3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Side note: idk why both servers feel the need to zerg on our BL at the same time?glad you feel we are that “big of a threat!”

Its called being Smart and strategy & Tactics, You dont expect to take my SM and try to take my lowlands and take twogallants Valley and you will go away with it ? We’re just getting started

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Popping in briefly just to laugh at Kalkz going “Smart and strategy & Tactics”.

I’m a grammar nazi. His post made me laugh, especially since his post content specifically implied he was smart.

Glad i made you laugh! anytime brother
Here’s another thing might make you laugh even more, i logged in to check the wvw score to find this


Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


yay go…yaks bend..? o.O uh. lol

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


i’ll be back on to playing wvw today! lets hope I can make a difference. ^.^

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Khursun.2354


I have to say, AR is a lot better at defending and taking back their borderlands than DH.

Lol, cute!

Raijin Hammerstorm/Lightstorm/Shrimpstorm

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: tas.6310


AR, I want to thank you for all of the Omega golems you walked into us last night. We destroyed 1 that was attacking Bluebriar and 3 Omega golems you walked in to try and destroy our seige. You’ll be featured in our next video!

Guild Master of Waiting for Death [WFD]
Deltona/Varlen – Commander for Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

This week, our deal with BP is for AR to place third, finally, so that DH has a warm welcome into the tier as a superior Red Team over their predecessors.

AR works out deals with BP so they can come in 2nd every week, that’s why they are focusing you guys.

We always hash out these deals with BP on a teamspeak server that we share, for the sole purpose of manipulating our tier for our amusement in regards to toying with the Red Team server that can’t stand against the combined might and cruelty of Brolis Rock.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

(edited by Anvil Pants.3426)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Hats of to Darkhaven. Nice to have an organized, tactical opponent in this tier. Clear to see you guys have made improvements overall and aren’t stifled by guilds that have little to no concern for their server and just want to feel like they are the best of the best… wait for it… in tier 6.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

This week, our deal with BP is for AR to place third, finally, so that DH has a warm welcome into the tier as a superior Red Team over their predecessors.

AR works out deals with BP so they can come in 2nd every week, that’s why they are focusing you guys.

We always hash out these deals with BP on a teamspeak server that we share, for the sole purpose of manipulating our tier for our amusement in regards to toying with the Red Team server that can’t stand against the combined might and cruelty of Brolis Rock.

Borlis Rock! lol, I love this

In other news, was defending Hills keep in DH BL this morning and a random DH just appeared out of nowhere in inner courtyard. Screen attached. I expect Brazilian Legion can sort this out among themselves and figure out what was going on? (Maybe he was just really good at hiding … though I am skeptical because there were multiple sweeps over the period of hours that we had been holding Hills up to that point).

Kyle Finnegan
General of [EDGE]


(edited by Moderator)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


When will people learn? SM belongs to Kalkz. There are consequences for trying to take it.


3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Well you see AR and BP are actually the same server. It’s a bug in the code we decided not to tell anyone about. In fact it’s just the same guilds on each side attacking you. In fact there’s really only like three people that the game has cloned. Yeah… cloned. That’s the ticket!

This fight so far has been the most fun in WvW ive had thus far. The score is so tight its amazing!

Side note: idk why both servers feel the need to zerg on our BL at the same time?glad you feel we are that big of a threat!

Also AR on DH BL last night attempting to take our tower 10+ times getting wiped over and over, lol what were you guys doing?? Had me confused TBH

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


Mhmm w/e

@ DH Commanders : 50 BP and 40 AR in Our borderlands… Mhmmm what we should do, Got an idea!. Lets all move to eternal and take SM! lololololol

DH, take note, please and thank you. Every time you melee a gate on SM while our BL is being taken, a kitten gets adopted by a member of the Jersey Shore.

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Gothahm.6274


So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

Please don’t do that…I don’t know if I speak for everybody but I like it here! Tier 5 makes me lose sleep.

Cinfu-Asuran Mesmer
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

Please don’t do that…I don’t know if I speak for everybody but I like it here! Tier 5 makes me lose sleep.

The next phase of our plans and phases, REVEALED!

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Hell I don’t want to lose my Brolis Pass (Love the name Anvil Plants).

I miss a bit the roamer from NSP.

Since the match up started, I didn’t see much roamer from DH I’m a bit sad!

