4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Lol thx Obs, i needed that laugh

My pleasure!

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


You know why? I’ll be honest.

I left, they lost me, we got this.

Their night crew is nonexistent. I want to make this a fair fight again, hence why I’m not in wvw right now. It’s no fun trolling by zergs.

Zergs are boring but effective.

I think your missing the point that no one actually needed you OR your drama

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


NSP might start moving up in ladder if selfish guilds (like that stupid white wolf) can stop claiming keeps or put all their wvw buff on.

Well I can’t say I don’t enjoy fighting with keep defender who has nothing on them, so easy to kill =]

Don’t mess with the white wolf, buddy.

I’ve been messing with them for weeks. What’s your concern?

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Linanthony.1809


You know why? I’ll be honest.

I left, they lost me, we got this.

Their night crew is nonexistent. I want to make this a fair fight again, hence why I’m not in wvw right now. It’s no fun trolling by zergs.

Zergs are boring but effective.

I think your missing the point that no one actually needed you OR your drama

I’d have to disagree. Selene was the most l33t mofo kitten mofo supr3m3 pr1nc3ss of d00m and without her sup3r b0ssn3ss we ar3 0bviously l0sing. That XOXO guild totally made the wrong choice by not giving her a legendary and paying for her transfer and making her the leader of the guild, I can tell from experience that Selene was the best c0mmandeeerrrrpppp on our entire HoD s3rv3r. She made absolutely 0 drama and anyone who says otherwise is obviously from j3rs3y sh0r3. This c0mm3nt is super l33t cuz of all the 3s and 0s

If anyone disagrees with my l3g1t c0mm3nt, they just need more fruit punch and play Mario cart somemore


Genesis Theory [GT]

(edited by Linanthony.1809)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


y u so l33t phaze.

Don’t suck up to me though. I’m just stating a truth. XD One person can’t defend against a zerg at night.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Lol thx Obs, i needed that laugh

My pleasure!

I still love you.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: vitali.1609


How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


You know why? I’ll be honest.

I left, they lost me, we got this.

Their night crew is nonexistent. I want to make this a fair fight again, hence why I’m not in wvw right now. It’s no fun trolling by zergs.

Zergs are boring but effective.

I think your missing the point that no one actually needed you OR your drama

I’d have to disagree. Selene was the most l33t mofo kitten mofo supr3m3 pr1nc3ss of d00m and without her sup3r b0ssn3ss we ar3 0bviously l0sing. That XOXO guild totally made the wrong choice by not giving her a legendary and paying for her transfer and making her the leader of the guild, I can tell from experience that Selene was the best c0mmandeeerrrrpppp on our entire HoD s3rv3r. She made absolutely 0 drama and anyone who says otherwise is obviously from j3rs3y sh0r3. This c0mm3nt is super l33t cuz of all the 3s and 0s

If anyone disagrees with my l3g1t c0mm3nt, they just need more fruit punch and play Mario cart somemore


How many kittens were given to you?

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

2 paxa, 5 XOXO, >9000 SF.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


150 players last time I checked? Per map all in all.

Hence the point of queueing

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

(edited by Fenikkusu.1569)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Sorry guys, but it does take more effort than pressing 1. It is a lot about leadership, followership, and positioning.

Also, combo fields and support need to be very on their game.

The saddest parts about posts like these is that us larger guilds know what 5v5s are like and know the skill level involved and can comment on the skill type.

On the other hand, those of you who do not run with more than 5 people and have never commanded or organized more than 5 people have no clue how to and have never done what we have done.

It is safe to say you can not comment on being in an organized WvW guild zerg until you have actually participated in one.

Flame on!

I very much know how zerg v zerg is. I had been the designated pvp raid leader of one of the factions in my last mmo. Coming over to this game, I realized that GW2 had weak raid mechanics and that it encouraged smaller group battles.

