4/1/13 Rof v GH v WSR
I’m not sure what you were expectibg really we (rddt amongst others) managed to keep our borderlands mostly red throughout primetime.When i and a number of other guildies logged at half 10 GMT after about 4 hours of (very fun thanks cry havoc) wvw we had everything in our BL.
Inevitably outside of primetime we cant get the same numbers and things will get capped its unfortunate but its the nature of the beast.
I was expecting us to keep hold of the upgraded keep and garrison. Like we’d done on the days previous to Tues/Weds (especially after kind souls had again upgraded them) It had been a struggle at times, but we did it before, and everyone involved in keeping it all red had worked manfully at all hours to keep it that way. The last two days have just been a capitulation.
Inevitability doesn’t mean people should accept poor performances. We’ve given away the bl garrison with no contest thrice in two days now. If its acceptable to suddenly stop caring about defending things like fully upgraded keeps, then wsr do belong in the bottom tier
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
The fights have been generally well matched, often three way and also very hard fought. I have seen little of the enormous map-stomping zergs that we have had to fight the last few months, but instead seen lots of three way fights where the outcome has always been in doubt. There has also been hardly and sign of any form of cheating or hacking – unlike a few other matches that I won’t mention.
This match has been very important in the re-building of Gunnars Hold. We have re-organised, worked on our communications, worked on our tactics, and this is finally starting to have an effect.
Not only do we have some great WvW guilds – but our small guilds and more and more of our individual players are getting on the community Mumble voice comms and getting organised into groups and being given group objectives. – We had around 60+ people on the community mumble last night (not huge numbers by higher tier standards I know) as well as the bigger guilds also using their own TS/Vent etc.
I agree. This match-up is very entertaining and a great opportunity for new players to learn about wvw. I also noticed here on RoF alot of new players coming in just for their monthly or working on world completion and sticking around because it is so much more fun than just zerging around. The RoF Commanders also got better in the last couple of weeks even though we dont have one on every map all the time. But we are getting better organized every week. Our Guild, [TTA] has about 350 members but we are mostly a casual PvE guild. But more and more members are getting interested in wvw, we got our first commander batch and we will try to start wvw guild events to get more people interested.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
(edited by Wanze.8410)
It’s not necessarily that people don’t care it’s more you can’t expect decent numbers outside of primetime due to the fact we have a pretty low pop server and few dedicated WvW guilds.
It’s not necessarily that people don’t care it’s more you can’t expect decent numbers outside of primetime due to the fact we have a pretty low pop server and few dedicated WvW guilds.
It would be fair to assume the numbers wouldn’t take a sudden nose dive two evenings on the bounce when we were running in a healthy second place though and would be fair to assume when there are more than enough people to defend a fully upgraded garrison from a group of 10-15, that they don’t care, when they sit farming kills at Dreaming Bay (with an outside wall at 80%) when there was ample time to WP to the garr three times before the attackers eventually breached :s It was perfectly possible to defend the Garrison, and put up a fight at Dreaming Bay. Even if both would have eventually been lost to sheer weight of numbers (I doubt we’d have actually lost the garrison if it had been defended properly) it was poor giving it away like that, “it wasn’t primetime” isn’t a reasonable excuse. It was poor allocation of resources, and poor play as individuals for being distracted at the dreaming bay gates
Its things to learn from, if people do take lessons from the defeats.
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
It’s not necessarily that people don’t care it’s more you can’t expect decent numbers outside of primetime due to the fact we have a pretty low pop server and few dedicated WvW guilds.
It would be fair to assume the numbers wouldn’t take a sudden nose dive two evenings on the bounce when we were running in a healthy second place though
and would be fair to assume when there are more than enough people to defend a fully upgraded garrison from a group of 10-15, that they don’t care, when they sit farming kills at Dreaming Bay (with an outside wall at 80%) when there was ample time to WP to the garr three times before the attackers eventually breached :s It was perfectly possible to defend the Garrison, and put up a fight at Dreaming Bay. Even if both would have eventually been lost to sheer weight of numbers (I doubt we’d have actually lost the garrison if it had been defended properly) it was poor giving it away like that, “it wasn’t primetime” isn’t a reasonable excuse. It was poor allocation of resources, and poor play as individuals for being distracted at the dreaming bay gates
Its things to learn from, if people do take lessons from the defeats.
