is only the first step. Knowing those options is another. Knowing when to use them, and which best suites an individual situation is the real trick.

Staying in a tower, leaving a tower, not going to a tower, attacking a tower; there are lots of who’s, what’s and how many’s that could call for each decision above for the same exact tower at any given moment. – Generality’s don’t work too well in WvW

That being said. I literally counted Someone in Voice say, “all we need to do is throw more people at them” 7 times in two play sessions. That’s specific, and not right.

Yak’s Bend.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

In all serious though, everybody who is whining about forum posts is extremely biased and should definitely check over their facts before spitting nonsense. Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

Try reading the entire thread before replying. From the first page:

SBI is a zerg-mentality server.

And, yes – compared to other servers I’ve fought SBI is a zerg server.


In all serious though, everybody who is whining about forum posts is extremely biased and should definitely check over their facts before spitting nonsense.

Oh, the irony <3

You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

I encourage you to read Earendil’s post again, and tell me that it isn’t full of bias and nonsense. I was actually offended by the way he portrayed the people of DR, and I’m sure many others were. And why? Because he likes to whine about posts that don’t exist. Because when one person claims very lightly and calmly that he believes SBI has zerg-mentality, he makes outrageous claims like that everybody from DR who posts is a forum warrior because they disagree with him.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


everybody from DR who posts is a forum warrior because they disagree with him.

I am a spellcheck / backspace forum warrior. Not much CC, but I have wit stacked as my primary stat and use logic and sarcasm for off stats. I like to use 80’s cartoon references, irony, and stupid people’s momentum as my main ability’s with imagination or creativity as my elite skill. surprisingly neither has a very long cool down.

Yak’s Bend.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


No sir, didn’t like it.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Samarkand.9748


Thought my ears were buzzing:)
Ty for the shoutouts peeps:)

I’ll say this. I certainly know the feeling that upgrading and siege-ing up a place can feel like throwing money into the wind. I’ve sort of come to peace with it by thinking of it like this. It’s like having a night out with your friends. Everybody buys rounds, great conversations happen, and new folks are met. You wake up the next morning probably feeling like death and wondering where your money went, but you are all gonna get together next week and do it again. Sure, we could of done something else for free; but spending money on an ephemeral moment that gave everyone an unique experience is worth it in my book.

Upgrading can be dull, and can leave you pondering your life choices as you stare at some yak’s butt as it dawdles along to your keep. The reward is when I seeing our keep under treb fire, its walls about to fall, suddenly pop the upgrade. 9 times out of 10 the treb fire stops and I smile with impish glee imaging some dejected trebber stomping off to go sulk for awhile.

I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I’m fine with that. But if you are doing upgrades or siege placement, know it’s not a wasted effort. It’s disappointing to see an almost upgraded tower get captured, but if that upgrade gets through and we can properly siege up a place, you can tie up a zerg for hours. If you don’t have the money for an upgrade or siege, just type out that " X location needs doors. Or, X location needs siege". Also find that calling out for a siege refresh at a location will do wonders. Usually folks will respond, especially if you ask nicely:)

Belascuza. The Beastly Besties (BB) Devona’s Rest
“Get off my Lawn.”

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


I’ll say this. I certainly know the feeling that upgrading and siege-ing up a place can feel like throwing money into the wind.

Upgrading can be dull, and can leave you pondering your life choices as you stare at some yak’s butt as it dawdles along to your keep.

I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I’m fine with that. But if you are doing upgrades or siege placement, know it’s not a wasted effort. It’s disappointing to see an almost upgraded tower get captured, but if that upgrade gets through and we can properly siege up a place, you can tie up a zerg for hours. If you don’t have the money for an upgrade or siege, just type out that " X location needs doors. Or, X location needs siege". Also find that calling out for a siege refresh at a location will do wonders. Usually folks will respond, especially if you ask nicely:)

^^ This. Quoted for truth, every server. And can I add, try not to let it break your heart when you have gone to bed after upgrading and siege-ing up a tower so nicely and come back on next day to find it gone…all gone. Go hug a yak and start fresh.

