3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG
SoR will say anything to get noticed nowadays, goes to show what kind of server they are. All bark, no bite.
Ironic comment coming from you…
lol vodka is the king chest thumper
That’s funny seeing how Choo is the one that constantly boasts about farming ICoa in the main forums. The chest thumping is coming from you, i just set the record straight. Keep talking trash we have another video we’re dedicating specifically for Choo[/quote]
And people on BG wonder why the other servers aren’t fans of you? Like a player scoring a touchdown in a football game, act like you’ve been there before.[/quote]
You have the biggest guild in SoR talking trash on the biggest guild in BG. Of course we’re going to have people that will dislike us from SoR. All your Choo are forum warriors, you aren’t even worth my time on the forums and you wouldn’t be worth my time in W3 if it weren’t for the hordes of bags you drop for us.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Yeah I don’t really understand the skill lag from a technical perspective. I don’t know if it’s an issue that can really be fixed but it makes some fights unplayable for me because i can’t heal, I can’t use utilities and I can’t even get most of my attacks to actually work. I’m basically stuck running around and auto attacking. It’s absurd.
What’s really absurd is the lack of a response from ArenaNet.
… you aren’t even worth my time on the forums …
Oh the Internets are full of irony.
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
SoR is worried about the good, fair fights.
So thats why they run with 80+ server laggin zergs? :P
Says the guy that runs with the massive Agg/FoE/EA zerg?
Agg only plays with 30 players on weekends.
The weekdays we peak at 25.
FoE and Agg haven’t played together since sunday, and EA is a separate group with separate objectives, they are never part of the “25 man Agg zerg”.
Glad We feel like a zerg though, means we are doing something right!
TW, TWL, CDS and a few others were running around together with something near that last night. I honestly couldn’t even use skills when they’d get near because of the lag. Choo tends to do the same thing.
Lol, so I’m assuming this is a compliment? TW/TWL have 25 total at our peak, but I guess you could classify that as a 80 man zerg if you factor in that 1 TW = 3 normal players.
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
I think Blackgate prefers Tequila, we go hard here bro and we play for the top spot. You and your 3 other SoR forum warriors can say what you want, we’ll let the score board do the talking
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Please just stop all of this. It’s getting absurd and I prefer to not have thread locks. Score update anyone?
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
If he doesn’t represent Icoa, then someone from Icoa would have muzzled him. I don’t see that happening.
If someone from my guild made just one post like some I have seen here, there would be an immediate gkick and an apology on the forums.
This is true. I was talking more about other Icoa members being hospitable though. It is really only vodka that seems to stir the pot. He has been doing this for months though so I doubt it will stop anytime soon.
So….to sum up the last couple pages…
ICoa hates Choo and Choo hates ICoa
For the record I only made the Choo Welcomes Icoa Back to Tier 1 video because a couple of ICoa members whispered me talking trash throughout the night and getting on our TS and sendin. So I sifted through our footage from reset night and made an ICoa video. I personally dont chest bump much its just not me. I look forward to all our future fights in this match up. I will instruct my members to not post about the matter anymore it obviously derailling the thread.
Doubt it, and tbh i had a bunch of Choo whisper me as well but I didn’t complain about it on the main forums. You can keep making false accusations all you want, if you have a problem with us then send me a mail.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Icoa has alot of good players who follow their commanders well, the problem is their commanders have no idea what their doing. Their recent video consists of the commander clicking his skills. I mean come on dude….
You wouldn’t even make it to recruit status in Choo let alone commander. Put a KnT/HB/Agg/FoE commander in charge of your group so we can have some real competition, because right now your guild has no chance at being remotely competitive under your leadership.
Show me a video where I click my skills. D=
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
If he doesn’t represent Icoa, then someone from Icoa would have muzzled him. I don’t see that happening.
If someone from my guild made just one post like some I have seen here, there would be an immediate gkick and an apology on the forums.
This is true. I was talking more about other Icoa members being hospitable though. It is really only vodka that seems to stir the pot. He has been doing this for months though so I doubt it will stop anytime soon.