From an attacking point of view, i am afraid to say it was not the numbers. We came up against little offence in there defense past one? arrowcart and a few people who stood there ground. There was in fact full supply and very little to no use of it and we were there for a good 10 minutes when we went full out and a good 5 minutes more at the start clearing stealthy. I don’t want to sound like i am gloating but simply stating the facts of what happened. IF defense launched an offensive and or placed up siege and utilised the supply’s then we would defiantly have not capped the Garrison.
-Dis Noise Terror, Cry Havoc
Please do not tar a whole server based on one players actions. There have been comments in the thread about exploits/hacks already but none have been directed at servers, merely at the players themselves.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
You’ve just rolled in with four golems on the back of this dude glitching. All our siege def had gone, canons gone from the inner wall… Too right I’m gonna tar you. Especially after reporting it on here and you STILL go mob handed into there, after I report one of your servers players glitching in repeatedly. How much less honourable do you want to get??
He was spotted by other players doing it, I had a ranger/necro/thief fighting alongside him on the wall side. One of them was in a recognised guild (the name of which escapes me now so I’ll save the names ).
Just sickened. I knew Hills would be on the cards for someone tonight. But to take it like that is just garbage.
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
Hi Ventus – would really appreciate a bit more info if you can. On GH we despise any kind of exploiting or cheating so let us know more and we can track them down!
Yay, another server reset with almost no warning.
Now cannot log back into game at all :/
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
You’ve just rolled in with four golems on the back of this dude glitching. All our siege def had gone, canons gone from the inner wall… Too right I’m gonna tar you. Especially after reporting it on here and you STILL go mob handed into there, after I report one of your servers players glitching in repeatedly. How much less honourable do you want to get??
He was spotted by other players doing it, I had a ranger/necro/thief fighting alongside him on the wall side. One of them was in a recognised guild (the name of which escapes me now so I’ll save the names
Just sickened. I knew Hills would be on the cards for someone tonight. But to take it like that is just garbage.
If you PM a screenshot, we’ll investigate. We don’t want these people.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Hi Ventus – would really appreciate a bit more info if you can. On GH we despise any kind of exploiting or cheating so let us know more and we can track them down!
Coming right up
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
Cracking lil 3 way fight outside WSR Cliffside just now
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
All I wanted to do was walk past you guys and catch up with my teammates, I walk past Cliffside and see 1 [Imp] member, engage. 10 Seconds later the whole group appears from foghaven to kill me. I was that ‘OMG that necro is so tanky!!11one’ Necromancer.
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
We’d just finished stealing garrison from that – rather thief heavy – party with the golem and went to meet up with our missing member, you just happened to get in the way
We’d been having a frustrating night, seemed to be no enemies for ages then suddenly 40 people in 1 go, cliffside was the first one we’d really enjoyed all evening. RoF coming from Garrison and WSR from the north, us at cliffside in the middle, so it was a refreshing change hehe.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
I wanna thank the KoF commander and the guildies of KoF for the fun dueling we had south of Hill just now.
Greetz and respect, the warrior with the 2 swords
Although the week hasn’t finnished I already wana thank everyone who participated in what s for me been the most exciting WvW week so far. Not because GH is gonna end up first for a change, but bcause it was really enjoyable fighting against RoF and WSR. In general we had really nice battles and both WSR as RoF get my vote for being brave and honourable fighters. I hope we get more of these matchups soon.
Special thanks to Night Pact (NP), it s thx to you guys we Cry Havoc (CHvc) started to focus and kept looking for some tactics (before we just grouped up and went for some fun). We had some great encounters, we re still learning alot, adjusting and finetuning our tactics and tweaking our regular players. Hope to bump into you guys more often, superb fun!
Special thx as well to all our Commanders who did a splendid job this week, it s you guys who are making it work! Thx for the hard work and the patience
(edited by Noct.1495)
ICON get your Asura thief out of our border waypoint safezone. thanks.
Thanks everyone for an amazing week. It really was a fantastic week for defending and attacking against fun opponents.
My most memorable part of this week was the hours long 3 way battle in SM lord’s room.
[RPS] & [PRXM] Lippsy
Gunnar’s Hold
You’ve just rolled in with four golems on the back of this dude glitching. All our siege def had gone, canons gone from the inner wall… Too right I’m gonna tar you. Especially after reporting it on here and you STILL go mob handed into there, after I report one of your servers players glitching in repeatedly. How much less honourable do you want to get??