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Yams.6082


I can sympathize with the vocal DR minority that’s clamouring for open field fights. Having spent the past few weeks first against SoR and TC, and then against Yak’s and CD, we know that it sucks to PvDoor your own borderlands back every day and seeing your forces repeatedly wiped by the opponents’ much larger ones.

I think that once we’ve had our fill of winning again (it’s been a long fall for us from T1), you’ll see more roaming groups and less zerging. I doubt anyone is in a hurry to go back up to T4. However, I don’t believe that forcing the issue by implying SBI WvW players are a skill-less bunch with a mob mentality is productive. People laugh in map chat whenever another post shows up complaining about our numbers. If anything, I think it encourages us to zerg more.

Yams One/Two/Three/Four/Five/Six

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


To the DR sylvari thief with [btsy] (I think? Baltimore something) guild tag, you are a trixy plant.

It seems you met M Black lol.

Maybe so heh. He is very good. Can’t take out my ranger…yet, but I saw him everywhere this weekend trolling people with his cloak and dagger.

You have meet my personal annihilator, him and Helltimore are some very hard core PVP’rs and now that I’m back after two and half months off we will give you even more complications to your survival in WvWvW. ;-}

Stylii (Sylvari) Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) (Guild Leader)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


ADQQSTY has joined Warr Machine, following our new leader Munong.


Hahahaha.. Please don’t kidding us.
Some members of [Kiwi] guild are from WM. I was also an open member of WM in Kaineng when they were in SBI; but not anymore. I have one question. Do you know an address of WM hompage? lol.. (http://www.warmachine.kr/xe/) It’s their formal hompage. I have posted this issue. They will be fun. lol.. Anyway, I love this match. Please don’t fight.

Oh nice, now since I’m back I have some targets to go after because I loved the rivalry on Kaineng. The little 5 man group I was leading had fun with some Kiwis last night and I like my Kiwi’s peeled ;-} Good fights and look forward to some more, ton of fun and will be looking for ya tonight.

Stylii (Sylvari) Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) (Guild Leader)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

I encourage you to read Earendil’s post again, and tell me that it isn’t full of bias and nonsense. I was actually offended by the way he portrayed the people of DR, and I’m sure many others were. And why? Because he likes to whine about posts that don’t exist. Because when one person claims very lightly and calmly that he believes SBI has zerg-mentality, he makes outrageous claims like that everybody from DR who posts is a forum warrior because they disagree with him.

While I promised myself not to answer anymore tho these attacks – I was directly pointed at here. I had to answer more for those who do not know me and who might only read what you said here – I’d like to let them make their own opinion.

Here is the post I made (assuming that’s the one):

“To my fellow SBIers. Please do not answer to these guys anymore, unless you find trolling/ counter-trolling enjoyable (if that’s your case – do your best ). Do not answer to the content of their posts – it’s 100% bait.

They’ll say anything hoping for a reaction. They will repeat endlessly – even bold letters that:
– SBI is a zerg server
– SBIers are unskilled players
– SBIers are only winning with numbers.
– SBIers, just like their WM masters only use culling to defeat them

They’re ready to do anything for attention – they’ll claim SBI is spawncamping then show a pic of a SBI group fighting near the NE exit from Citadel and claim “that is the closest exit to get to the garrison”. The falseness in this statement should be enough to shatter any credibility.

Let them be. Go fight the real DR people on the battlefield. The ones that never give up and cause us headaches (and enjoyable fights). These are forum warriors. We spent too much time with the nice people from Tarnished Coast, Yaks Bend and Crystal Desert and forgot those exist."

I fail to see how this is: “rage post”, “hostile”, “offending to the people of DR”. BTW – if people from DR, outside of the ones I was referring to felt offended, I apologize sincerely. We’re all people who enjoy playing a game, we need each other for that.

Also – I have nothing against the fact that you are enjoying (at least that’s what it seems to me) this kind of forum exchange. It is your call, it’s the internet. I’m not enjoying it however and I will not answer publicly to any of the posts from a small group of DR based posters. If you have a problem with me – take it to private messages.

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: ShockStun.7453


Hello! First time posting on here. Just wanted to say hello to fellow DR and SBI players from IOJ.