I’m sure you know my rank in the guild, I above all will defend my guild if people are trying to put it down. We did this for the 11 week battle we had against your server and I believe that’s when a majority of SoR started to dislike us. I never had a problem with SoR, just certain people on it that like to disrespect my guild.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
So….to sum up the last couple pages…
ICoa hates Choo and Choo hates ICoa
Its like the yankees-redsox rivalry…we both hate each other but also respect each other deep down inside or at least I hope.
I won’t say which one is yankees or redsox though
If everyone is done stroking their kittens It would be great if a wonderful soul can post the score for the poor kittens stuck at work.
(edited by Krakah.3582)
Holly, bro, now is the time to stop. Prove it on the field and leave it out there. I’ll let you count how many times in the last 2 months that I have touted KnT. You’d be lucky to find one time. Fight honorably and give praise to others on the forums, not sarcastic praise either, and they will do the same for you. I know there is animosity; rivalry is good, but an utter kittenstorm of a match thread is not.
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
(edited by Esoteric.5490)
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
If he doesn’t represent Icoa, then someone from Icoa would have muzzled him. I don’t see that happening.
If someone from my guild made just one post like some I have seen here, there would be an immediate gkick and an apology on the forums.
This is true. I was talking more about other Icoa members being hospitable though. It is really only vodka that seems to stir the pot. He has been doing this for months though so I doubt it will stop anytime soon.
I’m sure you know my rank in the guild, I above all will defend my guild if people are trying to put it down. We did this for the 11 week battle we had against your server and I believe that’s when a majority of SoR started to dislike us. I never had a problem with SoR, just certain people on it that like to disrespect my guild.
I don’t mind if you defend your guild but you don’t have to tell blatant lies to do so. Not like this is real life, you can die and come back to fight. Its pretty simple to admit when you get wiped and when you do the wiping. Once you blatantly lie about this you lose all credibility.
If everyone is done stroking their kitten. It would be great if a wonderful soul can post the score for the poor kittens stuck at work.
Here ya go!
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
Here ya go!
Thank you! You got some phat loots to pick up at the trading post! Must be from all those BG you’ve been farming
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
I am just glad vodka doesn’t represent Blackgate as a whole or even Icoa as a whole. You always get one or two blatant forum warriors who try to stir the pot.
If he doesn’t represent Icoa, then someone from Icoa would have muzzled him. I don’t see that happening.
If someone from my guild made just one post like some I have seen here, there would be an immediate gkick and an apology on the forums.
This is true. I was talking more about other Icoa members being hospitable though. It is really only vodka that seems to stir the pot. He has been doing this for months though so I doubt it will stop anytime soon.
I’m sure you know my rank in the guild, I above all will defend my guild if people are trying to put it down. We did this for the 11 week battle we had against your server and I believe that’s when a majority of SoR started to dislike us. I never had a problem with SoR, just certain people on it that like to disrespect my guild.
I don’t mind if you defend your guild but you don’t have to tell blatant lies to do so. Not like this is real life, you can die and come back to fight. Its pretty simple to admit when you get wiped and when you do the wiping. Once you blatantly lie about this you lose all credibility.
I’m only being honest
Good luck, I’ll see you on the battlefield.
No your not. All you need to do is watch Kurthos’s stream from last night to debunk you. Anyway good luck to you as well.
ICoa is a respectable guild on BG and we really appreciate how much work their leaders have put into making their guild and the server as a whole better. I find it despicable how a few SoR forum warriors constantly tries to provoke and belittle this great guild. ICoa, don’t get baited by those trolls on the forum, find and kill them on battlefield:)
+1 Reslinal. ICoa does a hell of a lot of work on BG. They field massive numbers and pull late hours. You’d be a fool if you thought that isn’t significant. Every guild gets wiped once in a while. So what? It is of no consequence. Holly is very passionate about his guild. Hell, I’ve been there too, but I don’t let it bother me any more. Choo, I have nothing but the utmost respect for your guild and its leadership. I’d very much appreciate it if your members (or any others from your server) would stop making such blatant troll attempts. It cheapens the match and makes us all look like children.