Get your roamers togheter DH! tonight 10pm east time! I’m feel alone

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

I can’t take credit for that, Kar. “Brolis Pass” came from the match up thread of three weeks ago. I’m just keeping it alive as part of our overall strategy of plans and phases.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

Please don’t do that…I don’t know if I speak for everybody but I like it here! Tier 5 makes me lose sleep.

The next phase of our plans and phases, REVEALED!

Wait was that a plan or a phase, I’m so confused.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

Please don’t do that…I don’t know if I speak for everybody but I like it here! Tier 5 makes me lose sleep.

The next phase of our plans and phases, REVEALED!

Wait was that a plan or a phase, I’m so confused.

All according to plan.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Bluedarknesss.1685


This week, our deal with BP is for AR to place third, finally, so that DH has a warm welcome into the tier as a superior Red Team over their predecessors.

Just like Ronny

You’re welcome.

I have a serious question for you, trolling aside, are you Ronny Raygun?

The reason I ask, is because you and Ronny are so beyond similar, it’s actually quite alarming. I’m not being condescending in any way with this either, but based on my observations of Ronny, you are either blood relatives, or are one in the same. Ronny is insanely casual on NSP despite wanting to be a force in WvW. His only real accomplishments are talking about AR and telling pugs not to WvW last week so we can “win” this week, which is similar to AR’s view on winning. He has the same reaction when I troll him as all the AR people I have trolled on here. You being his “successor” are exactly like him in your mannerisms.

If you are Ronny Raygun, then +1 for the good troll. If you aren’t Ronny Raygun, then he seriously brainwashed the kitten out of you guys because you all act literally just like him.

Dear NSP QQs plz learn some thing. That the ranking that ur in when you hit the B button has nothing do with ur placement what does mater is the score from here http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA look at ur rating score.
Ours is almost even no loss no gain so we need to bring it up a bit. When we were fight you guys NSP yours was normally going down and our was going up. So even though we got 2nd place we normally gained ranking when you and bp lost ranking so We were normally winning

O btw right now ur losing 5.681 points so yall should try to pick it up instead of coming to our wvw form and qqing.

(edited by Bluedarknesss.1685)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: DtC.4806


I have to say, AR is a lot better at defending and taking back their borderlands than DH.

funny u said that before we decided to golem rush.

good job DH on giving us your whole BL to 6 golems, even better job at letting us hold onto and siege hills up so that anything u tried would be denied (guess we know how to defend hint hint). You guys that logged after we took your garri, then denied u in hill’s lords room to a failed ninja with half your numbers (sneak attack?), it was because of u rage quitters that we were able cap bay and the rest of the map. By the way, when u open up a keep YOU CLEAR SIEGE, u left 20 AC’s probably 8 cats, 2 trebs, an alpha, and a bunch of ballistas, even if u wipe on the inner gate or lords room, its entirely worth it for clearing the siege becaause then you can just ram the doors down with double our numbers, but since u let us wipe u and have all of our siege (u didnt even kill the 2 cats behind the outer door u walked in on!) we were able to hold it all night.

These are the reasons y zara said AR is better at defending and retaking but your new to the BP midnight golem rush with 50 people, then the 15 all nighters that hold off 40 of your guys and make u all rage quit, then cap the rest of the map with 10-15 people and gain 5000 points. Your improving, but u got lots to learn in t6!

ps: AR u can thank us for giving u the mad boost in points against DH

This SS was taken at 530 AM PST when i went to bed, WP in hills was just starting.


Main: Ominous Justice (DtC)
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

ps: AR u can thank us for giving u the mad boost in points against DH


While we’re trading thank yous and such, could you pass on to your guildmate whom came to Anvil Rock server “for map completion” that he is welcome.

Woot Brolis Rock!

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


I have to say, AR is a lot better at defending and taking back their borderlands than DH.

funny u said that before we decided to golem rush.

good job DH on giving us your whole BL to 6 golems, even better job at letting us hold onto and siege hills up so that anything u tried would be denied (guess we know how to defend hint hint). You guys that logged after we took your garri, then denied u in hill’s lords room to a failed ninja with half your numbers (sneak attack?), it was because of u rage quitters that we were able cap bay and the rest of the map. By the way, when u open up a keep YOU CLEAR SIEGE, u left 20 AC’s probably 8 cats, 2 trebs, an alpha, and a bunch of ballistas, even if u wipe on the inner gate or lords room, its entirely worth it for clearing the siege becaause then you can just ram the doors down with double our numbers, but since u let us wipe u and have all of our siege (u didnt even kill the 2 cats behind the outer door u walked in on!) we were able to hold it all night.

