Tee See
22/12 BG - SoR - TC
The Golem God is a demanding God. The Golem God demands more sacrificial golems.
Beast mode
WvW is a numbers game, which means that many numbers added together equals a much larger but different number. Coverage is important, because without coverage, we would be showing our naughty bits all around town, and that would quite frankly, be embarassing.
And now for something completely different…
I am going to make a simple point, try to get what I’m saying and not misunderstand.
This applies to all servers that have > coverage than their opponents, not just BG.
There is an assumption that when we win because we have more active players in WvW (coverage) it means that we do not deserve or earn it.
This is NOT true!
Everyone acts like numbers on BG is an accident. All guilds on BG have worked TIRELESSLY to actively recruit players into guilds across all timezones. We recruited from PvEers and WvW PuGs to fill all timeslots. You act as if its some sort of random draw. We EARNED the coverage we currently have, because we worked for it.
We did not start receiving server transfers until after three weeks of winning with said “coverage”. These guilds, while making us stronger and we appreciate that greatly, were not here the first three weeks we beat SoR and IoJ. They are a RESULT of beating SoR and IoJ, not a CAUSE. These transfers happened because there are guilds that recognize that BG plays the long game (timeslot recruitment) as well as the short game of continuing to make our existing guilds stronger, more numerous, better geared with better tactics.
Do not come into the forum, and act as if we do not deserve our wins because we outnumber our opponents. We have tirelessly recruited and trained in those timeslots. Its an insult to all server’s night crews when you downplay the importance of their timeslot, including your own.
The longer BG stays the color green, the more we will recruit and train. There will come a day when we switch to red. That day, we will see how we hang with the best servers in the game. Until then, SoR and now TC will continue to push us and make us keep one step ahead of you, and competition breeds excellence.
The BG guild alliance is in this for the long haul.
As someone who is an off-peak player on SoR would you be surprised that I agree with you?
This groundhog day whining needs to stop. We play a 24/7 Objective based game of war.
Does Blackgate have better coverage? Yes
Should SoR or TC feel cheated because they don’t? No
Blackgate deserve the win, why? because they beat our score.
It’s not that hard to accept.
It irritates me to no end seeing people trying to undermine their victory every kitten week. I’m disappointed that a select few people continue to reignite the same pointless debate and every week this thread deteriorates in the exact same pattern.
Whatever happened to GLHF at the start of the week and GG at the end?
Instead all we see is crying and trying to justify losing to save face by pretending the winner got a hollow victory. That kitten don’t fly.
Congratulations BG and welcome to the new Tier TC. Now lets get back to more fighting and less crying.
(edited by Elthurien.8356)
Congrats on another win BG! Thanks for showing TC, been a great week!
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Bah. Everyone kiss and make up. A brand new week is almost upon us, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I learned a great deal from this past week. So thank you all!
I think for next week we should change our name to The Zombie Coast! Whenever we beat you, just know, we are eating your brains!
I think for next week we should change our name to The Zombie Coast! Whenever we beat you, just know, we are eating your brains!
Separate the head from the body or destroy the brain.
Would you guys slow walk as a zerg for me? Shambling zombies are so
much cooler than ADHD zombies
I think for next week we should change our name to The Zombie Coast! Whenever we beat you, just know, we are eating your brains!
Never! You will always be Toast to me
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok
Nice to see some GGs on the last day of the match.
These SoR forum warriors need to lighten up a bit, even holidays most of SoR posts consists of angst and bitterness towards BG, well if that hate driven nature of your leaders keeps this tier competitive, SoR is doing a good job keeping up with BG.
And for TC – stay classy
lolwuts going on here?
The age old story of a Capulet and a Montague?
Ah secret love that can never be!
(edited by Jayne.9251)
What do you want to bet the blackgate guy’s name was Coronalight.
Nice to see the attitude lighten up as we approach reset day.
From my experience, any server that wins through force of coverage will have to withstand accusations that they only win by numbers. TC was also a victim of this in T3 – but if everybody realized that the final score is basically a representation of coverage and that everyone is ultimately playing WvW for fun, not some imaginary victory with no tangible reward anyway, then we can stop having locked threads and feel indignant over a game. Less complaining by the losers about how they will win if they had numbers (you don’t know this), and less chest thumping by the winners who should well know that they had coverage and inevitability on their side. Then we can all be happy ^__^
To the SOR engineer that I just took down right before I got swarmed by your guildmates before I could get the stomp off, you put up good fight. It was fun.
SoR BL feels so repetitive lately. Take GL, get trebbed, lose GL, take GL, get trebbed…
It’s still fun to farm badges as the flood of defenders comes at us though. >:D
Dude you should see team chat when some one sees you. It’s not an accident that like 20 people try to finish you when you go down. xD It is hilarious to watch thou.
looks like your night crew isn’t exactly empty. Ha.
Way to take it for your team dude. SOR NA guilds should pay your repair bills.
It’s not empty it’s just tiny.
A lot of people who aren’t normally awake where online yesterday to counter the ND/thai zerg in our bl.
