4/19 DB/MAG/YB

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


Idk what all this hubbub is about but I’m glad we made it to 12 pages.

This week I tried to compile every thing this matchup was made of… In Memorium:


Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


For the GvG I’m curious what is meant by “agreed upon times”. Does that mean the fight starts a X o’clock server time?

If so, in the GvG video, it is clear the BP guild started early. They started the first fight at 5:39 and 55 seconds, and the second fight at 5:48 and 50 seconds. Unless these were the agreed upon times (much more likely 5:40 and 5:50), there is the evidence BP started early. That would give BP an advantage because iLL wouldn’t have been able to fully buff up. Now is that enough of an advantage to be the deciding factor in the decimation of iLL in 90 seconds?

Also I’m on DB, so I’m not taking iLL’s side, just trying to be objective.

Lastly, all our guilds are awesome, even those that have only one or two active WvWers in them. That’s what makes DB special

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


So, tell me… which DB guild has the most skills on the field? Who should we fear the most? BP?

This is drama/troll bait all day long.

Im in [BP] so i might tent to agree with this. but Lanii would believe [EA] and Warsock [rb], and noodles [RE] and lokii [NNK] and Sumira would think [TFV] or Kirrene and [WE].

We would all have a great discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of our guilds,maybe even learning something and improving on it, and then agree to disagree.

^^This is how members of the Dragonbrand community would deal with this topic IMO.

[rB] and [RE] are not DB guilds, they are transferred guilds from JQ and BG. But from the fights I’ve had against [RE] this week, they are definitely by far better than any guild on DB. [BP] is good too, however [RE] is the most formidable guild so look out for them. [rB] is the best roaming guild I’ve seen on DB. so if you’re looking for good small scale fights I would look for them. I can’t think of any other good smaller guilds on DB.

More forum bait lol, Gonna have to do better than this.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I haven’t learned anything on this forum except that everyone is in denial about everyone else.

Player A) gives personal opinion
Player B, C, D) Accuse player A of trolling

Pics; videos; make your guild noticeable in WvW; are all that make sense to me.

I did fight-club once this week. Last night. 3 people I /bow’d to wandered off before the start of the duel. I got a mesmer fight x2, a d/d ele (I lost, made mistakes), and a warrior. I don’t play D/D much anymore unless I need the extra defense. I don’t enjoy fights bigger than 30 vs 30 because 1) I don’t play bunker, and 2) it’s sloppy without a guild group.

And RE is the only group I’ve noticed moving as a majority guild-only zerg. I wasn’t around for any GvG fights that I can remember. At least not an organized one.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[GOTL] decided to jump someone at duels last night, this followed shortly after.


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


They will find you and just barely kill you!

Eh it was two of us against four level 80’s and a up level. After the first 2 were dead we had to wait for our skills to come back up and then it was smooth sailing from there.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: nightfend.4072


Wrecking crew used to one of the best guilds on DB for WvW. But they went all Euro on us.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: eithinan.9841


So, tell me… which DB guild has the most skills on the field? Who should we fear the most? BP?

This is drama/troll bait all day long.

Im in [BP] so i might tent to agree with this. but Lanii would believe [EA] and Warsock [rb], and noodles [RE] and lokii [NNK] and Sumira would think [TFV] or Kirrene and [WE].

We would all have a great discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of our guilds,maybe even learning something and improving on it, and then agree to disagree.

^^This is how members of the Dragonbrand community would deal with this topic IMO.

You must have gone out of your way to not list the best DB guild for GvG.

[TG] is aweome [War] MMMOOOAAARRRR!!!!! but I havent conversed with anyone in their guild very much 1 to 1. (my loss im sure)a few here or there but I specifically picked people I have had individual personal interactions with

edit: and someone said something about how rb and re are not Db. Well they are until they decide to leave.

(edited by eithinan.9841)

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: lani.7431


Good bye Mag and Yaks! Good luck in your upcoming match! I hope we won’t come back to you for our own sake and yours.

Lani [Krew] – BP
Former [EA] DB Commander

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Still 4 more hours, but o/ I hope TG comes back to us

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


edit: and someone said something about how rb and re are not Db. Well they are until they decide to leave.

I wanna second this. DB has always welcomed new guild with open arms, and they have always found themselves welcomed and immediately considered part of our community.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


edit: and someone said something about how rb and re are not Db. Well they are until they decide to leave.

I wanna second this. DB has always welcomed new guild with open arms, and they have always found themselves welcomed and immediately considered part of our community.

Except for my guild, apparently ;____;

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Martrim.1078


edit: and someone said something about how rb and re are not Db. Well they are until they decide to leave.