These are the reasons y zara said AR is better at defending and retaking but your new to the BP midnight golem rush with 50 people, then the 15 all nighters that hold off 40 of your guys and make u all rage quit, then cap the rest of the map with 10-15 people and gain 5000 points. Your improving, but u got lots to learn in t6!

ps: AR u can thank us for giving u the mad boost in points against DH

This SS was taken at 530 AM PST when i went to bed, WP in hills was just starting.

Dude you are revealing too many plans and phases there. Was that post approved by the United Borlis Rock Phase Committee?

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

(edited by Fraeg.9837)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


oh BP i know how you loved us flipping your garrison but really now..


The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Dude you are revealing too many plans and phases there. Was that post approved by the United Borlis Rock Phase Committee?

Yes. I received many threats concerning this, and revealing the fact that there is a directly proportional relationship between A(the amount of pleasure felt while clicking the “reply” button) and B(the likelihood that a clueless employee will find cause for deletion of your pleasure). This was brought before the United Brolis Rock Phase Committee, Plans Subcommittee, and it was therein determined upon due procedure that my posts would be forcibly removed and an extremely scary infraction would again be issued upon my account here in the Corporate Mindsuck of Humorless Pleasurevoid Registry of Carefully Worded Adversarial Debate.

As I considered it, I hummed to myself:

Plans and phases
Plans and phases

Kill death ratio ah haha

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

(edited by Anvil Pants.3426)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: cyranstar.3425


Also, I didn’t see much roaming group in DH yet. I saw some guys from MORT guild, they were good I think (not sure if I mistake them with another guild). I also fought a really good DD Elem, don’t remember the guild. But since He is playing a cookie cutter DD Elem, it doesn’t really count.

Enough with the conspiracy theories. I met up with [mort] the other night too. Let’s just say I’ll be much more careful next time I see them around. scary glass cannon dmg and good coordination as well.

Awww, Mort lovin’ makes me all warm and fuzzy. <3

I’m enjoying going up against BP and AR. Things are really well matched and it poses a lot of challenge that keeps us on our toes, unlike our previous tier which gained a lot of loot bags for me but little challenge. The new tier has been exciting, frustrating, and constantly moving so job well done to all. We’re definitely learning a lot as we go.

SBI/Abys/Mes-Anyaleska, Engi-Scarlett Rogue, Guardian-Anyalyssa

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fixx.1673


So im thinking AR, Im thinking we should take a vacation this week and kick Borlis up a tier.

All kidding aside, according to:

Isle of Janthir has 1302, Borlis Pass has 1293.

That gap has been closing daily. From what we saw to get to Tier 6, unless BP takes the rest of the week off, or the Isle kicks it up another notch, that gap may reduce and BP will go to Tier 5, just based on what I have seen daily.

And for those of you wondering where the Tookus has been (all 1.5 of you who miss the cutest Asura Mesmer in GW2 history), work has been kicking my kitten this week with no end in site. Will try to get on soon but … work … ugh

Tookus Tbird, lvl 80 Mesmer
Representing Side Effect, [SE]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Also, I didn’t see much roaming group in DH yet. I saw some guys from MORT guild, they were good I think (not sure if I mistake them with another guild). I also fought a really good DD Elem, don’t remember the guild. But since He is playing a cookie cutter DD Elem, it doesn’t really count.

Enough with the conspiracy theories. I met up with [mort] the other night too. Let’s just say I’ll be much more careful next time I see them around. scary glass cannon dmg and good coordination as well.

Awww, Mort lovin’ makes me all warm and fuzzy. <3

I’m enjoying going up against BP and AR. Things are really well matched and it poses a lot of challenge that keeps us on our toes, unlike our previous tier which gained a lot of loot bags for me but little challenge. The new tier has been exciting, frustrating, and constantly moving so job well done to all. We’re definitely learning a lot as we go.