This week is really fun! Thanks to both SoR and BG players for putting up some really good fight. I am starting to learn more about my d/d ele, and it has been an awesome opportunity to train in the harshest of elements. You guys sure don’t pull any punches against up-levelers! If you saw a silly up-leveled sylvari TC ele in cultural tier 1 armor rushing into impossible battles and subsequently handing out badges, that was probably me. Although half the time I was trying to ride the lightning away from battle but had somebody targeted and went the wrong way. =)
Still only level 63, maybe I can get to 80 in the middle of next week. Hopefully I can do better in the coming week then.
What an insane three way battle for Bay in TC BL tonight. Much respect to SOR & TC you guys just kept coming! Great job on the defense Beastgate much love
[AAO] Hohenheimm
Nice to see some GGs on the last day of the match.
These SoR forum warriors need to lighten up a bit, even holidays most of SoR posts consists of angst and bitterness towards BG, well if that hate driven nature of your leaders keeps this tier competitive, SoR is doing a good job keeping up with BG.
And for TC – stay classy
Hey hey, I’m not hate driven! I just give out long corny motivational speeches to CDS that we are here for the fight and the challenge, not the scoreboard! Otherwise we would have stayed on SBI when it was 2nd seed tier 1 :-P
@Blackgate Map players
CDS had a blast tonight, lot of good fights to be had and long drawn out sieges! We lost our TW allies when the map crashed however, so we lost some momentum the second go around but managed to get inside some towers before being found out
Oh, and I saw you Christia you finished me! Our love has come to an end, dear friend!
Leader of Caedas [CDS] : caedas.enjin.com
Sanctum Of Rall
Good fun doing w3 with you guys ..its been fun … See you guys next week and this time.. try to keep it More Pew pew, less QQ on the forum guys … peace
these little players will alway assume they lose because of the coverage issue.
there is no chance in all realms of possibility that they are worse in skills, communications and organizations. such delusions.6 defeats must be sor.
7 weeks now… I doubt SoR can turn on the table…
Why this thread has stopped posting Score updates…
That’s because I’m not playing…
Here yer update matey: 5am GMT -3 (11pm PST)
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
What an insane three way battle for Bay in TC BL tonight. Much respect to SOR & TC you guys just kept coming! Great job on the defense Beastgate much love
Probably one of my favorite WvW battles yet! Despite the lag, of course.
-Rayn Brightclaw, Tarnished Coast
Been away a few days, eating hearty and enjoying the winter, with familly and friends… this said… i hope BGs and SoRs also been having it great, and to my fellow TCs we might not win, but i think we are all winners, and a new week and year on the brink, its time to let the crusade of fun out… enjoy the link !
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P
Good match-up so far. I find it pretty weird that our match-ups have actually been closer since ND left and went to BG. Who would have thunk it. Anway keep fighting SoR, someday we will have a big oceanic guild come our way and make this a fight to remember for the ages.
To that epic fight between TC and BG north of SM in EB, with our two respective crews dukin’ it out, that was awesome.
It was fun YOINKIN’ some of you off the wall(Big Black Wilford Brimley lookin’ Engineer was me, and attempting to harrass you with my Mortar and my Prybar…
well fought! Good fun!
To my fellow Toasters, we knew it was going to be rough, but I salute your perserverence! Even as small a cadre as we were, we gave them a good run! Well done, Toasters! You guys make me love TC more and more. Way to take it to ’em!
I was listening to this while we were in the throes of conflict…
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
(edited by Ejiofor.4801)
To that epic fight between TC and BG north of SM in EB, with our two respective crews dukin’ it out, that was awesome.
It was fun YOINKIN’ some of you off the wall(Big Black Wilford Brimley lookin’ Engineer was me
, and attempting to harrass you with my Mortar and my Prybar…
well fought! Good fun!To my fellow Toasters, we knew it was going to be rough, but I salute your perserverence! Even as small a cadre as we were, we gave them a good run! Well done, Toasters! You guys make me love TC more and more. Way to take it to ’em!
I was listening to this while we were in the throes of conflict…
ohh I found my new favorite music to WvW to!
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
Alpaca Owl! He’s my friend.
Bear Hat | Tom Cruise | Chuck Norris
[Urge] Blackgate – Commander | Warrior Question? Mail me! :D
Was a fun week, for the most part. /salute to the players from BG and SoR that fought a straight up fight.
I had fun, even when I died!
To the exploiters out there that help to ruin your servers reputations… Zero respect for you. I hope you choke.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
If Dagger/Dagger Ele, it’s Alpaca Owl…
Aka Owley Poohbear.(He’s gonna kill me, but it’s vesnan’s fault! I swear!)
Tier 3 Human cultural Armor/black and white.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
If Dagger/Dagger Ele, it’s Alpaca Owl…
Aka Owley Poohbear.(He’s gonna kill me, but it’s vesnan’s fault! I swear!)
Tier 3 Human cultural Armor/black and white.
I thought Alpaca pooh is a gurl…. kitten Katja.
