2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.


The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Can’t emotes be turned off from the chat box? Seems like a good way to “rise above” getting into the /dance /laugh /whatever conversation altogether.

At the end of the day though, this is war. War is nasty. War is brutal. It should be. A guy the other day on ET had a pretty eloquent comment in map chat when he said, “If you’re red, you’re dead.” (referencing the “invader” tag coloring) I wish I could recall who said it. Kudos to you. It’s the brutal but correct view imo.

Red = dead is actually quite a common motif in the WvW forums. The PvE-only whiners are quite a vocal minority, and thankfully most people in game realize that if the game lets you kill it, it’s likely prudent to proceed to do so.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.

It’s strange to me that letting pubs have free siege when you outnumber us 3:1 is so threatening. Guess we must be terrifying to you guys at SF…

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.

It’s strange to me that letting pubs have free siege when you outnumber us 3:1 is so threatening. Guess we must be terrifying to you guys at SF…

About as terrifying as those kitten quaggan backpacks

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


It’s strange to me that letting pubs have free siege when you outnumber us 3:1 is so threatening. Guess we must be terrifying to you guys at SF…

They’re called principles.

Just because we don’t need coordinated small group tactics in our current matchup doesn’t mean we aren’t still practicing them despite it being overkill.

I give the PvE-only players on my own server just as much grief on my way up as I give any other server’s jump puzzle players. Only difference is, I can do much more to you guys than just give people swiftness in all the inconvenient places to have it.

I mean sure, what you say about letting others have siege despite a numerical advantage is quite reasonable. Unfortunately, that’s only under the assumption that I even want this current matchup to be fair or even. I’d even go as far as to say sure, it’d make sense if I was trying to actually be a nice person.

However I don’t.

With no intervention from Anet in sight, I actually want this matchup to be as lopsided of a bootstomp as possible so all parties involved can have a fresh matchup. Letting you guys have free toys to play with only serves to shrink our lead and lengthen the time we have to deal with the stale matchup.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: scooby treat.8420

scooby treat.8420

I’m going to be honest yes SF has more WvW players than us (FC). However we could do a much better job than are doing. FC seems to have become the friday warriors server where we have a decent turn out at reset and then not much after. We also need to talk better with each other. Why fight on 4 maps when we don’t have the numbers?

1) protect our BL
2)choose the next BL to attack and stay there and help backup our BL when needed.
3)Protect and upgrade what we have in the BL we have chosen to attack
4)IF we have enough to start an attack on a 3rd BL decide and go there and stay out of the 4th. Maybe if you want to send 2 or 3 for camp runs that works for the 4th but the rest stay out.

The simple KISS (Keep it simple stupid) works if we work together. When i can go to all 4 BL’s and see maybe 5 to 10 players running around that could be 20 to 40 people in 1 BL is enough to do some damage.

Quit playing WvW just for exp/karma trains. It seems a lot of people just want the exp/karma train rather than upgrade and help protect what we have. Its a lot harder to take something upgraded then paper walls and doors.

Quit only coming out on fridays. Now if you only play this game on fridays when reset happens sure I understand that is the only time you can play but if you play other days than just friday come out to WvW. Also don’t stop coming out because we don’t own much. Start in our BL if it needs help and ask where we are attacking in the next BL (if people would only attack 1 other BL).

-FC- Cookie Snatchers [MINE]
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: shunobee.6907


Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.

Guys it’s a game, not a war. Just FYI. Most players in sports and other games try to show some respect to opponents and don’t taunt or run up the score. Now I’m not saying that SF should stop capping stuff, but camping JPs when we don’t even have the people to mount a siege is rather distasteful.

The few remaining guilds on FC and ET can’t even get together to have a guild event in the JPs without SF interrupting us, even though the score is 2x or 3x in favour of SF and there is no way we could mount a comeback with the minimal siege we get from the JP.

[mend] – Eredon Terrace

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I’m going to be honest yes SF has more WvW players than us (FC). However we could do a much better job than are doing. FC seems to have become the friday warriors server where we have a decent turn out at reset and then not much after. We also need to talk better with each other. Why fight on 4 maps when we don’t have the numbers?