He was spotted by other players doing it, I had a ranger/necro/thief fighting alongside him on the wall side. One of them was in a recognised guild (the name of which escapes me now so I’ll save the names
Just sickened. I knew Hills would be on the cards for someone tonight. But to take it like that is just garbage.
If this is the cap I’m thinking of, then I can confirm that neither the group nor the commander had any idea that the siege/defense had been taken down by a glitcher (though this does help to explain why the cap was easier than we were expecting).
To second Roo, we frown on this behaviour and will always call people out for it when we see it. On this occasion it seems to have been a rogue individual.
Saphnabylni | Alyquia | Hrafn Halldorsson | Roshanai Abbasi | Aghrama Steamfur
If this is the cap I’m thinking of, then I can confirm that neither the group nor the commander had any idea that the siege/defense had been taken down by a glitcher (though this does help to explain why the cap was easier than we were expecting).
To second Roo, we frown on this behaviour and will always call people out for it when we see it. On this occasion it seems to have been a rogue individual.
We’d defended the Keep against 4 golems the night before vs RoF, door didn’t go beyond 60% health
Its a shame it happened. But ho hum, a sad end to the week for me. Its been really competitive and fair, and both our opponents have conducted themselves wonderfully well imo with some fantastic encounters.
I won’t have the pressure of defence to worry about next week, I don’t think we’ll be anywhere near as competitive however :// So apologies in advance (gives me chance to reach the level cap though lolol).
Congrats to GH
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
Hey TEO ill shamelessly invite you to Gunnar’s because i seen you caring a great deal about defense. not only are all the towers upgraded again if you pay them a vist 20 minutes after downgrading.. but also there is always a few TEO noses around to make you abort those plans of just putting 4 rams and be done with it. Argh! On Gunnar’s we have a lot of people dedicated to defending our borderland and you would be hailed by competent defenders who would like to have you on our side. Sorry for the bad taste of ninja-inviting you to your opponents server, but i just want to take the chance because i’ve noticed you and i would love to have you on our side sorry, i do completely understand if you tell me to GTFO =)
Cheers, Commander Starhejm
We did our part in the borders, but it wasn’t just us there defending. Our guild has been responsible for a great deal of the upgrades though, and certainly involved greatly with defence (organisation, allocation of resources and scouting). But defending has been a combined effort across a number of guilds and individuals Next week should be a big change though :/
Don’t think our leaders are planning on moving away from WSR quite yet, but I’m sure they’ll have read this
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard
that 4 golem cap did seemed a bit smooth and easy for wsr keep (great defending whole week)… i was there on my alt porting golems when oil/cannons was down so i didn’t saw any kind of exploit… if i did i would port golems on cliff edge not gate… pls try to remember guild tag so we make sure we dont have glitcher in our ranks
H A R D (CORE) Gunnar’s hold http://lastflightofthecrow.webs.com/
This week consisted of some epic fights, where we had to scramble our (often outnumbered) joined forces accross several maps. TEO was active both in our own border, EB and we made several trips together with allied guilds to both GH and RoF borders when we saw a chance.
As Ventus said, and apparently even our opponents noticed (thanks Starhejm ;D) we had alot invested in our own border. At the first signs of trouble we went to investigate and were able to stop alot of (small scaled) assaults. Most memorable probably (was it sunday or monday?) where we had both GH and RoF pay us a visit and were attacked at our 3 keeps at once, but we managed to hold on to all 3. Later during the week lost garrison and bay multiple times, but since we where still flipping points with RoF we kept the upgrades going, hoping we could pull through for 2nd.
During the last 3 evenings (of which 2 I was not available) it was apparent WSR had problems fielding the numbers to stop the constant incoming onslaught from GH and RoF (who obviously were keen on securing 2nd place). After last night and with upcoming reset, it is apparent that the upgrades for today will be in vain, so we will save our cash for next week. Which… will be a challenge with again 3 guilds leaving WSR.
It was a fun week, and I can’t really remember such good fights since launch really, so mad props to all servers, guilds and players.