Hey Black Gate did ya’ll enjoy the zombies that kept rising at Anzalias? I had fun with it for sure ;D
Everything Purple
Good fight in SM last night. SOR had kitten near every south wall down, TC was invading from the north, but BG just had a ton of seige and defenders. That place is defintely a fortress.
Had an amazing week! All servers did a great job, really looking forward to what next week has to offer us
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
ND/Urge, yall really want AH.
3-4 Rams, 2 Golems, 2 trebs, and pushing off x3 our numbers at 2 gates same time.
I have more siege waiting come again <3 Plus I want more fun, cause hills has been boring a while now. :x
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
(edited by Mishi.7058)
I agree with Elth. The whining is getting boring. I start reading some of these posts and as soon as they start getting negative it turns into Blah blah blah blah blah.
This week has been WAY more fun than the previous few weeks. Its nice to have WvWvW instead of WvW all the time. Glad to see TC show up and put up a good persistent fight. Adds a whole new dimension to the battlefield. I hope they can feel welcome in T2.
And to Blackgate. Thank you for taking care of that hacking issue. Havent noticed any odd or suspicious activity lately and that is much appreciated. Nothing makes me more upset than an individual (or small group) belittling everything we (all of us as GW2 Community) are working for. You do have a better coverage, this is undeniable; therefore you should be winning and props to you for it. Like someone mentioned above, we all have great players, as well as poor players – the same is for you. I have had some extremely fun fights against skilled BG, and some other times I just feel guilty after a fight. Also, its impressive how fast you guys can respond to an attack.
As a Rallian I am quite content with second place. Its a happy medium that allows me to focus on prioritizing fun while not sacrificing competitiveness. being in second gives us something to strive for. Although, it’d be nice to win once in a while just so we could see what its like.
(edited by Sprong.4963)
Fun match and a much needed breath of fresh air with the new match up this week after a long and tireless weeks of same opponents.
Retribution – Sanctum of Rall
I think for next week we should change our name to The Zombie Coast! Whenever we beat you, just know, we are eating your brains!
Oh, nice! I think if we eat their brains we get their knowledge!
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Ye lubbers.. be needin’ more salt
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
As Fray and Mishi had said, that would be me all right :P I had done some makeover recently on my toon so you might have difficulties recognizing her , but then again, Christia Dawnheart is still able to hunt me down together with Stef in the battlefield so I take it that my disguise didn’t work >_>
Anyway it was great fun to play with you guys when you’re around SoR borderlands and looking forward to seeing your silver haired warrior ramming something again :P
Sanctum of Rall, [choo] guild, council
Blood sucking Elementalist out to BITE people :d
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
As Fray and Mishi had said, that would be me all right :P I had done some makeover recently on my toon so you might have difficulties recognizing her , but then again, Christia Dawnheart is still able to hunt me down together with Stef in the battlefield so I take it that my disguise didn’t work >_>
Anyway it was great fun to play with you guys when you’re around SoR borderlands and looking forward to seeing your silver haired warrior ramming something again :P
This would get so awkward so fast if Esoteric’s character was not a silver haired warrior.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Who is the Choo Human Elementalist Commander? We keep seeing each other on the field and bowing/pointing/saluting and it’s pretty funny. They recognize me on sight, apparently, because they knew it was me even with no commander tag! Anyway, good fun to be had
As Fray and Mishi had said, that would be me all right :P I had done some makeover recently on my toon so you might have difficulties recognizing her , but then again, Christia Dawnheart is still able to hunt me down together with Stef in the battlefield so I take it that my disguise didn’t work >_>
Anyway it was great fun to play with you guys when you’re around SoR borderlands and looking forward to seeing your silver haired warrior ramming something again :P
This would get so awkward so fast if Esoteric’s character was not a silver haired warrior.
Unless Riven also went for an extreme makeover, I doubt that I would be mistaken since I usually recognize the toons I communicate with in the battlefield XD
Sanctum of Rall, [choo] guild, council
Blood sucking Elementalist out to BITE people :d
Ye lubbers.. be needin’ more salt
Yer blood n’ tears er all the salt we be needin’.
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/
It’s definitely me haha I shall be adding you in game for friendly banter!
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
What an insane three way battle for Bay in TC BL tonight. Much respect to SOR & TC you guys just kept coming! Great job on the defense Beastgate much love
Great fights in TC BL Bay keep TW and Choo, you too PiNK.
That 3-way was some awesome fun, glad TC could be of service and host BG n SoR on our BL
Lol I was in that 3 – way if you happened to see a huge blonde Norn in some Pink trying to fire a catapult through the front door into the Lord Room!
I think this is the end folks:
9pm GMT -3 (3pm PST)
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Thank you TC for giving us a great week of PVP – it’s been a pleasure getting to go up against fresh opponents. And thank you SoR for all the time you spend making excuses about why Blackgate comes out ahead each week – it apparently takes away from the time put into actually trying to win.
lolwuts going on here?
Yes its unexplainable……your not carrying supply