1) protect our BL
2)choose the next BL to attack and stay there and help backup our BL when needed.
3)Protect and upgrade what we have in the BL we have chosen to attack
4)IF we have enough to start an attack on a 3rd BL decide and go there and stay out of the 4th. Maybe if you want to send 2 or 3 for camp runs that works for the 4th but the rest stay out.

The simple KISS (Keep it simple stupid) works if we work together. When i can go to all 4 BL’s and see maybe 5 to 10 players running around that could be 20 to 40 people in 1 BL is enough to do some damage.

Quit playing WvW just for exp/karma trains. It seems a lot of people just want the exp/karma train rather than upgrade and help protect what we have. Its a lot harder to take something upgraded then paper walls and doors.

Quit only coming out on fridays. Now if you only play this game on fridays when reset happens sure I understand that is the only time you can play but if you play other days than just friday come out to WvW. Also don’t stop coming out because we don’t own much. Start in our BL if it needs help and ask where we are attacking in the next BL (if people would only attack 1 other BL).

Scooby for commander!

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


This past weekend I finally witnessed jump puzzle camping producing a beneficial result, actually.

While we were in the process of assaulting FC’s keep, while I was running through the puzzle myself, map chat seemed to indicate an ever-increasing number of blues coming into the jump puzzle while an active assault was just being launched against their keep. For reasons unknown to me, whoever those guys were were more interested in dislodging the jump puzzle campers than actually defending the keep.

That alone is reason enough for me to go from indifferent to slightly in favor of jump puzzle camping when the map is already mostly green. I’d still consider it a waste of my own time, but if it’s getting positive results in drawing defenders away from where they’re needed, then I’m okay with others doing it.

Regarding running up the score: ironically, running up the score is exactly what’s going to break the stale matchup. Believe me, I’m in the same boat regarding the matchup, but I’m pretty sure my time is better spent in making sure we earn as many points as fast as possible to break out of T8 than waiting for Anet to do something about it. My badge earn rate is terrible when we’re winning by too much — it’s usually shy of 80-90 a night. By comparison, the first week of this matchup I was getting about 120 badges/night. Holding that coordinated attack two prong attack Saturday night earned me north of 150 badges in less than four hours.

For the record, stale matchup or not, if you guys can put on that sort of showing on a regular basis I wouldn’t mind staying in T8.

When people complain about the stale matchup, and then proceed to do their absolute best to keep it stale, forgive me if to me that just comes off as facetious. Perhaps the message everyone’s really trying to send from ET and FC is ‘we hate losing, but you guys are way too strong compared to the rest of this tier for us to have a chance.’ I see nothing wrong with stating things this way, by the way. It’s how I saw things in our nosedive down from T5. Stating things that way would stop the rest of us from wondering ‘wait why are they doing the single thing that’d lengthen the time we stay in this stale matchup.’

As it stands right now, the gap between HoD and SF is widening, and I’m not entirely sure how the WvW population shift affects weekday dynamics, but it sure has already affected weekend dynamics.

TL;DR: JP camping can’t be that bad if it pulls defenders from a keep currently being attacked to try to break the camp. I’d be OK with SF staying in T8 if ET and FC can constantly do what they tried to do Saturday night.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.

Guys it’s a game, not a war. Just FYI. Most players in sports and other games try to show some respect to opponents and don’t taunt or run up the score. Now I’m not saying that SF should stop capping stuff, but camping JPs when we don’t even have the people to mount a siege is rather distasteful.

The few remaining guilds on FC and ET can’t even get together to have a guild event in the JPs without SF interrupting us, even though the score is 2x or 3x in favour of SF and there is no way we could mount a comeback with the minimal siege we get from the JP.

Guy it’s a game with siege warfare and fighting so not sure why you want us to sit there and let people get into a position where they can take us out from behind, but FYI there are plenty of jp’s out in pve for your guilds to run. The jp is a pain I don’t like to run it twice so not going to put myself in that position again

If you read the post by Scooby and got your members to fight like they did Friday it wouldn’t even be an issue.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


Personally I never started corpse dancing/jumping/laughing/whatever until it started popping up as a problem on the forums. It happens to me all the time lol, really nothing to get upset about. As far as JP camping goes, I don’t do it but really why would we let you have free seige? It’s a war. Could you imagine if the French asked Germany for free weapons during World War II? It would be baffling.