2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

I encourage you to read Earendil’s post again, and tell me that it isn’t full of bias and nonsense. I was actually offended by the way he portrayed the people of DR, and I’m sure many others were. And why? Because he likes to whine about posts that don’t exist. Because when one person claims very lightly and calmly that he believes SBI has zerg-mentality, he makes outrageous claims like that everybody from DR who posts is a forum warrior because they disagree with him.

While I promised myself not to answer anymore tho these attacks – I was directly pointed at here. I had to answer more for those who do not know me and who might only read what you said here – I’d like to let them make their own opinion.

Here is the post I made (assuming that’s the one):

“To my fellow SBIers. Please do not answer to these guys anymore, unless you find trolling/ counter-trolling enjoyable (if that’s your case – do your best ). Do not answer to the content of their posts – it’s 100% bait.

They’ll say anything hoping for a reaction. They will repeat endlessly – even bold letters that:
– SBI is a zerg server
– SBIers are unskilled players
– SBIers are only winning with numbers.
– SBIers, just like their WM masters only use culling to defeat them

They’re ready to do anything for attention – they’ll claim SBI is spawncamping then show a pic of a SBI group fighting near the NE exit from Citadel and claim “that is the closest exit to get to the garrison”. The falseness in this statement should be enough to shatter any credibility.

Let them be. Go fight the real DR people on the battlefield. The ones that never give up and cause us headaches (and enjoyable fights). These are forum warriors. We spent too much time with the nice people from Tarnished Coast, Yaks Bend and Crystal Desert and forgot those exist."

I fail to see how this is: “rage post”, “hostile”, “offending to the people of DR”. BTW – if people from DR, outside of the ones I was referring to felt offended, I apologize sincerely. We’re all people who enjoy playing a game, we need each other for that.

Also – I have nothing against the fact that you are enjoying (at least that’s what it seems to me) this kind of forum exchange. It is your call, it’s the internet. I’m not enjoying it however and I will not answer publicly to any of the posts from a small group of DR based posters. If you have a problem with me – take it to private messages.

You know we all “Shoulda Rolled Kaineng” that way we would have all been together and we could all sit around a camp fire, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya! Anyway that isn’t going to happen. What does matter is that we have fun in WvWvW and a good sense of rivalry which is always a good thing.

Stylii (Sylvari) Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) (Guild Leader)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Hillbilly Lovechild.3841

Hillbilly Lovechild.3841

I find this thread funny

Lord Smalls

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Nice try StormBluff, even though we had 5 people on at the start of your attack, we still didnt give up! Our keep wont be such a push over like Devona’s, we’ll fight for ours, good push nonetheless, i wish i recorded the 5 golems before these 3 though.

Mr(s) Starkk

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590


You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

lol, cute back-pedal. You asked a question and I answered it. I’ll even quote your question and the answer again for you.

Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

SBI is a zerg-mentality server.

And, yes – compared to other servers I’ve fought SBI is a zerg server.

So what is the magical context where Oozo is not calling SBI a zerg server? This will be good.

Oh I see, you’ve refined your question now. Funny about that. As I said, nice back-pedal. You’ll have to read Earendil’s response I guess – he made the claim not I.

Though if I had to guess I’d just read through any of Oozo’s/Gab’s posts in this thread and if you aren’t “extremely biased” and full of “nonsense” I’m sure you will find what he’s talking about.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

lol, cute back-pedal. You asked a question and I answered it. I’ll even quote your question and the answer again for you.

Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

SBI is a zerg-mentality server.

And, yes – compared to other servers I’ve fought SBI is a zerg server.

So what is the magical context where Oozo is not calling SBI a zerg server? This will be good.

Oh I see, you’ve refined your question now. Funny about that. As I said, nice back-pedal. You’ll have to read Earendil’s response I guess – he made the claim not I.

Though if I had to guess I’d just read through any of Oozo’s/Gab’s posts in this thread and if you aren’t “extremely biased” and full of “nonsense” I’m sure you will find what he’s talking about.