As far as transfering, we have had multiple invites from GH by now, and thank you for the consideration. At this point we are not really considering a transfer, and will see how things will turn out for the weeks to come. We probably will take the chance of dropping yet again a tier in a week or so, to start working on better (counter)tactics, and coordination with other (new?) guilds, when we don’t have to worry about getting hammered whereever we go ;D
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by skwas.9873)
As far as transfering, we have had multiple invites from GH by now, and thank you for the consideration. At this point we are not really considering a transfer, and will see how things will turn out for the weeks to come. We probably will take the chance of dropping yet again a tier in a week or so, to start working on better (counter)tactics, and coordination with other (new?) guilds, when we don’t have to worry about getting hammered whereever we go ;D
I have had a great week in WvW this week with WSR being the biggest surprise in my opinion. You guys fought us for every point!
I really hope that the influx of players to Vabbi: (See here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Join-New-Vabbi-WvW-focused-alliance) does not mess up the balance in the lower tier too much, but I fear it will.
I you find that the balance is not what you hope and that you are not enjoying your time in WvW because of it, then please do come and visit us on the Gunnars Hold community forum.
Proud Member of:
The Gunnars Hold Community Forum
Praxium – PRXM and The Gunnar’s Hold Community
www.praxium.co.uk and www.gunnars-hold.eu
What I don’t get about GH is how they keep saying how fun and balanced this matchup is but spend the entire week trying to recruit guilds from their opponents which would basically unbalance it…
And its pretty much a given that the whole Vabbi story will totally unbalance the entire ranking again as Xaoc seems to enjoy spending 2 months fighting 10:1 and making WvW into a wasteland for their oponnents as the matchup is decided 12 hours into it.
It was nice and balanced. Some guilds decided to move away (talking about all three servers) with no one talking to them. On the other hand, with the new power in t9 rising, the idea of sort of consolidating the low tier servers together comes up again, possibly getting more low tier teams together in one place and then oppose XAOC.
What I don’t get about GH is how they keep saying how fun and balanced this matchup is but spend the entire week trying to recruit guilds from their opponents which would basically unbalance it…
And its pretty much a given that the whole Vabbi story will totally unbalance the entire ranking again as Xaoc seems to enjoy spending 2 months fighting 10:1 and making WvW into a wasteland for their oponnents as the matchup is decided 12 hours into it.
A large part of the GH WvW community has undergone a major change in the way we approach WvW in recent weeks. I don’t think our numbers are that big but what we’re doing with those numbers is new. In a large number of fights I’ve found us fighting greater numbers against RoF or WSR and quite often winning.
Regarding XAoC, we’ve faced them before. They’ll win on the nightshift and probably steamroll us during the day with big numbers but as always we will still hit the battlefield and fight without qualm. Slightly ironic they have moved given it was them that were enticing guilds away from GH some months ago.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Two members of EM (the elite mercenaries) from ROF were just flying in the EB jumping puzzle.
[Re] Rerolled
What I don’t get about GH is how they keep saying how fun and balanced this matchup is but spend the entire week trying to recruit guilds from their opponents which would basically unbalance it…
And its pretty much a given that the whole Vabbi story will totally unbalance the entire ranking again as Xaoc seems to enjoy spending 2 months fighting 10:1 and making WvW into a wasteland for their oponnents as the matchup is decided 12 hours into it.
It’s precisely because of Vabbi and RoS transfers that we are recruiting. And for the record, we turned down xaoc’s inquiries about joining GH, as that would have seriously upset the balance within this tier and within our server.
(edited by Teutooni.9572)
What I don’t get about GH is how they keep saying how fun and balanced this matchup is but spend the entire week trying to recruit guilds from their opponents which would basically unbalance it…
I don’t think we have tried to recruit any guild this week apart from the normal posts around the forums and the like. Any Guilds that have moved here have been welcomed sure, but apart from the one post in here a few hours ago i have seen no more than that. Eitherway it has been a balanced match so far to what we have seen in the upper tiers and throughout the past few weeks. What I don’t get with RoF is most of the bad sportsmanship i have seen around the battleground’s and out of it. (Not talking about the whole side here)
1 ROF Corr member hacking/exploiting as well… seems that the JP in EB is full of it.
[Re] Rerolled
(edited by fab.3298)
Nice Push TEO! almost got the garrison, Was expecting another attack but not that fast!
-Dis Noise Terror, CHvc
Well that was fun! :p
[CC] Crimson Conspiracy
Gunnar’s Hold
Good way to cap the week off. Bit of fun tearing up places. Creases to iron out, but still fun to know we can do it if we want to ;>
Good fights in every border today
Whiteside Ridge
I’m in your zerg, cleaving it hard