And zerging annoys you? Well tough. I don’t care if it’s honorable or not, if it works and it isn’t against GW2 rules I will use it. Believe it or not, zerging is a tactic. Zerging is available to all servers, not just SF. Connecting back to the WWII reference, imagine if the French also asked Germany to stop fighting in mass because it was dishonorable, or it made them seem like “distasteful” people.

I will stress again that this is a war. No matter what tactic we need to use, red = dead. We are enemies, whether you like it or not. If you want a place where people are always polite, I’m sure you’ll love PvE.

But all of this aside, I’m proud to say that the waypoint at ET keep I ordered has been built, woo transportation. Let’s play a game… find the blue or red.

Oh my goodness. I think I just spotted somebody equating a videogame to an actual war that killed millions of people. No, I will not bite on that analogy. So lets try to reign in the rhetoric here a bit.

First, I don’t fault SF for steamrolling. You’re doing what you gotta do. As a Ferg player, it sucks balls, but I get it. Second, I could give two squirts of kitten about any dancing/laughing/pointing. If you do it, wonderful. If not, keep on keeping it classy. Either way, it doesn’t earn badges or points, so who cares. Most of us are teleporting out and not seeing it in any event. But I agree with the posters earlier who noted that complaining about it just gives the griefers validation. Besides, 9/10 I find that the SF horde is too busy stampeding over my body to actually take the time to dance on it. If they’re laughing/dancing, they’re not zerging, and that’s almost a good thing.

Third, these pictures SF folks are posting of EB being green? So… I’m supposed to be impressed? EB has almost been perma green for a solid two weeks or so. It’s far more unusual when there are spots of blue or red in EB. Post pictures of that, because that’s the crazy kitten that’ll blow minds right there. Fourth, it seems that many of us are in agreement that even groups of ET/FC seem to own similar sized groups of SF. Personally, I think it has less to do with the ‘skill’ than simply you guys have largely numbed yourself to small fights by riding the steamroller. By the time you realize that X fight isn’t going to come easy because you don’t have the numbers, it’s often too late. However, let me be the first to say that I’ve seen plenty of talented, hard-nosed SF toons rolling around that know how to smack kittenes up in small fights. This is fact.

Fifth, if pure server numbers are king, coverage is queen. Whilst I’m not advocating simply bending over and taking it, generally speaking, FC just can’t field the numbers to turn back SF when they get going. I don’t care if everyone is in one map or not. I’ve seen it firsthand a mob of Ferg get laid out by a super-mob of SF. We can’t super-mob in Ferg. That’s just the way it is. We could probably get away with protecting our BL fairly well if that’s where every WvW toon in Ferg stayed. Even then, I’m not so sure from a numbers standpoint. But the point is that we’d still lose because we can’t hold our BL and take another one because we simply lack the numbers to sustain and defend. And this is doubly true in regards to SF because their coverage typically dwarfs ours. That’s why they can turn the map green when nobody is around. We’d do the same thing in their situation. So I don’t begrudge that tactic by any stretch. Last, I’m eagerly awaiting SF getting the hell out. Nothing personal, but I’m at the point where I’d just be glad to get steamrolled by somebody different, if nothing else. But I also realize that it may not happen as soon as any of us would like. Thems the breaks. Yeah, I’ll still WvW and kill a few SF. And probably get killed more often than I kill. But I’m not exactly feeling guilty that my interest and time in WvW is going to be severely limited until somebody else slides into that green spot. Maybe then it will get better. Hell, maybe it will be another month of soul-crushing domination by HoD. Or whatever server eventually falls. I can’t say, but what I can say is that, at this point, I’d prefer the devil I don’t know over the one I do.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

(edited by geekanerd.4123)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


Well I talked to [DH] guild. They are sorry and they will not do that again.
They said that they thought its a normal thing like mesmer portals in WvW and they thought everyone used them as they did.
So we are done with that.
And it was fun taking SH from you SFs then heading back to EB to push you back :P.

First of all, you talked to one member of [DH]. There may have been a few that may have been exploiting (I have not seen any pics, video or anything) but the majority of us did not even know what you were talking about when the information was relayed to us.

Here ya go…notice the ET guys outside the gate trying to fight in and the fact your guys are inside (and nothing has been damaged not the gate and not the walls)…there’s you picture and if you go back to last weeks forum there are more.


Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


With no intervention from Anet in sight, I actually want this matchup to be as lopsided of a bootstomp as possible so all parties involved can have a fresh matchup. Letting you guys have free toys to play with only serves to shrink our lead and lengthen the time we have to deal with the stale matchup.

Would you feel bad sir, if I told you that the jokes on you?

You see, Anet is using a Glicko System to chart the worlds, that means it is treating your world as one player, and mine as another. It is also giving a gauge number to your worlds skill and a gauge number to mine and building a predicted outcome.

Now the problem with this is that Since ET or FC can’t move down, we are stuck where we are, but because you’re team is only doing as well as “expected” is not doing enough to move up.

Now, the irony of that is, you are taking everything on the map. Which is where is starts to look bad, there is nothing more you can take to surge forward, so you have neatly locked yourself into a bottom barrel treadmill, that no matter how good you do, you will remain stuck here with us.

The more we fight, the longer we keep you here too, however, if we did not fight at all, and let you take everything, you still would not climb out, you would still be stuck here, because right now, the Glicko System has you set at being able to take everything on the map, and has it measured that is what you should be doing.

So, in the long and short run, painting the map green is rated as an average performance by Glicko system in regards to SF vs ET & FC, and average does not move up the ranks.

So, thanks to some skewed ranking system, an effort to “inch ahead” ends up ensuring that you will be spinning your wheels for what could be an indefinite amount of time.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

Thanks for the offensive from ET and FC tonight. Mostly WZ and KWBH from what i saw. It was a nice change of pace, keep up the good work you guys are easily the best guilds from your respective servers from what i’ve watched.

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


(lots of good points)

While you do bring up good points regarding ET and FC’s loss of rating points adversely affecting our ability to progress out of T8, I’d like to point out that we’re not holding complete map domination for as long as we need to in order to actually gain points.

As this matchup gets more and more stale, we too gradually lose the ability to hold large point gains despite our high peak WvW population. I’m not sure if the other two sides have noticed this, but anything past 550ppt and it already feels like we’re stretched dangerously thin. Without the ability to hold large point gains merely 2-3 hours past our peak times, our only remaining effort in holding the large point gains we need to earn points lies with cripping the ability for ET and FC to fight. Whether that comes from actual in-game combat, demoralization “tactics” from emote usage, or encouraging infighting amongst opposing servers on the forum, anything that serves to maximize the margin by which we win shortens the time we’re here.

Yes, in doing so, we’re making it that much harder to gain points the following week, and it may not even be sustainable for us to keep increasing the margin by which we win, but I do not for one second believe that we’ll see some sort of intervention that will cut down on the wait time, and with that in mind I’m still going to do everything in my power to widen our winning margin.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Whether that comes from actual in-game combat, demoralization “tactics” from emote usage, or encouraging infighting amongst opposing servers on the forum, anything that serves to maximize the margin by which we win shortens the time we’re here.

to me, personally, these “tactics” make your server look more like a bad guy and dont give me any kind of incentive to just allow you to walk all over us… which is of course the best solution in the absence of an intervention.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


That’s exactly what’s wrong with this matchup.

Nobody actually wants to do what it takes to break this matchup. Until intervention finally happens months or even years down the line, it’s just one big game of chicken now.

Nobody wants to back down, and that’s the only thing worthy of respect out of this whole ordeal. And I’m certainly not about to back down from doing everything in my power to kick the legs out from underneath my opponents, no matter how distasteful the tactics I may need to resort to. It literally does not matter whether we look like the “bad guy” in this matchup when the numbers dictate that we need to win by a far bigger margin to advance. To me, it’s a far worse fate to endure eight more weeks of blowout losses compared to two to three weeks of morally disgusting behavior that ends in the complete spirit crushing routs necessary for us to advance.

While I respect that fighting spirit and hope it never goes away, I’m also keenly aware from our own descent into the depths of the tier chart that while fair-weather players vanish at the first sign of a night that they don’t hold more than 200ppt, even the most jaded of players have a breaking point. At this point, this tier is literally all about finding that breaking point and reaching it.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

(edited by silverfire.2547)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Yes, in doing so, we’re making it that much harder to gain points the following week

You had it figured out here, and you should have stopped.

You see, you only Think you are fighting ET and FC, we just share the map with you, we could keep up doing whatever we are doing, heck, we could ignore you and just fight each other, and the outcome would remain the same.

