3/15 DB/YB/SOS

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Honnor.6295


Keep it clean guys, Great match last week, Lots of great fights. Good sportsmanship and having fun. No ones fault we have screwed time zone overlaps. Lats have good battles when you can play and lets follow through this week.

Fight well every one.

Guild leader: scÖrn
Alliance founder/Yaksbend.com
“Winter is Coming”

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


That must’ve been quite a fight in SoS BL between Yaks and SoS at Hills, because there were orange swords forever. o_o

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: LostAntem.4897


Yes, we held [TSYM] and SoS company for a very, very, very long time. We resisted, survived, and claimed successful.

Awesome fight [TSYM]

Commander Carry Too Hard-Lvl 80 Ele
Phoenix Scythe-Lvl 80 Necro
Yak’s Bend – Despicable [Me]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Hydrii.5136


Yaks we do you the favor of capping the north half of SOS bl to take the heat off of hills for you and how do you repay us but with a golem rush. For shame.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


Yaks we do you the favor of capping the north half of SOS bl to take the heat off of hills for you and how do you repay us but with a golem rush. For shame.

I really apologize good sir, it must be karma for camping our BL with SoS almost 2 entire days last week. (Now Seriously, we didn’t notice such a intention, we really sorry.)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: LostAntem.4897


Yaks we do you the favor of capping the north half of SOS bl to take the heat off of hills for you and how do you repay us but with a golem rush. For shame.

I think we were the ones who were doing you a favor. We kept the majority of SoS forces at Hills while you guys were given a free pass to take whatever you pleased.

Commander Carry Too Hard-Lvl 80 Ele
Phoenix Scythe-Lvl 80 Necro
Yak’s Bend – Despicable [Me]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


We thanked you by not hitting Hills ourselves. =D

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


It’s kind of interesting,
From all the scores available so far on millenium, green server is not winning in any tiers, but will likely be winning in just about all of them by the end of the week.


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


Score @ 1pmest. Time for YB to sleep. x.x


Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Nozzie.2067


It’s kind of interesting,
From all the scores available so far on millenium, green server is not winning in any tiers, but will likely be winning in just about all of them by the end of the week.

It’s may be an indication of how important around-the-clock coverage is compared to strength in any one timezone. The green servers probably have the comparatively more even distribution of WvW players in each tier.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


Ahhh….Friday reset. Good times in YBBL.

Just a quick score update before I head off to bed. And by the looks of the ppt atm it looks like I’m not the only one. lol


Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

(edited by bjchase.3074)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


I still dream with a day in which YB will have Oceanics/Asians or Aussies and nothing will stop us, ever… /story.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


New kid in town on YB…some of y’all fought me last week, most of y’all haven’t. In the weeks to come y’all are going to see what’s up.


Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

New kid in town on YB…some of y’all fought me last week, most of y’all haven’t. In the weeks to come y’all are going to see what’s up.


Daaang son. It’s about to get real up in this piece.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


went to bed with yaks bend in a dominating lead, wake up with us in last place and most of our stuff flipped.

sometimes i wonder why i even bother.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


went to bed with yaks bend in a dominating lead, wake up with us in last place and most of our stuff flipped.

sometimes i wonder why i even bother.

To play for fun, good battles during the time you’re online, and not for points? o;


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


went to bed with yaks bend in a dominating lead, wake up with us in last place and most of our stuff flipped.

sometimes i wonder why i even bother.

To play for fun, good battles during the time you’re online, and not for points? o;

Says the guy from the server in the lead tho…

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


went to bed with yaks bend in a dominating lead, wake up with us in last place and most of our stuff flipped.

sometimes i wonder why i even bother.

To play for fun, good battles during the time you’re online, and not for points? o;

Says the guy from the server in the lead tho…

Yeah but,
When you play for fun and good battles, and not for points,
Being in the lead doesn’t mean much :P

I was still playing last night while YB was in the lead too, because the battles were good and I was having fun

EDIT: Also, SoS is really in the lead.


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


By your logic, losing = fun? No. YB wants to win, and come hell or high water we will do so. Get ready because we won’t quit. Unless you bring more people than us, then we will move to another map or something, but you know what I was getting at.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


By your logic, losing = fun? No. YB wants to win, and come hell or high water we will do so. Get ready because we won’t quit. Unless you bring more people than us, then we will move to another map or something, but you know what I was getting at.