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate
thank you for the 2 precursors in 2 days. [Dawn] [Dusk] thats my 6th legendary
ICoa is a respectable guild on BG.
Are we talking about the same ICoa?
“I’m here to bearbow and chew bubblegum..and I’m all out of bearbow.”
Everyone just needs to smile and play a little weeaboo together
thank you for the 2 precursors in 2 days. [Dawn] [Dusk] thats my 6th legendary
What? No? You’re lying surely?
2 in 2 days?
yep! i have no idea whats going on character mf bug.. pretty lucky i guess. I have twilight and kudzu on my warrior, bifrost and spark on my elem, and the 2 precursors that i just got.
yep! i have no idea whats going on character mf bug.. pretty lucky i guess. I have twilight and kudzu on my warrior, bifrost and spark on my elem, and the 2 precursors that i just got.
Wanna give me one
For the record, the “skill clicker” is a member of ICoa, not a commander.
Oh and we are the red sox. lol
I also agree the rivalry in itself is pretty fun. Honestly your play has forced us, (we’ve faced you every night in Tier 1 at least for a portion of the night) to keep sharp. It makes us better for all other fights as well. I’m sure it does the same for you.
Having said that, you and I both know 2am is not an accurate measurement of “OMG WE ROXORED YOU, OMG THE BAGS”. So as Rawthorn said, we would like to GvG. Maybe you win, maybe we win. Either way it will be fun. And either way I know I’d like to do it more than once. I think its something this game is fundamentally lacking but something we can choose to participate in.
We’ll go 30 vs 30. Enough for a good fight, shouldn’t be too much skill lag if we do it south of the camp. We can count out both sides (not that either of us would EVER accuse the other of cheating). I think it would be fun, and thats what this is all about.
Though we should do it sooner rather than later. Or we may not get the chance.
pretty lucky i guess.
You guess? OMG. The majority of us will never see even one drop, let alone two, or six.
[KnT] – Blackgate
3/1 – JQ/SoR/BG – Headlines! Headlines! Read all about it!
Recent spike in heart-related ER visits due to “Chest Thumping” say doctors
Scientists find key binding leads to higher K/D ratio; however, community expresses some concern over key binders’ inability to turn left, walk backward or stop “and smell the roses.”
Researchers correlate performance anxiety with Stonemist Castle, but concede “It could just be lag.”
Covenn still grumpy, study finds
Icoa commander Joker loses key confidence vote in forums, vows to review campaign and improve skill clicking.
Mist invaders generally happy with new raises, still finding other things to complain about.
SoR leaders express concern after fellow commander allegedly spent 15 minutes attempting to fire what turned out to be an enemy catapult.
Study finds recent claims of Blackgate having 45% posers to be highly inflated, numbers have held steady at 5% once Blackgate Invaders learned /pose was not an actual emote. /shrug
Mist Invaders generally confident their hopes will be dashed with March update
thank you for the 2 precursors in 2 days. [Dawn] [Dusk] thats my 6th legendary
I’ll take that Dawn off your hands. Matches my name. (:
3/1 – JQ/SoR/BG – Headlines! Headlines! Read all about it!
Recent spike in heart-related ER visits due to “Chest Thumping” say doctors
Scientists find key binding leads to higher K/D ratio; however, community expresses some concern over key binders’ inability to turn left, walk backward or stop “and smell the roses.”
Researchers correlate performance anxiety with Stonemist Castle, but concede “It could just be lag.”
Covenn still grumpy, study finds
Icoa commander Joker loses key confidence vote in forums, vows to review campaign and improve skill clicking.
Mist invaders generally happy with new raises, still finding other things to complain about.
SoR leaders express concern after fellow commander allegedly spent 15 minutes attempting to fire what turned out to be an enemy catapult.
Study finds recent claims of Blackgate having 45% posers to be highly inflated, numbers have held steady at 5% once Blackgate Invaders learned /pose was not an actual emote. /shrug
Mist Invaders generally confident their hopes will be dashed with March update
3/1 – JQ/SoR/BG – Headlines! Headlines! Read all about it!