Sure there are some skills required in zerg fights. Zerg positioning, leader communicating well and class build up make the bulk of that. This however is all included in small group fighting as well as more. Does one ever have to dodge roll an attack that they see coming in a zerg fight? No, because there are so many animations going on that you cannot even hope to see that attack coming in. Do you coordinate cc with your dps in order to focus fire a target down? No, you aoe. If you as an individual mess up, does your entire zerg wipe? No. Doing so in a group fight however puts the entire group at risk.

So is there more to than just pressing 1 in a zerg? Sure there is, but the amount of skill involved is far less than that of group fighting, even in regards to zerg cohesion.

Now if everyone in that zerg was in one big raid, if you had multiple target assists with target callers, if you had limited res ability that did not simply include pressing F and waiting for 1-2 seconds, if you actually required focus fire as well as many other aspects, perhaps there would be more skill required in a zerg, but as it stands, it is quite limited in GW2.

What GW2 does provide however is for individual skill to matter immensely. Any person can defeat any class if they play right.

Yes we do dodgeroll based on when we need to mitigate a large amount of damage we predict incoming and yes we do focus fire. Being able to keep calm and focus amid the chaos of large group fights is what makes us come out the other end alive.

Many of our best players in WvW zerg v. zerg PVP happen to be the best small group players as well. Jovolt, for example, is a rather squishy theif who weaves through the zerg, gets around the outside and bursts people when necessary. his ability to avoid damage with dodge rolls and restealths at the right times in order to get ouf of 20-40 people alive. I have many warriors that can go in and take a good few hits to let our AOE focus fire down int he correct spots.

There is coordination involved and I could care less if you have raided in a billion games before this.

If you zerg presses 1 and F all the time and my zerg actually puts in the effort to play with skill. what do you think the outcome will be?

Maybe this is why the HoD zergs have been dying so often to lesser numbers?

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Maybe this is why the HoD zergs have been dying so often to lesser numbers?

It all comes down to coordination. However, too many commanders who refuse to command, too few players willing to listen. I’m used to guerilla tactics, and from what I’m running into atm there is none of that happening. Commanders aren’t commanding again over in hod from what I can see ugh.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

2 paxa, 5 XOXO, >9000 SF.


Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

2 paxa, 5 XOXO, >9000 SF.

Wow, really?? Now we are going to claim Anet lets more SF players on maps??

Because WE ALL KNOW we only are allowed 2500 on each map. And we all know PAXA is allowed more players on the map, they just are trolling the forums instead of actually playing the game. :P

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


But trolling is more fun. D|

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Skarloc, yet again, not starting a flame war, but you basically just claimed that roaming is all PVE and therefore might need to put your foot in and around your own mouth since that happens to be the profession you are in.

That’s quite the opposite of what I said, but you believe that because of your mindset towards this game. I see roaming as a way of finding good fights, you see roaming as taking sentries/camps in an effort to control the map. I hit a camp because I want players to head in the direction, you hit a camp because an arrow cart needs setting up. Again, roaming is about 5% PvE for me, 95% for you. A difference in philosophy.

I’d say anything that takes more than a month in this game is a challenge given the casual standards and I also think that when it comes to WvW, most times it is not in fact PVE.

So the challenge is that it simply takes time, not that there is anything remotely challenging about actually acquiring the ranks.

I know you think that everyone goes around taking towers and camps uncontested, but in WvW, the majority of the time there is player Vs. player fighting happening everywhere.

The challenge is working hard and being in WvW often and being able to kill people defending towers or camps in order to take those objectives as well.

this is not really argument so much as fact.

WvW levels are really the only things other than than titles that take a significant amount of time to get.

More PvDoor occurs than you would like to believe, but I do agree that there are actual fights that occur. Now, with groups that size, are the fights often won purely based on numbers? Absolutely, that is the nature of the zerg. I get that herding that many sheeple can be a pain, as it’s certainly not something I would like to do, but that has nothing to do with ranks, that’s about zerging.