You see, what you are really vying against is a projection of how well you should be doing, and it’s a more vicious then you think, if you think you can baby step out of this by doing silly things like dance or just crating minor unrest for a 1 – 2% gain, you sir have been played, or at least do not understand the real animal you are fighting.

You see, Glicko also projects how much you should improve, as well as how well you have done. What that means, if for the sake of argument, in your last 20 days, you showed a progressive improvements of 30% additional map coverage, a it projects that in the next 20 days you will have a lets say 12% progressive improvements based on slower gains later in the 20 day cycle, what that means for you, is if you gain a solid 8% additional map coverage, you sill end up with a net loss.

Now, notice, you have been losing rankings even if you have been gaining map coverage.

So you’re not fighting ET or FC, you’re fighting yourself at this point, and you really can’t win that one if you think attacking us will solve it. In fact, if you keep this up, then the only armies that will be able to break out of T8 will be ET and FC, because SF will require so much gain that their very well may not be enough points on the map to make a surge.

But that is not my fault, I am not your adversary here, by all means, leave and find greener pastures, with my blessing, the problem lies in the math and the system used to calibrate where you belong.

Buy your own doing, you’re going to lock yourself in T8 if you keep going the way you’re going. Feel free to ask your guild mates, or anyone else you know who understand the math of Gliocko system, if I am wrong or not.

I really hope I am, as I’ll be honest, because then I could say, stop slacking and put your back into it and try harder, to get out.

But right now, you’re very aptly fighting in quicksand.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Those were some great fights tonight in SF Borderlands bay side, and also in EB when we shifted maps for some last bit of fun before we had to sleep.

Shout-outs to [CoSA] and all the SF that participated with them (Think I remember some guild with a “T” in its abbreviation) in the back and forth struggle between the Bay, bluevale and Bluebriar, as well as the fighting at Quentin and other towers in EB.

What was the guild/group that was functioning as Sorrow’s Furnace on call back up tonight? I saw the outmanned buff flip on and off as some large group must of been swapping maps to deal with threats we posed throughout different maps, but never realized who it was. (Probably CoSA I imagine though.)

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

SF player here, not in any large guild though I am in WvW every day for the majority of the time I play.

I admit it, I jump on dead enemy bodies all the time. I even sit on them. But no dancing on them for me. I only mess with the ones who do not WP when they die inside a structure. That means (to me at least) that you expect to be ressed or are spying on numbers or what repairs that we do. So I do all I can to annoy you until you go away.

All servers have their good and “bad” players, you just tend to focus on the negative aspects, especially when you are losing. I have been danced on, laughed at, etc. It doesn’t affect me unless I allow it.

As for SF only being the zerg, while there is a zerg that runs around, it is not like you guys do not have that zerg yourself. I actually try to avoid running with the zerg unless there is a stated objective such as a keep or tower. Until then I am upgrading our structures, repairing walls/gates, setting up siege equipment, checking on location of enemy players, solo capping camps, etc. I hardly ever die, not because I am some kitten fighter, I just pick and choose carefully. Unless the culling effect gets me, those always suck.

So here is to a good week of fighting, both ET and FC really seemed to have stepped up their game. DB was some crazy stuff at reset. I came upon one of the inner lord room fights after I got off work and you are in denial if you think SF had anywhere close to the same number of players in that fight. But we still held.


Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Thank You guys,

We threw you a wonderful firework party for your new ALLIANCE, hoped all you Fergs enjoyed it


Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Meanwhile at FC BL


Basic Banjo

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Great work ET brothers defending our garrison from SF for 3-4 hrs and reclaiming our BL back .
Great fun players from SF , see you all in the battle field again when I come back from my short vacation.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


LOL…you guys have an alliance, and we will be here for many more weeks…look forward to so many more weeks of this. At least Fergs came out on top of your alliance cause if ET did that would have been so much worst. You were right guy on FC they would just folded to you after you used them

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


LOL…you guy have you alliance and we will be here for many more weeks…look forward to so many more weeks of this. At least Fergs cam out on top of your alliance cause if ET did that would have been so much worst. You were right guy on FC they would just fold to you after you used them

Pshh what alliance not everyone cares about that thing. Killing invader’s and having fun is what WVW is/should be about. Taking stonemist was for some laughs loving the battles tonight keep it up all

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Looks nice doesn’t it.