Recent spike in heart-related ER visits due to “Chest Thumping” say doctors
Scientists find key binding leads to higher K/D ratio; however, community expresses some concern over key binders’ inability to turn left, walk backward or stop “and smell the roses.”
Researchers correlate performance anxiety with Stonemist Castle, but concede “It could just be lag.”
Covenn still grumpy, study finds
Icoa commander Joker loses key confidence vote in forums, vows to review campaign and improve skill clicking.
Mist invaders generally happy with new raises, still finding other things to complain about.
SoR leaders express concern after fellow commander allegedly spent 15 minutes attempting to fire what turned out to be an enemy catapult.
Study finds recent claims of Blackgate having 45% posers to be highly inflated, numbers have held steady at 5% once Blackgate Invaders learned /pose was not an actual emote. /shrug
Mist Invaders generally confident their hopes will be dashed with March update
This is awesome haha, definitely chuckled at this
thank you for the 2 precursors in 2 days. [Dawn] [Dusk] thats my 6th legendary
Danggggggg. I’ve only gotten a few rares. You’re a luckybutt.
I do wonder if people know that you can’t get precursors through fighting on the forums… -channels aggression into pushing 1 during laggy fights in WvW- ; ;
pretty lucky i guess.
You guess? OMG. The majority of us will never see even one drop, let alone two, or six.
tytos got a [Zap], most of my buddies got a one hand precursor this week. i have no idea whats going on though. maybe they increased the chance together with the bag drops. i play a good 7-10 hrs wvw a day.
Is there a precurser named [Rock], because thats all I seem to be getting.
TW, TWL, CDS and a few others were running around together with something near that last night. I honestly couldn’t even use skills when they’d get near because of the lag. Choo tends to do the same thing.
Lol, so I’m assuming this is a compliment? TW/TWL have 25 total at our peak, but I guess you could classify that as a 80 man zerg if you factor in that 1 TW = 3 normal players.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen TW/TWL with more than 25 people total. TWL is their recruit guild. TW has around 15-20 people on and TWL has around 5-10. They vote once a month to promote up to 4 players from TWL to TW. If anything, I’d say TW is probably the most exclusive guild in the game atm considering they don’t mass recruit at all and they still have people pounding down their doors wanting to get in but can’t.
I could only imagine what would happen if they had 80 players though.
3/1 – JQ/SoR/BG – Headlines! Headlines! Read all about it!
Recent spike in heart-related ER visits due to “Chest Thumping” say doctors
Scientists find key binding leads to higher K/D ratio; however, community expresses some concern over key binders’ inability to turn left, walk backward or stop “and smell the roses.”
Researchers correlate performance anxiety with Stonemist Castle, but concede “It could just be lag.”
Covenn still grumpy, study finds
Icoa commander Joker loses key confidence vote in forums, vows to review campaign and improve skill clicking.
Mist invaders generally happy with new raises, still finding other things to complain about.
SoR leaders express concern after fellow commander allegedly spent 15 minutes attempting to fire what turned out to be an enemy catapult.
Study finds recent claims of Blackgate having 45% posers to be highly inflated, numbers have held steady at 5% once Blackgate Invaders learned /pose was not an actual emote. /shrug
Mist Invaders generally confident their hopes will be dashed with March update
Grins Now all we need is a LOLCats score update and my morning is complete!
3/1 – JQ/SoR/BG – Headlines! Headlines! Read all about it!
Recent spike in heart-related ER visits due to “Chest Thumping” say doctors
Scientists find key binding leads to higher K/D ratio; however, community expresses some concern over key binders’ inability to turn left, walk backward or stop “and smell the roses.”
Researchers correlate performance anxiety with Stonemist Castle, but concede “It could just be lag.”
Covenn still grumpy, study finds
Icoa commander Joker loses key confidence vote in forums, vows to review campaign and improve skill clicking.
Mist invaders generally happy with new raises, still finding other things to complain about.
SoR leaders express concern after fellow commander allegedly spent 15 minutes attempting to fire what turned out to be an enemy catapult.