If it is not a challenge, then you would care releasing your WvW rank to the masses and let them know why you are not dominating that unchallenging wvw catagory?

I bet your answer is “I could care less because I get good fights in WvW and that is all I care about, correct?”

I’m rank 12. You’re right though, I could care less because it’s even more meaningless than the score itself. The rewards, if you could call them that, are all based around guards and siege. So if there wasn’t enough reason to zerg as it was, there is now further incentive to do so. Your rank is primarily based on how often you play, followed by how effective you are at zerging. I don’t play on the weekends and I only play a few hours 3-4 days a week. I rarely take objectives and I’m running in groups smaller than 95% of other players, so I’m shocked that I’m even this high.

You’re right on another issue though, all I do care about is getting in good fights.

Well that is just fine, to each their own.

Also, who ever said that PVE can not be challenging?

I sure it would be far more challenging to gain the rank by never killing a single player and killing only NPCs than it is killing actual players to get top rank.

As Obs said, those Yaks can hit pretty hard in comparison to actual players sometimes.

The path of least resistance is the fastest way to farm your rank. Luckily, the rewards are so terrible that there’s no reason to care about them. Be online, be in the fattest zerg, and take objectives and you’ll skyrocket in rank. If your zerg happens to roll over players in the process, that’s just a bonus.

:) Well, my fat zerg consists of good players doing what they do best to roll over larger numbered zergs that might or might not be in turtle formation. To each their own. Our taking Other’s borderlands is also largely like your camp flipping to get attention, but instead of getting attention of 5 people, we want to take the attention from 30-40 people and repeatedly farm them in their own lands. We aren’t so different!

Which leads me back to your hate of basic wvw principles making it so 20 v 40 fights are necessary and the way of the game and that being able to command a group of lesser numbers against larger numbers is actually a rather challenging thing, but what do you care!

I guess this argument is moot and I am a super PVer.

(Don’t let Zel know about that. He might start feeling bad since I am a girl and apparently a PVE/zergfatbad too.)

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Which leads me back to your hate of basic wvw principles making it so 20 v 40 fights are necessary and the way of the game and that being able to command a group of lesser numbers against larger numbers is actually a rather challenging thing, but what do you care!

We all know that non-eb zergs suck. Really. I’ll admit, I’m on a zerker dd ele when I run around solo and it literally took 10 hod to take me down because one, I was on cds and two, a hammer stunned. Like really. D| I cried inside.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Npac.3476


How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

2 paxa, 5 XOXO, >9000 SF.

Wow, really?? Now we are going to claim Anet lets more SF players on maps??

Because WE ALL KNOW we only are allowed 2500 on each map. And we all know PAXA is allowed more players on the map, they just are trolling the forums instead of actually playing the game. :P

Yea you probably wouldn’t see us when your standing that close to the keep door. Maybe if you stare harder it will open by magic?!?

Zelrin- 80 Thief
Founder of PAXA

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Yea you probably wouldn’t see us when your standing that close to the keep door. Maybe if you stare harder it will open by magic?!?

Dude this just happened to me on sf bl. We were kittening around and started ramming a hod tower.

It took 20 to push us out. After like 15 minutes.

There were 5 of us. o_o;

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


Sorry guys, but it does take more effort than pressing 1. It is a lot about leadership, followership, and positioning.

Also, combo fields and support need to be very on their game.

The saddest parts about posts like these is that us larger guilds know what 5v5s are like and know the skill level involved and can comment on the skill type.

On the other hand, those of you who do not run with more than 5 people and have never commanded or organized more than 5 people have no clue how to and have never done what we have done.

It is safe to say you can not comment on being in an organized WvW guild zerg until you have actually participated in one.

Flame on!

I very much know how zerg v zerg is. I had been the designated pvp raid leader of one of the factions in my last mmo. Coming over to this game, I realized that GW2 had weak raid mechanics and that it encouraged smaller group battles.