I think a better way to say it Oozo would be “SBI is a server whos tactical options range from ‘Xerxes at the Battle of Thermopylae’ to ‘Stalin at Stalingrad’”

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


You mean to tell me that Earendil’s entire rage post about “forum warriors” was really about this one person? I honestly doubt that, because Oozo’s posts (that you took completely out of context) were actually rather friendly — especially compared to Earendil’s hostile response. Tell me, where is the trolling and the endless repetition — in bold letters, don’t forget — of SBI being a zerg server? Where is the forum warriors from DR who are nowhere near as kind as the angels from TC, YB, and CD?

lol, cute back-pedal. You asked a question and I answered it. I’ll even quote your question and the answer again for you.

Who ever said anything about SBI being a zerg server or being unskilled, etc? I’d really love to know.

SBI is a zerg-mentality server.

And, yes – compared to other servers I’ve fought SBI is a zerg server.

So what is the magical context where Oozo is not calling SBI a zerg server? This will be good.

Oh I see, you’ve refined your question now. Funny about that. As I said, nice back-pedal. You’ll have to read Earendil’s response I guess – he made the claim not I.

Though if I had to guess I’d just read through any of Oozo’s/Gab’s posts in this thread and if you aren’t “extremely biased” and full of “nonsense” I’m sure you will find what he’s talking about.

And, I also said that there are exceptions to the rule and that not all of SBI has zerg-mentality, but a lot of SBI does. Hell, DR had a lot of people with zerg-mentality on it as well when it was back in T8 winning with a huge population advantage. It really shouldn’t be surprising that SBI does since it used to be a T1 server.


Ugh, it’s embarrassing when people toot their own horn for their groups/zergs simply having superior numbers.

Doing more with less numbers, now that’s worth bragging about.

I agree. That’s why I didn’t like it when a few people (and it was just a few) from SBI started tooting their own horns when they took the point lead early Saturday morning after losing the point race on reset night. Given your quote above, I’m guessing that you would agree that it’s in poor taste to say you won reset night when, in fact, you lost reset night and didn’t take the lead until you were able to PvDoor while people were sleeping. (Of course, it’s always possible that you are a hypocrite.)

So, I said something about it. Then some from SBI, including yourself, attacked me for simply stating a fact at which point it escalated quickly.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590


My recent post wasn’t intended to have a go at you for what you said Oozo. I don’t know what Ear was referring to specifically. Maybe just the general holier than you attitude of, well, every single post you’ve made in this thread.

It was primarily aimed at the person who I quoted.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

(edited by Amurond.4590)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Amurond.4590



Ugh, it’s embarrassing when people toot their own horn for their groups/zergs simply having superior numbers.

Doing more with less numbers, now that’s worth bragging about.

I agree. That’s why I didn’t like it when a few people (and it was just a few) from SBI started tooting their own horns when they took the point lead early Saturday morning after losing the point race on reset night. Given your quote above, I’m guessing that you would agree that it’s in poor taste to say you won reset night when, in fact, you lost reset night and didn’t take the lead until you were able to PvDoor while people were sleeping. (Of course, it’s always possible that you are a hypocrite.)

So, I said something about it. Then some from SBI, including yourself, attacked me for simply stating a fact at which point it escalated quickly.

Don’t really see how that post makes me a hypocrite. I haven’t changed my opinion at all. People who feel the need to brag about destroying opposition with superior numbers are embarrassing, especially when they belong to your server. Maybe the only thing I would change is to add the condition “unprovoked” in there somewhere. I can see the appeal after having some thinly veiled insults thrown your server’s way. Implications of being unskilled and zerg babies and all that.

By the way, you and I will have to agree to disagree that posting a score update (which is all that was done before you chimed in with your rubbish) is “tooting their own horn”. Every single game thread SBI has been involved in until this match-up has involved posting many score updates. That this rubbed you the wrong way says a lot more about you than the person who posted it.

For the record, here is the post you felt the need to derail the thread into an argument for:

This looks like it’s going to be a fun match for all 3 servers. Some fierce fighting out there tonight. Good luck and have fun on the field, everyone!

Good lord I hope Yohimbe apologised for that.

Edit: I checked, he did. Lol. Poor guy. Some kitten has a go at him for posting a score update and he feels the need to apologise.

