28K in two seconds...
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve seen such an obvious /meltdown on these forums. Congratulations I guess.
Again, the bottom line is 2 second TTK isn’t fun and doesn’t promote good gameplay. It’s got nothing to do with theives in particular. It’s just bad game design. People don’t like dying in 2 seconds to a stealthed character because it isn’t fun for anyone involved.
Exactly, I am a thief but I want this game to flourish and players to stay, if we need to be nerfed to help achieve this goal so be it. The good players overcome class changes regardless others rant about it’s not op or that’s the way it should be, w/e nut up and put yourself in other players shoes it is not fun for them.
Per the sPvP comments lol how many thieves per hot join? It isnt because we are sexy (which we are).
OMG seriously? I play a thief and engineer. This is ludicrous. Granted, I don’t have a glass cannon build, and I’m working my way to get rid of my condition damage build which is great for pve, but some of your posts are just dumb. You’re all complaining about this ability or that ability is OP. Well, guess what? If we use them, they are on cool down, then we don’t have them for a while. Just like you! I’ve been owned by other classes, killed in 2 seconds. I’ve been burst killed by thieves myself. I couldn’t kill a guy for the life of me. I’ve seen warriors, or something like that get wailed on by 5 guys and not die. Rangers can shoot farther than anyone. Mezmers are a pain in the kitten and can port a whole army to your location (that’s not OP?). Whaaa! A thief killed me in 2 seconds. Well, maybe so, but if you’ve got a friend near you, that thief will probably die cause all their kitten is on CD cause they just wasted all their kitten to get to you and waste you. What good is that? Yeah, one on one, thieves are great, but you’ve got to be skilled at them. I am not too great at being a thief and could never play like Wahii above. Skill in your class is a huge factor. There is no god mode. Also, why the heck are you kittening about being able to stack crit/power stuff? So can you on whatever class you’re playing. That’s the dumbest argument.
Quit complaining about thiefs being OP and learn to play your class better and utalize your classes streangths and weaknesses.
Edjumacashun-get one.
sence of humor? nah, never heard of such a thing!
All the thieves are spamming the thread trying to rationalize their abilities as a skill issue.
Thieves are extremely overpowered and in dire need of a nerfbat.
I’m sure 1000s of players have re-rolled thief just to take advantage of playing the ultimate grief class. I haven’t, yet. But I did make a warrior. I joined WvW at level 3 with the starting items and it’s so much easier than an elementalist. It’s hilarious. People have no idea what skill is in this game.
lol this guys video is not even got timestamps i can make a video like that showing how much damage i took. I got hit for like 20k by 2 hits from blaidtrail Q_Q. Yea nerf bat all the other skills that dose tons of damage and then we all be happy doing 1damage to everyone. Its this class trade mark is “in burst out” we still die like flys if anything gets interrupted or missed. if you nerf that give me like more hp like a warrior and some other skills to evade and buff my self.
what what what….
all classes can dps like that.
the thing I liked the most in your videos is that any thief would kill those classes in 1 second flat (if not downright oneshot them), while those classes would never kill the thief
hence, thief is vastly more overpowered than any other overpowered class/build combo in the game.
ty for helping us prove the point, glad we agree here, bro. now we just have to wait for the thief nerf that is surely coming soon
Lol @ everyone defending thief damage. It’s ridiculous and you all know it. Multiple abilities that hit way too hard and are easy to land. Not to mention you can steal your way into a Zerg, instakill someone, then disappear.
Most of the guys I know who play thief are always laughing on mumble about how ridiculous they are. Including myself.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Most ridiculous OP class imbalance I have ever seen in any MMORPG. Nerf thiefs into the ground please, kthanks!
Thieves get flack in every game. One would think after nearly 20 years of MMOs people would deal with it
Thieves are actually pretty easy to kill. You just have to:
-know how their class works as good as your own class
-happen to have the right skills equipped
-need to telephatically read their attacks and dodge/evade/invulnerability yourself on their hard hits (else you get hit for 25k – biggest backstab ive seen)
-are required to switch to melee weapons (thanks to whoever wrote that precious tip above)
trust me, thief is fine. with their 5k aoe they can contribute nothing to wvw, so they need to be able to destroy 90% they encounter with ease, along with finishing them off while stealthed and 5 people watch. but hey, its their own fault if they don’t have 100 cc and aoe abilities equipped, which they can stack over the “shadow house” thingy before he finishes your friend and then proceeds to escape to safety.
no, you dont have to take this post seriously.
see, its easy!