Sure there are some skills required in zerg fights. Zerg positioning, leader communicating well and class build up make the bulk of that. This however is all included in small group fighting as well as more. Does one ever have to dodge roll an attack that they see coming in a zerg fight? No, because there are so many animations going on that you cannot even hope to see that attack coming in. Do you coordinate cc with your dps in order to focus fire a target down? No, you aoe. If you as an individual mess up, does your entire zerg wipe? No. Doing so in a group fight however puts the entire group at risk.

So is there more to than just pressing 1 in a zerg? Sure there is, but the amount of skill involved is far less than that of group fighting, even in regards to zerg cohesion.

Now if everyone in that zerg was in one big raid, if you had multiple target assists with target callers, if you had limited res ability that did not simply include pressing F and waiting for 1-2 seconds, if you actually required focus fire as well as many other aspects, perhaps there would be more skill required in a zerg, but as it stands, it is quite limited in GW2.

What GW2 does provide however is for individual skill to matter immensely. Any person can defeat any class if they play right.

Yes we do dodgeroll based on when we need to mitigate a large amount of damage we predict incoming and yes we do focus fire. Being able to keep calm and focus amid the chaos of large group fights is what makes us come out the other end alive.

Many of our best players in WvW zerg v. zerg PVP happen to be the best small group players as well. Jovolt, for example, is a rather squishy theif who weaves through the zerg, gets around the outside and bursts people when necessary. his ability to avoid damage with dodge rolls and restealths at the right times in order to get ouf of 20-40 people alive. I have many warriors that can go in and take a good few hits to let our AOE focus fire down int he correct spots.

There is coordination involved and I could care less if you have raided in a billion games before this.

If you zerg presses 1 and F all the time and my zerg actually puts in the effort to play with skill. what do you think the outcome will be?

Maybe this is why the HoD zergs have been dying so often to lesser numbers?

Yes, you dodge roll when you are being attacked. That doesn’t take skill. It does however take skill to learn the animations of the enemies fighting you and dodge their attacks. Are you truly trying to compare random dodge rolling in a cluster to a dodge roll used to avoid an attack you see coming?

Secondly, the focus fire of a zerg is limited to, “attack that area”. Unlike in a group, you cannot all focus the same target.

Thirdly, I was talking about the differences between zerg fighting and group fighting in regards to how much skill is involved. That cool story about your thief appears to have more to do with trying to compliment yourself than anything else.

Fourthly, there is no need to get so defensive as I never stated that it didn’t require coordination. Also, I am glad that you have admitted to caring somewhat about the issue. At least this shows you’re interested in the subject at hand.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

How many players are allowed in each WvW map per server?

2 paxa, 5 XOXO, >9000 SF.

Wow, really?? Now we are going to claim Anet lets more SF players on maps??

Because WE ALL KNOW we only are allowed 2500 on each map. And we all know PAXA is allowed more players on the map, they just are trolling the forums instead of actually playing the game. :P

Yea you probably wouldn’t see us when your standing that close to the keep door. Maybe if you stare harder it will open by magic?!?

Not magic, I just hax it like everyone thinks we do anyways. LOL Plus, my camera angle hax would let me see you anyways.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Obv hax = magic

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Obv hax = magic

Negative. Magic is that crap that Eles and Mesmers do that freak me out. I DO NOT USE MAGIC, I AM NOT A LEAF EATER!!!

That is why I use axes, they work good on wood.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Obv hax = magic

Negative. Magic is that crap that Eles and Mesmers do that freak me out. I DO NOT USE MAGIC, I AM NOT A LEAF EATER!!!

That is why I use axes, they work good on wood.

-is guilty of that-

Ehhhhhh I’m really bored of t7. But the rest of the tiers are zergs.

Someone entertain me.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Lol thx Obs, i needed that laugh

My pleasure!

I still love you.

Awee shame things didn’t work out. Besides you going bat kitten crazy I found you to be very entertaining!