~ The Server I Play On Is Better Than The Server You Play On ~
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~

(edited by Amurond.4590)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


IoJ Hospitality

<3 Bsty – M Black has a fan club.


backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

(edited by Aeneasx.1589)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

IoJ Hospitality

<3 Bsty – M Black has a fan club.

lol isnt that the thief from MoW? I’ve seen him and his guild of thieves, I can see why they would be mad at m black, hes just too bsty.

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

(edited by Creepy Silent.9801)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Kyuzo.4675


Anyone interested in reviving fight club at the windmill? It generally improves guild/server relations imo. It’s a little late at night atm but i’ll hang for a little bit.

[AD] Devona’s Rest

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: James Foringer.2906

James Foringer.2906

I wanna see one of you guys come up to t4 and fight us!

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Pentzski.4620


Anyone interested in reviving fight club at the windmill? It generally improves guild/server relations imo. It’s a little late at night atm but i’ll hang for a little bit.

Which windmill? I always come out to a fight club.

Lilliàna – Mesmer
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Kyuzo.4675


Went to bed but tomorrow night or the next will be fine. Was in IoJ but SBI bl would be fine also.

I wanna see one of you guys come up to t4 and fight us!

I don’t remember any [pk] players attending the fightclubs that Ehmry did when we were in the same tier but maybe it was a different timezone than when I play? Perhaps there will be another opportunity in the future, meanwhile i’m sure there are plenty of opponents in your current match up that would be happy to set something up. ( btw, I have some vague memory of a post and video that [pk] put on the wvw forum a few weeks ago but I can’t remember the title)

Anyway, I’ll try and remember to put a post up tomorrow to see if anyone is interested in a “fightclub” and I’ll do it before it gets too late in the evening.

[AD] Devona’s Rest

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Phenona.9457


Anyone interested in reviving fight club at the windmill? It generally improves guild/server relations imo. It’s a little late at night atm but i’ll hang for a little bit.

I would love to do this!

Phenona-Ranger, Somaina-Mes, Shaleo-Theif, Chrytheena-Ele, Milphina-Engi, Purpleppleater Yum- Mes.
Running [Lost] in IoJ

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


IoJ Hospitality

<3 Bsty – M Black has a fan club.

lol isnt that the thief from MoW? I’ve seen him and his guild of thieves, I can see why they would be mad at m black, hes just too bsty.

Idk people are just jelly of his skill and flowing white locks… Err leaves.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Yams.6082


lol isnt that the thief from MoW? I’ve seen him and his guild of thieves, I can see why they would be mad at m black, hes just too bsty.

Imagine that guild of thieves all running Thieves Guild as an elite

Yams One/Two/Three/Four/Five/Six

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


IoJ Hospitality

<3 Bsty – M Black has a fan club.

lol isnt that the thief from MoW? I’ve seen him and his guild of thieves, I can see why they would be mad at m black, hes just too bsty.

Idk people are just jelly of his skill and flowing white locks… Err leaves.

“M Black” was one of a very few thieves that I would actually have to play hard and pay attention to when fighting against when I was on Kaineng back in the day. Now that I run with him I can feel your pain. Best I can tell you to do is get a really good Elm or two for CC and pray ;-}

Stylii (Sylvari) Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) (Guild Leader)

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

I was just reading an earlier post and it seems that crank also has a lot of fans with his twilight, a bounty on his head? That’s a little mean

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


I was just reading an earlier post and it seems that crank also has a lot of fans with his twilight, a bounty on his head? That’s a little mean


backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Back-petal? Haha you’re that desperate to argue? I asked a question, you answered it, and I asked another question. I didn’t refine my original question (lmao), I simply asked another.

You must have mistaken my first question as a rhetorical argument, which it was not (it was a serious question, not an argument). If the “I’d really love to know” didn’t point that out, I’ve got some bad news for you, back-petal boy lmao.

I really didn’t care about your quotes of Oozo — My last post was simply responding to your “Oh the irony <3” comment, as it was rude and it obviously didn’t make any sense. You’re so quick to judge a comment (in this case a question) as an argument against you that it makes you blind.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/22 DR--IOJ--SBI

in WvW

Posted by: thel.5423


I’m down for a fight club, what time and map?

Thel – SBI – [AB/iDB]

(edited by thel.5423)