Yeah, it seems people have complained about stealth classes ever since MMOs existed. If you can’t beat it, then complain until the game developers nerf it useless.
Experienced similar results as OP. Nerf Thieves or fix this.
Thieves get flack in every game. One would think after nearly 20 years of MMOs people would deal with it
if anything, one would think game devs would learn better and stop including a class that, historically, no MMO has ever gotten right and resulted in either a vastly OP clss that ended up nerfed into oblivion, or a preemptively sucky class that left assassin/thief lovers raging….
the very baseline concept of thief/assassin is utterly flawed…inmense damage and stealth? oh em gee, I see nothing wrong here, I wonder why its so difficult to balance….
(edited by Konrad Curze.5130)
The problem is http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickness . Although you probably had worse gear (low toughness) aswell, Quickness is still an issue.
Feel free to join a mature discussion regarding Quickness here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Lets-talk-Quickness/first#post408360
Someone mentioned to stow away the Rangers pet. The problem with this idea is that if he uses a starting hit often with a bow from a distance before engaging the pet gets kicked out of the stow option which means that he can bounce away as much as he likes to for the duration of that attack. The best thing is to probably change it so it can bounce up to a certain amount of times and increase the amount of bounces through a trait perhaps.
Backstab hitting for 19k as some people are saying is somewhat understandable but in WvW situations it’s often harder to avoid due to fps drops als dodge rolling everytime a thief goes into stealth would make me end up with no endurance. Since most thiefs usually have another way to go into stealth (CnD) they’ll use that to get rid of your dodge chances at least.
To the person mentioning about thiefs with 10k hp. That’s probably your typical glasscannon spec you’re talking about which can be easily changed if you change some things around for some extra vitality and endurance but that might mean that your backstab goes down from 19k to 12k in exchange for your health going from 10k to 19k!
Personally I think the damage on a Ranger feels a bit lacking specially burst wise and I sincerely hope they’ll introduce a trait and way to stow away the pet and gain a passive damage boost while the pet is gone.
Someone tell me how long it takes to execute a …..
6k Steal
3k Cloak and Dagger
9.5k Backstab
..and I’ll work out if I can react in time. Methinks not
no need to nerf thief, just give every other class the ability to do 25k dmg in one hit and everything will be copasetic!
It’s not that thieves are OP, per se. I think it’s moreso the manner in which most players experience combat versus the thief……it’s irritating. They have the distinct honor of being annoying, just like rogues in WoW, because the entire premise of the profession is to be an assassin, not a front line fighter. Still, when you die with no chance to respond, that stinks. Most of the time I find they spam one skill over and over and over and over and over, whether it’s dancing dagger, or death blossom, or that back stab thingy I can’t think of the name of right now. As a guardian, unless they have others with them, they typically cannot kill me. But, once they realize that, they are gone. Bye bye. It’s just not fun game play, for me, or the thief player. My primary alt is a thief and I like the class in general. You can’t blame thief players for using what’s most effective. Anet just has a little bit of adjusting to do, and I’m hopeful they will (without breaking things lol). The game is only a couple months old folks….
Aoe damage should break stealth.
Fix the invisibility bug.
And it will not be a problem anymore.
I play a thief and have pretty much been preaching this for a while: Thieves multi target abilities combined with being able to play specs with 2600 power and 100+% crit damage and still have survivability/mobility make the class overpowered in WvW. Dancing Dagger (4 hits, equivalent of a heartseeker, cripple effect, 4 initiative) and Clusterbomb (5 targets, blast effect, can be spammed at your feet, 3 initiative, crits for 3-8k easily on most targets) unfortunately just have too many things going for them.
Another problem is, most people who play just have poor reaction times. It’s very easy to dodge thieves burst considering a majority of thieves just burn their initiative from the beginning and down you as they laugh in ventrilo because you don’t know how to use your dodge key or have any defensive abilities on your bar. Rangers are probably the biggest offenders of this for some reason I have noticed (plus the fact that most rangers don’t move their pet away from them so dancing dagger destroys them). I’ve literally only ever fought 2-3 rangers at most who remotely pose a threat to our guild group in WvW and they actually played well + were geared properly. Every other ranger has felt like I was fighting a walking npc who were just playing to give me 2 badges.
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]