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Kukchi.6173


Looks nice doesn’t it.

Congrats on your minor accomplishment. Savor it well for it will be not long until its taken away from you……again.

Human thief lvl 80 pistol dagger pistol sword cheese extreme.
Anet fix thief plz its boring now :(

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


LOL…you guy have you alliance and we will be here for many more weeks…look forward to so many more weeks of this. At least Fergs cam out on top of your alliance cause if ET did that would have been so much worst. You were right guy on FC they would just fold to you after you used them

Lol no, we don’t have an alliance at all. If we had an alliance, when Ferguson’s Crossing came under a focused attack from SF, ET would be obliged to come help us drive you out, and vice versa. We simply have a Non-Aggression Pact at best which individual members or guilds of our respective communities can choose to or not to honor at their own whims. What’s now in text is an inevitability a server that significantly outnumbers its two tier partners to face. Whether we spoke or not, we’d both be spending more time in our own borderlands and in Sorrow’s Furnace Borderlands/Eternal Battlegrounds than in each other’s borderlands.

Thus far it hasn’t made any massive difference that would hurt the Sorrow’s furnace WvW score much, or its ratings. Some of you have noticed your ratings and are naturally frustrated. That has nothing to do with us. Some of you seem misinformed here, so let me say that even if we hand over 695 PPT Sorrow’s Furnace won’t truly move up unless Henge of Denravi or any other tier 7 servers starts being consistently horrible. We’re all for SF moving up, but for that to happens us being dominated week in and out is not enough, simultaneously the server to be bumped down has to start dropping.

Someone else also mentioned the reason your server is losing rating quite nicely. It is not because we are fighting any more this week than last week, it is because Glicko2 is apparently making a projection of how well it expects your server to do based on historical performance, how much it predicts Sorrow’s Furnace should improve and because it doesn’t measure up to Glicko2 predictions it punishes your rating even though you dominates us every week with 350k+ victories. That’s not our fault, your enemy in this is not us for not handing over free points, its the Glicko2 system that is crafting the tiers and making moving up this complicated.

Hence why we have so many posts from members of both Ferguson’s Crossing and Eredon’s Terrace community members complaining about tier 8. Because the fact is, while servers in tier 2 experience this problem in a form, being in tier 8 and not having a safety net tier below us to fall to makes our tier have a unique problem with this system. Mind you even if an NA tier 9 was added and 3 servers with WvW populations equal to ours magically appeared out of thin air, the same problem would probably just occur in tier 9 instead of 8.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


No point in explaining anything to Filthy rat ( or…filthymouth?) Detharos, The guy is all talk and no show, he is a gracious forum warrior who thinks camping the jp is a very good tactic to take a BL, and when something goes wrong he comes here and trash talks.

Anyway, Sorrows Furnace has an ego too big for their shoes and is losing all my respect towards them
rapidly, with all their boasting…….oh and don’t forget all the trash talk i have seen from SF on these forums this week, its disgraceful and shows no sportsmanship whatsoever.

SF – Worst. BM. Server. Ever.

(And for those who don’t know what BM is = Bad mannered)

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(edited by roostapro.9827)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: xcavars.5049


I don’t see the point in laughing at your kills and dancing on their corpses. I don’t even get mad when someone does it to me, nor do I do it back to them. One time me and Darxio cut off a group heading to godsword ourselves. We took on an initial group of 4. We bursted down 2 and were in the process of killing a third when a random came to help them. We were in the process of killing the last 2 when another warrior showed up, a scout for a party of 3. I chased him all the way to the veteran guards outside the gates of gods, while darx took care of the last 2, and just as the warrior ran passed them, immobilised him and watched both guards immobolise him and stun him at the same time so he was at their mercy. I watched for a bit then turned my back and helped darxio burst the last two down. After that I led darxio to the guy i kept near the guards and found him dead with 2 people near him. No problem, a non 80 and an 80. Though it was a mesmer and i hate mesmers. After we killed those guys you know what i did? I stood near their corpses absolutely still, sheathed my weapons and watched. I let them see my character model, the Armour i was wearing and the guild tag i was running. I let them see who had killed them. Let them ingrain and burn the image of my character in their minds so that next time they see me, next time they see my guild name, next time they face my class, they’ll be scared. Cause if your laughing and dancing on people corpses youre not instilling fear, your instilling hate. People play worse when they fear you and think they’re going to lose.