I truly hope you find the fun your looking for in-game or out. Good luck where ever you end up.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Ehhhhhh I’m really bored of t7. But the rest of the tiers are zergs.

Someone entertain me.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Hey it’s okay. No hard feelings. <3

Why nottttt. Crazy = entertaining.

I’m so boreddddd. XDDDDD

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Dear bad forum trolls.
Please stop being bad and getting your messages deleted and in turn getting mine deleted

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Why nottttt. Crazy = entertaining.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Yeah sorry.

but you have to admit that was good drama.

Rob, I’m not quite that crazy. Wish I was.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Yeah sorry.
but you have to admit that was good drama.
Rob, I’m not quite that crazy. Wish I was.

Gurl when I tell you that you cray. U CRAY.
You so cray.
You cray squared.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569




Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


They should be thanked. I personally do thank them, drama aside. That’s why I accepted stal’s money to move which I still owe him. o_o; -sends-

Nyah. This thread needs more kitties.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Also, I also love the 5v20 that we used to do in xoxo. ;3c

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


They should be thanked. I personally do thank them, drama aside. That’s why I accepted stal’s money to move which I still owe him. o_o; -sends-

Nyah. This thread needs more kitties.

Also, I also love the 5v20 that we used to do in xoxo. ;3c

Ehhhhhh I’m really bored of t7. But the rest of the tiers are zergs.

Someone entertain me.

y u so l33t phaze.

Don’t suck up to me though. I’m just stating a truth. XD One person can’t defend against a zerg at night.

but you have to admit that was good drama.

Rob, I’m not quite that crazy. Wish I was.

^ idk what to think about that seriously. XDDD

I wanted to help you guys out but if you don’t want it, I’m cool with that.

You should know that I don’t sleep. How else would hod have an all-night commander? o_o;;

Rob, stop crying. It’s done. -shrug- Not my loss.

Also bird.

If you didn’t know already I do really respect you and the other commanders who get kitten done. If I do end up leaving NSP, gl here.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


^ idk what to think about that seriously. XDDD

I wanted to help you guys out but if you don’t want it, I’m cool with that.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

They should be thanked. I personally do thank them, drama aside. That’s why I accepted stal’s money to move which I still owe him. o_o; -sends-

Nyah. This thread needs more kitties.

Also, I also love the 5v20 that we used to do in xoxo. ;3c

^ idk what to think about that seriously. XDDD

I wanted to help you guys out but if you don’t want it, I’m cool with that.

Go to bed, its late for you <3

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


You should know that I don’t sleep. How else would hod have an all-night commander? o_o;;

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Go to bed, its late for you <3

Don’t you have exams to study for Dr Smitry.


Its pretty obvious what that post is to you right? ^__^
Cause its just making me lmao

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Go to bed, its late for you <3

Don’t you have exams to study for Dr Smitry.


I have one tomorrow too. Spanish is boring.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Rob, stop crying. It’s done. -shrug- Not my loss.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

I was talking to rob….awks

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I was talking to rob….awks

idk its like watching my dog trying to work out how to open the fridge.

And I know that everyone reading these posts (apart from one person in question) is just as amused at this as I am.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


I know you were.

Also loling.

And why are you not on game. For shame!

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Also bird.

If you didn’t know already I do really respect you and the other commanders who get kitten done. If I do end up leaving NSP, gl here.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I have no respect for server spies
Nor does the rest of NSP

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Lol who’s spying. XD I’m not spying anymore because no one wants to listen to me anyway.


Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


The past two pages have just been


Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


I’m glad I didn’t transfer to NSP …. i thought xoxo was cool guild but if this is your leader… lol

also i love star’s trak deeps space nien!

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Devon.9061


I tried to read this from where i left off on page 6 during class. I can now say im confused and have no clue what is going on…. Anyone want to run around naked tomorrow with me?

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Yo mama jokes to stronk.
Forum Mods to weak.