Study finds recent claims of Blackgate having 45% posers to be highly inflated, numbers have held steady at 5% once Blackgate Invaders learned /pose was not an actual emote. /shrug
Mist Invaders generally confident their hopes will be dashed with March update
That … was …. awesome! Ahhh seriously. Finally some good humor to turn the tide on this thread. I see good things ahead. Good things.
[KnT] – Blackgate
According to the drinking game rules, you all should be passed out drunk by now:
So…less chest thumping QQ and more yak Pew Pew..
This supply line aint going to stop itself ya know :I
Actually TW was ripping it up tonight on SoR BL and they went into BG BL as well. I was running with them. Some great fights vs HB, LotD, SF, and AGG. Others as well, sorry I didnt mention you it was a very long night and zergs blend together. However there were a few memorable fights for us. I already commented on the 15-20min fight with HB and LotD in the south camp earlier but there was also a good fight on BG map where we wiped SF outside of bay, only to be hit from behind by AGG and have to turn and take them out and as we were collecting our bags and selling SF decided to come out for seconds and we had to take them out again.
A few people were recording tonight I am sure the videos will be up some time tomorrow. This is why I love T1 great epic battles.
I thought that after Agg and company had come in that there, there had to of been like at least half down from TW/CDS/some Choo?? I was like…“well, we could prolly take em’ there’s evenisher numbers right?” We ran out to find that definitely was not the case :x Should have probably seen if we had any other teams out there to try and match numbers with you guys. My posterior is very sore today :x
Must figure out way to battle even larger numbers now! I like having the really big open field fights, yet lately it’s been a lag ball when we face the multi-guilded groups. I hear a lot of, “I can’t cast anything.”
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
Lol, so I’m assuming this is a compliment? TW/TWL have 25 total at our peak, but I guess you could classify that as a 80 man zerg if you factor in that 1 TW = 3 normal players.
I didn’t say it was just TW TWL though did I?
How many people do Caedas and all the GSCH variants have? How many people are in Choo?
How many pugs regularly follow these zergs?
When you put all this together I think it’s easy to see how one big zergball could easily field 60-80 people.
I don’t mind that you guys zerg btw, it’s part of the game.
(edited by Israel.7056)
Update from my scantily clad thief.
“I’m here to bearbow and chew bubblegum..and I’m all out of bearbow.”
Actually TW was ripping it up tonight on SoR BL and they went into BG BL as well. I was running with them. Some great fights vs HB, LotD, SF, and AGG. Others as well, sorry I didnt mention you it was a very long night and zergs blend together. However there were a few memorable fights for us. I already commented on the 15-20min fight with HB and LotD in the south camp earlier but there was also a good fight on BG map where we wiped SF outside of bay, only to be hit from behind by AGG and have to turn and take them out and as we were collecting our bags and selling SF decided to come out for seconds and we had to take them out again.
A few people were recording tonight I am sure the videos will be up some time tomorrow. This is why I love T1 great epic battles.
I thought that after Agg and company had come in that there, there had to of been like at least half down from TW/CDS/some Choo?? I was like…“well, we could prolly take em’ there’s evenisher numbers right?” We ran out to find that definitely was not the case :x Should have probably seen if we had any other teams out there to try and match numbers with you guys. My posterior is very sore today :x
Must figure out way to battle even larger numbers now! I like having the really big open field fights, yet lately it’s been a lag ball when we face the multi-guilded groups. I hear a lot of, “I can’t cast anything.”
I personally like the are we winning? I can’t see one!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen TW/TWL with more than 25 people total. TWL is their recruit guild. TW has around 15-20 people on and TWL has around 5-10. They vote once a month to promote up to 4 players from TWL to TW. If anything, I’d say TW is probably the most exclusive guild in the game atm considering they don’t mass recruit at all and they still have people pounding down their doors wanting to get in but can’t.
I could only imagine what would happen if they had 80 players though.
Well I certainly wouldn’t want to join.
How are people getting pre cursors left and right?
I have 15k kills and have not even got one exotic yet. Does everyone eat magic find food or something?