That 2v8 was the most fun I had in wvw for a long time. Much better then all that zerg crap and this 1v30s iv been seeing with the people with a numerical advantage having the gal to laugh at the lone guy or small parties they killed as if it took some skill to do.

Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


Thanks to all the nite crew who helped © justice [Yarr], © Mixs [BS], © Vic [BS]. © Nugget [BS] to take SM off SF and still be holding it over 5 hours later when i loged out. thought SF will most likely take it back during the day the achivement of taking SM from the long standing SF was worth it.

well done to SF defenders you put up a hell of a fight. most fun ive had in a long time

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Leap.2760


Thank You guys,

We threw you a wonderful firework party for your new ALLIANCE, hoped all you Fergs enjoyed it

You got some great screenshots there.
But yeah, the fireworks party was so much fun!

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


FilthyRat will forever be the official spokesqueen of SF. When you read his posts, that’s the tone we read all of SF posts in.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Well played SF it was fun to have SM for a few hours

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


i think FilthyRat picked a good name for himself.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

No point in explaining anything to Filthy rat ( or…filthymouth?) Detharos, The guy is all talk and no show, he is a gracious forum warrior who thinks camping the jp is a very good tactic to take a BL, and when something goes wrong he comes here and trash talks.

Anyway, Sorrows Furnace has an ego too big for their shoes and is losing all my respect towards them
rapidly, with all their boasting…….oh and don’t forget all the trash talk i have seen from SF on these forums this week, its disgraceful and shows no sportsmanship whatsoever.

SF – Worst. BM. Server. Ever.

(And for those who don’t know what BM is = Bad mannered)

Come on man, don’t lump us all in with this jerk. Camping a JP is super lame. Usually I /wave in a JP and you guys /wave back and we carry on about the JP.
We have some jerks on SF… there are jerks on EVERY server. There are even jerks on your server who like to imply that SF couldn’t possibly win if it was an even numbered fight. Those same people are the ones that would be bragging/boasting if you guys were winning.
There are plenty of good, talented, friendly players on SF (and indeed all servers). If there was not, I would have left SF long ago. This is the server I started on, so this is the server I will remain on. The folk bragging will have to eat a large slice of humble pie if/when we ever move up to tier 7… so you can at least look forward to that!

Anyway, keep up the good fight all!

Don’t camp the JP, that’s super lame. Just /wave and move along. If you are attacked without provoking it, kill them and enjoy every second of it. Remember, a lot of the guys in the JP don’t even enjoy PvP/WvW and are only there for the BoH to get their legendary.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Anyway, Sorrows Furnace has an ego too big for their shoes and is losing all my respect towards them
rapidly, with all their boasting…….oh and don’t forget all the trash talk i have seen from SF on these forums this week, its disgraceful and shows no sportsmanship whatsoever.

SF – Worst. BM. Server. Ever.

(And for those who don’t know what BM is = Bad mannered)

C’mon guys. Due to the messed-up ratings math for Tier 8, it appears we’re going to be stuck with each other for quite a bit longer. Bickering with one another in the match thread just makes a crummy situation even worse for everyone. Let’s all try to keep it clean, sportmanlike and fun and save the fighting for the battlefield (this is directed to ALL servers, including my own).

Yep, all of us SF folk are awful, wretched, horrible people. /sarcasm :p

(As D W says above, don’t lump us all together. We’re not ALL “bad mannered.”)

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


+ 3 high fives to Cosa (srs) not only can you fight but you also seem to be respectable dudes.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


It’s always fun tagging along with [CoSA] in WvW. They’re great folk and always have your back.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Thanks to all the nite crew who helped © justice [Yarr], © Mixs [BS], © Vic [BS]. © Nugget [BS] to take SM off SF and still be holding it over 5 hours later when i loged out. thought SF will most likely take it back during the day the achivement of taking SM from the long standing SF was worth it.

well done to SF defenders you put up a hell of a fight. most fun ive had in a long time

YA! It was a blast so many awesome people. Everyone was very helpful, and the teamwork was great!

