4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


I’m glad I didn’t transfer to NSP …. i thought xoxo was cool guild but if this is your leader… lol

also i love star’s trak deeps space nien!

Pft, shows how much my kindness is valued.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


I’m glad I didn’t transfer to NSP …. i thought xoxo was cool guild but if this is your leader… lol

also i love star’s trak deeps space nien!

Pretty sure I mentioned before that not only is Selene not a leader in XOXO but I kicked her from the guild altogether.. Anyways we have 8 “leaders” who actually don’t lead kitten.

P.S – We are the coolest of the cool.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

Moi aussi, je t’aimes…

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

Oh you’re so good ! <3
Can I join your guild?


4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Also, Jscull, why is it you are so angry with me all the time?

It seems you could be more angry about me posting things not referring to you, or you could put on your big boy pants, act like an adult and stop being mad all over the forums.

Just because I don’t roam all the time and like to help run something bigger doesn’t mean I am bad at roaming, group play, or single play, as some of your members know.

Your tears all over these forums about larger groups make you look angry and childish, not powerful and trollish as you are going for.

I don’t mean it in an insulting kind of way and in no means do I want to start another PAXA flame war, but don’t you think it is time to hang up the “Zergs are bad” gig and just accept that this is the way WvW was supposed to be organized? Especially when you really have no experience in commanding or being a part of an organized large group of people which many mistake for a zerg (Brainless, unskilled minions).

You and your friends have often commented on the skill of some of our members in smaller fights and many times, it is those members leading the pushes and charges in our larger organized group fights.

Some of your members are even friends with our roamiest types of members.

So how can you say those same members are bads pressing 1 in a zerg when they clearly show a larger skill set in smaller fights. You don’t think they apply themselves in larger fights as well?

Just food for thought.

I click 1 and tab in zergs because I don’t have to do anything else. I consider myself a good player. I don’t have to be in a zerg.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


ahh i think you missed the subtle inference there that the tower was held on purpose, and the keep was ignored on purpose.

every port was used to destroy your siege, not to flank you. i’m pretty sure just about every one was successful.

i was downed twice, once resulted in death. so few people died that i didn’t even get to finish my daily resurrect stuff.

edit: i’m not in mend, not sure why you think i am. i typically wv3 with a VLK tag.

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

(edited by obastable.5231)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


I’m glad I didn’t transfer to NSP …. i thought xoxo was cool guild but if this is your leader… lol

also i love star’s trak deeps space nien!

Pft, shows how much my kindness is valued.

i mean no disrespect, but you can see my point just by reading this thread O_O

xoxo pay for transfer to nsp…????

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


I’m glad I didn’t transfer to NSP …. i thought xoxo was cool guild but if this is your leader… lol

also i love star’s trak deeps space nien!

Pft, shows how much my kindness is valued.

i mean no disrespect, but you can see my point just by reading this thread O_O

xoxo pay for transfer to nsp…????

I’m HoD. :P I explained the tier system to you…am I forgotten so easily!?

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


i am not a very smart person i am sorry

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


ahh i think you missed the subtle inference there that the tower was held on purpose, and the keep was ignored on purpose.

every port was used to destroy your siege, not to flank you. i’m pretty sure just about every one was successful.

i was downed twice, once resulted in death. so few people died that i didn’t even get to finish my daily resurrect stuff.

edit: i’m not in mend, not sure why you think i am. i typically wv3 with a VLK tag.

Naw I got all the insinuations. You think you are coolguy cuz you tagged a long with a zerg who held a tower while having at least 3x as many people as the enemy all the while filling my bags..

My bad, you are awesome!! 5 thumbs up

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Phil.5280


so few people died that i didn’t even get to finish my daily resurrect stuff.

I guess it’s hard to res people when cowering in the back huh?

Jolly Archon
Northern Shiverpeaks
Os Guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


I am so done with this tier.
again everyone proves me wrong. I try to help and get kitten on.

I have my own guild. I want to kill people with tactics. Give me a server that is willing to not Zerg. Honestly hod gave me that but now this is just getting stupid.