If you guys keep fighting for first place, you’ll end up third. Do what AR does and fight for 2nd consistently. It’ll be better for everyone.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

If you guys keep fighting for first place, you’ll end up third. Do what AR does and fight for 2nd consistently. It’ll be better for everyone.

Stop publicly revealing Brolis Rock plans.

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Gothahm.6274


And for those of you wondering where the Tookus has been (all 1.5 of you who miss the cutest Asura Mesmer in GW2 history), work has been kicking my kitten this week with no end in site. Will try to get on soon but … work … ugh

Um…I believe I’m the cutest Asuran Mesmer in GW2 history but hey I’m not greedy, we can share the title.

Cinfu-Asuran Mesmer
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


doesn’t matter what BP says in thread, everyone knows BP will PvDoor to take first


3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


Also, I didn’t see much roaming group in DH yet. I saw some guys from MORT guild, they were good I think (not sure if I mistake them with another guild). I also fought a really good DD Elem, don’t remember the guild. But since He is playing a cookie cutter DD Elem, it doesn’t really count.

Enough with the conspiracy theories. I met up with [mort] the other night too. Let’s just say I’ll be much more careful next time I see them around. scary glass cannon dmg and good coordination as well.

Awww, Mort lovin’ makes me all warm and fuzzy. <3

I’m enjoying going up against BP and AR. Things are really well matched and it poses a lot of challenge that keeps us on our toes, unlike our previous tier which gained a lot of loot bags for me but little challenge. The new tier has been exciting, frustrating, and constantly moving so job well done to all. We’re definitely learning a lot as we go.

If you guys keep fighting for first place, you’ll end up third. Do what AR does and fight for 2nd consistently. It’ll be better for everyone.

Oh, Come on Zara, you just jelly cause when you guys win you can’t do it with swagger.

Just fill out the “Teach me how to Rock like Anvil” application form and turn it in to the Brolis Rock Phases and Plans Commission building in the Planning wing room no.222. Write that down. Room # 222, the second door on the left. Not #111. That’s the Borlis Pass division. Anvil is always #222, just right next door.

In just a week of online classes you will be swaggering just like this sample clip of my funky Asura butt in the attached gif.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Gothahm.6274


doesn’t matter what BP says in thread, everyone knows BP will PvDoor to take first

Everybody PvDoor’s…who cares. Let’s talk about other things like how cute Asuran Mesmer’s are!

Cinfu-Asuran Mesmer
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fixx.1673


And for those of you wondering where the Tookus has been (all 1.5 of you who miss the cutest Asura Mesmer in GW2 history), work has been kicking my kitten this week with no end in site. Will try to get on soon but … work … ugh

Um…I believe I’m the cutest Asuran Mesmer in GW2 history but hey I’m not greedy, we can share the title.

Hmm, OK, we can share. How about I take Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can have the other 4 days. Gives me more time to primp my equipment colors.

Tookus Tbird, lvl 80 Mesmer
Representing Side Effect, [SE]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Lanny.6987


You mesmers… Ya ain’t got nothing for cuteness on the Asura Engineers! (Go AR! — See devs! On topic!)

doesn’t matter what BP says in thread, everyone knows BP will PvDoor to take first

Everybody PvDoor’s…who cares. Let’s talk about other things like how cute Asuran Mesmer’s are!

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fixx.1673


For those of you talking about the Mort folks, it’s really too bad you only see them in red. When Myro wants to turn on the kill rage, he makes everyone change their colors to jalapeno and go and as he puts it, “KITTEN S*** UP!!!” (He always talks in caps too)

Tookus Tbird, lvl 80 Mesmer
Representing Side Effect, [SE]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fixx.1673


You mesmers… Ya ain’t got nothing for cuteness on the Asura Engineers! (Go AR! — See devs! On topic!)

doesn’t matter what BP says in thread, everyone knows BP will PvDoor to take first

Everybody PvDoor’s…who cares. Let’s talk about other things like how cute Asuran Mesmer’s are!

Not true because when we clone ourselves, there are more of us, thus we can triple our cuteness factor. It’s a mathematical certainty that Asura Mesmers are the cutest.