YB rationalized a long time ago that as long as the coverage situation is the way it is, we can’t obsess over the total score in T3 or it will never be fun. Its out of our control. As long as we fight well during the time we can control, I’m satisfied. Of course, “fighting well” is probably not going to result in +330 NA again this week, as SoS/DB’s NAs will get to defend the WP/Fortified structures that their Oceanics give them. =/

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Noobles.4325


we have spent weeks loosing worse then you guys lost last week, so we know all about not winning and still having fun, granted we all want to win but we all want to have fun also winning is always more fun but not absolutely needed. you guys are just use to winning in tier 4. if winning is everything to you go to a tier 1 server.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


SoS does not get to defend upgraded keeps because DB’s NNK-o’clock wipes out their map just like it wipes Yaks. They are at the same disadvantage in the morning like you are. Our strongest time is most servers weakest times even FA could not deal with NNK time but FA’s NA crew was so large it could combat that. We managed to hold solid in 2nd in this tier for weeks against TC and FA slaughterfest. Yaks stay strong keep fighting, it’s what we did spending weeks on end against larger servers.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


By your logic, losing = fun? No. YB wants to win, and come hell or high water we will do so. Get ready because we won’t quit. Unless you bring more people than us, then we will move to another map or something, but you know what I was getting at.

Then I have no idea why you’re still playing.
Maybe you should quit,
Because you know SoS and DB flips every single piece of territory every night.


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Habis.2910


… DB’s NNK-o’clock wipes out their map just like it wipes Yaks. …

Love it! Lol-ers

I need to start saying that in game “It’s NNK-o’clock time!”

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


It’s kind of interesting,
From all the scores available so far on millenium, green server is not winning in any tiers, but will likely be winning in just about all of them by the end of the week.

It’s may be an indication of how important around-the-clock coverage is compared to strength in any one timezone. The green servers probably have the comparatively more even distribution of WvW players in each tier.

Not only that is really goes to show which servers have alot of Weekend players and which servers have alot of WvW week day players.

Alot of our WvW guilds made huge Sacrifices last week and it brought out alot of the casual players. the ones you don’t see as much during the week.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty.8491


WTB score update!

IGN: Lyla Frostheart
Legion of Doom [LOD] | www.lodgw.com

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


Score Update.


Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


If you can’t play for the week, just play for the time you are on no doubt. But still will be waiting for the next big exodus server to fall or the next big zerg one to come up, for a shuffle. As once Mag and YB can get back in the same tier, maybe with a CD or such, should be ideal.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Quite honestly, it’s looking like SoS is in a worse way than anticipated. Their performance this weekend compared to last is astonishingly different. SoS was totally dominating over reset night/weekend fielding large zergs on almost every map, and it was only in the last 3 days did they totally crumble and DB steamrolled to victory. From the looks of it, SoS is at the same performance level right now that they were at the end of last week, and that is not a good thing for them.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


I feel a bit sorry for SoS because I think their non prime players are going to be driven entirely off by the huge disparities they face in T3. It will still be fun for the main bulk of their players that play at the same time, but the server will be like a giant on/off switch as to when you can actually WvW and have any fun there. Unfortunately affects of that extend out to the other 2 servers in a match.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Has some great fights this afternoon, specially at Wildcreek, thanks for the fun.

~ AoN ~

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


That Durios fight, lol. I’m off to bed,was great fun!

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: TheFinal.9847


Exploit is your daily event? I think Anet need to give you this daily event.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: eithinan.9841


… DB’s NNK-o’clock wipes out their map just like it wipes Yaks. …

Love it! Lol-ers

I need to start saying that in game “It’s NNK-o’clock time!”

LOL it looks like I started something. Lets not forget theat NNK-oclock comes during TFV/GA timezones :P

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


snipped good advice ribuld

Servers are comprised of people. People play when they want to. Enjoyment is the key factor.

SoS did not really “crumble” last week we are still here, “DB played well and put in the hours.” Please try to stay positive and apply praise where praise is due. Great effort DB!

DB won first in our tier, SoS won 8th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, Yaks won 9th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, we are all still top ten finishers!

(Grats Mag for rounding out the top ten )

Some good fights are being had, concentrate on those please.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

(edited by elkirin.8534)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: ribuld.6790


Armchair forum warriors are amusing. Some good posts are being posted, concentrate on those please. /condescending as possible.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Congrats to all the tier 1 servers for finishing top 5!


Congrats to tier 8 for not being deleted!


Congrats to all servers for being servers!


Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


snipped good advice ribuld

Servers are comprised of people. People play when they want to. Enjoyment is the key factor.

SoS did not really “crumble” last week we are still here, “DB played well and put in the hours.” Please try to stay positive and apply praise where praise is due. Great effort DB!

DB won first in our tier, SoS won 8th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, Yaks won 9th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, we are all still top ten finishers!

(Grats Mag for rounding out the top ten )

Some good fights are being had, concentrate on those please.