Really, which server will give me people serious enough about wvw to not Zerg every waking moment, I’ll go to. Ask lost about my free legendaries. I just want a kittening challenge in this tier. Is that so hard to ask without the drama

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


every port was used to destroy your siege, not to flank you. i’m pretty sure just about every one was successful.

i was downed twice, once resulted in death.

The siege we did have was up by gate and was all still up when I left after an hour of filling my bags.

You admit to getting downed twice in a fight with at least 3x the number as the other side while using portal bombs. These are the things you should deny not boast about.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Xoxo paid me to transfer. Stalagta was from hod and convinced me so I paid 30g and got a legendary.

If you want to transfer for a good wvw guild I will play for it. Really.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


And portal bombs are overrated when you bomb 3 hod with 40. Are you proud of yourselves? O3o I don’t get it.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: modDW.4187


Helo again my friends. I had some fun protecting Wafflez Castle the other night with Andron00ba. It would be cool if we could all not sit in our towers and /laugh instead of coming outside and having some good pvp fun.

I hope you enjoy

-Your Big Horse

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: UnknownOffender.2158


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

Sgt Kennen Cole [LATA]
Henge of Denravi

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

lol i was commanding that and we never portal bombed you 0_o. maybe your both thinking of another time? cuz those pics are of when i was there. and there was like..2 mend with us

[Wake] main driver/GL

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

It went on for hours, and at the beginning it was 5 of us for about 20-30 mins, and yes they tried to portal bomb us 5 and they got 0 kills from it and 3 of them went down.

We had more numbers coming and going but never near what you had.. Our group was just hanging out laughing farming bags.. I died twice on my Necro but filled all my bag slots so GG..

@ Havvik there was at least 20 portal bomb attempts by HOD..

I think your pictures are from round 2 – I took a few myself.

—edit in fact I know your pics are from round 2 because I was the one spamming /no to your taunts. Previous posts were talking about round 1 fyi.


#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

(edited by dank.3680)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

haha ahh okay that makes sense.

dont laugh at my group :P. i told LK to not chase u guys cuz i deeply love XOXO…and your stealth mes build are full of crap :P. but yeah it was alot of fun. i was hoping you would just let us like..borrow your hills for awhile?

wheres the love? </3

[Wake] main driver/GL

(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


haha ahh okay that makes sense.

dont laugh at my group :P. i told most of them to not chase u guys cuz i deeply love XOXO…and your stealth mes build are full of crap :P. but yeah it was alot of fun. i was hoping you would just let us like..borrow your hills for awhile?

wheres the love? </3

I still love you Havvik

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

i love you to…

also tell obsession that her trolls are funny

[Wake] main driver/GL

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


edit: d a n k – i have to assume from your pictures, and discussion with havvik, that you aren’t talking about the same fight i am. i don’t see the same guilds in there at all, and where i was/when i was for 3 hours there was no LK present.

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

(edited by obastable.5231)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


edit: d a n k – i have to assume from your pictures, and discussion with havvik, that you aren’t talking about the same fight i am. i don’t see the same guilds in there at all, and where i was/when i was for 3 hours there was no LK present.

Like I said in my quote of Havvik – There was round 1 (very long several hours ) and round 2 (all the screenshots).

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

It went on for hours, and at the beginning it was 5 of us for about 20-30 mins, and yes they tried to portal bomb us 5 and they got 0 kills from it and 3 of them went down.

We had more numbers coming and going but never near what you had.. Our group was just hanging out laughing farming bags.. I died twice on my Necro but filled all my bag slots so GG..

@ Havvik there was at least 20 portal bomb attempts by HOD..

I think your pictures are from round 2 – I took a few myself.

—edit in fact I know your pics are from round 2 because I was the one spamming /no to your taunts. Previous posts were talking about round 1 fyi.