Tookus Tbird, lvl 80 Mesmer
Representing Side Effect, [SE]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


For those of you talking about the Mort folks, it’s really too bad you only see them in red. When Myro wants to turn on the kill rage, he makes everyone change their colors to jalapeno and go and as he puts it, “KITTEN S*** UP!!!” (He always talks in caps too)

There is an option to turn off the combat colors FYI
Helps you recognize individual players when you can see their real dye scheme

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fixx.1673


For those of you talking about the Mort folks, it’s really too bad you only see them in red. When Myro wants to turn on the kill rage, he makes everyone change their colors to jalapeno and go and as he puts it, “KITTEN S*** UP!!!” (He always talks in caps too)

There is an option to turn off the combat colors FYI
Helps you recognize individual players when you can see their real dye scheme

There is? Hmm … I will have to find that. I hate the red scheme. Thanks!

Tookus Tbird, lvl 80 Mesmer
Representing Side Effect, [SE]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Gothahm.6274


And for those of you wondering where the Tookus has been (all 1.5 of you who miss the cutest Asura Mesmer in GW2 history), work has been kicking my kitten this week with no end in site. Will try to get on soon but … work … ugh

Um…I believe I’m the cutest Asuran Mesmer in GW2 history but hey I’m not greedy, we can share the title.

Hmm, OK, we can share. How about I take Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can have the other 4 days. Gives me more time to primp my equipment colors.


Cinfu-Asuran Mesmer
Gothahm-Human Guardian
[HoA] House of Ahm/Borlis Pass

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: cyranstar.3425


For those of you talking about the Mort folks, it’s really too bad you only see them in red. When Myro wants to turn on the kill rage, he makes everyone change their colors to jalapeno and go and as he puts it, “KITTEN S*** UP!!!” (He always talks in caps too)

You forgot team Rare Gold! And team Orchid! Oh wait, no team Autumn! Yeah, multiple changes with each victory. And don’t forget “story time” now that we’ve switched servers and need to educate the pugs. BP ran up on storytime last night and ruined it!

And everyone knows the cutest asuran is DH’s Dinky Bonkers with his little mini quaggan backpack. I mean, seriously…out do that if you can!

SBI/Abys/Mes-Anyaleska, Engi-Scarlett Rogue, Guardian-Anyalyssa

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


This fight so far has been the most fun in WvW ive had thus far. The score is so tight its amazing!

Side note: idk why both servers feel the need to zerg on our BL at the same time?glad you feel we are that big of a threat!

Also AR on DH BL last night attempting to take our tower 10+ times getting wiped over and over, lol what were you guys doing?? Had me confused TBH

i enjoyed watching 40-50 dh getting wiped 4 times trying to take dg as well.. cannons are a kitten arent they.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


You guys are only on page 4 for your forum thread?



Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


You guys are only on page 4 for your forum thread?



Meh, you guys have six already. And for the record BP isn’t big and mean… We are “fluffy”

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Lanny.6987


It’s a race between us and the moderators. We add posts, they delete. (I was collateral damage when replying on a deleted sub-thread. “Your post has been deleted since the post it replied to has been deleted.”)

You guys are only on page 4 for your forum thread?



3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aline.7365


hello there, just chiming in to post a video of a hellish fight my guild had with DH peeps over a camp.
( I noticed a lot of SE) :

[TWIN] had a blast yesterday night in DH BL, we don’t zerg often as most of our members are pvers, normally only small roaming groups, so taking your bay was a bit of a test for us :p Thanks for the nice fights DH.
And that match up is pretty close again .

(I’m going to upload soon some small solo/group fights I had, on my channel)

Elementalist – Demonic Queen of The Zombie Horde [TWIN]|
Anvil Rock

(edited by Aline.7365)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


Anyone else wanna do a huge EB Jumping puzzle challenge? I’ve never seen anyone man the traps in the EB JP. Think it would be a fun thing to just have one server man traps and have the other 2 go through it. If we could maybe even do some kind of reward.


Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: imalog.7689


You guys are only on page 4 for your forum thread?



really quiet without PAXA and that anths kid. Quite peaceful actually.

[ALS] Commander TwoGallants
AR Alliance Public Relations Manager.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


So… Does AR and BP fight eachother? All the map Screenies I’ve seen so far has nothing going on in either of there BLs.. it’s all in ours. lol

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aline.7365


Your BL procures some cool fights, you should feel flattered

(and as anvil plants was saying earlier, Brolis Rock lol)

Elementalist – Demonic Queen of The Zombie Horde [TWIN]|
Anvil Rock