The reason I made the judgement call that SoS crumbled is based on relative strength. Their strength at the end of the week relative to the beginning of that week (weekdays, the weekend is never predictable) was significantly lower. While I wasn’t in wvw 24/7 past week, I was in it enough to recognize that the SoS map presence was strangely and massively absent in the last couple of days, significantly less than that of yaks. I don’t know why that happened, I don’t know how that happened, but it most certainly did happen. DB didn’t suddenly acquire massive transfers. We were 30k points below SoS for a very good reason, they were outdoing us with superior coverage, particularly in NA prime times. Something big changed, and that’s undeniable.

@ribuld: We’re all armchair warriors here…this is a video game after all.

(edited by Pyroatheist.9031)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


By your logic, losing = fun? No. YB wants to win, and come hell or high water we will do so. Get ready because we won’t quit. Unless you bring more people than us, then we will move to another map or something, but you know what I was getting at.

I don’t look at it as “win=fun” or “lose=fun” or “lose=not fun”. I look at it if I am having fun when I am playing. The score doesn’t dictate if I am having fun. And yes I said the same thing during matches where we blew away the other teams. YB has always put up a good fight. The score doesn’t always reflect that due to reasons that have been stated before.

Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Has some great fights this afternoon, specially at Wildcreek, thanks for the fun.

You mean the ~20 SoS pugs vs 5 [AoN]s… that was both hilarious and sad at the same time.

Are these the guys that server hop looking for tough action, no allegiance really. Seems like the biggest pop server in this tier wouldn’t be the ideal place for that.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


snipped good advice ribuld

Servers are comprised of people. People play when they want to. Enjoyment is the key factor.

SoS did not really “crumble” last week we are still here, “DB played well and put in the hours.” Please try to stay positive and apply praise where praise is due. Great effort DB!

DB won first in our tier, SoS won 8th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, Yaks won 9th overall GW2 NA servers weekly, we are all still top ten finishers!

(Grats Mag for rounding out the top ten )

Some good fights are being had, concentrate on those please.

The reason I made the judgement call that SoS crumbled is based on relative strength. Their strength at the end of the week relative to the beginning of that week (weekdays, the weekend is never predictable) was significantly lower. While I wasn’t in wvw 24/7 past week, I was in it enough to recognize that the SoS map presence was strangely and massively absent in the last couple of days, significantly less than that of yaks. I don’t know why that happened, I don’t know how that happened, but it most certainly did happen. DB didn’t suddenly acquire massive transfers. We were 30k points below SoS for a very good reason, they were outdoing us with superior coverage, particularly in NA prime times. Something big changed, and that’s undeniable.

@ribuld: We’re all armchair warriors here…this is a video game after all.

Tell me more I’m on the edge of my seat!

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


Maybe it’s as simple as not all of the guilds that were slated for transfering off had done so. Of course you would think BG would have gotten a big surge in score but that doesn’t seem to have happened either.

Time will tell.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Has some great fights this afternoon, specially at Wildcreek, thanks for the fun.

You mean the ~20 SoS pugs vs 5 [AoN]s… that was both hilarious and sad at the same time.

Are these the guys that server hop looking for tough action, no allegiance really. Seems like the biggest pop server in this tier wouldn’t be the ideal place for that.

The 20 got bigger and then Yak’s rolled in with their zerg twice. We were laughing because eventually what screwed up our defense was the one guy beating on the gate with the wall broken down. We jumped down to kill the one guy cause we thought he deserved it for setting up a ram on a gate with the wall down, which put us completely out of position when both SoS and Yaks rolled in at the same time. So it was the clueless fellow that defeated us!

As for the other comment, yes we move based on challenges, but we are careful in our selection as we want to work with a server as well as have good fights and overall we have only moved a few times. DB was a perfect choice at the end of free transfers. Their weakest coverage area was NA and they were solid in their T3 placement. SoS descending the ranks was a curveball in our plans and DB winning last week kinda made the week boring, for us. We are hoping SoS were just taking a much needed breather and will bring the pain this week.

~ AoN ~

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Ok didn’t know you were settled, remembered seeing you on Maguuma last time we played I think. I’m thinking we are facing pitched battles most of the day and night here and we got merc teams on us too! But things do change fast in this system.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


It’s looking like we might hang around as a thorn in the side of T3 another week yet. Early, but so far gained more points than Mag has in T4. It’s got to be SoS’s remaining high rank though, when that settles to a proper place it will be harder to gain.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: wolf.1895


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

AoN was off camera fending off SoS and fighting YB at the same time.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Beyondthelol.9504


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

AoN was off camera fending off SoS and fighting YB at the same time.

Awesome fight

Aramir Hellforge
Terror [TG]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


YB rallies into 2nd! But, time for bed now. :/


Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]