I have video of round 2 if you want to claim we were embarrassed. Clearly shows us getting kills without a death against superior numbers and you guys running back to tower.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

doo dee doo

laa dee daa

oh the results of a tipsy commander

nice to see you have your kitten together, sweet nsp bumbuddies


Disciple of Quag

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.8056


doo dee doo

laa dee daa

oh the results of a tipsy commander

nice to see you have your kitten together, sweet nsp bumbuddies

Drinking and Pvdoorin is looked down upon, but its made cool when you announce your “tipsy” on the internet.

Nice job , “scumbag” mawie!

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: UnknownOffender.2158


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

It went on for hours, and at the beginning it was 5 of us for about 20-30 mins, and yes they tried to portal bomb us 5 and they got 0 kills from it and 3 of them went down.

We had more numbers coming and going but never near what you had.. Our group was just hanging out laughing farming bags.. I died twice on my Necro but filled all my bag slots so GG..

@ Havvik there was at least 20 portal bomb attempts by HOD..

I think your pictures are from round 2 – I took a few myself.

—edit in fact I know your pics are from round 2 because I was the one spamming /no to your taunts. Previous posts were talking about round 1 fyi.

I don’t see any [Mend] tags in those pictures, so it doesn’t explain why Varconi was calling us out.

Sgt Kennen Cole [LATA]
Henge of Denravi

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


dear nsp that were in your bl for the past few hours,

on one hand i’d like to thank you for being so bad that you failed to retake bluelake without multiple walls for multiple hours.

on the other hand, why you gotta be SO bad that nearly the entire mend guild got bored and went to bed? now i have to go find other competent people to play with … or worse, go pve. this is unforgivable!

On the other hand, we were disappointed that you guys were so bad that with at least 3x our numbers you didn’t manage to make a scratch on hills or even get to the gate. All you managed to do was hold one little tower and get farmed, having far more casualties on your side then ours every fail bomb you tried.

Btw how do you portal bomb 5 people with a group of 20+ get 0 kills and have 3 people downed in the process?

Mend was a joke all night with the most obvious portals. We were laughing so hard everytime, perhaps having the mesmer stealth instead of walking up might increase the rate of success for you.

I was up to 21 sigil stacks fighting 5v20+ classic

About 3-4 hours of this:

And no cap. 21 sigil stacks is not impressive. My whole party was always in that range. Also 5v20+? Lol. You and I both know the truth :P

Also here’s a bit of taunting which I rarely do, but just to prove a point:

You wouldn’t even go past that point. It was quite amusing.

It went on for hours, and at the beginning it was 5 of us for about 20-30 mins, and yes they tried to portal bomb us 5 and they got 0 kills from it and 3 of them went down.

We had more numbers coming and going but never near what you had.. Our group was just hanging out laughing farming bags.. I died twice on my Necro but filled all my bag slots so GG..

@ Havvik there was at least 20 portal bomb attempts by HOD..

I think your pictures are from round 2 – I took a few myself.

—edit in fact I know your pics are from round 2 because I was the one spamming /no to your taunts. Previous posts were talking about round 1 fyi.

I don’t see any [Mend] tags in those pictures, so it doesn’t explain why Varconi was calling us out.

All posts previous to pictures were from round one. All posts (with) and after pictures were posted are referring to round 2. Come on guys this isn’t rocket science.

p.s. In round one Mend was doing lots of portal bombs. And we were all having fun so don’t take it as him talking trash – that’s just how he sounds. He was just pointing out the bombs would work better if your mesmer stealthed first.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

doo dee doo

laa dee daa

oh the results of a tipsy commander

nice to see you have your kitten together, sweet nsp bumbuddies

Drinking and Pvdoorin is looked down upon, but its made cool when you announce your “tipsy” on the internet.

Nice job , “scumbag” mawie!

…is this supposed to be some kind of passive-aggressive jab? Because it’s really hard to decipher.

And no, hun, I’m not talking about myself, which made it forty times more entertaining ^w^

Disciple of Quag

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.8056


doo dee doo

laa dee daa

oh the results of a tipsy commander

nice to see you have your kitten together, sweet nsp bumbuddies

Drinking and Pvdoorin is looked down upon, but its made cool when you announce your “tipsy” on the internet.