Also plz stop trying to kill me thxs a bunch.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Thanks to all the nite crew who helped © justice [Yarr], © Mixs [BS], © Vic [BS]. © Nugget [BS] to take SM off SF and still be holding it over 5 hours later when i loged out. thought SF will most likely take it back during the day the achivement of taking SM from the long standing SF was worth it.

well done to SF defenders you put up a hell of a fight. most fun ive had in a long time

YA! It was a blast so many awesome people. Everyone was very helpful, and the teamwork was great!

Also plz stop trying to kill me thxs a bunch.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Agreed, we could all, especially even myself, use to lighten up a bit. I remember checking on the tier 2 weekly thread and seeing that they were all getting along an even using using celebrities to represent their servers. (Ie. Team Steven Seagal, Team Flav and Team Lohan)

I think its a great idea! So from my interpretation, here’s SF, FC and ET.

Sorrow’s Furnace, the total kitten rock stars from Mars:


Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


filthyrat, haven’t we killed you enough already? lol… and now you’re taking a play out of our book after we had killed you each of those times we had shot the fireworks from metrica province.

I guess seeing those enough made you want to get your own big boy fireworks. Imitation is the ultimate form of flattery ty!

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Ferguson’s Crossing; White and Nerdy
Team Al


Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


And last but certainly not least, Eredon’s Terrace, they don’t flip switches they shoot out lightbulbs.

Eredon’s Terrace:


Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Good to see everything is back to normal. Lol you guys set the alliance up in the regular forums with very little posts of people against it from your forums, actually there was a commander so mad that he was attacked wrote a two paragraph hate letter to the other side. Well spend more time out fighting next time…I guess?


Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


Good to see everything is back to normal. Lol you guys set the alliance up in the regular forums with very little posts of people against it from your forums, actually there was a commander so mad that he was attacked wrote a two paragraph hate letter to the other side. Well spend more time out fighting next time…I guess?

you realize that there is no alliance, there never was, and it was simply “stay out of my hair and we’ll stay out of yours” which is what FC and ET do for the most part anyway? Screenshot was great though, I bet you single-handedly conquered all that from your “strategic point” in the jumping puzzle, huh?

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652



Honestly, the best way to put it IS a cease-fire treaty… that random people keep breaking. Usually Ferg since they do have more pop than ET, thus probability states it is more likely that people will be lame and backstab.

We don’t intrude on Ferg’s territory, even though we could get easy points that way. Typically, Ferg doesn’t intrude on ours, and they could get easy points too. We’re too busy fighting SF all day everyday until the end of time. They’re also too busy fighting SF all day every day.

But trust us, we CAN and WILL dedicate resources against Ferg when they become d-bags and take our stuff WHILE SF is already crushing us at the same time. But we don’t want to. There is no need to invite third-party rage when SF is the major threat on every map.

While we may not be able to stop Ferg’s random 5-man camp cappers in our borderland, and vice versa, they aren’t backstabbing our keeps. As long as they don’t backstab our keeps and towers, we don’t take their keeps and towers in their borderland. Simple as that.

But seriously, Ferg, next time I see a backstab against the Overlook in EB when SF is already breaking everything… I will have no mercy on your borderlands.

No mercy. At all. Ever again.

Ferg has Backstabbed enough when I was a Kaineng commander when it was Devona/Kaineng/Ferg for 8 weeks. They have a HISTORY of it, which is why they fell to last place for a while, after all. I will not stand for it again, with Ferg doing the same thing against two different opponents.

So Ferg… there is SF to deal with… don’t bother us… we don’t bother you… I KNOW you have to deal with SF, they can’t all be going for ET alone.

Because the next time I see Ferguson’s Crossing Invader in MY Overlook when Sorrow’s Furnace already broke the doors… and you take all 4 surrounding towers and the 2 camps… so help you Flying Spaghetti Monster…

That is from one of your comanders…enough said

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


how many times do we have to say it before you manage to wrap your head around it. THERE IS NO ALLIANCE there is a loose agreement that we won’t actively seek to beat on each other.

meh. whatever

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


how many times do we have to say it before you manage to wrap your head around it. THERE IS NO ALLIANCE there is a loose agreement that we won’t actively seek to beat on each other.

meh. whatever

Lol tell this guy that….and nobody seemed to let him know about that, or even complain in the public forum named The ET and FC alliance

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)