I wanna second this. DB has always welcomed new guild with open arms, and they have always found themselves welcomed and immediately considered part of our community.

I don’t know wat all the fuzz is about, i think it’s great that you guys let [Re] lead the server to victory.

Takara Chan ~ (Thief)
Tamoko Chan ~ (Necro)
[PYRO] #MagSwag

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: mekkanic.4759


I don’t know wat all the fuzz is about, i think it’s great that you guys let [Re] lead the server to victory.

We are gonna need all the help we can get in t2.

[Agg] ression

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: poisous.9184


32 minimum in this screenshot, I couldn’t even screenshot all of them in one go.

Real respectable

To clarify some of this, for all of you DB, that was me, P E N U M B R A S in the picture. I was mockingly saying “I’m scared,” because of the number you brought (which, come on, was more than we had) and “OH MY GOD” because not only did YOU rush us before the time agreed, your RE friends killed our spectators.

Anyways, I would like to thank BP and my guild Illusion for putting to together. It was exciting until it actually started. Perhaps next time we will find a guild worthy of fighting, and one who plays by set terms.

Also, I’d like to add that this is NOT how us Maguumans react to you engaging in combat with us. Usually it is, “They only have numbers, not skill!” or perhaps “If he was alone, he would have ran.” May I suggest trying to play based on skill when you move up a tier?

I’d like to apologise to any other Mags who I wrongfully represented. Thank you for putting it together, hopefully we will find better opponents.

Much love! x

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Yage.6784


I don’t know wat all the fuzz is about, i think it’s great that you guys let [Re] lead the server to victory.

Don’t be so humble. [PYRO] also played it’s part in DB’s victory.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: poisous.9184


32 minimum in this screenshot, I couldn’t even screenshot all of them in one go.

Real respectable

The best part is the:
“im scared


in chat. I LOL’d. Always wanted to know what the enemy thinks when BP attacks.

To clarify some of this for you, that was me, P E N U M B R A S in the picture. I was mockingly saying “I’m scared,” because of the number you brought (which, come on, was more than we had) and “OH MY GOD” because not only did YOU rush us before the time agreed, your RE friends killed our spectators.
Anyways, I would like to thank BP and my guild Illusion for putting to together. It was exciting until it actually started. Perhaps next time we will find a guild worthy of fighting, and one who plays by set terms.
Also, I’d like to add that this is NOT how us Maguumans react to you engaging in combat with us. Usually it is, “They only have numbers, not skill!” or perhaps “If he was alone, he would have ran.” May I suggest trying to play based on skill when you move up a tier?
I’d like to apologise to any other Mags who I wrongfully represented. Thank you for putting it together, hopefully we will find better opponents.
Much love! x

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


edit: and someone said something about how rb and re are not Db. Well they are until they decide to leave.

I wanna second this. DB has always welcomed new guild with open arms, and they have always found themselves welcomed and immediately considered part of our community.

I don’t know wat all the fuzz is about, i think it’s great that you guys let [Re] lead the server to victory.

Oh I’m supposed to fall for the troll-bait, my bad.

[RE] can lead us where they want, I really don’t care.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


If any MAG or YAK guilds wanna set up a GvG before reset, please PM me. We can do anything from 5v5 up to 25v25 or whatever in between.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: MoonSheep.4352


Dear Dragonbrand

Yaks Bend is red
Maguuma is blue

You zerg everything in our borderlands
Kitten You


4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Therane.3846


I don’t know why iLL didn’t even move/stealth.. but nice work.

I’ll tell you exactly why. Because both times the fighting was not scheduled to start for at least another minute or two.

The agreed format was 25v25 , we had a start time that was agreed by both sides setup via intermediary ( and we were using the servertime as the guide here….. since everyone’s synched to it).

When you setup a contest like this, the rules apply to everyone. It wouldn’t be a fair fight if you’re hitting people ( with superior numbers) while they’re prepping… and that’s exactly what the [bp] people did twice.

Now they’re trying to spin it like we’re bad losers? that we’re forum_warring this like "the mag mewmews that we are " ? I’m man enough to admit when i get defeated, and frankly if it was a case of superior fighting we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. But because you did not follow the rules of the format agreed on, on top of the general disrespect you showed us ( & the assistance) that match is null & void.

That’s why [bp] is just a punk guild that deserves no respect. Keep trying to spin it any way you like… You acted like punks, and now you gotta deal with it.

I heard you declined a rematch, and admitted in private that you lost fair and square. Stop with your slander and forum PR, and move on. Nobody cares.

“I heard”

Cool story bro