Nice job , “scumbag” mawie!

…is this supposed to be some kind of passive-aggressive jab? Because it’s really hard to decipher.

And no, hun, I’m not talking about myself, which made it forty times more entertaining ^w^

Ok you got me, I give. I really just wanted to use your first name SCUMBAG on the forums, hun.

R u entertained ?

(edited by Irony.8056)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Phil.5280


doo dee doo

laa dee daa

oh the results of a tipsy commander

nice to see you have your kitten together, sweet nsp bumbuddies

4am 25vs0 drunk on a wed night = winner?

I’m not sure you understand the concept of bragging.

Jolly Archon
Northern Shiverpeaks
Os Guild

(edited by Phil.5280)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Score update please my last day in the land of the dead

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

here you go darling


Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


hm NSP knows where to take points from

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


here you go darling

<3 smitry <3

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Smi I love youuu.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

hm NSP knows where to take points from

In my defence, I’ve been trying to hit SF as much as possible, but pesky HoD keep coming to my bl and taking towers, so i always have to go back and slap them a few times, and have to restart momentum on SF again…

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

here you go darling

<3 smitry <3

I was there but not commanding i have classes :P All credit goes to Trencher from [WM]

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Smi I’ll go alone in wvw for you.

Want me to hit hod or sf?

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Still <3s for the update lol

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


hm NSP knows where to take points from

In my defence, I’ve been trying to hit SF as much as possible, but pesky HoD keep coming to my bl and taking towers, so i always have to go back and slap them a few times, and have to restart momentum on SF again…

hey, hey, I never criticised you for anything. I just admired your readiness to take the path of least resistance to lead your server to as many points as possible.
The system rewards you for punching someone who is already on the ground, so do it!

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Lol mixed signals much

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


ahh i think you missed the subtle inference there that the tower was held on purpose, and the keep was ignored on purpose.

every port was used to destroy your siege, not to flank you. i’m pretty sure just about every one was successful.

We were using sieges as bait at first since we noticed that you guys were using portal bomb to destroy them. They ended up getting built so why not use them… We really tried to get in that tower but it was pretty much impossible. We used sieges, portal bombs, diversion and we even got into your BL to get some towers, until some SF showed in our BL. It pretty much all failed. You had had a least 2 time our numbers and also you had high ground in that tower. We went back to hills and did the same thing you guys were doing to us so we could buy us some time, get our camp back and fortifying our other keeps. With a zerg that big you could have done us a lot more damage than you did and we were getting ready for the worst.

At the beginning of the hill/lake tower fight you guys had me scared a lot. I was on hill south stair and I saw you all passed me and go north. Then I noticed the 40+ of you standing on the edge near the hill treb spot right above my head. I used the arrow cart as a desperation move on that ledge and I will admit that I rarely have seen that much DPS and quite a good amount of bags, these bags didn’t came from the AC damage they all came from peoples falling to their death for no reason at all… If you guys had jumped a few seconds before we would probably have lost all our defense at south hill.

And score update

SF : 196 624 +240
NSP: 151 986 +420
HoD: 124 148 +25

*Sorry for my writing since English isn’t my main language.
*Edit: Someone posted a score update and wow NSP great job. Things looked a lot more grim when I headed to bed.

Heiann – NSP

(edited by yanoch.7051)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Fenikkusu.1569


Guys I’m bored.

Give me things to do. Nt drama I’m done with trolls. I have screenshots.

Selene Luminare [Commander/Elementalist]
Asiske [Fractals/Guardian]
Princess Mononoke [ Experimental/Ranger]

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Kill stuff and collect badges there is everyones assignment for the week do you all accept?

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Oh and screenshots must be posted of badge count for week to pass :p. Btw watch for me after Friday I’ll finally be back

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Noroz.9527


Had some fun in EB tonight. And by fun, I mean it was fun to paint it red (Not only my doing, of course)


Commander Noroz Vi Britannia
Northern Shiverpeaks
[AS] Artificial Strife